SW Finland (sw + finland)

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Selected Abstracts

Effect of flooding and draw-down disturbance on germination from a seashore meadow seed bank

Heli M. Jutila
Hämet-Ahti et al. (1998) Abstract. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of flooding and draw-down on the germination from the coastal grassland seed banks and to determine whether the effect of flooding varies between the delta and the seashore. Seed bank samples were collected from three shore transects in SW Finland, two on the shore of the Baltic Sea and one on the delta of River Kokemäenjoki. Samples were germinated in non-flooded and flooded conditions for over a month, after which both treatments were maintained in non-flooded conditions. A total of 9267 seedlings of 47 species germinated and mean density of seeds in the soil was ca. 84 000/m2. Most of the seedlings were monocots (98%) and perennials (98%). Ca. 30,40% of the species found in the above-ground vegetation had a seed bank including the majority of the most abundant species. The number of seeds and species richness increased as the organic layer became thicker. The organic layer was thicker in the seashore samples and the seed bank was significantly larger than in the delta. The flooding and draw-down treatment significantly increased the number of germinating seedlings in the seashore and also increased species richness in two transects, one in the delta and the other in the seashore. Two species, Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani and Typha latifolia, had significantly higher germination in the flooded treatment than in the non-flooded. Apparently, many species in these coastal grasslands have adapted to flood disturbance and for seeds of some species flooding may work as a positive signal, possibly breaking dormancy. [source]

Temporal changes in the island flora at different scales in the archipelago of SW Finland

Jens-Johan Hannus
Abstract Question: How have species richness and vegetation patterns changed in a group of islands in the northern Baltic Sea over a 58-yr period of changing land use and increasing eutrophication? Location: A group of 116 islands, the Brunskär sub-archipelago, in SW Finland. Methods: A complete survey of vascular plant species performed in 1947,1949 by Skult was repeated by our group using the same methodology in 2005,2007 (historical versus contemporary, respectively). DCAs were performed and total number of species, extinction,colonization rates, species frequency changes and mean Ellenberg indicator values for light, moisture and nitrogen and Eklund indicator values for dependence of human cultural influence were obtained for each island and relevé. Results: Species richness has declined on large islands and increased on small islands. The increase in number of species on small islands is driven by a strong increase in frequency of shore species, which in turn is induced by more productive shores. The decrease in species richness on large islands is related to overgrowth of open semi-natural habitats after cessation of grazing and other agricultural practices. Conclusions: After the late 1940s, open habitats, which were created and maintained by cattle grazing and other traditional agricultural activities, have declined in favour of woody shrub and forest land. Shores have been stabilized and influenced by the eutrophication of the Baltic Sea, and the vegetation has become more homogeneous. This development, resulting in lower species diversity, poses a challenge for the preservation of biodiversity both on a local and on a landscape level. [source]

Rates of Holocene isostatic uplift and relative sea-level lowering of the Baltic in SW Finland based on studies of isolation contacts

BOREAS, Issue 1 2001
Southwestern Finland was covered by the Weichselian ice sheet and experienced rapid glacio-isostati c rebound after early Holocene deglaciation. The present mean overall apparent uplift rate is of the order of 4,5 mm/yr, but immediately after deglaciation the rate of crustal rebound was several times higher. Concurrently with land uplift, relative sea level in the Baltic basin during the past more than 8000 years was also strongly affected by the eustatic changes in sea level. There is ample evidence from earlier studies that during the early Litorina Sea stage on the southeastern coast of Finland around 7000 yr BP (7800 cal. yr BP), the rise in sea level exceeded the rate of land uplift, resulting in a short-lived transgression. Because of a higher rate of uplift, the transgression was even more short-lived or of negligible magnitude in the southwestern part of coastal Finland, but even in this latter case a slowing down in the rate of regression can still be detected. We used evidence from isolation basins to obtain a set of 71 14C dates, and over 30 new sea-level index points. The age-elevation data, obtained from lakes in two different areas and located between c. 64 m and 1.5 m above present sea level, display a high degree of internal consistency. This suggests that the dates are reliable, even though most of them were based on bulk sediment samples. The two relative sea-level curves confirm the established model of relatively gradually decreasing rates of relative sea-level lowering since c. 6100 yr BP (7000 cal. yr BP) and clearly indicate that the more northerly of the two study areas experienced the higher rate of glacio-isostati c recovery. In the southerly study area, changes in diatom assemblages and lithostratigraphy suggest that during the early Litorina Sea stage (8300,7600 cal. yr BP) eustatic sea-level rise exceeded land uplift for hundreds of years. Evidence for this transgressio n was discovered in a lake with a basin threshold at an elevation of 41 m above sea level, which is markedly higher than any previously known site with evidence for the Litorina transgression in Finland. We also discuss evidence for subsequent short-term fluctuations superimposed on the main trends of relative sea-level changes. [source]