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Selected Abstracts

The polyphonic spree: the case of the Liverpool Dockers

Chris Carter
This paper is concerned with the possibilities opened up for Trade Unions by the internet age. The paper analyses forms of resistance, their preconditions and organisational backgrounds. It is argued that polyphonic organisation and, closely linked, new organisational forms, provide a strong basis for power relations and strategies of resistance. The paper starts with a brief introduction to the dispute between the Dockers of Liverpool and the Mersey Docks and Harbour Company. Contextualising the evolving issue in the broader picture of trade union crisis and renewal, the case study is theorised using linguistically informed approaches to management and organisation theory. Introducing these theoretical developments, the potential of new organisational forms for power relations and resistance are elaborated. [source]

One-Dimensional Conducting Polymer Nanostructures: Bulk Synthesis and Applications

ADVANCED MATERIALS, Issue 14-15 2009
Henry D. Tran
Abstract This Progress Report provides a brief overview of current research activities in the field of one-dimensional (1D) conducting polymer nanostructures. The synthesis, properties, and applications of these materials are outlined with a strong emphasis on recent literature examples. Chemical methods that can produce 1D nanostructures in bulk quantities are discussed in the context of two different strategies: 1) procedures that rely on a nanoscale template or additive not inherent to the polymer and 2) those that do not. The different sub-classifications of these two strategies are delineated and the virtues and vices of each area are discussed. Following this discussion is an outline of the properties and applications of 1D conducting polymer nanostructures. This section focuses on applications in which nanostructured conducting polymers are clearly advantageous over their conventional counterparts. We conclude with our perspective on the main challenges and future research directions for this new class of nanomaterials. This Progress Report is not intended as a comprehensive review of the field, but rather a summary of select contributions that we feel will provide the reader with a strong basis for further investigation into this fast emerging field. [source]

Damned If You Do and Damned If You Don't: Title VII and Public Employee Promotion Disparate Treatment and Disparate Impact Litigation

Robert N. Roberts
What has been the impact of the U.S. Supreme Court's 2009 decision in Ricci v. Destefano on the selection and promotion practices of public employers?; Relying solely on circumstantial evidence, the Supreme Court held that the Civil Service Board of New Haven, Connecticut, had engaged in Title VII disparate treatment discrimination by refusing to certify the results of a promotion examination that led, in turn, to a disparate impact on African American firefighters. To limit the discretion of public employers to disregard such selection and promotion exam results, the Ricci majority held that a public employer must "have a strong basis in evidence to believe it will be subject to disparate-impact liability if it fails to the take the race-conscious discriminatory action." This article argues that the decision effectively prohibits public employers from rejecting the results of selection and promotion instruments, even though there is evidence that screening instruments inequitably affect protected groups. It also forces public employers to become more careful in developing selection and promotion examinations or face the possibility of costly Title VII litigation. [source]

The Clothes Make the Man: Cross-Dressing, Gender Performance, and Female Desire in Johann Elias Schlegel's Der Triumph der guten Frauen

Edward T. Potter
Schlegel's 1748 comedy takes the potentially liberating historical practice of female cross-dressing and restructures it by using it to promote a sentimental conception of marriage based on love, mutual compatibility, and free partner choice and by emptying this contemporary cultural phenomenon of any potentially liberating features, thereby defusing non-normative gender performance. Schlegel's text highlights culturally constructed aspects of gender by placing gender performance at the play's core. By staging a successful performance of male gender, the female character Hilaria reintegrates two wayward husbands into the sentimental marriage. Via Hilaria's disguise, the text explores: how the control of information establishes power relationships; how cross-dressing is used to reinscribe traditional gender roles; how mutual respect and friendship are promoted as a strong basis for marriage; and finally, how sexual desire is construed as a purely male phenomenon, thereby ironizing the possibility of female desire in general and female same-sex desire in particular [source]

Estimation of Reliable Parameters for Solid-Liquid Equilibrium Description of Chiral Systems

H. Haida
Abstract The knowledge of accurate solid-liquid phase equilibria serves in general as a strong basis for the design of any crystallization process. The available database is often limited and the experimental determination of necessary and reliable thermodynamic data is a tedious and time-consuming task. In this study, the predictive power of a multi-component gE model fed with limited experimental data was evaluated. Hereby, the impact of uncertainties in the underlying experimental data and the obtained model parameters was of particular interest. Statistical methods were used in order to extend the knowledge about the reliability of the model correlation and to evaluate its predictive characteristics. Therefore, binary and ternary phase equilibria for the system methionine/water were taken from the literature, and analyzed. [source]