Testis Size (testis + size)

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Selected Abstracts


EVOLUTION, Issue 10 2008
Leigh W. Simmons
Sexual selection is thought to favor the evolution of secondary sexual traits in males that contribute to mating success. In species where females mate with more than one male, sexual selection also continues after copulation in the form of sperm competition and cryptic female choice. Theory suggests that sperm competition should favor traits such as testes size and sperm production that increase a male's competitive fertilization success. Studies of experimental evolution offer a powerful approach for assessing evolutionary responses to variation in sexual selection pressures. Here we removed sexual selection by enforcing monogamy on replicate lines of a naturally polygamous horned beetle, Onthophagus taurus, and monitoring male investment in their testes for 21 generations. Testes size decreased in monogamous lines relative to lines in which sexual selection was allowed to continue. Differences in testes size were dependent on selection history and not breeding regime. Males from polygamous lines also had a competitive fertilization advantage when in sperm competition with males from monogamous lines. Females from polygamous lines produced sons in better condition, and those from monogamous lines increased their sons condition by mating polygamously. Rather than being costly for females, multiple mating appears to provide females with direct and/or indirect benefits. Neither body size nor horn size diverged between our monogamous and polygamous lines. Our data show that sperm competition does drive the evolution of testes size in onthophagine beetles, and provide general support for sperm competition theory. [source]

No Plastic Responses to Experimental Manipulation of Sperm Competition per se in a Free-Living Flatworm

ETHOLOGY, Issue 4 2010
Peter Sandner
In the absence of sperm competition evolutionary theory predicts low mating rates and low ejaculate expenditure per mating, and sex allocation theory for simultaneous hermaphrodites predicts a strongly female-biased sex allocation. In the presence of sperm competition a shift towards a more male-biased sex allocation and a higher ejaculate expenditure are predicted. The free-living flatworm Macrostomum lignano has been shown to respond plastically in mating rate, testis size, and sperm transfer to manipulation of the social group size, a proxy of the strength of sperm competition. However, manipulation of social group size may manipulate not only sperm competition, but also other factors, such as food supply and metabolite concentration. In this study we therefore manipulated sperm competition per se by repeatedly exposing individuals to partners that have either mated with rivals or not, while keeping the social group size constant. Our results suggest that M. lignano does not have the ability to detect sperm competition per se, as worms experimentally exposed to the presence or absence of sperm competition did not differ in sex allocation, sperm transfer or mating behavior. A response to our manipulation would have required individual recognition, the ability to detect self-referencing tags, or tags or traces left by rivals on or in the mating partners. We first discuss the possibility that highly efficient sperm displacement may have decreased the difference between the treatment groups and then propose three alternative cues that may allow M. lignano to respond plastically to the social group size manipulation used in earlier studies: assessment of the mating rate, chemical cues, or tactile cues. [source]


EVOLUTION, Issue 2 2008
Max Reuter
Theory predicts that males adapt to sperm competition by increasing their investment in testis mass to transfer larger ejaculates. Experimental and comparative data support this prediction. Nevertheless, the relative importance of sperm competition in testis size evolution remains elusive, because experiments vary only sperm competition whereas comparative approaches confound it with other variables, in particular male mating rate. We addressed the relative importance of sperm competition and male mating rate by taking an experimental evolution approach. We subjected populations of Drosophila melanogaster to sex ratios of 1:1, 4:1, and 10:1 (female:male). Female bias decreased sperm competition but increased male mating rate and sperm depletion. After 28 generations of evolution, males from the 10:1 treatment had larger testes than males from other treatments. Thus, testis size evolved in response to mating rate and sperm depletion, not sperm competition. Furthermore, our experiment demonstrated that drift associated with sex ratio distortion limits adaptation; testis size only evolved in populations in which the effect of sex ratio bias on the effective population size had been compensated by increasing the numerical size. We discuss these results with respect to reproductive evolution, genetic drift in natural and experimental populations, and consequences of natural sex ratio distortion. [source]

Co-evolution of male and female reproductive traits across the Bruchidae (Coleoptera)

P. F. Rugman-Jones
Summary 1Despite the obvious importance of spermatozoa to individual reproductive success a general explanation of variation in spermatozoan form and function is still lacking. In species with internal fertilization, sperm not only have to interact with the physical and biochemical environment of the female reproductive tract, but frequently face competition from the sperm of rival males. Both sperm competition theory and adaptation to the selective environment of the female reproductive tract have been implicated in the evolution of spermatozoan morphological diversity. 2Using the comparative method, we examine variation in sperm length in relation to (i) sperm competition intensity (as measured by relative testis size) and (ii) female reproductive characters, across 15 species of beetle belonging to the family Bruchidae. 3Stepwise multiple regression within a phylogenetic framework revealed sperm length to be positively correlated with female spermathecal duct length and negatively related to spermathecal volume, but not testes size, indicating that the female reproductive environment rather than sperm competition per se exerts selection on sperm length in this taxonomic group. 4A positive association between testes volume and the volume of the female spermatheca was also evident suggesting correlated evolution of these traits. 5A number of models of sexual selection could lead to the correlated evolution of male and female reproductive characters, although the underlying mechanisms of cause and effect remain elusive. Divergence between species (and populations) in primary reproductive traits is likely to present a significant barrier to hetero-specific fertilization, and thus contribute to reproductive isolation. [source]

