Tat System (tat + system)

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Selected Abstracts

Reduction of fumarate, mesaconate and crotonate by Mfr, a novel oxygen-regulated periplasmic reductase in Campylobacter jejuni

Edward Guccione
Summary Methylmenaquinol : fumarate reductase (Mfr) is a newly recognized type of fumarate reductase present in some ,-proteobacteria, where the active site subunit (MfrA) is localized in the periplasm, but for which a physiological role has not been identified. We show that the Campylobacter jejuni mfrABE operon is transcribed from a single promoter, with the mfrA gene preceded by a small open reading-frame (mfrX) encoding a C. jejuni -specific polypeptide of unknown function. The growth characteristics and enzyme activities of mutants in the mfrA and menaquinol : fumarate reductase A (frdA) genes show that the cytoplasmic facing Frd enzyme is the major fumarate reductase under oxygen limitation. The Mfr enzyme is shown to be necessary for maximal rates of growth by fumarate respiration and rates of fumarate reduction in intact cells measured by both viologen assays and 1H-NMR were slower in an mfrA mutant. As periplasmic fumarate reduction does not require fumarate/succinate antiport, Mfr may allow more efficient adaptation to fumarate-dependent growth. However, a further rationale for the periplasmic location of Mfr is suggested by the observation that the enzyme also reduces the fumarate analogues mesaconate and crotonate; fermentation products of anaerobes with which C. jejuni shares its gut environment, that are unable to be transported into the cell. Both MfrA and MfrB subunits were localized in the periplasm by immunoblotting and 2D-gel electrophoresis, but an mfrE mutant accumulated unprocessed MfrA in the cytoplasm, suggesting a preassembled MfrABE holoenzyme has to be recognized by the TAT system for translocation to occur. Gene expression studies in chemostat cultures following an aerobic-anaerobic shift showed that mfrA is highly upregulated by oxygen limitation, as would be experienced in vivo. Our results indicate that in addition to a role in fumarate respiration, Mfr allows C. jejuni to reduce analogous substrates specifically present in the host gut environment. [source]

Translocation of proteins across archaeal cytoplasmic membranes

Mechthild Pohlschröder
Abstract All cells need to transport proteins across hydrophobic membranes. Several mechanisms have evolved to facilitate this transport, including: (i) the universally-conserved Sec system, which transports proteins in an unfolded conformation and is thought to be the major translocation pathway in most organisms and (ii) the Tat system, which transports proteins that have already obtained some degree of tertiary structure. Here, we present the current understanding of these processes in the domain Archaea, and how they compare to the corresponding pathways in bacteria and eukaryotes. [source]

Exploration of twin-arginine translocation for expression and purification of correctly folded proteins in Escherichia coli

Adam C. Fisher
Summary Historically, the general secretory (Sec) pathway of Gram-negative bacteria has served as the primary route by which heterologous proteins are delivered to the periplasm in numerous expression and engineering applications. Here we have systematically examined the twin-arginine translocation (Tat) pathway as an alternative, and possibly advantageous, secretion pathway for heterologous proteins. Overall, we found that: (i) export efficiency and periplasmic yield of a model substrate were affected by the composition of the Tat signal peptide, (ii) Tat substrates were correctly processed at their N-termini upon reaching the periplasm and (iii) proteins fused to maltose-binding protein (MBP) were reliably exported by the Tat system, but only when correctly folded; aberrantly folded MBP fusions were excluded by the Tat pathway's folding quality control feature. We also observed that Tat export yield was comparable to Sec for relatively small, well-folded proteins, higher relative to Sec for proteins that required cytoplasmic folding, and lower relative to Sec for larger, soluble fusion proteins. Interestingly, the specific activity of material purified from the periplasm was higher for certain Tat substrates relative to their Sec counterparts, suggesting that Tat expression can give rise to relatively pure and highly active proteins in one step. [source]

A subset of bacterial inner membrane proteins integrated by the twin-arginine translocase

Kostas Hatzixanthis
Summary A group of bacterial exported proteins are synthesized with N-terminal signal peptides containing a SRRxFLK ,twin-arginine' amino acid motif. Proteins bearing twin-arginine signal peptides are targeted post-translationally to the twin-arginine translocation (Tat) system which transports folded substrates across the inner membrane. In Escherichia coli, most integral inner membrane proteins are assembled by a co-translational process directed by SRP/FtsY, the SecYEG translocase, and YidC. In this work we define a novel class of integral membrane proteins assembled by a Tat-dependent mechanism. We show that at least five E. coli Tat substrate proteins contain hydrophobic C-terminal transmembrane helices (or ,C-tails'). Fusions between the identified transmembrane C-tails and the exclusively Tat-dependent reporter proteins TorA and SufI render the resultant chimeras membrane-bound. Export-linked signal peptide processing and membrane integration of the chimeras is shown to be both Tat-dependent and YidC-independent. It is proposed that the mechanism of membrane integration of proteins by the Tat system is fundamentally distinct from that employed for other bacterial inner membrane proteins. [source]