
Distribution by Scientific Domains

Selected Abstracts

Corporal punishment: Mother's disciplinary behavior and child's psychological profile in Alexandria, Egypt

Mostafa A. Abolfotouh
Abstract Although all professionals oppose abusive physical punishment, nonabusive physical punishment is still controversial. The aim of the present study was (i) to determine parents' behavior regarding the discipline of their children using corporal punishment or other alternative disciplinary methods, (ii) to identify the different associated factors for corporal punishment, and (iii) to determine the association between exposure of the child to corporal punishment and his or her psychosocial well-being. A representative sample of 400 fifth-grade primary school children and their mothers were subjected to a cross-sectional survey. Mothers were subjected to a questionnaire to assess their behavior on corporal punishment and other disciplinary methods. The children were subjected to Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory to assess their self-esteem, and a questionnaire to assess their relationship with others. About three-quarter of children (76.3%) were corporally punished, and about half of them (46.2%) were punished on sites other than the extremities or buttocks. In 59.3% of them the frequency of the punishment ranged from once or twice/week to more than once/day, and it left marks in about 20%. Other disciplinary methods used by mothers were yelling/insulting (43.5%), taking away a toy or privilege (39.3%), discussing/explaining (9.5%), and time out (2.8%). The significant predictors of mothers' use of corporal punishment were male gender of the child (p < 0.01), rural origin of the father (p= 0.02), the mother's bad history of rearing experience (p < 0.01), and poor interparental relationship (p= 0.02). The relation between corporal punishment of children and their self-esteem was not statistically significant; however, corporally punished children scored lower on their relationship with others than noncorporally punished ones (Z= 2.60, p < 0.05). Corporal punishment is a widespread disciplinary method in Alexandria. The use of corporal punishment could have adverse effects on the child especially on his or her relationship with others. Planning an awareness-raising educational program for current and expectant parents is recommended, to promote positive nonviolent methods of child rearing, via the media and campaigns, and encouragement of political, community, and religious leaders; medical personnel; journalists; and sports and entertainment figures to share in these campaigns [source]

Ketone measurements using dipstick methodology in cats with diabetes mellitus

F. Zeugswetter
Objectives: To compare the results of urine and plasma ketone dip test in a group of diabetic cats with possible ketosis or ketoacidosis, using laboratory plasma ,-hydroxybutyrate measurements as the gold standard. Methods: According to clinical examinations, plasma ,-hydroxybutyrate measurements and venous blood gas analysis, 54 cats with diabetes mellitus were classified as non-ketotic (n=3), ketotic (n=40) or ketoacidotic (n=11). Plasma and urine acetoacetate concentrations were determined using urine reagent strips. Results: Although there was a significant positive correlation between blood and urine ketone measurements (r=0·695, P<0·001), the results differed significantly (Z=,3·494, P<0·001). Using the differential positive rates, the best cut-off value to detect cats with ketoacidosis was 1·5 mmol/l for urine and 4 mmol/l for plasma. The sensitivity/specificity was 82/95 per cent for urine and 100/88 per cent for plasma, respectively. Clinical Significance: The urine and plasma ketone dip tests have a different diagnostic accuracy, and results have to be interpreted differently. Because of its high sensitivity, the plasma ketone dip test performs better than the urine ketone dip test to identify cats with impending or established ketoacidosis. [source]

Seven young star clusters in the inner region of the Small Magellanic Cloud

Andrés E. Piatti
ABSTRACT We present CCD photometry in the Washington system C and T1 passbands down to T1, 22 in the fields of L35, L45, L49, L50, L62, L63 and L85, seven poorly studied star clusters in the inner region of the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC). We measured T1 magnitudes and C,T1 colours for a total of 114 826 stars distributed throughout cluster areas of 13.7 × 13.7 arcmin2 each. Cluster radii were estimated from star counts distributed throughout the entire observed fields. The seven clusters are generally characterized by a relatively small angular size and by a high field star contamination. We performed an in-depth analysis of the field star contamination of the colour,magnitude diagrams (CMDs), and statistically cleaned the cluster CMDs. Based on the best fits of isochrones computed by the Padova group to the (T1, C,T1) CMDs, we derive ages for the sample, assuming Z= 0.004, finding ages between 25 Myr and 1.2 Gyr. We then examined different relationships between positions in the SMC, age and metallicity of a larger sample of clusters including our previous work whose ages and metallicities are on the same scale used in this paper. We confirm previous results in the sense that the further a cluster is from the centre of the galaxy, the older and more metal poor it is, with some dispersion; although clusters associated with the Magellanic Bridge clearly do not obey the general trend. The number of clusters within , 2° of the SMC centre appears to have increased substantially after ,2.5 Gyr ago, hinting at a burst. [source]

Spectroscopic and photometric observations of the selected Algol-type binaries , II.

