Basin Area (basin + area)

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Selected Abstracts

A theory of quality-related differences in retail margins: why there is a ,premium' on premium gasoline

JM Barron
This paper develops a theory of vertical and horizontal product differentiation to explain observed price-cost margin differentials for goods that differ in quality. The difference in price-cost margins between the high- and low-quality goods is shown to depend positively on consumers' average valuation for incremental increases in quality and positively on the distance to each competitor's closest rival. These predictions are largely supported using an extensive station-level data set of premium and regular unleaded gasoline prices from the Los Angeles Basin area from 1992,1995. [source]

Distribution patterns of the Q and B biotypes of Bemisia tabaci in the Mediterranean Basin based on microsatellite variation

B. Simón
Abstract At least five of the biotypes described in the Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) complex are known to be present in the Mediterranean Basin area. Only two of them, however, are economically relevant, that is, biotypes B and Q. Biological and genetic differences between the two biotypes have been well studied, but less is known about their patterns of genetic variation and population structure. To address these issues, a study was undertaken based on variation at six microsatellite loci among a subset of nine B. tabaci populations (five belonging to the Q and four to the B biotype). The data obtained show that (i) these loci showed considerable polymorphism in the Q and B biotypes populations although the presence of null alleles can obscure the picture; (ii) the Iberian-Q, Canarian-Q, and Egyptian-B populations exhibit heterozygosity excess as a result of bottleneck events; (iii) the low genetic differentiation between the Israeli, Iberian Peninsula, and Italian populations suggest that these populations share a common gene pool; (iv) the genetic distances between the Canarian-Q population and the geographically close population from Morocco indicates spatial isolation and a limited gene flow; and finally (v) the microsatellite data for the B populations indicate that the whiteflies from Egypt and Israel have a close phylogenetic relationship, but the source of these biotype B invasions into the Mediterranean area remains unknown. [source]

Changes in fish assemblages in catchments in north-eastern Spain: biodiversity, conservation status and introduced species

Summary 1. North-eastern Spain is a hot spot for the introduction of alien fish species, and its native fish fauna is one of the most endangered worldwide. We used an extensive data set from 2002 to 2003 and historical information from the area to characterize fish diversity and establish conservation priorities in river catchments. 2. Diversity indices were used to characterize fish diversity at the basin scale. An index of conservation status was applied for each species, which considers the occurrence, abundance and endemicity of each taxon. We used indirect ordination methods to test the relationship among basin features and to identify those variables most correlated with each other. To identify physical, biotic and environmental characteristics that seem to make a basin particularly susceptible to invasion, we performed a step-wise multiple regression to examine the relationship between the number of native, translocated and introduced fish species (including the original native species richness of each basin), and landscape variables. 3. Over a period of approximately 50 years, the mean range size of native fish species has decreased by 60%. The greatest decline occurred in Gasterosteus gymnurus, Anguilla anguilla and Salaria fluviatilis, for which species over 75% of the original distribution area has been lost. The species with the highest conservation index were Gasterosteus gymnurus and Salaria fluviatilis. 4. Basin area and the catchment type explained 70% of variation in native species richness, whereas the number of dams and basin area accounted for more than 80% of variation in the number of introduced species. 5. The original native species richness and the number of introduced species at basin scale were not related, and thus there was no evidence of "biotic resistance" to invasion. The restoration of natural hydrologic processes and the development of specific management tools to protect native species, such as the prioritization of areas for fish conservation and the eradication of local populations of exotic species, are required to restore native fish fauna in these catchments. [source]

The paternal-sex-ratio (PSR) chromosome in natural populations of Nasonia (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea)

L. W. Beukeboom
Selfish genetic elements may be important in promoting evolutionary change. Paternal sex ratio (PSR) is a selfish B chromosome that causes all-male families in the haplodiploid parasitic wasp Nasonia vitripennis, by inducing paternal genome loss in fertilized eggs. The natural distribution and frequency of this chromosome in North American populations of N. vitripennis was investigated using a combination of phenotypic and molecular assays. Sampling throughout North America failed to recover PSR except from populations in the Great Basin area of western North America. Extensive sampling of Great Basin populations revealed PSR in frequencies ranging from 0 to 6% at different collection sites, and extended its distribution to Idaho and Wyoming. Intensive sampling in upstate New York did not detect the chromosome. Frequencies of the maternal-sex ratio distorter (MSR), son killer (SK) and virgin females ranged from 0 to 12%. Paternal sex ratio may be restricted to the Great Basin because its spread is hampered by geographical barriers, or because populations in other areas are not conducive to PSR maintenance. However, it cannot be ruled out that PSR occurs in other regions at very low frequencies. The apparent limited distribution and low frequency of PSR suggest that it will have relatively little impact on genome evolution in Nasonia. [source]

