
Distribution by Scientific Domains
Distribution within Chemistry

Kinds of Bands

  • absorption bands
  • additional bands
  • age bands
  • broad bands
  • chromosomal bands
  • ciliary bands
  • confidence bands
  • dgge bands
  • dna bands
  • dominant bands
  • emission bands
  • energy bands
  • fluorescence bands
  • frequency bands
  • fundamental bands
  • gel bands
  • igg bands
  • immunoreactive bands
  • intense bands
  • ir bands
  • kda bands
  • linear bands
  • luminescence bands
  • major bands
  • molecular weight bands
  • multiple bands
  • narrow bands
  • new bands
  • oligoclonal bands
  • oligoclonal igg bands
  • optical bands
  • overlapping bands
  • polymorphic bands
  • positive bands
  • protein bands
  • q bands
  • raman bands
  • several bands
  • shear bands
  • simultaneous confidence bands
  • slip bands
  • spectral bands
  • strong bands
  • transverse bands
  • valence bands
  • vibrational bands
  • weight bands

  • Terms modified by Bands

  • bands corresponding

  • Selected Abstracts

    Direct genotyping of the poplar leaf rust fungus, Melampsora medusae f. sp. deltoidae, using codominant PCR-SSCP markers

    FOREST PATHOLOGY, Issue 4 2005
    M. Bourassa
    Summary Two anonymous DNA markers that are revealed by single-strand conformational polymorphism (SSCP) analysis were developed for detection of polymorphisms in Melampsora medusae f. sp. deltoidae (Mmd). Mono-uredinial isolates of Mmd were first obtained, DNA was extracted from urediniospores and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) products of eight mono-uredinial isolates were separated on a SSCP gel to identify differences among them. Bands representing putative polymorphic loci among the eight isolates tested were excised from the SSCP gel and re-amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and then cloned and sequenced. A primer pair was designed to amplify a DNA fragment of a size suitable for SSCP analysis (<600 bp) for two out of three DNA fragments sequenced. Each set of primers amplified a PCR product for all eight isolates that were initially used to generate them and the resulting PCR products were analysed by SSCP. Polymorphisms among isolates were identified for both putative loci. The two primer pairs amplified a PCR product of the expected size on an additional 32 mono-uredinial isolates of Mmd tested. From the overall 40 mono-uredinial isolates tested, 5 and 11 alleles were detected, and 12 and 34 isolates showed to be heterozygous, as indicated by the presence of more than two bands on the SSCP gel, at loci A and B, respectively. The primer pairs were tested for specificity against 106 fungal isolates belonging to various taxa, including other rusts, and against DNA extracted from greenhouse-grown healthy poplar leaves. DNA amplification products of the expected size were obtained only when Mmd DNA was present. Optimization of PCR conditions with these two primer pairs allowed genotyping directly from single uredinia extracted from infected leaves, thus alleviating the need to culture the fungus to characterize individuals, hence making it possible to process large numbers of samples for population studies. Résumé Deux marqueurs génétiques anonymes, révélés par analyse SSCP (Single-Strand Conformational Polymorphism) ont été développés afin de détecter des polymorphismes génétiques chez le Melampsora medusae f. sp. deltoidae (Mmd). Dans un premier temps, des isolats mono-urédiniaux ont été obtenus, puis l'ADN a été extrait à partir des urédiniospores, les produits d'amplification RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) ont été générés à partir de huit de ces isolats mono-urédiniaux et les résultats d'amplification ont par la suite été séparés sur gel SSCP afin d'identifier des polymorphismes entre les isolats. Les bandes sur gel SSCP représentant des loci polymorphiques putatifs entre les isolats ont été prélevées du gel, ré-amplifiées par la technique d'amplification PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction), clonées, puis séquencées. Pour deux fragments d'ADN séquencés sur un total de trois, une paire d'amorces a été développée afin de permettre l'amplification d'un fragment de taille adéquate pour analyse SSCP (<600 pb). Chaque paire d'amorces a produit un signal d'amplification positif pour chacun des huit isolats à l'origine de ces nouvelles amorces; les produits PCR ont ensuite été analysés par la technique SSCP. Les deux loci putatifs ont révélé des polymorphismes génétiques entre les isolats. Les deux paires d'amorces ont produit un fragment d'amplification de la taille attendue pour chacun des 32 isolats mono-urédiniaux supplémentaires testés. Des 40 isolats testés, 5 et 11 allèles ont été détectés, alors que 12 et 34 isolats se sont révélés hétérozygotes (tel qu'indiqué par la présence de plus de deux bandes sur gel SSCP) pour les loci A et B, respectivement. La spécificité des deux paires d'amorces a été testée à partir de 106 isolats fongiques appartenant à différents groupes taxonomiques, incluant d'autres rouilles, de même qu'à partir de l'ADN extrait de feuilles de peupliers cultivés en serre. Un signal d'amplification positif n'a été obtenu qu'en présence d'ADN du Mmd. Les conditions d'amplification PCR ont été optimisées pour les deux paires d'amorces développées afin de permettre le génotypage directement à partir d'urédinies individuelles prélevées sur des feuilles de peuplier infectées. La possibilité de génotyper directement des urédinies individuelles permet d'éviter l'obligation de cultiver le champignon pour génotyper les individus, ce qui représente un avantage important des marqueurs génétiques développés ici, puisqu'il devient dès lors possible de traiter un grand nombre d'échantillons lors de la réalisation d'études de populations. Zusammenfassung Zum Nachweis von Polymorphismen bei Melampsora medusae f. sp. deltoidae wurden zwei anonyme DNA Marker aus einer SSCP-Analyse entwickelt. Zunächst wurden Isolate aus einzelnen Uredinien gewonnen, die DNA wurde aus den Uredosporen extrahiert und polymorphe RAPD, Amplifikationsprodukte von acht Mono-Uredinium-Isolaten wurden auf einem SSCP-Gel getrennt, um Unterschiede zwischen ihnen nachzuweisen. Banden, die bei den acht geprüften Isolaten mögliche polymorphe Loci darstellten, wurden aus dem SSCP-Gel ausgeschnitten und mit PCR reamplifiziert, dann geklont und sequenziert. Für zwei von insgesamt drei sequenzierten DNA-Fragmenten wurde ein Primerpaar entwickelt, um ein in der Grösse für die SSCP-Analyse (<600 bp) geeignetes DNA-Fragment zu amplifizieren. Jedes Primerpaar amplifizierte bei allen acht ursprünglich für ihre Entwicklung verwendeten Isolaten ein PCR-Produkt, und diese wurden anschliessend mit SSCP analysiert. Für beide putativen Loci wurden bei den Isolaten Polymorphismen festgestellt. Die beiden Primerpaare amplifizierten ein PCR-Produkt der erwarteten Grösse bei allen 32 zusätzlich geprüften Mono-Uredinium-Isolaten des Pilzes. Bei den insgesamt 40 geprüften Mono-Uredinium-Isolaten wurden für die Loci A und B 5 bzw. 11 Allele gefunden, und 12 bzw. 34 Isolate erwiesen sich als heterozygot, was durch mehr als zwei Banden auf den SSCP-Gelen angezeigt wurde. Die Spezifität der Primerpaare wurden mit 106 Pilzisolaten aus verschiedenen Taxa geprüft, darunter andere Roste sowie DNA aus gesunden Pappelblättern aus Gewächshauskulturen. DNA-Amplifikationsprodukte der erwarteten Grösse wurden nur erhalten, wenn DNA von Melampsora medusae f. sp. deltoidae präsent war. Die PCR-Amplifikations-Bedingungen mit diesen beiden Primerpaaren wurde so optimiert, dass ein Genotyping direkt bei einzelnen von infizierten Blättern entnommenen Uredinien erfolgen kann und somit eine Pilzkultur zur Charakterisierung von Individuen entfällt. Dies ermöglicht grosse Probenzahlen in Populationsstudien. [source]

