Substrate Analogues (substrate + analogue)

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Selected Abstracts

Thermodynamic characterization of substrate and inhibitor binding to Trypanosoma brucei 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase

FEBS JOURNAL, Issue 24 2007
Katy Montin
6-Phosphogluconate dehydrogenase is a potential target for new drugs against African trypanosomiasis. Phosphorylated aldonic acids are strong inhibitors of 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, and 4-phospho- d -erythronate (4PE) and 4-phospho- d -erythronohydroxamate are two of the strongest inhibitors of the Trypanosoma brucei enzyme. Binding of the substrate 6-phospho- d -gluconate (6PG), the inhibitors 5-phospho- d -ribonate (5PR) and 4PE, and the coenzymes NADP, NADPH and NADP analogue 3-amino-pyridine adenine dinucleotide phosphate to 6-phospho- d -gluconate dehydrogenase from T. brucei was studied using isothermal titration calorimetry. Binding of the substrate (Kd = 5 µm) and its analogues (Kd =1.3 µm and Kd = 2.8 µm for 5PR and 4PE, respectively) is entropy driven, whereas binding of the coenzymes is enthalpy driven. Oxidized coenzyme and its analogue, but not reduced coenzyme, display a half-site reactivity in the ternary complex with the substrate or inhibitors. Binding of 6PG and 5PR poorly affects the dissociation constant of the coenzymes, whereas binding of 4PE decreases the dissociation constant of the coenzymes by two orders of magnitude. In a similar manner, the Kd value of 4PE decreases by two orders of magnitude in the presence of the coenzymes. The results suggest that 5PR acts as a substrate analogue, whereas 4PE mimics the transition state of dehydrogenation. The stronger affinity of 4PE is interpreted on the basis of the mechanism of the enzyme, suggesting that the inhibitor forces the catalytic lysine 185 into the protonated state. [source]

Use of complementary cation and anion heavy-atom salt derivatives to solve the structure of cytochrome P450 46A1

Mark Andrew White
Human cytochrome P450 46A1 (CYP46A1) is one of the key enzymes in cholesterol homeostasis in the brain. The crystallization and heavy-atom structure solution of an active truncated CYP46A1 in complex with the high-affinity substrate analogue cholesterol-3-sulfate (CH-3S) is reported. The 2.6,Å structure of CYP46A1,CH-3S was solved using both anion and cation heavy-atom salts. In addition to the native anomalous signal from the haem iron, an NaI anion halide salt derivative and a complementary CsCl alkali-metal cation salt derivative were used. The general implications of the use of halide and alkali-metal quick soaks are discussed. The importance of using isoionic strength buffers, the titration of heavy-atom salts into different ionic species and the role of concentration are considered. It was observed that cation/anion-binding sites will occasionally overlap, which could negatively impact upon mixed RbBr soaks used for multiple anomalous scatterer MAD (MMAD). The use of complementary cation and anion heavy-atom salt derivatives is a convenient and powerful tool for MIR(AS) structure solution. [source]

Modulation of activity by Arg407: structure of a fungal ,-1,2-mannosidase in complex with a substrate analogue

Yuri D. Lobsanov
Class I ,-mannosidases (glycoside hydrolase family GH47) play key roles in the maturation of N-glycans and the ER-associated degradation of unfolded glycoproteins. The 1.95,Å resolution structure of a fungal ,-1,2-mannosidase in complex with the substrate analogue methyl-,- d -lyxopyranosyl-(1,,2)-,- d -mannopyranoside (LM) shows the intact disaccharide spanning the ,1/+1 subsites, with the d -lyxoside ring in the ,1 subsite in the 1C4 chair conformation, and provides insight into the mechanism of catalysis. The absence of the C5, hydroxymethyl group on the d -lyxoside moiety results in the side chain of Arg407 adopting two alternative conformations: the minor one interacting with Asp375 and the major one interacting with both the d -lyxoside and the catalytic base Glu409, thus disrupting its function. Chemical modification of Asp375 has previously been shown to inactivate the enzyme. Taken together, the data suggest that Arg407, which belongs to the conserved sequence motif RPExxE, may act to modulate the activity of the enzyme. The proposed mechanism for modulating the activity is potentially a general mechanism for this superfamily. [source]

