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Kinds of Basicity

  • gas-phase basicity

  • Selected Abstracts

    Basicity of Guanidines with Heteroalkyl Side Chains in Acetonitrile

    Mirjana Eckert-Maksi
    Abstract The pKa values of seven novel guanidine derivatives, six of them possessing heteroalkyl substituents capable of forming intramolecular hydrogen bonds, were determined in acetonitrile (MeCN) by using the UV/Vis spectrophotometric titration method. The obtained pKa values range from 24.7 to 27.2. The most basic among the studied guanidines was found to be by ca. 4 pKa units more basic than thewell-known superbase N1,N1,N3,N3 -tetramethylguanidine (TMG). The trends in the changes in the measured pKa values were compared with the experimental (determined by the extended kinetic method) and theoretical [B3LYP/6-311+G(2df,p)//B3LYP/6-31G(d)] gas-phase proton affinities. It was shown that basicity ordering of the bases with dimethylaminopropyl substituents in acetonitrile follows the trend encountered in the gas phase. However, this is not the case for the methoxypropyl-substituted guanidines indicating that in these molecules formation of the intramolecular hydrogen bonds is to large extent hindered due to solvation by acetonitrile.(© Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 69451 Weinheim, Germany, 2008) [source]

    Properties of 2,2,2-Trifluoroethanol/Water Mixtures: Acidity, Basicity, and Dipolarity

    Paz Sevilla, Sierra
    In this report, we focus our attention on the characterization of 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol(TFE)/H2O mixtures and describe their intrinsic parameters; i.e., solvent acidity (SA), solvent basicity (SB), and solvent dipolarity/polarizability (SPP), by the probe/homomorph-couple method for a range of mixtures from 0,100% (v/v) TFE. Variation of these parameters is not linear and has a singular and unpredictable behavior depending on the precise composition of the mixture. Based on these parameters, we describe the TFE-induced changes in some physical properties; i.e., viscosity (,), partial molar volume (V,), density (,), dielectric constant (,), vapor pressure (pv), and spectroscopic properties; i.e., NMR chemical shifts (,(1H)) of TFE Me group for all molar fractions studied. In addition, by means of CD studies, we report that formation of the secondary structure, as percentage of helical content, ,, of a polypeptide, poly(L -lysine), in several TFE/H2O mixtures is adequately described by these mixture parameters. SA, SB, and SPP of TFE/H2O mixtures provide an excellent tool for the interpretation of formation and stability of intramolecular H-bonds, and, thus, of secondary structures in polypeptides. [source]

    ChemInform Abstract: Understanding the Reactivity and Basicity of Zeolites: A Periodic DFT Study of the Disproportionation of N2O4 on Alkali-Cation-Exchanged Zeolite Y.

    CHEMINFORM, Issue 32 2008
    Pierre Mignon
    Abstract ChemInform is a weekly Abstracting Service, delivering concise information at a glance that was extracted from about 200 leading journals. To access a ChemInform Abstract of an article which was published elsewhere, please select a "Full Text" option. The original article is trackable via the "References" option. [source]

    Polyoxometalates with Internal Cavities: Redox Activity, Basicity, and Cation Encapsulation in [Mn+P5W30O110](15-n)- Preyssler Complexes, with M: Na+, Ca2+, Y3+, La3+, Ce3+, and Th4+.

    CHEMINFORM, Issue 50 2007
    Jorge A. Fernandez
    Abstract ChemInform is a weekly Abstracting Service, delivering concise information at a glance that was extracted from about 200 leading journals. To access a ChemInform Abstract, please click on HTML or PDF. [source]

    Can the cyclo-P5 Ligand Introduce Basicity at the Transition Metal Center in Metallocenes?

    CHEMINFORM, Issue 35 2004
    A Hybrid Density Functional Study on the cyclo-P5 Analogues of Metallocenes of Fe
    No abstract is available for this article. [source]

    A Study Concerning the Synthesis, Basicity and Hydrolysis of 4-Amino-2-(N,N-diethylamino)quinazoline Derivatives.

    CHEMINFORM, Issue 18 2003
    Wojciech Zielinski
    Abstract For Abstract see ChemInform Abstract in Full Text. [source]

    Understanding the Reactivity and Basicity of Zeolites: A Periodic DFT Study of the Disproportionation of N2O4 on Alkali-Cation-Exchanged Zeolite Y

    Pierre Mignon Dr.
    Abstract The disproportionation of N2O4 into NO3, and NO+ on Y zeolites has been studied through periodic DFT calculations to unravel 1),the role of metal cations and the framework oxygen atoms and 2),the relationship between the NO+ stretching frequency and the basicity of zeolites. We have considered three situations: adsorption on site,II cations with and without a cation at site,III and adsorption on a site III cation. We observed that cations at sites II and III cooperate to stabilize N2O4 and that the presence of a cation at site,III is necessary to allow the disproportionation reaction. The strength of the stabilization is due to the number of stabilizing interactions increasing with the size of the cation and to the Lewis acidity of the alkali cations, which increases as the size of the cations decreases. In the product, NO3, interacts mainly with the cations and NO+ with the basic oxygen atoms of the tetrahedral aluminium through its nitrogen atom. As the cation size increases, the NO3,,,,cation interaction increases. As a result, the negative charge of the framework is less well screened by the larger cations and the interaction between NO+ and the basic oxygen atoms becomes stronger. NO+ appears to be a good probe of zeolite basicity, in agreement with experimental observations. [source]

