Western Societies (western + society)

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Selected Abstracts

Recent time trends in levels of self-reported anxiety, mental health service use and suicidal behaviour in Stockholm

K. Kosidou
Kosidou K, Magnusson C, Mittendorfer-Rutz E, Hallqvist J, Gumpert CH, Idrizbegovic S, Dal H, Dalman C. Recent time trends in levels of self-reported anxiety, mental health service use and suicidal behaviour in Stockholm. Objective:, To investigate recent time trends in several indicators of mental ill-health and the patterning of these indicators between genders and younger vs. older individuals in Stockholm County. Method:, Several indicators were used; self-reported anxiety from the Swedish Survey of Living Conditions, information on psychiatric in-patient and out-patient care, attempted and completed suicides from national and regional registers. Gender- and age-specific trends were compared for the time period of 1997,2006. Results:, Self-reported anxiety and psychiatric service use increased among young individuals of both genders, while attempted suicides increased only among young women. By contrast, these indicators decreased or remained stable in the older age group from year 2001 and onwards. Conclusion:, Our data indicate a rising, and highly prevalent, mental ill-health among the young in Stockholm County, a region representative of urbanized, secular Western societies. [source]

From Representation to Emergence: Complexity's challenge to the epistemology of schooling

Deborah Osberg
Abstract In modern, Western societies the purpose of schooling is to ensure that school-goers acquire knowledge of pre-existing practices, events, entities and so on. The knowledge that is learned is then tested to see if the learner has acquired a correct or adequate understanding of it. For this reason, it can be argued that schooling is organised around a representational epistemology: one which holds that knowledge is an accurate representation of something that is separate from knowledge itself. Since the object of knowledge is assumed to exist separately from the knowledge itself, this epistemology can also be considered ,spatial.' In this paper we show how ideas from complexity have challenged the ,spatial epistemology' of representation and we explore possibilities for an alternative ,temporal' understanding of knowledge in its relationship to reality. In addition to complexity, our alternative takes its inspiration from Deweyan ,transactional realism' and deconstruction. We suggest that ,knowledge' and ,reality' should not be understood as separate systems which somehow have to be brought into alignment with each other, but that they are part of the same emerging complex system which is never fully ,present' in any (discrete) moment in time. This not only introduces the notion of time into our understanding of the relationship between knowledge and reality, but also points to the importance of acknowledging the role of the ,unrepresentable' or ,incalculable'. With this understanding knowledge reaches us not as something we receive but as a response, which brings forth new worlds because it necessarily adds something (which was not present anywhere before it appeared) to what came before. This understanding of knowledge suggests that the acquisition of curricular content should not be considered an end in itself. Rather, curricular content should be used to bring forth that which is incalculable from the perspective of the present. The epistemology of emergence therefore calls for a switch in focus for curricular thinking, away from questions about presentation and representation and towards questions about engagement and response. [source]

Swazi Concepts of intelligence: The Universal versus the Local

ETHOS, Issue 4 2002
Professor Margaret Zoller Booth
The Swazi concept of "intelligence " is analyzed in this article from both a historical and a contemporary perspective. It investigates the meanings of hlakaniphile (the closest translation for "intelligence") and how and why perceptions of this term have changed throughout the 20th century and continue to vary today. Utilizing historical and anthropological sources with contemporary local parental ethnotheories regarding intelligent behaviors, the article analyzes the impact of Western culture on meanings of the Swazi concept. Throughout history, as Swazi and Western societies have influenced each other, hlakaniphile continues to include a local perception of social skills. However, the definition has begun to incorporate more Western notions of intellectual competence, as reflected in academic achievement [source]

