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Selected Abstracts

National Growth in Simulation Training within Emergency Medicine Residency Programs, 2003,2008

Yasuharu Okuda MD
Abstract Objectives:, The use of medical simulation has grown dramatically over the past decade, yet national data on the prevalence and growth of use among individual specialty training programs are lacking. The objectives of this study were to describe the current role of simulation training in emergency medicine (EM) residency programs and to quantify growth in use of the technology over the past 5 years. Methods:, In follow-up of a 2006 study (2003 data), the authors distributed an updated survey to program directors (PDs) of all 179 EM residency programs operating in early 2008 (140 Accreditation Council on Graduate Medical Education [ACGME]-approved allopathic programs and 39 American Osteopathic Association [AOA]-accredited osteopathic programs). The brief survey borrowed from the prior instrument, was edited and revised, and then distributed at a national PDs meeting. Subsequent follow-up was conducted by e-mail and telephone. The survey concentrated on technology-enhanced simulation modalities beyond routine static trainers or standardized patient-actors (high-fidelity mannequin simulation, part-task/procedural simulation, and dynamic screen-based simulation). Results:, A total of 134 EM residency programs completed the updated survey, yielding an overall response rate of 75%. A total of 122 (91%) use some form of simulation in their residency training. One-hundred fourteen (85%) specifically use mannequin-simulators, compared to 33 (29%) in 2003 (p < 0.001). Mannequin-simulators are now owned by 58 (43%) of the programs, whereas only 9 (8%) had primary responsibility for such equipment in 2003 (p < 0.001). Fifty-eight (43%) of the programs reported that annual resident simulation use now averages more than 10 hours per year. Conclusions:, Use of medical simulation has grown significantly in EM residency programs in the past 5 years and is now widespread among training programs across the country. [source]

Positron emission tomography in surveillance of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma after definitive chemoradiotherapy

Yi-Fen Wang MD
Abstract Background. We assessed the role of 18F-fluoro-deoxy-glucose positron emission tomography (PET) in detecting head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) after definitive chemoradiotherapy (CRT). Methods. A prospective study presented 80 PET before and after CRT for 44 patients, including 44 first-time post-CRT scans performed between 12 and 17 weeks after radiotherapy completion, as well as 10 repeated scans in the subsequent follow-up. PET interpretations were compared with clinicopathologic outcomes. Results. PET demonstrated better performance than CT in post-CRT surveillance. Considering all 54 post-CRT PET scans, sensitivity for detecting primary tumors was 100%, specificity 93%, positive predictive value (PPV) 80%, and negative predictive value (NPV) 100%. For cervical diseases, sensitivity was 100%, specificity 98%, PPV 92%, and NPV 100%. For distant metastases, sensitivity was 100%, specificity 98%, PPV 86%, and NPV 100%. Conclusions. Negative PET readings were reliable for predicting free of HNSCC and helpful for selected patients in post-CRT surveillance. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Head Neck, 2009 [source]

Long-term follow-up of interferon alfa treatment in chinese patients with chronic hepatitis B infection: The effect on hepatitis B e antigen seroconversion and the development of cirrhosis-related complications

HEPATOLOGY, Issue 1 2001
Man-Fung Yuen
The long-term effect of interferon alfa (IFN-,) in Chinese patients with chronic hepatitis B infection is unknown. A total of 411 chronic hepatitis B patients (208 treated with IFN-, and 203 as control) were followed up for hepatitis B serology and the development of hepatoma and other cirrhosis-related complications. The hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg) seroconversion rate in the IFN-,,treated group, though significantly greater at 6 and 24 months, was comparable with the control group on subsequent follow-up, irrespective of pretreatment alanine transaminase (ALT) levels. HBeAg seroreversion rate was higher in the IFN-, group compared with the control group (21.1% vs. 2.2%; P = .001). Loss of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) occurred in 2.4% of the IFN-,,treated patients and 0.49% of the control patients (P = NS). Around 90% of the anti-HBe,positive patients in both groups were still hepatitis B virus (HBV)-DNA,positive by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay. Two patients suffered from hepatic reactivation during the course of treatment. Nine (4.3%) patients in the IFN-, group and 2 (1.0%) in the control group developed complications of cirrhosis and hepatoma (P = .062). In Chinese HBsAg carriers, IFN-, was of no long-term benefit in inducing HBeAg seroconversion or in the prevention of hepatoma and other cirrhosis-related complications. [source]

Exercise-induced cholangitis and pancreatitis

HPB, Issue 2 2005
Abstract Background. Cholangitis requires bactibilia and increased biliary pressure. Pancreatitis may be initiated by elevated intraductal pressure. The sphincter of Oddi regulates pancreatobiliary pressures and prevents reflux of duodenal contents. However, following biliary bypass or pancreatoduodenectomy, increased intra-abdominal pressure may be transmitted into the bile ducts and/or pancreas. The aim of this analysis is to document that cholangitis or pancreatitis may be exercise-induced. Methods. The records of patients with one or more episodes of cholangitis or pancreatitis precipitated by exercise and documented to have patent hepatico- or pancreatojejunostomies were reviewed. Cholangitis was defined as fever with or without abdominal pain and transiently abnormal liver tests. Pancreatitis was defined as abdominal pain, with transient elevation of serum amylase and documented by peripancreatic inflammation on computerized tomography. Results. Twelve episodes of cholangitis occurred in six patients who had undergone hepaticojejunostomy for biliary stricture (N=3), Type I choledochal cyst (N=2), or pancreatoduodenectomy for renal cell carcinoma metastatic to the pancreas (N=1). Four episodes of pancreatitis occurred in two patients who had undergone pancreatoduodenectomy for ampullary carcinoma or chronic pancreatitis. Workup and subsequent follow-up for a median of 21 months have not documented anastomotic stricture. Each episode of cholangitis and pancreatitis was brought on by heavy exercise and avoidance of this level of exercise has prevented future episodes. Conclusion. Following biliary bypass or pancreatoduodenectomy, significant exercise may increase intra-abdominal pressure and cause cholangitis or pancreatitis. Awareness of this entity and behavior modification will avoid unnecessary procedures in these patients. [source]