V2080 Cygni, V2365 Ophiuchi
ABSTRACT This paper is the second in the planned series of investigations. We present new radial velocities and photometric observations of V2080 Cyg and V2365 Oph. New UBV photometric data and radial velocities were analysed for the systems' parameters. While V2080 Cyg consists of two nearly equal F-type main-sequence stars, V2365 Oph has two different components, namely an early A-type primary and a G-type secondary star. New ephemerides are calculated for both systems. The masses of the component stars have been derived as 1.19 ± 0.02 and 1.16 ± 0.02 M, for V2080 Cyg and 1.97 ± 0.02 and 1.06 ± 0.01 M, for V2365 Oph. The effective temperatures and reddening of the systems have been estimated from Johnson wide-band UBV photometric calibrations. The radii have been measured by simultaneous fitting the UBV light curves using Wilson,Devinney code and are 1.60 ± 0.01 R, for both components of V2080 Cyg and 2.19 ± 0.01 and 0.934 ± 0.004 R, for V2365 Oph. The absolute parameters of the stars in both systems lie within the same ranges in the mass,radius, mass,effective temperature, mass,luminosity and luminosity,effective temperature planes as in detached Algol systems. A comparison between the properties of the systems of interest and the predictions of theoretical evolutionary models is undertaken in the log g,logTeff, log R, log M and radius,log age diagrams. The model predictions match the measured properties of V2080 Cyg for an age of about 5.6 Gyr and a ,solar' metal abundance (Z= 0.019), indicating the components near the end of their core hydrogen-burning phases. However, the position of the components of V2365 Oph on the Hertzsprung,Russell (HR) diagram is best reproduced with evolutionary models for somewhat metal-deficient (Z= 0.004) stars. We found an age of about 700 Myr, with the primary component slightly evolved off the zero-age main-sequence and the secondary one still very close to it. From the basic stellar parameters we have also redetermined the distances to V2080 Cyg and V2365 Oph as 78 ± 1 and 251 ± 8 pc, which are in agreement with, and more accurate than, Hipparcos values. The observations show that at least one of the components of V2365 Oph is an intrinsic variable with a period and peak-to-peak amplitude of 0.07 d and 0.05 mag, respectively. In accordance with its position in the HR diagram, the primary component should be considered as a , Scuti star and it is believed to be the variable star in the system. [source]

Full evolution of low-mass white dwarfs with helium and oxygen cores

J. A. Panei
ABSTRACT We study the full evolution of low-mass white dwarfs with helium and oxygen cores. We revisit the age dichotomy observed in many white dwarf companions to millisecond pulsar on the basis of white dwarf configurations derived from binary evolution computations. We evolve 11 dwarf sequences for helium cores with final masses of 0.1604, 0.1869, 0.2026, 0.2495, 0.3056, 0.3333, 0.3515, 0.3844, 0.3986, 0.4160 and 0.4481 M,. In addition, we compute the evolution of five sequences for oxygen cores with final masses of 0.3515, 0.3844, 0.3986, 0.4160 and 0.4481 M,. A metallicity of Z= 0.02 is assumed. Gravitational settling, chemical and thermal diffusion are accounted for during the white dwarf regime. Our study reinforces the result that diffusion processes are a key ingredient in explaining the observed age and envelope dichotomy in low-mass helium-core white dwarfs, a conclusion we arrived at earlier on the basis of a simplified treatment for the binary evolution of progenitor stars. We determine the mass threshold where the age dichotomy occurs. For the oxygen white dwarf sequences, we report the occurrence of diffusion-induced, hydrogen-shell flashes, which, as in the case of their helium counterparts, strongly influence the late stages of white dwarf cooling. Finally, we present our results as a set of white dwarf mass,radius relations for helium and oxygen cores. [source]

Mass loss and yield uncertainty in low-mass asymptotic giant branch stars

Richard J. Stancliffe
ABSTRACT We investigate the uncertainty in surface abundances and yields of asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars. We apply three different mass-loss laws to a 1.5-M, star of metallicity Z= 0.008 at the beginning of the thermally pulsing-asymptotic giant branch (TP-AGB) phase. Efficient third dredge-up is found even at very low envelope mass, contrary to previous simulations with other evolution codes. We find that the yield of carbon is uncertain by about 15 per cent and for most other light elements the yield is uncertain at the level of 20,80 per cent. For iron group elements, the uncertainty varies from around 30 per cent for the more-abundant species to over a factor of 2 for the less-abundant radioactive species, like 60Fe. The post-AGB surface abundances for this mass and metallicity are much more uncertain due to the dilution of dredged-up material in differing envelope masses in the later stages of the models. Our results are compared to known planetary nebula and post-AGB abundances. We find that the models are mostly consistent with observations but we are unable to reproduce observations of some of the isotopes. [source]

Evolutionary population synthesis for binary stellar population at high spectral resolution: integrated spectral energy distributions and absorption-feature indices

Fenghui Zhang
ABSTRACT Using evolutionary population synthesis, we present high-resolution (0.3 Å) integrated spectral energy distributions from 3000 to 7000 Å and absorption-line indices defined by the Lick Observatory Image Dissector Scanner (Lick/IDS) system, for an extensive set of instantaneous-burst binary stellar populations with binary interactions. The ages of the populations are in the range 1,15 Gyr and the metallicities are in the range 0.004,0.03. These high-resolution synthesis results can satisfy the needs of modern spectroscopic galaxy surveys, and are available on request. By comparing the synthetic continuum of populations at high and low resolution, we show that there is good agreement for solar metallicity and tolerable disagreement for non-solar metallicity. The strength of the Balmer lines at high spectral resolution is greater than that at low resolution for all metallicities. The comparison of Lick/IDS absorption-line indices at low and high resolution, both of which are obtained by the fitting functions, shows that the discrepancies in all indices except for TiO1 and TiO2 are insignificant for populations with Z= 0.004 and 0.02. The high-resolution Ca4227, Fe5015 and Mgb indices are redder than the corresponding low-resolution ones for populations with Z= 0.01 and 0.03; this effect lowers the derived age and metallicity of the population. The high-resolution Mg1, Fe5709 and Fe5782 indices are bluer than those at low resolution; this effect raises the age and metallicity. The discrepancy in these six indices is greater for populations with Z= 0.03 in comparison to Z= 0.01. At high resolution we compare the Lick/IDS spectral absorption indices obtained by using the fitting functions with those measured directly from the synthetic spectra. We find that the Ca4455, Fe4668, Mgb and Na D indices obtained by the use of the fitting functions are redder for all metallicities, Fe5709 is redder at Z= 0.03 and becomes bluer at Z= 0.01 and 0.004, and the other indices are bluer for all metallicities than the corresponding values measured directly from the synthetic spectra. [source]

Lisiguangite, CuPtBiS3, a New Platinum-Group Mineral from the Yanshan Mountains, Hebei, China

