Spatial Arrangement (spatial + arrangement)

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Selected Abstracts

Structure,Activity Study on the Spatial Arrangement of the Third Aromatic Ring of Endomorphins 1 and 2 Using an Atypical Constrained C,Terminus

CHEMMEDCHEM, Issue 3 2007
Ye Yu Dr.
Abstract The discovery of endomorphins (EMs) has opened the possibility of searching for new analgesics. However, the design of peptide analgesics has proven to be very difficult as a result of their conformational flexibility and a lack of clarity in structure,activity relationships (SAR). In EMs, the amino acid side chains exhibit considerable conformational flexibility, especially in the third aromatic ring, which is free to adopt a bioactive conformation. To resolve these problems, a series of C,terminus EM analogues, [Xaa4 -R]EMs, modified through the substitution of Phe4 with nonaromatic residues and termination with benzyl groups, were designed to generate conformational constrains of the third aromatic ring by amide bond and torsion angles (,4 and ,4) of Xaa4. Introduction of (S)-,-methyl or (S)/(R)-,-carboxamide on the methylene unit of the benzyl group was designed to produce an atypical topographical constraint (,5) of the third aromatic ring rotation. Interestingly, some EM derivatives, with elimination of the C-terminal carboxamide group and significant changes in the address sequence (Phe4 -NH2), still exhibited higher ,-opioid receptor (MOR) affinity than unmodified EMs. In contrast, some analogues with incorrectly constrained C,termini displayed very low affinity and pharmacological activities. Thus, our results indicate that these EM analogues, with atypical constrained C,termini, provide model compounds with potent MOR agonism. They also give evidence that the proper spatial orientation and conformational restriction of the third aromatic ring are crucial for the interaction of EMs with MOR. [source]

Spatial arrangement and macrodomain organization of bacterial chromosomes

Frédéric Boccard
Summary Recent developments in fluorescence microscopy have shown that bacterial chromosomes have a defined spatial arrangement that preserves the linear order of genes on the genetic map. These approaches also revealed that large portions of the chromosome in Escherichia coli or Bacillus subtilis are concentrated in the same cellular space, suggesting an organization as large regions defined as macrodomains. In E. coli, two macrodomains of 1 Mb containing the replication origin (Ori) and the replication terminus (Ter) have been shown to relocalize at specific steps of the cell cycle. A genetic analysis of the collision probability between distant DNA sites in E. coli has confirmed the presence of macrodomains by revealing the existence of large regions that do not collide with each other. Two macrodomains defined by the genetic approach coincide with the Ori and Ter macrodomains, and two new macrodomains flanking the Ter macrodomain have been identified. Altogether, these results indicate that the E. coli chromosome has a ring organization with four structured and two less-structured regions. Implications for chromosome dynamics during the cell cycle and future prospects for the characterization and understanding of macrodomain organization are discussed. [source]

Spatial arrangement of molecules in homomolecular Z' = 2 structures

Elna Pidcock
The Box Model of crystal packing describes unit cells in terms of a limited number of arrangements of molecular building blocks. An analysis of Z,, 1 structures has shown that cell dimensions are related to molecular dimensions in a systematic way and that the spatial arrangement of molecules in crystal structures is very similar, irrespective of Z or space group. In this paper it is shown that the spatial arrangement of molecules in Z, = 2 structures are, within the context of the Box Model, very similar to that found for Z,, 1 structures. The absence of crystallographic symmetry does not appear to affect correlations between molecular dimensions and cell dimensions, or between the packing patterns and the positions of molecules in the unit cell, established from the analysis of Z,, 1 structures. The preference shown by Z, = 2 structures for low surface-area packing patterns and the observation that strong energetic interactions are most often found between the large faces of the independent molecules reaffirms the importance of molecular shape in crystal packing. [source]

Parametric intensity and the spatial arrangement of the terrestrial mollusc herbivores Deroceras reticulatum and Arion intermedius

David A. Bohan
Summary 1. Parametric intensity and spatial arrangement analyses were used to investigate the spatial pattern of the slugs Arion intermedius and Deroceras reticulatum. 2. The spatial lag of sampling (distance between sampling points) was shown to be unimportant in the intensity analyses. Rather, the 0·25 m grain scale was imposed on the whole sampling. The observed slope of the variance to mean relationships was common to both species, possibly determined by egg laying in batches at 0·25 m. However, the variance of the sample, for a given mean, was lower in summer. This corresponded with a reduction in the proportion of zero counts, which could be due to slug movement, possibly increased by predator activity, acting at the 0·25 m scale. 3. By contrast with the intensity analyses, the lag scale was important for spatial arrangement. At 0·25 m, in March 1997, the A. intermedius and D. reticulatum juveniles were aggregated, presumably about where egg batches were laid. At higher scales, the arrangements of D. reticulatum became spatially random, and A. intermedius resolved to a patch arrangement at the 16 m scale. 4. Over time, the D. reticulatum spatial arrangements remained random and independent of the previous sampling date. From March to July 1997, the A. intermedius patch persisted. A crash in abundance of both species, between July and October 1997, appeared to destroy the patch, but subsequent association suggested that the patch persisted until March 1998. The arrangements of the species were independent of one another on all sampling dates. 5. These species-specific spatial arrangements were independent of all measured environmental factors and consistent with differences in the local reproduction, survival and migration of A. intermedius and D. reticulatum. 6. This comparative study indicates that the terms aggregated, random and regular should have separate definitions for parametric intensity and spatial arrangement. Furthermore, spatial scale has different meaning in intensity and arrangement analyses. Spatial arrangements are not described by parametric intensity. Spatial arrangements change with spatial scale. Temporal changes in intensity need not manifest as changes in spatial arrangement. [source]