Selim's Sisters: Muslim Women in Novels by Uwe Timm and Hermann Schulz

Monika Albrecht
ABSTRACT Against the backdrop of the fact that German writers with a German background do not seem to be very interested in casting Germans with a migrant background as their literary characters, this paper focuses on two of the rare exceptions that deal with Muslim women of Turkish origin, Uwe Timm's,Rot,(2001) and Hermann Schulz's,Iskender,(1999). In discussing these novels, I am mostly interested in the way these writers take part in current debates on Muslims in Western societies and in how they engage in their specific vision of a multicultural Germany. The results are at least twofold; on the one hand one has to conclude that both Hermann Schulz and Uwe Timm are dividing Muslims into good and bad, desired and not desired; on the other hand their novels also provide facets of a counter image and introduce largely unfamiliar aspects , which can count as a major achievement in the light of the prevailing idea of the Islamic world in the imagination of the German public. Ethnische Minderheiten sind selten in Werken von einheimischen Schriftstellern zu finden. Vor diesem Hintergrund konzentriert sich der vorliegende Essay auf zwei der wenigen Ausnahmen, Uwe Timms Roman,Rot,(2001) and Hermann Schulz',Iskender,(1999), in denen türkisch-muslimische Frauen Teil des literarischen Ensembles sind. Das Interesse gilt insbesondere der Art und Weise, wie ihre Autoren an gegenwärtigen Debatten über Muslime in westlichen Gesellschaften Teil haben, und es wird nach ihrer Vision eines multikulturellen Deutschland gefragt, wie es in den Texten zum Ausdruck kommt. Dabei fällt auf, dass Muslime sowohl bei Hermann Schulz als auch bei Uwe Timm in gute und schlechte, erwünschte und weniger erwünschte aufgeteilt werden. Andererseits entwerfen die Romane jedoch auch Gegenbilder und beziehen Aspekte ein, die der Mehrheit der Deutschen nicht vertraut sind , was angesichts gängiger Vorstellungen über die islamische Lebenswelt als bemerkenswerter Beitrag zur Multikulturalismusdebatte gelten kann. [source]

Beyond Cultural Imperialism: Cultural Theory, Christian Missions, and Global Modernity

Ryan Dunch
"Cultural imperialism" has been an influential concept in the representation of the modern Christian missionary movement. This essay calls its usefulness into question and draws on recent work on the cultural dynamics of globalization to propose alternative ways of looking at the role of missions in modern history. The first section of the essay surveys the ways in which the term "cultural imperialism" has been employed in different disciplines, and some of the criticisms made of the term within those disciplines. The second section discusses the application of the cultural imperialism framework to the missionary enterprise, and the related term "colonization of consciousness" used by Jean and John Comaroff in their influential work on British missionaries and the Tswana of southern Africa. The third section looks at the historiography of missions in modern China, showing how deeply the teleological narratives of nationalism and development have marked that historiography. The concluding section argues that the missionary movement must be seen as one element in a globalizing modernity that has altered Western societies as well as non,Western ones in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and that a comparative global approach to the missionary movement can help to illuminate the process of modern cultural globalization. [source]

Transforming aggressive conflict in political and personal contexts

Andrew Samuels
Abstract The author begins by trying to imagine different models of politics applicable to Western societies. He reflects on the "state we are in" and asks if our present condition of political rupture could ever become political rapture. He asks whether it is possible for citizens to remove themselves from the abusive relationships with heroic, macho leaders. Instead, he states, we might ask where we will find new kinds of leaders who will be "good-enough". We will need such leaders if we are to manage the staggeringly high levels of conflict and aggression afflicting the political world today. The author suggests that we urgently explore innovative ways to manage conflict in political contexts using new psychological ideas about men, fathers and violence. Finally, he communicates what he has learned from Islam about some hidden aspects of political conflict. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Trafficking: A Perspective from Asia

Ronald Skeldon
The main theme of this article is market development and trafficking as a business. It touches upon most of the aspects of the phenomenon, which have been encountered elsewhere, and translates them into the relatively unfamiliar context of many of the Asian and South-East Asian economies. Equally, the literature cited is also probably unfamiliar. Themes touched upon include democratization, inter-state relations, human rights, and scale and perspectives, together with the problems of definitions, theory, and the reliability of data. The directions and characteristics of trafficking flows together with routes and border control are also considered. Coordinated official responses to criminality and criminal organizations, as well as to trafficked individuals, are beginning to emerge. There is a note of caution sounded that contextual and cultural perspectives, particularly on sex workers, must be viewed somewhat differently to those in Western societies. The article concludes that as long as countries in Asia maintain their policies of restrictive immigration, trafficking can be expected to continue and almost certainly increase. This is because accelerating development creates demand for labour at various skill levels and because even in times of recession migrants and brokers will seek to side-step attempts to expel immigrants and restrict access to labour markets. The elimination of trafficking is unlikely to be realistically achieved through legislation and declarations of intent but by improvements in the socio-economic status of the population. [source]

Milk consumption: aggravating factor of acne and promoter of chronic diseases of Western societies