Zuxiang YU
Abstract: Lisiguangite, CuPtBiS3, is a new mineral species discovered in a PEG-bearing, Co-Cu sulfide vein in garnet pyroxenite of the Yanshan Mountains, Chengde Prefecture, Hebei Province, China. It is associated with chalcopyrite and bornite, galena, minor pyrite, carrolite, molybdenite and the platinum-group minerals daomanite (CuPtAsS2), Co-bearing malanite (Cu(Pt, Co)2S4) sperrylite, moncheite, cooperite and malyshevite (CuPdBiS3), rare damiaoite (Pt2In3) and yixunite (Pt3In). Lisiguangite occurs as idiomorphic crystals, tabular or lamellae (010) and elongated [100] or as aggregates, up to 2 mm long and 0.5 mm wide. The mineral is opaque, has lead-gray color, black streak and metallic luster. The mineral is non-fluorescent The observed morphology displays the following forms: pinacoids {100}, {010}, {001}, and prism {110}. No twining is observed. The a:b:c ratio, calculated from unit-cell parameters, is 0.6010:1:0.3836. Cleavage: {010} perfect, {001} distinct, {100} may be visible. H Mohs: 2½ VHN25= 46.7,49.8 (mean 48.3) kg/mm2. Tenacity: brittle. Lisiguangite is bright white with a yellowish tint In reflected light it shows neither internal reflections nor bireflectance or pleochroism. It has weak to moderate anisotropy (blue-greenish to brownish) and parallel-axial extinction. The reflectance values in air (and in oil) for R3, R4 and (imR3, imR4), at the standard Commission on Ore Mineralogy wavelengths are: 37.5, 35.7 (23.4, 22.3) at 470 nm; 38.6, 36.5 (23.6, 22.6) at 546 nm; 39.4, 37.5 (23.6, 22.7) at 589 nm and 40.3, 38.2 (23.7, 22.9) at 650 nm. The average of eight electron-microprobe analyses: Cu 12.98, Pt 30.04, Pd 2.69, Bi 37.65 and S 17.55, totaling 100.91%, corresponding to Cu1.10(Pt0.83, Pd0.14),0.97Bi0.97S2.96 based on six atoms apfu. The ideal formula is CuPtBiS3. The mineral is orthorhombic. Space group: P212121, a= 7.7152(15)Å, b= 12.838(3) Å, c= 4.9248(10)Å, V= 487.80(17)Å3, Z= 4. The six strongest lines in the X-ray powder-diffraction pattern [d in Å (I) (h k l) are 6.40(30)(020), 3.24(80)(031), 3.03(100)(201), 2.27(40)(051), 2.14(50)(250), 1.865(60)(232). [source]

Yarlongite: A New Metallic Carbide Mineral

Nicheng SHI
Abstract: Yarlongite occurs in ophiolitic chromitite at the Luobusha mine (29°5,N 92°5,E, about 200 km ESE of Lhasa), Qusum County, Shannan Prefecture, Tibet Autonomous Region, People's Republic of China. Associated minerals are: diamond, moissanite, wüstite, iridium ("osmiridium"), osmium ("iridosmine"), periclase, chromite, native iron, native nickel, native chromium, forsterite, Cr-rich diopside, intermetallic compounds Ni-Fe-Cr, Ni-Cr, Cr-C, etc. Yarlongite and its associated minerals were handpicked from a large heavy mineral sample of chromitite. The metallic carbides associated with yarlongite are cohenite, tongbaite, khamrabaevite and qusongite (IMA2007,034). Yarlongite occurs as irregular grains, with a size between 0.02 and 0.06 mm, steel-grey colour, H Mohs: 5½,6. Tenacity: brittle. Cleavage: {0 0 1} perfect. Fracture: conchoidal. Chemical formula: (Cr4Fe4Ni),9C4, or (Cr,Fe,Ni),9C4, Crystal system: Hexagonal, Space Group: P63/mc, a= 18.839(2) Å, c= 4.4960 (9) Å, V= 745.7(2) Å3, Z= 6, Density (calc.) = 7.19 g/cm3 (with simplified formula). Yarlongite has been approved as a new mineral by the CNMNC (IMA2007,035). Holotype material is deposited at the Geological Museum of China (No. M11650). [source]

Crystal structure, thermal analysis and theoretical calculation of a one-dimensional chain complex [zn(dafo)2(H2O)2](NO3)2

Rong-Lan Zhang
Abstract A novel one-dimensional chain complex [Zn(dafo)2(H2O)2](NO3)2 was obtained when we tried synthesizing a mixed ligand supramolecular compound of Zinc(II) with dafo and o -phthalic acid. Its structure was determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. The crystal belongs to triclinic system, P -1 space group. The crystallographic data: a=0.6989(4) nm, b=0.8281(5) nm, c=1.0231(5) nm, ,=94.934(5)°, ,=91.366(7)°, ,=99.820(7)°, V=0.5809(5) nm3, Z= 1, F(000)=300, Mr=589.78, Dc=1.686 g/cm3, ,(Mo K,)=1.130 mm,1, R1=0.0521, wR2=0.1096. The analysis of the crystal structure indicates that the compound has a one-dimensional chain structure which is formed by hydrogen bonds. The constitutes of the title complex were proved by elemental analysis, IR spectra and thermal analysis. On the basis of the experimentation, the complex was calculated by DFT-B3LW/LANL2DZ in Gaussian-98w also. [source]

Grain-Boundary Wetting-Dewetting in z= 1 SiAlON Ceramic

Hans-Joachim Kleebe
The grain-boundary structure of a model SiAlON polycrystal with nominal composition Si5AlON7 was characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) both in an equilibrium (as-processed) state at room temperature and after quenching from elevated temperature. In addition, low-frequency (1,13 Hz) internal friction data were recorded as a function of temperature, showing a pronounced grain-boundary sliding peak positioned at 1030°C. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) of the equilibrated low-temperature microstructure revealed residual glass only at multigrain junctions, but no amorphous intergranular films were observed. The detection of clean interfaces in the as-processed sample contradicts the internal friction data, which instead suggests the presence of a low-viscosity grain boundary phase, sliding at elevated temperatures. Therefore, a thin section of the as-sintered material was heated to 1380°C and rapidly quenched. HRTEM analysis of this sample showed, apart from residual glass pockets, wetted grain boundaries, which is in line with the internal friction experiment. This wetting-dewetting phenomenon observed in z= 1 SiAlON is expected to have a strong impact not only on high-temperature engineering ceramics but also on geological, temperature-activated processes such as volcanic eruptions. [source]

