Sufficient Attention (sufficient + attention)

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Selected Abstracts

Cultivating Beyond-Capitalist Economies

Sarah Wright
abstract Conceptualizations of the economy as diverse and multiple have garnered increased attention in economic geography in recent years. Against the debilitating mantra of TINA (there is no alternative), these conceptualizations use an ontology of proliferation to insist that many viable and vital alternatives to capitalism do, in fact, exist. I aim to contribute to this project with a close reading of the diverse formal and informal economic practices associated with the village of Puno in the Philippines. In doing so, I respond to calls for work that begins in the majority world and that focuses on the broader political project associated with diverse economies. Research in this area has frequently been critiqued for not paying sufficient attention to the unstable yet persistent exclusions that may endure in, and may even be enhanced by, alternative economies. With this article, I aim to investigate the ways that power relations work through the diverse economies of Puno and the ways that residents act to transform these relations. In doing so, I draw on the experiences of three residents of Puno and their involvement in three social movement organizations. I find that the economy is usefully understood as a site of struggle in which residents work to redefine themselves and the economy. The diverse spaces of their economic lives are neither strictly alternative nor mainstream, inherently oppressive nor radical. Rather, the people of Puno are engaged in willfully cultivating spaces-beyond-capitalism through which they transform the very meaning of economic practice. [source]


Chris S. Duvall
ABSTRACT. This article argues that understanding how people classify physical geographic features is necessary for identifying fundamental, cross-cultural geographic concepts that are required for successful communication of geographic knowledge. Academic geographers have not given sufficient attention to systems of local geographic knowledge, even though promising theoretical frameworks exist, particularly in the field of ethnoecology. However, the research approach that has characterized ethnoecology is insufficient to develop ethnogeography as a field of inquiry, because ethnoecologists have overemphasized limited aspects of local knowledge systems, such as soils, which has often led researchers to incompletely sample local knowledge systems. Using ethnographic methods, this article analyses the content and structure of physical geographic knowledge in the Maninka language as spoken in southwestern Mali, and compares Maninka knowledge to that of other cultural groups. The results suggest that broad physical geographic concepts may be shared pan-environmentally, but that most physical geographic knowledge is contained in culturally specific classifications embedded within a broad cross-cultural framework. Academic geographers should expect only broad correspondence between their categories of physical geographic variation and those of people who classify biophysical features according to local knowledge systems. Finally, this article also shows that ethnoecological research will be advanced if geographic theories of place are given more prominence in ethnoecological studies. [source]


ABSTRACT. Herein, we discuss the desire for new technology, the need for security, and the right to privacy; in doing so, we argue that each of these concerns comprises an important, tripartite debate. To highlight the complexities in this problem, we define our notion of a "digital footprint" and introduce Big Foot,specialized software created for the research described here to facilitate visualization and exploration of the data that comprise Stephen Weaver's personal digital footprint. Using Big Foot we demonstrate how multiple digital personae can be created from the data that constitute one unique digital footprint and provide a methodology for understanding the good and bad impacts that new technologies may have on future societies. One of the primary arguments of this work is that the debate,though not formally recognized,is currently before contemporary society and must receive sufficient attention. [source]

Consequences of simultaneous elevation of carbon dioxide and temperature for plant,herbivore interactions: a metaanalysis

