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Selected Abstracts

Photolithographic Patterning of Ring-Opening Metathesis Catalysts on Silicon,

F. Harris
Ruthenium-based metathesis catalysts have been successfully covalently bound to a thermal oxide layer on a Si(100) wafer. Selective inactivation of the catalyst is achieved via exposure to UV light using standard photolithographic techniques. Subsequent exposure of the wafer to a suitable monomer results in the formation of a patterned polymeric film that is covalently attached to the oxide layer (see Figure). [source]

Disruption of Maternal Behavior by Alcohol Intoxication in the Lactating Rat: A Behavioral and Metabolic Analysis

ALCOHOLISM, Issue 8 2002
Marta Yanina Pepino
Background Preweanling rats exhibit clear behavioral signs of distress after interacting with an alcohol-intoxicated dam. Interestingly, behavioral reactivity of infants to the experience of alcohol in the nursing context decreases as a function of repeated alcohol administrations to the mother. In this study, maternal activities were examined when dams were exposed to repeated administrations of a subnarcoleptic alcohol dose. Maternal changes in alcohol metabolism were also analyzed as a function of repeated exposures to the drug. Methods During postpartum days 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, and 13, nursing dams received an intragastric administration of either 2.5 g/kg of alcohol or water. Maternal behaviors were evaluated (experiment 1). Blood alcohol levels (BALs) of the dams were determined on postpartum day 16 after all mothers received either an intragastric (experiment 2) or an intraperitoneal (experiment 3) dose of alcohol. The doses used (2.5 g/kg intragastrically and 1.5 g/kg intraperitoneally) were chosen because they promote similar peak BALs in dams naive to alcohol. Results Maternal behaviors were strongly affected by the state of intoxication. Nevertheless, these disruptions clearly subsided with progression of alcohol-related experiences (experiment 1). Chromatographic analysis of alcohol metabolism indicated the development of tolerance in dams that had prior experience with alcohol (experiment 2). Changes in BALs as a function of prior experience with alcohol seemed related to first-pass alcohol metabolism rather than hepatic oxidative processes of the drug (experiments 2 and 3). Conclusions When the dam first experiences a moderate state of alcohol intoxication, maternal behaviors are uniformly disrupted. Subsequent exposures to alcohol lead to maternal metabolic tolerance. In conjunction with previous studies, these data indicate that infantile reactivity to alcohol is dependent on how the members of the dam/pup dyad express or perceive ethanol's postabsorptive effects. [source]

The contribution of activated phagocytes and myelin degeneration to axonal retraction/dieback following spinal cord injury

Lowell T. McPhail
Abstract Myelin-derived molecules inhibit axonal regeneration in the CNS. The Long,Evans Shaker rat is a naturally occurring dysmyelinated mutant, which although able to express the components of myelin lacks functional myelin in adulthood. Given that myelin breakdown exposes axons to molecules that are inhibitory to regeneration, we sought to determine whether injured dorsal column axons in a Shaker rat would exhibit a regenerative response absent in normally myelinated Long,Evans (control) rats. Although Shaker rat axons did not regenerate beyond the lesion, they remained at the caudal end of the crush site. Control rat axons, in contrast, retracted and died back from the edge of the crush. The absence of retraction/dieback in Shaker rats was associated with a reduced phagocytic reaction to dorsal column crush around the caudal edge of the lesion. Systemic injection of minocycline, a tetracycline derivative, in control rats reduced both the macrophage response and axonal retraction/dieback following dorsal column injury. In contrast, increasing macrophage activation by spinal injection of the yeast particulate zymosan had no effect on axonal retraction/dieback in Shaker rats. Schwann cell invasion was reduced in minocycline-treated control rats compared with untreated control rats, and was almost undetectable in Shaker rats, suggesting that like axonal retraction/dieback, spinal Schwann cell infiltration is dependent upon macrophage-mediated myelin degeneration. These results indicate that following spinal cord injury the phagocyte-mediated degeneration of myelin and subsequent exposure of inhibitory molecules to the injured axons contributes to their retraction/dieback. [source]

Synthesis and Processing of Monodisperse Oligo(fluorene- co -bithiophene)s into Oriented Films by Thermal and Solvent Annealing