Structures of the hydrolase domain of human 10-formyltetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase and its complex with a substrate analogue

Herwig Schüler
10-Formyltetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase is a ubiquitously expressed enzyme in the human body. It catalyses the formation of tetrahydrofolate and carbon dioxide from 10-­formyltetrahydrofolate, thereby playing an important role in the human metabolism of one-carbon units. It is a two-domain protein in which the N-terminal domain hydrolyses 10-formyltetrahydrofolate into formate and tetrahydrofolate. The high-resolution crystal structure of the hydrolase domain from human 10-formyltetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase has been determined in the presence and absence of a substrate analogue. The structures reveal conformational changes of two loops upon ligand binding, while key active-site residues appear to be pre-organized for catalysis prior to substrate binding. Two water molecules in the structures mark the positions of key oxygen moieties in the catalytic reaction and reaction geometries are proposed based on the structural data. [source]

Structure of a pseudomerohedrally twinned monoclinic crystal form of a pyridoxal phosphate-dependent catalytic antibody

Béatrice Golinelli-Pimpaneau
The purification, crystallization and structure determination at 2.3,Å resolution of the complex of the pyridoxal-5,-phosphate (PLP) dependent catalytic antibody 15A9 with a phosphopyridoxyl- l -alanine (PPL- l -alanine) substrate analogue are described. The crystal belongs to space group P21, with two molecules in the asymmetric unit related by non-crystallographic symmetry. The unit-cell parameters are a = 63.5, b = 81.7, c = 79.3,Å and , is fortuitously 90°. Refinement of the structure converged at unacceptably high R factors. Although the traditional analysis of intensity distribution did not indicate twinning, pseudomerohedral twinning was revealed by a newer test based on local intensity differences [Padilla & Yeates (2003), Acta Cryst. D59, 1124,1130]. When the potential twinning operator was included in SHELX, the structure could be satisfactorily refined with a twinning fraction of 0.46, indicating a nearly perfect hemihedrally twinned crystal. One of the active sites is occupied by the phosphopyridoxyl- l -alanine ligand, while one iodide ion mimics the cofactor phosphate group in the other. Four other iodide ions are present in the structure: two are involved in specific intermolecular contacts and two dictate the conformation of the CDRH3 loop in each molecule. [source]

The high-resolution structure of dihydrodipicolinate synthase from Escherichia coli bound to its first substrate, pyruvate

Sean R. A. Devenish
Dihydrodipicolinate synthase (DHDPS) mediates the key first reaction common to the biosynthesis of (S)-lysine and meso -diaminopimelate, molecules which play a crucial cross-linking role in bacterial cell walls. An effective inhibitor of DHDPS would represent a useful antibacterial agent; despite extensive effort, a suitable inhibitor has yet to be found. In an attempt to examine the specificity of the active site of DHDPS, the enzyme was cocrystallized with the substrate analogue oxaloacetate. The resulting crystals diffracted to 2.0,Å resolution, but solution of the protein structure revealed that pyruvate was bound in the active site rather than oxaloacetic acid. Kinetic analysis confirmed that the decarboxylation of oxaloacetate was not catalysed by DHDPS and was instead a slow spontaneous chemical process. [source]

New Insight into the Mode of Action of Nickel Superoxide Dismutase by Investigating Metallopeptide Substrate Models