    Construction of Exact Simultaneous Confidence Bands for a Simple Linear Regression Model

    Wei Liu
    Summary A simultaneous confidence band provides a variety of inferences on the unknown components of a regression model. There are several recent papers using confidence bands for various inferential purposes; see for example, Sun et al. (1999), Spurrier (1999), Al-Saidy et al. (2003), Liu et al. (2004), Bhargava & Spurrier (2004), Piegorsch et al. (2005) and Liu et al. (2007). Construction of simultaneous confidence bands for a simple linear regression model has a rich history, going back to the work of Working & Hotelling (1929). The purpose of this article is to consolidate the disparate modern literature on simultaneous confidence bands in linear regression, and to provide expressions for the construction of exact 1 ,, level simultaneous confidence bands for a simple linear regression model of either one-sided or two-sided form. We center attention on the three most recognized shapes: hyperbolic, two-segment, and three-segment (which is also referred to as a trapezoidal shape and includes a constant-width band as a special case). Some of these expressions have already appeared in the statistics literature, and some are newly derived in this article. The derivations typically involve a standard bivariate t random vector and its polar coordinate transformation. Résumé Un intervalle de confiance simultanée fournit une variété d'inférences sur les composantes inconnues d'un modéle de régression. Plusieurs articles récents utilisent des intervalles de confiance dans des buts variés; voir par exemple Sun, Raz et Faraway (1999), Spurrier (1999), Al-Saidy et al. (2003), Liu, Jamshidian et Zhang (2004), Bhargava et Spurrier (2004), Piegorsch et al. (2005), Liu et al. (2007). La construction d'intervalles de confiance simultanés pour un simple modéle de régression linéaire a une histoire riche, qui remonte aux travaux de Working et hotelling (1929). L'objet de cet article est de consolider la littérature moderne disparate sur les intervalles de confiance simultanés dans la régression linéaire, de fournir des expressions pour la construction d'intervalles de confiance simultanés de niveau exact 1 ,, pour un modéle de régression linéaire simple ou pour des formes unilatérales ou bilatérales. Nous concentrons notre attention sur les trois formes les plus reconnues: hyperbolique, à deux segments et à trois segments (qui est aussi appelée forme trapézoïdale et inclut un intervalle de largeur constante comme cas spécial). Certaines de ces expressions sont déjà apparues dans la littérature statistique, d'autres sont nouvellement introduites dans cet article. Les dérivations comprennent typiquement un vecteur aléatoire standard bivarié t et sa transformation en coordonnées polaires. [source]

