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Selected AbstractsStrategies to Improve the Use Efficiency of Mineral Fertilizer Nitrogen Applied to Winter WheatJOURNAL OF AGRONOMY AND CROP SCIENCE, Issue 3 2002K. Blankenau Recovery of fertilizer nitrogen (N) applied to winter wheat crops at tillering in spring is lower than that of N applied at later growth stages because of higher losses and immobilization of N. Two strategies to reduce early N losses and N immobilization and to increase N availability for winter wheat, which should result in an improved N use efficiency (= higher N uptake and/or increased yield per unit fertilizer N), were evaluated. First, 16 winter wheat trials (eight sites in each of 1996 and 1997) were conducted to investigate the effects of reduced and increased N application rates at tillering and stem elongation, respectively, on yield and N uptake of grain. In treatment 90-70-60 (90 kg N ha,1 at tillering, 70 kg N ha,1 at stem elongation and 60 kg N ha,1 at ear emergence), the average values for grain yield and grain N removal were up to 3.1 and 5.0 % higher than in treatment 120-40-60, reflecting conventional fertilizer practice. Higher grain N removal for the treatment with reduced N rates at tillering, 90-70-60, was attributed to lower N immobilization (and N losses), which increased fertilizer N availability. Secondly, as microorganisms prefer NH4+ to NO3, for N immobilization, higher net N immobilization would be expected after application of the ammonium-N form. In a pot experiment, net N immobilization was higher and dry matter yields and crop N contents at harvest were lower with ammonium (ammonium sulphate + nitrification inhibitor Dicyandiamide) than with nitrate (calcium nitrate) nutrition. Five field trials were then conducted to compare calcium nitrate (CN) and calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN) nutrition at tillering, followed by two CAN applications for both treatments. At harvest, crop N and grain yield were higher in the CN than in the CAN treatment at each N supply level. In conclusion, fertilizer N use efficiency in winter wheat can be improved if N availability to the crops is increased as a result of reduced N immobilization (and N losses) early in the growth period. N application systems could be modified towards strategies with lower N applications at tillering compensated by higher N dressing applications later. An additional advantage is expected to result from use of nitrate-N fertilizers at tillering. Strategien zur Verbesserung der Effizienz von Düngerstickstoff in Winterweizen Aus früheren Versuchen mit Winterweizen ist bekannt, daß zur Ernte die Wiederfindung von im Frühjahr zur Bestokkung gedüngtem Stickstoff (N) geringer ist, als die von N aus Spätgaben. Die Ursachen liegen in einer höheren mikrobiell-bedingten Netto-N-Immobilisation, aber auch N-Verlusten zwischen Bestockung und Schoßbeginn im Vergleich zu späteren Wachstumstadien begründet. In den vorliegenden Versuchen wurden zwei Strategien getestet, um insbesondere die früh in der Vegetation auftretende Netto-N-Immobilisation zu vermindern. Die dadurch erwartete erhöhte N-Verfügbarkeit sollte zu einer erhöhten N-Effizienz (höherer N-Entzug/Ertrag bezogen auf die N-Düngung) führen. 1996 und 1997 wurden jeweils 8 Feldversuche mit Winterweizen durchgeführt, um den Einfluß einer reduzierten Andüngung bei gleichzeitig erhöhter Schossergabe im Vergleich zur konventionellen N-Düngung zu untersuchen. Tatsächlich wurden in dem Prüfglied 90-70-60 (N-Sollwertdüngung: 90 kg N ha,1, Schossergabe: 70 kg N ha,1, Ährengabe: 60 kg N ha,1) im Mittel bis zu 3.1 % höhere Erträge und 5.0 % höhere N-Abfuhren mit dem Korn im Vergleich zur konventionellen Variante 120-40-60 (N-Sollwertdüngung: 120 kg N ha,1, Schossergabe: 40 kg N ha,1 und Ährengabe: 60 kg N ha,1) erzielt. Die höhere N-Abfuhr kann auf eine erhöhte N-Verfügbarkeit infolge geringerer mikrobieller N-Festlegung zurückgeführt werden. Da die vornehmlich heterotrophen Bodenmikroorganismen bevorzugt NH4+ gegenüber NO3, immobilisieren, kann eine höhere N-Immobilisation bei Ammonium-Düngung erwartet werden. Tatsächlich wurden in einem Gefäßversuch nach Düngung von Ammoniumsulfat (+ Nitrifikationshemmer Dicyandiamid) geringere Trokkenmasseerträge und N-Aufnahmen von Weizenpflanzen erzielt als mit Calciumnitrat. Für die Ammoniumsulfatvariante ergab sich eine höhere Netto-N-Immobilisation. Danach wurde in fünf Feldversuchen mit Winterweizen der Einfluß einer Andüngung mit Nitrat (Calciumnitrat) im Vergleich zur Verwendung des ammoniumhaltigen Kalkammonsalpeters (KAS) auf die N-Aufnahme und den Kornertrag untersucht (beide Varianten erhielten KAS als Spätgaben). In der nitratangedüngten Variante wurden zum Teil signifikant höhere Ertäge und N-Aufnahmen in Korn und Stroh ermittelt. Aus den dargestellten Versuchen kann gefolgert werden, daß die Düngerstickstoff-Effizienz verbessert werden kann, wenn vor allem die N-Immobilisation (und eventuell auch N-Verluste) in frühen Wachstumsstadien zwischen Bestockung und Schoßbeginn verringert und so die N-Verfügbarkeit erhöht wird. Es kann empfohlen werden Winterweizenbestände mit geringeren