Substrate Topography (substrate + topography)

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Selected Abstracts

Phase Segregation in Thin Films of Conjugated Polyrotaxane, Poly(ethylene oxide) Blends: A Scanning Force Microscopy Study,

L. Sardone
Abstract Scanning force microscopy (SFM) is used to study the surface morphology of spin-coated thin films of the ion-transport polymer poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) blended with either cyclodextrin (CD)-threaded conjugated polyrotaxanes based on poly(4,4,-diphenylene-vinylene) (PDV), ,-CD,PDV, or their uninsulated PDV analogues. Both the polyrotaxanes and their blends with PEO are of interest as active materials in light-emitting devices. The SFM analysis of the blended films supported on mica and on indium tin oxide (ITO) reveals in both cases a morphology that reflects the substrate topography on the (sub-)micrometer scale and is characterized by an absence of the surface structure that is usually associated with phase segregation. This observation confirms a good miscibility of the two hydrophilic components, when deposited by using spin-coating, as suggested by the luminescence data on devices and thin films. Clear evidence of phase segregation is instead found when blending PEO with a new organic-soluble conjugated polymer such as a silylated poly(fluorene)- alt -poly(para -phenylene) based polyrotaxane (THS,,-CD,PF,PPP). The results obtained are relevant to the understanding of the factors influencing the interfacial and the intermolecular interactions with a view to optimizing the performance of light-emitting diodes, and light-emitting electrochemical cells based on supramolecularly engineered organic polymers. [source]

A conceptual model of preferential flow systems in forested hillslopes: evidence of self-organization

Roy C. Sidle
Abstract Preferential flow paths are known to be important conduits of subsurface stormflow in forest hillslopes. Earlier research on preferential flow paths focused on vertical transport; however, lateral transport is also evident in steep forested slopes underlain by bedrock or till. Macropores consisting of decayed and live roots, subsurface erosion, surface bedrock fractures, and animal burrows form the basis of a ,backbone' for lateral preferential flow in such sites. Evidence from field studies in Japan indicates that although individual macropore segments are generally <0·5 m in length, they have a tendency to self-organize into larger preferential flow systems as sites become wetter. Staining tests show clear evidence of interconnected macropore flow segments, including: flow within decayed root channels and subsurface erosion cavities; flow in small depressions of the bedrock substrate; fracture flow in weathered bedrock; exchange between macropores and mesopores; and flow at the organic horizon,mineral soil interface and in buried pockets of organic material and loose soil. Here we develop a three-dimensional model for preferential flow systems based on distributed attributes of macropores and potential connecting nodes (e.g. zones of loose soil and buried organic matter). We postulate that the spatially variable and non-linear preferential flow response observed at our Japan field site, as well as at other sites, is attributed to discrete segments of macropores connecting at various nodes within the regolith. Each node is activated by local soil water conditions and is influenced strongly by soil depth, permeability, pore size, organic matter distribution, surface and substrate topography, and possibly momentum dissipation. This study represents the first attempt to characterize the spatially distributed nature of preferential flow paths at the hillslope scale and presents strong evidence that these networks exhibit complex system behaviour. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Influence of inertia, topography and gravity on transient axisymmetric thin-film flow

Roger E. Khayat
Abstract This study examines theoretically the development of early transients for axisymmetric flow of a thin film over a stationary cylindrical substrate of arbitrary shape. The fluid is assumed to emerge from an annular tube as it is driven by a pressure gradient maintained inside the annulus, and/or by gravity in the axial direction. The interplay between inertia, annulus aspect ratio, substrate topography and gravity is particularly emphasized. Initial conditions are found to have a drastic effect on the ensuing flow. The flow is governed by the thin-film equations of the ,boundary-layer' type, which are solved by expanding the flow field in terms of orthonormal modes in the radial direction. The formulation is validated upon comparison with the similarity solution of Watson (J. Fluid Mech 1964; 20:481) leading to an excellent agreement when only 2,3 modes are included. The wave and flow structure are examined for high and low inertia. It is found that low-inertia fluids tend to accumulate near the annulus exit, exhibiting a standing wave that grows with time. This behaviour clearly illustrates the difficulty faced with coating high-viscosity fluids. The annulus aspect is found to be influential only when inertia is significant; there is less flow resistance for a film over a cylinder of smaller diameter. For high inertia, the free surface evolves similarly to two-dimensional flow. The substrate topography is found to have a significant effect on transient behaviour, but this effect depends strongly on inertia. It is observed that the flow of a high-inertia fluid over a step-down exhibits the formation of a secondary wave that moves upstream of the primary wave. Gravity is found to help the film (coating) flow by halting or prohibiting the wave growth. The initial film profile and velocity distribution dictate whether the fluid will flow downstream or accumulate near the annulus exit. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

