Zooplankton Species Richness (zooplankton + species_richness)

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Selected Abstracts

Energy input and zooplankton species richness

ECOGRAPHY, Issue 6 2007
Dag O. Hessen
What are the relative contribution of temperature and solar irradiance as types of energy deliveries for species richness at the ecosystem level? In order to reveal this question in lake ecosystems, we assessed zooplankton species richness in 1891 Norwegian lakes covering a wide range in latitude, altitude, and lake area. Geographical variables could largely be replaced by temperature-related variables, e.g. annual monthly maximum temperature or growth season. Multivariate analysis (PCA) revealed that not only maximum monthly temperature, but also energy input in terms of solar radiation were closely associated with species richness. This was confirmed by stepwise, linear regression analysis in which lake area was also found to be significant. We tested the predictive power of the "metabolic scaling laws" for species richness by regressing Ln of species richness over the inverse of the air temperature (in Kelvin), corrected for the activation energy (eV) as predicted by the Boltzmann constant. A significant, negative slope of 0.78 for ln richness over temperature, given as 1/kT, was found, thus slightly higher than the range of slopes predicted from the scaling law (0.60,0.70). Temperature basically constrained the upper bound of species number, but it was only a modest predictor of actual richness. Both PCA-analysis and linear regression models left a large unexplained variance probably due to lake-specific properties such as catchment influence, lake productivity, food-web structure, immigration constraints or more stochastic effects. [source]

Factors Influencing the Seasonal Phenology and Composition of Zooplankton Communities in Mountain Temporary Pools

Silvia Tavernini
Abstract In 2001 nine temporary pools of the northern Apennines (Italy) were visited on 13 occasions during the ice-free season (May to October). The aims of this research were to define the relationships between hydroperiod and other environmental variables and the zooplankton. In total, 49 zooplankton taxa were identified: 36 rotifers, 5 cladocerans, 6 copepods and 2 anostracans. Our results indicate that hydroperiod is a major determinant affecting zooplankton species richness. The highest number of taxa was found in the pond having the longest duration. Distinctive species assemblages were observed in different habitat types: pools with the shortest hydroperiod were characterised by organisms with brief life cycles (e.g. rotifers) and/or typical of temporary habitat (e.g. anostracans). Of the physical and chemical characteristics, pH and chlorophyll- a appeared to have the largest influence on zooplankton distribution in the studied pools. (© 2005 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim) [source]

Zooplankton Distribution in Tropical Reservoirs, South China

Qiu-Qi Lin
Abstract The zooplankton of 18 reservoirs of South China was investigated in 2000. 61 Rotifera species, 23 Cladoceras and 14 Copepodas were identified. The most frequent Rotifera genera were Keratella, Brachionus, Trichocerca, Diurella, Ascomorpha, Polyarthra, Ploesoma, Asplanchna, Pompholyx and Conochilus. Bosmina longirostris, Bosminopsis deitersi, Diaphanosoma birgei, D. brachyurum and Moina micrura were typical of Cladocera in the reservoirs. Phyllodiaptomus tunguidus, Neodiaptomus schmackeri and Mesocyclops leuckarti were the most frequent Copepoda and M. leuckarti dominated Copepoda in most reservoirs. High zooplankton species richness with low abundance was characteristic of the throughflowing reservoir, whereas low species richness with low abundance was found in the reservoir with the longest retention time. Relative high abundance and medium species diversity were the distinction of intermediate retention time reservoirs. [source]