Bodo Melnik
Summary Consumption of cow's milk and cow's milk protein result in changes of the hormonal axis of insulin, growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor-1(IGF-1) in humans. Milk consumption raises IGF-1 serum levels in the perinatal period, adolescence and adulthood. During puberty with the physiological onset of increased secretion of growth hormone, IGF-1 serum levels increase and are further enhanced by milk consumption. IGF-1 is a potent mitogen; after binding to its receptor in various tissues, it induces cell proliferation and inhibits apoptosis. Keratinocytes and sebocytes, as well as the androgen-synthesizing adrenals and gonads, are stimulated by IGF-1. The epidemic incidence of adolescent acne in Western milk-consuming societies can be explained by the increased insulin- and IGF-1-stimulation of sebaceous glands mediated by milk consumption. Acne can be regarded as a model for chronic Western diseases with pathologically increased IGF-1-stimulation. Many other organs, such as the thymus, bones, all glands, and vascular smooth muscle cells as well as neurons are subject to this abnormally increased hormonal stimulation. The milk-induced change of the IGF-1-axis most likely contributes to the development of fetal macrosomia, induction of atopy, accelerated linear growth, atherosclerosis, carcinogenesis and neurodegenerative diseases. Observations of molecular biology are supported by epidemiologic data and unmask milk consumption as a promoter of chronic diseases of Western societies. [source]

Outcomes and Costs of Residential Services for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities in Taiwan: A Comparative Evaluation

Yueh-Ching Chou
Background, The disability policy in Taiwan has traditionally emphasized residential care in large institutions and, more recently, medium-sized group homes. This paper compares the relative costs, services provided and outcomes between the traditional institutions, medium-sized group homes and new small-scale community living units that were launched in 2004 in Taiwan. Materials and Methods, Cross-sectional analysis was used to investigate the three current residential service models. A total of 248 participants with intellectual disabilities were interviewed, including all residents from the existing 25 small residential units and purposively sampled respondents from the other two residential models. Results, Outcomes for the Taiwanese participants were consistent with the existing literature on deinstitutionalization from Western societies. Small homes provided better subjective and objective quality of life than both medium-sized community-based units and traditional institutions. Conclusion, Participants living in small residential homes experienced better outcomes at lower cost than persons living in medium-sized group homes or institutions. [source]

Religious Identity as an Historical Narrative: Coptic Orthodox Immigrant Churches and the Representation of History

This paper looks at how the Coptic Church narrates this history particularly as it transcends the national boundaries of Egypt to serve migrant Copts in Western societies. The historical narrative of the Coptic Church celebrates its contributions to early Christianity; defends its stance in the Chalcedon Council in 451 CE; and celebrates a legacy of triumph and survival after the Arab conquest. Building on theories on collective memory, this paper shows how the present and the past shape one another in a very complex way. The paper is based on interviews with both lay and clerical members of Coptic immigrant communities in Canada and the United States and on textual analysis of books, bulletins and websites launched on and by the Church. [source]

Introduction of a High-Energy Diet Acutely Up-Regulates Hypothalamic Cocaine and Amphetamine-Regulated Transcript, Mc4R and Brown Adipose Tissue Uncoupling Protein-1 Gene Expression in Male Sprague-Dawley Rats

Z. A. Archer
Abstract Obesity is an escalating problem in Western societies. Susceptibility to weight gain within an obesogenic environment is variable. It remains unclear how the range of weight gain responses are generated. It is possible that an individual's immediate and/or sustained appetite for apparently palatable foods, or metabolic adaptations to a new diet could be important. The present study therefore examined the short- to medium-term effects of a high-energy (HE) diet on bodyweight, food intake, and energy balance-related signalling systems. Sprague-Dawley rats were fed either chow or an HE diet for 12 h, 24 h, 48 h or 14 days. Blood hormones and metabolites were assayed, and expression of uncoupling protein-1 (UCP-1) and hypothalamic energy-balance related genes were determined by Northern blotting or in situ hybridisation, respectively. Short-term exposure (12 h, 24 h, 48 h) to the HE diet had no effect on grams of food consumed, but caloric intake was increased. Exposure to HE diet for 14 days (medium term) established a bodyweight differential of 7.7 g, and animals exhibited a transient increase in caloric intake of 5 days duration. Terminal levels of leptin, insulin, glucose and non-esterified fatty acids (NEFAs) were all increased in HE-fed animals. UCP-1 mRNA was elevated in interscapular brown adipose tissue from HE-fed rats only at 12 h. Cocaine and amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART) and Mc4R gene expression in the hypothalamus were increased after 12 h and 24 h on an HE diet, respectively. The rats appear to passively over-consume calories as a result of consuming a similar weight of a more energy dense food. This evokes physiological responses, which adjust caloric intake over several days. Circulating NEFA and insulin concentrations, UCP-1, Mc4R and CART gene expression are increased as an immediate consequence of consuming HE diet, and may be involved in countering hypercaloric intake. Circulating leptin is increased in the HE-fed animals after 48 h, reflecting their increasing adiposity. [source]