B-Cell Immunity in the Context of T-Cell Tolerance after Combined Kidney and Bone Marrow Transplantation in Humans

F. Porcheray
Five patients with end-stage kidney disease received combined kidney and bone marrow transplants from HLA haploidentical donors following nonmyeloablative conditioning to induce renal allograft tolerance. Immunosuppressive therapy was successfully discontinued in four patients with subsequent follow-up of 3 to more than 6 years. This allograft acceptance was accompanied by specific T-cell unresponsiveness to donor antigens. However, two of these four patients showed evidence of de novo antibodies reactive to donor antigens between 1 and 2 years posttransplant. These humoral responses were characterized by the presence of donor HLA-specific antibodies in the serum with or without the deposition of the complement molecule C4d in the graft. Immunofluorescence staining, ELISA assays and antibody profiling using protein microarrays demonstrated the co-development of auto- and alloantibodies in these two patients. These responses were preceded by elevated serum BAFF levels and coincided with B-cell reconstitution as revealed by a high frequency of transitional B cells in the periphery. To date, these B cell responses have not been associated with evidence of humoral rejection and their clinical significance is still unclear. Overall, our findings showed the development of B-cell allo- and autoimmunity in patients with T-cell tolerance to the donor graft. [source]

Dynamic gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance urography for assessing drainage in dilated pelvicalyceal systems with moderate renal function: preliminary results and comparison with diuresis renography

W.C.W. Chu
OBJECTIVE To evaluate the use of dynamic gadolinium diethylenetriaminepenta-acetic acid (DTPA)-enhanced magnetic resonance urography (Gd-MRU) for assessing kidneys with markedly dilated pelvicalyceal systems and impaired function. PATIENTS AND METHODS Eight children (mean age 30 months, sd 25) were assessed, diagnosed as having gross unilateral hydronephrosis with a mean (sd) anteroposterior renal pelvic diameter of 36 (7) mm and reduced (30,40%) renal function. Dynamic Gd-MRU was performed after the patients were pre-loaded with intravenous fluid and diuretics, and comprised a dynamic T1-weighted sequence after Gd-DTPA (0.1 mmol/kg body weight) was administered, with a time-intensity curve of each kidney produced. Drainage was diagnosed by a clearly declining time-intensity curve and direct visualization of contrast medium within the ureter in several frames. High-grade or complete obstruction was diagnosed when drainage of contrast medium could not be detected. Gd-MRU results were compared with diuresis radionuclide (mercapto-acetyltriglycine, MAG3) renography within the same week. Unobstructive units detected by Gd-MRU were treated conservatively with a close follow-up by ultrasonography and radionuclide studies. RESULTS Diuresis MAG3 renography showed drainage in three dilated units and poor washout in five; in contrast, Gd-MRU showed drainage in seven dilated systems (three showed poor washout by MAG3), and obstruction in the remaining case. The unobstructed units detected by MRU under conservative treatment thus showed no further deterioration of renal function or progressive hydronephrosis in the subsequent follow-up (mean 18 months, range 15,23). CONCLUSION These preliminary results suggest that dynamic Gd-MRU is a useful noninvasive imaging method in distinguishing obstructive from unobstructive dilated systems, particularly in patients with hydronephrosis and reduced renal function. [source]

Growth hormone (GH) replacement in hypopituitary adults with GH deficiency evaluated by a utility-weighted quality of life index: a precursor to cost,utility analysis

Maria Ko, towska-Häggström
Summary Objectives To examine quality of life (QoL) measured by a utility-weighted index in GH-deficient adults on GH replacement and analyse the impact of demographic and clinical characteristics on changes in utilities during treatment. Design Utilities for items in the QoL-Assessment of Growth Hormone Deficiency in Adults (QoL-AGHDAutility) were estimated based on data obtained from the general population in England and Wales (E&W). These estimates were used to calculate QoL changes in GH-treated patients and compare these with normative population values. Patients A total of 894 KIMS patients (53% women) from E&W were followed for 1 to 6 years. Measurements QoL-AGHDAutility at baseline and at the last reported visit, total QoL-AGHDAutility gain and QoL-AGHDAutility gain per year of follow-up. Results QoL-AGHDAutility in patients before GH treatment differed from the expected population values [0·67 (SD 0·174) vs. 0·85 (SD 0·038), P < 0·0001], constituting a mean deficit of ,0·19 (SD 0·168). There was a difference in the mean QoL-AGHDAutility deficit for men [,0·16 (SD 0·170)] and women [,0·21 (SD 0·162)] (P < 0·001). The main improvement occurred during the first year of treatment [reduction of a deficit to ,0·07 (SD 0·163) (P < 0·001) in the total cohort]; however, patients' utilities remained lower than those recorded for the general population during subsequent follow-up (P < 0·001). Despite an observed impact of age, primary aetiology, disease onset and comorbidities on QoL-AGHDAutility, all patients showed a similar beneficial response to treatment. Conclusions QoL-AGHDAutility efficiently monitors treatment effects in patients with GHD. The study confirmed the QoL-AGHDAutility deficit before treatment and a similar QoL-AGHDAutility gain observed after commencement of GH replacement in all patients. [source]