Study Evidence (study + evidence)

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  • case study evidence

  • Selected Abstracts

    The Effect of Network Ties on Accounting Controls in a Supply Alliance: Field Study Evidence,

    Wai Fong Chua
    First page of article [source]

    Discussion of "The Effect of Network Ties on Accounting Controls in a Supply Alliance: Field Study Evidence",

    Mark W. Dirsmith
    First page of article [source]

    The Benefits of Banking Mega-Mergers: Event Study Evidence from the 1998 Failed Mega-Merger Attempts in Canada

    Ramon Baltazar
    We investigate the main benefit(s) of specific banking mega-mergers, and whether or not we can infer the benefit(s) from event study evidence of stock market reactions to the mega-mergers. In addressing these questions, we examine the market's reactions to three announcements surrounding the 1998 failed mega-merger attempts in the Canadian banking industry. From our analysis, we conclude that market power,not scale, scope, or X-eficiency economies, or access to government safety net subsidies,was the primary benefit ascribed by Canadian shareholders to the merger proposals. To the extent that the market's perception of merger benefits is an accurate indicator of the merging partners' motives, we also conclude that an analysis of shareholder reactions to a merger announcement,as undertaken here,is a productive avenue for regulators attempting to discern a particular merger's main motivations. Résumé Dans cette étude, nous examinons les avantages principaux de certaines méga-fusions bancaires. Nous nous demandons s'il est possible d'inférer ces avantages à partir de l'étude des réactions du marché boursier aux méga-fusions. Notre étude s'appuie sur les réactions du marché enregistrées à la suite de trois annonces, en 1998, de tentatives de méga-fusions avortées dans l'industrie bancaire canadienne. Notre analyse débouche sur la conclusion que le pouvoir du marché,et non son échelle, son étendue, l'efficacité de son économie (économies en efficacité X) ou l'accès au filet de sécurité des subventions gouvernementales,est le principal avantage que les actionnaires canadiens évoquent pour justifier les propositions de fusion. La perception des avantages de la fusion étant un indicateur clair des motivations des partenaires de la fusion, nous pensons qu'une analyse des réactions des actionnaires à l'annonce d'une fusion est une piste pertinente dans la détermination des principales raisons qui la sous-tendent. [source]

    Punctuated Equilibrium and Agenda-Setting: Bringing Parties Back in: Policy Change after the Dutroux Crisis in Belgium

    GOVERNANCE, Issue 3 2008
    The article analyzes how focusing events affect the public and political agenda and translate into policy change. Empirically, the study focuses on the policy changes initiated by paedophile Marc Dutroux's arrest in 1996 in Belgium. Theoretically, the article tests whether Baumgartner and Jones's (1993) U.S. punctuated equilibrium approach applies to a most different system case, Belgium being a consociational democracy and a partitocracy. Their approach turns out to be useful to explain this "critical case": Policy change happens when "policy images" and "policy venues" shift. Yet, the Dutroux case shows also that political parties, as key actors in the Belgian policy process, should be integrated more explicitly in the punctuated equilibrium theory. Finally, the article argues that the quantitative analysis of longitudinal data sets on several agendas should be supplemented with qualitative case study evidence (e.g., interviews with key decision makers) to unravel the complex case of issue attention and policy change. [source]

    The Origins, Forms and Effects of Modularisation and Semesterisation in Ten UK-Based Business Schools

    Huw Morris
    This paper examines the introduction of modularisation and semesterisation at ten UK-based business schools. Using this case study evidence, it is argued that the main reasons for the introduction of these schemes were the personal ambitions of senior managers, pressure from external regulatory agencies and a desire to emulate initiatives undertaken by competitor institutions. In addition, it is suggested that the form of these schemes varied between institutions as a consequence of the negotiations which accompanied the introduction of these new arrangements, and constraints imposed by the legacy of earlier degree structures, regulations from external agencies, institutional geography, limits on financial resources and the organization of internal management systems. The paper concludes by arguing that these constraints have meant that modularity has had limited effects on the experiences of staff and students, but that semesterisation has significantly increased costs without any accompanying benefits. [source]