Lichang Zeng
Abstract A series of oligo(fluorene- co -bithiophene)s, OF2Ts, have been synthesized and characterized to investigate the effects of oligomer length and pendant aliphatic structure on glassy-nematic mesomorphism. The OF2Ts comprising more than one repeat unit and their polymer analogue, PF2T, carrying 52 number-average repeat units, possess the highest occupied molecular orbital energy level at ,5.3,±,0.2,eV, but the anisotropic field-effect mobilities increase with the oligomer length. Spin coating from high-boiling chlorobenzene with and without subsequent exposure to saturated chlorobenzene vapor constitute solvent-vapor annealing and quasi-solvent annealing, respectively. Solvent-vapor annealing yields monodomain glassy-nematic films in which OF2Ts are aligned as well as with thermal annealing across a 2,cm diameter. Quasi-solvent annealing, however, amounts to kinetically trapping a lower orientational order than solvent-vapor or thermal annealing. While amenable to thermal annealing at elevated temperatures, PF2T shows no alignment at all following either strategy of solvent annealing. [source]

Atomic Layer Deposition of ZnO in Quantum Dot Thin Films,

Alexandre Pourret
CdSeS/CdS/ZnS quantum dot thin films subjected to ZnO atomic layer deposition at 100°C shows photoluminescence (PL) modulation. The PL is quenched during each exposure to diethyl zinc. However, the PL is restored upon subsequent exposure to water. [source]

Correcting the short-term effect of food deprivation in a damselfly: mechanisms and costs

Melina Campero
Summary 1Mass at emergence is a life-history trait strongly linked to adult fitness. Therefore, when faced with transient food shortage in the larval stage, mass-correcting mechanisms are common. 2These correcting mechanisms may carry costs with them. On one hand, these costs may be overestimated because they can be confounded with the direct effects of the transient food shortage itself. On the other hand, costs may be underestimated by ignoring physiological costs. Another largely neglected topic is that correcting mechanisms and costs may critically depend upon other stressors that often co-occur. 3Here, we identify the mass-correcting mechanisms and their associated costs at emergence in the damselfly Coenagrion puella, after being stressed by a transient period of starvation and a subsequent exposure to pesticide stress during the larval stage. We introduce path analysis to disentangle direct costs of starvation and the mass-correcting mechanisms in terms of immune response. 4As predicted, we found no differences in mass at emergence. Starvation directly resulted in a costly delayed emergence and a decreased immune response at emergence. Mass-correcting mechanisms included a prolonged post-starvation period, reduced mass loss at emergence and compensatory growth, although the latter only in females under pesticide stress. 5The mass-correcting mechanisms were associated with beneficial effects on investment in immune response, but only in the absence of pesticide stress. Under pesticide stress, these beneficial effects were mostly undone or overruled, resulting in negative effects of the mass-correcting mechanisms in terms of immune response. 6Our results stress the importance of and introduce a statistical way of disentangling direct costs of starvation and the mass-correcting mechanisms themselves, and the importance of including physiological endpoints in this kind of studies. [source]

Costly carotenoids: a trade-off between predation and infection risk?

Abstract Carotenoid reserves in copepods seem costly in terms of predation risk because they make individuals conspicuous. However, carotenoids also seem to play an important role in immune defence as free radical scavengers. To test whether predation risk influences carotenoid levels and whether changes in carotenoid levels are related to changes in immune defence, I examined individual changes in large carotenoid and other lipid droplets upon exposure to predation risk and subsequent exposure to parasites in the copepod Macrocyclops albidus. Copepods reduced carotenoid reserves upon exposure to predators, through which they potentially avoided the costs of being conspicuous under predation risk. Thus, the size of carotenoid reserves is a plastic trait. Such a decrease in carotenoid reserves may also have a negative impact on the copepods' immune system as individuals that decreased their reserves suffered higher parasite prevalence upon exposure to the cestode Schistocephalus solidus. These results suggest that carotenoid reserves may be individually optimized to trade-off each individual's unique costs (predation risk) and benefits (immune defence) of having these reserves. [source]


