Trait Diversity (trait + diversity)

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Selected Abstracts

What does species richness tell us about functional trait diversity?

GLOBAL ECOLOGY, Issue 4 2010
Predictions, evidence for responses of species, functional trait diversity to land-use change
ABSTRACT In the conservation literature on land-use change, it is often assumed that land-use intensification drives species loss, driving a loss of functional trait diversity and ecosystem function. Modern research, however, does not support this cascade of loss for all natural systems. In this paper we explore the errors in this assumption and present a conceptual model taking a more mechanistic approach to the species,functional trait association in a context of land-use change. We provide empirical support for our model's predictions demonstrating that the association of species and functional trait diversity follows various trajectories in response to land-use change. The central premise of our model is that land-use change impacts upon processes of community assembly, not species per se. From the model, it is clear that community context (i.e. type of disturbance, species pool size) will affect the response trajectory of the relationship between species and functional trait diversity in communities undergoing land-use change. The maintenance of ecosystem function and of species diversity in the face of increasing land-use change are complementary goals. The use of a more ecologically realistic model of responses of species and functional traits will improve our ability to make wise management decisions to achieve both aims in specific at-risk systems. [source]

Prey dispersal rate affects prey species composition and trait diversity in response to multiple predators in metacommunities

Jennifer G. Howeth
Summary 1.,Recent studies indicate that large-scale spatial processes can alter local community structuring mechanisms to determine local and regional assemblages of predators and their prey. In metacommunities, this may occur when the functional diversity represented in the regional predator species pool interacts with the rate of prey dispersal among local communities to affect prey species diversity and trait composition at multiple scales. 2.,Here, we test for effects of prey dispersal rate and spatially and temporally heterogeneous predation from functionally dissimilar predators on prey structure in pond mesocosm metacommunities. An experimental metacommunity consisted of three pond mesocosm communities supporting two differentially size-selective invertebrate predators and their zooplankton prey. In each metacommunity, two communities maintained constant predation and supported either Gyrinus sp. (Coleoptera) or Notonecta ungulata (Hemiptera) predators generating a spatial prey refuge while the third community supported alternating predation from Gyrinus sp. and N. ungulata generating a temporal prey refuge. Mesocosm metacommunities were connected at either low (0·7% day,1) or high (10% day,1) planktonic prey dispersal. The diversity, composition and body size of zooplankton prey were measured at local and regional (metacommunity) scales. 3.,Metacommunities experiencing the low prey dispersal rate supported the greatest regional prey species diversity (H') and evenness (J'). Neither dispersal rate nor predation regime affected local prey diversity or evenness. The spatial prey refuge at low dispersal maintained the largest difference in species composition and body size diversity between communities under Gyrinus and Notonecta predation, suggesting that species sorting was operating at the low dispersal rate. There was no effect of dispersal rate on species diversity or body size distribution in the temporal prey refuge. 4.,The frequency distribution, but not the range, of prey body sizes within communities depended upon prey dispersal rate and predator identity. Taken together, these results demonstrate that prey dispersal rate can moderate the strength of predation to influence prey species diversity and the local frequency distribution of prey traits in metacommunities supporting ecologically different predators. [source]

Ecosystem functioning in stream assemblages from different regions: contrasting responses to variation in detritivore richness, evenness and density

B. G. McKie
Summary 1The diversity of species traits in a biological assemblage varies not only with species richness, but also with species evenness and organism density, which together influence the concentration of traits within functional guilds. Potential trait diversity at local scales is also constrained by the regional species pool. Implications of such variation for spatio-temporal variability in biodiversity,ecosystem functioning relationships are likely to be complex, but are poorly understood. 2In microcosm experiments conducted at laboratories in Sweden, Ireland and Romania, we investigated effects of species richness, evenness and density of stream-living detritivores on two related processes: detritivore leaf-processing efficiency (LPE) and growth. Assemblage composition varied among laboratories: one taxonomic order (Plecoptera) was studied in Sweden, whereas two orders, encompassing wider trait variation, were studied in Romania (Trichoptera and Plecoptera) and Ireland (Trichoptera and Isopoda). 3Relationships between density and both LPE and growth ranged from negative to positive across the study species, highlighting the potential for density-dependent variation in process rates to alter ecosystem functioning, but indicating that such effects depend on species identity. 4LPE varied with species diversity in the two more heterogeneous assemblages, but whereas LPE in the Romanian study was generally enhanced as richness increased, LPE in the Irish study increased only in less-even polycultures dominated by particular species. Transgressive overyielding was detected in the Irish experiment, indicating complementary resource use and/or facilitation (complementarity). These mechanisms could not be distinguished from the selection effect in the Romanian study. 5Growth was elevated in Romanian species mixtures, reflecting positive complementarity, but lower than expected growth in some Swedish mixtures was associated with negative complementarity, indicating interspecific interference competition. 6Our results emphasize the potential importance of detritivore diversity for stream ecosystem functioning, but both the effects of diversity on the studied processes, and the mechanisms underlying those effects, were specific to each assemblage and process. Such variability highlights challenges in generalizing impacts of diversity change for functional integrity in streams and other ecosystems in which the occurrence of important species traits fluctuates over relatively small spatio-temporal scales. [source]