Basin Geometry (basin + geometry)

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Selected Abstracts

Permo-Triassic development from Ireland to Norway: basin architecture and regional controls

Abstract Extensive occurrences of Permo-Triassic strata are preserved along the Northwest European Atlantic margin. Seismic reflection and well data are used to describe large-scale Permo-Triassic basin geometries along a swath of the continental shelf more than 2000,km long extending from the Irish to the mid-Norwegian sectors. Successions in the Celtic Sea, the flanks of the Irish Rockall Basin, basins west and north of Scotland, and the Trøndelag and Horda platforms west of Norway are described. The large-scale Permo-Triassic depositional geometries commonly represent erosional remnants of larger basins modified by later rifting episodes, uplift, inversion and continental breakup. However, the interpreted geometries reveal spatial and temporal differences in rifting style. The basins developed above a complex mosaic of petrologically heterogeneous crustal terranes with inherited crustal fabrics, which had a significant impact on the depositional basin geometries. Small Permian basins with growth faulting developed in the southern Celtic Sea region. Extensive, uniformly thick Triassic strata are characteristic of the wide rift basins in the southeastern Rockall Basin and northwest of the Solan Bank High. Thick, fault-controlled basins developed in the Horda and Trøndelag platform regions. The main controls on Permo-Triassic basin architecture are (a) crustal thickness and composition, which determined the development of narrow or wide rift basin geometries, (b) inherited Variscan, Caledonian and Precambrian basement structures and (c) pre-rift palaeotopography. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Mudstone compaction curves in basin modelling: a study of Mesozoic and Cenozoic Sediments in the northern North Sea

BASIN RESEARCH, Issue 3 2010
Ø. Marcussen
ABSTRACT Basin modelling studies are carried out in order to understand the basin evolution and palaeotemperature history of sedimentary basins. The results of basin modelling are sensitive to changes in the physical properties of the rocks in the sedimentary sequences. The rate of basin subsidence depends, to a large extent, on the density of the sedimentary column, which is largely dependent on the porosity and therefore on the rate of compaction. This study has tested the sensitivity of varying porosity/depth curves and related thermal conductivities for the Cenozoic succession along a cross-section in the northern North Sea basin, offshore Norway. End-member porosity/depth curves, assuming clay with smectite and kaolinite properties, are compared with a standard compaction curve for shale normally applied to the North Sea. Using these alternate relationships, basin geometries of the Cenozoic succession may vary up to 15% from those predicted using the standard compaction curve. Isostatic subsidence along the cross-section varies 2.3,4.6% between the two end-member cases. This leads to a 3,8% difference in tectonic subsidence, with maximum values in the basin centre. Owing to this, the estimated stretching factors vary up to 7.8%, which further gives rise to a maximum difference in heat flow of more than 8.5% in the basin centre. The modelled temperatures for an Upper Jurassic source rock show a deviation of more than 20 °C at present dependent on the thermal conductivity properties in the post-rift succession. This will influence the modelled hydrocarbon generation history of the basin, which is an essential output from basin modelling analysis. Results from the northern North Sea have shown that varying compaction trends in sediments with varying thermal properties are important parameters to constrain when analysing sedimentary basins. [source]

Tectono-sedimentary evolution of the northernmost margin of the NE German Basin between uppermost Carboniferous and Late Permian (Rotliegend)

