Temperate Regions (temperate + regions)

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Selected Abstracts

What determines the relationship between plant diversity and habitat productivity?

GLOBAL ECOLOGY, Issue 6 2008
Martin Zobel
ABSTRACT The relationship between biodiversity and habitat productivity has been a fundamental topic in ecology. Although the relationship between these parameters may exhibit different shapes, the unimodal shape has been frequently encountered. The decrease in diversity at high productivity has usually been attributed to competitive exclusion. We suggest that evolutionary history and dispersal limitation may be even more important in shaping the diversity,productivity relationship. On a global scale, unimodal diversity,productivity relationships dominate in temperate regions, whereas positive relationships are more common in the tropics. This difference can be accounted for by contrasting evolutionary history. Temperate regions have smaller species pools for productive habitats since these habitats have been scarce historically for speciation, while the opposite is true for the tropics. In addition, dispersal within a region may limit diversity either due to the lack of dispersal syndromes at low productivity or the low number of diaspores at high productivity. Thereafter, biotic interactions (competition and facilitation) can shape the relationship. All these processes can act independently or concurrently. We recommend that the common approach to examining empirical diversity,environmental relationships should start with the role of large-scale processes such as evolutionary history and dispersal limitation, followed by influences associated with ecological interactions. [source]

Geographic body size gradients in tropical regions: water deficit and anuran body size in the Brazilian Cerrado

ECOGRAPHY, Issue 4 2009
Miguel Á. Olalla-Tárraga
A recent interspecific study found Bergmann's size clines for Holarctic anurans and proposed an explanation based on heat balance to account for the pattern. However, this analysis was limited to cold temperate regions, and exploring the patterns in warmer tropical climates may reveal other factors that also influence anuran body size variation. We address this using a Cerrado anuran database. We examine the relationship between mean body size in a grid of 1° cells and environmental predictors and test the relative support for four hypotheses using an AIC-based model selection approach. Also, we considered three different amphibian phylogenies to partition the phylogenetic and specific components of the interspecific variation in body size using a method analogous to phylogenetic eigen vector regression (PVR). To consider the potential effects of spatial autocorrelation we use eigenvector-based spatial filters. We found the largest species inhabiting high water deficit areas in the northeast and the smallest in the wet southwest. Our results are consistent with the water availability hypothesis which, coupled with previous findings, suggests that the major determinant of interspecific body size variation in anurans switches from energy to water towards the equator. We propose that anuran body size gradients reflect effects of reduced surface to volume ratios in larger species to control both heat and water balance. [source]

The mid-latitude biodiversity ridge in terrestrial cave fauna

ECOGRAPHY, Issue 1 2006
David C. Culver
The world's obligate cave-dwelling fauna holds considerable promise for biogeographic analysis because it represents a large number of independent evolutionary experiments in isolation in caves and adaptation to subterranean life. We focus on seven north temperate regions of at least 2000 km2, utilizing more than 4300 records of obligate cave-dwelling terrestrial invertebrates. In North America, highest diversity was found in northeast Alabama while in Europe highest diversity was found in Ariège, France, and in southeast Slovenia. Based on these regions as well as more qualitative data from 16 other regions, we hypothesize that a ridge (ca 42°,46° in Europe and 34° in North America) of high biodiversity occurs in temperate areas of high productivity and cave density. This may reflect a strong dependence of cave communities on long term surface productivity (as reflected in actual evapotranspiration), because the subterranean fauna relies almost entirely on resources produced outside caves. This dependence may explain the unique biodiversity pattern of terrestrial cave invertebrates. [source]

Mismatch between the timing of oviposition and the seasonal optimum.

The stochastic phenology of Mediterranean acorn weevils
1. The timing of reproduction is predicted to match the period of maximum food availability. In this sense, the case of many phytophagous insects in temperate regions is very illustrative, as their larvae usually depend on a resource only available for a limited period of time each year. 2. For 3 years the interactions between the weevil Curculio elephas and the Mediterranean Holm oak Quercus ilex were studied. Weevil larvae grow within the acorns, feeding on the cotyledons. The timing of oviposition will determine food availability for the larvae, as acorns stop growing once they are attacked. 3. Acorn temporal growing patterns did not change between years and food availability for larvae was at its highest in October, when temperature was still suitable for larval development. However, oviposition phenology did change between years. In 2002 females oviposited later, larvae grew within larger acorns, and their body mass was significantly higher than in 2003 or 2004, when females oviposited into early acorns. 4. Thus, weevils do not always adjust oviposition to the best possible feeding conditions for their offspring. Rather, they seem to maximise their own lifetime fitness, ovipositing as soon as they emerge in late summer. Emergence, in turn, depends strongly on stochastic events such as summer storms in the Mediterranean region. 5. Under a climate change perspective, the trend towards higher August rainfall recorded in our study area may alter oviposition phenology, with the subsequent cascade effects on weevil body size and fitness [source]

A meta-analysis of trait differences between invasive and non-invasive plant species

Mark Van Kleunen
Ecology Letters (2010) 13: 235,245 Abstract A major aim in ecology is identifying determinants of invasiveness. We performed a meta-analysis of 117 field or experimental-garden studies that measured pair-wise trait differences of a total of 125 invasive and 196 non-invasive plant species in the invasive range of the invasive species. We tested whether invasiveness is associated with performance-related traits (physiology, leaf-area allocation, shoot allocation, growth rate, size and fitness), and whether such associations depend on type of study and on biogeographical or biological factors. Overall, invasive species had significantly higher values than non-invasive species for all six trait categories. More trait differences were significant for invasive vs. native comparisons than for invasive vs. non-invasive alien comparisons. Moreover, for comparisons between invasive species and native species that themselves are invasive elsewhere, no trait differences were significant. Differences in physiology and growth rate were larger in tropical regions than in temperate regions. Trait differences did not depend on whether the invasive alien species originates from Europe, nor did they depend on the test environment. We conclude that invasive alien species had higher values for those traits related to performance than non-invasive species. This suggests that it might become possible to predict future plant invasions from species traits. [source]