Historic and contemporary sediment transfer in an upland Pennine catchment, UK

V. J. Holliday
Abstract A sediment budget for an upland catchment,reservoir system at Burnhope Reservoir, North Pennines, UK has been developed. This provides a framework for quantifying historic and contemporary sediment yields and drainage basin response to disturbance from climate change and human activities in the recent past. Bathymetric survey, core sampling, 137Cs dating and aerial photographs have been used to assess sediment accumulation in the reservoir. The average reservoir sedimentation rate is 1·24 cm yr,1 (annual sediment yield 33·3 t km,2 yr,1 ± 10%, trap efficiency 92%). Mean annual reservoir sedimentation over the 67 year period has been estimated at 592 t ± 10%. Inputs of suspended sediment from direct catchwater streams account for 54% of sediment supply to the budget (best estimate yield of 318 t yr,1 ± 129%), while those from actively eroding reservoir shorelines contribute 328 t yr,1 ± 92%. Sediment yield estimates from stream monitoring and reservoir sedimentation are an order of magnitude lower than those reported from South Pennine reservoirs of comparable drainage basin area. Analysis of historical rainfall series for the catchment shows fluctuations in winter and summer rainfall patterns over the past 62 years. From 1976 to 1998 there has been a diverging trend between winter and summer rainfall, with a large increase in winter and a gradual decrease in summer totals. Periods of maximum variation occur during the summer drought events of the late 1970s, early 1980s and mid-1990s. Analysis of the particle size of core sediments highlights abrupt increases in sand-sized particles in the top 20 cm of the core. Based on the 137Cs chronology, these layers were deposited from the late 1970s onwards and relate to these diverging rainfall records and rapidly fluctuating reservoir levels. This provides evidence of potential sediment reworking within the reservoir by rapid water-level rise after drought. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Morphometric controls and geomorphic responses on fans in the Southern Alps, New Zealand

Fes A. de Scally
Abstract Morphometric variables associated with 41 debris-,ow and 18 ,uvial fans and their basins in the Southern Alps of New Zealand are examined. The results show statistically signi,cant differences in the area, maximum elevation, relief and ruggedness (Melton's R) of the basin and the area, gradient, and apex and toe elevations of the fan between debris-,ow and ,uvial sites. Concavity of the fan longitudinal pro,le also differs between the two fan types, although this could not be tested statistically. Most of these morphometric differences re,ect differences in processes and environmental controls on them. Discriminant analysis indicates that basin area and fan gradient best differentiate the two fan types by process. Moderately strong correlations exist, on both debris-,ow and ,uvial fans, between basin area or Melton's R and fan area. Correlations between basin area or Melton's R and fan gradient are generally weaker. The results of this study also indicate that on debris-,ow-prone fans the fan gradient and basin Melton's R have lower thresholds which overlap little with upper thresholds associated with basins where only stream,ow reaches the fan. These thresholds may therefore have value in preliminary morphometric assessments of debris-,ow hazard on fans in the Southern Alps. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Changes in fish assemblages in catchments in north-eastern Spain: biodiversity, conservation status and introduced species

Summary 1. North-eastern Spain is a hot spot for the introduction of alien fish species, and its native fish fauna is one of the most endangered worldwide. We used an extensive data set from 2002 to 2003 and historical information from the area to characterize fish diversity and establish conservation priorities in river catchments. 2. Diversity indices were used to characterize fish diversity at the basin scale. An index of conservation status was applied for each species, which considers the occurrence, abundance and endemicity of each taxon. We used indirect ordination methods to test the relationship among basin features and to identify those variables most correlated with each other. To identify physical, biotic and environmental characteristics that seem to make a basin particularly susceptible to invasion, we performed a step-wise multiple regression to examine the relationship between the number of native, translocated and introduced fish species (including the original native species richness of each basin), and landscape variables. 3. Over a period of approximately 50 years, the mean range size of native fish species has decreased by 60%. The greatest decline occurred in Gasterosteus gymnurus, Anguilla anguilla and Salaria fluviatilis, for which species over 75% of the original distribution area has been lost. The species with the highest conservation index were Gasterosteus gymnurus and Salaria fluviatilis. 4. Basin area and the catchment type explained 70% of variation in native species richness, whereas the number of dams and basin area accounted for more than 80% of variation in the number of introduced species. 5. The original native species richness and the number of introduced species at basin scale were not related, and thus there was no evidence of "biotic resistance" to invasion. The restoration of natural hydrologic processes and the development of specific management tools to protect native species, such as the prioritization of areas for fish conservation and the eradication of local populations of exotic species, are required to restore native fish fauna in these catchments. [source]