    Carceral Chicago: Making the Ex-offender Employability Crisis

    Abstract This article explores the urban labor market consequences of large-scale incarceration, a policy with massively detrimental implications for communities of color. Case study evidence from Chicago suggests that the prison system has come to assume the role of a significant (urban) labor market institution, the regulatory outcomes of which are revealed in the social production of systemic unemployability across a criminalized class of African,American males, the hypertrophied economic and social decline of those ,receiving communities' to which thousands of ex-convicts return, and the remorseless rise of recidivism rates. Notwithstanding the significant social costs, the churning of the prison population through the lower reaches of the labor market is associated with the further degradation of contingent and informal-economy jobs, the hardening of patterns of radical segregation, and the long-term erosion of employment prospects within the growing ex-offender population, for whom social stigma, institutional marginalization and economic disenfranchisement assume the status of an extended form of incarceration. Résumé La politique publique d'incarcération massive, aux implications largement préjudiciables aux communautés de couleur, affecte également le marché du travail des villes. Une étude de cas sur Chicago indique que le système pénitentiaire a fini par devenir une institution importante du marché du travail (urbain) dont les réglementations se traduisent à la fois par la production sociale d'une inemployabilité systémique pour une classe criminalisée de males afro-américains, par le déclin économique et social hypertrophié des ,communautés d'accueil' vers lesquelles retournent des milliers d'ex-prisonniers, et par l'accroissement impitoyable des taux de récidive. Malgré de forts coûts sociaux, le brassage de la population carcérale dans les niveaux inférieurs du marché du travail se combine à la dégradation accrue des postes occasionnels et offerts par l'économie parallèle, mais aussi au durcissement des types de ségrégation radicale et à une érosion durable des perspectives d'emploi au sein de la population grandissante des ex-délinquants pour lesquels stigmatisation sociale, marginalisation institutionnelle et non-reconnaissance économique revêtent une forme d'incarcération prolongée. [source]

    Large mergers and acquisitions of European brewing groups,event study evidence on value creation

    Oliver Ebneth
    Acquisitions have been the growing trend in recent years, giving brewers the opportunity to enhance their degree of internationalization and market share remarkably through diverse one-off deals. Larger brewers are faced with low prospects for volume growth in developed markets leading them to seek growth either via acquisition of other brewers or by aggressive participation in developing markets or both. This study employs event study analysis to examine 31 mergers and acquisitions among leading European brewing groups. Differences regarding the brewers' corporate success can be determined within the European peer group. The results are discussed by additionally comparing the performance of companies that experienced M&As and companies that did not. Managerial implications as well as future research propositions conclude this article. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Agribusiness 23: 377,406, 2007. [source]

    How Critical is Employee Orientation for Customer Relationship Management?

    Insights from a Case Study
    abstract This paper explores the interface of employee orientation and the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) process based on an in-depth case study of a leading firm in the UK automotive services sector. Employee orientation is embedded in the Organizational Culture (OC) of the firm and manifested through its key elements, notably assumptions, values, behaviours and artefacts. CRM consists of four organizational activities: strategic planning, information, value creation, and performance measurement sub-processes. Based on the case study evidence, the widely postulated link between CRM success and employee orientation is empirically supported and the mechanisms underlying this association elucidated. [source]

    Disempowerment and resistance in the print industry?

    Reactions to surveillance, capable technology
    This article offers a critique of recent characterisations of the effects of electronic technologies in the workplace. It presents detailed case study evidence that calls into question a number of common theoretical assumptions about the character of surveillance at work and the responses of employees to it. [source]

    Strategic dalliances as an enabler for discontinuous innovation in slow clockspeed industries: evidence from the oil and gas industry

    R & D MANAGEMENT, Issue 2 2008
    Hannah Noke
    The concept of ,strategic dalliances', defined as non-committal relationships that companies can ,dip in and out of,' or dally with, while simultaneously maintaining longer-term strategic partnerships with other firms and suppliers , has emerged as a promising strategy by which organizations can create discontinuous innovations. But does this approach work equally well for every sector? Moreover, how can these links be effectively used to foster the process of discontinuous innovation? Toward assessing the role that industry clockspeed plays in the success or failure of strategic dalliances, we provide case study evidence from Twister BV, an upstream oil and gas technology provider, and show that strategic dalliances can be an enabler for the discontinuous innovation process in slow clockspeed industries. Implications for research and practice are discussed, and conclusions from our findings are drawn. [source]