Zoning Marine Protected Areas through Spatial Multiple-Criteria Analysis: the Case of the Asinara Island National Marine Reserve of Italy

Ferdinando Villa
Systematic, objective approaches to site selection and design can help reconcile conflicting interests, represent stakeholders' viewpoints fairly and evenly, and extend the scope of planning studies from single reserves to networks. We illustrate the use of spatial multiple-criteria analysis for determining the suitability of marine areas for different uses and levels of protection. This technique couples geographic information systems (GIS) for land assessment and evaluation with a formal statement of the design priorities as seen from the different viewpoints of all involved stakeholders. The planning process, while staying focused on the main purposes of conservation and feasibility, involves all the main interest groups in the definition of priorities so that conflicts and tensions are kept under control. We used multiple-criteria analysis to integrate objective data with the contrasting priorities of different stakeholders in the planning of a marine protected area. The results of the analysis can be used to define an optimal spatial arrangement of different protection levels. As a case study, we developed a zoning plan for one of the first marine protected areas in Italy, the Asinara Island National Marine Reserve. Resumen: Puesto que el papel de las áreas marinas protegidas está siendo mejor entendido y se está volviendo más sofisticado, la planeación para abordar eficientemente estas áreas se está volviendo más complicada para las personas que toman decisiones. Las metodologías sistemáticas y objetivas para la selección de sitios y el diseño de reservas pueden ayudar a reconciliar los conflictos de intereses, representar los puntos de vista de los usuarios de manera equitativa y balanceada y extender la dimensión de los estudios de planeación para reservas individuales o en redes. Ilustramos el uso de un análisis de criterios espaciales múltiples para determinar la viabilidad de áreas marinas para diferentes usos y niveles de protección. Esta técnica une sistemas de información geográfica (GIS) para estimación y evaluación de suelos con una declaración de prioridades de diseño tal y como es percibida por los diferentes usuarios involucrados. El proceso de planeación, al mismo tiempo que se enfoca en los propósitos principales de la conservación y en su viabilidad, involucra a los principales grupos interesados en la definición de prioridades de tal manera que los conflictos y tensiones pueden ser manejadas. Utilizamos el análisis de criterios espaciales múltiples para integrar datos objetivos con las prioridades contrastantes de los diferentes usuarios en la planeación de un área marina protegida. Los resultados del análisis pueden ser usados como una guía para definir arreglos espaciales óptimos con diferentes niveles de protección. Como caso de estudio desarrollamos un plan de desarrollo de zonificación para una de las áreas marinas protegidas de Italia, la Reserva Nacional Marina de la Isla Asinara. [source]

Spatial metrics and methods for riverscapes: quantifying variability in riverine fish habitat patterns

Céline Le Pichon
Abstract Defining the optimal configuration of all habitats required during a life cycle, called vital habitat, is a necessary step for effective management of riverine fishes and restoration of river habitats. Landscape ecology provides many metrics and methods to study the composition and configuration of habitats, but they need to be adapted for fishes in river environments or riverscapes. For example, hydrographic distance seems more appropriate than Euclidean distance for measuring distances between vital habitats in riverscapes. We adapted some metrics to assess habitats patterns of a threatened cyprinid species (Barbus barbus) for natural and artificial riverscapes of the Seine river, France. Composition metrics provided essential quantification of the relative abundance of the vital habitats, whereas configuration metrics were relevant to quantify their spatial arrangement and spatial relationships. Nearest-neighbor hydrographic distance was useful to evaluate the influence of flow variability in the natural riverscape, but was not relevant to discriminate the artificial riverscape from the natural one. Conversely, a proximity index revealed high fragmentation in the artificial riverscape. Spatial habitat relationships between feeding and resting habitats, evaluated with a moving window analysis, provided a map of daily activity patches and emphasized the gaps in the biological continuity of the riverscape. The spatial metrics and methods we adapted to the particularities of the Seine river allowed us to detect natural and artificial variability in fish habitat patterns. They should help in evaluating impacts of habitat alteration and isolation and prioritize preservation and restoration policies in human-impacted rivers. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Unnatural landscapes in ecology: generating the spatial distribution of brine spills,

Henriette I. Jager
Abstract Quantitative tools are needed to evaluate the ecological effects of increasing petroleum production. In this article, we describe two stochastic models for simulating the spatial distribution of brine spills on a landscape. One model uses general assumptions about the spatial arrangement of spills and their sizes; the second model distributes spills by siting rectangular well complexes and conditioning spill probabilities on the configuration of pipes. We present maps of landscapes with spills produced by the two methods and compare the ability of the models to reproduce a specified spill area. A strength of the models presented here is their ability to extrapolate from the existing landscape to simulate landscapes with a higher (or lower) density of oil wells. Published in 2005 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Investigating Global and Local Categorical Map Configuration Comparisons Based on Coincidence Matrices