Reach-scale geomorphology affects organic matter and consumer ,13C in a forested Piedmont stream

Summary 1. We investigated the spatial (longitudinal position and reach geomorphology) and seasonal (spring and autumn) influences on the variation of ,13C among organic matter sources and consumers in a forested Piedmont river, South Carolina, U.S.A. 2. Six sites were sampled along a continuum and varied in basin area from approximately 30 to 300 km2. Sites fell into two geomorphic categories (i) high-gradient, rock bed (,rock') or (ii) low-gradient, sand bed (,sand') sites. 3. Variation in ,13C was more strongly related to reach geomorphology than longitudinal position. ,13C of biofilm and consumers was consistently enriched at rock sites. Leaf litter (i.e. coarse particulate organic matter, CPOM) ,13C did not vary with bed type. There was significant ,13C enrichment at rock sites for biofilm, seston, fine benthic organic matter (FBOM), and eight of nine consumer trophic guilds (e.g. grazing invertebrates, insectivorous fishes). ,13C of biofilm and four trophic guilds was also positively correlated with drainage area, but the magnitude of enrichment was less than between bed types. 4. ,13C was generally enriched in spring, but this varied among organic matter types, consumers, and by bed type. CPOM and seston were enriched in spring, FBOM was enriched in autumn, and biofilm showed no trend. Five consumer guilds were enriched in spring, and only one fish guild, generalised carnivores, showed enrichment of muscle tissue in autumn. 5. Consumer ,13C enrichment at rock sites suggests greater reliance on algal carbon than for consumers at sand sites, but we also found ,13C enrichment of biofilm at rock sites. Thus, differences in consumer ,13C between bed types could be related to (i) increased consumption of biofilm at rock compared with sand sites, or (ii) consumption of biofilm at rock sites that is enriched relative to biofilm at sand sites or (iii) both mechanisms. 6. ,13C signatures in local food webs appear to respond to processes operating at multiple spatial scales. Overall downstream enrichment of biofilm and consumers was disrupted by strong local effects related to bed morphology. These results suggest that human alteration of channel habitat will have corresponding effects on stream food webs, as assessed by changes in ,13C. [source]

Geomorphology and fish assemblages in a Piedmont river basin, U.S.A.

D. M. Walters
Summary 1.,We investigated linkages between fishes and fluvial geomorphology in 31 wadeable streams in the Etowah River basin in northern Georgia, U.S.A. Streams were stratified into three catchment sizes of approximately 15, 50 and 100 km2, and fishes and geomorphology were sampled at the reach scale (i.e. 20,40 times stream width). 2.,Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) identified 85% of the among-site variation in fish assemblage structure and identified strong patterns in species composition across sites. Assemblages shifted from domination by centrarchids, and other pool species that spawn in fine sediments and have generalised food preferences, to darter-cyprinid-redhorse sucker complexes that inhabit riffles and runs, feed primarily on invertebrates, and spawn on coarser stream beds. 3.,Richness and density were correlated with basin area, a measure of stream size, but species composition was best predicted (i.e. |r| between 0.60,0.82) by reach-level geomorphic variables (stream slope, bed texture, bed mobility and tractive force) that were unrelated to stream size. Stream slope was the dominant factor controlling stream habitat. Low slope streams had smaller bed particles, more fines in riffles, lower tractive force and greater bed mobility compared with high slope streams. 4.,Our results contrast with the ,River Continuum Concept' which argues that stream assemblages vary predictably along stream size gradients. Our findings support the ,Process Domains Concept', which argues that local-scale geomorphic processes determine the stream habitat and disturbance regimes that influence stream communities. [source]