    Acid,Base Chemistry at the Ice Surface: Reverse Correlation Between Intrinsic Basicity and Proton-Transfer Efficiency to Ammonia and Methyl Amines

    CHEMPHYSCHEM, Issue 17 2007
    Seong-Chan Park Dr.
    Abstract Proton transfer from the hydronium ion to NH3, CH3NH2, and (CH3)2NH is examined at the surface of ice films at 60 K. The reactants and products are quantitatively monitored by the techniques of Cs+ reactive-ion scattering and low-energy sputtering. The proton-transfer reactions at the ice surface proceed only to a limited extent. The proton-transfer efficiency exhibits the order NH3>(CH3)NH2=(CH3)2NH, which opposes the basicity order of the amines in the gas phase or aqueous solution. Thermochemical analysis suggests that the energetics of the proton-transfer reaction is greatly altered at the ice surface from that in liquid water due to limited hydration. Water molecules constrained at the ice surface amplify the methyl substitution effect on the hydration efficiency of the amines and reverse the order of their proton-accepting abilities. [source]

    Evaluation of the protonation thermochemistry obtained by the extended kinetic method,

    Guy Bouchoux
    Abstract An evaluation of the results obtained by the extended kinetic method for a series of representative bases is presented here. Analysis of the original experimental data is conducted using the orthogonal distance regression (ODR) statistical treatment. A comparison with the proton affinities and protonation entropies obtained from variable temperature equilibrium constant measurements demonstrate deviations, which may be ascribed to random and systematic errors. Considerable random errors are associated with the extended kinetic method if the number of reference bases and the range of effective temperatures are too low. It is also confirmed that large systematic errors on proton affinities and protonation entropies are obtained when large protonation entropy is associated with the considered system. It is, however, encouraging to note that the gas phase basicities obtained by the extended kinetic method are generally comparable to that obtained by other methods within a few kJ/mol. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    Effect of buffer cations and of H3O+ on the charge states of native proteins.

    Significance to determinations of stability constants of protein complexes
    Abstract The progressive reduction of charge in charge states of non-denatured proteins (lysozyme, ubiquitin, and cytochrome c), observed with nanospray in the positive ion mode, when the buffer salt ammonium acetate is replaced by ethylammonium acetates (EtNH3Ac, Et2NH2Ac and Et3NHAc) is rationalized on the basis of the charge residue model (CRM). The charge states of the multiply protonated protein are shown to be controlled by the increasing gas-phase basicities, GB(B), of the bases(B) NH3, EtNH2, Et2NH and Et3N. Charge states derived from evaluated apparent gas-phase basicities GBapp of the basic side-chains of the protein and the known GB(B) of the above bases are found to be in agreement with the experimentally observed charge states. This is a requirement of the CRM, because in this model the small positive ions (the buffer cations in the present case) at the surface of the electrospray droplets are the excess ions that provide the charge of the final small droplet that contains the protein molecule and on evaporation of the solvent transfer the charge to the protein. The observed charge states in the absence of buffer salts, i.e. pure water, are attributed to excess H3O+ ions produced by the electrolysis process that attends electrospray. A proposed extended mechanism provides predictions of factors that determine the sensitivity for detection of the multiply protonated proteins. Consideration of restraints imposed by the CRM lead to some simple predictions for conditions that should be present to obtain accurate determinations by electrospray and nanospray of stability constants for the protein,complex equilibrium in aqueous solution. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    Gas-phase basicities for ions from bradykinin and its des-arginine analogues