T. K. Remmel
The simple and intuitive nature of the coincidence matrix has not only made it the current "gold standard" for accuracy assessment (based on a sample of map pixels), but also a common tool for describing difference between two categorical maps (when all pixels are enumerated). It is this latter case of map comparison that this article explores. Coincidence matrices, although providing significant information regarding thematic agreement between two categorical maps (composition), can lack significantly in terms of conveying information about differences or similarities in the spatial arrangement (configuration) of those map categories in geographic space. This article introduces means for distilling the available configuration information from a coincidence matrix while demonstrating some simple categorical map comparisons. Specifically, while the coincidence matrix summarizes per-pixel compositional persistence or change, the introduced technique further quantifies the global and local configurational uncertainty between compared maps. I demonstrate how this quantification of configurational uncertainty can be used to gauge which thematic mismatch types are most significant and how to measure/present local configurational uncertainty in a spatial context. Implementation is through a straightforward mathematical algorithm in R that is illustrated by several examples. La sencillez y características las matrices de confusión (tablas de contingencia o de error) no sólo la ha convertido en (1) el estándar por excelencia para la evaluación de confiabilidad (veracidad o validez) de mapas temáticos en escala nominal (en base de una muestra de pixeles en un mapa), sino también en (2) una herramienta común para describir la diferencia entre dichos mapas (cuando todos los pixeles son tomados en cuenta). Este segundo uso de las matrices de confusión es el tema explorado por el presente artículo. A pesar de proporcionar información importante acerca de la confiabilidad temática entre dos mapas de categorías nominales (composición), las matrices de confusión sufren de limitaciones importantes cuando el objetivo es extraer información acerca del patrón o arreglo espacial (configuración) de las categorías del mapa. El presente artículo presenta herramientas para destilar la información de configuración espacial disponible a partir de una matriz de confusión, y al mismo tiempo, ilustra algunas comparaciones entre mapas de categorías nominales. En términos más concretos, la matriz de confusión resume la persistencia o cambio en la composición a nivel de cada pixel. La nueva técnica presentada en este estudio incluye además la cuantificación de la incertidumbre en la configuración de los mapas comparados. El autor demuestra cómo esta cuantificación puede ser utilizada para darse una idea de cuáles tipos de errores temáticos son más importantes, y cómo se puede medir e ilustrar la incertidumbre de la configuración local en el contexto espacial. La implementación del método se realiza a través de un algoritmo matemático sencillo en lenguaje R, el mismo que es ilustrado con varios ejemplos. [source]

The Role of the Development Industry in Shaping Urban Social Space: a Conceptual Model

Abstract Socio-spatial differentiation or the spatial arrangement of social groups in cities has long been the subject of scholarly attention in urban studies from a variety of perspectives. In many contemporary societies, the development industry plays an important and growing role in socio-spatial differentiation. This paper presents a conceptual model for the empirical analysis of the role of this industry in shaping urban social space. [source]

Engineering LacI for Self-Assembly of Inorganic Nanoparticles on DNA Scaffold through the Understanding of LacI Binding to Solid Surfaces

Haibin Chen
Abstract The potential of utilizing the DNA binding protein lac repressor (LacI) to organize inorganic nanoparticles (NPs) is explored in this study. A peptide cognitive of both SiO2 and TiO2 simultaneously (STB1, -CHKKPSKSC-) is genetically engineered into the C-terminus of LacI to give LacI-STB1, and the inserted STB1 peptides in the context of LacI-STB1 molecules are shown to actively interact with both SiO2 and TiO2. Wild-type LacI is found to interact with the two surfaces at its flexible N-terminal DNA binding domain, and LacI-STB1 exhibits much stronger binding affinity to both surfaces by harnessing a second binding region (STB1 peptide) fused at its C-terminus. The quantitative analysis of binding kinetics reveals that, compared to wild-type LacI with one binding region (N-terminus), two remote binding regions (N-terminus and C-terminus) in LacI-STB1 do not lead to faster adsorption rates to the two surfaces, but remarkably slow down the desorption rates. Finally, using LacI-STB1 as a linker, the successful assembly of a sandwich nanostructure of DNA/LacI-STB1/TiO2 NPs is demonstrated using surface plasmon resonance (SPR) measurements and TEM. The demonstrated LacI-STB1-mediated assembly of TiO2 NPs on DNA scaffold may provide a generic platform for controlled spatial arrangement of various nanoparticles of engineering interest. [source]

Detection of process-related changes in plant patterns at extended spatial scales during early dryland desertification