    Catherine's legacy: social communication development for individuals with profound learning difficulties and fragile life expectancies

    Mary Kellett
    In this article, Mary Kellett, of the Children's Research Centre at the Open University, draws on case study evidence to illustrate how an 11,year-old girl's quality of life was transformed in the last few months before she died when an Intensive Interaction intervention approach was adopted. The study raises issues about the way we respond to individuals with the most profound disabilities who are hardest to reach and have fragile life expectancies. It also examines the role of the researcher in situations where a participant dies; how this impacts on data processing - particularly where this involves video footage of a participant -and the complex ethics which need to be considered. Initially, the sadness of the situation and the incompleteness of the data overshadowed the findings. Due attention was not given to the contribution Catherine's data could make to our knowledge and understanding of the lived experiences of children like her and the implications this has for policy and practice. However, ,interrupted' findings from her case study point to the effectiveness of the Intensive Interaction approach in developing sociability, particularly with regard to eye contact and the ability to attend to a joint focus. This article affirms the principle that it is never too late to start an intervention; that severity of impairment should not be a barrier to this; and that the social interaction Intensive Interaction promotes can make a crucial difference to quality of life. [source]

    The Benefits of Banking Mega-Mergers: Event Study Evidence from the 1998 Failed Mega-Merger Attempts in Canada

    Ramon Baltazar
    We investigate the main benefit(s) of specific banking mega-mergers, and whether or not we can infer the benefit(s) from event study evidence of stock market reactions to the mega-mergers. In addressing these questions, we examine the market's reactions to three announcements surrounding the 1998 failed mega-merger attempts in the Canadian banking industry. From our analysis, we conclude that market power,not scale, scope, or X-eficiency economies, or access to government safety net subsidies,was the primary benefit ascribed by Canadian shareholders to the merger proposals. To the extent that the market's perception of merger benefits is an accurate indicator of the merging partners' motives, we also conclude that an analysis of shareholder reactions to a merger announcement,as undertaken here,is a productive avenue for regulators attempting to discern a particular merger's main motivations. Résumé Dans cette étude, nous examinons les avantages principaux de certaines méga-fusions bancaires. Nous nous demandons s'il est possible d'inférer ces avantages à partir de l'étude des réactions du marché boursier aux méga-fusions. Notre étude s'appuie sur les réactions du marché enregistrées à la suite de trois annonces, en 1998, de tentatives de méga-fusions avortées dans l'industrie bancaire canadienne. Notre analyse débouche sur la conclusion que le pouvoir du marché,et non son échelle, son étendue, l'efficacité de son économie (économies en efficacité X) ou l'accès au filet de sécurité des subventions gouvernementales,est le principal avantage que les actionnaires canadiens évoquent pour justifier les propositions de fusion. La perception des avantages de la fusion étant un indicateur clair des motivations des partenaires de la fusion, nous pensons qu'une analyse des réactions des actionnaires à l'annonce d'une fusion est une piste pertinente dans la détermination des principales raisons qui la sous-tendent. [source]

    Do helminth parasites protect against atopy and allergic disease?