Synthesis and Properties of Porous Single-Phase ,,-SiAlON Ceramics

Jian-Feng Yang
Single-phase ,,-SiAlON (Si6,zAlzOzN8,z, z= 0,4.2) ceramics with porous structure have been prepared by pressureless sintering of powder mixtures of á-Si3N4, AlN, and Al2O3 of the SiAlON compositions. A solution of AlN and Al2O3 into Si3N4 resulted in the ,,-SiAlON, and full densification was prohibited because no other sintering additives were used. Relative densities ranging from 50%,90% were adjusted with the z -value and sintering temperature. The results of X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy analyses indicated that single-phase ,,-SiAlON free from a grain boundary glassy phase could be obtained. Both grain and pore sizes increased with increasing z -value. Low z -value resulted in a relatively high flexural strength. [source]

Physical Properties of Chalcogenide and Chalcohalide Glasses

Vinh Q. Nguyen
The physical properties of glasses in the Ge30As10Se(60,x)Tex system with x= 25, 28, 30, and 35 at.% Te, the Ge30As10Se30Te(30,y)Iy system with y= 5, 10, 20, and 30 at.% I, the Ge30As10Se35Te(25,z)Iz system with z= 2, 6, 10, and 20 at.% I, and the [Ge30As10Se30Te30](100,w)Iw system with w= 0, 5, 10, and 20 at.% I have been investigated. The changes in the glass transition temperature, density, coefficient of thermal expansion, hardness, and viscosity are attributed to the delocalized metallic bonding character of Te in the substitution of Te for Se in the Ge-As-Se-Te glass system and the network-terminating role of iodine in the substitution of I for Te in the Ge-As-Se-Te-I glass system, respectively. [source]

The extraordinary radio galaxy MRC B1221,423: probing deeper at radio and optical wavelengths

Helen M. Johnston
ABSTRACT We present optical spectra and high-resolution multiwavelength radio observations of the compact steep-spectrum radio source MRC B1221,423 (z= 0.1706). MRC B1221,423 is a very young (,105 yr), powerful radio source which is undergoing a tidal interaction with a companion galaxy. We find strong evidence of interaction between the active galactic nucleus (AGN) and its environment. The radio morphology is highly distorted, showing a dramatic interaction between the radio jet and the host galaxy, with the jet being turned almost back on itself. H i observations show strong absorption against the nucleus at an infall velocity of ,250 km s,1 compared to the stellar velocity, as well as a second, broader component which may represent gas falling into the nucleus. Optical spectra show that star formation is taking place across the whole system. Broad optical emission lines in the nucleus show evidence of outflow. Our observations confirm that MRC B1221,423 is a young radio source in a gas-rich nuclear environment, and that there was a time delay of a few times 100 Myr between the onset of star formation and the triggering of the AGN. [source]

The substructure hierarchy in dark matter haloes

Carlo Giocoli
ABSTRACT We present a new algorithm for identifying the substructure within simulated dark matter haloes. The method is an extension of that proposed by Tormen, Moscardini & Yoshida and Giocoli, Tormen & van den Bosch, which identifies a subhalo as a group of self-bound particles that prior to being accreted by the main progenitor of the host halo belonged to one and the same progenitor halo (hereafter ,satellite'). However, this definition does not account for the fact that these satellite haloes themselves may also have substructure, which thus gives rise to sub-subhaloes, etc. Our new algorithm identifies substructures at all levels of this hierarchy, and we use it to determine the mass function of all substructure (counting subhaloes, sub-subhaloes, etc.). On average, haloes which are formed more recently tend to have a larger mass fraction in substructure and to be less concentrated than average haloes of the same mass. We provide quantitative fits to these correlations. Even though our algorithm is very different from that of Gao et al., we also find that the subhalo mass function per unit mass at redshift z= 0 is universal. This universality extends to any redshift only if one accounts for the fact that host haloes of a given mass are less concentrated at higher redshifts, and concentration and substructure abundance are anticorrelated. This universality allows a simple parametrization of the subhalo mass function integrated over all host halo masses, at any given time. We provide analytic fits to this function which should be useful in halo model analyses which equate galaxies with halo substructure when interpreting clustering in large sky surveys. Finally, we discuss systematic differences in the subhalo mass function that arise from different definitions of (host) halo mass. [source]

A QSO host galaxy and its Ly, emission at z= 6.43,

Tomotsugu Goto
ABSTRACT Host galaxies of highest redshift quasi-stellar objects (QSOs) are of interest; they provide us with a valuable opportunity to investigate physics relevant to the starburst,active galactic nuclei (AGN) connection at the earliest epoch of the Universe, with the most luminous black holes. Here, we report an optical detection of an extended structure around a QSO at z= 6.43 in deep z,- and zr -band images of the Subaru/Suprime-Cam. Our target is CFHQS J2329-0301 (z= 6.43), the highest redshift QSO currently known. We have carefully subtracted a point spread function (PSF) constructed using nearby stars from the images. After the PSF (QSO) subtraction, a structure in the z, band extends more than 4 arcsec on the sky (Re= 11 kpc), and, thus, is well resolved (16, detection). The PSF-subtracted zr -band structure is in a similar shape to that in the z, band, but less significant with a 3, detection. In the z, band, a radial profile of the QSO+host shows a clear excess over that of the averaged PSF in 0.8,3 arcsec radius. Since the z, band includes a Ly, emission at z= 6.43, we suggest the z, flux is a mixture of the host (continuum light) and its Ly, emission, whereas the zr -band flux is from the host. Through a SED modelling, we estimate 40 per cent of the PSF-subtracted z,-band light is from the host (continuum) and 60 per cent is from Ly, emission. The absolute magnitude of the host is M1450=,23.9 (cf. M1450=,26.4 for the QSO). A lower limit of the SFR(Ly,) is 1.6 M, yr,1 with stellar mass ranging from 6.2 × 108 to 1.1 × 1010 M, when 100 Myr of age is assumed. The detection shows that a luminous QSO is already harboured by a large, star-forming galaxy in the early Universe only after ,840 Myr after the big bang. The host may be a forming giant galaxy, co-evolving with a super-massive black hole. [source]