Family dynamics and postnatal depression

T. TAMMENTIE mnsc rn
Research has shown that postnatal depression (PND) affects 10,15% of mothers in Western societies. PND is not easily identified and therefore it often remains undetected. Untreated depression has a detrimental effect on the mother and child and the entire family. The purpose of this study was to ascertain the state of family dynamics after delivery and whether the mother's PND was associated with family dynamics. The study used a survey covering the catchment area of one Finnish university hospital. Both primi- and multiparas took part and data were collected using the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) for mothers and the Family Dynamics Measure II (FDM II) for both mothers and fathers. The data were analysed using SPSS statistical programme and frequency and percentage distributions, means and standard deviations were examined. Correlations were analysed using Spearman's correlation coefficients. The significance of any differences between mothers' and fathers' scores was determined with a paired t -test. Of the families participating in the study (373 mothers and 314 partners), 13% of the mothers suffered from PND symptoms (EPDS score of 13 or more). As a whole, family dynamics in the families participating in the study were reported to be rather good. However, mothers having depressive symptoms reported more negative family dynamics compared with other families. With the exception of individuation, mothers having depressive symptoms reported more negative family dynamics than their partners. With the exception of role reciprocity, non-depressed mothers reported more positive family dynamics than their partners. Knowledge of the association of mothers' PND with family dynamics could help to develop nursing care at maternity and child welfare clinics and maternity hospitals. Depressed mothers and their families need support to be able to make family dynamics as good as possible. [source]

Linear growth in early life is associated with suicidal ideation in 18-year-old Filipinos

Yin Bun Cheung
Summary Studies in Western societies have shown some evidence that growth in early life may be associated with suicide and suicidal ideation in later life. The pattern of growth retardation in developing countries is different from that in Western societies. This study examines the association between size at birth, postnatal growth from birth to age 24 months and suicidal ideation in 18-year-old Filipinos. The 1941 participants born in 1983 and 1984 in the Philippines were assessed for growth status bimonthly from birth to 24 months of age and were administered an interview in 2002, which included items on suicidal ideation. The pattern of growth stunting in this cohort was similar to that in many other developing countries: a minor level of shortness in crown-heel length at birth followed by sharp decline in length-for-age in the first 24 months of life. The prevalence of suicidal ideation at age 18 was 2.9%; 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.2, 3.8%. Length Z-score at 24 months (odds ratios [OR] = 0.67; 95% CI [0.52, 0.86]; P = 0.002) and gain in length Z-score from birth to age 24 months (OR = 0.74; 95% CI [0.56, 0.98]; P = 0.037) were inversely associated with the odds of suicidal ideation. Adjustment for covariates made little difference. Length at birth Z-score was associated with suicidal ideation only after adjustment for postnatal length gain (OR = 0.61; 95% CI [0.46, 0.80]; P < 0.001). The associations between linear growth in early life and suicidal ideation appeared to be partly mediated by educational attainment. In conclusion, postnatal growth stunting is an important predictor of suicidal ideation in later life. It also affects the association between birth length and suicidal ideation. [source]

Flexibility, friendship, and family

This article is concerned with the impact of late modernity on patterns of solidarity in friend and family relationships. It takes as its starting point the transformations in partnership, family, and household formation and dissolution that have been occurring in Western societies since the 1970s. Accepting these shifts as indicative of the greater freedoms people now have over the construction of their personal relationships and social networks, the article examines the degree to which the domains of family and friendship are merging. Its principal argument is that despite increased flexibility in the construction of personal life, including diversity in the prioritization of different relationships, at a cultural level clear boundaries exist between family and friendship ties. [source]

Strong association between birth month and reproductive performance of Vietnamese women