Abstract The effects of elevated carbon dioxide on plant,herbivore interactions have been summarized in a number of narrative reviews and metaanalyses, while accompanying elevation of temperature has not received sufficient attention. The goal of our study is to search, by means of metaanalysis, for a general pattern in responses of herbivores, and plant characteristics important for herbivores, to simultaneous experimental increase of carbon dioxide and temperature (ECET) in comparison with both ambient conditions and responses to elevated CO2 (EC) and temperature (ET) applied separately. Our database includes 42 papers describing studies of 31 plant species and seven herbivore species. Nitrogen concentration and C/N ratio in plants decreased under both EC and ECET treatments, whereas ET had no significant effect. Concentrations of nonstructural carbohydrates and phenolics increased in EC, decreased in ET and did not change in ECET treatments, whereas terpenes did not respond to EC but increased in both ET and ECET; leaf toughness increased in both EC and ECET. Responses of defensive secondary compounds to treatments differed between woody and green tissues as well as between gymnosperm and angiosperm plants. Insect herbivore performance was adversely affected by EC, favoured by ET, and not modified by ECET. Our analysis allowed to distinguish three types of relationships between CO2 and temperature elevation: (1) responses to EC do not depend on temperature (nitrogen, C/N, leaf toughness, phenolics in angiosperm leaves), (2) responses to EC are mitigated by ET (sugars and starch, terpenes in needles of gymnosperms, insect performance) and (3) effects emerge only under ECET (nitrogen in gymnosperms, and phenolics and terpenes in woody tissues). This result indicates that conclusions of CO2 elevation studies cannot be directly extrapolated to a more realistic climate change scenario. The predicted negative effects of CO2 elevation on herbivores are likely to be mitigated by temperature increase. [source]

Forced Displacement in Darfur, Sudan: Dilemmas of Classifying the Crimes

Klejda Mulaj
ABSTRACT The ongoing forced displacement in Darfur has occasioned renewed interest in the phenomena of genocide and ethnic cleansing. Whereas the international response to the conflict has been considered promptly and elaborately by various analysts, few have paid sufficient attention, in the first instance, to the controversy surrounding the debate about the definition of the situation and the classification of crimes involved. Following an overview of the current conflict, the unfolding analysis seeks to show that the terminological debate reveals discrepancies in legal definitions and interpretations that may suggest that existing law may be inadequate to fully capture the nature of the crimes committed in Darfur. Confusion with the terminology has contributed to making the conflict more intractable. In addition, disagreement on a common definition of the situation has tended to justify inaction or limited involvement on the part of the international community. This article suggests that it is therefore necessary to resolve the terminological debate in order to ensure that no energy is wasted in arguing about the indeterminacy of the terms in the future and effective responses to mass violations of human rights are crafted in a timely fashion. [source]

The Devil Lies in Details!

How Crises Build up Within Organizations
In this paper, we show that crises result from the combination of two parallel cumulative processes: first, an undercurrent accumulation of organizational imperfections that lay a favourable ground for crises to occur and second, the development of a growing ignorance that keeps managers blind to the presence of these imperfections. The central idea is to demonstrate that organizational imperfections are allowed to build up and grow into vulnerabilities because they are not noticed or taken into consideration. This managerial ignorance is described as a self-nourishing retreat from reality that decreases leaders' ability to pay sufficient attention to the increasing process of accumulation of imperfections and vulnerabilities. A case study in a French chain of supermarket is used to illustrate this process of crisis. [source]

Tinctorial Properties of Zygomycosis in Cutaneous Biopsy Specimens

A. Rubin
It is a little known fact that the organisms causing Zygomycosis are often better visualized with routine Hematoxylin and Eosin (H and E) staining than Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS) staining. Experienced dermatopathologists, when evaluating histologic samples suspected of harboring deep fungal infection often rely more heavily on PAS staining to detect fungi. The diagnosis of Zygomycosis may be delayed or missed entirely if sufficient attention is not devoted to the H and E stained specimen. A review of multiple dermatopathology textbooks shows there is no universal agreement on the usefulness of routine H and E staining versus use of special stains for the detection of Zygomycosis. Grocott's Methanamine Silver (GMS) staining can give false negative results if background staining of reticulum fibers is enhanced. This can occur because of overexposure in silver solution, excessive heat during processing, or use of incorrectly titrated solutions. Three consecutive culture proven cases of cutaneous Zygomycosis infection were evaluated. In each case, organisms were clearly visualized on routine H and E sections while PAS staining was variable. Examples of false negative GMS staining are also shown. Recognition of these staining properties can help dermatopathologists better detect the agents of Zygomycosis. [source]

Incidence of Sjögren's syndrome in Japanese patients with hepatitis C virus infection

