Spindle Afferents (spindle + afferent)

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Selected Abstracts

Afferent-induced facilitation of primary motor cortex excitability in the region controlling hand muscles in humans

H. Devanne
Abstract Sensory inputs from cutaneous and limb receptors are known to influence motor cortex network excitability. Although most recent studies have focused on the inhibitory influences of afferent inputs on arm motor responses evoked by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), facilitatory effects are rarely considered. In the present work, we sought to establish how proprioceptive sensory inputs modulate the excitability of the primary motor cortex region controlling certain hand and wrist muscles. Suprathreshold TMS pulses were preceded either by median nerve stimulation (MNS) or index finger stimulation with interstimulus intervals (ISIs) ranging from 20 to 200 ms (with particular focus on 40,80 ms). Motor-evoked potentials recorded in the abductor pollicis brevis (APB), first dorsalis interosseus and extensor carpi radialis muscles were strongly facilitated (by up to 150%) by MNS with ISIs of around 60 ms, whereas digit stimulation had only a weak effect. When MNS was delivered at the interval that evoked the optimal facilitatory effect, the H-reflex amplitude remained unchanged and APB motor responses evoked with transcranial electric stimulation were not increased as compared with TMS. Afferent-induced facilitation and short-latency intracortical inhibition (SICI) and intracortical facilitation (ICF) mechanisms are likely to interact in cortical circuits, as suggested by the strong facilitation observed when MNS was delivered concurrently with ICF and the reduction of SICI following MNS. We conclude that afferent-induced facilitation is a mechanism which probably involves muscle spindle afferents and should be considered when studying sensorimotor integration mechanisms in healthy and disease situations. [source]

Evidence for functional compartmentalization of trigeminal muscle spindle afferents during fictive mastication in the rabbit

K. -G.
Abstract Primary afferent neurons innervating muscle spindles in jaw-closing muscles have cell bodies in the trigeminal mesencephalic nucleus (NVmes) that are electrically coupled and receive synapses. Each stem axon gives rise to a peripheral branch and a descending central branch. It was previously shown that some spikes generated by constant muscle stretch fail to enter the soma during fictive mastication. The present study examines whether the central axon is similarly controlled. These axons were functionally identified in anaesthetized and paralysed rabbits, and tonic afferent firing was elicited by muscle stretch. For the purpose of comparison, responses were recorded extracellularly both from the somatic region and from the central axon in the lateral brainstem. Two types of fictive masticatory movement patterns were induced by repetitive stimulation of the masticatory cortex and monitored from the trigeminal motor nucleus. Field potentials generated by spike-triggered averaging of action potentials from the spindle afferents were employed to determine their postsynaptic effects on jaw-closing motoneurons. Tonic firing of 32% NVmes units was inhibited during the jaw-opening phase, but spike frequency during closing was almost equal to the control rate during both types of fictive mastication. A similar inhibition occurred during opening in 83% of the units recorded along the central branch. However, firing frequency in these was significantly increased during closing in 94%, probably because of the addition of antidromic action potentials generated by presynaptic depolarization of terminals of the central branch. These additional spikes do not reach the soma, but do appear to excite motoneurons. The data also show that the duration and/or frequency of firing during the bursts varied from one pattern of fictive mastication to another. We conclude that the central axons of trigeminal muscle spindle afferents are functionally decoupled from their stem axons during the jaw-closing phase of mastication. During this phase, it appears that antidromic impulses in the central axons provide one of the inputs from the masticatory central pattern generator (CPG) to trigeminal motoneurons. [source]

The effects of experimental muscle and skin pain on the static stretch sensitivity of human muscle spindles in relaxed leg muscles

Ingvars Birznieks
Animal studies have shown that noxious inputs onto ,-motoneurons can cause an increase in the activity of muscle spindles, and it has been proposed that this causes a fusimotor-driven increase in muscle stiffness that is believed to underlie many chronic pain syndromes. To test whether experimental pain also acts on the fusimotor system in humans, unitary recordings were made from 19 spindle afferents (12 Ia, 7 II) located in the ankle and toe extensors or peronei muscles of awake human subjects. Muscle pain was induced by bolus intramuscular injection of 0.5 ml 5% hypertonic saline into tibialis anterior (TA); skin pain was induced by 0.2 ml injection into the overlying skin. Changes in fusimotor drive to the muscle spindles were inferred from changes in the mean discharge frequency and discharge variability of spindle endings in relaxed muscle. During muscle pain no afferents increased their discharge activity: seven afferents (5 Ia, 2 II) showed a decrease and six (4 Ia, 2 II) afferents were not affected. During skin pain of 13 afferents discharge rate increased in one (Ia) and decreased in two (1 Ia, 1 II). On average, the overall discharge rate decreased during muscle pain by 6.1% (P < 0.05; Wilcoxon), but remained essentially the same during skin pain. There was no detectable correlation between subjective pain level and the small change in discharge rate of muscle spindles. Irrespective of the type of pain, discharge variability parameters were not influenced (P > 0.05; Wilcoxon). We conclude that, contrary to the ,vicious cycle' hypothesis, acute activation of muscle or skin nociceptors does not cause a reflex increase in fusimotor drive in humans. Rather, our results are more aligned with the pain adaptation model, based on clinical studies predicting pain-induced reductions of agonist muscle activity. [source]