New multiply-lensed galaxies identified in ACS/NIC3 observations of Cl0024+1654 using an improved mass model

Adi Zitrin
ABSTRACT We present an improved strong-lensing analysis of Cl0024+1654 (z= 0.39) using deep Hubble Space Telescope (HST)/Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS)/NIC3 images, based on 33 multiply-lensed images of 11 background galaxies. These are found with a model that assumes mass approximately traces light, with a low-order expansion to allow for flexibility on large scales. The model is constrained initially by the well-known five-image system (z= 1.675) and refined as new multiply-lensed systems are identified using the model. Photometric redshifts of these new systems are then used to constrain better the mass profile by adopting the standard cosmological relation between redshift and lensing distance. Our model requires only six free parameters to describe well all positional and redshift data. The resulting inner mass profile has a slope of d log M/d log r,,0.55, consistent with new weak-lensing measurements where the data overlap, at r, 200 kpc/h70. The combined profile is well fitted by a high-concentration Navarro, Frenk & White (NFW) mass profile, Cvir, 8.6 ± 1.6, similar to other well-studied clusters, but larger than predicted with standard , cold dark matter (,CDM). A well-defined radial critical curve is generated by the model and is clearly observed at r, 12 arcsec, outlined by elongated images pointing towards the centre of mass. The relative fluxes of the multiply-lensed images are found to agree well with the modelled magnifications, providing an independent consistency check. [source]

Major dry mergers in early-type brightest cluster galaxies

F. S. Liu
ABSTRACT We search for ongoing major dry mergers in a well-selected sample of local brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) from the C4 cluster catalogue. 18 out of 515 early-type BCGs with redshift between 0.03 and 0.12 are found to be in major dry mergers, which are selected as pairs (or triples) with r -band magnitude difference ,mr < 1.5 and projected separation rp < 30 kpc, and showing signatures of interaction in the form of significant asymmetry in residual images. We find that the fraction of BCGs in major dry mergers increases with the richness of the clusters, consistent with the fact that richer clusters usually have more massive (or luminous) BCGs. We estimate that present-day early-type BCGs may have experienced on average ,0.6 (tmerge/0.3 Gyr),1 major dry mergers and through this process increases their luminosity (mass) by 15 per cent (tmerge/0.3 Gyr),1 (fmass/0.5) on average since z= 0.7, where tmerge is the merging time-scale and fmass is the mean mass fraction of companion galaxies added to the central ones. We also find that major dry mergers do not seem to elevate radio activities in BCGs. Our study shows that major dry mergers involving BCGs in clusters of galaxies are not rare in the local Universe, and they are an important channel for the formation and evolution of BCGs. [source]

The distribution of ejected subhaloes and its implication for halo assembly bias

Huiyuan Wang
ABSTRACT Using a high-resolution cosmological N -body simulation, we identify the ejected population of subhaloes, which are haloes at redshift z= 0 but were once contained in more massive ,host' haloes at high redshifts. The fraction of the ejected subhaloes in the total halo population of the same mass ranges from 9 to 4 per cent for halo masses from ,1011 to ,1012 h,1 M,. Most of the ejected subhaloes are distributed within four times the virial radius of their hosts. These ejected subhaloes have distinct velocity distribution around their hosts in comparison to normal haloes. The number of subhaloes ejected from a host of given mass increases with the assembly redshift of the host. Ejected subhaloes in general reside in high-density regions, and have a much higher bias parameter than normal haloes of the same mass. They also have earlier assembly times, so that they contribute to the assembly bias of dark matter haloes seen in cosmological simulations. However, the assembly bias is not dominated by the ejected population, indicating that large-scale environmental effects on normal haloes are the main source for the assembly bias. [source]

A survey for redshifted molecular and atomic absorption lines , II.

3 Parkes quarter-Jansky flat-spectrum sample, Associated H i, millimetre lines in the z
ABSTRACT We present the results of a z, 2.9 survey for H i 21-cm and molecular absorption in the hosts of radio quasars using the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope and the Tidbinbilla 70-m telescope. Although the atomic gas has been searched to limits capable of detecting most known absorption systems, no H i was detected in any of the 10 sources. Previously published searches, which are overwhelmingly at redshifts of z, 1, exhibit a 42 per cent detection rate (31 out of 73 sources), whereas the inclusion of our survey yields a 17 per cent detection rate (two out of 12 sources) at z > 2.5. We therefore believe that our high-redshift selection is responsible for our exclusive non-detections, and find that at ultraviolet (UV) luminosities of LUV, 1023 W Hz,1, 21-cm absorption has never been detected. We also find this to not only apply to our targets, but also those at low redshift exhibiting similar luminosities, giving zero detections out of a total of 16 sources over z= 0.24 to 3.8. This is in contrast to the LUV, 1023 W Hz,1 sources where there is a near 50 per cent detection rate of 21-cm absorption. The mix of 21-cm detections and non-detections is currently attributed to orientation effects, where according to unified schemes of active galactic nuclei, 21-cm absorption is more likely to occur in sources designated as radio galaxies (type 2 objects, where the nucleus is viewed through dense obscuring circumnuclear gas) than in quasars (type 1 objects, where we have a direct view to the nucleus). However, due to the exclusively high UV luminosities of our targets it is not clear whether orientation effects alone can wholly account for the distribution, although there exists the possibility that the large luminosities are indicative of a changing demographic of galaxy types. We also find that below luminosities of LUV, 1023 W Hz,1, both type 1 and type 2 objects have a 50 per cent likelihood of exhibiting 21-cm absorption. Finally, we do not detect molecular gas in any of the sources. The lack of H i absorption, combined with the results from Paper I, suggests these sources are not conducive to high molecular abundances. [source]