Sperm competition and maternal effects differentially influence testis and sperm size in Callosobruchus maculatus

Abstract The evolutionary factors affecting testis size are well documented, with sperm competition being of major importance. However, the factors affecting sperm length are not well understood; there are no clear theoretical predictions and the empirical evidence is inconsistent. Recently, maternal effects have been implicated in sperm length variation, a finding that may offer insights into its evolution. We investigated potential proximate and microevolutionary factors influencing testis and sperm size in the bruchid beetle Callosobruchus maculatus using a combined approach of an artificial evolution experiment over 90 generations and an environmental effects study. We found that while polyandry seems to select for larger testes, it had no detectable effect on sperm length. Furthermore, population density, a proximate indicator of sperm competition risk, was not significantly associated with sperm length or testis size variation. However, there were strong maternal effects influencing sperm length. [source]

Social group size, potential sperm competition and reproductive investment in a hermaphroditic leech, Helobdella papillornata (Euhirudinea: Glossiphoniidae)

G. N. Tan
Abstract Social group size may affect the potential for sperm competition, and this in turn may favour ontogenetic adjustments in testicular mass according to the likely requirements for sperm and spermatophore production. In a number of comparative analyses of testis mass among vertebrate species that differ in mating system or social organization, increasing potential for sperm competition is associated with larger testis size. Intraspecific phenotypic plasticity should be able to produce the same pattern if social group size is heterogenous and reflects differing degrees of average sperm competition, but this intraspecific effect is less well studied. We tested the effect of social groups on both male and female investment in the simultaneously hermaphroditic leech, Helobdella papillornata. Leeches were placed in groups of one, two, four or eight. Sexual investment at the onset of reproductive maturity was quantified as the total testisac volume for male function and total egg volume for female function. We found that testisac volume (statistically adjusted for body size) showed a significant increase with increasing group size. Total egg volume (also adjusted for body size) was unaffected by group size. Our findings indicate adaptive developmental plasticity in male gonad investment in response to the potential for sperm competition. [source]


William F. Perrin
Abstract We offer the first report for a cetacean of geographical variation in mating system based in morphology. Analysis of samples from 1,678 male spinner dolphins from the eastern Pacific revealed that testis + epididymis weight was greater (to 1,354 g) in the whitebelly form of the species than in the eastern form (to 843 g). Sexual dimorphism in dorsal-fin shape is greater in the eastern form. The difference in testis size was strongly linked with shape of the dorsal fin on an individual basis. Only a few eastern males (0.6%) reached testis + epididymis weight at which all epididymides contain sperm, while a much larger proportion of whitebelly spinners (15.2%) reached this level, suggesting that a smaller proportion of eastern spinner males may participate in reproductive activity. This, and the fact that increased dimorphism and decreased testis size are indicative of increased polygyny in a wide variety of other mammal species, leads to the conclusion that the mating system varies geographically in the species, with a gradient from a more polygynous mating system in the eastern form to a more open or polygynandrous mating system in the whitebelly form. Differences in ovulation rate in the two forms are consistent with this conclusion. [source]

Social organization of the Milne-Edward's potto

Elizabeth R. Pimley
Abstract Nocturnal prosimian primates are often seen alone during their nocturnal activities, and are therefore categorized as "solitary". Recent research has shown that these animals actually possess social networks that differ among species. Here we present new information on one of the lesser studied prosimian primates, the potto, derived from fieldwork in Cameroon that employed radiotelemetry and behavioral observations. An analysis of association patterns and home-range overlaps between animals revealed that pottos associated more frequently with conspecifics than expected for a supposedly solitary primate. Certain males and females that were seen together regularly throughout the study, but were not observed to have contact with other pottos of the opposite sex, were labeled as "pairs". These pairs were found to have higher levels of association with each other than with other conspecifics. The only affiliative and sexual behaviors observed between members of the opposite sex occurred within the pairs of pottos. Although given the secretive nature of these primates, the possibility of extrapair copulations cannot be ruled out, their relatively small testis size indicates that sperm competition is not so important for this species. Am. J. Primatol. 66:317,330, 2005. © 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]