Jorge Ares
Abstract Arid and semiarid shrublands occupy extensive land areas over the world, are susceptible to desertification by anthropic use and can contribute to regional climate change. These prompt the interest to monitor and evaluate these lands adequately in order to detect early stages of degradation. Evaluation topics must refer to biology-relevant characteristics of these systems, while simultaneously satisfying sampling consistency over extended landscape areas. We present an analysis of process-relevant parameters related to changes in the spatial arrangement of the plant canopy of shrublands inferred from high-resolution panchromatic aerial photos and Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar imagery. We obtained low-altitude images systematically located along several gradients of land-use intensity in a Patagonian Monte shrubland in Argentina. Images were digitized to spatial resolutions ranging from 0.09 to 0.72 m (pixel size) and the average values and an-isotropic characteristics of the plant canopy patterns were quantified by means of a Fourier metric. We used radar-derived imagery to overlay the panchromatic images on a digital elevation model in order to study the correspondence of potential runoff patterns and the spatial arrangement of plants. We related an-isotropic features of the plant canopy images to the prevailing wind regime. Observed trends were further interpreted on the basis of a spatial-explicit simulation model describing the dynamics of the main functional groups in the plant community. We conclude that early stages of anthropic-driven dryland degradation in the Patagonian Monte can be characterized by the incipient un-coupling of spatial vegetation patterns from those of runoff at a landscape scale, and a progressive coupling to the spatial pattern of the wind regime. The method and metrics we present can be used to quantify early desertification changes in other similar drylands at extended spatial scales. [source]

Optical Power Limiters Based on Colorless Di-, Oligo-, and Polymetallaynes: Highly Transparent Materials for Eye Protection Devices,

G.-J. Zhou
Abstract The synthesis, characterization, and photophysics of a series of solution-processable and tractable di-, oligo-, and polymetallaynes of some group 10,12 transition metals are presented. Most of these materials are colorless with very good optical transparencies in the visible spectral region and exhibit excellent optical power limiting (OPL) for nanosecond laser pulse. Their OPL responses outweigh those of the state-of-the-art reverse saturable absorption dyes such as C60, metalloporphyrins, and metallophthalocyanines that are all associated with very poor optical transparencies. On the basis of the results from photophysical studies and theoretical calculations, both the absorption of triplet and intramolecular charge-transfer states can contribute to the enhancement of the OPL properties for these materials. Electronic influence of the type, spatial arrangement, and geometry of metal groups on the optical transparency/nonlinearity optimization is evaluated and discussed in detail. The positive contribution of transition metal ions to the OPL of these compounds generally follows the order: Pt,>,Au,>,Hg,>,Pd. The optical-limiting thresholds for these polymetallaynes can be as low as 0.07,J,cm,2 at 92,% linear transmittance and these highly transparent materials manifest very impressive figure of merit ,ex/,o values (up to 22.48), which are remarkably higher than those of the benchmark C60 and metal phthalocyanine complexes. The present work demonstrates an attractive approach to developing materials offering superior OPL/optical transparency trade-offs and these metallopolyynes are thus very promising candidates for use in practical OPL devices for the protection of human eyes and other delicate optical sensors. [source]

Ischemia-induced modifications in hippocampal CA1 stratum radiatum excitatory synapses

HIPPOCAMPUS, Issue 10 2006
Tatiana Kovalenko
Abstract Relatively mild ischemic episode can initiate a chain of events resulting in delayed cell death and significant lesions in the affected brain regions. We studied early synaptic modifications after brief ischemia modeled in rats by transient vessels' occlusion in vivo or oxygen,glucose deprivation in vitro and resulting in delayed death of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cells. Electron microscopic analysis of excitatory spine synapses in CA1 stratum radiatum revealed a rapid increase of the postsynaptic density (PSD) thickness and length, as well as formation of concave synapses with perforated PSD during the first 24 h after ischemic episode, followed at the long term by degeneration of 80% of synaptic contacts. In presynaptic terminals, ischemia induced a depletion of synaptic vesicles and changes in their spatial arrangement: they became more distant from active zones and had larger intervesicle spacing compared to controls. These rapid structural synaptic changes could be implicated in the mechanisms of cell death or adaptive plasticity. Comparison of the in vivo and in vitro model systems used in the study demonstrated a general similarity of these early morphological changes, confirming the validity of the in vitro model for studying synaptic structural plasticity. © 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

Applying the proximity compatibility and the control-display compatibility principles to engineering design interfaces

Ling Rothrock
The authors determine the utility of applying two display design principles toward the development of interfaces for engineering design. The first principle, called the Proximity Compatibility Principle, specifies that displays relevant to a common task or mental operation should be rendered close together in perceptual space. The second principle, called the Control-Display Compatibility Principle, stipulates that the spatial arrangement and manipulation of controls should be easily distinguishable. To examine the utility of both principles, the authors conducted an experiment comparing the ability of subjects to find effective designs using a separable versus a configural interface in a multi-objective engineering design task. Results suggest that the proximity compatibility principle is an effective indicator of task performance. Moreover, the control-display compatibility principle can be used as an indicator of performance efficiency. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Hum Factors Man 16: 61,81, 2006. [source]

Parameterizing redistribution and sublimation of blowing snow for hydrological models: tests in a mountainous subarctic catchment

Matthew K. MacDonald
Abstract Model tests of blowing snow redistribution and sublimation by wind were performed for three winters over a small mountainous sub-Arctic catchment located in the Yukon Territory, Canada, using a physically based blowing snow model. Snow transport fluxes were distributed over multiple hydrological response units (HRUs) using inter-HRU snow redistribution allocation factors (SR). Three SR schemes of varying complexity were evaluated. Model results show that end-of-winter snow accumulation can be most accurately simulated using a physically based blowing snow model when SR values are established when taking into account wind direction and speed and HRU aerodynamic characteristics, along with the spatial arrangement of the HRUs in the catchment. With the knowledge that snow transport scales approximately with the fourth power of wind speed (u4), SR values can be (1) established according to the predominant u4 direction and magnitude over a simulation period or (2) can change at each time step according to a measured wind direction. Unfortunately, wind direction data were available only for one of the three winters, so the latter scheme was tested only once. Although the aforementioned SR schemes produced different results, model efficiency was of similar merit. The independent effects of topography and vegetation were examined to assess their importance on snow redistribution modelling over mountainous terrain. Snow accumulation was best simulated when including explicit representations of both landscape vegetation (i.e. vegetation height and density) and topography (i.e. wind exposure). There may be inter-basin differences in the relative importance of model representations of topography and vegetation. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