Susanne Huber
Epidemiological studies on premodern and modern Western societies indicate that birth season may influence female reproduction. Nothing is known, however, about this effect in developing economies. Many of the latter are characterised by tropical climates with a rainy season associated with lower food availability and a greater prevalence of infectious diseases. We therefore predict that an association between birth month and reproductive output, if it exists, should be related to the rainy season. To test this prediction, we analysed census data of Vietnam obtained from IPUMS-International (Vietnam 1999 Population and Housing Census). Based on 493,853 women born between 1950 and 1977 and thus aged 22 to 49 years, we found that the time series of mean offspring count per month of birth has a highly significant period of 12 months (power = 46.871, P < 0.00001). Our results further indicate that the 12-month periodic signal has a maximum in July and a minimum in January. Accordingly, the peak corresponds to birth during the rainy season, the low if the third pregnancy month concurs with the rainy season. The month of birth is therefore clearly associated with the later reproductive performance of Vietnamese women, strongly supporting the assumption that environmental and maternal conditions during early development exert long-term effects on reproductive functioning. Provided the rainy season adversely affects developmental processes due to inadequate food and/or high infection risk, the association reported here points to a critical period of reproductive development during early pregnancy. Am. J. Hum. Biol., 2009. © 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

Testing the boundaries of the choice overload phenomenon: The effect of number of options and time pressure on decision difficulty and satisfaction

Graeme A. Haynes
The number of alternatives available to people in many day-to-day decisions has greatly increased in Western societies. The present research sought to build upon recent research suggesting that having large numbers of alternatives can sometimes have negative consequences for individuals. In the present experiment, participants were presented with descriptions of either 3 or 10 prizes and asked to choose one, for which they were to be entered in a drawing. The number of alternatives was manipulated in conjunction with the amount of time people were allotted to make a decision (limited vs. extended decision time). Following their decisions, participants completed measures of decision-related difficulty, task enjoyment, satisfaction, and regret. Participants given a limited amount of time to choose with a larger set of alternatives found their decisions to be more difficult and frustrating than did participants in the other conditions. The larger set of alternatives led to less satisfaction, but not less regret, with people's decisions. Implications for research on the choice overload phenomenon are discussed. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. [source]

Mastoiditis,Paleopathological evidence of a rarely reported disease

Stefan Flohr
Abstract Since antibiotics have become available, mastoiditis has become a rare disease in modern Western societies. However, it is still common in developing countries. It can be hypothesized that in earlier historical and prehistoric times, mastoiditis must have posed a serious threat to people's lives, and that the prevalence of this disease is probably underrepresented in the paleopathological literature. The present study identifies pathological changes in the pneumatized cells of the mastoid process in human skeletal samples from two early medieval cemeteries from Germany (Dirmstein: n = 152 mastoids, Rhens: n = 71 mastoids), using macroscopic, endoscopic, low-power microscopic, scanning-electron and light microscopic techniques, and draws some epidemiological conclusions as to the frequency of the disease diagnosed in the archaeological samples. Osseous changes because of mastoiditis were diagnosed in 83.4% of the temporal bones. The frequency in the skeletal sample from Dirmstein was higher than in the sample from Rhens. In both populations, males were more often affected than females and older individuals more often than younger individuals. The high frequency of mastoiditis observed was most likely due to an accumulation of osseous changes during individual lifetimes and supports the hypothesis that mastoiditis was a serious health problem in pre-antibiotic times. It may be assumed that subclinical forms of mastoiditis and their osseous manifestations may even nowadays occur more often than was previously thought. It is suggested that the disease should be given more consideration in paleopathological investigations. Am J Phys Anthropol 2009. © 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

Human Chromosome 17 in Essential Hypertension

J. Knight
Summary Hypertension affects up to 30% of the adult population in Western societies and is a major risk factor for kidney disease, stroke and coronary heart disease. It is a complex trait thought to be influenced by a number of genes and environmental factors, although the precise aetiology remains unknown at this time. A number of methods have been successfully used to identify mutations that cause Mendelian traits and these are now being applied to the investigation of complex diseases. This review summarises the data gathered, using such approaches, that suggest there is a gene or genes on chromosome 17 causing human essential hypertension. Studies in rodent models are discussed first, followed by studies of human hypertension that include the investigation of pseudohypoaldosteronism type II, a monogenic trait that manifests with hypertension alongside other phenotypic variables. In addition, candidate gene studies, genome screens and linkage studies based on comparative mapping are outlined. To date no gene has been identified on human chromosome 17 that influences blood pressure and causes human essential hypertension. However, results of ongoing fine mapping and candidate gene studies in both rodents and man are eagerly awaited. [source]

The impact of the evolution of invasive surgical procedures for low back pain: a population based study of patient outcomes and hospital utilization