Understanding the halo-mass and galaxy-mass cross-correlation functions

Eric Hayashi
ABSTRACT We use the Millennium Simulation (MS) to measure the cross-correlation between halo centres and mass (or equivalently the average density profiles of dark haloes) in a Lambda cold dark matter (,CDM) cosmology. We present results for radii in the range 10 h,1 kpc < r < 30 h,1 Mpc and for halo masses in the range 4 × 1010 < M200 < 4 × 1014 h,1 M,. Both at z= 0 and at z= 0.76 these cross-correlations are surprisingly well fitted if the inner region is approximated by a density profile of NFW or Einasto form, the outer region by a biased version of the linear mass autocorrelation function, and the maximum of the two is adopted where they are comparable. We use a simulation of galaxy formation within the MS to explore how these results are reflected in cross-correlations between galaxies and mass. These are directly observable through galaxy,galaxy lensing. Here also we find that simple models can represent the simulation results remarkably well, typically to ,10 per cent. Such models can be used to extend our results to other redshifts, to cosmologies with other parameters, and to other assumptions about how galaxies populate dark haloes. Our galaxy formation simulation already reproduces current galaxy,galaxy lensing data quite well. The characteristic features predicted in the galaxy,galaxy lensing signal should provide a strong test of the ,CDM cosmology as well as a route to understanding how galaxies form within it. [source]

Evolution in the discs and bulges of group galaxies since z= 0.4

Sean L. McGee
ABSTRACT We present quantitative morphology measurements of a sample of optically selected group galaxies at 0.3 < z < 0.55 using the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) and the gim2d surface brightness fitting software package. The group sample is derived from the Canadian Network for Observational Cosmology Field Galaxy Redshift Survey (CNOC2) and follow-up Magellan spectroscopy. We compare these measurements to a similarly selected group sample from the Millennium Galaxy Catalogue (MGC) at 0.05 < z < 0.12. We find that, at both epochs, the group and field fractional bulge luminosity (B/T) distributions differ significantly, with the dominant difference being a deficit of disc-dominated (B/T < 0.2) galaxies in the group samples. At fixed luminosity, z= 0.4 groups have ,5.5 ± 2 per cent fewer disc-dominated galaxies than the field, while by z= 0.1 this difference has increased to ,19 ± 6 per cent. Despite the morphological evolution we see no evidence that the group environment is actively perturbing or otherwise affecting the entire existing disc population. At both redshifts, the discs of group galaxies have similar scaling relations and show similar median asymmetries as the discs of field galaxies. We do find evidence that the fraction of highly asymmetric, bulge-dominated galaxies is 6 ± 3 per cent higher in groups than in the field, suggesting there may be enhanced merging in group environments. We replicate our group samples at z= 0.4 and 0 using the semi-analytic galaxy catalogues of Bower et al. This model accurately reproduces the B/T distributions of the group and field at z= 0.1. However, the model does not reproduce our finding that the deficit of discs in groups has increased significantly since z= 0.4. [source]

Luminous red galaxy clustering at z, 0.7 , first results using AAOmega

Nicholas P. Ross
ABSTRACT We report on the AAT-AAOmega LRG Pilot observing run to establish the feasibility of a large spectroscopic survey using the new AAOmega instrument. We have selected luminous red galaxies (LRGs) using single epoch SDSS riz -photometry to i < 20.5 and z < 20.2. We have observed in three fields including the COSMOS field and the COMBO-17 S11 field, obtaining a sample of ,600 redshift z, 0.5 LRGs. Exposure times varied from 1,4 h to determine the minimum exposure for AAOmega to make an essentially complete LRG redshift survey in average conditions. We show that LRG redshifts to i < 20.5 can be measured in ,1.5 h exposures and present comparisons with 2SLAQ and COMBO-17 (photo)redshifts. Crucially, the riz selection coupled with the three to four times improved AAOmega throughput is shown to extend the LRG mean redshift from z= 0.55 for 2SLAQ to z= 0.681 ± 0.005 for riz -selected LRGs. This extended range is vital for maximizing the signal-to-noise ratio for the detection of the baryon acoustic oscillations (BAOs). Furthermore, we show that the amplitude of LRG clustering is s0= 9.9 ± 0.7h,1 Mpc, as high as that seen in the 2SLAQ LRG Survey. Consistent results for this clustering amplitude are found from the projected and semi-projected correlation functions. This high amplitude is consistent with a long-lived population whose bias evolves as predicted by a simple ,high-peak' model. We conclude that a redshift survey of 360 000 LRGs over 3000 deg2, with an effective volume some four times bigger than previously used to detect BAO with LRGs, is possible with AAOmega in 170 nights. [source]

Is AGN feedback necessary to form red elliptical galaxies?