Taejun Han
Recent reduction in the ozone shield due to manufactured chlorofluorocarbons raised considerable interest in the ecological and physiological consequences of UV-B radiation (,=280,315 nm) in macroalgae. However, early life stages of macroalgae have received little attention in regard to their UV-B sensitivity and UV-B defensive mechanisms. Germination of UV-B irradiated spores of the intertidal green alga Ulva pertusa Kjellman was significantly lower than in unexposed controls, and the degree of reduction correlated with the UV doses. After exposure to moderate levels of UV-B irradiation, subsequent exposure to visible light caused differential germination in an irradiance- and wavelength-dependent manner. Significantly higher germination was found at higher photon irradiances and in blue light compared with white and red light. The action spectrum for photoreactivation of germination in UV-B irradiated U. pertusa spores shows a major peak at 435 nm with a smaller but significant peak at 385 nm. When exposed to December sunlight, the germination percentage of U. pertusa spores exposed to 1 h of solar radiation reached 100% regardless of the irradiation treatment conditions. After a 2-h exposure to sunlight, however, there was complete inhibition of germination in PAR+UV-A+UV-B in contrast to 100% germination in PAR or PAR+UV-A. In addition to mat-forming characteristics that would act as a selective UV-B filter for settled spores under the parental canopy, light-driven repair of germination after UV-B exposure could explain successful continuation of U. pertusa spore germination in intertidal settings possibly affected by intense solar UV-B radiation. [source]

A snake venom metalloproteinase, kistomin, cleaves platelet glycoprotein VI and impairs platelet functions

Summary.,Background and objectives:,Injuries to the vessel wall and subsequent exposure of the matrix of the subendothelial layer resulted in thrombus formation. Platelet glycoprotein (GP) Ib and VI play a crucial role in matrix-induced activation and aggregation of platelets. Methods and results:,In the present study, we reported that the GPIb-cleaving snake venom metalloproteinase (SVMP), kistomin, inhibited collagen-induced platelet aggregation. Moreover, kistomin inhibited platelet aggregation induced by convulxin (CVX, a GPVI agonist) and a GPVI-specific antibody in a concentration and time-dependent manner. Kistomin treatment decreased platelet GPVI but not integrin ,2,1 and ,IIb,3, accompanied with the formation of GPVI cleavage fragments, as determined by flow cytometric and Western blot analyses. In addition, intact platelet GPVI and recombinant GPVI were digested by kistomin to release 25- and 35-kDa fragments, suggesting that kistomin cleaved GPVI near the mucin-like region. We designed four synthetic peptides ranging from Leu180 to Asn249 as the substrates for kistomin and found that kistomin cleaved these synthetic peptides at FSE205/A206TA and NKV218/F219TT, as analyzed by MALDI-TOF-MS. In addition, GPVI-specific antibody-induced tyrosine kinase phosphorylation in platelets was reduced after kistomin pretreatment, and platelet adhesion to collagen but not to fibrinogen was attenuated by kistomin. Conclusions:,We provided here the first evidence that a P-I snake venom metalloproteinase, kistomin, inhibits the interaction between collagen and platelet GPVI through its proteolytic activity on GPVI, thus providing an alternative strategy for developing new anti-thrombotic agents. [source]

Aeromonas hydrophila Folliculitis Associated with an Inflatable Swimming Pool: Mimicking Pseudomonas aeruginosa Infection

Marc Julią Manresa M.D.
Skin and soft-tissue infections, including cellulitis and wound infections, are the second most frequent location of isolations of Aeromonas spp. in clinical samples, after the gastrointestinal tract. All three major Aeromonas species (A. hydrophila, A. caviae, and A. veroni biotype sobria) have been associated with wound infections, but A. hydrophila predominates. Typically, infection occurs after trauma and subsequent exposure to contaminated fresh water or soil. However, Aeromonas folliculitis has been rarely reported. We report the first two pediatric cases of Aeromonas hydrophila folliculitis associated with the use of recreational water facilities that clinically and epidemiologically mimic Pseudomonas folliculitis. Clinical and microbiological studies may be necessary to clarify the role of Aeromonas spp. in this newly-reported infection. [source]

Short episodes of water stress increase barley root resistance to radial shrinkage in a dehydrating environment