Abstract Background and Aim: Hepatitis viruses induce not only chronic liver diseases but also the impairment of other organs and tissues as extrahepatic manifestations. In particular, hepatitis C virus (HCV) is involved in various extrahepatic manifestations. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate Sjögren's syndrome (SS) and lichen planus (LP) involvement, which are various extrahepatic manifestations in patients with liver diseases related to hepatitis B virus (HBV) or HCV. Methods: We examined a total of 110 Japanese patients with chronic liver disease: 29 with HBV infections and 81 HCV infections. Results: The prevalence of SS according to European and Japanese criteria in patients with chronic HCV infection was significantly higher than in patients with chronic HBV infection (European criteria: 25.9 vs 3.4%; P < 0.05, Japanese criteria: 21.0 vs 3.4%; P = 0.05). Lichen planus was observed in one (3.4%) of 29 patients with chronic HBV infection, and in 11 (13.6%) of 81 patients with chronic HCV infection. Simultaneously combined LP and SS occurred in 8.6% (seven of 81) of patients with HCV infection, but in none with HBV infection. Conclusions: Clinicians should routinely follow the HCV-infected patients, paying sufficient attention to the presence of SS and LP, and they should also carefully monitor their prognosis. [source]

Neuroimaging of Language: Why Hasn't a Clearer Picture Emerged?

Evelina Fedorenko
Two broad questions have driven dozens of studies on the neural basis of language published in the last several decades: (i) Are distinct cortical regions engaged in different aspects of language? (ii) Are regions engaged in language processing specific to the domain of language? Neuroimaging has not yet provided clear answers to either question. In this paper, we discuss one factor that is a likely contributor to the unclear state of affairs in the neurocognition of language, and that, in our opinion, has not received sufficient attention in the recent literature. In particular, fMRI studies of language have relied, almost exclusively, on group analyses, in which data from multiple individuals are co-registered to and analyzed in a common space. We argue that this approach can obscure functional specificity because of the anatomical variability across individual brains, and we advocate the use of an alternative approach , the functional localization approach , that circumvents this problem. [source]

Chemical composition of new copper alloys for machining and its effect on their susceptibility to corrosion cracking

B. Eremiá
Zinc-containing copper alloys, the so-called ,,+,, brasses, are commonly used in contact with potable water. These materials are alloyed with lead to improve machinability. In wrought special brass alloys, reducing the content of this alloying element or replacing it with alternative alloying additions may give rise to a new type of machinable copper alloys which differ from the original alloys by their contents of other modifier elements such as Si (or possibly, Mg, Bi, and P). These alloys have a very low content of lead required for the break-up of chips during machining. Even though these types of brass exhibit a very good machinability, the effects of their chemical composition on the resistance of the alloy to corrosion cracking have not yet been given sufficient attention. This paper aims to present an assessment of three new types of machinable copper alloys regarding their susceptibility to stress corrosion cracking, in comparison to that of the lead-alloyed variety, in 0.05 M NaCl, NaNO2, and Na2SO4 solutions. The slow strain rate test has been used for this purpose, and its results were correlated with metallographic evaluation of the number and depth of the cracks observed on the test specimen surfaces on completion of the test. [source]

Emigration in the long run: evidence from two global centuries

Timothy J. Hatton
International migration in the last half century is often characterised as following an inexorable upward trend that can only be stemmed by tougher immigration policies in the rich OECD. This view fails to pay sufficient attention to the supply-side forces that drive emigration from poor to rich countries. European mass migrations before 1914 suggest that emigration typically traces out what is sometimes called the ,migration hump' and what we call an ,emigration life cycle'. This paper examines the forces that underlay the mass migration from pre-1914 Europe and compares them with the experience since 1970. Despite the great importance of restrictive immigration policy today, we find the same forces at work in poor source countries today as a century ago. Our results also suggest that, contrary to popular belief, emigration pressure from the Third World is beginning to ease. [source]

Disabled Children and Residential Schools: The Implications for Local Education Professionals