Testing for endemism, genotypic diversity and species concepts in Antarctic terrestrial microalgae of the Tribonemataceae (Stramenopiles, Xanthophyceae)

Nataliya Rybalka
Summary The genetic diversity of all available culture strains of the Tribonemataceae (Stramenopiles, Xanthophyceae) from Antarctica was assessed using the chloroplast-encoded psbA /rbcL spacer region sequences, a highly variable molecular marker, to test for endemism when compared with their closest temperate relatives. There was no species endemic for Antarctica, and no phylogenetic clade corresponded to a limited geographical region. However, species of the Tribonemataceae may have Antarctic populations that are distinct from those of other regions because the Antarctic strain spacer sequences were not identical to sequences from temperate regions. Spacer sequences from five new Antarctic isolates were identical to one or more previously available Antarctic strains, indicating that the Tribonemataceae diversity in Antarctic may be rather limited. Direct comparisons of the spacer sequences and phylogenetic analyses of the more conserved rbcL gene revealed that current morphospecies were inadequate to describe the actual biodiversity of the group. For example, the genus Xanthonema, as currently circumscribed, was paraphyletic. Fortunately, the presence of distinctive sequence regions within the psbA/rbcL spacer, together with differences in the rbcL phylogeny, provided significant autoapomorphic criteria to re-define the Tribonemataceae species. [source]

Occurrence, prediction and hydrological effects of water repellency amongst major soil and land-use types in a humid temperate climate

S. H. Doerr
Summary Knowledge of soil water repellency distribution, of factors affecting its occurrence and of its hydrological effects stems primarily from regions with a distinct dry season, whereas comparatively little is known about its occurrence in humid temperate regions such as typified by the UK. To address this research gap, we have examined: (i) water repellency persistence (determined by the water drop penetration time method, WDPT) and degree (determined by the critical surface tension method, CST) for soil samples (0,5, 10,15 and 20,25 cm depth) taken from 41 common soil and land-use types in the humid temperate climate of the UK; (ii) the supposed relationship of soil moisture, textural composition and organic matter content with sample repellency; and (iii) the bulk wetting behaviour of undisturbed surface core samples (0,5 cm depth) over a period of up to 1 week. Repellency was found in surface samples of all major soil textural types amongst most permanently vegetated sites, whereas tilled sites were virtually unaffected. Repellency levels reached those of the most severely affected areas elsewhere in the world, decreased in persistence and degree with depth and showed no consistent relationship with soil textural characteristics, organic matter or soil moisture contents, except that above a water content of c. 28% by volume, repellency was absent. Wetting rate assessments of 100 cm3 intact soil cores using continuous water contact (,20 mm pressure head) over a period of up to 7 days showed that across the whole sample range and irrespective of texture, severe to extreme repellency persistence consistently reduced the maximum water content at any given time to well below that of wettable soils. For slightly to moderately repellent soils the results were more variable and thus hydrological effects of such repellency levels are more difficult to predict. The results imply that: (i) repellency is common for many land-use types with permanent vegetation cover in humid temperate climates irrespective of soil texture; (ii) supposedly influential parameters (texture, organic matter, specific water content) are poor general predictors of water repellency, whereas land use and the moisture content below which repellency can occur seem more reliable; and (iii) infiltration and water storage capacity of very repellent soils are considerably less than for comparable wettable soils. [source]


EVOLUTION, Issue 2 2010
Xia Hua
Speciation often has a strong geographical and environmental component, but the ecological factors that potentially underlie allopatric and parapatric speciation remain understudied. Two ecological mechanisms by which speciation may occur on geographic scales are allopatric speciation through niche conservatism and parapatric or allopatric speciation through niche divergence. A previous study on salamanders found a strong latitudinal pattern in the prevalence of these mechanisms, with niche conservatism dominating in temperate regions and niche divergence dominating in the tropics, and related this pattern to Janzen's hypothesis of greater climatic zonation between different elevations in the tropics. Here, we test for latitudinal patterns in speciation in a related but more diverse group of amphibians, the anurans. Using data from up to 79 sister-species pairs, we test for latitudinal variation in elevational and climatic overlap between sister species, and evaluate the frequency of speciation via niche conservatism versus niche divergence in relation to latitude. In contrast to salamanders, we find no tendency for greater niche divergence in the tropics or for greater niche conservatism in temperate regions. Although our results support the idea of greater climatic zonation in tropical regions, they show that this climatic pattern does not lead to straightforward relationships between speciation, latitude, and niche evolution. [source]

Unity in diversity: Lessons from macaque societies

Article first published online: 19 DEC 200, Bernard Thierry
Abstract The macaque radiation is as old as the hominin radiation, approximately 7 million years. After Homo, Macaca has the widest geographical range among primates, and both of these genera are present in tropical and temperate regions as well. Whereas the single extant representative of the genus Homo diverged through processes of cultural diversification, extant species of macaques emerged through processes of evolutionary diversification. Macaque societies are characterized by profound unity and great diversity, and can best be described as variations on the same theme. To understand macaque variation and adaptation, we must take into account the processes that insure the persistence of their societies across generations and environments. [source]

Glechoma hederacea (Lamiaceae) in North America: invasion history and current distribution,