N-Mengen , als nach N-Sollwert 120 kg N ha,1 vorgesehen , anzudüngen und die Schossergabe entsprechend zu erhöhen. Die Verwendung von nitrathaltigen Düngern bei der Andüngung ist von Vorteil. [source] Integrating climate forecasts and natural gas supply information into a natural gas purchasing decisionMETEOROLOGICAL APPLICATIONS, Issue 3 2000David Changnon This paper illustrates a key lesson related to most uses of long-range climate forecast information, namely that effective weather-related decision-making requires understanding and integration of weather information with other, often complex factors. Northern Illinois University's heating plant manager and staff meteorologist, along with a group of meteorology students, worked together to assess different types of available information that could be used in an autumn natural gas purchasing decision. Weather information assessed included the impact of ENSO events on winters in northern Illinois and the Climate Prediction Center's (CPC) long-range climate outlooks. Non-weather factors, such as the cost and available supplies of natural gas prior to the heating season, contribute to the complexity of the natural gas purchase decision. A decision tree was developed and it incorporated three parts: (a) natural gas supply levels, (b) the CPC long-lead climate outlooks for the region, and (c) an ENSO model developed for DeKalb. The results were used to decide in autumn whether to lock in a price or ride the market each winter. The decision tree was tested for the period 1995,99, and returned a cost-effective decision in three of the four winters. Copyright © 2000 Royal Meteorological Society [source] Effects of Drought on the Competitive Interference of an Early Successional Species (Rubus fruticosus) on Fagus sylvatica L. Seedlings: 15N Uptake and Partitioning, Responses of Amino Acids and other N CompoundsPLANT BIOLOGY, Issue 3 2002M. N. Fotelli Abstract: We assessed the role of water availability as a factor regulating the ability of beech seedlings to cope with competitive interference for nitrogen resources by an early successional species (Rubus fruticosus). A glasshouse experiment was performed with two levels of interference (beech with and without R. fruticosus) and three levels of irrigation (high, intermediate, none). 15N uptake and partitioning of both species, and composition of N pools in leaves, roots and phloem of beech, were determined. Under all irrigation regimes, 15N uptake by beech seedlings decreased when grown together with R. fruticosus. R. fruticosus had higher 15N uptake rates than beech, under all water supply levels. When irrigation was reduced, a substantial decrease in 15N uptake of beech seedlings and a concurrent increase in 15N uptake by R. fruticosus were observed. Interference by R. fruticosus and low irrigation also affected the 15N partitioning in beech seedlings and resulted in reduced allocation of 15N to the roots. The combination of competitive interference and lack of irrigation led to an increase in soluble non-protein N in roots and leaves of beech, due to protein degradation. This response was attributed to an increase in levels of amino acids serving as osmoprotectants under these conditions. The concentration of proline in leaves of beech was negatively correlated to shoot water potential. A competition-induced reduction of total N in leaves of beech under high and intermediate irrigation was found. These results illustrate (1) the advantage of R. fruticosus in terms of N uptake when compared to young beech, particularly under inadequate water supply, and (2) the changes in N composition of beech seedlings in order to cope with reduced soil water and interference by R. fruticosus. [source] Flattening the Effective Marginal Tax Rate Structure in Australia: Policy Simulations Using the Melbourne Institute Tax and Transfer SimulatorTHE AUSTRALIAN ECONOMIC REVIEW, Issue 2 2003John Creedy This article uses the Melbourne Institute Tax and Transfer Simulator to examine the effects of a reduction in the means-tested benefit taper, or withdrawal, rates in Australia to 30 per cent. That is, all taper rates of 50 per cent and 70 per cent in the March 1998 benefit system are reduced to 30 per cent, while leaving all basic benefit levels unchanged. This change is therefore expected to ,flatten' the tax structure by reducing the high marginal tax rates applying to those with relatively low incomes and increasing the marginal tax rates of medium incomes. Simulations in which all individuals are assumed to remain at their pre-reform labour supply levels are compared with behavioural simulations in which the majority of individuals are free to adjust the number of hours worked. The results reflect only the supply side of the labour market. The database used is the 1997-98 Survey of Income and Housing Costs, so that weekly incomes are based on the financial year 1997-98. The comparison shows that, for sole parents, accounting for behavioural effects of the reform results in a lower estimated expenditure for government, whereas for couples, accounting for behavioural effects results in a higher estimated expenditure. [source] |