    Nigel P. Ewing
    Abstract Apparent gas-phase basicities (GBapps) for [M + H]+ of bradykinin, des-Arg1 -bradykinin and des-Arg9 -bradykinin have been assigned by deprotonation reactions of [M + 2H]2+ in a Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometer. With a GBapp of 225.8 ± 4.2 kcal mol,1, bradykinin [M + H]+ is the most basic of the ions studied. Ions from des-Arg1 -bradykinin and des-Arg9 -bradykinin have GBapp values of 222.8 ± 4.3 kcal mol,1 and 214.9 ± 2.3 kcal mol,1, respectively. One purpose of this work was to determine a suitable reaction efficiency ,break point' for assigning GBapp values to peptide ions using the bracketing method. An efficiency value of 0.1 (i.e. approximately 10% of all collisions resulting in a deprotonation reaction) was used to assign GBapps. Support for this criterion is provided by the fact that our GBapp values for des-Arg1 -bradykinin and des-Arg9 -bradykinin are identical, within experimental error, to literature values obtained using a modified kinetic method. However, the GBapps for bradykinin ions from the two studies differ by 10.3 kcal mol,1. The reason for this is not clear, but may involve conformation differences produced by experimental conditions. The results may be influenced by salt-bridge conformers and/or by conformational changes caused by the use of a proton-bound heterodimer in the kinetic method. Factors affecting the basicities of these peptide ions are also discussed, and molecular modeling is used to provide information on protonation sites and conformations. The presence of two highly basic arginine residues on bradykinin results in its high GBapp, while the basicity of des-Arg1 -bradykinin ions is increased by the presence of two proline residues at the N-terminus. The proline residue in the second position folds the peptide chain in a manner that increases intramolecular hydrogen bonding to the protonated N-terminal amino group of the proline at the first position. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    Ortho effect and steric inhibition of resonance: basicities of methyl-substituted acetophenones,

    Eva Otyepková
    Abstract The basicity of 12 methyl-substituted acetophenones was measured spectrophotometrically in 46,90 vol.% sulfuric acid. The acidity function was constructed and the pKa values were calculated by a new algorithm proposed by Pytela. The substituent effects were divided into polar and steric, assuming that the former are approximately equal in the ortho and para positions. Polar effects of the methyl group bring about stronger basicity as expected; the effect is more intense than the acid weakening in equally substituted benzoic acids. Steric effects of ortho methyl groups are base strengthening. This is not due to steric inhibition of resonance since the conformation remains planar in most derivatives. Two ortho methyl groups are necessary to distort the planarity; their steric effect is more than doubled compared with one methyl group. These results do not agree with the common idea of twisted conformations with gradually increasing twisting angle but are better rationalized by the existence of two groups of derivatives, planar and non-planar. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    Gas-phase basicities of polyfunctional molecules.

    Part 1: Theory, methods
    Abstract The experimental and theoretical methods of determination of gas-phase basicities, proton affinities and protonation entropies are presented in a tutorial form. Particularities and limitations of these methods when applied to polyfunctional molecules are emphasized. Structural effects during the protonation process in the gas-phase and their consequences on the corresponding thermochemistry are reviewed and classified. The role of the nature of the basic site (protonation on non-bonded electron pairs or on ,-electron systems) and of substituent effects (electrostatic and resonance) are first examined. Then, linear correlations observed between gas-phase basicities and ionization energies or substituent constants are recalled. Hydrogen bonding plays a special part in proton transfer reactions and in the protonation characteristics of polyfunctional molecules. A survey of the main properties of intermolecular and intramolecular hydrogen bonding in both neutral and protonated species is proposed. Consequences on the protonation thermochemistry, particularly of polyfunctional molecules are discussed. Finally, chemical reactions which may potentially occur inside protonated clusters during the measurement of gas-phase basicities or inside a protonated polyfunctional molecule is examined. Examples of bond dissociations with hydride or alkyl migrations, proton transport catalysis, tautomerization, cyclization, ring opening and nucleophilic substitution are presented to illustrate the potentially complex chemistry that may accompany the protonation of polyfunctional molecules. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc., Mass Spec Rev 26:775,835, 2007 [source]

    Nucleophilicities and Carbon Basicities of Pyridines

    Frank Brotzel Dipl.-Chem.
    Abstract Rate and equilibrium constants for the reactions of pyridines with donor-substituted benzhydrylium ions have been determined spectrophotometrically. The correlation equation log,k(20,°C)=s(N+E), in which s and N are nucleophile-specific parameters and E is an electrophile-specific parameter, has been used to determine the nucleophilicity parameters of various pyridines in CH2Cl2 and aqueous solution and to compare them with N of other nucleophiles. It is found that the nucleophilic organocatalyst 4-(dimethylamino)pyridine (DMAP) and tertiary phosphanes have comparable nucleophilicities and carbon basicities despite widely differing Brønsted basicities. For that reason, these reactivity parameters are suggested as guidelines for the development of novel organocatalysts. The Marcus equation is employed for the determination of the intrinsic barriers of these reactions. Geschwindigkeits- und Gleichgewichtskonstanten der Reaktionen von Pyridinen mit Donor-substituierten Benzhydrylium-Ionen wurden spektralphotometrisch bestimmt. Die Korrelationsgleichung log,k(20,°C)=s(N+E), die mit s und N Nucleophil-spezifische und mit E einen Elektrophil-spezifischen Parameter enthält, wurde verwendet, um die Nucleophilie-Parameter von verschiedenen Pyridinen in CH2Cl2 und in wässrigen Lösungen zu bestimmen und um diese mit N anderer Nucleophile zu vergleichen. Es wurde gefunden, dass der nucleophile Organokatalysator 4-(Dimethylamino)pyridin (DMAP) und tertiäre Phosphane vergleichbare Nucleophilien und Kohlenstoffbasizitäten haben, obwohl ihre Brønsted-Basizitäten sehr unterschiedlich sind. Daher wird vorgeschlagen, die Reaktivitätsparameter als Richtgrößen zur Entwicklung neuer Organokatalysatoren heranzuziehen. Die Marcus-Gleichung wird eingesetzt, um die intrinsischen Barrieren dieser Reaktionen zu bestimmen. [source]