    C. Flohr
    Summary Allergic diseases are rare in areas with high helminth parasite exposure and common where helminth exposure is lacking or significantly reduced, such as urban areas of developing countries and industrialized nations. Studies suggest that helminths induce a systemic immuno-modulatory network, including regulatory T cells and anti-inflammatory IL-10, which might play a key role in the protection against the allergic phenotype. Here, we review the current cross-sectional, birth cohort, and intervention study evidence for a protective effect of helminth infection on allergy. There is increasing evidence for a causal relationship between helminth infection and reduced skin prick test responsiveness to allergens. Cross-sectional studies have shown a consistent negative relationship, and these results have been confirmed in several, although not all, intervention studies. The immunological basis for this protective effect is less clear. Recent studies do not support the mast-cell IgE saturation hypothesis, but suggest that protection is associated with IL-10 production. As for allergic disease, cross-sectional studies support a negative relationship between clinical asthma and infection with some helminth species, particularly hookworm, but more studies are required to draw conclusions for eczema and rhinitis. In addition, none of the few intervention studies to date have demonstrated an increase in clinical allergy after helminth treatment, and further studies are needed. Furthermore, we are only beginning to understand the host genetic factors that are potentially involved. A genetically predetermined T-helper type 2 cell-dominated cytokine milieu reduces parasite burden and may enhance host survival in an environment where helminth parasites are prevalent. Lack of parasite exposure in such hosts might lead to hypersensitivity to seemingly minor environmental allergen stimuli. Large birth cohort studies in helminth-endemic areas that use epidemiological, genetic, and immunological tools are required to further examine how helminth parasites affect the development of atopy and allergic disease. Intervention studies with hookworm in parasite-naïve allergic individuals are currently ongoing in the United Kingdom to test the above hypotheses further. [source]

    Application of hydrophilic finished of synthetic fabrics coated with CMC/acrylic acid cured by electron beam irradiation in the removal of metal cations from aqueous solutions

    Sayeda M. Ibrahim
    Abstract Modified textile fabrics were used to remove Cu+2 and Cr+3 ions from aqueous solutions. For this purpose, modified Nylon-6, polyester woven and knitted fabrics were prepared by coating the surface with a thin layer of aqueous solution of carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) and acrylic acid (AAc) of thickness 25 ,m. Radiation crosslinking of the coated layer was carried out by electron beam irradiation with a constant dose of 30 kGy. Morphology of the coated fabrics was examined by scanning electron microscope (SEM) which indicated the compatibility between the coated layer and fabrics. Properties attributed to the hydrophilicity, especially water uptake and weight loss before and after several washing cycles were followed up. The effect of AAc concentration on the hydrophilic properties of the coated fabrics was studied. A considerable enhancement in water uptake has been attained on increasing AAc content in solution in case of nylon-6 followed by polyester woven followed by polyester knitted fabrics. The performances of the modified textile fabrics were evaluated for the recovery of Cu+2 and Cr+3 from aqueous solution. The metal ion absorption efficiency of the modified textile fabrics was measured using UV Spectrophotometer analysis and EDX. Parameters affecting the efficiency of these textile fabrics in the removal of metal ions from aqueous solution namely, concentration of AAc and the immersion time were studied. It was found that there was a marked increase in the recovery of metal ions on increasing both immersion time and concentration of AAc. This study evidences that the modified textile fabrics can be used for the purpose of removal of some heavy metals such as Cu and Cr. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2010 [source]

    Photic and non-photic entrainment on daily rhythm of locomotor activity in goats

    Claudia GIANNETTO
    ABSTRACT We studied the photic (L/D cycle) and non-photic (restricted feeding) entrainment on the patterns of daily rhythm of total locomotor activity in goats. Six female Maltese goats were subjected to three different artificial L/D cycles: 12/12 L/D, 12/12 D/L and constant light. During the 12/12 L/D and 12/12 D/L, food and water were available ad libitum. During constant light, animals were subjected to a restricted feeding treatment. Total activity was recorded by means of an actigraphy-based data logger (Actiwatch-Mini®). Our results showed that goats exhibited clear daily rhythms of activity in 12/12 L/D cycle, 12/12 D/L cycle and constant light, although they showed FAA prior the feeding time during the restricted feeding treatment. Goats were diurnal, with activity consistently beginning promptly following the onset of light. Even when the L/D cycle was delayed by 12 h on some days, to the daily rhythm was re-established. During the constant light period, the onset of activity was linked to the time of food administration. Our study evidences two factors for the rhythm of total locomotor activity in goats: light stimuli (photic) and food access (non photic), strongly coupled to permit organisms the adaptive temporal coordination of behaviour with stable and unstable environmental periodicities. [source]