Benthic Algae (benthic + alga)

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Selected Abstracts

How well are velocity effects on ,13C signatures transmitted up the food web from algae to fish?

Summary 1. Benthic algae fractionate carbon isotopes less at low water velocities because of reduced boundary layer exchange, and this effect on ,13C is passed on to consumers via trophic transfer. This study examines the relationships between ,13C signatures of consumers (invertebrates and salmonid fishes) and water velocity in the Sainte Marguerite River, QC, Canada, and compares them to patterns for periphyton, both along the river main-stem and in a small tributary. 2. Relationships of ,13C signatures of herbivore/grazers and collector/gatherers with water velocity were strong and similar to those of periphyton, but relationships for filter-feeders were weak, probably reflecting the effect of spatial averaging of their food supply as a result of downstream transport. 3. Velocity effects on salmonid signatures were much weaker than those of lower trophic levels, being barely significant except in the small tributary where the fish were resident and isolated from the main river. In the river main-stem, even when reach standardised (reach mean subtracted from each data point), fish signatures were only weakly related to water velocity. 4. The fidelity with which velocity effects are transmitted to consumers from benthic algae is highly variable, and depends on a combination of consumer and resource movements, in addition to the trophic position of the consumer. [source]

Context-dependent effects of freshwater mussels on stream benthic communities

Summary 1. We asked whether unionid mussels influence the distribution and abundance of co-occurring benthic algae and invertebrates. In a yearlong field enclosure experiment in a south-central U.S. river, we examined the effects of living mussels versus sham mussels (shells filled with sand) on periphyton and invertebrates in both the surrounding sediment and on mussel shells. We also examined differences between two common unionid species, Actinonaias ligamentina (Lamarck 1819) and Amblema plicata (Say 1817). 2. Organic matter concentrations and invertebrate densities in the sediment surrounding mussels were significantly higher in treatments with live mussels than treatments with sham mussels or sediment alone. Organic matter was significantly higher in the sediment surrounding Actinonaias than that surrounding Amblema. Actinonaias was more active than Amblema and may have increased benthic organic matter through bioturbation. 3. Living mussels increased the abundance of periphyton on shells and the abundance and richness of invertebrates on shells, whereas effects of sham mussels were similar to sediment alone. Differences in the amount of periphyton growing on the shells of the two mussel species reflected differences in mussel activity and shell morphology. 4. Differences between living and sham mussel treatments indicate that biological activities of mussels provide ecosystem services to the benthic community beyond the physical habitat provided by shells alone. In treatments containing live mussels we found significant correlations between organic matter and chlorophyll a concentrations in the sediment, organic matter concentrations and invertebrate abundance in the sediment and the amount of chlorophyll a on the sediment and invertebrate abundance. There were no significant correlations among these response variables in control treatments. Thus, in addition to providing biogenic structure as habitat, mussels likely facilitate benthic invertebrates by altering the availability of resources (algae and organic matter) through nutrient excretion and biodeposition. 5. Effects of mussels on sediment and shell periphyton concentrations, organic matter concentrations and invertebrate abundance, varied seasonally, and were strongest in late summer during periods of low water volume, low flow, and high water temperature. 6. Our study demonstrates that freshwater mussels can strongly influence the co-occurring benthic community, but that effects of mussels are context-dependent and may vary among species. [source]

Local disturbance history affects patchiness of benthic river algae

Christoph D. Matthaei
Summary 1.,Recent research has shown that high-flow events in streams leave a small-scale mosaic of bed patches that have experienced scouring, sediment deposition (fill), or remained stable. Few studies have investigated if this ,local disturbance history' contributes to the patchy distribution of benthic organisms in streams and rivers. 2.,In the present research, we demonstrate that local disturbance history in a mid-sized river can have both short- and long-term effects on epilithic algae. Chains buried vertically in the substratum of the river bed (236 in a 800-m reach) indicated that two floods (return periods ,1 year) caused a mosaic of bed patches with different disturbance histories. Once after the first and twice after the second flood, we sampled epilithic algae (mainly diatoms) in replicate patches that had been scoured, filled, or remained stable during the respective event. Algal biomass and cell density per substratum area were determined. 3.,Three months after the first flood, algal biomass, total diatom density, diatom taxon richness, and densities of six of nine most common taxa were highest in fill patches. Six days after the second flood, biomass was highest in stable patches, indicating a refugium function of these patches. The refugium patches consisted of average-sized stones, in contrast to previous studies of flood refugia for benthic algae in which these refugia were always large and/or immobile substrata. Four weeks after the second flood, diatoms tended to be most abundant in scour patches. With one exception, these differences between patch types could not be attributed to differences in local near-bed current velocity or water depth. 4.,The effects of disturbance history were more complex than a simple refugium function of stable patches because algal patterns changed with time since the last disturbance, possibly depending on the successional state of the algal mats. [source]

Negative effect of ayu on the growth of omnivorous pale chub in experimental pools

O. Katano
The growth rate of pale chub Zacco platypus was negatively correlated with the number and biomass of ayu Plecoglossus altivelis in experiment pools regardless of their body weight. Both species were omnivorous, feeding upon both benthic algae and invertebrates; ayu fed principally upon algae whereas pale chub consumed invertebrates. Pale chub shifted their moving tactics from bottom moving to surface moving or sit-and-wait when they coexisted with numerous ayu, presumably due to occasional attack by ayu. It seems likely that the reduced pale chub growth rate was due to interspecific aggression and exploitation of benthic algae and invertebrates by ayu. [source]

Effect of fire on benthic algal assemblage structure and recolonization in intermittent streams

Abstract: Dry biofilm on rocks and other substrata forms an important drought refuge for benthic algae in intermittent streams following the cessation of flow. This dry biofilm is potentially susceptible to disturbance from bushfires, including direct burning and/or scorching and damage from radiant heat, particularly when streams are dry. Therefore, damage to dry biofilms by fire has the potential to influence algal recolonization and assemblage structure in intermittent streams following commencement of flow. The influence of fire on benthic algal assemblages and recolonization was examined in intermittent streams of the Grampians National Park, Victoria, Australia, using a field survey and manipulative field experiment. The field survey compared assemblages in two intermittent streams within a recently burnt area (within 5 months of the fire) with two intermittent streams within an unburnt area. The two burnt streams were still flowing during the fire so most biofilms were not likely to be directly exposed to flames. Considerable site-to-site and stream-to-stream variation was detected during the field survey, which may have obscured potential differences attributable to indirect effects of the fire. The manipulative field experiment occurred in two intermittent streams and consisted of five treatments chosen to replicate various characteristics of bushfires that may influence dry biofilms: dry biofilm exposed directly to fire; dry biofilm exposed to radiant heat; dry biofilm exposed to ash; and two procedural controls. After exposure to the different treatments, rocks were replaced in the streams and algae were sampled 7 days after flow commenced. Differences occurred across treatments, but treatment differences were inconsistent across the two streams. For example, direct exposure to fire reduced the abundance of recolonizing algae and altered assemblage structure in both streams, while radiant heat had an effect on assemblage structure in one stream only. The manipulative field experiment is likely to have represented the intensity of a small bushfire only. Nonetheless, significant differences across treatments were detected, so these experimental results suggest that fire can damage dry biofilms, and hence, influence algal recolonization and assemblage structure in intermittent streams. [source]