Rachael Elizabeth Moorin
Abstract Background:, Low back pain (LBP) is a ubiquitous health problem in Western societies, and while clinical decision making for patients requiring hospitalization for LBP has changed significantly over the past two decades, knowledge of the net impact on patient outcomes and health care utilization is lacking. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of changes in the medical control of lumbar back pain in Western Australia in terms of the rate of patient readmission and the total bed days associated with readmissions. Methods:, A record linkage population-based study of hospitalization for LBP from 1980,2003 in Western Australia was performed. The rate of admission for LBP, changes in re-admission rates and number of bed days accrued 1 and 3 years post-initial admission over time adjusted for potential confounders was evaluated. Results:, The annual rate of first-time hospitalization for LBP halved. The proportion of females admitted increased (+6%). The disease severity increased and the proportion of individuals having an invasive procedure also increased (+75%) over the study period. While rate of readmission for non-invasive procedures fell, readmission for invasive procedures increased over the study period. Overall, the number of bed days associated with readmission reduced over time. Conclusion:, Between 1980 and 2003, there has been a shift from non-invasive procedural treatments towards invasive techniques both at the time of initial hospitalization and upon subsequent readmission. While overall readmission rates were unaffected, there was a reduction in the number of bed days associated with readmissions. [source]

Questioning community as a collective antidote to fear: Jean-Luc Nancy's ,singularity' and ,being singular plural'

AREA, Issue 3 2007
Richard V Welch
Community has long been a key academic concept and lay narrative, especially in commentaries of rural as opposed to urban life. Although community is proffered as an antidote for a plethora of emotional, social and policy challenges in contemporary Western societies, we argue that it is problematic. Previously, we suggested that community is a device mobilised in response to fears surrounding finitude. In this paper, we again draw on Nancy's theorising of singularity and being-in-common, but also engage with his yet more fundamental conceptualisation of ,being singular plural' to suggest directions for new geographies of singular and collective life. [source]

Happy and healthy only if occupied?

Perceptions of health sciences students on occupation in later life
Background/aim:,In this study, we bring attention to the university education of health science students with respect to occupation in later life. Our goal was to provide descriptive data from narratives of a group of undergraduate students and initiate discussion about the place of occupation in the context of ageing to answer the following questions: (i) How young people perceive successful ageing in relation to occupation? and (ii) can spirituality-related activities be considered occupations in later life? Methods:,Based on a thematic selection, the quality of photographs and reflective narratives, 60 Photovoice assignments created by health sciences students were analysed using content analysis. Results:,The findings of this study indicate that students seem to neglect the benefits of ,being' through spiritual engagement, and instead emphasise the importance of ,doing', and perpetuate pervasive successful ageing discourses in Western societies. Conclusions:,Occupational therapists have potential to take an active role in undergraduate health science education and to inform the development of holistic models that would include spirituality as an avenue to live late life to its fullest potential. Photovoice emerged as a powerful teaching method to increase awareness, empathy and compassion of young adults towards ageing. [source]

Electromagnetic fields alter the expression of estrogen receptor cofactors in breast cancer cells

Rainer Girgert
Abstract Breast cancer is the most common malignancy of women in Western societies. The increasing exposure to electromagnetic fields has been suspected to contribute to the rising incidence of breast cancer in industrialized countries. The majority of breast tumors is treated with the partial antiestrogen tamoxifen. Most tumors become resistant to tamoxifen in the course of treatment resulting in treatment failure. Electromagnetic fields reduce the efficacy of tamoxifen similar to tamoxifen resistance. In this study we investigated the mechanism by which electromagnetic fields influence the sensitivity to tamoxifen. In cells exposed to 1.2 µT of a 50 Hz electromagnetic field gene expression of cofactors of the estrogen receptors was compared to sham exposed cells. Using a gene array technology several cofactors were found to be differentially expressed. The expression of the coactivators, SRC-1 and AIB1, and of two corepressors, N-Cor and SMRT, was quantified by RT-PCR. Both coactivators were expressed more strongly in the exposed cells while the expression of two corepressors decreased. The RNA analysis was confirmed by Western blots. The contradirectional changes in gene expression of coactivators and corepressors by electromagnetic fields results in a lower sensitivity to tamoxifen. Electromagnetic fields may contribute to the induction of tamoxifen resistance in vivo. Bioelectromagnetics 29:169,176, 2008. © 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