    Complexes between Lithium Cation and Diphenylalkanes in the Gas Phase: The Pincer Effect

    Jean-François Gal Prof.
    Abstract The gas-phase lithium cation basicities (LCB values, Gibbs free energies of binding) of ,,,-diphenylalkanes Ph-(CH2)n -Ph (n=2, 3, or 7) and 1,1-diphenylethane Ph-CH(Me)-Ph were investigated by means of Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance (FTICR) mass spectrometry. Their structures, and those of the corresponding Li+ complexes were optimized at the B3LYP/6-31G(d) level and their relative stabilities calculated at the B3LYP/6-311+G(3df,2p)//B3LYP/6-31G(d) level. Whereas the most stable conformers of the free diphenylalkanes were found to adopt a completely stretched aliphatic chain connecting the two benzene rings, the most stable Li+ complexes correspond to conformers in which the alkali metal cation interacts simultaneously with both benzene rings through the folding of the aliphatic chain ("pincer effect"). This chelation brings about a significant enhancement of the Li+ binding enthalpies (LBE values), which were calculated to be approximately 75 kJ,mol,1 higher than those evaluated for conventional (singly coordinated) , complexes in which the metal cation interacts with only one of the benzene rings. The increase of the corresponding lithium cation basicities, however, (Gibbs free energies of Li+ binding, LCB values) was calculated to be smaller by approximately 15 kJ,mol,1 as the pincer effect is entropically disfavored. The good agreement between the calculated LCB values, assuming a statistical distribution of the different conformers present in the gas phase, and the experimental LCB values measured by means of FTICR mass spectrometry are considered indirect evidence of the existence of the pincer effect. [source]

    Pyrazole and Pyrazolyl Complexes of cis -Bis(2,2,-bipyridine)chlororuthenium(II): Synthesis, Structural and Electronic Characterization, and Acid-Base Chemistry

    Hershel Jude
    Abstract Complexes of the type cis -[Ru(bpy)2(Cl)(L)]+ [bpy = 2,2,-bipyridine; with L = pyrazole (1H), 4-methylpyrazole (2H), and 3,5-dimethylpyrazole (3H)] were synthesized and isolated as hexafluorophosphate salts. The molecular structures of these new complexes were fully characterized by 1H NMR spectroscopy and ESI mass spectrometry, and the crystal structure of 3H·PF6 was determined by X-ray crystallography. Compound 3H·PF6 (C25H24ClF6N6PRu) crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P21/n with a = 12.102(2) Å, b = 16.826(3) Å, c = 13.016(2) Å, , = 92.606(2)°, V = 2647.6(8) Å3, and Z = 4. The crystal structure of 3H reveals the formation of an intramolecular hydrogen bond (2.562 Å) between the pyrazole N(2),H site and the chloride ligand. The redox and electronic absorption properties of 1H, 2H, and 3H, as well as their deprotonated counterparts [L = pyrazolate (1), 4-methylpyrazolate (2), and 3,5-dimethylpyrazolate (3)], were investigated by cyclic voltammetry and UV/Vis spectroscopy. For detailed analysis of the electronic nature of this series of pyrazolyl ligands, the results are discussed along with other relevant cis -[Ru(bpy)2(X)(Y)]n+ complexes. From spectrophotometric pH titrations, the basicity associated with the coordinated pyrazole/pyrazolate couple in water was found in all three cases to be unusually high, partly owing to the N,H···Cl hydrogen bond that stabilizes the protonated, azole state. (© Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 69451 Weinheim, Germany, 2009) [source]

    Oxovanadium(IV) Complexes with Pyrazinecarboxylic Acids:The Coordinating Properties of Ligands with the (Naromatic, COO,) Donor Set

