Vertebrate Classes (vertebrate + class)

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Selected Abstracts

Cryobanking of viable biomaterials: implementation of new strategies for conservation purposes

Abstract Cryobanking, the freezing of biological specimens to maintain their integrity for a variety of anticipated and unanticipated uses, offers unique opportunities to advance the basic knowledge of biological systems and their evolution. Notably, cryobanking provides a crucial opportunity to support conservation efforts for endangered species. Historically, cryobanking has been developed mostly in response to human economic and medical needs , these needs must now be extended to biodiversity conservation. Reproduction technologies utilizing cryobanked gametes, embryos and somatic cells are already vital components of endangered species recovery efforts. Advances in modern biological research (e.g. stem cell research, genomics and proteomics) are already drawing heavily on cryobanked specimens, and future needs are anticipated to be immense. The challenges of developing and applying cryobanking for a broader diversity of species were addressed at an international conference held at Trier University (Germany) in June 2008. However, the magnitude of the potential benefits of cryobanking stood in stark contrast to the lack of substantial resources available for this area of strategic interest for biological science , and society at large. The meeting at Trier established a foundation for a strong global incentive to cryobank threatened species. The establishment of an Amphibian Ark cryobanking programme offers the first opportunity for global cooperation to achieve the cryobanking of the threatened species from an entire vertebrate class. [source]

Confusion Effect in a Reptilian and a Primate Predator

ETHOLOGY, Issue 8 2000
Carsten Schradin
The confusion effect is claimed to be one benefit of group living with respect to predator avoidance: it is more difficult for predators to capture prey that is surrounded by other conspecifics than to capture an isolated individual. So far, the predictions of the confusion effect have been tested mainly in aquatic predators. As the confusion effect is seen to be a general problem for predators, terrestrial predators of two different vertebrate classes were used to test it. The prey (mealworms and black beetles, Tenebrio molitor) was harmless and had no chance of predator avoidance. Thus, confounding effects of group defence and enhanced vigilance were controlled. Both leopard geckos (Eublepharis macularius) and common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) took longer to catch one out of several prey compared to one single prey. Leopard geckos showed more fixations (changing of head position) when confronted with 20 mealworms than when confronted with only one mealworm, thus showing indications of being ,confused'. [source]

MHC studies in nonmodel vertebrates: what have we learned about natural selection in 15 years?

L. Bernatchez
Abstract Elucidating how natural selection promotes local adaptation in interaction with migration, genetic drift and mutation is a central aim of evolutionary biology. While several conceptual and practical limitations are still restraining our ability to study these processes at the DNA level, genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) offer several assets that make them unique candidates for this purpose. Yet, it is unclear what general conclusions can be drawn after 15 years of empirical research that documented MHC diversity in the wild. The general objective of this review is to complement earlier literature syntheses on this topic by focusing on MHC studies other than humans and mice. This review first revealed a strong taxonomic bias, whereby many more studies of MHC diversity in natural populations have dealt with mammals than all other vertebrate classes combined. Secondly, it confirmed that positive selection has a determinant role in shaping patterns of nucleotide diversity in MHC genes in all vertebrates studied. Yet, future tests of positive selection would greatly benefit from making better use of the increasing number of models potentially offering more statistical rigour and higher resolution in detecting the effect and form of selection. Thirdly, studies that compared patterns of MHC diversity within and among natural populations with neutral expectations have reported higher population differentiation at MHC than expected either under neutrality or simple models of balancing selection. Fourthly, several studies showed that MHC-dependent mate preference and kin recognition may provide selective factors maintaining polymorphism in wild outbred populations. However, they also showed that such reproductive mechanisms are complex and context-based. Fifthly, several studies provided evidence that MHC may significantly influence fitness, either by affecting reproductive success or progeny survival to pathogens infections. Overall, the evidence is compelling that the MHC currently represents the best system available in vertebrates to investigate how natural selection can promote local adaptation at the gene level despite the counteracting actions of migration and genetic drift. We conclude this review by proposing several directions where future research is needed. [source]

Fish functional design and swimming performance

R. W. Blake
Classifications of fish swimming are reviewed as a prelude to discussing functional design and performance in an ecological context. Webb (1984a, 1998) classified fishes based on body shape and locomotor mode into three basic categories: body and caudal fin (BCF) periodic, BCF transient (fast-starts, turns) and median and paired fin (MPF) swimmers. Swimming performance and functional design is discussed for each of these categories. Webb hypothesized that specialization in any given category would limit performance in any other. For example, routine MPF swimmers should be penalized in BCF transient (fast-start propulsion). Recent studies offer much support for Webb's construct but also suggest some necessary amendments. In particular, design and performance compromises for different swimming modes are associated with fish that employ the same propulsor for more than one task (coupled, e.g. the same propulsor for routine steady swimming and fast-starts). For example, pike (BCF transient specialist) achieve better acceleration performance than trout (generalist). Pike steady (BCF periodic) performance, however, is inferior to that of trout. Fish that employ different propulsors for different tasks (decoupled, e.g. MPF propulsion for low-speed routine swimming and BCF motions for fast-starts) do not show serious performance compromises. For example, certain MPF low-speed swimmers show comparable fast-start performance to BCF forms. Arguably, the evolution of decoupled locomotor systems was a major factor underlying the adaptive radiation of teleosts. Low-speed routine propulsion releases MPF swimmers from the morphological constraints imposed by streamlining allowing for a high degree of variability in form. This contrasts with BCF periodic swimming specialists where representatives of four vertebrate classes show evolutionary convergence on a single, optimal ,thunniform' design. However, recent experimental studies on the comparative performance of carangiform and thunniform swimmers contradict some of the predictions of hydromechanical models. This is addressed in regard to the swimming performance, energetics and muscle physiology of tuna. The concept of gait is reviewed in the context of coupled and decoupled locomotor systems. Biomimetic approaches to the development of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles have given a new context and impetus to research and this is discussed in relation to current views of fish functional design and swimming performance. Suggestions are made for possible future research directions. [source]

Influence of Temperature on the Liver Circadian Clock in the Ruin Lizard Podarcis sicula

Manuela Malatesta
Abstract Reptiles represent an interesting animal model to investigate the influence of temperature on molecular circadian clocks. The ruin lizard Podarcis sicula lives in a continental climate and it is subjected to wide range of environmental temperatures during the course of the year. As consequence, ruin lizard daily activity pattern includes either the hibernation or periods of inactivity determined by hypothermia. Here we showed the rhythmic expression of two clock genes, lPer2 and lClock, in the liver of active lizards exposed to summer photo-thermoperiodic conditions. Interestingly, the exposition of lizards to hypothermic conditions, typical of winter season, induced a strong dampening of clock genes mRNA rhythmicity with a coincident decrease of levels. We also examined the qualitative and quantitative distribution of lPER2 and lCLOCK protein in different cellular compartments during the 24-h cycle. In the liver of active lizards both proteins showed a rhythmic expression profile in all cellular compartments. After 3 days at 6°C, some temporal fluctuations of the lCLOCK and lPER2 are still detectable, although, with some marked modifications in respect to the values detected in the liver of active lizards. Besides demonstrating the influence of low temperature on the lizard liver circadian oscillators, present results could provide new essential information for comparative studies on the influence of temperature on the circadian system across vertebrate classes. Microsc. Res. Tech., 2007. © 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]