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Backfat Thickness (backfat + thickness)
Selected AbstractsEffect of single nucleotide polymorphisms of CAPN1 and CAST genes on meat traits in Nellore beef cattle (Bos indicus) and in their crosses with Bos taurusANIMAL GENETICS, Issue 4 2009R. A. Curi Summary The objectives of this work were to study the segregation of single nucleotide polymorphisms of the calpain 1, large subunit (CAPN1) and calpastatin (CAST) genes in Nellore (Bos indicus) and Nellore ×Bos taurus beef cattle, as well as to evaluate their effects on meat traits. For this, 300 animals, including 114 Nellore, 67 Angus × Nellore, 44 Rubia Gallega × Nellore, 41 Canchim, 19 Brangus three-way crosses and 15 Braunvieh three-way crosses, were genotyped for the CAPN4751 [AF_248054.2:g.6545C>T (GenBank accession AF248054.2)] and CAST/DdeI [AF_159246.1:g.2959A>G (GenBank accession AF159246.1)] polymorphisms and phenotyped for Ribeye Area, Backfat Thickness, Intramuscular Fat, Shear Force (SF) and Myofibrillar Fragmentation Index (MFI). In relation to the CAPN4751 polymorphism, a frequency of 10.5% was observed for the C allele in the Nellore breed. In the total sample of studied animals, a significant association was found between genotypes and meat tenderness, assessed by SF (P = 0.005) and MFI (P = 0.008), with genotype CT being more favourable than TT. For the CAST/DdeI polymorphism, a frequency of 55.7% was found for the A allele in the Nellore breed. In the total sample, a significant association was observed between genotypes and meat tenderness , SF (P = 0.004) and MFI (P = 0.006), with genotype AA being more favourable than AG. The relationship between genotypes and aged meat tenderness in confluence with the distribution of favourable alleles shows great potential for application of the CAPN4751 and CAST/DdeI polymorphisms in the genetic improvement of the Nellore breed, whilst contributing to the validation, in this breed and in its crosses with B. taurus, of the association results previously described in the literature. [source] Association of a melanocortin 4 receptor (MC4R) polymorphism with performance traits in Lithuanian White pigsJOURNAL OF ANIMAL BREEDING AND GENETICS, Issue 1 2006R. Jokubka Summary The melanocortin 4 receptor is expressed in virtually all brain regions of mammals and plays an important role in energy homeostasis. Polymorphisms in this gene may thus be related to growth and obesity. In pigs, a non-synonymous polymorphic site was described (Asp298Asn) and demonstrated to affect cAMP production and to alter adenylyl cyclase signalling. Association studies revealed significant linkage of this mutation with production trait in pigs. In this study, 207 Lithuanian White pigs were genotyped at the MC4R locus and analysed on relationships between genotype and breeding values for several performance traits. The observed allele and genotype frequencies did not deviate significantly from Hardy,Weinberg equilibrium (wildtype allele 0.59; mutant allele 0.41) and are comparable with those described in other Large White populations. The mutant Asn298 allele of the MC4R gene was significantly associated with increased test daily gain, higher lean meat percentage and lower backfat thickness. There was a trend towards an improved feed conversion ratio (p = 0.065) in animals with the mutant allele whereas no significant effect was found on lifetime daily gain. These results indicate that the MC4R polymorphism should be integrated in selection programmes in the Lithuanian White to improve carcass composition. [source] Stability of genetic parameter estimates for production traits in pigsJOURNAL OF ANIMAL BREEDING AND GENETICS, Issue 3 2001J. Wolf Changes in variance component estimates in growing sets of performance data in two pig breeds were investigated. Data was used from the field and station test of Czech Landrace (LA: 75 099 observations) and the Slovakian breed, White Meaty swine (WM: 32 203 observations). In LA the traits analysed were estimated lean meat content (LM) and average daily gain (ADGF) on field test and average daily gain (ADGS) and weight of valuable cuts (VCW) on station test. In WM the traits analysed were backfat thickness on field and station test (BFF, BFS, respectively), proportion of valuable cuts (VCP) on station test, ADGF and ADGS. Covariance components were estimated from four- and five-trait animal models