    Eugenio Garribba
    Abstract Complex formation between the VIVO ion and four pyrazine derivatives, 2-pyrazinecarboxylic acid (pzc), 5-methyl-2-pyrazinecarboxylic acid (5-Mepzc), 2,3-pyrazinedicarboxylic acid (3-COOHpzc) and 5-hydroxy-2-pyrazinecarboxylic acid (5-OHpzc), was studied in aqueous solution and in the solid state through the combined application of potentiometric and spectroscopic (EPR and FT-IR) techniques. The results indicate that in acidic and neutral aqueous solution all theligands form mono(chelated), bis(chelated) and dinuclear species of composition VOL, VOL2 and (VO)2L2H,2. Hexacoordinated VOL2 complexes are characterised by a cis/trans isomerism, where cis and trans are the species with a water molecule bound in the cis or trans position with respect to the V=O group. The trans arrangement is favoured over the cis arrangement. Three solid derivatives, [VO(5-Mepzc)2] (1), cis -[VO(pzc)2(H2O)] (2) and cis -[VO(3-COOHpzc)2(H2O)] (3), were isolated and characterised. Based on the experimental results and on the data in the literature, the stability of cis and trans isomers in aqueous solution and in the solid state has been discussed, showing that with ligands of comparable basicity and size of the chelate ring the hydrophilicity favours the cis species and determines the relative amount of the two isomers. The analysis of the magnetic properties of the hydroxo-bridged VIVO dimers suggests that for the (VO)2L2H,2 species the anti -coplanar arrangement is realised. (© Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 69451 Weinheim, Germany, 2006) [source]

    Amino-phosphanes in RhI -Catalyzed Hydroformylation: New Mechanistic Insights Using D2O as Deuterium-Labeling Agent

    Jacques Andrieu
    Abstract In previous work, we have demonstrated that the dangling amino group in amino-phosphane ligands increases the rate of Rh-catalyzed styrene hydroformylation as a function of the amino group basicity and of the distance between the P and N functions. We now report additional stereochemical and mechanistic insights resulting from new catalytic experiments performed with Rh-,-P,N catalytic systems in the presence of D2O. In addition to the expected D0 product, the formation of the ,-D1 aldehyde, PhCH(CH2D)CHO was observed in all cases by 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy, indicating that H/D exchange occurs for the rhodium-hydride complex. Minor amounts of a ,-D2 product, PhCH(CHD2)CHO, were also formed under certain conditions, demonstrating the reversibility of the olefin coordination step. The composition of the aldehyde mixture is slightly affected by the nature of the catalytic precursor or the P,N ligand used. In the specific case of the ,-P,N ligand [,-P,N = (SAr,SC)-Ph2PCH{o -C6H4Cl(Cr(CO)3)}NHPh], in combination with the [RhCl(COD)]2 precatalyst, products PhCD(CH3)CHO (,-D1) and PhCD(CH2D)CHO (,,,-D2) were also produced. This result suggests a reversible deprotonation assisted by an intramolecular H-bonding interaction between the dangling ammonium function and the carbonyl moiety. This isotopic exchange process decreases the asymmetric induction from 14 to 7,% ee when using the enantiopure version of this ligand. Aldehydes bearing a D atom on the formyl group, e.g. PhCH(CH3)CDO, were never observed. The latter observation excludes protonolysis of the rhodium-acyl intermediate as the aldehyde forming step. In addition, it also excludes a bimolecular reaction involving the rhodium-acyl and rhodium-hydride intermediates.(© Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 69451 Weinheim, Germany, 2006) [source]

    Mono- and Dinuclear CuII and ZnII Complexes of Cyclen-Based Bis(macrocycles) Containing Two Aminoalkyl Pendant Arms of Different Lengths

    Carmen Anda
    Abstract The basicity and coordination properties towards CuII and ZnII of the bis(macrocycles) L1, L2 and L3 have been investigated by means of potentiometric, 1H NMR and UV/Vis spectroscopic titrations in aqueous solutions. The synthesis of L1 and L3 is also described. The three ligands are composed of two [12]aneN4 units separated by a p- phenylene spacer and differ in the length of the aminoalkyl pendant arms linked to each macrocyclic unit. L1,L3 form mono- and dinuclear complexes in aqueous solutions; in the dinuclear species each metal ion is coordinated by one of the two identical [12]aneN4 ligand moieties, as shown by the crystal structures of the complexes [Cu2L1]Cl4·8H2O, [Zn2L2](ClO4)4 and [Zn2L3](ClO4)4·H2O. In all structures the metal ion is pentacoordinate, and is bound to the four nitrogen donors of the cyclic unit and to the amine group of the side arm. The stability of both the [ML]2+ and [M2L]4+ complexes in aqueous solution decreases in the order L1 > L2 > L3. At the same time, both the [Cu2L]4+ and [Zn2L]4+ complexes show a different ability in proton binding among the three ligands, with the [M2L1]4+ complexes displaying the highest basicity. These results are explained in terms of the decreasing number of nitrogen donors involved in CuII or ZnII binding on passing from L1 to L3; in other words, while in the L1 dinuclear complexes each metal ion is coordinated to the four amine groups of a [12]aneN4 moiety and to the amine group of the side arm, in the L3 ones the metal cations are bound only to the four donor atoms of a cyclic moiety, the aminobutyl group not being coordinated. (© Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 69451 Weinheim, Germany, 2005) [source]

    Synthesis, Characterization and Electrochemistry of the Novel Dawson-Type Tungstophosphate [H4PW18O62]7, and First Transition Metal Ions Derivatives