H. Rieke
Abstract The tectono-sedimentary evolution of the Rotliegend deposits of the northernmost margin of NE German Basin (NEGB) has been analysed on the basis of detailed sedimentary logs of 300,m of core material together with the re-evaluation of 600,km of seismic lines. Three distinct phases were recognized. During the initial Phase I, basin geometry was largely controlled by normal faulting related to deep-seated ductile shearing leading to a strong asymmetric shape, with a steep fault-controlled eastern margin and a gently, dipping western margin. The results of forward modelling along a cross-section fit the basin geometry in width and depth and reveal a footwall uplift of c. 1000,m. Adjacent to the steep faults, local sedimentation of Lithofacies Type I was confined to non-cohesive debris flow-dominated alluvial fans, whereas the gently dipping western margin was dominated by alluvial-cone sedimentation. During the post-extensional period (Phase II), cooling of the lithosphere generated additional accommodation space. The sediments of Lithofacies Type II, comprising mainly clast-supported conglomerates, are interpreted as braided ephemeral stream flow-surge deposits. Tectonic quiescence and an increase in flood events resulting from wetter climate led to progradation of this facies over the entire region. At the end of this period, the accommodation space was almost completely filled resulting in a level topography. Phase III was controlled by the thermal-induced subsidence of the southerly located NEGB in post-Illawarra times. The formerly isolated region tilted towards the SW, thus forming the northern margin of the NEGB during uppermost Havel and Elbe Subgroup times. The sediments of Lithofacies Type III were divided into a marginal sandstone-dominated environment and a finer-grained facies towards the SW. The former consists of poorly-sorted coarse-grained sandstones of a proximal and medial ephemeral stream floodplain facies. The latter comprise mud flat fines and fine-grained distal ephemeral stream deposits. The end of the tectono-sedimentary evolution is marked by the basinwide Zechstein transgression. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Fault architecture, basin structure and evolution of the Gulf of Corinth Rift, central Greece

BASIN RESEARCH, Issue 6 2009
R. E. Bell
ABSTRACT The style of extension and strain distribution during the early stages of intra-continental rifting is important for understanding rift-margin development and can provide constraints for lithospheric deformation mechanisms. The Corinth rift in central Greece is one of the few rifts to have experienced a short extensional history without subsequent overprinting. We synthesise existing seismic reflection data throughout the active offshore Gulf of Corinth Basin to investigate fault activity history and the spatio-temporal evolution of the basin, producing for the first time basement depth and syn-rift sediment isopachs throughout the offshore rift. A major basin-wide unconformity surface with an age estimated from sea-level cycles at ca. 0.4 Ma separates distinct seismic stratigraphic units. Assuming that sedimentation rates are on average consistent, the present rift formed at 1,2 Ma, with no clear evidence for along-strike propagation of the rift axis. The rift has undergone major changes in relative fault activity and basin geometry during its short history. The basement depth is greatest in the central rift (maximum ,3 km) and decreases to the east and west. In detail however, two separated depocentres 20,50 km long were created controlled by N- and S-dipping faults before 0.4 Ma, while since ca. 0.4 Ma a single depocentre (80 km long) has been controlled by several connected N-dipping faults, with maximum subsidence focused between the two older depocentres. Thus isolated but nearby faults can persist for timescales ca. 1 Ma and form major basins before becoming linked. There is a general evolution towards a dominance of N-dipping faults; however, in the western Gulf strain is distributed across several active N- and S-dipping faults throughout rift history, producing a more complex basin geometry. [source]

Controls on early post-rift physiography and stratigraphy, lower to mid-Cretaceous, North Viking Graben, Norwegian North Sea

BASIN RESEARCH, Issue 2 2009
A.-J. Zachariah
ABSTRACT The transition from syn- to post-rift is often poorly constrained and in contrast to syn-rift systems, the controls on the development of post-rift systems are poorly understood. This paper documents the timing of the post-rift onset and discusses the controls that affected the subsequent development of the post-rift infill of the North Viking Graben using an integration of seismic and well data. The study enhances our understanding of post-rift system development in general and provides an analogue for other post-rift systems. Within the early post-rift infill of the North Viking Graben five key seismic surfaces were mapped [Base Cretaceous Unconformity (BCU), Intra-Aptian, Top Albian, Top Cenomanian and Top Turonian], which divide the post-rift interval into four key seismic stratigraphic units (K1,K4). The BCU has an intra-Volgian age on the basin slopes and shelfal and terrace areas and is interpreted to mark the end of rifting in the study area. On the footwall crests adjacent to the graben the BCU represents a complex unconformity from the syn- and post-rift combined, and in the graben it forms a conformable contact. Therefore, the BCU could not be used to date the onset of the post-rift in these locations. The thickness variations and age relationships between the syn-rift stratigraphy and the K-units reveal that the early post-rift infill of the North Viking Graben was dominantly controlled by the significant local syn-rift topography, especially in the K1 and K2 stages. The Cretaceous post-rift stratigraphy was also influenced by relative base level, which controlled the sediment source areas, the development of the basin geometry itself and subsequently the style of sediment deposition in the study area. Regional variations are also recognised in the post-rift stratigraphy although these variances are strongly influenced by the local basin physiography. [source]