Morphometric Controls and Basin Response in The Cascade Mountains

Fes De Scally
Morphometric variables associated with 36 debris torrent, 78 snow avalanche, 45 composite debris torrent and snow avalanche and 14 streamflow basins in the Cascade Mountains of southwestern British Columbia, Canada are examined. The results show significant statistical differences in top and bottom elevations, relief, channel length and gradient, basin area, fan gradient and area, and basin ruggedness between snow avalanche basins and the two basin types affected by debris torrents, reflecting the very different nature of these processes. Only top and bottom elevations and fan area differ significantly between debris torrent and debris torrent-snow avalanche basins, implying that the latter are probably debris torrent basins in origin. As many as six morphometric variables are significantly different between streamflow basins and the other basin types, allowing the former to be differentiated despite their small, steep character. Discriminant analysis indicates that bottom elevation and channel or path gradient are the best variables for classifying the four basin types by process. Generally strong correlations exist between basin area on the one hand and relief, channel length and channel gradient on the other in debris torrent, debris torrent-snow avalanche, and streamflow basins. Fan gradient and area are, however, weakly or modestly correlated with basin area or ruggedness. No such morphometric relations are present in snow avalanche basins. The results of this study also indicate that in debris torrent-prone basins the fan gradient and Melton's R have identifiable lower thresholds while basin area has an upper threshold, but use of these thresholds for identification of debris torrent hazard is complicated by overlapping thresholds for streamflow basins. [source]

On the use of partial probability weighted moments in the analysis of hydrological extremes

Ugo Moisello
Abstract The use of partial probability weighted moments (PPWM) for estimating hydrological extremes is compared to that of probability weighted moments (PWM). Firstly, estimates from at-site data are considered. Two Monte Carlo analyses, conducted using continuous and empirical parent distributions (of peak discharge and daily rainfall annual maxima) and applying four different distributions (Gumbel, Fréchet, GEV and generalized Pareto), show that the estimates obtained from PPWMs are better than those obtained from PWMs if the parent distribution is unknown, as happens in practice. Secondly, the use of partial L-moments (obtained from PPWMs) as diagnostic tools is considered. The theoretical partial L-diagrams are compared with the experimental data. Five different distributions (exponential, Pareto, Gumbel, GEV and generalized Pareto) and 297 samples of peak discharge annual maxima are considered. Finally, the use of PPWMs with regional data is investigated. Three different kinds of regional analyses are considered. The first kind is the regression of quantile estimates on basin area. The study is conducted applying the GEV distribution to peak discharge annual maxima. The regressions obtained with PPWMs are slightly better than those obtained with PWMs. The second kind of regional analysis is the parametric one, of which four different models are considered. The congruence between local and regional estimates is examined, using peak discharge annual maxima. The congruence degree is sometimes higher for PPWMs, sometimes for PWMs. The third kind of regional analysis uses the index flood method. The study, conducted applying the GEV distribution to synthetic data from a lognormal joint distribution, shows that better estimates are obtained sometimes from PPWMs, sometimes from PWMs. All the results seem to indicate that using PPWMs can constitute a valid tool, provided that the influence of ouliers, of course higher with censored samples, is kept under control. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Retracted and replaced: A modelling study of hyporheic exchange pattern and the sequence, size, and spacing of stream bedforms in mountain stream networks, Oregon, USA

Michael N. Gooseff
Abstract This article has been retracted and replaced. See Retraction and Replacement Notice DOI: 10.1002/hyp.6350 Studies of hyporheic exchange flows have identified physical features of channels that control exchange flow at the channel unit scale, namely slope breaks in the longitudinal profile of streams that generate subsurface head distributions. We recently completed a field study that suggested channel unit spacing in stream longitudinal profiles can be used to predict the spacing between zones of upwelling (flux of hyporheic water into the stream) and downwelling (flux of stream water into the hyporheic zone) in the beds of mountain streams. Here, we use two-dimensional groundwater flow and particle tracking models to simulate vertical and longitudinal hyporheic exchange along the longitudinal axis of stream flow in second-, third-, and fourth-order mountain stream reaches. Modelling allowed us to (1) represent visually the effect that the shape of the longitudinal profile has on the flow net beneath streambeds; (2) isolate channel unit sequence and spacing as individual factors controlling the depth that stream water penetrates the hyporheic zone and the length of upwelling and downwelling zones; (3) evaluate the degree to which the effects of regular patterns in bedform size and sequence are masked by irregularities in real streams. We simulated hyporheic exchange in two sets of idealized stream reaches and one set of observed stream reaches. Idealized profiles were constructed using regression equations relating channel form to basin area. The size and length of channel units (step size, pool length, etc.) increased with increasing stream order. Simulations of hyporheic exchange flows in these reaches suggested that upwelling lengths increased (from 2·7 m to 7·6 m), and downwelling lengths increased (from 2·9 m to 6·0 m) with increase in stream order from second to fourth order. Step spacing in the idealized reaches increased from 5·3 m to 13·7 m as stream size increased from second to fourth order. Simulated upwelling lengths increased from 4·3 m in second-order streams to 9·7 m in fourth-order streams with a POOL,RIFFLE,STEP channel unit sequence, and increased from 2·5 m to 6·1 m from second- to fourth-order streams with a POOL,STEP,RIFFLE channel unit sequence. Downwelling lengths also increased with stream order in these idealized channels. Our results suggest that channel unit spacing, size, and sequence are all important in determining hyporheic exchange patterns of upwelling and downwelling. Though irregularities in the size and spacing of bedforms caused flow nets to be much more complex in surveyed stream reaches than in idealized stream reaches, similar trends emerged relating the average geomorphic wavelength to the average hyporheic wavelength in both surveyed and idealized reaches. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