    Surface wear of incoloy and darvic bands on Atlantic Puffin adults and chicks

    André R. Breton
    ABSTRACT Bands are a common marking method in bird studies and capture-mark-reencounter (CMR) models are often used to analyze banding data. Common to this family of models are two assumptions: marks do not fall off or become unreadable and individuals within groups remain equally detectable. When data fail to meet these assumptions, results of CMR analyses may be biased. In studies of long-lived seabirds exposed to coarse nesting substrates, band wear is especially problematic. We compared surface wear from abrasion against rocks on incoloy and darvic bands applied to a long-lived seabird, the Atlantic Puffin (Fratercula arctica). In 2003 and 2004, surface wear on bands applied to chicks and adults was scored at five colonies in the Gulf of Maine. We used logistic regression to analyze two subsets of these data by fitting the probability of being worn (one or more characters difficult to read or obliterated) to band age, bird age, and band type. In both analyses, an evidence ratio provided exclusive support for the model that included all factors. Immature puffins largely avoid colonies and remain at sea until their second or third summer after hatching. Consequently, probabilities of being worn were delayed on both band types by 4 yr on bands applied to chicks compared to adults. Based on our estimates, 25% and 87% of darvic bands applied to chicks and adults, respectively, were worn after 5 yr. Wear was reduced by 71% and 87% annually on incoloy compared to darvic bands applied to adults and chicks, respectively. To uphold assumptions of CMR models, we recommend incoloy bands over darvic in studies spanning more than about 5 yr of long-lived seabirds exposed to coarse substrates. SINOPSIS Las anillas colocadas en las patas son un método común de marcar aves y se han establecido modelos (recuento de aves marcadas , siglas en inglés CMR) para analizar los datos obtenidos de esta forma. Hay dos postulados que deben aceptarse en estos modelos: que las anillas no se pierden o que se puedan leer y que los individuos marcados y no-marcados tienen la misma probabilidad de ser contados. Cuando los datos no cumplen con las dos condiciones previamente mencionadas el análisis de CMR puede contener sesgo. En estudios de ave marinas que viven por mucho tiempo, el desgaste de las anillas crea problemas. Comparamos el desgaste y daño de anillas de metal (niquel-cromio y acero) y anillas de plástico (policloruro de vinilo) colocadas en individuos de Fratercula arctica. Durante el 2003 y 2004, estudiamos el desgaste y daño de anillas colocadas a pichones y adultos del ave en cinco colonias de estas en el Golfo de Maine. Utilizamos una regresión logística para analizar dos conjuntos de datos sobre la probabilidad de desgaste (uno o más caracteres en la anilla difíciles de leer) a la edad de la anilla (tiempo en la pata del ave), edad del ave y tipo de anilla. Las aves inmaduras, evitan los grupos en las colonias y permanecen en el mar hasta el segundo o tercer verano. Como resultado, la probabilidad de que ambos tipos de anillas hubieran estado desgastadas o dañadas en los juveniles se dilato por unos cuatro años, al ser este grupo comparado con los adultos. El 25% y el 87% de las anillas plásticas colocadas en pichones y adultos, respectivamente, estaban desgastadas a los cinco años. El desgaste en las anillas de metal se redujo en un 71% y 87% anual al compararse con las plásticas colocadas en adultos y pichones, respectivamente. Para cumplir con los postulados de los modelos CMR, recomendamos el uso de anillas de metal en aquellos estudios pautados para más de cinco años particularmente en aves marinas que utilizan o se exponen a sustratos duros. [source]

    Reproductive morphology of Brittanichthys axelrodi (Teleostei: Characidae), a miniature inseminating fish from South America

    Robert Javonillo
    Abstract Light and electron microscopy were used to investigate the morphology of reproductive characters in a characid fish, Brittanichthys axelrodi. Spermatozoa were found in ovaries of females, thereby confirming insemination in this species. Bony hooks can be found on the fourth unbranched ray and branched rays 1,4 of the anal fin and the unique sigmoidally-curved ray of the caudal fin in mature males. Testes have three distinct regions: an anterior spermatogenic region, an aspermatogenic middle region lined with a simple squamous epithelium and used for storage of mature spermatozoa, and a posterior region of coiled chambers lined with a high simple cuboidal epithelium. The most posterior region appears to be instrumental in the formation and storage of spermatozeugmata, unencapsulated sperm packets. Thus far, this tripartite testis morphology is unique among characids. The mature spermatozoon has an elongate nucleus (,5 ,m in length). A striated rootlet originates at the anterior end of the distal centriole and continues to the anterior tip of the cell. The striated rootlet wraps around the entire ventral area of the anterior part of the nucleus and appears to continue around the anterior tip of the nucleus and down the dorsal side as electron-dense material. Several large, spherical mitochondria (,0.6 ,m in diameter) with lamellar cristae overlap the posterior end of the nucleus and continue beyond together with the cytoplasmic collar that contains the flagellum which lacks axonemal fins. Each spermatozeugma is lanceolate in shape when sectioned mid-sagitally, with the core staining positively for mucopolysaccharides. In both sexes, the gonopore opens posterior to the anus, with the urinary pore having a separate opening posterior to the gonopore. Bands of skeletal muscle were found in the area of the male gonopore. These morphological features are likely linked to the reproductive mode of insemination, a trait that is so far as known, relatively rare among teleost fishes, but is proving increasingly frequent among certain groups of characid fishes. J. Morphol, 2006. © 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

    Raman spectroscopic study of the uranyl selenite mineral marthozite Cu[(UO2)3(SeO3)2O2]·8H2O

    Ray L. Frost
    Abstract The mineral marthozite, a uranyl selenite, has been characterised by Raman spectroscopy at 298 K. The bands at 812 and 797 cm,1 were assigned to the symmetric stretching modes of the (UO2)2+ and (SeO3)2, units, respectively. These values gave the calculated UO bond lengths in uranyl of 1.799 and/or 1.814 Å. Average UO bond length in uranyl is 1.795 Å, inferred from the X-ray single crystal structure analysis of marthozite by Cooper and Hawthorne. The broad band at 869 cm,1 was assigned to the ,3 antisymmetric stretching mode of the (UO2)2+ (calculated UO bond length 1.808 Å). The band at 739 cm,1 was attributed to the ,3 antisymmetric stretching vibration of the (SeO3)2, units. The ,4 and the ,2 vibrational modes of the (SeO3)2, units were observed at 424 and 473 cm,1. Bands observed at 257, and 199 and 139 cm,1 were assigned to OUO bending vibrations and lattice vibrations, respectively. OH···O hydrogen bond lengths were inferred using Libowiztky's empirical relation. The infrared spectrum of marthozite was studied for complementation. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    Synthesis and Raman spectroscopic characterisation of hydrotalcite with CO32, and (MoO4)2, anions in the interlayer