M. Scholler
Glechoma hederacea L. (Ground-ivy, Lamiaceae), a perennial mat-forming herb, is native to the temperate regions of Eurasia and was introduced elsewhere (South East Asia, New Zealand and North America). Based on data obtained from herbaria, literature, online and other data bases and field studies, we documented the invasion history and current distribution of this plant in North America. At present, the plant is recorded from all but two continental states of the USA and all southern provinces of Canada. There are two main ranges: the larger one covers mainly the eastern part of the U.S.A. and a smaller one stretches along the West Coast. While published records of Glechoma hederacea date from 1814, the oldest specimen is from 1829. During the 19th century the species spread westwards at a rate of approximately 30 km/year. The spread and present range of G. hederacea can only be explained by climatic factors (degree of oceanicity) and considering human activity. Especially long distance propagation of vegetative parts of the plants and the change of the environment that accompanies human settlements may have had a major influence on these processes. (© 2004 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim) Glechoma hederacea L. (Lamiaceae) in Nordamerika: Invasionsgeschichte und derzeitige Verbreitung Glechoma hederacea (Gewöhnlicher Gundermann; Lamiaceae), eine im temperaten Eurasien beheimatete ausdauernde krautige Pflanze konnte sich als Neophyt in Südostasien, Neuseeland und Nordamerika etablieren. Basierend auf Daten aus der Literatur und Datenbanken, Belegdaten aus Herbarien und Felduntersuchungen werden die Ausbreitungsgeschichte der Art in Nordamerika und ihr gegenwärtiges Areal dokumentiert. Gegenwärtig ist die Art aus allen kanadischen Provinzen und mit Ausnahme von zwei Bundesstaaten auch von allen kontinentalen Bundesstaaten der USA dokumentiert. Es gibt zwei Hauptareale: ein großes, welches einen Großteil der östlichen USA einnimmt und ein kleineres an der Westküste. Der älteste Nachweis von 1814 von Glechoma hederacea stammt aus der Literatur, der älteste Beleg von 1829. Im Laufe des 19. Jahrhunderts breitete sich die Art mit einer Geschwindigkeit von etwa 30 km/Jahr nach Westen aus. Ausbreitungsgeschwindigkeit und das gegenwärtige Areal können nur mit Hilfe klimatischer (Ozeanität) und anthropogener Faktoren erklärt werden. Der Mensch trägt vor allem zur Verbreitung vegetativer Pflanzenteile bei und schafft in Siedlungen günstige Wachstumsbedingungen. [source]

Benthic metabolism in two turbid dryland rivers

Summary 1.,Australian dryland rivers have among the most variable discharge of any rivers worldwide and are characterized by extended periods of no flow during which aquatic habitat contracts into isolated waterholes. Despite naturally high turbidity, benthic primary production is known to be the main source of carbon to waterhole food webs. The objective of this study was to quantify rates of benthic metabolism and identify factors influencing these rates in two Australian dryland rivers, the Cooper Creek and the Warrego River. 2.,Both rivers have similar variable hydrology and high levels of turbidity (photic depths < 0.4 m), but fish abundance in Cooper Creek is 10 times than that of the Warrego River. Therefore, an additional aim of the study was to determine if fish abundances reflected underlying differences in benthic primary production. 3.,Benthic gross primary production (GPP), benthic respiration, nutrient concentrations and light penetration were measured immediately after flow had ceased (,post-flow') and after at least 2 months of zero flow (,no-flow') in 15 waterholes from each river. A subset of four waterholes from each river was sampled on two additional occasions to determine if patterns were consistent over time. 4. Cooper Creek generally had higher rates of GPP and a more autotrophic benthic zone than the Warrego River. As a result, the expected positive relationship between fish abundance and GPP was generally observed at a broad catchment scale. 4.,Light was the major control in benthic GPP in both rivers, as nutrient concentrations were high on all sampling occasions. However, for similar values of photic depth, GPP was greater in Cooper Creek than in the Warrego River. This suggests that more frequent disturbance of the littoral zone may inhibit biofilm development in waterholes of the Warrego River. 5.,Although flow variability in dryland rivers is extreme compared with other rivers worldwide, cycles of expansion and contraction of aquatic habitat in these two rivers were associated with a shift in the dominance of regional scale (subcatchments contributing to river flow) versus local scale (waterhole morphology) influences on ecosystem functioning, similar to floodplain rivers in tropical and temperate regions. [source]

Negative effects of changing temperature on amphibian immunity under field conditions

Summary 1Recent evidence of the important role of emerging diseases in amphibian population declines makes it increasingly important to understand how environmental changes affect amphibian immune systems. 2Temperature-dependent immunity may be particularly important to amphibian disease dynamics, especially in temperate regions. Changes in temperature are expected to cause deviations away from optimal levels of immunity until the immune system can respond. 3To test whether temperature changes cause deviations from optimal immunity under natural conditions, we conducted a seasonal survey of adult Red-Spotted Newts and measured basal levels of several immunological variables. 4We then examined these findings in relation to: (1) the lag hypothesis, which predicts that changes in temperature-dependent immune parameters lag behind short-term temperature changes, and (2) the seasonal acclimation hypothesis, which predicts that immune cell production declines during long-term temperature decreases until amphibians can fully acclimate to winter conditions. 5Our results supported both hypotheses, showing a spring lag effect on lymphocyte levels and an even stronger seasonal acclimation effect on lymphocytes, neutrophils and eosinophils in the autumn. Our findings suggest that temperature variability causes increased susceptibility of amphibians to infection, and they have implications for the emergence of disease and the potential for climate change to exacerbate amphibian decline. [source]

Hemispheric-scale patterns of climate-related shifts in planktonic diatoms from North American and European lakes

Abstract A synthesis of over 200 diatom-based paleolimnological records from nonacidified/nonenriched lakes reveals remarkably similar taxon-specific shifts across the Northern Hemisphere since the 19th century. Our data indicate that these diatom shifts occurred in conjunction with changes in freshwater habitat structure and quality, which, in turn, we link to hemispheric warming trends. Significant increases in the relative abundances of planktonic Cyclotella taxa (P<0.01) were concurrent with sharp declines in both heavily silicified Aulacoseira taxa (P<0.01) and benthic Fragilaria taxa (P<0.01). We demonstrate that this trend is not limited to Arctic and alpine environments, but that lakes at temperate latitudes are now showing similar ecological changes. As expected, the onset of biological responses to warming occurred significantly earlier (P<0.05) in climatically sensitive Arctic regions (median age=ad 1870) compared with temperate regions (median age=ad 1970). In a detailed paleolimnological case study, we report strong relationships (P<0.005) between sedimentary diatom data from Whitefish Bay, Lake of the Woods (Ontario, Canada), and long-term changes in air temperature and ice-out records. Other potential environmental factors, such as atmospheric nitrogen deposition, could not explain our observations. These data provide clear evidence that unparalleled warming over the last few decades resulted in substantial increases in the length of the ice-free period that, similar to 19th century changes in high-latitude lakes, likely triggered a reorganization of diatom community composition. We show that many nonacidified, nutrient-poor, freshwater ecosystems throughout the Northern Hemisphere have crossed important climatically induced ecological thresholds. These findings are worrisome, as the ecological changes that we report at both mid- and high-latitude sites have occurred with increases in mean annual air temperature that are less than half of what is projected for these regions over the next half century. [source]