The zone of vegetation influence on baseflow revealed by diel patterns of streamflow and vegetation water use in a headwater basin

Barbara J. Bond
Water use by vegetation can be closely linked to streamflow patterns on a variety of time scales. However, many of the details of these linkages are poorly understood. We compared diel (24 h) patterns of transpirational water use with streamflow patterns in a small headwater basin that displays a marked diel variation during summer months. The study site was in western Oregon. Our objectives were to: (1) determine the phase shift, i.e. the time lag between maximum transpiration and minimum streamflow, and the strength of the correlation at that time lag; (2) determine the amount of streamflow that is ,missing' during each diel cycle (i.e. the difference between base flow, defined by the daily maxima, and actual flow) and use it to estimate the zone, or area, of vegetation that influences daily streamflow patterns; (3) test and refine a conceptual model of how the coupling between vegetation water use and streamflow changes over the period of summer drought in this basin. We found that vegetation water use in the summer is coupled to streamflow over time scales of 4 to 8 h, and water-use-related fluctuations accounted for 1 to 6% of summer base flow. Direct evaporation from the channel was an order of magnitude less than the diel streamflow decrease. Transpiration within only 0·1 to 0·3% of the basin area accounted for the diel variation in streamflow. As the basin drained further through the summer, the coupling between vegetation and streamflow was diminished and occurred at longer time scales, and the zone of vegetation influence became smaller. This pattern is in accordance with our conceptual model, which attributes the summer decline in the strength of the vegetation,streamflow coupling to the increasing depth of plant-available water in the soil profile. Although this study is preliminary, we believe it is an important first step in describing better the coupling of vegetation water use to streamflow. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Spatial patterns of suspended sediment yields in a humid tropical watershed in Costa Rica

Jagdish Krishnaswamy
Abstract An Erratum has been published for this article in Hydrological Processes 16(5) 2002, 1130,1131. Humid tropical regions are often characterized by extreme variability of fluvial processes. The Rio Terraba drains the largest river basin, covering 4767 km2, in Costa Rica. Mean annual rainfall is 3139±419sd mm and mean annual discharge is 2168±492sd mm (1971,88). Loss of forest cover, high rainfall erosivity and geomorphologic instability all have led to considerable degradation of soil and water resources at local to basin scales. Parametric and non-parametric statistical methods were used to estimate sediment yields. In the Terraba basin, sediment yields per unit area increase from the headwaters to the basin mouth, and the trend is generally robust towards choice of methods (parametric and LOESS) used. This is in contrast to a general view that deposition typically exceeds sediment delivery with increase in basin size. The specific sediment yield increases from 112±11·4sd t km,2 year,1 (at 317·9 km2 on a major headwater tributary) to 404±141·7sd t km,2 year,1 (at 4766·7 km2) at the basin mouth (1971,92). The analyses of relationships between sediment yields and basin parameters for the Terraba sub-basins and for a total of 29 basins all over Costa Rica indicate a strong land use effect related to intensive agriculture besides hydro-climatology. The best explanation for the observed pattern in the Terraba basin is a combined spatial pattern of land use and rainfall erosivity. These were integrated in a soil erosion index that is related to the observed patterns of sediment yield. Estimated sediment delivery ratios increase with basin area. Intensive agriculture in lower-lying alluvial fans exposed to highly erosive rainfall contributes a large part of the sediment load. The higher elevation regions, although steep in slope, largely remain under forest, pasture, or tree-crops. High rainfall erosivity (>7400 MJ mm ha,1 h,1 year ,1) is associated with land uses that provide inadequate soil protection. It is also associated with steep, unstable slopes near the basin mouth. Improvements in land use and soil management in the lower-lying regions exposed to highly erosive rainfall are recommended, and are especially important to basins in which sediment delivery ratio increases downstream with increasing basin area. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Comparison of 85Kr and 3H Apparent Ground-Water Ages for Source Water Vulnerability in the Collyer River Catchment, Maine,