    Sara J. Palmer
    Abstract Raman spectroscopy has been used to characterise synthetic mixed carbonate and molybdate hydrotalcites of formula Mg6Al2(OH)16((CO3)2,,(MoO4)2,)·4H2O. The spectra have been used to assess the molecular assembly of the cations and anions in the hydrotalcite structure. The spectra may be conveniently subdivided into spectral features on the basis of the carbonate anion, the molybdate anion, the hydroxyl units and water units. Bands are assigned to the hydroxyl stretching vibrations of water. Three types of carbonate anions are identified: (1) carbonate hydrogen-bonded to water in the interlayer, (2) carbonate hydrogen-bonded to the hydrotalcite hydroxyl surface, (3) free carbonate anions. It is proposed that the water is highly structured in the hydrotalcite, as it is hydrogen bonded to both the carbonate and the hydroxyl surface. The spectra have been used to assess the contamination of carbonate in an open reaction vessel in the synthesis of a molybdate hydrotalcite of formula Mg6Al2(OH)16((CO3)2,, (MoO4)2,)·4H2O. Bands are assigned to carbonate and molybdate anions in the Raman spectra. Importantly, the synthesis of hydrotalcites from solutions containing molybdate provides a mechanism for the removal of this oxy-anion. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    Raman spectroscopy of the borosilicate mineral ferroaxinite

    Ray L. Frost
    Abstract Raman spectroscopy, complemented by infrared spectroscopy, has been used to characterise the ferroaxinite minerals of the theoretical formula Ca2Fe2+Al2BSi4O15(OH), a ferrous aluminium borosilicate. The Raman spectra are complex but are subdivided into sections on the basis of the vibrating units. The Raman spectra are interpreted in terms of the addition of borate and silicate spectra. Three characteristic bands of ferroaxinite are observed at 1082, 1056 and 1025 cm,1 and are attributed to BO4 stretching vibrations. Bands at 1003, 991, 980 and 963 cm,1 are assigned to SiO4 stretching vibrations. Bands are found in these positions for each of the ferroaxinites studied. No Raman bands were found above 1100 cm,1 showing that ferroaxinites contain only tetrahedral boron. The hydroxyl stretching region of ferroaxinites is characterised by a single Raman band between 3368 and 3376 cm,1, the position of which is sample-dependent. Bands for ferroaxinite at 678, 643, 618, 609, 588, 572, 546 cm,1 may be attributed to the ,4 bending modes and the three bands at 484, 444 and 428 cm,1 may be attributed to the ,2 bending modes of the (SiO4)2,. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    A Raman spectroscopic study of the uranyl selenite mineral haynesite

    Ray L. Frost
    Abstract The mineral haynesite, a uranyl selenite, has been characterised by Raman spectroscopy at 298 and 77 K. Two bands at 811.5 and 800.2 cm,1 are assigned to the symmetric stretching modes of the (UO2)2+ and (SeO3)2, units respectively. These values give calculated UO bond lengths of 1.799 and/or 1.801 Å. The broad band at 861.8 cm,1 is assigned to the ,3 antisymmetric stretching mode of the (UO2)2+ (calculated UO bond length 1.813 Å). Additional bands are observed in the 77 K spectrum. In the spectroscopy of selenite compounds, the position of the antisymmetric stretching vibration occurs at lower wavenumbers than the symmetric stretching mode and thus the band at 740.5 cm,1 is attributed to the ,3 antisymmetric stretching vibration of the (SeO3)2, units. The ,4 and the ,2 vibrational modes of the (SeO3)2, units are observed at 418.5 and 472.1 cm,1. Bands observed at 278.3, 257.3 and 218.8 cm,1 are assigned to OUO bending vibrations. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    Raman spectroscopy of three polymorphs of BiVO4: clinobisvanite, dreyerite and pucherite, with comparisons to (VO4)3 -bearing minerals: namibite, pottsite and schumacherite

    Ray L. Frost
    Abstract Both Raman and infrared spectroscopy have been used to characterise the three phase-related minerals,dreyerite (tetragonal BiVO4), pucherite (orthorhombic BiVO4) and clinobisvanite (monoclinic BiVO4),and a comparison of the spectra is made with that of the minerals namibite (Cu(BiO2)VO4(OH)), schumacherite (Bi3O(OH)(VO4)2) and pottsite (PbBiH(VO4)2·2H2O). Pucherite, clinobisvanite and namibite are characterised by VO4 stretching vibrations at 872, 824 and 846 cm,1. The Raman spectrum of dreyerite shows complexity in the 750 to 950 cm,1 region with two intense bands at 836 and 790 cm,1 assigned to the symmetric and antisymmetric VO4 modes. The minerals schumacherite and pottsite are characterised by bands at 846 and 874 cm,1. In both the infrared and Raman, spectra bands are observed in the 1000,1100 cm,1 region which are attributed to the antisymmetric stretching modes. The Raman spectra of the low wavenumber region are complex. Bands are identified in the 328 to 370 cm,1 region and in the 404 to 498 cm,1 region and are assigned to the ,2 and ,4 bending modes. The minerals namibite and schumacherite are characterised by intense bands at 3514 and 3589 cm,1 assigned to the symmetric stretching vibrations of the OH units. Importantly, Raman spectroscopy enables new insights into the chemistry of these bismuth vanadate minerals. Raman spectroscopy enables the identification of the bismuth vanadate minerals in mineral matrices where paragenetic relationships exist between the minerals. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    Raman spectroscopy of walpurgite

    Ray L. Frost
    Abstract Raman spectra of walpurgite, (UO2)Bi4O4 (AsO4)2·2H2O, recorded at 298 K and 77 K are presented and compared with infrared spectra of walpurgite and phosphowalpurgite. Bands connected with (UO2)2+, (AsO4)3,, and H2O stretch and bend, and BiO stretch are tentatively assigned. Hydrogen bond lengths are calculated from the wavenumbers of the H2O stretching vibrations and compared with those from the crystal structure analysis of walpurgite. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    Structured water in hydrotalcites of formula MgxZn6,xAl2(OH)16(CO3)·4H2O: a Raman microscopic study