The effects of spatial configuration on preschoolers' attention strategies, selective attention, and incidental learning

Fran C. Blumberg
Abstract This study investigated the effects of spatial arrangement on preschool children's selective attention and incidental learning. Three- and four-year old children were shown a multi-coloured box designated as a ,special place' containing miniature chairs and models of animals. One category of objects were designated as relevant and one as irrelevant. Relevant items were placed in each of the apparatus' corners, in the middle of its walls, or in two corners and in the middle of two walls. Findings revealed that children shown relevant items in corners demonstrated the greatest number of correct relocations for relevant items while those shown relevant items in the middle of the walls showed the greatest number of correct relocations for irrelevant items. Findings also suggest that for both age groups, the ability to recall relevant items may have been independent of their ability to demonstrate a selective attention strategy. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Influence of Structural Principles on the Mechanics of a Biological Fiber-Based Composite Material with Hierarchical Organization: The Exoskeleton of the Lobster Homarus americanus

Helge-Otto Fabritius
Abstract The cuticle of the lobster Homarus americanus is a nanocomposite, such as most structural biological materials. It consists of a matrix of chitin-protein fibers associated with various amounts of crystalline and amorphous calcium carbonate in the rigid parts of the body, and is organized hierarchically at all length scales. One prominent design principle found in the hierarchical structure of such biological fibrous composite materials is the twisted plywood structure. In the lobster cuticle, it is formed by superimposing and gradually rotating planes of parallel aligned chitin-protein fibers. To adjust the mechanical properties to the requirements on the macroscopic level, the spatial arrangement and the grade of mineralization of the fibers can be modified. A second design principle of lobster cuticle is its honeycomb-like structure, generated by the well-developed pore canal system, whose twisted ribbon-shaped canals penetrate the cuticle perpendicular to its surface. Due to the hierarchical structure, the mechanical properties of the lobster cuticle have to be investigated at different length scales, which is essential for the understanding of the structure,mechanical function relations of mineralized tissues (e.g., potentially also bone and teeth). In order to investigate the influence of the structural principles on the mechanical properties on the macroscopic scale miniaturized tensile, compression, and shear tests were carried out to obtain integral mechanical data. Characterization of the microstructure included scanning electron microscopy (SEM) combined with energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) measurements. [source]

Parametric intensity and the spatial arrangement of the terrestrial mollusc herbivores Deroceras reticulatum and Arion intermedius

David A. Bohan
Summary 1. Parametric intensity and spatial arrangement analyses were used to investigate the spatial pattern of the slugs Arion intermedius and Deroceras reticulatum. 2. The spatial lag of sampling (distance between sampling points) was shown to be unimportant in the intensity analyses. Rather, the 0·25 m grain scale was imposed on the whole sampling. The observed slope of the variance to mean relationships was common to both species, possibly determined by egg laying in batches at 0·25 m. However, the variance of the sample, for a given mean, was lower in summer. This corresponded with a reduction in the proportion of zero counts, which could be due to slug movement, possibly increased by predator activity, acting at the 0·25 m scale. 3. By contrast with the intensity analyses, the lag scale was important for spatial arrangement. At 0·25 m, in March 1997, the A. intermedius and D. reticulatum juveniles were aggregated, presumably about where egg batches were laid. At higher scales, the arrangements of D. reticulatum became spatially random, and A. intermedius resolved to a patch arrangement at the 16 m scale. 4. Over time, the D. reticulatum spatial arrangements remained random and independent of the previous sampling date. From March to July 1997, the A. intermedius patch persisted. A crash in abundance of both species, between July and October 1997, appeared to destroy the patch, but subsequent association suggested that the patch persisted until March 1998. The arrangements of the species were independent of one another on all sampling dates. 5. These species-specific spatial arrangements were independent of all measured environmental factors and consistent with differences in the local reproduction, survival and migration of A. intermedius and D. reticulatum. 6. This comparative study indicates that the terms aggregated, random and regular should have separate definitions for parametric intensity and spatial arrangement. Furthermore, spatial scale has different meaning in intensity and arrangement analyses. Spatial arrangements are not described by parametric intensity. Spatial arrangements change with spatial scale. Temporal changes in intensity need not manifest as changes in spatial arrangement. [source]