Daniel Tietze M.
Abstract For the first time, the existence of a substrate adduct of a nickel superoxide dismutase (NiSOD) model, based on the first nine residues from the N terminus of the active form of Streptomyces coelicolor NiSOD, has been proven and the adduct has been isolated. This adduct is based on the cyanide anion (CN,), as a substrate analogue of the superoxide anion (O2.,), and the nickel metallopeptide H-HCDLPCGVY-NH2 -Ni. Spectroscopic studies, including IR, UV/Vis, and liquid- and solid-state NMR spectroscopy, show a single nickel-bound cyanide anion, which is embedded in the metallopeptide structure. This complex sheds new light on the question of whether the mode of action of the NiSOD enzyme is an inner- or outer-sphere mechanism. Whereas discussion was previously biased in favor of an outer-sphere electron-transfer mechanism due to the fact that binding of cyanide or azide moieties to the nickel active site had never been observed, our results are a clear indication in favor of the inner-sphere electron-transfer mechanism for the disproportionation of the O2., ion, whereby the substrate is attached to the Ni atom in the active site of the NiSOD. [source]

Reactivity of the heme,dioxygen complex of the inducible nitric oxide synthase in the presence of alternative substrates

FEBS JOURNAL, Issue 1 2006
David Lefèvre-Groboillot
Single turnover reactions of the inducible nitric oxide synthase oxygenase domain (iNOSoxy) in the presence of several non ,-amino acid N -hydroxyguanidines and guanidines were studied by stopped-flow visible spectroscopy, and compared with reactions using the native substrates l -arginine (l -arg) or N, -hydroxy- l -arginine (NOHA). In experiments containing dihydrobiopterin, a catalytically incompetent pterin, and each of the studied substrates, l -arg, butylguanidine (BuGua), para -fluorophenylguanidine (FPhGua), NOHA, N -butyl- and N -(para -fluorophenyl)- N,-hydroxyguanidines (BuNOHG and FPhNOHG), the formation of a iron(II) heme,dioxygen intermediate (FeIIO2) was always observed. The FeIIO2 species then decayed to iron(III) iNOSoxy at rates that were dependent on the nature of the substrate. Identical reactions containing the catalytically competent cofactor tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4), iNOSoxy and the three N -hydroxyguanidines, all exhibited an initial formation of an FeIIO2 species that was successively converted to an FeIIINO complex and eventually to high-spin iron(III) iNOSoxy. The formation and decay kinetics of the FeIIINO complex did not vary greatly as a function of the N -hydroxyguanidine structure, but the formation of FeIIINO was substoichiometric in the cases of BuNOHG and FPhNOHG. Reactions between BH4 -containing iNOSoxy and BuGua exhibited kinetics similar to those of the corresponding reaction with l -arginine, with formation of an FeIIO2 intermediate that was directly converted to high-spin iron(III) iNOSoxy. In contrast, no FeIIO2 intermediate was observed in the reaction of BH4 -containing iNOSoxy and FPhGua. Multi-turnover reaction of iNOS with FPhGua did not lead to formation of NO or to hydroxylation of the substrate, contrary to reactions with BuGua or l -arg. Our results reveal how different structural and chemical properties of NOS substrate analogues can impact on the kinetics and reactivity of the FeIIO2 intermediate, and support an important role for substrate pKa during NOS oxygen activation. [source]

Structure-Based Design and Synthesis of the First Weak Non-Phosphate Inhibitors for IspF, an Enzyme in the Non-Mevalonate Pathway of Isoprenoid Biosynthesis

Corinne Baumgartner
Abstract In this paper, we describe the structure-based design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of cytosine derivatives and analogues that inhibit IspF, an enzyme in the non-mevalonate pathway of isoprenoid biosynthesis. This pathway is responsible for the biosynthesis of the C5 precursors to isoprenoids, isopentenyl diphosphate (IPP, 1) and dimethylallyl diphosphate (DMAPP, 2; Scheme,1). The non-mevalonate pathway is the sole source for 1 and 2 in the protozoan Plasmodium parasites. Since mammals exclusively utilize the alternative mevalonate pathway, the enzymes of the non-mevalonate pathway have been identified as attractive new drug targets in the fight against malaria. Based on computer modeling (cf. Figs.,2 and 3), new cytosine derivatives and analogues (Fig.,1) were selected as potential drug-like inhibitors of IspF protein, and synthesized (Schemes,2,5). Determination of the enzyme activity by 13C-NMR spectroscopy in the presence of the new ligands showed inhibitory activities for some of the prepared cytosine and pyridine-2,5-diamine derivatives in the upper micromolar range (IC50 values; Table). The data suggest that it is possible to inhibit IspF protein without binding to the polar diphosphate binding site and the side chain of Asp56,, which interacts with the ribose moiety of the substrate and substrate analogues. Furthermore, a new spacious sub-pocket was discovered which accommodates aromatic spacers between cytosine derivatives or analogues (binding to ,Pocket III') and rings that occupy the flexible hydrophobic region of ,Pocket II'. The proposed binding mode remains to be further validated by X-ray crystallography. [source]