    Therese E. Johnson
    Raman microscopy was used to characterize synthesized hydrotalcites of formula MgxZn6,xAl2(OH)16 (CO3)·4H2O. The Raman spectra are conveniently subdivided into spectral features based on (a) the carbonate anion, (b) the hydroxyl units and (c) metal,oxygen units. A model is proposed based on a tripod of M3OH units in the hydrotalcite structure. In a simplified model, Raman spectra of the hydroxyl-stretching region enable bands to be assigned to the Mg3OH, Zn3OH and Al3OH units. Bands are also assigned to the hydroxyl stretching vibrations of water. Three types of water are identified: (a) water hydrogen bonded to the interlayer carbonate ion, (b) water hydrogen bonded to the hydrotalcite hydroxyl surface and (c) interlamellar water. A model of water in the hydrotalcite structure is proposed in which water is in a highly ordered structure as it is hydrogen bonded to both the carbonate anion and the hydroxyl surface and also forms bridges between the MOH surface and the carbonate anion. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    Raman spectroscopy of dimethyl sulphoxide and deuterated dimethyl sulphoxide at 298 and 77 K

    Wayde N. Martens
    Raman spectroscopy was used to determine the molecular behaviour of DMSO and DMSO- d6, and to compare it with that of DMSO in DMSO-intercalated kaolinites. For DMSO at 298 K two bands are observed at 2994 and 2913 cm,1 and are assigned to the antisymmetric and symmetric CH stretching modes. At 77 K the degeneracy of these bands is lost. Bands are now observed as antisymmetric bands at 3001, 2995 and 2988 cm,1 and symmetric bands at 2923, 2909 and 2885 cm,1, respectively. For the DMSO-intercalated low-defect kaolinite, the 2913 cm,1 band resolves into five component bands at 2882, 2907, 2917, 2920 and 2937 cm,1. The CD antisymmetric and symmetric stretching modes in the 298 K spectrum are found at 2250 and 2125 cm,1, respectively. Both bands show some asymmetry and further bands may be resolved at 2256 and 2244 cm,1 in the antisymmetric stretching region and at 2118 cm,1 in the symmetric stretching region. The spectra of the SO stretching region of DMSO and DMSO- d6 are complex with a band profile centred at 1050 cm,1. Three bands are curve resolved at 1058, 1042 and 1026 cm,1 attributed to the unassociated monomer and the out-of-phase and the in-phase vibrations of the dimer, respectively. Upon cooling to liquid nitrogen temperature, these three bands are observed at 1057, 1038 and 1019 cm,1. The spectra of the SO stretching region of DMSO- d6 are more complex because of the overlap of the DCD deformation modes with the SO stretching modes. The antisymmetric and symmetric stretching CS modes of DMSO are observed at 698 and 667 cm,1, shifting at 77 K to 705 and 672 cm,1. It is concluded that the structure of DMSO in DMSO-intercalated kaolinite is different from those of both liquid DMSO at 298 K and solid DMSO measured at 77 K. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    Atomic Force Microscopy Characterization and Interpretation of Thin-Film Poly(butylene adipate) Spherulites with Ring Bands

    Andreas Frömsdorf
    Abstract Atomic force microscopy characterization has been conducted to reveal the morphological difference between single-ring bands in poly(butylene adipate) (PBA). Furthermore, morphological features of the ring-less Maltese-cross spherulites are compared to the ring-band spherulites. Periodic changes in height seem to be common for either the ring-band or ring-less (Maltese-cross) crystal domains; however, the steepness in height change is greater for the ring-band crystal, while height change in the ring-less crystal exhibits a terrace-like layer pattern. In the ring-band crystal region, the lamellar stalks, which taper off to pointed needle-like stalks, monotonously protrude out of the layers of softer materials, with no signs of twisting, bending, or turning. In contrast, all lamellae in the ring-less (Maltese-cross) crystal region are uniform platelets arranged like flower petals in a layered pattern. [source]

    Structural Information on the Transition Moments in Poly(ethylene-2,6-naphthalene) by Polarization FT-IR Spectroscopy

    Alex Scott
    Abstract Oriented poly(ethylene-2,6-naphthalate) (PEN) has been characterised by polarised FT-IR spectroscopy to determine the structural angles of the transition moments to the molecular chain axis. The bands at 1130 cm,1, 1142 cm,1 and 1602 cm,1, which have been previously assigned as having their transition dipole moments parallel to the chain axis, are confirmed as parallel bands. Bands at 767 cm,1 and 831 cm,1 are confirmed as perpendicular bands. However the band at 1708 cm,1 which has previously been assigned as a perpendicular band, is shown here to have its transition moment at 72° to the molecular axis. [source]

    Persistent Linear Bands in Infancy Acquired After Local Pressure: A Consequence of Mast Cell Activation?

    Lara S Ford B.Sc., M.B.B.S.
    We speculate that release of mast cell mediators associated with the dermographism may have triggered the development of the linear bands. [source]

    Confidence Bands for Low-Dose Risk Estimation with Quantal Response Data

    BIOMETRICS, Issue 4 2003
    Obaid M. Al-Saidy
    Summary. We study the use of simultaneous confidence bands for low-dose risk estimation with quantal response data, and derive methods for estimating simultaneous upper confidence limits on predicted extra risk under a multistage model. By inverting the upper bands on extra risk, we obtain simultaneous lower bounds on the benchmark dose (BMD). Monte Carlo evaluations explore characteristics of the simultaneous limits under this setting, and a suite of actual data sets are used to compare existing methods for placing lower limits on the BMD. [source]

    Complex biopolymeric systems at stalk/epicuticular wax plant interfaces: A near infrared spectroscopy study of the sugarcane example