A. Khalatyan
ABSTRACT We have used the smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) code gadget-2 to simulate the formation of an elliptical galaxy in a group-size cosmological dark matter halo with mass Mhalo, 3 × 1012 h,1 M, at z= 0. The use of a stellar population synthesis model has allowed us to compute magnitudes, colours and surface brightness profiles. We have included a model to follow the growth of a central black hole and we have compared the results of simulations with and without feedback from active galactic nuclei (AGN). We have studied the interplay between cold gas accretion and merging in the development of galactic morphologies, the link between colour and morphology evolution, the effect of AGN feedback on the photometry of early-type galaxies, the redshift evolution in the properties of quasar hosts, and the impact of AGN winds on the chemical enrichment of the intergalactic medium (IGM). We have found that the early phases of galaxy formation are driven by the accretion of cold filamentary flows, which form a disc galaxy at the centre of the dark matter halo. Disc star formation rates in this mode of galaxy growth are about as high as the peak star formation rates attained at a later epoch in galaxy mergers. When the dark matter halo is sufficiently massive to support the propagation of a stable shock, the gas in the filaments is heated to the virial temperature, cold accretion is shut down, and the star formation rate begins to decline. Mergers transform the spiral galaxy into an elliptical one, but they also reactivate star formation by bringing gas into the galaxy. Without a mechanism that removes gas from the merger remnants, the galaxy ends up with blue colours, which are atypical for its elliptical morphology. We have demonstrated that AGN feedback can solve this problem even with a fairly low heating efficiency. Our simulations support a picture where AGN feedback is important for quenching star formation in the remnant of wet mergers and for moving them to the red sequence. This picture is consistent with recent observational results, which suggest that AGN hosts are galaxies in migration from the blue cloud to the red sequence on the colour,magnitude diagram. However, we have also seen a transition in the properties of AGN hosts from blue and star forming at z, 2 to mainly red and dead at z, 0. Ongoing merging is the primary but not the only triggering mechanism for luminous AGN activity. Quenching by AGN is only effective after the cold filaments have dried out, since otherwise the galaxy is constantly replenished with gas. AGN feedback also contributes to raising the entropy of the hot IGM by removing low-entropy tails vulnerable to developing cooling flows. We have also demonstrated that AGN winds are potentially important for the metal enrichment of the IGM a high redshift. [source]

Where are the cosmic metals at z, 3?

Jesper Sommer-Larsen
ABSTRACT The global temperature distribution of the cosmic gas-phase oxygen at z, 3 is determined by combining high-resolution cosmological simulations of individual protogalactic as well as larger regions with the observed, extinction-corrected, rest-frame V -band galaxy luminosity function. The simulations have been performed with three different stellar initial mass functions (IMFs), a Kroupa (K98), a Salpeter (S) and an Arimoto,Yoshii (AY), spanning a range of a factor of 5 in chemical yield and specific supernova type II energy feedback. Gas-phase oxygen is binned according to T as log(T) , 4.0 (,cold'), log(T) , 4.5 (,warm') and log(T) , 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5, 7.0 (,hot' phases). Oxygen is found to be distributed over all T phases, in particular for the top-heavy AY IMF. But, at variance with previous works, it is found that for the K98 and S IMFs the cold phase is the most important. For these IMFs it contains 47 and 37 per cent, respectively, of all gas-phase oxygen, mainly at fairly high density, nH, 0.1 cm,3. The implications of this in relation to observational damped Ly, absorber studies are discussed. In relation to ,missing metals' it is found that a significant fraction of the oxygen is located in a warm/hot phase that may be very difficult to detect. Moreover, it is found that less than about 20,25 per cent of the cosmic oxygen is associated with galaxies brighter than MV,,22, i.e. the faintest galaxy luminosities probed by current metallicity determinations for Lyman-break galaxies (LBGs). Hence, 75,80 per cent of the oxygen is also in this sense ,missing'. From the LBG-based, ,, 1500Å ultraviolet luminosity density history at z, 3, we obtain an essentially IMF-independent constraint on the mean oxygen density at z= 3. We compare this to what is obtained from our models, for the three different IMFs. We find that the K98 IMF is strongly excluded, as the chemical yield is simply too small, the Salpeter is marginally excluded, and the AY matches the constraint well. The K98 IMF can only match the data if the ,, 1500Å extinction corrections have been overestimated by factor of ,4, which seems highly unlikely. The yields for K98 are also far too small to match the observational data for C iv. The optimal IMF should have a yield intermediate between the S and AY. [source]

The impact of radio feedback from active galactic nuclei in cosmological simulations: formation of disc galaxies

Takashi Okamoto
ABSTRACT In this paper, we present a new implementation of feedback due to active galactic nuclei (AGN) in cosmological simulations of galaxy formation. We assume that a fraction of jet energy, which is generated by an AGN, is transferred to the surrounding gas as thermal energy. Combining a theoretical model of mass accretion on to black holes with a multiphase description of star-forming gas, we self-consistently follow evolution of both galaxies and their central black holes. The novelty in our model is that we consider two distinct accretion modes: standard radiatively efficient thin accretion discs and radiatively inefficient accretion flows which we will generically refer to as RIAFs; motivated by theoretical models for jet production in accretion discs, we assume that only the RIAF is responsible for the AGN feedback. The focus of this paper is to investigate the interplay between galaxies and their central black holes during the formation of a disc galaxy. We find that, after an initial episode of bursting star formation, the accretion rate on to the central black hole drops so that the accretion disc switches to a RIAF structure. At this point, the feedback from the AGN becomes efficient and slightly suppresses star formation in the galactic disc and almost completely halts star formation in the bulge. This suppression of the star formation regulates mass accretion on to the black hole and associated AGN feedback. As a result, the nucleus becomes a stochastically fuelled low-luminosity AGN (Seyfert galaxy) with recurrent short-lived episodes of activity after the star bursts. During the ,on' events, the AGN produces reasonably powerful jets (radio-loud state) and is less luminous than the host galaxy, while in the ,off' phase, the nucleus is inactive and ,radio quiet'. Our model predicts several properties of the low-luminosity AGN including the bolometric luminosity, jet powers, the effect on kpc scale of the radio jet and the AGN lifetime, which are in broad agreement with observations of Seyfert galaxies and their radio activity. We also find that the ratios between the central black hole mass and the mass of the host spheroid at z= 0 are ,10,3 regardless of the strength of either supernova feedback or AGN feedback because the radiation drag model directly relates the star formation activity in the Galactic Centre and the mass accretion rate on to the central black hole. [source]