    Israel-Martyr Mbomekalle
    Abstract Following the synthesis of pure [H4PW18O62]7, (PW18), its derivatives monosubstituted with M (M = MoVI, VIV, VV, MnII, FeIII, CoII, NiII CuII and ZnII) were obtained. All compounds were characterized by elemental analysis, IR, UV/visible and 31P NMR spectroscopy. Their cyclic voltammetry properties were studied as a function of pH and systematically compared with those of their analogs derived from the symmetrical species, [P2W18O62]6,(P2W18). Comparison of the two unsubstituted precursors revealed that the merging of the first two waves of the monophosphate occurred in a less acidic medium than for the diphosphate. The observations point to the higher basicity of the reduced forms of PW18 compared with those of P2W18. The fingerprint pattern observed for ,2 -P2W17M derivatives in media of pH = 3 consisted of the splitting of the third W redox system into two one-electron closely spaced waves which is in contrast to the same system in ,1 -P2W17M. This peculiarity was also obtained for several of the present ,2 -PW17M systems in media of pH = 3 and confirmed that ,2 -substituted derivatives were indeed formed. The absence of this peculiar behavior in some other derivatives is consistent with smooth variations of acid-base properties from one derivative to the next. The electrocatalytic properties of all the compounds are illustrated by the reduction of nitrite by reduced PW18 and of nitrate by reduced ,2 -PW17Cu. (© Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 69451 Weinheim, Germany, 2004) [source]

    Kinetic and Equilibrium Studies of Reactions of N-Heterocycles with Dimeric and Monomeric Oxorhenium(V) Complexes

    James H. Espenson
    Abstract Equilibrium constants have been evaluated for the reaction {MeReO(edt)}2 + 2 L , 2 MeReO(edt)L, where edt is 1,2-ethanedithiolate and L is any of 13 N-donor heterocyclic ligands. The values of K range from 1.37(27)×10,2 for pyrimidine to 1.95(6)×106 for imidazole at 25 °C in chloroform. A successful correlation of logK with log (Ka) of HL+ was realized except in the case of the 2-substituted ligands 2-picoline and quinoline, where steric effects make K smaller than expected from the proton basicity of L. The kinetics of the same reactions were studied; the rate law for the reaction in the forward direction is given by ,d[{MeReO(edt)}2]/dt = {ka + kb[L]}[L] × [{MeReO(edt)}2]. Except for 2-picoline and quinoline, the major pathway is provided by the term that shows the quadratic dependence on [L]. Values of log (kb) also correlate with log K, and therefore necessarily with log (Ka). [source]

    The catalytic role of the distal site asparagine-histidine couple in catalase-peroxidases

    FEBS JOURNAL, Issue 5 2003
    Christa Jakopitsch
    Catalase-peroxidases (KatGs) are unique in exhibiting an overwhelming catalase activity and a peroxidase activity of broad specificity. Similar to other peroxidases the distal histidine in KatGs forms a hydrogen bond with an adjacent conserved asparagine. To investigate the catalytic role(s) of this potential hydrogen bond in the bifunctional activity of KatGs, Asn153 in Synechocystis KatG was replaced with either Ala (Asn153,Ala) or Asp (Asn153,Asp). Both variants exhibit an overall peroxidase activity similar with wild-type KatG. Cyanide binding is monophasic, however, the second-order binding rates are reduced to 5.4% (Asn153,Ala) and 9.5% (Asn153,Asp) of the value of native KatG [(4.8 ± 0.4) × 105 m,1·s,1 at pH 7 and 15 °C]. The turnover number of catalase activity of Asn153,Ala is 6% and that of Asn153,Asp is 16.5% of wild-type activity. Stopped-flow analysis of the reaction of the ferric forms with H2O2 suggest that exchange of Asn did not shift significantly the ratio of rates of H2O2 -mediated compound I formation and reduction. Both rates seem to be reduced most probably because (a) the lower basicity of His123 hampers its function as acid-base catalyst and (b) Asn153 is part of an extended KatG-typical H-bond network, the integrity of which seems to be essential to provide optimal conditions for binding and oxidation of the second H2O2 molecule necessary in the catalase reaction. [source]

    Kinetically Controlled Synthesis of Hexagonally Close-Packed Cobalt Nanorods with High Magnetic Coercivity

    Yaghoub Soumare
    Abstract High-quality monodisperse metallic cobalt nanorods are obtained by the reduction of carboxylate salts of CoII in 1,2-butanediol using a rapid, simple, and solid-template-free procedure. In this polyol process, particle shape can be controlled via the growth rate, which depends on three parameters: i) the nature of the cobalt carboxylate, ii) the temperature ramp, and iii) the basicity of the medium. Cobalt in the hexagonally close-packed phase favored the growth of anisotropic particles. Magnetic measurements of the cobalt nanorods indicate they are ferromagnetic at room temperature. They have a very high coercivity of 9.0 kOe at 140,K, much higher than that observed for wires prepared with solid templates. This can be attributed to their small mean diameter and high crystallinity. [source]

