Winter Floods (winter + flood)

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Selected Abstracts

Cytotoxicity of settling particulate matter and sediments of the Neckar River (Germany) during a winter flood

Henner Hollert
Abstract To investigate the cytotoxic and genotoxic potentials of settling particulate matter (SPM) carried by the Neckar River, a well-studied model for a lock-regulated river in central Europe, during a flood, acute cytotoxicity was investigated using the fibroblast-like fish cell line RTG-2 with the neutral red retention, the succinic acid dehydrogenase (MTT), and the lactatedehydro-genase (LDH) release assays as well as microscopic inspection as endpoints. Genotoxicity of water, pore water, sediments, and SPM were assessed using the Ames test. Different extraction methods (Soxhlet extraction with solvents of variable polarity as well as a fluid/fluid extraction according to pH) in addition to a supplementation of biotests with S9 fractions from the liver of ,-naphthoflavone/phenobarbital-induced rats allowed a further characterization of the biological damage. Both sediments and SPM extracts caused cytotoxic effects in RTG-2 cells. Cytotoxicity was found to increase significantly with polarity of extracting solvents (NR50 = effective concentration for 50% cell death in the neutral red test: 80 [65], 100 [70], 180 [220], and 225 [270] mg/ml for ethanol, acetone, dichloromethane, and n -hexane extracts, respectively, if measured with [without] S9 supplementation). Following extraction according to pH, cytotoxicity could be attributed mainly to neutral substances (NR50: 80 and 218 mg dry SPM/ml test medium for the neutral and the acid fractions, respectively), whereas the slightly acid and basic fractions already showed little or no cytotoxicity. Samples taken during the period of flood rise showed the highest cytotoxic activities. Cytotoxicity was significantly enhanced by the addition of S9 preparations. In contrast, no genotoxic activity was found in native surface waters, pore waters, and SPM. [source]

Recruitment limitation along disturbance gradients in river flood plains

W.H.J.M. van Eck
Abstract. Question: Along river floodplains lower distribution limits of plant species seem largely determined by their tolerance to rarely occurring floods in the growing season. Such distribution patterns remain fixed for many years suggesting additional effects of winter floods at lower positions. Our objective was to investigate the direct and indirect effects of winter floods on colonization of floodplains in a series of field experiments. Location: River Rhine, The Netherlands. Methods: We measured the direct effects of winter floods on seedling survival and seed removal and survival at low and high floodplain elevation. Indirect effects of winter flooding through changes in the soil were investigated by measuring seedling emergence on soil transplants that were exchanged between high and low floodplain elevation. To investigate indirect effects of floods on the germination environment through changes in the vegetation structure, we measured the effects of vegetation removal on recruitment of sown species. Results: Recruitment was seed limited at both floodplain elevations. An additional effect of vegetation removal on seedling emergence was also observed. Soil types from both zones did not differently affect seedling emergence. Seeds were not removed from the soil surface by a single winter flood. Moreover, seeds remained viable in the soil for at least two years, while the experimental plots were flooded several times during the experimental period. During one of those floods a thick sand layer was deposited at the low zone and subsequently no seedlings were observed anymore. Conclusions: Colonization of low floodplain zones in years between subsequent summer floods is prevented by seed limitation while the direct effects of winter floods are limited except for irregularly occurring sand depositions. [source]

Responses of riparian plants to flooding in free-flowing and regulated boreal rivers: an experimental study