An empirical test of source,sink dynamics induced by hunting

Summary 1Under the source,sink model, persistence of populations in habitat sinks, where deaths outnumber births, depends on dispersal from high-quality habitat sources, where births outnumber deaths. The persistence of the regional population depends on the proportion of sink relative to source habitat. 2Hunting that occurs in some parts of the landscape and not in others can create patches where deaths outnumber births. We tested whether hunting of culpeo foxes Pseudalopex culpaeus, which is patchily distributed in relatively homogeneous habitat in Argentine Patagonia, induces source,sink dynamics. 3On Patagonian sheep ranches, culpeos are hunted for fur and to protect sheep, and on cattle ranches hunting is usually banned. We monitored culpeo densities using scent stations and estimated survival, fecundity and dispersal by radio-tracking 44 culpeos and analysing carcasses collected from hunters on two cattle and four sheep ranches between 1989 and 1997. 4Survival of juvenile culpeos was lower on hunted than unhunted ranches, mainly as a result of hunting mortality. Reproduction could not compensate for high mortality on hunted ranches. Interruption of hunting led to an increase in juvenile survival, indicating that hunting and natural mortality were not compensatory. We concluded that sheep ranches were sinks because of the high mortality and that sink populations may be maintained by dispersal from cattle ranches. 5We used a simulation model to assess implications of changes in the proportion of source and sink areas on population dynamics. The percentage of land on cattle ranches in the study area was 37%. Current hunting pressure on culpeos would not be sustainable if that percentage fell below 30%. 6Synthesis and applications. Source,sink dynamics may occur in landscapes where hunting is intense and spatially heterogeneous. Wildlife management traditionally monitors demographic rates to evaluate the sustainability of hunting, but our results suggest that the size and spatial arrangement of areas with and without hunting should be considered as well. In regions where enforcement and monitoring are limited, securing large and regularly distributed source areas for hunted species may be more effective than trying to regulate harvest size. [source]

Explaining the global pattern of protected area coverage: relative importance of vertebrate biodiversity, human activities and agricultural suitability

Colby Loucks
Abstract Aim, Twelve per cent of the Earth's terrestrial surface is covered by protected areas, but neither these areas nor the biodiversity they contain are evenly distributed spatially. To guide future establishment of protected areas, it is important to understand the factors that have shaped the spatial arrangement of the current protected area system. We used an information-theoretic approach to assess the ability of vertebrate biodiversity measures, resource consumption and agricultural potential to explain the global coverage pattern of protected areas. Location, Global. Methods, For each of 762 World Wildlife Fund terrestrial ecoregions of the world, we measured protected area coverage, resource consumption, terrestrial vertebrate species richness, number of endemic species, number of threatened species, net primary production, elevation and topographic heterogeneity. We combined these variables into 39 a priori models to describe protected area coverage at the global scale, and for six biogeographical realms. Using the Akaike information criterion and Akaike weights, we identified the relative importance and influence of each variable in describing protected area coverage. Results, Globally, the number of endemic species was the best variable describing protected area coverage, followed by the number of threatened species. Species richness and resource consumption were of moderate importance and agricultural potential had weak support for describing protected area coverage at a global scale. Yet, the relative importance of these factors varied among biogeographical realms. Measures of vertebrate biodiversity (species richness, endemism and threatened species) were among the most important variables in all realms, except the Indo-Malayan, but had a wide range of relative importance and influence. Resource consumption was inversely related to protected area coverage across all but one realm (the Palearctic), most strongly in the Nearctic realm. Agricultural potential, despite having little support in describing protected area coverage globally, was strongly and positively related to protection in the Palearctic and Neotropical realms, as well as in the Indo-Malayan realm. The Afrotropical, Indo-Malayan and Australasian realms showed no clear, strong relationships between protected area coverage and the independent variables. Main conclusions, Globally, the existing protected area network is more strongly related to biodiversity measures than to patterns of resource consumption or agricultural potential. However, the relative importance of these factors varies widely among the world's biogeographical realms. Understanding the biases of the current protected area system may help to correct for them as future protected areas are added to the global network. [source]

The voice of historical biogeography

Jorge V. Crisci
Historical biogeography is going through an extraordinary revolution concerning its foundations, basic concepts, methods, and relationships to other disciplines of comparative biology. There are external and internal forces that are shaping the present of historical biogeography. The external forces are: global tectonics as the dominant paradigm in geosciences, cladistics as the basic language of comparative biology and the biologist's perception of biogeography. The internal forces are: the proliferation of competing articulations, recourse to philosophy and the debate over fundamentals. The importance of the geographical dimension of life's diversity to any understanding of the history of life on earth is emphasized. Three different kinds of processes that modify the geographical spatial arrangement of the organisms are identified: extinction, dispersal and vicariance. Reconstructing past biogeographic events can be done from three different perspectives: (1) the distribution of individual groups (taxon biogeography) (2) areas of endemism (area biogeography), and (3) biotas (spatial homology). There are at least nine basic historical biogeographic approaches: centre of origin and dispersal, panbiogeography, phylogenetic biogeography, cladistic biogeography, phylogeography, parsimony analysis of endemicity, event-based methods, ancestral areas, and experimental biogeography. These nine approaches contain at least 30 techniques (23 of them have been proposed in the last 14 years). The whole practice and philosophy of biogeography depend upon the development of a coherent and comprehensive conceptual framework for handling the distribution of organisms and events in space. [source]

Short- and long-term effects of disturbance and propagule pressure on a biological invasion