    BIOPOLYMERS, Issue 8 2009
    Deborah E. Purcell
    Abstract Naturally occurring macromolecules present at the epicuticular wax/stalk tissue interface of sugarcane were investigated using near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). Investigations of water, cellulose, and wax-cellulose interrelationships were possible using NIRS methods, where in the past many different techniques have been required. The sugarcane complex interface was used as an example of typical phenomena found at plant leaf/stalk interfaces. This detailed study showed that sugarcane cultivars exhibit spectral differences in the CHn, water OH, and cellulose OH regions, reflecting the presence of epicuticular wax, epidermis, and ground tissue. Spectrally complex water bands (5276 cm,1 and 7500,6000 cm,1) were investigated via freeze-drying experiments which revealed sequentially a complex band substructure (7500,6000 cm,1), a developing weak H-bonding system (,7301 cm,1), and strong H-bonding (,7062 cm,1) assigned to water,cellulose interactions. Principal component analysis techniques clarified complex band trends that developed during the desorption experiment. Bands from wax-free stalk were minimized in the 4327,4080 cm,1 region (CHn vibrational modes associated with long chain fatty compounds), while bands from the stalk tissue (particularly lignin and moisture) became more pronounced. This work is a comprehensive guide to similar studies by scientists involved in a variety of plant and fiber research fields. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 91: 642,651, 2009. This article was originally published online as an accepted preprint. The "Published Online" date corresponds to the preprint version. You can request a copy of the preprint by emailing the Biopolymers editorial office at [source]

    Optical Bands of Dodecanuclear Compounds H4PVMo11O40×yH2O with Keggin Structure.

    CHEMINFORM, Issue 32 2004
    Semiclassical Vibronic Model.
    No abstract is available for this article. [source]

    Parallel processing of remotely sensed hyperspectral imagery: full-pixel versus mixed-pixel classification

    Antonio J. Plaza
    Abstract The rapid development of space and computer technologies allows for the possibility to store huge amounts of remotely sensed image data, collected using airborne and satellite instruments. In particular, NASA is continuously gathering high-dimensional image data with Earth observing hyperspectral sensors such as the Jet Propulsion Laboratory's airborne visible,infrared imaging spectrometer (AVIRIS), which measures reflected radiation in hundreds of narrow spectral bands at different wavelength channels for the same area on the surface of the Earth. The development of fast techniques for transforming massive amounts of hyperspectral data into scientific understanding is critical for space-based Earth science and planetary exploration. Despite the growing interest in hyperspectral imaging research, only a few efforts have been devoted to the design of parallel implementations in the literature, and detailed comparisons of standardized parallel hyperspectral algorithms are currently unavailable. This paper compares several existing and new parallel processing techniques for pure and mixed-pixel classification in hyperspectral imagery. The distinction of pure versus mixed-pixel analysis is linked to the considered application domain, and results from the very rich spectral information available from hyperspectral instruments. In some cases, such information allows image analysts to overcome the constraints imposed by limited spatial resolution. In most cases, however, the spectral bands collected by hyperspectral instruments have high statistical correlation, and efficient parallel techniques are required to reduce the dimensionality of the data while retaining the spectral information that allows for the separation of the classes. In order to address this issue, this paper also develops a new parallel feature extraction algorithm that integrates the spatial and spectral information. The proposed technique is evaluated (from the viewpoint of both classification accuracy and parallel performance) and compared with other parallel techniques for dimensionality reduction and classification in the context of three representative application case studies: urban characterization, land-cover classification in agriculture, and mapping of geological features, using AVIRIS data sets with detailed ground-truth. Parallel performance is assessed using Thunderhead, a massively parallel Beowulf cluster at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. The detailed cross-validation of parallel algorithms conducted in this work may specifically help image analysts in selection of parallel algorithms for specific applications. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    Balloon Debanding the Pulmonary Artery: In Vitro Studies and Early Clinical Experience

    Gareth J. Morgan MPhil
    ABSTRACT Despite increasing corrective procedures for children with congenital heart disease, there remains a place for surgical banding of the main pulmonary artery (PA). In the vast majority of cases, these bands eventually need to be removed. We examined three cases of percutaneous disruption of PA bands using balloon catheters at our institution. We also performed an in vitro study of PA band disruption mechanism and disruption pressure. Our in vitro study suggested a predictable burst pressure for PA bands over the range of diameters routinely used in pediatric practice. Of three patients who underwent interventional debanding, two patients had successful disruption of their PA bands with no reintervention at 19 months and 23 months follow up. Balloon disruption of surgical PA bands may offer a less invasive alternative to surgical band removal. In vitro analysis suggests that the burst pressure required and mechanism of disruption are predictable. [source]

    Occupational immunologic contact urticaria from pine processionary caterpillar (Thaumetopoea pityocampa): experience in 30 cases

    CONTACT DERMATITIS, Issue 2 2004
    Jesús Vega
    Cutaneous lesions caused by the pine processionary caterpillar Thaumetopoea pityocampa (TP) are frequent in pinewood areas. In the present study, 30 patients diagnosed with occupational immunologic urticaria from this caterpillar were included. Immediate hypersensitivity was demonstrated by performing prick and IgE-immunoblotting tests. Workers were grouped according to their common tasks. Occupations at risk of exposure to TP were pine-cone collectors/woodcutters (14), farmers/stockbreeders (8), other forestry personnel (4), construction workers (2), residential gardeners (1) and entomologists (1). Besides contact urticaria, angioedema (60%), papular lesions of several days of evolution (30%) and anaphylactic reactions (40%) were also detected. The most frequently detected molecular weight bands by immunoblot were 15 (70%), 17 (57%) and 13 kDa (50%). The appearance of isolated bands corresponds with the least serious cases. Only 8 subjects had bands higher than 33 kDa, which was present in the 3 most severe cases of anaphylactic reactions. By presenting these cases, we wish to offer the largest series reported so far of occupational immunologic contact urticaria caused by TP. We include the first cases described in certain occupations, some of them not directly related to forestry work. Pine-cone or resin collectors, woodcutters, farmers and stockbreeders were the most frequently and severely affected workers. [source]