Molecular dynamics simulations of the detoxification of paraoxon catalyzed by phosphotriesterase

Xin Zhang
Abstract Combined QM(PM3)/MM molecular dynamics simulations together with QM(DFT)/MM optimizations for key configurations have been performed to elucidate the enzymatic catalysis mechanism on the detoxification of paraoxon by phosphotriesterase (PTE). In the simulations, the PM3 parameters for the phosphorous atom were reoptimized. The equilibrated configuration of the enzyme/substrate complex showed that paraoxon can strongly bind to the more solvent-exposed metal ion Zn,, but the free energy profile along the binding path demonstrated that the binding is thermodynamically unfavorable. This explains why the crystal structures of PTE with substrate analogues often exhibit long distances between the phosphoral oxygen and Zn,. The subsequent SN2 reaction plays the key role in the whole process, but controversies exist over the identity of the nucleophilic species, which could be either a hydroxide ion terminally coordinated to Zn, or the ,-hydroxo bridge between the ,- and ,-metals. Our simulations supported the latter and showed that the rate-limiting step is the distortion of the bound paraoxon to approach the bridging hydroxide. After this preparation step, the bridging hydroxide ion attacks the phosphorous center and replaces the diethyl phosphate with a low barrier. Thus, a plausible way to engineer PTE with enhanced catalytic activity is to stabilize the deformed paraoxon. Conformational analyses indicate that Trp131 is the closest residue to the phosphoryl oxygen, and mutations to Arg or Gln or even Lys, which can shorten the hydrogen bond distance with the phosphoryl oxygen, could potentially lead to a mutant with enhanced activity for the detoxification of organophosphates. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Comput Chem, 2009 [source]

Structure and function of the Mur enzymes: development of novel inhibitors

Ahmed El Zoeiby
Summary One of the biggest challenges for recent medical research is the continuous development of new antibiotics interacting with bacterial essential mechanisms. The machinery for peptidoglycan biosynthesis is a rich source of crucial targets for antibacterial chemotherapy. The cytoplasmic steps of the biosynthesis of peptidoglycan precursor, catalysed by a series of Mur enzymes, are excellent candidates for drug development. There has been growing interest in these bacterial enzymes over the last decade. Many studies attempted to understand the detailed mechanisms and structural features of the key enzymes MurA to MurF. Only MurA is inhibited by a known antibiotic, fosfomycin. Several attempts made to develop novel inhibitors of this pathway are discussed in this review. Three novel inhibitors of MurA were identified recently. 4-Thiazolidinone compounds were designed as MurB inhibitors. Many phosphinic acid derivatives and substrate analogues were identified as inhibitors of the MurC to MurF amino acid ligases. [source]

Barley polyamine oxidase: characterisation and analysis of the cofactor and the N-terminal amino acid sequence