Jorge Hugo Lemcoff
Although plant shoots can be ,hardened' by abiotic stresses, little is known about such changes in roots. In order to investigate possible induction of root-hardening in response to short water-stress episodes, barley seedlings (Hordeum vulgare L) hydroponically grown under a controlled environment were moderately water-stressed by addition of a non-penetrating osmoticum, polyethylene glycol (PEG) 6000 at ,0.4 MPa water potential, to the aerated nutrient solution. Seedlings were then hydrated in dilute nutrient solution without PEG before excision and assay of the seminal roots. Previous water stress treatments for 72 h, 12 h, or even 6 h induced an apparent root-hardening process. Thus, root radial shrinkage during subsequent exposure to strongly dehydrating conditions was remarkably decreased. The root hardening was related to biophysical adjustments: turgor-pressure increased while osmotic potential decreased from ,0.45 ± 0.02 MPa to ,0.60 ± 0.02 MPa. Moreover, the maximum bulk volumetric modulus of elasticity, ?max determined by pressure,volume analysis, increased from 2.1 ± 0.4 MPa to 3.7 ± 0.4 MPa, i.e. root elasticity was decreased. Root hardening in response to episodes of water stress may have ecological significance for barley plants in regions where intermittent drought episodes are frequent. [source]

Conditioning period, CO2 and GR24 influence ethylene biosynthesis and germination of Striga hermonthica

Abdel Gabbar T. Babiker
Germination of witchweed (Striga hermonthica [Del.] Benth), an important root parasite on poaceous crops, requires pretreatment ,conditioning' in a warm moist environment and a subsequent exposure to a stimulant. The roles of conditioning period, CO2 and a strigol analogue (GR24) in ethylene biosynthesis and germination of the parasite were investigated. Conditioning increased the seeds' capacity to oxidize exogenous 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC). Exogenous CO2 increased the seeds capacity to oxidize ACC by 3- to 9-fold. A combination of GR24 and ACC increased ethylene production by more than 3-fold in comparison with the rates obtained using these compounds separately. Aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG) completely inhibited ethylene induction by GR24, but not by ACC. A GR24 treatment, made subsequent to conditioning in GR24, did not induce ethylene. However, seeds conditioned in GR24 and then given 1 mM ACC produced 293 nl l,1 ethylene. ACC oxidase (ACCO) activity in crude extracts was increased by conditioning and CO2. The enzyme displayed an absolute requirement for ascorbate. Absence of exogenous Fe2+ reduced enzyme activity only by 14%. GR24 applied during conditioning reduced germination in response to a subsequent GR24 treatment. ACC was, invariably, less effective in inducing S. hermonthica germination than GR24 even at concentrations which induce more ethylene than concurrent GR24 treatments. The results are consistent with a model in which conditioning removes a restriction on the ethylene biosynthetic pathway in S. hermonthica seeds. GR24 modulates the key enzymes in ethylene biosynthesis. The stimulant suppresses ethylene biosynthesis in unconditioned seeds and promotes it in conditioned ones. Germination of S. hermonthica results from the joint action of GR24 and the ethylene it induces. [source]

Effect of plasma treatment and electron beam radiations on the strength of nanofilled adhesive-bonded joints

H.M.S. Iqbal
This investigation highlights the adhesion performance of carbon fiber- and glass fiber-reinforced polyphenylene sulfide when joined by high-performance neat epoxy adhesive and nanofilled epoxy adhesive. A significant increase in the surface energy of these materials is observed after the surface modification with atmospheric plasma treatment. An increase in surface roughness is observed after exposing the surface to plasma. Lap shear testing of untreated and plasma-treated joints is carried out to correlate the improvement in adhesion properties with the joint strength. A considerable increase in joint strength is observed when the surfaces of these materials are modified by atmospheric pressure plasma. There is a further increase in joint strength when the composites are joined by nanofilled epoxy adhesive, and subsequent exposure to electron beam radiations results in minor increase in the joint strength. Finally, the fractured surfaces of the joints are examined and the analysis is performed. POLYM. ENG. SCI., 50:1505,1511, 2010. © 2010 Society of Plastics Engineers [source]

pH sensor based on polyaniline and aniline,anthranilic acid copolymer films using quartz crystal microbalance and electronic absorption spectroscopy