Crop planting dates: an analysis of global patterns

GLOBAL ECOLOGY, Issue 5 2010
William J. Sacks
ABSTRACT Aim, To assemble a data set of global crop planting and harvesting dates for 19 major crops, explore spatial relationships between planting date and climate for two of them, and compare our analysis with a review of the literature on factors that drive decisions on planting dates. Location, Global. Methods, We digitized and georeferenced existing data on crop planting and harvesting dates from six sources. We then examined relationships between planting dates and temperature, precipitation and potential evapotranspiration using 30-year average climatologies from the Climatic Research Unit, University of East Anglia (CRU CL 2.0). Results, We present global planting date patterns for maize, spring wheat and winter wheat (our full, publicly available data set contains planting and harvesting dates for 19 major crops). Maize planting in the northern mid-latitudes generally occurs in April and May. Daily average air temperatures are usually c. 12,17 °C at the time of maize planting in these regions, although soil moisture often determines planting date more directly than does temperature. Maize planting dates vary more widely in tropical regions. Spring wheat is usually planted at cooler temperatures than maize, between c. 8 and 14 °C in temperate regions. Winter wheat is generally planted in September and October in the northern mid-latitudes. Main conclusions, In temperate regions, spatial patterns of maize and spring wheat planting dates can be predicted reasonably well by assuming a fixed temperature at planting. However, planting dates in lower latitudes and planting dates of winter wheat are more difficult to predict from climate alone. In part this is because planting dates may be chosen to ensure a favourable climate during a critical growth stage, such as flowering, rather than to ensure an optimal climate early in the crop's growth. The lack of predictability is also due to the pervasive influence of technological and socio-economic factors on planting dates. [source]

Can the tropical conservatism hypothesis explain temperate species richness patterns?

GLOBAL ECOLOGY, Issue 4 2009
An inverse latitudinal biodiversity gradient in the New World snake tribe Lampropeltini
ABSTRACT Aim, A latitudinal gradient in species richness, defined as a decrease in biodiversity away from the equator, is one of the oldest known patterns in ecology and evolutionary biology. However, there are also many known cases of increasing poleward diversity, forming inverse latitudinal biodiversity gradients. As only three processes (speciation, extinction and dispersal) can directly affect species richness in areas, similar factors may be responsible for both classical (high tropical diversity) and inverse (high temperate diversity) gradients. Thus, a modified explanation for differential species richness which accounts for both patterns would be preferable to one which only explains high tropical biodiversity. Location, The New World. Methods, We test several proposed ecological, temporal, evolutionary and spatial explanations for latitudinal diversity gradients in the New World snake tribe Lampropeltini, which exhibits its highest biodiversity in temperate regions. Results, We find that an extratropical peak in species richness is not explained by latitudinal variation in diversification rate, the mid-domain effect, or Rapoport's rule. Rather, earlier colonization and longer duration in the temperate zones allowing more time for speciation to increase biodiversity, phylogenetic niche conservatism limiting tropical dispersal and the expansion of the temperate zones in the Tertiary better explain inverse diversity gradients in this group. Main conclusions, Our conclusions are the inverse of the predictions made by the tropical conservatism hypothesis to explain higher biodiversity near the equator. Therefore, we suggest that the processes invoked are not intrinsic to the tropics but are dependent on historical biogeography to determine the distribution of species richness, which we refer to as the ,biogeographical conservatism hypothesis'. [source]

What determines the relationship between plant diversity and habitat productivity?

GLOBAL ECOLOGY, Issue 6 2008
Martin Zobel
ABSTRACT The relationship between biodiversity and habitat productivity has been a fundamental topic in ecology. Although the relationship between these parameters may exhibit different shapes, the unimodal shape has been frequently encountered. The decrease in diversity at high productivity has usually been attributed to competitive exclusion. We suggest that evolutionary history and dispersal limitation may be even more important in shaping the diversity,productivity relationship. On a global scale, unimodal diversity,productivity relationships dominate in temperate regions, whereas positive relationships are more common in the tropics. This difference can be accounted for by contrasting evolutionary history. Temperate regions have smaller species pools for productive habitats since these habitats have been scarce historically for speciation, while the opposite is true for the tropics. In addition, dispersal within a region may limit diversity either due to the lack of dispersal syndromes at low productivity or the low number of diaspores at high productivity. Thereafter, biotic interactions (competition and facilitation) can shape the relationship. All these processes can act independently or concurrently. We recommend that the common approach to examining empirical diversity,environmental relationships should start with the role of large-scale processes such as evolutionary history and dispersal limitation, followed by influences associated with ecological interactions. [source]


INSECT SCIENCE, Issue 3 2001
REN Shun-xiang
AbstractBemisia tabaci (Gennadius) has been considered as a serious pest in all of tropical, subtropical and temperate regions of the world. B. tabaci first recorded as early as in 1940s in China and has been reported as a pest of various crops in 22 provinces or cities. But only recently it has become a severe problem for vegetable and ornamental crops in Guangdong and Beijing. In China B. tabaci is known to transmit at least 5 plant viruses, including tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV), tomato leaf curl virus (TomLCV), squash leaf curl virus (SqLCV-C). So far, approximately 18 parasitoids, 17 predators and 1 pathogenic fungus were recorded in China. This paper presents an overview of B. tabaci as a pest and virus vector in China, with special attention given to non-chemical control strategies. [source]