using the VCE software. Omitting data from factor levels with a low number of records led to 4.2% of LA records and 21.7% of WM records being deleted. Changes in genetic and residual variance estimates were less than 5% for all traits in LA and less than 12% for all traits except ADGS in WM. The changes in estimated genetic variances caused by 18 months (LA) or 24 months (WM) of new data were 2,25% and the changes in estimated residual variances were less than 5% in LA and less than 20% in WM. In both breeds, changes in heritability estimates did not exceed 0.06 in absolute value. In LA, it is reasonable to use genetic parameter estimates for 3 years before re-estimation. In WM the time interval should be shorter because of changes in the estimates caused by their lower accuracy arising from the smaller size of the data-set and smaller frequency of station testing. Stabilität der Schätzwerte genetischer Parameter für Produktionsmarkmale beim Schwein Für zwei Schweinerassen wurden Änderungen der Varianzkomponentenschätzwerte in wachsenden Leistungsprüfungsdatensätzen untersucht. Die beiden Ausgangsdatensätze bestanden aus Feld- und Stationsprüfdaten der Tschechischen Landrasse (LA , 75 099 Beobachtungen) bzw. der Slowakischen Rasse White Meaty (WM , 32 203 Beobachtungen). Folgende Merkmale wurden ausgewertet: Magerfleischanteil (LM) und Lebenstagszunahme (ADGF) aus der Feldprüfung sowie Prüftagszunahme (ADGS) und Gewicht wertvoller Teilstücke (VCW) aus der Stationsprüfung bei der LA; Rückenspeckdicke aus der Feld- und Stationsprüfung (BFF bzw. BFS), Anteil wertvoller Teilstücke (VCP) aus der Stationsprüfung sowie ADGF und ADGS bei der Rasse WM. Die Kovarianzkomponenten wurden für Vier- bzw. Fünf-Merkmals-Tiermodelle mit dem Programm VCE berechnet. Das Auslassen von Daten von Klassen mit geringer Besetzung führte dazu, daß in der LA 4,2% und in WM 21,7% der Daten gelöscht wurden. Die Änderungen in den genetischen und den Rest-Varianzen waren in der LA bei allen Merkmalen kleiner als 5% und in WM bei allen Merkmalen mit Ausnahme von ADGS kleiner als 12%. Durch Hinzufügen von Daten aus einem Zeitraum von 18 (LA) bzw. 24 (WM) Monaten änderten sich die genetischen Varianzen um 2 bis 25%. Die Änderungen in den Restvarianzen lagen unter 5% bei der LA und unter 20% bei WM. Die maximale Änderung der Heritabilitätskoeffizienten überstieg in beiden Rassen nicht 0,06. Bei der LA sollte ein Zeitintervall von drei Jahren zu einer Neuschätzung der genetischen Parameter ausreichen, bei WM sollte wegen der beobachteten Änderungen der Schätzwerte, der kleineren Datenmenge und des geringeren Anteils stationsgeprüfter Tiere das Zeitintervall kürzer sein. [source] Effects of high-level dietary B-vitamins on performance, body composition and tissue vitamin contents of growing/finishing pigsJOURNAL OF ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY AND NUTRITION, Issue 1-2 2007B. M. Böhmer Summary Forty-eight growing pigs were randomly assigned to five dietary groups and penned individually. They received a diet based on barley, wheat, corn and soya bean meal according to requirement. The experimental groups were supplemented with 400% or 800% of vitamins B2, B6 and pantothenic acid, or 400% or 800% of biotin, while all other vitamins were administered according to requirement. Growth performance, carcass characteristics, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), and content of vitamins in blood, liver and muscles were recorded. Growth performance showed no influence of supplementation, while backfat thickness in the group with 800% B2/B6/pantothenic acid was significantly higher. Content of B2 in blood, liver and muscle was similar in all groups. Content of B6 in blood and liver showed significant differences according to supplementation. The content of vitamin B6 in muscle in the experimental groups was significantly higher than that in the control group. The content of pantothenic acid in blood and muscle in the experimental groups was significantly higher, while in liver all groups were significantly influenced by the supplementation level. Biotin content in liver showed no influence, but the content in plasma was significantly higher in the experimental groups and the content in muscle was significantly higher according to supplementation. The activity of AST showed no significant influence of the dietary vitamin level, but it was obviously decreased in the groups