    Spectroscopic Diagnostics of Pulsed arc Plasmas for Particle Generation

    K. Behringer
    Abstract Pulsed arc plasmas were diagnosed by means of emission spectroscopy. A capacitor was discharged through argon and hydrogen leading to a few cycles of damped current oscillation with ,120 ,s period and 5-12 kA maximum current. Spectroscopic measurements in the visible range were carried out in order to characterise the electron temperature and density in the arc channel as well as electron and gas temperatures in the afterglow plasmas. Spectra were integrated over 10 ,s time windows and shifted in time from pulse to pulse. The plasmas also contained substantial fractions of electrode material (brass), namely copper and zinc. The electron density was measured in the conventional way from the broadening of H, or from the Ar I Stark width. In the arc channel, it ranged from about 3 · 1022 to 2 · 1023 m,3. The broadening of Zn II lines could also be used. Ratios of Ar I to Ar II and of Zn I to Zn II line intensities were analysed for the electron temperature. Line pairs were found which lay conveniently close in one frame of the spectrometer allowing automatic on-line analysis without relying on reproducibility. Atomic physics models including opacity were developed for Ar II and Zn II in order to check the existence of a Boltzmann distribution of their excited states. These calculations showed that the observed levels were in fact close to thermodynamic equilibrium, in particular, if the resonance lines were optically thick. Electron temperature measurements yielded values between 14000 K and 21000 K. The gas temperature in the afterglow, where particles should have formed, was derived from the rotational and vibrational temperatures of C2 molecular bands. Ratios between Cu I line intensities yielded the electron temperatures. Both were found to be a few 1000 K. (© 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim) [source]

    Growth and characterization of Nd, Yb , yttrium oxide nanopowders obtained by sol-gel method

    A. Rzepka
    Abstract Nanopowders of Y2O3 pure, doped and codoped by Nd3+, Yb3+ were obtained by sol-gel method. Solution with ethylene glycol was choosed as the proper solution where crystallites of powder with Nd and Yb dopants had the same size. Finally the one-phased compounds of Y2O3 doped 0.5 at% Nd and 1, 2 or 4 at% Yb were obtained. Grain growth and their morphology were investigated in various temperature and time of heating. The changes of crystallite sizes and lattice constants in relation to the heating time and temperature for the composition Y2O3 doped 0.5 at% Nd and 2 at% Yb are presented. Y2O3 containing 0,5 at% of Nd exhibits intense luminescence bands centered at 920 nm, 1100 nm and 1360 nm whereas a single band at about 1020 nm appears in samples co-doped with neodymium and ytterbium. Luminescence spectra recorded did not depend on the sample preparation procedure and size of grains. OH impurity affects critically the relaxation dynamics of luminescent ion in nanopowders. (© 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim) [source]

    Crystal structures and spectroscopic characterization of chiral and racemic 4-phenyl-1,3-oxazolidin-2-one

    S. Kitoh
    Abstract Crystal structures of (R)- and (rac)-4-phenyl-1,3-oxazolidin-2-one (4-POO) have been determined by X-ray diffraction and characterized by the solid state 13C NMR and IR spectra. Molecular geometries and intermolecular interactions in (R)- and (rac)-4-POO crystals are very similar to each other; 4-POO molecules are linked via the N-H,O intermolecular hydrogen bonds to form the chained structure. Chemical shifts of the solid state 13C NMR spectra are very similar to each other, whereas the 1H spin-lattice relaxation times (T1H) value for (R)-4-POO is five times as large as that for (rac)-4-POO, reflecting the more restricted mobility of the (R)-4-POO chain. Although both crystals contain an unique molecule in the asymmetric unit, a doublet feature is observed for the C=O stretching mode in the IR spectra of (R)- and (rac)-4-POO crystals. The frequency gap of the C=O bands are correlated with the strength of the dipole-dipole interactions between the neighboring C=O groups. © 2004 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim [source]

    DISLOCATING SOUNDS: The Deterritorialization of Indonesian Indie Pop

    ABSTRACT Anthropologists often read the localization or hybridization of cultural forms as a kind of default mode of resistance against the forces of global capitalism, a means through which marginalized ethnic groups maintain regional distinctiveness in the face of an emergent transnational order. But then what are we to make of musical acts like Mocca and The Upstairs, Indonesian "indie" groups who consciously delocalize their music, who go out of their way, in fact, to avoid any references to who they are or where they come from? In this essay, I argue that Indonesian "indie pop," a self-consciously antimainstream genre drawing from a diverse range of international influences, constitutes a set of strategic practices of aesthetic deterritorialization for middle-class Indonesian youth. Such bands, I demonstrate, assemble sounds from a variety of international genres, creating linkages with international youth cultures in other places and times, while distancing themselves from those expressions associated with colonial and nationalist conceptions of ethnicity, working-class and rural sensibilities, and the hegemonic categorical schema of the international music industry. They are part of a new wave of Indonesian musicians stepping onto the global stage "on their own terms" and insisting on being taken seriously as international, not just Indonesian, artists, and in the process, they have made indie music into a powerful tool of reflexive place making, a means of redefining the very meaning of locality vis-à-vis the international youth cultural movements they witness from afar. [source]

    CD87 as a marker for terminal granulocytic maturation: Assessment of its expression during granulopoiesis

    CYTOMETRY, Issue 1 2003
    M. Tarek Elghetany
    Abstract Background Understanding the normal surface maturation pattern of granulocytes is essential for the recognition of abnormal patterns, which in turn may be of diagnostic or pathogenetic significance in disorders such as myelodysplastic syndromes and inherited bone marrow failure disorders. CD87 plays a role in cellular interaction, cell migration, and inflammatory response. Surface expression of this antigen has not been adequately studied on bone marrow granulocytes, and the small number of previous studies has provided conflicting data. Methods Bone marrow aspirates from 11 control subjects were studied by flow cytometry and a lysed whole blood technique to compare surface expression of CD87 on marrow granulocytes with those of CD11b, CD16, CD35, and CD10, which are expressed at the myelocyte, metamyelocyte, band, and segmented stage of neutrophilic development, respectively. Four sorting experiments of CD87+ granulocytes were also performed. Results Our study showed no statistical difference between surface expression of CD35 and CD87 (P > 0.3), whereas significant differences existed between CD87 and the other antibodies (P < 0.004). Sorting experiments showed that more than 80% of CD87+ cells were bands and segmented neutrophils. Dual staining for CD87 and CD35 showed that most CD87+ granulocytes coexpress CD35. Conclusions CD87 is expressed on granulocytes at the band and segmented neutrophil stage of development and can be used to study normal and abnormal granulopoiesis. Cytometry Part B (Clin. Cytometry) 51B:9,13, 2003. © 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