Temperate and tropical algal-sea anemone symbioses

Gisèle Muller-Parker
Abstract. In this review, we seek to develop new insights about the nature of algal-sea anemone symbioses by comparing such associations in temperate and tropical seas. Temperate seas undergo pronounced seasonal cycles in irradiance, temperature, and nutrients, while high irradiance, high temperature, and low nutrients are seasonally far less variable in tropical seas. We compare the nature of symbiosis between sea anemones (= actinians) and zooxanthellae (Symbiodinium spp.) in both regions to test tropical paradigms against temperate examples and to identify directions for future research. Although fewer anemone species are symbiotic in temperate regions, they are locally dominant and ecologically important members of the benthic community compared to the tropics. Zooxanthella densities tend to be lower in temperate anemones, but data are limited to a few species in both temperate and tropical seas. Zooxanthella densities are far more stable over time in temperate anemones than in tropical anemones, suggesting that temperate symbioses are more resistant to fluctuations in environmental parameters such as irradiance and temperature. Light-saturated photosynthetic rates of temperate and tropical zooxanthellae are similar, but temperate anemone hosts receive severely reduced carbon supplies from zooxanthellae during winter months when light is reduced. Symbiont transmission modes and specificity do not show any trends among anemones in tropical vs. temperate seas. Our review indicates the need for the following: (1) Investigations of other temperate and tropical symbiotic anemone species to assess the generality of trends seen in a few "model' anemones. (2) Attention to the field ecology of temperate and tropical algal-anemone symbioses, for example, how symbioses function under seasonally variable environmental factors and how zooxanthellae persist at high densities in darkness and winter. The greater stability of zooxanthella populations in temperate hosts may be useful to understanding tropical symbioses in which bleaching (loss of zooxanthellae) is of major concern. (3) Study of the evolutionary history of symbiosis in both temperate and tropical seas. Continued exploration of the phylogenetic relationships between host anemones and zooxanthella strains may show how and why zooxanthellae differ in anemone hosts in both environments. [source]

The role of group size and environmental factors on survival in a cooperatively breeding tropical passerine

Summary 1Variation in survival, a major determinant of fitness, may be caused by individual or environmental characteristics. Furthermore, interactions between individuals may influence survival through the negative feedback effects of density dependence. Compared to species in temperate regions, we have little knowledge about population processes and variation in fitness in tropical bird species. 2To investigate whether variation in survival could be explained by population size or climatic variables we used capture,recapture models in conjunction with a long-term data set from an island population of the territorial, cooperatively breeding Seychelles warbler (Acrocephalus sechellensis). The lack of migration out of the study population means that our results are not confounded by dispersal. 3Annual survival was high, both for adults (84%) and juveniles (61%), and did not differ between the sexes. Although there was significant variation in survival between years, this variation could not be explained by overall population size or weather variables. 4For territorial species, resource competition will work mainly on a local scale. The size of a territory and number of individuals living in it will therefore be a more appropriate measure of density than overall population density. Consequently, both an index of territory quality per individual (food availability) and local density, measured as group size, were included as individual covariates in our analyses. 5Local density had a negative effect on survival; birds living in larger groups had lower survival probabilities than those living in small groups. Food availability did not affect survival. 6Our study shows that, in a territorial species, although density-dependent effects might not be detectable at the population level they can be detected at the individual territory level , the scale at which individuals compete. These results will help to provide a better understanding of the small-scale processes involved in the dynamics of a population in general, but in particular in tropical species living in relatively stable environments. [source]

Improvement of the sterile insect technique for codling moth Cydia pomonella (Linnaeus) (Lepidoptera Tortricidae) to facilitate expansion of field application

M. J. B. Vreysen
Abstract The codling moth Cydia pomonella (L.) (Lepidoptera Tortricidae) is a key pest of pome fruit (apple, pear and quince) and walnut orchards in most temperate regions of the world. Efforts to control the codling moth in the past mostly relied on the use of broad spectrum insecticide sprays, which has resulted in the development of insecticide resistance, and the disruption of the control of secondary pests. In addition, the frequent reliance and use of these insecticides are a constant threat to the environment and human health. Consequently, there have been increased demands from the growers for the development of codling moth control tactics that are not only effective but also friendly to the environment. In that respect, the sterile insect technique (SIT) and its derivative, inherited sterility (IS), are, together with mating disruption and granulosis virus, among the options that offer great potential as cost-effective additions to available control tactics for integration in area-wide integrated pest-management approaches. In support of the further development of the SIT/IS for codling moth control, the Joint FAO/IAEA Programme of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture implemented a 5-year Coordinated Research Project (CRP) entitled ,Improvement of codling moth SIT to facilitate expansion of field application'. Research focussed on sterile codling moth quality and management (e.g. mobility and life-history traits in relation to rearing strategy, dispersal, flight ability, radiosensitivity and mating compatibility) and a better understanding of the basic genetics of codling moth to assist the development of genetic sexing strains (e.g. cytogenetics, the development of dominant conditional lethal mutations, molecular characterization of the sex chromosomes, sex identification in embryos and cytogenetic markers). The results of the CRP are presented in this special issue. [source]

Out of the Palaeotropics?

Historical biogeography, diversification of the cosmopolitan ectomycorrhizal mushroom family Inocybaceae
Abstract Aim, The ectomycorrhizal (ECM) mushroom family Inocybaceae is widespread in north temperate regions, but more than 150 species are encountered in the tropics and the Southern Hemisphere. The relative roles of recent and ancient biogeographical processes, relationships with plant hosts, and the timing of divergences that have shaped the current geographic distribution of the family are investigated. Location, Africa, Australia, Neotropics, New Zealand, north temperate zone, Palaeotropics, Southeast Asia, South America, south temperate zone. Methods, We reconstruct a phylogeny of the Inocybaceae with a geological timeline using a relaxed molecular clock. Divergence dates of lineages are estimated statistically to test vicariance-based hypotheses concerning relatedness of disjunct ECM taxa. A series of internal maximum time constraints is used to evaluate two different calibrations. Ancestral state reconstruction is used to infer ancestral areas and ancestral plant partners of the family. Results, The Palaeotropics are unique in containing representatives of all major clades of Inocybaceae. Six of the seven major clades diversified initially during the Cretaceous, with subsequent radiations probably during the early Palaeogene. Vicariance patterns cannot be rejected that involve area relationships for Africa,Australia, Africa,India and southern South America,Australia. Northern and southern South America, Australia and New Zealand are primarily the recipients of immigrant taxa during the Palaeogene or later. Angiosperms were the earliest hosts of Inocybaceae. Transitions to conifers probably occurred no earlier than 65 Ma. Main conclusions, The Inocybaceae initially diversified no later than the Cretaceous in Palaeotropical settings, in association with angiosperms. Diversification within major clades of the family accelerated during the Palaeogene in north and south temperate regions, whereas several relictual lineages persisted in the tropics. Both vicariance and dispersal patterns are detected. Species from Neotropical and south temperate regions are largely derived from immigrant ancestors from north temperate or Palaeotropical regions. Transitions to conifer hosts occurred later, probably during the Palaeogene. [source]