supplemented with biotin. The findings indicate that the dietary supplementation of vitamin B2, B6, pantothenic acid and biotin could not improve performance, but the contents in blood, liver and muscle. [source] Associations of polymorphisms in the promoter I of bovine acetyl-CoA carboxylase- , gene with beef fatty acid compositionANIMAL GENETICS, Issue 4 2010S. Zhang Summary The objectives of this study were to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the promoter I (PI) region of the bovine acetyl-CoA carboxylase-, (ACACA) gene and to evaluate the extent to which they were associated with lipid-related traits. Eight novel SNPs were identified, which were AJ276223:g.2064T>A (SNP1), g.2155C>T (SNP2), g.2203G>T (SNP3), g.2268T>C (SNP4), g.2274G>A (SNP5), g.2340A>G (SNP6), g.2350T>C (SNP7) and g.2370A>G (SNP8). Complete linkage disequilibrium was observed among SNP1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 8. Phenotypic data were collected from 573 cross-bred steers with six sire breeds, including Hereford, Angus, Brangus, Beefmaster, Bonsmara and Romosinuano. The genotypes of SNP1/2/4/5/6/8 were significantly associated with adjusted backfat thickness. The genotypes of SNP3 were significantly associated with triacylglycerol (TAG) content and fatty acid composition of longissimus dorsi muscle (LM) in Brangus-, Romosinuano- and Bonsmara-sired cattle. Cattle with g.2203GG genotype had greater concentrations of TAG, total lipid, total saturated fatty acid and total monounsaturated fatty acid than did cattle with g.2203GT genotype. The genotypes of SNP7 were significantly associated with fatty acid composition of LM. Cattle with genotype g.2350TC had greater amounts of several fatty acids in LM than did cattle with genotype g.2350CC. Our results suggested that the SNPs in the PI region of ACACA gene are associated with variations in the fatty acid contents in LM. [source] Association analyses of a SNP in the promoter of IGF1 with fat deposition and carcass merit traits in hybrid, Angus and Charolais beef cattleANIMAL GENETICS, Issue 5 2009K. K. Islam Summary A SNP in the promoter region of insulin like growth factor-1 (IGF1) (c.,512C>T) was analysed for associations with 10 fat deposition and carcass merit traits in hybrid (n = 455), Angus (n = 204) and Charolais (n = 186) beef cattle populations. Significant associations of the SNP were found for ultrasound backfat thickness (P = 0.030), carcass average backfat (P = 0.015) and carcass lean meat yield (LMY) (P = 0.023) in the Angus beef population, with the ,CC' genotype showing higher fat depth and lower LMY than the ,TT' genotype. Analyses of transcription factor binding sites based on transcription element search system prediction revealed that the ,C' allele introduces a binding site for nuclear factor I, which has an adipose tissue-specific regulatory role and thus may contribute to the SNP effect on fat deposition in the population of pure Angus cattle, a breed with greater fat depth than the hybrid and Charolais breeds. [source] An insertion/deletion variant of a thymine base in exon 2 of the porcine beta 3-adrenergic receptor gene associated with loin eye muscle areaANIMAL SCIENCE JOURNAL, Issue 6 2009Kensuke HIROSE ABSTRACT An insertion/deletion variant of a thymine base (T5 and T6) in exon 2 of porcine beta 3-adrenergic receptor (ADRB3) gene has been described. In the current study, we made an association study between the ADRB3 polymorphisms and production traits in 735 Duroc pigs. The allele frequencies for the T5 and T6 alleles in our study population were 0.433 and 0.567, respectively. Any associations between ADRB3 genotype and average daily weight gain during test period, or backfat thickness and intramuscular fat content were not detected in either sex. However the size of the loin eye muscle area (EMA) was significantly associated with ADRB3 genotypes in gilts. T6-homozygous gilts had a higher mean of EMA (40.6 ± 0.6 cm2) than T5-homozygous (38.1 ± 0.4 cm2, P = 0.002) and heterozygous (38.8 ± 0.3 cm2, P = 0.034) gilts. This association was not detected in males. In addition, a multiple traits animal model best linear unbiased predictor (BLUP) analysis revealed that the T6-homozygous genotype had positive effects on breeding value of EMA. Accordingly, we suggest that ADRB3 polymorphism has the potential to be an important genetic marker for prediction of EMA in Duroc pigs. [source] |