Basin Management (basin + management)

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Kinds of Basin Management

  • river basin management

  • Selected Abstracts

    Negotiating local livelihoods: Scales of conflict in the Se San River Basin

    Philip Hirsch
    In 1993, Vietnam began building the Yali Falls Dam 80 kilometres upstream of the point at which this westward flowing river enters Cambodia. Ninety indigenous communities along the Se San River in two provinces of north-eastern Cambodia have been impacted severely by flooding, and a dramatically altered hydrological regime that affects fisheries and all other aspects of livelihood, such as river bank agriculture. Since 2000, when the first turbines were commissioned, the affected communities have been increasingly vocal regarding the impacts of Yali and the plans for several more dams on upper reaches of the river. A complex set of actors including non-governmental organisations, village, district and provincial authorities, national committees in Cambodia and Vietnam, the Mekong River Commission and a range of international players have become involved in a two-track process, which has nevertheless allowed little space for negotiation over the Se San River on the part of those most directly affected. This case has fundamental implications for governance and conflict management in the Mekong and more widely. The Australian Mekong Resource Centre has been working with local actors to document the Se San case as part of an international project on River Basin Management: a negotiated approach, in support of six cases that involve up-scaling of grassroots river basin initiatives in Africa, Latin America and Asia. In this article, we illustrate the significance of and problematise negotiation as a socially and politically embedded conflict management principle, with reference to the Se San case. [source]

    Where can social learning be improved in international river basin management in Europe?

    Ilke Borowski
    Abstract In recent years, collaborative planning and processes of social learning (SL) have gained increasingly in interest in river basin management. In this paper, we first summarize the prerequisites for SL to take place in collaborative management processes. These are openness, gains and incentives, and a perceived pressure to learn. We then study the European situation subsequent to the introduction of the European Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC; WFD) as an example. Based on an analysis of policy documents, a case study of the Elbe river basin and an elaboration of concepts related to theories of international regimes, we conclude that the conditions for SL are often not met if management processes are highly formalised. Considering SL that is necessary for innovation and change, this can best be supported through the establishment of parallel "learning processes", such as the Common Implementation Strategy that accompanies implementation of the WFD at European level. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment. [source]

    Criteria for the assessment of processes for sustainable river basin management and their congruence with the EU Water Framework Directive

    Beatrice Hedelin
    Abstract In order to manage the increasing pressure on the world's water resources, new planning methodologies/processes for sustainable river basin management are currently being developed. For such processes to work well, however, the legal context must allow, or support, such processes. In this study, a set of criteria relating to methodologies/processes for sustainable water management is used to assess the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD). The study suggests that the WFD erects few formal barriers to good planning practices. However, planning processes will need to be adapted to compensate for the weak legal support in a number of important areas, namely the use of knowledge from beyond the natural sciences, the use of methodologies for the explicit handling of values and the use of procedures for democratic participation. In so doing the issues identified here provide a basis for systematic thinking about how to design the necessary planning processes. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment. [source]

    The European Water Framework Directive and economic valuation of wetlands: the restoration of floodplains along the River Elbe

    Jürgen Meyerhoff
    Abstract This paper concerns the economic valuation of riparian wetlands ecological services within the European Water Framework Directive (WFD). The directive is an integrated approach to river basin management in Europe and aims at achieving a good water status for both surface and ground water. It introduces economic analysis as a core part of the development of integrated river basin management plans. However, to date the WFD has not clearly stated to what extent wetlands should be used for the achievement of environmental objectives, or what scope the economic analysis should have. Our study of the river Elbe shows that riparian wetlands provide significant benefits that should be considered in river basin management decisions. To neglect these benefits would lead to biased cost,benefit analysis results and might therefore misguide the decision-making process. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment. [source]

    Japan's strategic contributions to hydro-meteorological disaster mitigation in the world: planning to establish the UNESCO,PWRI Centre

    Tetsuya Ikeda
    Hydro-meteorological disasters such as floods are major challenges that need to be overcome in order to realize sustainable development and poverty alleviation for humankind. Devastating flood disasters have occurring in various locations throughout the world, and there has recently been rising concern that the intensity and frequency of catastrophic floods may be increasing. Being located on the eastern edge of monsoonal Asia and having climatic variations according to the seasonal and regional conditions, Japan has long suffered from numerous flood disasters, and thus has developed advanced flood management policies. This paper aims to discuss flood disasters in Japan and the recently improved flood management policies. In addition, this paper introduces a new plan attempted by the Public Works Research Institute (PWRI) of Japan that takes advantage of the wealth of long accumulated experience and knowledge in the hydro-meteorological field. The PWRI is now working toward the establishment of an International Centre on Water-related Hazard and Risk Management by acquiring UNESCO's auspices. In order to contribute to the global challenge of reducing devastating hydro-meteorological disasters all over the world, this centre aims to conduct research, capacity-building and training programmes, and information networking activities at the local, national, regional and global levels. The aim is to prevent and mitigate hydro-meteorological disasters from the viewpoint of sustainable and integrated river basin management. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    SWAT2000: current capabilities and research opportunities in applied watershed modelling