William C. Sidle
Abstract:, Apparent ground-water ages as determined by the noble gas isotope 85Kr and the water isotope 3H are compared. Refined gas extraction methodology at the wellhead permits efficient collection of Kr for 85Kr isotope enrichment. 85Kr isochrones elucidate areas of much younger ground-water ages than 3H. Declining 3H activities in the catchment prevent its correlation with the youngest measured 85Kr ages. Source water for most drinking water supplies in the Collyer River catchment is recharged within 40 years BP (2004). Mean-age (,) transport modeling suggests uncertainty of ground-water ages is greatest in the central basin area. [source]

Universality and variability in basin outlet spacing: implications for the two-dimensional form of drainage basins

BASIN RESEARCH, Issue 2 2009
Rachel C. Walcott
ABSTRACT It has been observed that the distance between the outlets of transverse basins in orogens is typically half of the distance between the main divide and the range front irrespective of mountain range size or erosional controls. Although it has been suggested that this relationship is the inherent expression of Hack's law, and/or possibly a function of range widening, there are cases of notable deviations from the typical half-width average spacing. Moreover, it has not been demonstrated that this general relationship is also true for basins in morphologically similar nonorogenic settings, or for those that do not extend to the main drainage divide. These issues are explored by investigating the relationship between basin outlet spacing and the 2-dimensional geometric properties of drainage basins (basin length, main valley length and basin area) in order to assess whether the basin outlet spacing-range width ratio is a universal characteristic of fluvial systems. We examined basins spanning two orders of magnitude in area along the southern flank of the Himalayas and the coastal zone of southeast Africa. We found that the spacing between basin outlets (Los) for major transverse basins that drain the main divide (range-scale basins) is approximately half of the basin length (Lb) for all basins, irrespective of size, in southeast Africa. In the Himalayas, while this ratio was observed for eastern Himalayan basins (a region where the maximum elevations coincided with the main drainage divide), it was only observed in basins shorter than ,30 km in the western and central Himalayas. Our analysis indicates that basin outlet spacing is consistent with Hack's law, apparently because the increase in basin width (represented by outlet spacing) with basin area occurs at a rate similar to the increase in main stream length (Lv) with basin area. It is suggested that most river systems tend towards an approximately diamond-shaped packing arrangement, and this applies both to the nonorogenic setting of southeast Africa as well as most orogenic settings. However, in the western Himalayas shortening associated with localised rock uplift appears to have occurred at length scales smaller than most the basins examined. As a result rivers in basins longer than ,30 km have been unable to erode in a direction normal to the range front at a sufficiently high rate to sustain this form and have been forced into an alternative, and possibly unstable, packing arrangement. [source]

Geophysical evidence for Holocene lake-level change in southern California (Dry Lake)

BOREAS, Issue 1 2010
Bird, B. W., Kirby, M. E., Howat, I. M. & Tulaczyk, S. 2009: Geophysical evidence for Holocene lake-level change in southern California (Dry Lake). Boreas, 10.1111/j.1502-3885.2009.00114.x. ISSN 0300-9483. Ground penetrating radar (GPR) data are used in combination with previously published sediment cores to develop a Holocene history of basin sedimentation in a small, alpine lake in southern California (Dry Lake). The GPR data identify three depositional sequences spanning the past 9000 calendar years before present (cal. yr BP). Sequence I represents the first phase of an early Holocene highstand. A regression between <8320 and >8120 cal. yr BP separates Sequence I from Sequence II, perhaps associated with the 8200 cal. yr BP cold event. Sequence II represents the second phase of the early-to-mid Holocene highstand. Sequence IIIa represents a permanent shift to predominantly low lake stands beginning ,5550 cal. yr BP. This mid-Holocene shift was accompanied by a dramatic decrease in sedimentation rate as well as a contraction of the basin's area of sedimentation. By ,1860 cal. yr BP (Sequence IIIb), the lake was restricted to the modern, central basin. Taken together, the GPR and core data indicate a wet early Holocene followed by a long-term Holocene drying trend. The similarity in ages of the early Holocene highstand across the greater southern California region suggests a common external forcing , perhaps modulation of early Holocene storm activity by insolation. However, regional lake level records are less congruous following the initial early Holocene highstand, which may indicate a change in the spatial domain of climate forcing(s) throughout the Holocene in western North America. [source]