M. M. Ayad
Abstract The pH sensitivity based on conducting polyaniline (PANI) and copolymer of aniline and o -anthranilic acid (AA) films were studied using quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) technique and UV,Vis spectroscopy. The sensor was constructed from these polymer films coated on the electrode of the QCM. The resonant frequency changes as a function of pH in the range of 2,12 were measured. These changes are quantitative indication of the degree of dedoping or redoping of the polymer films upon the subsequent exposure of the electrode to 0.25,M sulfuric acid and different pH solutions. There are two linear regressions between the frequency change and pH with two different and opposite slopes in the regions from 2 to 9 and 9 to 12. The pH sensitivity of the copolymer film was found to be less than using the PANI film. Thin films of PANI and copolymer, which were chemically polymerized in a sulfuric acid solution, were deposited onto the inner walls of the quartz cuvettes. The UV,Vis absorption spectra of these films were measured in different pH solutions. Relations between the maximum absorption and its wavelength versus pH were constructed. The copolymer film shows some advantages over the PANI film. The difference between the PANI and copolymer films as pH sensors using the QCM and electronic absorption extends from the determination of pKa for both films. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Differential expression of heat shock protein 27 and 70 in renal papillary collecting duct and interstitial cells , implications for urea resistance

Wolfgang Neuhofer
The adaptation of renal medullary cells to their hyperosmotic environment involves the accumulation of compatible organic osmolytes and the enhanced synthesis of heat shock proteins (HSP) 27 and 70. While the mechanisms leading to osmolyte accumulation are similar in papillary collecting duct (PCD) and papillary interstitial (PI) cells, the present data demonstrate that HSP27 and HSP70 are expressed differentially in these cells both in vivo and in vitro. HSP70 is abundant in PCD, but not expressed in PI cells in the papilla in situ, while HSP27 is expressed in both PCD and PI cells. These observations could be reproduced by non-permeant solutes in cultured cells. Osmotic stress strongly induced HSP70 in MDCK cells (as a model for PCD cells), but not in PI cells, while HSP27 was constitutively expressed in MDCK cells and was up-regulated in PI cells. Since prior hypertonic stress (NaCl addition) protects MDCK against subsequent exposure to high urea concentrations, this effect was also assessed in PI cells. In both cell lines, hypertonic pretreatment prior to urea exposure (400 mm) strongly attenuated caspase-3 activation. Inhibition of HSP27 expression by antisense transfection diminished the protective effect of hypertonic preconditioning in PI cells, while attenuation of HSP70 expression in MDCK cells diminished the protective effect of hypertonic preconditioning in these cells. These observations indicate that PCD and PI cells employ cell-specific mechanisms for protection against high urea concentrations as present in the renal papilla during antidiuresis. [source]

Preconditioning of skeletal muscle against contraction-induced damage: the role of adaptations to oxidants in mice

F. McArdle
Adaptations of skeletal muscle following exercise are accompanied by changes in gene expression, which can result in protection against subsequent potentially damaging exercise. One cellular signal activating these adaptations may be an increased production of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (ROS). The aim of this study was to examine the effect of a short period of non-damaging contractions on the subsequent susceptibility of muscle to contraction-induced damage and to examine the changes in gene expression that occur following the initial contraction protocol. Comparisons with changes in gene expression in cultured myotubes following treatment with a non-damaging concentration of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) were used to identify redox-sensitive genes whose expression may be modified by the increased ROS production during contractions. Hindlimb muscles of mice were subjected to a preconditioning, non-damaging isometric contraction protocol in vivo. After 4 or 12 h, extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and soleus muscles were removed and subjected to a (normally) damaging contraction protocol in vitro. Muscles were also analysed for changes in gene expression induced by the preconditioning protocol using cDNA expression techniques. In a parallel study, C2C12 myotubes were treated with a non-damaging concentration (100 ,m) of H2O2 and, at 4 and 12 h following treatment, myotubes were treated with a damaging concentration of H2O2 (2 mm). Myotubes were analysed for changes in gene expression at 4 h following treatment with 100 ,m H2O2 alone. Data demonstrate that a prior period of non-damaging contractile activity resulted in significant protection of EDL and soleus muscles against a normally damaging contraction protocol 4 h later. This protection was associated with significant changes in gene expression. Prior treatment of myotubes with a non-damaging concentration of H2O2 also resulted in significant protection against a damaging treatment, 4 and 12 h later. Comparison of changes in gene expression in both studies identified haem oxygenase-1 as the sole gene showing increased expression during adaptation in both instances suggesting that activation of this gene results from the increased ROS production during contractile activity and that it may play a role in protection of muscle cells against subsequent exposure to damaging activity. [source]