Kevin H. Britton-Simmons
Summary 1Invading species typically need to overcome multiple limiting factors simultaneously in order to become established, and understanding how such factors interact to regulate the invasion process remains a major challenge in ecology. 2We used the invasion of marine algal communities by the seaweed Sargassum muticum as a study system to experimentally investigate the independent and interactive effects of disturbance and propagule pressure in the short term. Based on our experimental results, we parameterized an integrodifference equation model, which we used to examine how disturbances created by different benthic herbivores influence the longer term invasion success of S. muticum. 3Our experimental results demonstrate that in this system neither disturbance nor propagule input alone was sufficient to maximize invasion success. Rather, the interaction between these processes was critical for understanding how the S. muticum invasion is regulated in the short term. 4The model showed that both the size and spatial arrangement of herbivore disturbances had a major impact on how disturbance facilitated the invasion, by jointly determining how much space-limitation was alleviated and how readily disturbed areas could be reached by dispersing propagules. 5Synthesis. Both the short-term experiment and the long-term model show that S. muticum invasion success is co-regulated by disturbance and propagule pressure. Our results underscore the importance of considering interactive effects when making predictions about invasion success. [source]

Comparison between two sampling methods to evaluate the structure of fish communities in the littoral zone of a Laurentian lake

A. Brind'Amour
The results of beach seining were compared with visual surveys, in habitats showing a gradient of macrophyte densities in Lake Drouin, Québec, Canada. Six community descriptors (species density, total fish density, relative abundance per species, presence or absence of given species, size structure of the fish community and total biomass of the fish community) were used to compare the sampling methods. Most of the fish community descriptors obtained by visual surveys were estimated with an accuracy similar to that of beach seining. Both methods sampled the same number of species (eight out of nine). Visual surveys assessed the relative abundance of the yellow perch Perca flavescens and white sucker Catostomus commersoni with an higher accuracy than the beach seine. The greatest discrepancies between the two sampling methods were for total fish density and the total fish biomass. Because of the sampling strategy, both descriptors were underestimated by visual surveys, notably in the higher macrophyte density. In a broad community survey to determine the relative importance of species abundance, the visual survey was effective and could be used to develop a within-lake regular and fine-scale sampling design of the spatial arrangement of fish communities and their habitats. [source]

Cone visual pigments and retinal mosaics in the striped marlin

K. A. Fritsches
Three different cone photoreceptor visual pigments in the retina of striped marlin Tetrapturus audax were found with the aid of microspectrophotometry. This provides the first evidence for the basis of colour vision in the Istiophoridae. Furthermore, regional variations in photoreceptor density, type and spatial arrangement indicate differing visual capabilities along different visual axes. [source]

A quantitative morphological analysis of nanostructured ceria,silica composite catalysts

Summary This study aims at examining the morphology of different catalysts, which are based on a dispersion of ceria nanoparticles embedded in a high surface area mesoporous silica framework. In order to fully describe the mesostructured composite material, we propose here a quantitative description of the microstructure based on a quantitative analysis of micrographs that were obtained via high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. We have therefore developed an automatic image analysis process in order to automatically and efficiently extract all the components of the catalyst images. A statistical and a morphological analysis of the spatial arrangement of the components of the catalyst are also presented. The study shows clear differences between the materials analysed in terms of the spatial arrangement and the total surface area of the ceria phase emerging into the pores, parameters of prime importance for the catalytic properties. Thus, the silica,ceria nanostructured composite materials, displaying large surface area up to 300 m2 g,1 are shown to exhibit highly rugged surfaces resulting from ceria nanoparticles emerging in the pores. [source]

Morphology of the mammalian vestibulo-ocular reflex: The spatial arrangement of the human fetal semicircular canals and extraocular muscles

Philip G. Cox
Abstract The vestibulo-ocular reflex is the system of compensatory ocular movements in response to stimulation of the kinetic labyrinth seen in all vertebrates. It allows maintenance of a stable gaze even when the head is moving. Perhaps the simplest influence on the VOR is the spatial orientation of the planes of the semicircular canals relative to the extraocular muscles. It is hypothesized that the extraocular muscles are in parallel alignment with their corresponding semicircular canals in order to reduce the amount of neural processing needed and hence keep reflex times to a minimum. However, despite its obvious importance, little is known of this spatial arrangement. Moreover, nothing is known about any ontogenetic changes in the relative orientations of the extraocular muscles and semicircular canals. The morphologies of fetal and adult specimens of Homo sapiens were examined using magnetic resonance (MR) images. Three-dimensional co-ordinate data were taken from the images and used to calculate vector equations of the extraocular muscles and planes of best fit for the semicircular canals. The relative orientations of the muscles and canals were then calculated from the vectors and planes. It was shown that there are significant correlations between both the anterior and lateral semicircular canals and their corresponding extraocular muscles during ontogeny. In the case of the lateral canal with the medial rectus, the lateral canal with the lateral rectus, and the anterior canal with the inferior oblique, the trend is towards, though never reaching, alignment, whereas the anterior canal and the superior rectus muscle move out of alignment as age increases. Furthermore, it was noted that none of the six muscle-canal pairs is in perfect alignment, either during ontogeny or in adulthood. It was also shown that the three semicircular canals are not precisely orthogonal, but that the anterior and posterior canals form an angle of about 85°, while the anterior and lateral canals diverge by ,100°. Overall, it was shown that there is significant reorientation of the extraocular muscles and semicircular canals during ontogeny, but that, in most cases, there is little realignment beyond the fetal period. J. Morphol., 2007. © 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

