Wintering Habitat (wintering + habitat)

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Selected Abstracts

Optimal conservation planning for migratory animals: integrating demographic information across seasons

Justin Sheehy
Abstract Conservation strategies for migratory animals are typically based on ad-hoc or simple ranking methods and focus on a single period of the annual cycle. We use a density-dependent population model to examine one-time land purchase strategies for a migratory population with a breeding and wintering grounds. Under equal rates of habitat loss, we show that it is optimal to invest more, but never solely, in the habitat with the higher density dependence to habitat cost ratio. When there are two habitats that vary in quality within a season, the best strategy is to invest only in one habitat. Whether to purchase high- or low-quality habitat depends on the general life history of the species and the ratio of habitat quality to habitat cost. When carry-over effects are incorporated, it is almost always optimal to invest in high-quality habitat during the season that produces the carry-over effect. We apply this model to a threatened warbler population and show the optimal strategy is to purchase more breeding than wintering habitat despite the fact that breeding habitat is over ten times more expensive. Our model provides a framework for developing year-round conservation strategies for migratory animals and has important implications for long-term planning and management. [source]

Evidence for density-dependent survival in adult cormorants from a combined analysis of recoveries and resightings

Morten Frederiksen
Summary 1.,The increasing population of cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis) in Europe since 1970 has led to conflicts with fishery interests. Control of cormorant populations is a management issue in many countries and a predictive population model is needed. However, reliable estimates of survival are lacking as input for such a model 2.,Capture,recapture estimates of survival of dispersive species like cormorants suffer from an unknown bias due to permanent emigration from the study area. However, a combined analysis of resightings and recovery of dead birds allows unbiased estimates of survival and emigration. 3.,We use data on 11 000 cormorants colour-ringed as chicks in the Danish colony Vorsř 1977,97 to estimate adult survival and colony fidelity. Recent statistical models allowing simultaneous use of recovery and resighting data are employed. We compensate for variation in colour-ring quality, and study the effect of population size and winter severity on survival, as well as of breeding success on fidelity by including these factors as covariates in statistical models. 4.,Annual adult survival fluctuated from year to year (0ˇ74,0ˇ95), with a mean of 0ˇ88. A combination of population size in Europe and winter temperatures explained 52,64% of the year-to-year variation in survival. Differences in survival between sexes was less than 1%. Cormorants older than ,,12 years experienced lower survival, whereas second-year birds had survival similar to adults. Colony fidelity declined after 1990 from nearly 1 to ,,0ˇ90, implying 10% permanent emigration per year. This change coincided with a decline in food availability. 5.,Apparently, survival was more severely affected by winter severity when population size was high. This could be caused by saturation of high-quality wintering habitat, forcing some birds to winter in less good habitat where they would be more vulnerable to cold winters. There was thus evidence for density dependence in adult survival, at least in cold winters. 6.,The high population growth rate sustained by European Ph. c. sinensis in the 1970s and 1980s can partly be accounted for by unusually high survival of immature and adult birds, probably caused by absence of hunting, low population density and high food availability. [source]

Patterns of density, diversity, and the distribution of migratory strategies in the Russian boreal forest avifauna

Russell Greenberg
Abstract Aim, Comparisons of the biotas in the Palaearctic and Nearctic have focused on limited portions of the two regions. The purpose of this study was to assess the geographic pattern in the abundance, species richness, and importance of different migration patterns of the boreal forest avifauna of Eurasia from Europe to East Asia as well as their relationship to climate and forest productivity. We further examine data from two widely separated sites in the New World to see how these conform to the patterns found in the Eurasian system. Location, Boreal forest sites in Russia and Canada. Methods, Point counts were conducted in two to four boreal forest habitats at each of 14 sites in the Russian boreal forest from near to the Finnish border to the Far East, as well as at two sites in boreal Canada. We examined the abundance and species richness of all birds, and specific migratory classes, against four gradients (climate, primary productivity, latitude, and longitude). We tested for spatial autocorrelation in both dependent and independent variables using Moran's I to develop spatial correlograms. For each migratory class we used maximum likelihood to fit models, first assuming uncorrelated residuals and then assuming spatially autocorrelated residuals. For models assuming unstructured residuals we again generated correlograms on model residuals to determine whether model fitting removed spatial autocorrelation. Models were compared using Akaike's information criterion, adjusted for small sample size. Results, Overall abundance was highest at the eastern and western extremes of the survey region and lowest at the continent centre, whereas the abundance of tropical and short-distance migrants displayed an east,west gradient, with tropical migrants increasing in abundance in the east (and south), and short-distance migrants in the west. Although overall species richness showed no geographic pattern, richness within migratory classes showed patterns weaker than, but similar to, their abundance patterns described above. Overall abundance was correlated with climate variables that relate to continentality. The abundances of birds within different migration strategies were correlated with a second climatic gradient , increasing precipitation from west to east. Models using descriptors of location generally had greater explanatory value for the abundance and species-richness response variables than did those based on climate data and the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI). Main conclusions, The distribution patterns for migrant types were related to both climatic and locational variables, and thus the patterns could be explained by either climatic regime or the accessibility of winter habitats, both historically and currently. Non-boreal wintering habitat is more accessible from both the western and eastern ends than from the centre of the boreal forest belt, but the tropics are most accessible from the eastern end of the Palaearctic boreal zone, in terms of distance and the absence of geographical barriers. Based on comparisons with Canadian sites, we recommend that future comparative studies between Palaearctic and Nearctic faunas be focused more on Siberia and the Russian Far East, as well as on central and western Canada. [source]