The spatiotemporal dynamics of a primary succession

N. A. Cutler
Summary 1Conceptual models of ecosystem development commonly predict a phase of initial colonization characterized by the nucleation, growth and coalescence of discrete patches of pioneer plants. Spatiotemporal dynamics during subsequent development may follow one of three different models: the classical model, in which initially discrete patches of competitive dominant (secondary) colonists coalesce to form a homogeneous cover; the patch dynamics model, in which renewal mechanisms such as disturbance create a shifting mosaic of patches at different stages; and the geoecological model, in which the vegetation gradually differentiates along edaphic gradients related to the underlying physical template. 2These models of spatiotemporal dynamics were tested using vegetation and soil data from an 850-year chronosequence, comprised of seven lava flows on Mt Hekla, Iceland. The scale and intensity of spatial pattern were quantified on each flow using spatial analyses (mean-variance ratios, quadrat variance techniques and indices of autocorrelation). Changes in spatial pattern with increasing terrain age were compared with predicted trajectories, in order to identify which of the models of spatiotemporal dynamics was most consistent with the observations. 3The early stages of ecosystem development were characterized by colonization of the pioneer species, especially Racomitrium mosses, in discrete patches (,Pioneer colonization stage', < 20 years), which then grew laterally and coalesced to form a continuous, homogeneous carpet (,Pioneer expansion stage', 20,100 years). Later in the sequence, higher plants established in discrete patches within this pioneer matrix (,Higher plant colonization stage', 100,600 years). Over time, heterogeneity re-emerged at a larger spatial scale as the vegetation differentiated according to topographic variations in the underlying substrate (,Differentiation stage', > 600 years). 4Synthesis. The spatiotemporal dynamics observed in the early stages of this succession were consistent with a model of pioneer nucleation in micro-scale safe sites, followed by growth, coalescence and eventual fragmentation of pioneer patches. The spatial patterns which emerged later in development support the geoecological model, with spatial differentiation of vegetation related to meso-scale substrate topography. The findings provide insight on how vegetation patterns emerge at different stages of ecosystem development in response to differing scales of heterogeneity in the underlying physical environment. [source]

Adhesion pattern and growth of primary human osteoblastic cells on five commercially available titanium surfaces

Giovanni Passeri
Abstract Objective: The aim of this study is to analyze the morphology and proliferation of human osteoblastic cells in vitro on five commercially available titanium surfaces. Materials and methods: Human primary cells of the osteoblastic lineage were obtained from bone explants. The cells were plated on polished (T1), machined (T2), sand-blasted/acid-etched (T3), sand-blasted/acid-etched, modified with hydrogen peroxide rinse (T4), and plasma-sprayed titanium (T5) disks. Cell morphology was studied after 6, 24, 72 h, 7 and 14 days of culture by scanning electron microscopy. The formation and distribution of focal adhesions was investigated by immunocytochemical staining at 3, 6 and 24 h. Cell growth was measured by an MTT assay after 3, 7 and 9 days of culture. Moreover, the production of osteocalcin and osteoprotegerin (OPG) was evaluated in the supernatants by ELISA. Results: Morphological analysis revealed that substrate topography profoundly affected cells' shape and their anchoring structures. Large lamellipodia were formed on polished and machined surfaces, while thin filopodia were more frequently observed on T3 and T4 samples. Moreover, cells formed stronger focal adhesions on T3 and T4 surfaces, and cell proliferation was higher on rough surfaces. Osteocalcin production was higher on the T4 surface, whereas OPG steadily increased on every surface. Conclusions: Taken together, these data show that all the surfaces allowed cell attachment, adhesion and proliferation, but T4 and T5 surfaces appeared to be a better substrate for the adhesion, proliferation and differentiation of cells of the osteoblastic lineage. To cite this article: Passeri G, Cacchioli A, Ravanetti F, Galli C, Elezi E, Macaluso GM. Adhesion pattern and growth of primary human osteoblastic cells on five commercially available titanium surfaces. Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 21, 2010; 756,765. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0501.2009.01906.x [source]