Preconditioning protects the retinal pigment epithelium cells from oxidative stress-induced cell death

Rajesh K. Sharma
Abstract. Purpose:, The cytotoxic effects of oxidative stress, which play an important role in ocular diseases, are well known. In this study, we investigated the effect of non-lethal doses of oxidative stress on various cell functions, namely cell viability, cell attachment and cell migration in a widely used retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) cell line (ARPE-19). Methods:, A single exposure to various concentrations of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) was used to establish a dose response for H2O2 -induced cell death. Other cellular responses, such as changes in cell attachment and migration, were monitored after exposure to increasing doses. Finally, the effects of preconditioning cells with increasing non-lethal doses of H2O2, with and without a subsequent exposure to lethal doses of H2O2, were determined. Results:, The optimum dose for inducing cell death in ARPE-19 cells was between 900 and 1000 ,m H2O2. Preconditioning the cells with 1, 10 and 50 ,m of H2O2 provided a dose-dependent protection against cell death induced by a lethal dose (900,1000 ,m) of H2O2. Preconditioning with higher doses caused cells to become more susceptible to the cytotoxic effects of the lethal dose. Although H2O2 increased cell attachment in lower doses, it induced a dose-dependent inhibition of cell attachment to the substrate in higher doses. H2O2 did not affect cell migration in sub-lethal doses. Conclusion:, Preconditioning RPE cells with limited exposure to non-lethal oxidative stress confers significant protection against subsequent H2O2 -induced cell death. It also affects cell attachment in a dose-specific manner. This finding may help in understanding the pathogenesis of diseases in which oxidative stress plays an important role and in determining the suitability of certain treatment strategies, in particular RPE transplantation in the treatment of age-related macular degeneration. [source]

"Breathing" in Adsorbate-Responsive Metal Tetraphosphonate Hybrid Materials

Rosario M.
Abstract Breathe easy: Reversible H2O and NH3 gas uptake by 2D calcium tetraphosphonates (see figure) is accompanied by framework structural changes similar to those previously reported for some carboxylate-based hybrids. This breathing mechanism is accompanied by a volume increase of 55,%, while maintaining the topology and crystallinity of the material. The structures of various layered calcium tetraphosphonates (CaH6DTMP; H8DTMP=hexamethylenediamine tetrakis(methylenephosphonic acid)), have been determined. Starting from CaH6DTMP,2H2O, thermal treatment and subsequent exposure to NH3 and/or H2O vapors led to four new compounds that showed high storage capacity of guest species between the layers (up to ten H2O/NH3 molecules) and a maximum volume increase of 55,%. The basic building block for these phosphonates consists of an eight-membered ring chelating Ca2+ through two phoshonate groups, and the organic ligand is located within the layers, which are held together by hydrogen bonds. The structural analysis revealed that the uptake/removal of guest species (H2O and NH3) induces significant changes in the framework not only by changing the interlayer distances but also through important conformational changes of the organic ligand. An anisotropic breathing motion could be quantified by the changes of the unit-cell dimensions and ligand arrangements in four crystalline derivatives. Complete characterization revealed the existence of interconversion reactions between the different phases upon gas uptake and release. The observed behavior represents, to the best of our knowledge, the first example of a breathing-like mechanism in metal phosphonates that possess a 2D topology. [source]

Surfactant protein D inhibits mite-induced alveolar macrophage and dendritic cell activations through TLR signalling and DC-SIGN expression

