Total Root Length (total + root_length)

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Selected Abstracts

Validation of a dental image analyzer tool to measure alveolar bone loss in periodontitis patients

W. J. Teeuw
Background and Objective:, Radiographs are an essential adjunct to the clinical examination for periodontal diagnoses. Over the past few years, digital radiographs have become available for use in clinical practice. Therefore, the present study investigated whether measuring alveolar bone loss, using digital radiographs with a newly constructed dental image analyzer tool was comparable to the conventional method, using intra-oral radiographs on film, a light box and a Schei ruler. Material and Methods:, Alveolar bone loss of the mesial and distal sites of 60 randomly selected teeth from 12 patients with periodontitis was measured using the conventional method, and then using the dental image analyzer tool, by five dentists. The conventional method scored bone loss in categories of 10% increments relative to the total root length, whereas the software dental image analyzer tool calculated bone loss in 0.1% increments relative to the total root length after crucial landmarks were identified. Results:, Both methods showed a high interobserver reliability for bone loss measurements in nonmolar and molar sites (intraclass correlation coefficient , 0.88). Also, a high reliability between both methods was demonstrated (intraclass correlation coefficient nonmolar sites, 0.98; intraclass correlation coefficient molar sites, 0.95). In addition, the new dental image analyzer tool showed a high sensitivity (1.00) and a high specificity (0.91) in selecting teeth with , 50% or < 50% alveolar bone loss in comparison with the conventional method. Conclusion:, This study provides evidence that, if digital radiographs are available, the dental image analyzer tool can reliably replace the conventional method for measuring alveolar bone loss in periodontitis patients. [source]

Effects of decreasing soil water content on seminal lateral roots of young maize plants


Abstract Soil micropores that contain water at or below field capacity cannot be invaded by seminal or first-order lateral roots of maize plants because their root diameters are larger than 10 ,m. Hence, at soil-water levels below field capacity plant roots must establish a new pore system by displacement of soil particles in order to access soil water. We investigated how decreasing soil water content (SWC) influences growth and morphology of the root system of young maize plants. Plants were grown in rhizotrons 40,cm wide, 50,cm high, and approximately 0.7,cm thick. Five SWC treatments were established by addition of increasing amounts of water to soil and thorough mixing before filling the rhizotrons. No water was added to treatments 1,4 throughout the experiment. Treatment 5 was watered frequently throughout the experiment to serve as a control. Seminal-root length and SWC in soil layers 0,10, 10,20, 20,30, 30,40, and 40,50,cm were measured at intervals of 2,3 d on scanner images by image analysis. At 15 d after planting, for treatments 1,4 shoot dry weight and total root length were directly related to the amount of water added to the soil, and for treatments 4 and 5, total root length and shoot dry weights were similar. Length of seminal roots visible at the transparent surface of the rhizotron for all treatments was highest in the uppermost soil layer and decreased with distance from the soil surface. For all layers, seminal-root elongation rate was at maximum above a SWC of 0.17,cm3,cm,3, corresponding to a matric potential of ,30 kPa. With decreasing SWC, elongation rate decreased, and 20% of maximum seminal root elongation rate was observed below SWC of 0.05,cm3,cm,3. After destructive harvest for treatment 1,4, number of (root-) tips per unit length of seminal root was found uninfluenced over the range of initial SWC from 0.10 to 0.26,cm3,cm,3. However, initial SWC close to the permanent wilting point strongly increased number of tips. Average root length of first-order lateral (FOL) roots increased as initial SWC increased, and the highest length was found for the frequently watered treatment 5. The results of the study suggest that the ability to produce new FOL roots across a wide range of SWC may give maize an adaptive advantage, because FOL root growth can rapidly adapt to changing soil moisture conditions. [source]

Effects of soil bulk density on seminal and lateral roots of young maize plants (Zea mays L.)