Phytogeography of the bryophyte floras of oak forests and páramo of the Cordillera de Talamanca, Costa Rica

Ingo Holz
Abstract Aim, Central America is a biogeographically interesting area because of its location between the rich and very different biota of North and South America. We aim to assess phytogeographical patterns in the bryophyte floras of oak forests and páramo of the Cordillera de Talamanca, Costa Rica. Location, Tropical America, in particular the montane area of Cordillera de Talamanca, Costa Rica. Methods, The analysis is based on a new critical inventory of the montane bryophyte flora of Cordillera de Talamanca. All species were assigned to phytogeographical elements on the basis of their currently known distribution. Absolute and percentage similarities were employed to evaluate floristic affinities. Results, A total of 401 species [191 hepatics (liverworts), one hornwort, 209 mosses] are recorded; of these, 251 species (128 hepatics, one hornwort, 122 mosses) occur in oak forests. Ninety-three per cent of all oak forest species are tropical in distribution, the remaining 7% are temperate (4%) and cosmopolitan (3%) species. The neotropical element includes almost 74% of the species, the wide tropical element (pantropical, amphi-atlantic, amphi-pacific) only 19%. A significant part of the neotropical species from oak forests are species with tropical Andean-centred ranges (27%). As compared with bryophyte species, vascular plant genera in the study region are represented by fewer neotropical, more temperate and more amphi-pacific taxa. Bryophyte floras of different microhabitats within the oak forest and epiphytic bryophyte floras on Quercus copeyensis in primary, early secondary and late secondary oak forest show a similar phytogeographical make-up to the total oak forest bryophyte flora. Comparison of oak forest and páramo reveals a greater affinity of the páramo bryophyte flora to temperate regions and the great importance of the páramo element in páramo. Surprisingly, oak forests have more Central American endemics than páramo. Main conclusions, (1) Providing first insights into the phytogeographical patterns of the bryophyte flora of oak forests and páramo, we are able to confirm general phytogeographical trends recorded from vascular plant genera of the study area although the latter were more rich in temperate taxa. (2) Andean-centred species are a conspicuous element in the bryophyte flora of Cordillera de Talamanca, reflecting the close historical connection between the montane bryophyte floras of Costa Rica and South America. (3) High percentages of Central American endemics in the bryophyte flora of the oak forests suggest the importance of climatic changes associated with Pleistocene glaciations for allopatric speciation. [source]

Global patterns of plant diversity and floristic knowledge

Gerold Kier
Abstract Aims, We present the first global map of vascular plant species richness by ecoregion and compare these results with the published literature on global priorities for plant conservation. In so doing, we assess the state of floristic knowledge across ecoregions as described in floras, checklists, and other published documents and pinpoint geographical gaps in our understanding of the global vascular plant flora. Finally, we explore the relationships between plant species richness by ecoregion and our knowledge of the flora, and between plant richness and the human footprint , a spatially explicit measure of the loss and degradation of natural habitats and ecosystems as a result of human activities. Location, Global. Methods, Richness estimates for the 867 terrestrial ecoregions of the world were derived from published richness data of c. 1800 geographical units. We applied one of four methods to assess richness, depending on data quality. These included collation and interpretation of published data, use of species,area curves to extrapolate richness, use of taxon-based data, and estimates derived from other ecoregions within the same biome. Results, The highest estimate of plant species richness is in the Borneo lowlands ecoregion (10,000 species) followed by nine ecoregions located in Central and South America with , 8000 species; all are found within the Tropical and Subtropical Moist Broadleaf Forests biome. Among the 51 ecoregions with , 5000 species, only five are located in temperate regions. For 43% of the 867 ecoregions, data quality was considered good or moderate. Among biomes, adequate data are especially lacking for flooded grasslands and flooded savannas. We found a significant correlation between species richness and data quality for only a few biomes, and, in all of these cases, our results indicated that species-rich ecoregions are better studied than those poor in vascular plants. Similarly, only in a few biomes did we find significant correlations between species richness and the human footprint, all of which were positive. Main conclusions, The work presented here sets the stage for comparisons of degree of concordance of plant species richness with plant endemism and vertebrate species richness: important analyses for a comprehensive global biodiversity strategy. We suggest: (1) that current global plant conservation strategies be reviewed to check if they cover the most outstanding examples of regions from each of the world's major biomes, even if these examples are species-poor compared with other biomes; (2) that flooded grasslands and flooded savannas should become a global priority in collecting and compiling richness data for vascular plants; and (3) that future studies which rely upon species,area calculations do not use a uniform parameter value but instead use values derived separately for subregions. [source]

Size matters sometimes: wall height and the structure of subtidal benthic invertebrate assemblages in south-eastern Australia and Mediterranean Spain