Low-Temperature Synthesis of Fully Crystallized Spherical BaTiO3 Particles by the Gel,Sol Method

Un-Yeon Hwang
The synthesis of spherical BaTiO3 particles was attempted by a new technique, the "gel,sol method," at 45°C. The (Ba,Ti) gel used as a starting material was prepared by aging mixtures of titanyl acylate with a barium acetate aqueous solution ([glacial acetic acid (AcOH)]/[titanium isopropoxide (TIP)] = 4, [barium acetate]/[TIP] = 1) at 45°C for 48 h. Potassium hydroxide (KOH) was used as a catalyst for the formation of BaTiO3. Powder X-ray diffractometry (XRD) results and Fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR) measurements for the (Ba,Ti) gel showed that the gel was amorphous, but the spatial arrangement of barium and titanium in the (Ba,Ti) gel is similar to that in crystalline BaTiO3 particles. Fully crystallized spherical BaTiO3 powder with a particle size of 40,250 nm formed at the very low reaction temperature of 45°C. Scanning electron microscopy images showed that the final particles formed via aggregation of the fine particles that seem to be the primary particles of bulk (Ba,Ti) gel. From the XRD, FT-IR, and Raman spectroscopy analysis, it was found that the crystal structure of the as-prepared particles continuously transformed from cubic to tetragonal as the calcination temperature increased, and high crystalline tetragonal BaTiO3 phase was obtained at 1000°C after 1 h of heat treatment. [source]

Quantifying spatial heterogeneity in dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI parameter maps

Chris J. Rose
Abstract Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI is becoming a standard tool for imaging-based trials of anti-vascular/angiogenic agents in cancer. So far, however, biomarkers derived from DCE-MRI parameter maps have largely neglected the fact that the maps have spatial structure and instead focussed on distributional summary statistics. Such statistics,e.g., biomarkers based on median values,neglect the spatial arrangement of parameters, which may carry important diagnostic and prognostic information. This article describes two types of heterogeneity biomarker that are sensitive to both parameter values and their spatial arrangement. Methods based on Rényi fractal dimensions and geometrical properties are developed, both of which attempt to describe the complexity of DCE-MRI parameter maps. Experiments using simulated data show that the proposed biomarkers are sensitive to changes that distribution-based summary statistics cannot detect and demonstrate that heterogeneity biomarkers could be applied in the drug trial setting. An experiment using 23 DCE-MRI parameter maps of gliomas,a class of tumour that is graded on the basis of heterogeneity,shows that the proposed heterogeneity biomarkers are able to differentiate between low- and high-grade tumours. Magn Reson Med, 2009. © 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

Effect of observation method on the perception of community structure and water quality in a brackish water ecosystem

Tiia Möller
Abstract The EU Water Framework Directive is a Community legislative instrument in the field of environmental protection that establishes a common framework for keeping water quality at a favourable level. To implement the directive, classification systems need to be established that allow detection of human impacts at early stages and, thus, more effective management of coastal communities. Due to the spatial variability of communities, however, the results of any assessment are highly dependent on the selection of data. In this study we identified local spatial scales in which variability of macrophyte communities was maximised, quantified links between observed patterns of sediment types and communities and estimated how selection criteria impacted the outcome of the assessment of indicator class value in four different communities of the Northern Baltic Sea. The main findings of the study were that: (i) there were no clear local spatial scales in which the variability of benthic communities was maximised; (ii) hard-bottom communities were better predicted by the spatial arrangement of sediment characteristics than soft-bottom communities; (iii) the selection of method had no effect on the estimates of macrophyte cover and indicator class; but (iv) method impacted independently of habitat type on error estimates of macrophyte cover and indicator class. To conclude, in such homogeneous and low diversity macrophyte communities it is preferable to use methods that result in lower error estimates of algal coverage and, thus, result in lower uncertainties of estimates in the water quality class. [source]

A restoration genetics guide for coral reef conservation

Abstract Worldwide degradation of coral reef communities has prompted a surge in restoration efforts. They proceed largely without considering genetic factors because traditionally, coral populations have been regarded as open over large areas with little potential for local adaptation. Since, biophysical and molecular studies indicated that most populations are closed over shorter time and smaller spatial scales. Thus, it is justified to re-examine the potential for site adaptation in corals. There is ample evidence for differentiated populations, inbreeding, asexual reproduction and the occurrence of ecotypes, factors that may facilitate local adaptation. Discovery of widespread local adaptation would influence coral restoration projects mainly with regard to the physical and evolutionary distance from the source wild and/or captive bred propagules may be moved without causing a loss of fitness in the restored population. Proposed causes for loss of fitness as a result of (plant) restoration efforts include founder effects, genetic swamping, inbreeding and/or outbreeding depression. Direct evidence for any of these processes is scarce in reef corals due to a lack of model species that allow for testing over multiple generations and the separation of the relative contributions of algal symbionts and their coral hosts to the overall performance of the coral colony. This gap in our knowledge may be closed by employing novel population genetic and genomics approaches. The use of molecular tools may aid managers in the selection of appropriate propagule sources, guide spatial arrangement of transplants, and help in assessing the success of coral restoration projects by tracking the performance of transplants, thereby generating important data for future coral reef conservation and restoration projects. [source]