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Total Chromium (total + chromium)
Selected AbstractsCatalytic Adsorptive Stripping Voltammetric Procedure for Determination of Total Chromium in Environmental MaterialsELECTROANALYSIS, Issue 12 2006gorzata Grabarczyk Abstract A sensitive catalytic adsorptive stripping voltammetric procedure for determination of traces of total chromium in environmental samples is reported. The method is based on the preconcentration of a Cr(III)H2DTPA complex by adsorption at the HMDE from an acetate buffer solution at the potential ,1.0,V vs. Ag/AgCl. Total chromium was determined as Cr(III) after reduction of Cr(VI) to Cr(III) by NaHSO3. In order to stabilize the signal of Cr(III) the measurements were performed at 5,°C. The calibration graph for chromium for an accumulation time of 60,s was linear in the range from 5×10,10 to 5×10,8,mol L,1. The relative standard deviation for a chromium concentration of 1×10,8,mol L,1 was 3.9% (n=5). The detection limit for accumulation time of 60,s was about 8×10,11,mol L,1. The validation of the procedure was performed by the analysis of the certified reference materials. [source] Speciation and Environmental Fate of Chromium in Rivers Contaminated with Tannery EffluentsENGINEERING IN LIFE SCIENCES (ELECTRONIC), Issue 2 2007J. Dominik Abstract Redox and size speciation of chromium in rivers contaminated with tannery wastewater was carried out to provide insight into its transport and removal mechanisms. Total chromium was determined with Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry and Cr,(VI) with Catalytic Adsorption Stripping Voltammetry. For the size speciation, particles were retained with a cartridge filter (cut-off 1.2,,m) and the total filterable fraction was further fractionated with Tangential Flow Filtration to determine the concentrations of chromium associated with the High Molecular Weight Colloidal (HMWC), Low Molecular Weight Colloidal (LMWC) and Truly Dissolved (TD) fractions. Two fluvial systems of similar sizes, but located in contrasting climatic zones, were selected for comparison: the Sebou-Fez system in Morocco and Dunajec River-Czorsztyn Reservoir system in Poland. Particulate Cr dominated in the Sebou-Fez system (about 90,%); while in the Dunajec-Czorsztyn system, it represented only 17,53,% of the total chromium in raw water. Still, the partition coefficients [Kd] were of the same magnitude. Chromium,(III) was the only form detected in Sebou-Fez, whereas in Dunajec-Czorsztyn Cr,(VI) was also present with its proportion increasing downstream from the input of tannery wastewater due to the preferential removal of Cr,(III). In the filtered water in Morocco a large fraction of Cr occurred in the HMWC fraction (50,70,%) at the two most contaminated sites, while the LMWC and TD forms prevailed at the non-contaminated sites in the Sebou River. At a very high concentration, in the water in the proximity of tanneries (well above the theoretical saturation level) Cr precipitated as polynuclear Cr-hydroxide. In Dunajec-Czorsztyn, the partition of Cr,(III) was approximately equal between the HMWC, LMWC and TD fractions, in contrast to Cr,(VI) which occurred almost exclusively in the TD fraction. In both systems, Cr,(III) was rapidly removed from the water to the sediments. The confluence of the Sebou with the Fez and the Czorsztyn reservoir trapped efficiently Cr,(III) preventing its spreading over long distances. Cr,(VI) showed conservative behavior and bypassed the Czorsztyn Reservoir. This study provides a first set of data on the partitioning of Cr,(III) and Cr,(VI) between the particulate, the colloidal and truly dissolved fractions in fluvial systems contaminated with tannery effluents. It also suggests that, in these systems, truly dissolved Cr,(III) can be adequately modeled from the total filterable concentrations. [source] Catalytic Adsorptive Stripping Voltammetric Procedure for Determination of Total Chromium in Environmental MaterialsELECTROANALYSIS, Issue 12 2006gorzata Grabarczyk Abstract A sensitive catalytic adsorptive stripping voltammetric procedure for determination of traces of total chromium in environmental samples is reported. The method is based on the preconcentration of a Cr(III)H2DTPA complex by adsorption at the HMDE from an acetate buffer solution at the potential ,1.0,V vs. Ag/AgCl. Total chromium was determined as Cr(III) after reduction of Cr(VI) to Cr(III) by NaHSO3. In order to stabilize the signal of Cr(III) the measurements were performed at 5,°C. The calibration graph for chromium for an accumulation time of 60,s was linear in the range from 5×10,10 to 5×10,8,mol L,1. The relative standard deviation for a chromium concentration of 1×10,8,mol L,1 was 3.9% (n=5). The detection limit for accumulation time of 60,s was about 8×10,11,mol L,1. The validation of the procedure was performed by the analysis of the certified reference materials. [source] Speciation and Environmental Fate of Chromium in Rivers Contaminated with Tannery EffluentsENGINEERING IN LIFE SCIENCES (ELECTRONIC), Issue 2 2007J. Dominik Abstract Redox and size speciation of chromium in rivers contaminated with tannery wastewater was carried out to provide insight into its transport and removal mechanisms. Total chromium was determined with Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry and Cr,(VI) with Catalytic Adsorption Stripping Voltammetry. For the size speciation, particles were retained with a cartridge filter (cut-off 1.2,,m) and the total filterable fraction was further fractionated with Tangential Flow Filtration to determine the concentrations of chromium associated with the High Molecular Weight Colloidal (HMWC), Low Molecular Weight Colloidal (LMWC) and Truly Dissolved (TD) fractions. Two fluvial systems of similar sizes, but located in contrasting climatic zones, were selected for comparison: the Sebou-Fez system in Morocco and Dunajec River-Czorsztyn Reservoir system in Poland. Particulate Cr dominated in the Sebou-Fez system (about 90,%); while in the Dunajec-Czorsztyn system, it represented only 17,53,% of the total chromium in raw water. Still, the partition