    Monomolecular-Layer Ba5Ta4O15 Nanosheets: Synthesis and Investigation of Photocatalytic Properties,

    T.-G. Xu
    Abstract Monomolecular-layer perovskite Ba5Ta4O15 nanosheets with hexagonal structure have been synthesized by a hydrothermal method. The thickness of the nanosheets is about 1.1,nm, which corresponds to a monolayer of Ba5Ta4O15 molecules, with the lateral size ranging from 50,to 200,nm. The optimal conditions for the formation of the nanosheets are maintaining the reactants above 270,°C for 24,h. A dissolution,recrystallization mechanism is suggested based on observations of the factors that influence nanosheet formation, such as reaction time, temperature, and basicity. Formation of Ba5Ta4O15 nanosheets takes precedence over other nanostructures under high concentrations of OH, because the hindering effect of OH, ions on the c -axis growth is strong. Thus, the extended growth rate of polyhedrons on one monolayer is much faster than the superposition rate of the monolayer, and the crystal grows more easily along the a - and b -planes. The Ba5Ta4O15 nanosheets show a high photocatalytic activity in the degradation of Rhodamine B and gaseous formaldehyde. The layered perovskite probably affects the photocatalytic activity by promoting the charge separation and delocalization of photogenerated electrons and holes. [source]

    Influence of Decreasing Solvent Polarity (1,4-Dioxane/Water Mixtures) on the Acid,Base and Copper(II)-Binding Properties of Guanosine 5,-Diphosphate,

    The acidity constants of twofold protonated guanosine 5,-diphosphate, H2(GDP),, and the stability constants of the [Cu(H;GDP)] and [Cu(GDP)], complexes were determined in H2O as well as in 30 or 50% (v/v) 1,4-dioxane/H2O by potentiometric pH titrations (25°; I=0.1M, NaNO3). The results showed that in H2O one of the two protons of H2(GDP), is located mainly at the N(7) site and the other one at the terminal , -phosphate group. In contrast, for 50% 1,4-dioxane/H2O solutions, a micro acidity-constant evaluation evidenced that ca. 75% of the H2(GDP), species have both protons phosphate-bound, because the basicity of pyridine-type N sites decreases with decreasing solvent polarity whereas the one of phosphate groups increases. In the [Cu(H;GDP)] complex, the proton and the metal ion are in all three solvents overwhelmingly phosphate-bound, and the release of this proton is inhibited by decreasing polarity of the solvent. Based on previously determined straight-line plots of log,Kvs. pK (where R represents a non-interacting residue in simple diphosphate monoesters ROP(O,)(O)OP(O)(O,)2, RDP3,), which were now extended to mixed solvents (based on analogies), it is concluded that, in all three solvents, the [Cu(GDP)], complex is more stable than expected based on the basicity of the diphosphate residue. This increased stability is attributed to macrochelate formation of the phosphate-coordinated Cu2+ with N(7) of the guanine residue. The formation degree of this macrochelate amounts in aqueous solution to ca. 75% (being thus higher than that of the Cu2+ complex of adenosine 5,-diphosphate) and in 50% (v/v) 1,4-dioxane/H2O to ca. 60%, i.e., the formation degree of the macrochelate is only relatively little affected by the change in solvent, though it needs to be emphasized that the overall stability of the [Cu(GDP)], complex increases with decreasing solvent polarity. By including previously studied systems in the considerations, the biological implications are shortly discussed, and it is concluded that Nature has here a tool to alter the structure of complexes by shifting them on a protein surface from a polar to an apolar region and vice versa. [source]

    Properties of 2,2,2-Trifluoroethanol/Water Mixtures: Acidity, Basicity, and Dipolarity

    Paz Sevilla, Sierra
    In this report, we focus our attention on the characterization of 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol(TFE)/H2O mixtures and describe their intrinsic parameters; i.e., solvent acidity (SA), solvent basicity (SB), and solvent dipolarity/polarizability (SPP), by the probe/homomorph-couple method for a range of mixtures from 0,100% (v/v) TFE. Variation of these parameters is not linear and has a singular and unpredictable behavior depending on the precise composition of the mixture. Based on these parameters, we describe the TFE-induced changes in some physical properties; i.e., viscosity (,), partial molar volume (V,), density (,), dielectric constant (,), vapor pressure (pv), and spectroscopic properties; i.e., NMR chemical shifts (,(1H)) of TFE Me group for all molar fractions studied. In addition, by means of CD studies, we report that formation of the secondary structure, as percentage of helical content, ,, of a polypeptide, poly(L -lysine), in several TFE/H2O mixtures is adequately described by these mixture parameters. SA, SB, and SPP of TFE/H2O mixtures provide an excellent tool for the interpretation of formation and stability of intramolecular H-bonds, and, thus, of secondary structures in polypeptides. [source]

    Solvatochromic Analysis of Partition Coefficients in the o -Nitrophenyl Octyl Ether (o -NPOE)/Water System