    J. G. Arnold
    Abstract SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) is a conceptual, continuous time model that was developed in the early 1990s to assist water resource managers in assessing the impact of management and climate on water supplies and non-point source pollution in watersheds and large river basins. SWAT is the continuation of over 30 years of model development within the US Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Research Service and was developed to ,scale up' past field-scale models to large river basins. Model components include weather, hydrology, erosion/sedimentation, plant growth, nutrients, pesticides, agricultural management, stream routing and pond/reservoir routing. The latest version, SWAT2000, has several significant enhancements that include: bacteria transport routines; urban routines; Green and Ampt infiltration equation; improved weather generator; ability to read in daily solar radiation, relative humidity, wind speed and potential ET; Muskingum channel routing; and modified dormancy calculations for tropical areas. A complete set of model documentation for equations and algorithms, a user manual describing model inputs and outputs, and an ArcView interface manual are now complete for SWAT2000. The model has been recoded into Fortran 90 with a complete data dictionary, dynamic allocation of arrays and modular subroutines. Current research is focusing on bacteria, riparian zones, pothole topography, forest growth, channel downcutting and widening, and input uncertainty analysis. The model SWAT is meanwhile used in many countries all over the world. Recent developments in European Environmental Policy, such as the adoption of the European Water Framework directive in December 2000, demand tools for integrative river basin management. The model SWAT is applicable for this purpose. It is a flexible model that can be used under a wide range of different environmental conditions, as this special issue will show. The papers compiled here are the result of the first International SWAT Conference held in August 2001 in Rauischholzhausen, Germany. More than 50 participants from 14 countries discussed their modelling experiences with the model development team from the USA. Nineteen selected papers with issues reaching from the newest developments, the evaluation of river basin management, interdisciplinary approaches for river basin management, the impact of land use change, methodical aspects and models derived from SWAT are published in this special issue. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    Hydrology as a policy-relevant science

    Kuniyoshi Takeuchi
    Abstract Water is now a global political agenda and water science is part of it. The United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in 2000, the World Summit on Sustainable Development in 2002, the 3rd World Water Forum and Ministerial Conference in Kyoto in 2003 and the G8 Summit in Evian in 2003 were all concerned about urgent global water issues and call for international scientific research collaboration. Hydrology is responding to such political commitments with various scientific initiatives that include the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) Predictions in Ungauged Basins (PUB), the Global Energy and Water Circulation Experiments (GEWEX) Coordinated Enhanced Observation Period (CEOP), and the Global Water Systems Project (GWSP). These initiatives will play key roles in the implementation of the new intergovernmental project, Global Earth Observing System of Systems, under preparation by Global Observation Summits from 2003 to 2005. In order to achieve the MDGs, hydrological science has to play a major role supporting policy makers by overcoming methodological obstacles and providing the necessary information. This paper emphasizes that: the availability of ground measurements is a limiting factor that prevents the full use of scientific knowledge; hydrology has to integrate and downscale the various global information into local-scale information useful for river basin management; as the availability of professional personnel is in critical short supply, in addition to funds needed, to achieve the MDGs any scientific research should always accompany capacity-building programmes to close the science divide between developed and developing nations. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    Risk trading in trans-boundary flood management: case study of the Dutch and German Rhine

    C.-T. Chang
    Abstract This paper explores the potential of applying a newly developed risk trading system, the so-called ,tradeable flood mitigation permit', to international flood management. Trading, aimed at complementing binding agreements or regulations, offers a new approach to transnational collaboration. A case study on the Dutch and German River Rhine is presented. The principle of internalising externalities using direct financial means is applied. The expected result is a higher level of river basin management in the upstream area, with financial resources coming from downstream. Specific institutional conditions, at both national and international levels, are identified in order to facilitate the establishment of the transactions. [source]

    The use of models for synthesizing knowledge for integrated lake basin management, and facilitating implementation of the World Lake Vision

    Sven E. Jorgensen
    Abstract Integrated water resources management (IWRM) is becoming increasingly accepted as the most logical and effective means of managing aquatic ecosystems for their sustainable use. Despite efforts to provide practical examples of the application of IWRM, we still lack knowledge on how to best consider and integrate the potentially large quantity of data and information, both scientific and socioeconomic, which must be considered in pursuit of the goal of sustainable water resources. The unique features of (i) an integrating nature; (ii) long water retention time, and (iii) complex response dynamics make the management of lakes and reservoirs particularly difficult to achieve. Although the World Lake Vision has provided substantial management guidance to address some of the complex issues facing lake and reservoir management, additional work directed to analysing the interactions and linkages between the scientific/technical and the socioeconomic components of the sustainability ,equation' is needed. This report examines the use of mathematical models as a synthesizing tool in developing and applying management strategies for lakes and reservoirs. The different types of available models, and the criteria that can be used to select the ,best' model for a given situation, also are discussed, as is the important role of environmental indicators in the process. A case study focusing on the restoration of Lake Fure in Denmark provides an illustrative example of the application of the approach discussed in this report. [source]

    Integrated river basin management in England and Wales: a policy perspective

    G. Mance
    Abstract 1.There is now an irresistible momentum for a truly integrated and strategic approach to river basin management. As a consequence, the framework within which individual organizations can carry out their roles and responsibilities in a co-ordinated and sustainable way can be determined. 2.Extreme events such as floods and droughts have severe social and economic consequences. ,Traditional' engineered responses, which take little account of fluvial processes and ecosystem functioning, often exacerbate these problems and can have severe adverse consequences on the environment. 3.Bringing together a range of scientific, technical and engineering disciplines to address catchment management has many advantages. Identifying and implementing innovative solutions that benefit local communities and the environment is the only sustainable way forward for river management. 4.Public understanding of risk assessment and management is vital to the success of an integrated approach. So too is a strategic dimension to inform the town and country planning system and major investment decisions by major utilities and public bodies responsible for water supply, pollution control and flood management. 5.There are major challenges ahead for public utilities, agencies and professional bodies in terms of attracting, retaining and blending together skilled scientific, engineering and technical specialists. These skills need to be complemented by the ability to convey sophisticated information in readily understood language. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]