Treatments for choroidal and retinal neovascularization: a focus on oligonucleotide therapy and delivery for the regulation of gene function

Robert J Marano PhD
Abstract Blinding eye diseases caused by neovascularization of the retinal tissue are the leading cause of blindness in Western societies. Current treatments, such as laser photocoagulation, are limited in their effectiveness at halting the progression of angiogenesis and are unable to reduce the number of vessels once they have developed. In addition, although complete blindness is often avoided, vision is often permanently impaired by the treatment itself. Several less invasive treatments are being developed and one of these is oligonucleotide gene therapy in which short stretches of nucleotides are being used as inhibitors of key, metabolic processes involved in angiogenesis. Combined with this is the development of new and improved nucleotide chemistries aimed at overcoming many of the problems associated with oligonucleotide gene therapy, such as poor longevity because of endonuclease activity. In addition, advancements in delivery systems have further enhanced the efficacy of oligonucleotide gene therapy by increasing cellular penetration and localizing delivery to specific cell types and organs. [source]

Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-, coactivator-1, in muscle links metabolism to inflammation

Christoph Handschin
Summary 1. In higher eukaryotes, metabolism and immunity are tightly coupled. However, whereas in evolutionary terms a compromised immune response due to undernourishment has been the predominant problem, the inflammatory response to obesity and other lifestyle-associated diseases has increased in relevance in Western societies in the past 100 years. 2. Traditionally, fat tissue has been considered as the major source of pro-inflammatory secreted factors in these pathologies. However, in recent years the contribution of other tissues to disease-causing chronic inflammation has been increasingly appreciated. 3. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-, coactivator-1, (PGC-1,) is one of the key regulatory factors in active skeletal muscle. Aberrant expression of PGC-1, in inactive muscle fibres could be linked to a sedentary lifestyle, persistent systemic inflammation and a higher risk for many chronic diseases. Accordingly, modulation of PGC-1, activity in skeletal muscle may have a broad range of therapeutic effects. Here, recent advances in the understanding of the role of muscle PGC-1, in health and disease are reviewed. [source]

A policy analysis of the Expert Patient in the United Kingdom: self-care as an expression of pastoral power?

Patricia M. Wilson BEd (Hons) NursEd RGN NDN
Abstract The rise in chronic illness and comorbidity in Western society has resulted in an increasing emphasis on self-care initiatives. In the United Kingdom this is exemplified by the Expert Patient policy. This paper discusses the Expert Patient initiative as an example of the State's third way approach to public health. The extent to which this policy challenges conventional power relationships between professional and patient, and fosters equal partnership is examined. In particular, how expert is defined and whether a professional understanding of the term is reconcilable with a patient's expertise is debated. The paper argues that the Expert Patient initiative is unlikely to reconstruct chronic illness and may further complicate the State's responsibility in meeting the needs of those with chronic illness. Issues of power within self-care are explored to illuminate the policy, and this paper argues that the Expert Patient initiative is an example of Foucault's notion of pastoral power. Although the Expert Patient policy focuses on the rights and responsibilities of those with chronic illness, this paper concludes that there is no corresponding strategy to challenge professionals' assumptions toward those with chronic illness. [source]

Feminist Pleasure and Feminine Beautification

HYPATIA, Issue 4 2003
Ann J. Cahill
This paper explores the conditions under which feminine beautification constitutes a feminist practice. Distinguishing between the process and product of beautification allows us to isolate those aesthetic, interapos;Subjective, and embodied elements that empower rather than disempower women. The empowering characteristics of beautification, however, are difficult and perhaps impossible to represent in a sexist context; therefore, while beautifying may be a positive experience for women, being viewed as a beautified object in current Western society is almost always opposed to women's equality and autonomy. [source]

Telling the Truth, Naming the Power and Confessing our Faith in the Market: The Missiological Implications of the Accra Confession

Roderick R. Hewitt
This article argues that the neoliberal economic order that undergirds the contemporary phase of globalization is, to a great extent, linked to the demise of Christendom in Western society and the emergence of a post-Christendom culture and this carries major missiological implications for the church. Fidelity to the Christian faith requires affirming God's sovereignty over all of God's creation and this necessitates resisting the deceptive economic idolatry that is at work in our world. The methodology of engagement involves taking sides on issues and choices that are unclear and complex. Using Caribbean hermeneutics in a re-reading of Rev. 17 and 18, I suggest that the Book of Revelation serves as a potent signpost to address the contemporary Babylonian system that is controlling the world economic order. The Accra Confession and the Agape Call to Love and Action do not leave room for the church's ministry and mission to be neutral. Although the forces of opposition are strong, I argue that the church that remains faithful in doing Christ's mission cannot be defeated. [source]