Anna Radová
Abstract This paper reports the first purification method developed for the isolation of an homogeneous polyamine oxidase (PAO) from etiolated barley seedlings. The crude enzyme preparation was obtained after initial precipitation of the extract with protamine sulphate and ammonium sulphate. The enzyme was further purified to a final homogeneity (by the criteria of isoelectric focusing and SDS,PAGE) using techniques of low pressure chromatography followed by two FPLC steps. The purified yellow enzyme showed visible absorption maxima of a flavoprotein at 380 and 450,nm: the presence of FAD as the cofactor was further confirmed by measuring the fluorescence spectra. Barley PAO is an acidic protein (pI 5.4) containing 3% of neutral sugars: its molecular mass determined by SDS,PAGE was 56,kDa, whilst gel permeation chromatography revealed the higher value of 76 kDa. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of barley PAO shows a high degree of similarity to that of maize PAO and to several other flavoprotein oxidases. The polyamines spermine and spermidine were the only two substrates of the enzyme with Km values 4,×,10,5 and 3,×,10,5,M and pH optima of 5.0 and 6.0, respectively. Barley polyamine oxidase is markedly inhibited by acridine dyes and hydrazines. Weak inhibition was observed with substrate analogues, aminoaldehydes, metal chelating agents and several other compounds. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Overexpression, purification, crystallization and preliminary structural studies of p -coumaric acid decarboxylase from Lactobacillus plantarum

Blanca De Las Rivas
The substrate-inducible p -coumaric acid decarboxylase (PDC) from Lactobacillus plantarum has been overexpressed in Escherichia coli, purified and confirmed to possess decarboxylase activity. The recombinant His6 -tagged enzyme was crystallized using the hanging-drop vapour-diffusion method from a solution containing 20%(w/v) PEG 4000, 12%(w/v) 2-propanol, 0.2,M sodium acetate, 0.1,M Tris,HCl pH 8.0 with 0.1,M barium chloride as an additive. Diffraction data were collected in-house to 2.04,Å resolution. Crystals belonged to the tetragonal space group P43, with unit-cell parameters a = b = 43.15, c = 231.86,Å. The estimated Matthews coefficient was 2.36,Å3,Da,1, corresponding to 48% solvent content, which is consistent with the presence of two protein molecules in the asymmetric unit. The structure of PDC has been determined by the molecular-replacement method. Currently, the structure of PDC complexed with substrate analogues is in progress, with the aim of elucidating the structural basis of the catalytic mechanism. [source]

Structural Investigation of the Binding of 5-Substituted Swainsonine Analogues to Golgi ,-Mannosidase II

CHEMBIOCHEM, Issue 5 2010
Douglas A. Kuntz Dr.
Abstract Golgi ,-mannosidase II (GMII) is a key enzyme in the N-glycosylation pathway and is a potential target for cancer chemotherapy. The natural product swainsonine is a potent inhibitor of GMII. In this paper we characterize the binding of 5,-substituted swainsonine analogues to the soluble catalytic domain of Drosophila GMII by X-ray crystallography. These inhibitors enjoy an advantage over previously reported GMII inhibitors in that they did not significantly decrease the inhibitory potential of the swainsonine head-group. The phenyl groups of these analogues occupy a portion of the binding site not previously seen to be populated with either substrate analogues or other inhibitors and they form novel hydrophobic interactions. They displace a well-organized water cluster, but the presence of a C(10) carbonyl allows the reestablishment of important hydrogen bonds. Already approximately tenfold more active against the Golgi enzyme than the lysosomal enzyme, these inhibitors offer the potential of being extended into the N-acetylglucosamine binding site of GMII for the creation of even more potent and selective GMII inhibitors. [source]

Mapping the Limits of Substrate Specificity of the Adenylation Domain of TycA

CHEMBIOCHEM, Issue 4 2009
Benoit R. M. Villiers
Abstract The limits and potential of substrate promiscuity of the adenylation domain of tyrocidine synthetase 1 were systematically explored. Substrate acceptance is governed by hydrophobic effects (as shown by the correlation of kcat/KM and side-chain log,P), shape complementarity and steric exclusion. The quantification of these factors provides ground rules for understanding and possibly evolving substrate specificity in this class of enzymes. The catalytic potential of tyrocidine synthetase 1 (TycA) was probed by the kinetic characterization of its adenylation activity. We observed reactions with 30 substrates, thus suggesting some substrate promiscuity. However, although the TycA adenylation (A) domain was able to accommodate alternative substrates, their kcat/KM values ranged over six orders of magnitude. A comparison of the activities allowed the systematic mapping of the substrate specificity determinants of the TycA A-domain. Hydrophobicity plays a major role in the recognition of substrate analogues but can be combined with shape complementarity, conferring higher activity, and/or steric exclusion, leading to substantial discrimination against larger substrates. A comparison of the kcat/KM values of the TycA A-domain and phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase showed that the level of discrimination was comparable in the two enzymes for the adenylation reaction and suggested that TycA was also subjected to high selective pressure. The specificity patterns observed and the quantification of alternative activities provide a basis for exploring possible paths for the future directed evolution of A-domain specificity. [source]

