Urban Issues (urban + issues)

Distribution by Scientific Domains

Selected Abstracts

The Influence of Google on Urban Policy in Developing Countries

Abstract ,Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful.' In the case of urban policy in developing countries, Google not only provides information, e.g. the size of a city's population, but also knowledge, e.g. analyses of urban issues and policies. Based on research conducted between January and May 2008, we argue that googling urban policy issues contributes to hegemonic policy perspectives; that the manner in which Google organizes knowledge limits access to alternative policy perspectives and debate; and that this is not in the public interest. We make three claims. The first is that the World Bank, the Cities Alliance and UN Habitat together dominate explanations of urban issues and appropriate policies. The second is that googling policy issues contributes to this dominance. The third claim is that Google especially serves this purpose when the query ,keywords' can be used as labels whose conceptualization can be ,owned'. These claims are demonstrated through explaining how the Google search engine works and creates ,biases'; and then through googling ,city development strategy', ,slum upgrading', and ,municipal services, finances and capacity building in developing countries'. We further demonstrate that finding potential alternative policies requires perseverance and time and pre-existing knowledge of what the policy issues might be. Résumé ,Google a pour mission d'organiser les informations à l'échelle mondiale dans le but de les rendre accessibles et utiles à tous.' En matière de politique urbaine dans les pays en développement, Google fournit des informations (chiffres de la population d'une ville, par exemple), mais aussi du savoir (comme les analyses des enjeux et des politiques de la ville). Une étude menée entre janvier et mai 2008 permet de montrer que les recherches via Google sur les questions de politique urbaine contribuent à des approches politiques hégémoniques, que le mode d'organisation du savoir par Google limite l'accès à des points de vue et débats alternatifs, et que cette situation ne répond pas à l'intérêt public. Trois observations sont formulées: d'abord, la Banque mondiale, l'Alliance des villes et l'ONU-Habitat monopolisent les explications sur les questions urbaines et les politiques appropriées; ensuite, interroger Google sur les enjeux de politique publique contribue à cette hégémonie; enfin, Google va dans ce sens lorsque les ,mots clés' de recherche peuvent servir de ,dénominations' pour des concepts renvoyant à des ,propriétaires'. À l'appui de ces affirmations, nous expliquons comment le moteur de recherche de Google fonctionne et crée des ,distorsions', puis nous présentons les résultats d'interrogations sur ,city development strategy', ,slum upgrading' et ,municipal services, finances and capacity building in developing countries'. Nous montrons également que trouver des politiques alternatives potentielles exige persévérance et temps, ainsi qu'une connaissance préalable des enjeux de politique publique. [source]

Introduction to a Debate on the World Social Forum

Social Forums, modeled on the World Social Forums, are not social movements in the classic sense. They are not, and do not purport to be, the organizational form through which basic social change will be achieved, or can best be pursued. But they do bring together elements of many social movements, afford an opportunity for coalition-building among them, frequently around urban issues, and thus make a significant contribution to achieving such change. Conceivably they may be the foundation for an international social movement for change, but if so it is likely to coalesce about a specifically political program. Some concrete suggestions are made which might enhance their effectiveness. Les Forums sociaux, sur le modèle des Forums sociaux mondiaux, ne sont pas des mouvements sociaux au sens traditionnel. Ils ne sont, ni ne sont censés être, la forme d'organisation permettant d'atteindre ou de mener au mieux un changement social fondamental. Cependant, ils réunissent des composantes de nombreux mouvements sociaux, leur offrent une possibilité de créer une coalition (souvent autour de problèmes urbains) et contribuent ainsi fortement à l'évolution visée. En théorie, ils peuvent servir de base à un mouvement social international en faveur d'un changement, quoique ayant alors tendance à s'unir sur un programme politique. Les suggestions concrètes qui sont formulées peuvent en améliorer l'efficacité. [source]

Are Social Forums the Future of Social Movements?

Social Forums, modeled on the World Social Forums, are not social movements in the classic sense. They are not, and do not purport to be, the organizational form through which basic social change will be achieved, or can best be pursued. But they do bring together elements of many social movements, afford an opportunity for coalition-building among them, frequently around urban issues, and thus make a significant contribution to achieving such change. Conceivably they may be the foundation for an international social movement for change, but if so it is likely to coalesce about a specifically political program. Some concrete suggestions are made which might enhance their effectiveness. Les Forums sociaux, sur le modèle des Forums sociaux mondiaux, ne sont pas des mouvements sociaux au sens traditionnel. Ils ne sont, ni ne sont censés être, la forme d'organisation permettant d'atteindre ou de mener au mieux un changement social fondamental. Cependant, ils réunissent des composantes de nombreux mouvements sociaux, leur offrent une possibilité de créer une coalition (souvent autour de problèmes urbains) et contribuent ainsi fortement à l'évolution visée. En théorie, ils peuvent servir de base à un mouvement social international en faveur d'un changement, quoique ayant alors tendance à s'unir sur un programme politique. Les suggestions concrètes qui sont formulées peuvent en améliorer l'efficacité. [source]

Gender relations and grass-roots urban movements

François Hainard
This article, based on the work of a network of seven teams from countries of the South and countries in transition, presents research findings on the themes of the environment, cities, and social relationships between men and women. The research is predicated on the view that a crosswise look at these three topics brings a useful new perspective to bear on each of these issues as such. It starts from the twofold observation that women and men are not involved in the same way in the urban environment, and that innovative approaches often emanate from women's movements concerned to change the environmental situation in cities as well as women's place and role in the decision-making process. However, research on urban issues, apart from recent research on employment and the labour market, has turned a blind eye to distinctions between men's and women's needs. The urban environment and gender relations bring into play several variables: the environment, the urban dimension, and gender. While the intermeshing of these approaches undoubtedly constitutes a large part of the originality of the work, it does not make the task any the less complex, for its impact is evident neither in methodological nor in conceptual terms. The personal motivation necessarily built into any research-action presupposes that the analysis is founded on specific experiences and not upon strictly theoretical principles, though the need for conceptual concordance between the different research teams should not be overlooked. We shall here focus on the governance of which women may be the agents or actors in cities, a focus that brings into play the different approaches to empowerment and gender relations in the context of social change, the analysis of grass-roots organisations and of men's and women's identities and roles, and the changing balance of power between men and women, whether in the domestic or the public arena. [source]

Rural Demographics Racial/Ethnic Diversification in Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Population Change in the United States: Implications for Health Care Provision in Rural America

Steve H. Murdock PhD
Because of a variety of historical, discriminatory, and other factors, minority populations have had lower levels of access to health care in rural as well as urban areas and higher rates of both mortality and morbidity than nonminority populations. Although minority health issues have often been seen as primarily urban issues, this article demonstrates that minority population growth has become a major component of total population growth in rural areas in the past several decades (accounting for nearly 62% of the net growth in the nonmetropolitan population of the United States in the 1980s and for nearly 42% in the 1990s), that future US population growth is likely to be largely a product of minority population growth (nearly 89% of US net population growth from 2000 to 2100 is projected to be due to minority population growth), and that the incidence of diseases and disorders in the US population will come to increasingly involve minority populations (by 2050 roughly 43% of all disease/disorder incidences would involve minority population members). The growth of younger minority populations with disproportionately impoverished socioeconomic characteristics will pose challenges for rural areas and health care systems, which also are likely to face health issues created by disproportionately older populations [source]