coefficients [Kd] were of the same magnitude. Chromium,(III) was the only form detected in Sebou-Fez, whereas in Dunajec-Czorsztyn Cr,(VI) was also present with its proportion increasing downstream from the input of tannery wastewater due to the preferential removal of Cr,(III). In the filtered water in Morocco a large fraction of Cr occurred in the HMWC fraction (50,70,%) at the two most contaminated sites, while the LMWC and TD forms prevailed at the non-contaminated sites in the Sebou River. At a very high concentration, in the water in the proximity of tanneries (well above the theoretical saturation level) Cr precipitated as polynuclear Cr-hydroxide. In Dunajec-Czorsztyn, the partition of Cr,(III) was approximately equal between the HMWC, LMWC and TD fractions, in contrast to Cr,(VI) which occurred almost exclusively in the TD fraction. In both systems, Cr,(III) was rapidly removed from the water to the sediments. The confluence of the Sebou with the Fez and the Czorsztyn reservoir trapped efficiently Cr,(III) preventing its spreading over long distances. Cr,(VI) showed conservative behavior and bypassed the Czorsztyn Reservoir. This study provides a first set of data on the partitioning of Cr,(III) and Cr,(VI) between the particulate, the colloidal and truly dissolved fractions in fluvial systems contaminated with tannery effluents. It also suggests that, in these systems, truly dissolved Cr,(III) can be adequately modeled from the total filterable concentrations. [source] Chromate reduction in wastewater at different pH levels using thin iron wires,A laboratory studyENVIRONMENTAL PROGRESS & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY, Issue 3 2005Li-Yang Chang Abstract The effectiveness of using thin zero-valent iron (Fe0) wires in the treatment of wastewater generated from a metal cleaning facility and with a pH in the range of 2 to 10 was examined. It was found that (1) when the sample containing low levels of total chromium (,14 mg/L) was mixed with iron wires at a pH of 3 to 8, 50 to 90% of the total chromium could be reduced in 4 h; (2) the initial reduction efficiency was pH-dependent: the lower the pH, the higher the reduction rate; (3) variations of solution pH, redox electrical potential, and electrical conductivity (EC) in samples were also pH-dependent; (4) the adsorption/reduction efficiency was limited by the diffusion of Cr(VI) from wastewater to the iron surface when the test duration was long; (5) when the initial pH = 3, iron corrosion and redox reaction dominated the reduction process; however, with pH = 8 or 10, corrosion, surface passivation, or metal precipitation could compete with reduction; (6) the used iron wires were still effective in chromium removal in new samples at pH = 3; and (7) some desorption of adsorbed chromium was observed in acidic samples when the test duration was long. Scanning electron microscope images and energy-dispersive X-ray spectra collected from iron samples also indicate that the efficiency of chromium adsorption/reduction is pH-dependent. Our results suggest that using zero-valent iron to polish acidic wastewater containing low contents of chromium and other heavy metals is feasible. © 2005 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Environ Prog, 2005 [source] Evaluating the transport and removal of chromate using pyrite and biotite columnsHYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES, Issue 14 2007Chul-Min Chon Abstract To remove chromate from a wastewater, a porous permeable reactive barrier system (PRBS), using pyrite and biotite, was adapted. This study included bench-scale column experiments to evaluate the efficiency of the PRBS and investigate the reaction process. The total chromium concentration of the effluent from the biotite and pyrite columns reached the influent concentration of 0·10 mM after passing through more than 150 pore volumes (PVs) and 27 PVs respectively, and remained constant thereafter. The CrVI concentration in the effluent from the biotite column became constant at about 0·08 mM, accounting for approximately 80% of the influent concentration, after passing through 200 PVs. Moreover, in the pyrite column, the CrVI concentration remained at about 0·01 mM, 10% of the input level, after passing through 116 PVs. This shows that both columns maintained their levels of chromate reduction once the CrVI breakthrough curves (BTCs) had reached the steady state, though the steady-state output concentration of total chromium had reached the influent level. The variances of the iron concentration closely followed those of the chromium. The observed data for both columns were fitted to the predicted BTCs calculated by CXTFIT, a program for estimating the solute transport parameters from experimental data. The degradation coefficient µ of the total chromium BTCs for both columns was zero, suggesting the mechanisms for the removal of chromate limit the µ of the CrVI BTCs. The CrVI degradation of the pyrite column (6·60) was much greater than that of the biotite column (0·27). In addition, the CrVI retardation coefficient R of the pyrite column (253) was also larger than that of the biotite column (125). The R values for the total chromium BTCs from both columns were smaller than those of the CrVI BTC. Whereas the total chromium BTC for the pyrite column showed little retardation (1·5), the biotite column showed considerable retardation (80). The results for the 900 °C heat-treated biotite column were analogous to those of the control column (quartz sand). This suggests that the heat-treated biotite played no role in the retardation and removal of hexavalent chromium. The parameters of the heat-treated biotite were calculated to an R of 1·2 and µ of 0·01, and these values confirmed quantitatively that the heated biotite had little effect on the transport of CrVI. These solute transport parameters, calculated by CXTFIT from the data obtained from the column tests, can provide quantitative information for the evaluation of bench- or field-scale columns as a removal technology for CrVI in wastewater or contaminated groundwater. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source] |