    Healing of 208 intraalveolar root fractures in patients aged 7,17 years

    Miomir Cvek
    Abstract , This retrospective study consisted of 208 root-fractured, 168 splinted and 40 not splinted incisors in young individuals (aged 7,17 years) treated in the period 1959,1973 at the Pedodontic Department, Eastman Institute, Stockholm. Clinical and radiographic analyses showed that 69 teeth (33%) had developed hard tissue (fusion) healing of fragments. Interposition of periodontal ligament (PDL) and bone between the fragments was found in 17 teeth (8%). Interposition of PDL alone was found in 74 teeth (36%). Finally, non-healing with pulp necrosis and inflammatory changes between fragments was seen in 48 teeth (23%). Various clinical factors were analyzed for their relationship to the healing outcome with respect to healing/no healing and type of healing (hard tissue versus interposition of bone and/or PDL). Immature root and positive pulp sensitivity at time of injury was found to be significantly related to both pulp healing and hard tissue repair of the fracture. The same applied to concussion or subluxation of the coronal fragment compared to luxation with displacement (extrusive or lateral luxation). This relation was also represented by the variable millimeter diastasis between fragments before and after repositioning. Repositioning appeared to enhance the likelihood of both pulp healing and hard tissue repair. A positive effect of splinting, splinting methods (cap splints or orthodontic bands with an arch wire) or splinting periods could not be demonstrated on either pulp healing or type of healing (hard tissue versus interposition of bone and/or PDL). In conclusion, the findings from this retrospective study have cast doubts on the efficacy of long-term splinting and the types of splint used for root fracture healing. It is suggested that the role of splinting and splinting methods be examined in further studies. [source]

    Altered interaction between cardiac vagal influence and delta sleep EEG suggests an altered neuroplasticity in patients suffering from major depressive disorder

    F. Jurysta
    Jurysta F, Kempenaers C, Lancini J, Lanquart J-P, van de Borne P, Linkowski P. Altered interaction between cardiac vagal influence and delta sleep EEG suggests an altered neuroplasticity in patients suffering from major depressive disorder. Objective:, Major depressive disorder (MDD), which is associated with altered neuroplasticity and increased relative cardiac sympathic activity, enhances the risk of cardiovascular pathologies. Interaction between cardiac sympatho-vagal indexes and delta sleep power is probably altered in MDD. Method:, Sleep characteristics and cardiac sympatho-vagal indexes of 10 depressive patients were compared to 10 control men across the first three non-rapid eye movement (NREM),REM cycles. Interaction between normalized high frequency (HF) and delta power bands was studied using coherence analysis. Results:, Patients showed increased sleep latency, stage 1 and wake durations. No differences in heart rate variabilities were observed: Total power, HF and RR-interval decreased from NREM to REM sleep and wakefulness in both groups. Gain value was lower in patients while coherence and phase shift were similar between groups. Modifications in HF appear 8 min before modifications in delta. Conclusion:, Major depressive disorder is related to an altered link between cardiac vagal influence and delta sleep, suggesting disorders in cardiovascular controls and an altered neuroplasticity. [source]

    Membrane dynamics of cleavage furrow closure in Xenopus laevis

    Michael V. Danilchik
    Abstract Epithelial membrane polarity develops early in Xenopus development, with membrane inserted along the earliest cleavage furrows by means of localized exocytosis. The added surface constitutes a new basolateral domain important for early morphogenesis. This basolateral surface becomes isolated from the outside by furrow closure, a zippering of adjacent apical,basolateral margins. Time-lapse microscopy of membrane-labeled embryos revealed two distinct kinds of protrusive activity in furrow closure. Early in furrowing, protrusive activity was associated with purse-string contractility along the apical,basolateral margins. Later in furrow progression, a basolateral protrusive zone developed entirely within the new membrane domain, with long motile filopodia extending in contractile bands from the exposed surfaces. Filopodia interacting with opposing cell surfaces across the cleavage furrow appeared to mediate blastomere,blastomere adhesion, contact spreading and lamellipodial protrusion. Interference with these dynamic activities prevented furrow closure, indicating a basic role for both marginal and basolateral protrusive activities in early embryogenesis. Developmental Dynamics 237:565,579, 2008. © 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

    Content validity of the expanded and revised Gross Motor Function Classification System

    Robert J Palisano PT ScD
    The aim of this study was to validate the expanded and revised Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS-E&R) for children and youth with cerebral palsy using group consensus methods. Eighteen physical therapists participated in a nominal group technique to evaluate the draft version of a 12- to 18-year age band. Subsequently, 30 health professionals from seven countries participated in a Delphi survey to evaluate the revised 12- to 18-year and 6- to 12-year age bands. Consensus was defined as agreement with a question by at least 80% of participants. After round 3 of the Delphi survey, consensus was achieved for the clarity and accuracy of the descriptions for each level and the distinctions between levels for both the 12- to 18-year and 6- to 12-year age bands. Participants also agreed that the distinction between capability and performance and the concept that environmental and personal factors influence methods of mobility were useful for classification of gross motor function. The results provide evidence of content validity of the GMFCS-E&R. The GMFCS-E&R has utility for communication, clinical decision making, databases, registries, and clinical research. [source]