A. R. Davis
Abstract Aim, Variation in the structure of shallow subtidal invertebrate assemblages was examined over three spatial scales; within reef, between reef and between continents. We sought to provide a context from which to examine and interpret ecological processes between continents. In addition, we predicted that variation in pattern would increase as the scale of examination increased. Location, Reefs near Wollongong and within Jervis Bay in south-eastern Australia and Mediterranean reefs on the Costa Brava (Catalonia), north-eastern Spain. Methods, We compared assemblages on vertical rock walls of two heights , short (< 2 m) and tall (> 3 m) in two temperate regions over the same depth range. Specifically we examined the diversity and cover of invertebrates, the cover and biomass of foliose and crustose algae, the size of invertebrate colonies and the biomass of urchins on short and tall walls (n = 3) at each of two locations in each country. Results, Foliose algae dominated rock walls in Spain and although invertebrate cover was high, colonies were generally very small. Two urchin species were commonly encountered on rock walls in Spain, Arbacia lixula and Paracentrotus lividus; their biomass was relatively low and did not differ significantly between short and tall walls. These findings contrasted strongly with south-eastern Australia, where foliose algae were almost completely absent. A single urchin species, Centrostephanus rodgersii occurred with extremely high biomass on short walls, which were dominated by grazer-resistant crustose calcareous algae. In contrast, the biomass of this urchin was low on tall walls, which were dominated by invertebrates, usually exceeding 95% in cover. Invertebrate colonies were significantly larger on both short and tall walls in south-eastern Australia relative to the Mediterranean. Findings within a country were consistent between the replicate rock walls and between locations. In contrast to our prediction, however, there was significant variation among walls within a location, but not among locations within a continent. Temporal variation in the structure of these assemblages was not examined, but appears limited. Main conclusions, We conclude that submarine topography, i.e. the presence of short or tall rock walls, as a function of rock type and structure, has a marked impact on community structure in south-eastern Australia, but made little difference to the structure of the assemblage in Mediterranean Spain. The differences in structure we observed between walls of different heights in Australia were correlated with differences in the biomass of urchins and they appear to be major determinants of assemblage structure. Interactions among species are often reported from disparate parts of the globe with little or no reference to the structure of the assemblage of which they are a part; we contend that this will hinder interpretation. Our data are consistent with the organisms in these two regions experiencing distinct selection pressures; for example high levels of urchin grazing activity in south-eastern Australia, and shading and whiplash associated with an algal canopy in the Mediterranean. It may not be appropriate to contrast processes operating at very large (intercontinental) scales unless context can be established with a clear understanding of ecological pattern. Objectivos, En el presente trabajo hemos examinado la variación en estructura de comunidades de invertebrados de aguas someras a tres escalas espaciales: dentro de arrecifes rocosos, entre arrecifes y entre continentes. Nuestro objetivo era proveer un contexto para examinar y interpretar procesos ecológicos entre continentes. Además, realizamos la predicción de que el modelo de variación aumentaría conforme aumentaba la escala de observación. Localidad, Arrecifes rocosos cerca de Wollongong y en Jarvis Bay en la zona sudeste de Australia y arrecifes rocosos mediterráneos en la Costa Brava (Cataluña), en el nordeste de España. Metodos, Comparamos comunidades en paredes rocosas verticales de dos alturas , bajas (< 2 m) y altas (> 3 m) en dos regiones templadas y dentro del mismo rango de profundidades. Específicamente, examinamos la diversidad y el recubrimiento de invertebrados, el recubrimiento y la biomasa de algas foliosas e incrustantes, la medida de las colonias de invertebrados y la biomasa de erizos en paredes bajas y altas (n = 3) en dos localidades de cada país. Resultados, Las algas foliosas dominaban las paredes rocosas en España y, aunque el recubrimiento de invertebrados era alto, las colonias eran generalmente muy pequeñas. Dos especies de erizos eran comunes en las paredes rocosas en España: Arbacia lixula y Paracentrotus lividus. Su biomasa total era relativamente pequeña y no mostraba diferencias significativas entre paredes bajas y altas. Estos resultados contrastan con los hallados en el sudeste de Australia, donde las algas foliosas eran prácticamente ausentes. Una única especie de erizo, Centrostephanus rodgersii, se encontraba en las paredes bajas, donde presentaba elevadas biomasas. Estas paredes estaban dominadas por algas incrustantes y carbonatadas resistentes al ramoneo por erizos. En cambio, la biomasa de este erizo era baja en paredes altas, que estaban dominadas por invertebrados, con recubrimientos normalmente por encima del 95%. Las colonias de invertebrados eran significativamente más grandes tanto en las paredes altas como bajas en el sudeste de Australia en comparación con el Mediterráneo. Los resultados dentro de cada país eran consistentes entre las réplicas de paredes estudiadas y entre localidades. Contrariamente a nuestra predicción, sin embargo, había una variación significativa entre paredes dentro de una localidad pero no entre localidades dentro de un continente. La variación temporal en estructura en estas comunidades no fue estudiada, pero parece ser limitada. Conclusiones Principales, Concluimos que la topografía submarina, esto es, la presencia de paredes bajas o altas en función del tipo de roca y estructura, tiene un efecto importante en la estructura de las comunidades en el sudeste de Australia. Este factor, sin embargo, tiene un efecto muy limitado en el Mediterráneo español. Las diferencias en estructura observadas entre paredes de diferentes alturas en Australia se correlacionan con diferencias en la biomasa de erizos, los cuales parecen ser determinantes en la estructura de las comunidades. Frecuentemente se estudian interacciones entre especies en zonas alejadas del globo con escasa o nula referencia a la estructura de la comunidad de la que forman parte. En nuestra opinión este hecho impide una correcta interpretación. Nuestros datos son consistentes con la idea de que los organismos en las dos regiones estudiadas experimentan diversas presiones selectivas, por ejemplo, niveles altos de ramoneo por erizos en el sudeste de Australia, y oscurecimiento y disturbancia mecánica asociadas a la cobertura de algas en el Mediterráneo. No parece apropiado comparar procesos que operan a escalas muy amplias (intercontinentales) sin establecer antes un contexto con una comprensión clara de los parámetros ecológicos. [source]

Selection and Use of Postharvest Technologies as a Component of the Food Chain

ABSTRACT: Postharvest technologies refer to the stabilization and storage of unprocessed or minimally processed foods from the time of harvest until final preparation for human consumption. There is a special emphasis on seasonal crops, and simple, labor-intensive, capital-sparing technologies suitable for developing countries where food spoilage rates are high and malnutrition is prevalent. The first step is to determine the major spoilage vectors for each type of food and then identify a technology that will control that vector. For cereal grains the major spoilage vectors are mold, insects, rodents, and other vertebrate pests. Mold is controlled by prompt and adequate drying to a water activity below 0.7. Insects are controlled by good housekeeping, and use of insecticides and fumigants. Rodents are controlled by baits, traps, fumigants, and rodent-proof storage structures. For fruits, vegetables, roots, and tubers the main spoilage vectors are bruising, rotting, senescence, and wilting. Bruising is avoided by careful handling and use of shock-resistant packaging. Rotting is controlled by good housekeeping, gentle handling to avoid breaking the skin, cool storage, and use of preservatives. Senescence is retarded by cold storage or controlled-atmosphere storage. Wilting is controlled by high humidity and cold storage. Growth of microbes is the major spoilage of fish and other foods of animal origin. This is controlled by refrigerated or frozen storage, drying, freezing, or canning. Most spoilage vectors accelerate as the temperature and humidity increase; this makes it more difficult to control spoilage in tropical than in temperate regions. [source]

Climate change impacts on insect management and conservation in temperate regions: can they be predicted?