C-F Liu
Summary Background Surfactant protein D (SP-D), a secreted pattern recognition molecule associated with pulmonary innate immunity, has been shown to mediate the clearance of pathogens in multiple ways. However, how SP-D interacts with alveolar macrophages (AMs) and dendritic cells (DCs) during allergen exposure remains unclear. Objective This study was performed to characterize the immunomodulatory effects of SP-D on mite allergen (Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, Der p)-induced inflammatory signalling in AMs and DCs. Methods Murine AM, alveolar macrophage cell line derived from BALB/c mice (MH-S cells), and human monocyte-derived dendritic cells (MDDC) were used as model systems. The production of nitric oxide (NO) and TNF-,, expression of surface Toll-like receptors (TLRs), and expression of the C-type lectin receptor known as dendritic cell (DC)-specific ICAM-grabbing non-integrin (DC-SIGN) were measured as a function of pretreatment with SP-D and subsequent exposure to Der p. Der p-dependent cellular activations that were modified by SP-D in these model systems were then identified. Results Pretreatment of MH-S cells with SP-D reduced Der p-dependent production of NO, TNF-,, and the downstream activations of IL-1 receptor-associated kinase, mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) kinase, and nuclear factor-,B. SP-D interacted with CD14 such that CD14 binding to Der p was inhibited and Der p-induced signalling via TLRs was blocked. DC-SIGN expression was suppressed by Der p in MH-S and MDDC; this down-regulation of DC-SIGN expression was prevented by pretreatment with SP-D. Conclusions These results indicated that the inhibition of Der p-induced activation of MH-S and MDDC by SP-D is mediated through suppression of the CD14/TLR signalling pathway and maintenance of DC-SIGN expression, which may protect allergen-induced airway inflammation. Cite this as: C-F Liu, M. Rivere, H-J Huang, G. Puzo and J-Y Wang, Clinical & Experimental Allergy, 2010 (40) 111,122. [source]

Beta lactam allergy and resensitization in children with suspected beta lactam allergy

J. Hershkovich
Summary Background In patients who were clinically diagnosed as having beta lactam allergy and had negative skin tests, the rates of reported resensitization to beta lactams after subsequent exposures, vary significantly. Some allergists advocate skin testing before every exposure to beta lactams. Objective We sought to determine the true rate of beta lactam allergy and of resensitization in children with a positive history for suspected beta lactam allergy. Methods The study was conducted from July 1998 to May 2004, with follow-up during 2007. Beta lactam allergy tests with the major determinant and freshly prepared minor determinant mixtures were offered to history positive children. Negative skin tests were followed by oral challenge. The tests were performed again 1,5 months later in order to address the possibility of resensitization. Results Tests were performed on 166 children: 150 for penicillins alone, 14 for penicillin in combination with cephalosporins, and an additional 2 patients solely for cephalosporins. Only 10 children (6%) were positive in the initial evaluation, four by skin test and six by oral challenge. A second set of tests was performed in 98 children with a negative initial evaluation; only two children (2%) were resensitized. On a follow-up survey of 71 of the 96 patients, 59 (83%) had received beta lactams; only one had developed a minor rash after subsequent exposure to amoxicillin. Conclusions Most children with suspected beta lactam allergy were not allergic to beta lactams. Resensitization to beta lactam antibiotics in children in this study was infrequent. In children with a clinical diagnosis of beta lactam allergy and negative skin tests, repeated skin testing before every exposure is usually unnecessary. [source]

Infection of mice with the helminth Strongyloides stercoralis suppresses pulmonary allergic responses to ovalbumin

Chun-Chi Wang
Asthma and helminth infections induce similar immune responses characterized by the presence of peripheral blood eosinophilia and elevated serum IgE levels. Epidemiological surveys have reported either increases or decreases in the development of atopic diseases and asthma based on the prevalence of helminth infections in the population. The aim of this study was to determine if a pre-existing helminth infection would increase or decrease subsequent allergic responses to an unrelated allergen in the lungs. BALB/cByJ mice were infected with the nematode parasite Strongyloides stercoralis prior to ovalbumin (OVA) immunization and intratracheal challenge. Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) and fluid (BALF) were collected 3 days post-challenge and cellular and humoral immune responses were measured. Intracellular cytokine staining revealed increased IL-4 and IL-5 producing cells in BAL from mice infected with S. stercoralis before OVA sensitization. Increased IL-5 protein levels and decreased IFN-, protein levels were also observed in the BALF. There was, however, no increase in airway eosinophil accumulation in mice infectd with parasites before sensitization with OVA as compared to mice exposed to OVA alone. Furthermore, eotaxin levels in the lungs induced by OVA was suppressed in mice infected with the parasite before OVA sensitization. The development of OVA specific IgE responses in BALF was also impaired in mice infected with the parasite before sensitization with OVA. These results suggest that a pre-existing helminth infection may potentiate a systemic Type 2-type response yet simultaneously suppress in the lungs allergen-specific IgE responses and eotaxin levels in response to subsequent exposure to allergens. [source]