Gene and Cell Therapy for Heart Disease

IUBMB LIFE, Issue 2 2002
Regina M. Graham
Abstract Heart disease is the most common cause of morbidity and mortality in Western society and the incidence is projected to increase significantly over the next few decades as our population ages. Heart failure occurs when the heart is unable to pump blood at a rate to commensurate with tissue metabolic requirements and represents the end stage of a variety of pathological conditions. Causes of heart failure include ischemia, hypertension, coronary artery disease, and idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. Hypertension and ischemia both cause infarction with loss of function and a consequent contractile deficit that promotes ventricular remodeling. Remodeling results in dramatic alterations in the size, shape, and composition of the walls and chambers of the heart and can have both positive and negative effects on function. In 30-40% of patients with heart failure, left ventricular systolic function is relatively unaffected while diastolic dysfunction predominates. Recent progress in our understanding of the molecular and cellular bases of heart disease has provided new therapeutic targets and led to novel approaches including the delivery of proteins, genes, and cells to replace defective or deficient components and restore function to the diseased heart. This review focuses on three such strategies that are currently under development: (a) gene transfer to modulate contractility, (b) therapeutic angiogenesis for the treatment of ischemia, and (c) embryonic and adult stem cell transfer to replace damaged myocardium. [source]

Ginger compress therapy for adults with osteoarthritis

Tessa Therkleson
therkleson t. (2010) Ginger compress therapy for adults with osteoarthritis. Journal of Advanced Nursing,66(10), 2225,2233. Abstract Aim., This paper is a report of a study to explicate the phenomenon of ginger compresses for people with osteoarthritis. Background., Osteoarthritis is claimed to be the leading cause of musculoskeletal pain and disability in Western society. Management ideally combines non-pharmacological strategies, including complementary therapies and pain-relieving medication. Ginger has been applied externally for over a thousand years in China to manage arthritis symptoms. Method., Husserlian phenomenological methodology was used and the data were collected in 2007. Ten purposively selected adults who had suffered osteoarthritis for at least a year kept daily diaries and made drawings, and follow-up interviews and telephone conversations were conducted. Findings., Seven themes were identified in the data: (1) Meditative-like stillness and relaxation of thoughts; (2) Constant penetrating warmth throughout the body; (3) Positive change in outlook; (4) Increased energy and interest in the world; (5) Deeply relaxed state that progressed to a gradual shift in pain and increased interest in others; (6) Increased suppleness within the body and (7) More comfortable, flexible joint mobility. The essential experience of ginger compresses exposed the unique qualities of heat, stimulation, anti-inflammation and analgesia. Conclusion., Nurses could consider this therapy as part of a holistic treatment for people with osteoarthritis symptoms. Controlled research is needed with larger numbers of older people to explore further the effects of the ginger compress therapy. [source]

The evolution of family interventions for schizophrenia.

A tribute to Gianfranco Cecchin
Family intervention for schizophrenia has informed the whole history of family therapy, although in different fashions. This presentation will deal with the main phases of such intervention, outlining the characteristic features of each one. We can roughly divide the history of family intervention for schizophrenia into four phases: Phase 1 , Conjoint family therapy (1955,1965). Family interventions were aimed at modifying family communication patterns, implying the possibility of a definitive resolution of psychopathology. Phase 2 , Antipsychiatry (1965,1975). This, rather than a treatment model, was a philosophy of psychiatry, which considered schizophrenia as an epiphenomenon of the distortions of Western society. Family treatment was aimed at promoting the awareness of such a dynamic. Phase 3 , Milan systemic therapy (1975,1985). The systemic model was aimed at helping people with schizophrenia to recognize their position within their families (and other significant systems), giving all family members a new sense of their relationships to each other. Phase 4 , Psychoeducation (1985,2005). In most psychoeducational models, schizophrenia was conceived of as a biologically determined disorder. Psychoeducation was a way of helping the not diagnosed family members to cope with problems brought about by the illness, eliciting consensus towards psychiatric treatments such as medication and rehabilitation. A fifth phase of family intervention for schizophrenia is probably developing right now. If this is happening it should probably be an integrative phase, in which different approaches to family dynamics might be bridged and blended, in order to give more effective help to all members of families with schizophrenia. [source]