Rolf O. Kuchenbuch
Abstract It is well established that increasing soil bulk density (SBD) above some threshold value reduces plant root growth and thus may reduce water and nutrient acquisition. However, formation and elongation of maize seminal roots and first order lateral (FOL) roots in various soil layers under the influence of SBD has not been documented. Two studies were conducted on a loamy sand soil at SBD ranging from 1.25 g,cm,3 to 1.66 g,cm,3. Rhizotrons with a soil layer 7 mm thick were used and pre-germinated plants were grown for 15 days. Over the range of SBD tested, the shoot growth was not influenced whereas total root length was reduced by 30,% with increasing SBD. Absolute growth rate of seminal roots was highest in the top soil layer and decreased with increasing distance from the surface. Increasing SBD amplified this effect by 20,% and 50,% for the top soil layer and lower soil layers, respectively. At the end of the experiment, total seminal roots attributed to approximately 15,% of the total plant root length. Increasing SBD reduced seminal root growth in the lowest soil layer only, whereas FOL root length decreased with SBD in all but the uppermost soil layer. For FOL, there was a positive interaction of SBD with distance from the soil surface. Both, increasing SBD and soil depth reduced root length by a reduction of number of FOL roots formed while the length of individual FOL roots was not influenced. Hence, increasing SBD may reduce spatial access to nutrients and water by (i) reducing seminal root development in deeper soil layers, aggravated by (ii) the reduction of the number of FOL roots that originate from these seminal roots. Einfluss der Bodendichte auf Seminal- und Lateralwurzeln von jungen Maispflanzen (Zea mays L.) Es ist bekannt, dass zunehmende Bodendichte (SBD) oberhalb eines Grenzwertes das Wurzelwachstum von Pflanzen und die Wasser- und Nährstoffaufnahme reduziert. Bildung und Wachstum der Seminal- und der Lateralwurzeln erster Ordnung (FOL) von Mais in Bodenschichten verschiedenen Abstands von der Bodenoberfläche unter dem Einfluss verschiedener Bodendichten wurde bisher nicht beschrieben. Zwei unabhängige Versuche wurden mit einem lehmigen Sandboden durchgeführt. Vorgekeimte Maiskörner wurden in Rhizotrone mit einer etwa 7,mm dicken Bodenschicht eingesetzt, die Bodendichten lagen im Mittel der Rhizotrone zwischen 1,25 g,cm,3 und 1,66 g,cm,3. Die Versuchsdauer betrug 15 Tage. Über den Bereich der geprüften SBD wurde das Sprosswachstum nicht beeinflusst, während die Gesamtwurzellänge mit zunehmender SBD um bis zu 30,% abnahm. Die absolute Wachstumsrate der Seminalwurzeln war in der obersten Bodenschicht am höchsten und nahm mit zunehmendem Abstand von der Bodenoberfläche ab. Seminalwurzeln trugen zu ca. 15,% zur Gesamtwurzellänge bei. Zunehmende SBD reduzierte das Wachstum der Seminalwurzeln nur in der untersten Bodenschicht. Demgegenüber wurden die Längen der FOL in allen außer der obersten Schicht bei zunehmender SBD verringert. Bei den FOL wurde eine positive Interaktion zwischen SBD und Abstand von der Bodenoberfläche festgestellt. Sowohl zunehmende SBD als auch zunehmende Tiefe reduzierte die Wurzellänge durch eine Verringerung der Anzahl an FOL, während deren Länge nicht beeinflusst wurde. Folglich kann zunehmende SBD die räumliche Zugänglichkeit zu Wasser und Nährstoffen für die Pflanzen dadurch beeinflussen, dass (i) die Entwicklung von Seminalwurzeln in tieferen Bodenschichten reduziert wird und dass dieser Effekt verstärkt wird durch (ii) die verringerte Bildung von FOL an Seminalwurzeln. [source]

Developmental shifts in watermelon growth and reproduction caused by the squash bug, Anasa tristis

Maciej Biernacki
Summary ,,Compared with leaf-feeding herbivores, little is known about how sap-feeding herbivores affect plant growth, morphology and reproduction. This study examines effects of the sap-feeding squash bug ( Anasa tristis ) on watermelon ( Citrullus lanatus ) root, leaf and reproductive structures. ,,Plants at the four-leaf stage were exposed to different densities of caged squash bugs for 67 d (to plant maturity). ,,Initial effects were on roots. Herbivory was associated with a significant reduction in mean total root length, root surface area and number of root tips, as well as an increase in root diameters. Herbivore-exposed plants had significantly more leaves, although leaf lifespan was decreased. Both total plant dry mass and fruit dry mass per unit leaf area were significantly greater in controls. Significant effects of herbivores on plant reproductive traits included delayed flower formation (by 7,12 d), change in floral sex ratio (in favor of femaleness), increased fruit abortion, and smaller fruit size. ,,Developmental consequences were related to changes in plant water relations, including decreased water-use efficiency. Water use in treated plants was three to nine times greater per unit of plant dry mass than in controls. [source]

Biological Control of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici on Tomato by Brevibacillus brevis

Sunita Chandel
Abstract The ability of Brevibacillus brevis to influence development of disease on tomato caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici was investigated using plants raised in Petri dish microcosms and in pots in the glasshouse. Development of symptoms on both microcosm- and glasshouse-raised tomato plants was markedly reduced in co-inoculations of F. oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici with B. brevis, compared with inoculations with the pathogen alone. Moreover, co-inoculations resulted in significant growth boosting effects on the plants, with increases in plant height in microcosms and in total root lengths in glasshouse-raised plants. In microcosm-raised plants, the carrier used to inoculate seed with B. brevis, either carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) or vermiculite, had no effect on the persistence of the biological control agent on roots in the absence of inoculation with the pathogen. By contrast, numbers of B. brevis recovered from the rhizosphere and rhizoplane of inoculated plants in microcosms were four orders of magnitude lower than in plants treated with B. brevis alone. Moreover, higher numbers of B. brevis CFU were re-isolated from the rhizosphere of plants arising from CMC-coated seed, than vermiculite-coated seed. The carrier had no effect on disease control. Inhibition of conidial germination and germ-tube extension of F. oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici by cell-free filtrates of B. brevis cultures varied significantly depending on the culture medium used for suspension. These results indicate that B. brevis is a potential biological control agent for reducing the impact of F. oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici on tomato. [source]