Galaxy growth in the concordance ,CDM cosmology

Q. Guo
ABSTRACT We use galaxy and dark halo data from the public database for the Millennium Simulation to study the growth of galaxies in the De Lucia et al. model for galaxy formation. Previous work has shown this model to reproduce many aspects of the systematic properties and the clustering of real galaxies, both in the nearby universe and at high redshift. It assumes the stellar masses of galaxies to increase through three processes, major mergers, the accretion of smaller satellite systems and star formation. We show the relative importance of these three modes to be a strong function of stellar mass and redshift. Galaxy growth through major mergers depends strongly on stellar mass, but only weakly on redshift. Except for massive systems, minor mergers contribute more to galaxy growth than major mergers at all redshifts and stellar masses. For galaxies significantly less massive than the Milky Way, star formation dominates the growth at all epochs. For galaxies significantly more massive than the Milky Way, growth through mergers is the dominant process at all epochs. At a stellar mass of 6 × 1010 M,, about that of the Milk Way, star formation dominates at z > 1 and mergers at later times. At every stellar mass, the growth rates through star formation increase rapidly with increasing redshift. Specific star formation rates are the decreasing function of stellar mass not only at z= 0 but also at all higher redshifts. For comparison, we carry out a similar analysis of the growth of dark matter haloes. In contrast to the galaxies, growth rates depend strongly on redshift, but only weakly on mass. They agree qualitatively with analytic predictions for halo growth. [source]

The 2dF-SDSS LRG and QSO survey: QSO clustering and the L,z degeneracy

J. DaÂngela
ABSTRACT We combine the quasi-stellar object (QSO) samples from the 2dF QSO Redshift Survey (2QZ) and the 2dF-Sloan Digital Sky Survey luminous red galaxy (LRG) and QSO Survey (2dF-SDSS LRG and QSO, hereafter 2SLAQ) in order to investigate the clustering of z, 1.5 QSOs and measure the correlation function (,). The clustering signal in redshift-space and projected along the sky direction is similar to that previously obtained from the 2QZ sample alone. By fitting functional forms for ,(,, ,), the correlation function measured along and across the line of sight, we find, as expected, that ,, the dynamical infall parameter and ,0m, the cosmological density parameter, are degenerate. However, this degeneracy can be lifted by using linear theory predictions under different cosmological scenarios. Using the combination of the 2QZ and 2SLAQ QSO data, we obtain: ,QSO(z= 1.5) = 0.60+0.14,0.11, ,0m= 0.25+0.09,0.07 which imply a value for the QSO bias, b(z= 1.4) = 1.5 ± 0.2. The combination of the 2QZ with the fainter 2SLAQ QSO sample further reveals that QSO clustering does not depend strongly on luminosity at fixed redshift. This result is inconsistent with the expectation of simple ,high peaks' biasing models where more luminous, rare QSOs are assumed to inhabit higher mass haloes. The data are more consistent with models which predict that QSOs of different luminosities reside in haloes of similar mass. By assuming ellipsoidal models for the collapse of density perturbations, we estimate the mass of the dark matter haloes which the QSOs inhabit as ,3 × 1012 h,1 M,. We find that this halo mass does not evolve strongly with redshift nor depend on QSO luminosity. Assuming a range of relations which relate halo to black hole mass, we investigate how black hole mass correlates with luminosity and redshift, and ascertain the relation between Eddington efficiency and black hole mass. Our results suggest that QSOs of different luminosities may contain black holes of similar mass. [source]

Galaxy redshift surveys selected by neutral hydrogen using the Five-hundred metre Aperture Spherical Telescope

Alan R. Duffy
ABSTRACT We discuss the possibility of performing a substantial spectroscopic galaxy redshift survey selected via the 21-cm emission from neutral hydrogen using the Five-hundred metre Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST) to be built in China. We consider issues related to the estimation of the source counts and optimizations of the survey, and discuss the constraints on cosmological models that such a survey could provide. We find that a survey taking around two years could detect ,107 galaxies with an average redshift of ,0.15 making the survey complementary to those already carried out at optical wavelengths. These conservative estimates have used the z= 0 H i mass function and have ignored the possibility of evolution. The results could be used to constrain ,=,mh to 5 per cent and the spectral index, ns, to 7 per cent independent of cosmic microwave background data. If we also use simulated power spectra from the Planck satellite, we can constrain w to be within 5 per cent of ,1. [source]

Environments of z > 5 quasars: searching for protoclusters at submillimetre wavelengths

R. S. Priddey
ABSTRACT We present submillimetre (submm) continuum images of the fields of three luminous quasars at z > 5, obtained at 850 and 450 ,m using the Submillimetre Common-User Bolometer Array on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT). N -body simulations predict that such quasars evolve to become the central dominant galaxies of massive clusters at z= 0, but at z= 5,6 they are actively forming stars and surrounded by a rich protofilamentary structure of young galaxies. Our purpose in taking these images was to search for other luminous, star-forming galaxies in the vicinity of the signpost active galactic nuclei and thus associated with such a protocluster. Two of the quasar host galaxies are luminous submm galaxies (SMGs) in their own right, implying star formation rates ,103 M, yr,1. Despite the coarse 850-,m beam of the JCMT, our images show evidence of extended emission on a scale of ,100 kpc from at least one quasar , indicative of a partially resolved merger or a colossal host galaxy. In addition, at >3, significance we detect 12 (5) SMGs at 850 ,m (450 ,m) in the surrounding fields. Number counts of these SMGs are comparable with those detected in the fields of z, 4 radio galaxies, and both samples are, at the bright end, overabundant by a factor of ,4 relative to blank-field submm surveys. Whilst the redshift-sensitive 850 ,m/450 ,m and 850 ,m/1.4 GHz flux density ratios indicate that some of these SMGs are likely foreground objects, the counts suggest that ,60 per cent lie in the same large-scale structures as the quasars. [source]