Jenny Morris
Jenny Morris, freelance researcher, David Abbott, research associate at the Norah Fry Research Centre at the University of Bristol, and Linda Ward, Director of the Norah Fry Research Centre at the University of Bristol, carried out research to look at whether the current system of legislation and regulation is adequately protecting and promoting the interests of disabled children placed at residential schools. This article summarises some findings from the research which investigated the decision-making processes leading to residential special school placements and explored the involvement of education and social services authorities after placements have been made. The research found that the needs of individual children are not central to these decision-making processes; and that the local authorities who make such placements do not pay sufficient attention to protecting and promoting children's educational or care needs once they have gone away to school. Jenny Morris, David Abbott and Linda Ward indicate some of the ways in which current practice could be improved; make recommendations for future developments; and call for further research into the role of special residential schools in the context of policy on educational and social inclusion. [source]

Politics, leadership, and experience in designing Ontario's cabinet

Ted Glenn
Traditional approaches to this question stress the importance of representational imperatives (i.e., region, language and gender), the need for managerial capacity and collegiality in complex organizations, or a particular government's fiscal or policy program. While these approaches have merit, they fail to pay sufficient attention to the fact that cabinet decision-making systems are in the first instance very intimate reflections and extensions of the political instincts, personal aptitudes, and governing experience of first ministers. The author sets out to understand recent reforms to Ontario cabinet decision-making in precisely this way - how did Premier Michael Harris' sense of his government's mandate, his personal approach to decision-making, and the practical lessons learned over the course of his government's first mandate influence the design of Ontario's cabinet decision-making system between 1995 and 1999? This article begins with a short history of Ontario's cabinet decision-making system, focusing on the period from 1968 to 1995. It then provides details of reforms introduced between 1995 and 1999 and concludes with some thoughts on how Premier Harris' political instincts, personal aptitudes, and governing experience influenced these reforms. Sommaire: Pourquoi les systèmes de prise de décisions du Cabinet sont-ils conçus comme ils le sont? Les réponses traditionnelles à cette question soulignent l'impor-tance des impératifs de représentation (c.-à-d. la région, la langue et le sexe), le besoin de compétence en matière de gestion et la collégialité dans les organismes complexes, ou bien un programme politique ou budgétaire particulier du gouvernement. Ces approches sont valables, mais elles ne tiennent pas suffisamment compte du fait que les systemes de prise de décisions du Cabinet sont, avant tout, le fruit de reflexions très approfondies et d'instincts politiques, d'aptitudes personnelles, et de l'expérience gouvernementale des premiers ministres. L'auteur de cet article essaie de comprendre, précisément dans ce sens, les récentes réformes en matière de prise de décisions au Cabinet de 1'Ontario: comment est-ce que l'idée qu'a Michael Harris du mandat de son gouvernement, son approche personnelle face à la prise de décisions, et les leçons pratiques tirées de son premier mandat (1995,1999) ont-elles influencé la conception du système de prise de décisions du Cabinet de l'Ontario? L'auteur commence par brosser un bref historique du système de prise de décisions du Cabinet de l'Ontario, en se penchant tout particulièrement sur la période allant de 1968 A 1995. Ensuite, il présente en détail les réformes introduites de 1995 à 1999 et conclut par quelques réflexions sur la manière dont les instincts politiques du Premier ministre Harris, ses aptitudes personnelles et son expérience du gouvernement ont influencé ces réformes. [source]

What tools do we need to improve identification of child abuse?

Eileen Munro
Abstract Child protection work is being transformed by the introduction of information and communication technology (ICT) and other tools to improve frontline work. This article argues that current innovations are being developed without sufficient attention to understanding the needs of frontline workers. Taking the identification of child abuse as an example, the article shows how beginning with the question ,What tools do we need?' produces radically different answers from the current proposed tools such as the Information Sharing and Assessment database (ISA). The approach advocated here involves examining what aspects of the task frontline workers find difficult and identifying where they would most appreciate help. In relation to the problem of sharing information between professionals to ensure accurate assessment of risk, it is argued that the key problems do not lie in the technical process of sharing data but in professionals' ability to collect the necessary information, to interpret it accurately and to communicate it clearly. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]