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Selected Abstracts

Myocardial perfusion imaging and cardiac events in a cohort of asymptomatic patients with diabetes living in southern France

A. Sultan
Abstract Aims, To assess the association between abnormal stress myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) and cardiac events (CE) in asymptomatic patients with diabetes and with , 1 additional risk factor. Predictors of abnormal stress MPI were also evaluated. Methods, Four hundred and forty-seven consecutive patients who underwent stress MPI were prospectively followed for 2.1 [0.5,4.1] years for the subsequent occurrence of hard CE (myocardial infarction and sudden or coronary death) and soft CE (unstable angina and ischaemic heart failure requiring hospitalization). Re-vascularization procedures performed as a result of the screening protocol were not included in the analysis. Results, Follow-up was successful in 419 of 447 patients (94%), of whom 71 had abnormal MPI at baseline. Medical therapy was intensified in all subjects and especially in those with abnormal MPI. Twenty-three patients with abnormal MPI underwent a re-vascularization procedure. CEs occurred in 14 patients, including six of 71 patients (8.5%) with abnormal MPI and eight of 348 patients (2.3%) with normal MPI (P < 0.005). Only two patients developed a hard CE and 12 a soft CE. In multivariate analysis, abnormal MPI was the strongest predictor for CEs [odds ratio (OR) (95% CI) = 5.6 (1.7,18.5)]. Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol , 3.35 mmol/l [OR (95% CI) = 7.3; 1.5,34.7] and age > median [OR (95% CI) = 6.0 (1.2,28.6)] were additional independent predictors for CE. The independent predictors for abnormal MPI were male gender, plasma triglycerides , 1.70 mmol/l, creatinine clearance < 60 ml/min and HbA1c > 8%, with male gender the strongest [OR (95% CI) = 4.0 (1.8,8.8)]. Conclusions, Asymptomatic patients with diabetes in this study had a very low hard cardiac event rate over an intermediate period. This could be explained by the effects of intervention or by the low event rate in the background population. Randomized studies of cardiac heart disease screening are required in asymptomatic subjects with diabetes to determine the effectiveness of this intervention. Diabet. Med. (2006) [source]

Contrasting effects of heterozygosity on survival and hookworm resistance in California sea lion pups

Abstract Low genetic heterozygosity is associated with loss of fitness in many natural populations. However, it remains unclear whether the mechanism is related to general (i.e. inbreeding) or local effects, in particular from a subset of loci lying close to genes under balancing selection. Here we analyse involving heterozygosity,fitness correlations on neonatal survival of California sea lions and on susceptibility to hookworm (Uncinaria spp.) infection, the single most important cause of pup mortality. We show that regardless of differences in hookworm burden, homozygosity is a key predictor of hookworm-related lesions, with no single locus contributing disproportionately. Conversely, the subsequent occurrence of anaemia due to blood loss in infected pups is overwhelmingly associated with homozygosity at one particular locus, all other loci showing no pattern. Our results suggest contrasting genetic mechanisms underlying two pathologies related to the same pathogen. First, relatively inbred pups are less able to expel hookworms and prevent their attachment to the intestinal mucosa, possibly due to a weakened immune response. In contrast, infected pups that are homozygous for a gene near to microsatellite Hg4.2 are strongly predisposed to anaemia. As yet, this gene is unknown, but could plausibly be involved in the blood-coagulation cascade. Taken together, these results suggest that pathogenic burden alone may not be the main factor regulating pathogen-related mortality in natural populations. Our study could have important implications for the conservation of small, isolated or threatened populations, particularly when they are at a risk of facing pathogenic challenges. [source]

The association between preeclampsia and placental disruption induced by chorionic villous sampling

Antonio Farina
Abstract Objectives The objectives of this study were (1) to evaluate if the elevation of maternal serum ,-feto protein (MSAFP) and pregnancy-associated placental protein-A (PAPP-A) in the maternal blood after chorionic villous sampling (CVS) is associated with a higher preeclampsia (PE) rate and (2) to verify the clinical utility of the analytes elevation for predicting PE. Methods A prospective study on 106 subjects who underwent CVS was performed. At the time of CVS, two blood samples were obtained for MSAFP and PAPP-A dosage, the first just before the procedure, and the second one 30 min after the procedure. Cases with abnormal karyotype, major anomalies or preterm delivery were subsequently excluded. The ratio between the two samples was calculated as , (MSAFP or PAPP-A post-CVS/MSAFP or PAPP-A pre-CVS) and it was related to subsequent occurrence of PE. Results The rate of PE was 5.7% (6/106). Both MSAFP and PAPP-A levels were higher after than before CVS (median ratio = 8.33 and 1.08, respectively). Cases developing PE had significantly higher MSAFP ratio (11.6 vs 7.4, p -value = 0.04) and PAPP-A ratio (1.13 vs 1.08, p -value = 0.009) than those who did not develop PE. Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis showed that PAPP-A ratio was a better predictor of subsequent PE than MSAFP ratio: at a fixed false positive rate of 10%, the detection rates for MSAFP and PAPP-A ratios were 33 and 50%, respectively. Conclusion The elevation of MSAFP and PAPP-A observed with CVS is associated with increased risk of subsequent PE. The ability of such increases to predict PE appears to be modest. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Cancer incidence after localized therapy for prostate cancer

CANCER, Issue 5 2006
Kihyuck Moon MD
Abstract BACKGROUND. Second cancers may occur in patients who have undergone radiation therapy. The risk for these adverse events after therapy is uncertain. In this study, the authors examined the size and significance of the observed association between occurrences of secondary cancers 5 years after radiotherapy in a large population of men with incident prostate cancer. METHODS. Men with incident prostate cancer were identified from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) registry and were distinguished by the type of treatment received, tumor stage, tumor grade, and age at diagnosis. SEER data also were used to identify occurrences of secondary cancer beginning 5 years after the date patients were diagnosed with prostate cancer. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to estimate the adjusted odds of the subsequent occurrence of other cancers associated with types of radiation therapy received and was adjusted for the type of surgery, tumor grade, stage, and patient age. RESULTS. Compared with men who received no prostate cancer-directed radiation, men who received external beam radiation therapy (EBRT) as their only form of radiation therapy had statistically significant increased odds of developing secondary cancers at several sites potentially related to radiation therapy, including the bladder (odds ratio [OR], 1.63; 95% confidence interval [95% CI], 1.44,1.84) and rectum (OR, 1.60; 95% CI, 1.29,1.99). Men who received EBRT also had statistically significant higher odds of developing secondary cancers at sites in the upper body and other areas not potentially related to radiation therapy, including the cecum (OR, 1.63; 95% CI, 1.10,1.70), transverse colon (OR, 1.85; 95% CI, 1.30,2.63), brain (OR, 1.83; 95% CI, 1.22,2.75), stomach (OR, 1.38; 95% CI, 1.09,1.75), melanoma (OR, 1.29; 95% CI, 1.09,1.53), and lung and bronchus (OR, 1.25; 95% CI, 1.13,1.37) compared with the odds among men who received no radiation therapy. Men who received radiation therapy in the form of radioactive implants or isotopes, either in isolation or combined with beam radiation, did not have significantly different odds of secondary cancer occurring at any of the 20 most common sites. CONCLUSIONS. Patients who received with EBRT had significantly higher odds of developing second cancers both overall and in the areas that were exposed to radiation. It is noteworthy that, to the authors' knowledge, this report shows for the first time that, despite the higher doses of radiation delivered, patients who received radioactive implants had the lowest odds of developing second cancers. Cancer 2006. © 2006 American Cancer Society. [source]