Evidence for a vicious cycle of exercise and hypoglycemia in type 1 diabetes mellitus

A. C. Ertl
Abstract Exercise is a cornerstone of diabetes management as it aids in glycemic control, weight management, reducing blood pressure, and improving the quality of life of patients. Unfortunately, owing to the complexity and difficulties of regulating exogenous insulin in a physiologic manner during exercise, physical activity often results in hypoglycemia in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus (type 1 DM). When glucose levels fall below threshold glycemic levels, neuroendocrine, autonomic nervous system (ANS), and metabolic glucose counterregulatory mechanisms are activated. These hypoglycemic counterregulatory mechanisms in type 1 DM can be blunted irreversibly by disease duration or by acute episodes of prior stress. These reduced (or absent) counterregulatory responses result in a threefold increase in severe hypoglycemia when intensive glycemic control is implemented in type 1 DM 1. Much recent work has been focused on determining the in vivo mechanisms responsible for causing the increased incidence of severe hypoglycemia in type 1 DM. Studies from several laboratories have demonstrated the role played by episodes of antecedent hypoglycemia in producing blunted glucose counterregulatory responses during subsequent exposures of hypoglycemia. Until recently, the mechanisms responsible for exercise related hypoglycemia in type 1 DM have been attributed to relative or absolute increases of insulin levels or incomplete glycogen repletion after physical activity. Owing to the qualitative similarity of neuroendocrine, ANS, and metabolic responses to hypoglycemia and exercise, we have hypothesized that neuroendocrine and ANS counterregulatory dysfunction may also play an important role in the pathogenesis of exercise-related hypoglycemia in type 1 DM. Vicious cycles can be created in type 1 DM, where an episode of hypoglycemia or exercise can feed forward to downregulate neuroendocrine and ANS responses to a subsequent episode of either stress, thereby creating further hypoglycemia (Figure 1). This article will review the recent work that has studied the contribution of counterregulatory dysfunction to exercise-induced hypoglycemia in type 1 DM. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 1. Reciprocal vicious cycles may be created in type 1 diabetes mellitus (type 1 DM), whereby an episode of hypoglycemia or exercise can feed forward to downregulate neuroendocrine and autonomic nervous system responses to a subsequent episode of either stress, thereby creating further hypoglycemia [source]

Beta lactam allergy and resensitization in children with suspected beta lactam allergy

J. Hershkovich
Summary Background In patients who were clinically diagnosed as having beta lactam allergy and had negative skin tests, the rates of reported resensitization to beta lactams after subsequent exposures, vary significantly. Some allergists advocate skin testing before every exposure to beta lactams. Objective We sought to determine the true rate of beta lactam allergy and of resensitization in children with a positive history for suspected beta lactam allergy. Methods The study was conducted from July 1998 to May 2004, with follow-up during 2007. Beta lactam allergy tests with the major determinant and freshly prepared minor determinant mixtures were offered to history positive children. Negative skin tests were followed by oral challenge. The tests were performed again 1,5 months later in order to address the possibility of resensitization. Results Tests were performed on 166 children: 150 for penicillins alone, 14 for penicillin in combination with cephalosporins, and an additional 2 patients solely for cephalosporins. Only 10 children (6%) were positive in the initial evaluation, four by skin test and six by oral challenge. A second set of tests was performed in 98 children with a negative initial evaluation; only two children (2%) were resensitized. On a follow-up survey of 71 of the 96 patients, 59 (83%) had received beta lactams; only one had developed a minor rash after subsequent exposure to amoxicillin. Conclusions Most children with suspected beta lactam allergy were not allergic to beta lactams. Resensitization to beta lactam antibiotics in children in this study was infrequent. In children with a clinical diagnosis of beta lactam allergy and negative skin tests, repeated skin testing before every exposure is usually unnecessary. [source]