M. E. Johansson
Summary 1The long history of river regulation has resulted in extensively changed ecosystem structures and processes in rivers and their associated environments. This fact, together with changing climatic and hydrological conditions, has increased the need to recover the natural functions of rivers. To develop guidelines for river restoration, comparative ecological experiments at contrasting water-level regimes are needed. We compared growth and survival of transplanted individuals of four riparian plant species (Betula pubescens, Carex acuta, Filipendula ulmaria and Leontodon autumnalis) over 2 years on four free-flowing and four regulated riverbank sites in northern Sweden. The species were chosen as representatives of dominating life-forms and species traits on different elevations of the riverbanks. 2In Betula and Filipendula, mean proportional growth rates were significantly higher at free-flowing sites than at regulated sites, whereas no consistent differences between free-flowing and regulated sites were found in Carex and Leontodon. Differences among species were generally in accordance with natural distribution patterns along riverbank elevation gradients and with experimental evidence on flooding tolerance, although plants of all species survived and even showed positive growth rates on elevations below their natural range of occurrence. 3Partial least squares regression was used to relate plant performance (growth and survival) to duration, frequency and timing of flooding at the different sites. Flood duration and frequency typically reduced performance in all species and during all time periods, although to various degrees. Flood events early in the experiment determined the outcome to a high degree at all sites. Variables indicating a regulated regime were mostly negatively related to plant performance, whereas free-flowing regime variables were positively related to plant performance. 4We used two of the regression models generated from our data with an acceptably high predictive power to simulate a hypothetical re-regulation scenario in run-of-river impoundments. With an overall reduction in flooding duration and frequency of 50,75%, plant performance of Filipendula at low riverbank elevations showed predicted increases of about 20,30%, levelling off to zero at the highest elevations. Reductions in summer floods represented about one-third to half of this increase. 5We conclude that for a range of species individual plant performance is clearly reduced on banks of impoundments and storage reservoirs due to changes in the water-level regime. Furthermore, our model simulation suggests that rather substantial reductions of flood duration and frequency are needed to improve plant performance on riverbanks upstream from dams in impounded rivers. River restoration principles should, however, be based on a combination of experimental data on plant performance of individual species and observed long-term changes in plant communities of regulated rivers. Consequently, successful re-regulation schemes in boreal rivers should include both reductions of summer and winter floods as well as re-introduced spring floods. [source]

Flood events overrule fertiliser effects on biomass production and species richness in riverine grasslands

Boudewijn Beltman
Abstract Question: Do severe winter flood events lift the nutrient limitation of biomass production in a river floodplain? How does this affect plant species richness? How long do the effects last? Location: Floodplain grassland on calcareous sandy loam near river Rhine in The Netherlands. Methods: Plots were fertilised with four treatments (control, N, P, N+P) for 21 years; plant species composition, vegetation biomass and tissue nutrient concentrations were determined every year between 1985 and 2005. Results: Fertilisation with N generally increased biomass production and reduced species richness, but these effects varied over time. During the first four years of the experiment, biomass production appeared to be co-limited by N and P, while N fertilisation dramatically reduced plant species richness; these effects became weaker subsequently. Following two extreme winter floods in 1993,94 and 1994,95 and a drought in spring 1996, the effects of fertilisation disappeared between 1998 and 2001 and then appeared again. Flooding caused an overall reduction in species richness (from c. 24 to 15 species m -2) and an increase in biomass production, which were only partly reversed after ten years. Conclusions: Long time series are necessary to understand vegetation dynamics and nutrient limitation in river floodplains, since they are influenced by occasional flood and drought events, whose effects may persist for more than ten years. A future increase in flooding frequency might be detrimental to species richness in floodplain grasslands. [source]

Recruitment limitation along disturbance gradients in river flood plains

W.H.J.M. van Eck
Abstract. Question: Along river floodplains lower distribution limits of plant species seem largely determined by their tolerance to rarely occurring floods in the growing season. Such distribution patterns remain fixed for many years suggesting additional effects of winter floods at lower positions. Our objective was to investigate the direct and indirect effects of winter floods on colonization of floodplains in a series of field experiments. Location: River Rhine, The Netherlands. Methods: We measured the direct effects of winter floods on seedling survival and seed removal and survival at low and high floodplain elevation. Indirect effects of winter flooding through changes in the soil were investigated by measuring seedling emergence on soil transplants that were exchanged between high and low floodplain elevation. To investigate indirect effects of floods on the germination environment through changes in the vegetation structure, we measured the effects of vegetation removal on recruitment of sown species. Results: Recruitment was seed limited at both floodplain elevations. An additional effect of vegetation removal on seedling emergence was also observed. Soil types from both zones did not differently affect seedling emergence. Seeds were not removed from the soil surface by a single winter flood. Moreover, seeds remained viable in the soil for at least two years, while the experimental plots were flooded several times during the experimental period. During one of those floods a thick sand layer was deposited at the low zone and subsequently no seedlings were observed anymore. Conclusions: Colonization of low floodplain zones in years between subsequent summer floods is prevented by seed limitation while the direct effects of winter floods are limited except for irregularly occurring sand depositions. [source]