An Inverse Substrate Orientation for the Regioselective Acylation of 3,,5,-Diaminonucleosides Catalyzed by Candida antarctica lipase B?

CHEMBIOCHEM, Issue 8 2005
Iván Lavandera Dr.
Abstract Candida antarctica lipase B (CAL-B) catalyzes the regioselective acylation of natural thymidine with oxime esters and also the regioselective acylation of an analogue, 3,,5,-diamino-3,,5,-dideoxythymidine with nonactivated esters. In both cases, acylation favors the less hindered 5,-position over the 3,-position by upto 80-fold. Computer modeling of phosphonate transition-state analogues for the acylation of thymidine suggests that CAL-B favors acylation of the 5,-position because this orientation allows the thymine ring to bind in a hydrophobic pocket and forms stronger key hydrogen bonds than acylation of the 3,-position. On the other hand, computer modeling of phosphonamidate analogues of the transition states for acylation of either the 3,- or 5,-amino groups in 3,,5,-diamino-3,,5,-dideoxythymidine shows similar orientations and hydrogen bonds and, thus, does not explain the high regioselectivity. However, computer modeling of inverse structures, in which the acyl chain binds in the nucleophile pocket and vice versa, does rationalize the observed regioselectivity. The inverse structures fit the 5,-, but not the 3,-intermediate thymine ring, into the hydrophobic pocket, and form a weak new hydrogen bond between the O-2 carbonyl atom of the thymine and the nucleophile amine only for the 5,-intermediate. A water molecule might transfer a proton from the ammonium group to the active-site histidine. As a test of this inverse orientation, we compared the acylation of thymidine and 3,,5,-diamino-3,,5,-dideoxythymidine with butyryl acyl donors and with isosteric methoxyacetyl acyl donors. Both acyl donors reacted at equal rates with thymidine, but the methoxyacetyl acyl donor reacted four times faster than the butyryl acyl donor with 3,,5,-diamino-3,,5,-dideoxythymidine. This faster rate is consistent with an inverse orientation for 3,,5,-diamino-3,,5,-dideoxythymidine, in which the ether oxygen atom of the methoxyacetyl group can form a similar hydrogen bond to the nucleophilic amine. This combination of modeling and experiments suggests that such lipase-catalyzed reactions of apparently close substrate analogues like alcohols and amines might follow different pathways. [source]

Understanding the Key Factors that Control the Inhibition of Type,II Dehydroquinase by (2R)-2-Benzyl-3-dehydroquinic Acids

CHEMMEDCHEM, Issue 10 2010
Antonio Peón
Abstract The binding mode of several substrate analogues, (2R)-2-benzyl-3-dehydroquinic acids 4, which are potent reversible competitive inhibitors of type,II dehydroquinase (DHQ2), the third enzyme of the shikimic acid pathway, has been investigated by structural and computational studies. The crystal structures of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Helicobacter pylori DHQ2 in complex with one of the most potent inhibitor, p -methoxybenzyl derivative 4,a, have been solved at 2.40,Å and 2.75,Å, respectively. This has allowed the resolution of the M.,tuberculosis DHQ2 loop containing residues 20,25 for the first time. These structures show the key interactions of the aromatic ring in the active site of both enzymes and additionally reveal an important change in the conformation and flexibility of the loop that closes over substrate binding. The loop conformation and the binding mode of compounds 4,b,d has been also studied by molecular dynamics simulations, which suggest that the benzyl group of inhibitors 4 prevent appropriate orientation of the catalytic tyrosine of the loop for proton abstraction and disrupts its basicity. [source]