Vasomotor Symptoms (vasomotor + symptom)

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Selected Abstracts

Acupuncture and applied relaxation may, or may not, relieve vasomotor symptoms in post-menopausal women

Article first published online: 14 JUN 2010

Relationship between menopausal symptoms and menopausal status in Australian and Japanese women: Preliminary analysis

Debra Anderson phd
Abstract The main aim of the present study was to explore the midlife experience for women living in Australia and Japan. The specific objectives of the study included: (i) comparing menopausal symptoms between the two groups; and (ii) comparing the factor structure of symptoms and exploring their relationship to menopausal status. Postal questionnaires were distributed to two structured, random population based samples of midlife women aged 45,60 years; consisting of 712 women living in Australia and 1502 women living in Japan. Analysis showed significant differences in menopausal symptoms related to psychological symptoms (P < 0.001), including anxiety (P < 0.001) and depression (P < 0.001), somatic symptoms (P < 0.001), and vasomotor symptoms (P < 0.01). The analysis, which excluded hormone replacement therapy (HRT) users, found that there were significant differences seen across menopausal status in the following symptoms: difficulty in sleeping (P < 0.01), difficulty in concentrating (P < 0.01), feeling dizzy or faint (P < 0.001), loss of interest in most things (P < 0.01) and loss of feeling in hands or feet (P < 0.001). In the postmenopausal stage specifically, significant differences were seen in the areas of feeling tense or nervous (P < 0.01), feeling unhappy or depressed (P < 0.01), parts of body feeling numb or tingling (P < 0.05), headaches (P < 0.01), and sweating at night (P < 0.05). Our analysis revealed that the experience of menopause for women is different between Australian and Japanese women. [source]


PAIN PRACTICE, Issue 1 2004
Article first published online: 15 MAR 200
The objective of this study was to examine the incidence, prevalence, natural history, and response to treatment of complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS). All Mayo Clinic and Olmsted Medical Group medical records with codes for reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD), CRPS, and compatible diagnoses in the period 1989,1999 were reviewed as part of the Rochester Epidemiology Project. The authors used IASP criteria for CRPS. The study population was in the Olmsted County, Minnesota (1990 population, 106,470). The main outcome measures were CRPS-I incidence, prevalence, and outcome. Seventy-four cases of CRPS-I were identified, resulting in an incidence rate of 5.46 per 100,000 person years at risk, and a period prevalence of 20.57 per 100,000. Female: male ratio was 4 : 1, with a median age of 46 years at onset. Upper limb was affected twice as commonly as lower limb. All cases reported an antecedent event and fracture was the most common trigger (46%). Excellent concordance was found between symptoms and signs; vasomotor symptoms were the most commonly present. The authors concluded that CRPS-I is of low prevalence, more commonly affects women than men, the upper more than the lower extremity, and three out of four cases undergo resolution. These results suggest that invasive treatment of CRPS may not be warranted in the majority of cases. [source]

The association between physical activity and hot flash severity, frequency, and duration in mid-life women

William A. Romani
The value of physical activity to reduce vasomotor symptoms has yet to be determined conclusively. As a result, we used a cross-sectional population-based design to examine the association between self reported physical activity level and hot flash symptoms in 45,54-year-old women. Participants (n = 603) completed a detailed survey to report physical activity level at work, home, and leisure as well as a detailed history of the frequency and severity of hot flash symptoms. Results showed that higher levels of physical activity were significantly associated with increasing odds of moderate or severe hot flashes (P for trend = 0.02). These findings suggest that there is a positive relation between physical activity and moderate or severe hot flash symptoms but no relation between physical activity and the reporting of any hot flashes, daily hot flashes, or hot flashes experienced for greater than 1 year. Am. J. Hum. Biol., 2009. © 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

The relative importance of specific risk factors for insomnia in women treated for early-stage breast cancer

Wayne A. Bardwell
Abstract Background: Many individual risk factors for insomnia have been identified for women with a history of breast cancer. We assessed the relative importance of a wide range of risk factors for insomnia in this population. Methods: Two thousand six hundred and forty-five women ,4 years post-treatment for Stage I (,1 cm),IIIA breast cancer provided data on cancer-related variables, personal characteristics, health behaviors, physical health/symptoms, psychosocial variables, and the Women's Health Initiative-Insomnia Rating Scale (WHI-IRS; scores ,9 indicate clinically significant insomnia). Results: Thirty-nine per cent had elevated WHI-IRS scores. In binary logistic regression, the variance in high/low insomnia group status accounted for by each risk factor category was: cancer-specific variables, 0.4% (n.s.); personal characteristics, 0.9% (n.s.); health behaviors, 0.6% (n.s.); physical health/symptoms, 13.4% (p<0.001); and, psychosocial factors, 11.4% (p<0.001). Insomnia was associated with worse depressive (OR = 1.32) and vasomotor symptoms (particularly night sweats) (OR = 1.57). Conclusion: Various cancer-specific, demographic, health behavior, physical health, and psychosocial factors have been previously reported as risk factors for insomnia in breast cancer. In our study (which was powered for simultaneous examination of a variety of variables), cancer-specific, health behavior, and other patient variables were not significant risk factors when in the presence of physical health and psychosocial variables. Only worse depressive and vasomotor symptoms were meaningful predictors. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Tibolone and low-dose continuous combined hormone treatment: vaginal bleeding pattern, efficacy and tolerability

ML Hammar
Objectives, The primary objective was to compare the vaginal bleeding pattern during administration of tibolone and low-dose continuous combined estradiol plus norethisterone acetate (E2/NETA). The secondary objectives were efficacy on vasomotor symptoms and vaginal atrophy. Design, A randomised, double-blind, double-dummy, group comparative intervention trial. Setting, Multicentre study executed in 32 centres in 7 European countries. Sample, Five hundred and seventy-two healthy symptomatic postmenopausal women, aged 45,65 years. Methods, Participants were randomised to receive 2.5 mg tibolone or 1 mg 17, estradiol plus 0.5 mg norethisterone acetate (E2/NETA) daily for 48 weeks. Main outcome measures, Prevalence of vaginal bleeding, hot flushes and adverse events. Results, The incidence of bleeding was significantly lower in the tibolone group during the first 3 months of treatment (18.3 versus 33.1%; P < 0.001) when compared with the E2/NETA group. This effect on the bleeding pattern was sustained throughout the study, although reaching statistical significance again only in 7,9 months of treatment (11 versus 19%; P < 0.05). In both treatment groups, vasomotor symptoms and vaginal atrophy were significantly reduced to a similar extent when compared with baseline. The prevalence of breast pain/tenderness was significantly lower with tibolone compared with E2/NETA (3.2 versus 9.8%; P < 0.001). Conclusion, Tibolone reduces menopausal symptoms to a similar extent as conventional low-dose continuous combined hormone therapy but causes significant less vaginal bleeding in the first 3 months of treatment. This constitutes an important argument for woman adherence to therapy. [source]