Richard Harrington

Phenotypic Plasticity of Life History Characteristics: Quantitative Analysis of Delayed Reproduction of Green Foxtail (Setaria viridis) in the Songnen Plain of China

Hai-Yan Li
Abstract Green foxtail (Setaria viridis L.) is a common weed species in temperate regions. Research on the effect of delayed reproduction on the phenotypic plasticity and regularity of the vegetative and reproductive growth is of vital significance for understanding population regulation and control of the weed in the growing season. Green foxtail seeds were sown every 10 days from 25 June to 24 August of 2004. The growth and production metrics were measured via harvesting tufts and statistical analysis was carried out. The results showed that the reproductive tillers, seed number, seed biomass and one thousand-seed weight of plants at the first sowing (25 June) approximately increased 28.8, 7 827.0, 1 104.0 and 12.3 times compared with that at the last sowing (24 August), respectively. Total tillers, reproductive tillers and height increased linearly as the reproductive period delayed, however, biomass increased exponentially. Quadratic equations best explained the relationships between the delayed reproductive period and seed number, inflorescence length, one thousand-seed weight, seed biomass. Based on the quantity and quality of seed production, weeding young seedlings emerging before July can be the most effective weed-control strategy in the Songnen Plain. [source]

Seasonal influenza activity in Hong Kong and its association with meteorological variations

Paul K.S. Chan
Abstract Influenza seasons appear consistently in the temperate regions, but are more variable in tropical/subtropical regions. The determinant for such variation remains poorly understood. This study documented the activity of influenza over a 10-year period in Hong Kong; examining its association with changes in temperature and relative humidity. The two types of influenza exhibited different correlations with meteorological variations. Influenza A showed two seasonal peaks occurring respectively in winter/spring and summer months in most years. Influenza B showed a clear winter/spring peak, but its activity during summer months was more variable. Cold and humid conditions were associated with a higher activity of both influenza A and B. In contrast, hot and humid conditions were associated with a higher activity of influenza A, but were associated with only a moderate, less consistent increase in the activity of influenza B. A trend of increase in the magnitude of summer peaks of influenza A, but not influenza B, was observed. A hypothetical 2°C rise in temperature would decrease the proportion of favorable days for influenza A in December,April from 78% to 57%, but an increase from 58% to 71% in May,November; with a similar effect (from 83% to 62%) for influenza B during December,April, but a modest change (from 17% to 18%) during May,November. The presence of two seasonal peaks of influenza annually emphasizes the need to evaluate the duration of protective immunity offered by vaccination. Further study on the effects of climate change and global warming on the activity of influenza is warranted. J. Med. Virol. 81:1797,1806, 2009. © 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

135 Life History and Ecology of Trentepohliaceae (Chlorophyta) in the West of Ireland

F. Rindi
Species of subaerial green algae of the family Trentepohliaceae are common in tropical and temperate regions. Despite nearly two centuries of investigations, several important aspects of their biology (such as life history and taxonomic relationships of some species) are still poorly understood. In western Ireland, the abundance of Trentepohliaceae is a peculiar feature of the subaerial algal vegetation. Six species are present (Phycopeltis arundinacea, Printzina lagenifera, Trentepohlia abietina, T. aurea, T. iolithus and T. umbrina). Life history and phenology of these were examined by extensive field and culture studies. In contrast to most other subaerial algae, the Trentepohliaceae show a generally strict substratum-specificity in western Ireland. T. iolithus, in particular, is remarkable for its occurrence on concrete walls, where it may produce extensive dark-red growths. Our observations suggest that general statements about the life history of Trentepohlia should be reconsidered critically. There is no evidence that in Irish populations a regular alternation of isomorphic gametophytes and sporophytes takes place; biflagellate swarmers (usually considered gametes) behave as asexual spores and reproduce the same morphological phase. No fusion of gametes was observed and a detailed examination of the literature concerning the genus shows that this phenomenon is extremely rare. A combination of studies based on different types of data (molecular data, examination of very large numbers of field samples, chromosome numbers, culture studies) is considered fundamental to any definitive clarification of the taxonomy and life history of Trentepohlia. [source]

Detection of Puccinia striiformis in Latently Infected Wheat Leaves by Nested Polymerase Chain Reaction

Xiaojie Wang
Abstract Stripe rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (Pst), is one of the most devastating wheat diseases worldwide, especially in temperate regions with cool moist weather conditions. The identification of the pathogen in infected plants based on morphological or physiological criteria before sporulation is labour-intensive and time-consuming. To accelerate and simplify the process of detection, a nested Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) assay was developed for specific and sensitive detection of Pst. Specific primers Psta-Psts were designed according to a genome-specific sequence of Pst. In nested PCR, with a 10-fold dilution series of template DNA, the detection limit was 2 pg DNA in the first PCR with the primers Psta-Psts. The second round PCR was then performed using amplified products from the first PCR as the template and Nesta-Nests as the primers. An amplification signal was detectable even when only 2 fg of P. striiformis f. sp. tritici DNA was used as the template in nested PCR. With nested PCR, the sensitivity of detection was enhanced 1000 fold. Using extracts from stripe rust-infected wheat leaves, the fungus could be determined in the leaves before symptom appearance. The assay provides a rapid and sensitive method for detection of P. striiformis f. sp. tritici in latently infected leaves of overwintering wheat plants. [source]