    Xiangli Liu
    The objective of this study was to unravel the structural properties responsible for the partitioning of solutes in o -nitrophenyl octyl ether (o -NPOE)/H2O, a new solvent system for the determination of the partition coefficients of ions. A set of 88 compounds (including drugs) was selected to allow a regular and broad distribution of property spaces. Partition coefficients in o -NPOE/H2O (log,Pnpoe) were measured by the shake-flask or the potentiometric method. Linear solvation free-energy relationship (LSER) analyses showed that Van der Waals volume, H-bond-acceptor basicity, and H-bond-donor acidity are the three molecular descriptors of solutes determining their log,Pnpoe values. The partitioning mechanism of the investigated compounds in o -NPOE/H2O is controlled by the same structural properties as it is in 1,2-dichloroethane (DCE)/H2O. ,log,Poct,npoe Values (difference between log,Poct and log,Pnpoe) express mainly dipolarity/polarizability and H-bond-donor acidity. The solvent o -NPOE is shown to be a good candidate to replace DCE in measurements of lipophilicity. [source]

    Hydrolysis of diphenylmethyltin(iv) chloride in different aqueous solutions of ethanol

    Sima Mehdizadeh
    The hydrolysis of [(Ph)2MeSn(IV)]+ has been studied spectrophotometrically at 25,C and constant ionic strength of 0.1 mol dm,3 sodium perchlorate. Over a wide pH range, 1,11, the investigation has been performed in different aqueous solutions of ethanol. The species formed together with their formation constants have been determined using the computer program Squad. The hydrolysis constants at different media were analyzed in terms of Kamlet and Taft's parameters. A single-parameter correlation of the formation constants, K1-1 and K1-2, versus , (hydrogen-bond donor acidity), , (hydrogen-bond acceptor basicity), and ,* (dipolarity/polarizability) for both cases are relatively poor in all solutions, but multiparameter correlation represents significant improvement with regard to the single-parameter models. In this work, we have also used the normalized polarity parameter, E, alone and in combination with the Kamlet,Taft's parameters to find a better correlation of the formation constants in different aqueous solutions of ethanol. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heteroatom Chem 19:654,660, 2008; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( DOI 10.1002/hc.20484 [source]

    Solvent effects on kinetics of an aromatic nucleophilic substitution reaction in mixtures of an ionic liquid with molecular solvents and prediction using artificial neural networks

    Aziz Habibi-Yangjeh
    Kinetics of the reaction between 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene and aniline was studied in mixtures of 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium ethylsulfate ([EMIM][EtSO4]) with methanol, chloroform, and dimethylsulfoxide at 25°C. Single-parameter correlations of log kA versus normalized polarity parameter (ENT), hydrogen-bond acceptor basicity (,), hydrogen-bond donor acidity (,), and dipolarity/polarizability (,*) of media do not give acceptable results. Multiparameter linear regression (MLR) of log kA versus the solvatochromic parameters demonstrates that the reaction rate constant increases with ENT, ,*, and , and decreases with , parameter. To predict accurately solvent effects on the rate constant, optimized artificial neural network with three inputs (including ,, ,*, and , parameters) was applied for prediction of the log kA values in the prediction set. It was found that properly selected and trained neural network could fairly represent the dependence of the reaction rate constant on solvatochromic parameters. Mean percent deviation of 5.023 for the prediction set by the MLR model should be compared with the value of 0.343 by the artificial neural network model. These improvements are due to the fact that the reaction rate constant shows nonlinear correlations with the solvatochromic parameters. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Chem Kinet 41: 153,159, 2009 [source]

    Kinetics and mechanism of the pyridinolysis of aryl dithiobenzoates in acetonitrile

    Hyuck Keun Oh
    The kinetics and mechanism of the aminolysis of aryl dithiobenzoates (RC(S)SC6H4Z; R = Ph) with pyridines (XC5H4N) in acetonitrile at 60.0°C have been studied. A biphasic Brönsted plot is obtained with a change in slope from a large value (,X , 0.7,0.8) to a small value (,X , 0.2) at pKa° = 5.2, which is interpreted to indicate a change of the rate-determining step from breakdown to formation of the zwitterionic tetrahedral intermediate, T±, at pKa = 5.2 as the pyridine basicity is increased. Rates are compared with those corresponding values for aryl dithioacetates (R = Me). The faster rates for R = Me than for R = Ph, for the rate-limiting formation of T±, can be attributed to the hyperconjugative charge transfer effect of the Me group, pseudo-,Me , ,*C=S. Clear-cut change in the cross-interaction constants, ,XZ, from +1.47 to ,0.20 supports the proposed mechanistic change. The breakpoint at pKa° = 5.2 for R = Ph in the present work is in agreement with those for the pyridinolysis of R = Me and 2-furyl, and attests to the insignificant effect of acyl group, R, on the breakpoint. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Chem Kinet 36: 434,440, 2004 [source]