Density and habitat associations of Henslow's Sparrows wintering in saline soil barrens in southern Arkansas

William C. Holimon
ABSTRACT Although the habitat requirements of breeding populations of Henslow's Sparrow (Ammodramus henslowii) have been examined, less is known about their habitat requirements and ecology during the nonbreeding season. We estimated population densities and quantified habitat associations of Henslow's Sparrows wintering in saline soil barrens in southern Arkansas. Densities of Henslow's Sparrows in the saline soil barrens were similar to those in the Longleaf Pine (Pinus palustris) Ecosystem of the southeastern United States, considered by many to be their primary wintering habitat. Henslow's Sparrows were closely associated with open areas with greater cover of Aristida spp. and globe beaksedge (Rhynchospora globularis), greater stem density at 11,20 cm above ground, more lichens, more herbaceous cover, more bare ground, greater occurrence of little bluestem (Schizacyrium scoparium) as the tallest vegetation, less moss, and less shrub cover than randomly selected sites. In contrast to the results of studies conducted in the Longleaf Pine Ecosystem, the presence of Henslow's Sparrows in our study was not correlated with the height of the tallest vegetation. Our results indicate that saline soil barrens of southern Arkansas support a high density of wintering Henslow's Sparrows and do so for longer postdisturbance periods than longleaf pine savanna. We also found that stem density near the ground was similar to that reported from longleaf pine savanna, but only about half that observed on their breeding grounds. Areas used by Henslow's Sparrows had more lichen and less moss cover, suggesting that those areas were drier than random sites within the barrens. Further research is needed to determine if large populations of Henslow's Sparrows winter in other saline soil barrens and if fire influences habitat associations and densities in the barrens. SINOPSIS Aunque los requisitos de hábitat para las poblaciones reproductivas de Ammodramus henslowii han sido determinadas, se conoce muy poco sobre su ecología y requerimientos de hábitat durante la temporada no-reproductiva. Estimamos la densidad poblacional y cuantificamos el hábitat asociado a Gorrión de Henslow que pasan el invierno en un salitral con suelo empobrecido en el sur de Arkansas. La densidad de las aves en el salitral resultó similar a lo encontrado en Ecosistemas de Pinos (Pinus palustris) en el sureste de los EUA, considerado por muchos como el principal hábitat invernal para la especie. Los gorriones estuvieron altamente asociados a áreas abiertas con covertura de Aristida spp. y Rhynchospora globularis, con mayor densidad de tallos, altura entre 11,20 cm sobre el suelo, mayor cantidad de líquenes, mayor cubierta herbácea, más suelo desnudo, mayor presencia de Schzacyrium scoparium (como la vegetación de mayor tamańo), menos musgos, y menos arbustos que localidades seleccionadas al azar. En contraste a los resultados de estudios conducidos en Ecosistemas de Pinos, la presencia del gorrión en nuestra área de estudio no estuvo correlacionada con la altura de la vegetación de mayor tamańo. Nuestros resultados indican que las salinas en Arkansas sostienen una alta densidad de aves invernales, y lo hacen por periodos más largos, después de disturbios, que en las savanas de pinos. También encontramos que la densidad de tallos, cerca del suelo, era similar a la informada en savanas de pinos, pero tan solo la mitad de lo indicado para lugares en donde las aves se reproducen. Las áreas utilizadas tienen más líquenes, pero menos musgos, lo que sugiere que dichas áreas son más secas que lugares con suelo empobrecido muestreados al azar. Se necesitan más trabajos para determinar si otras grandes poblaciones del gorrión de Henslow pasan el invierno en otras salinas con suelos empobrecidos y si eventos como fuegos incluyen en la asociación del hábitat y densidades en los lugares con suelo empobrecido. [source]