
Distribution by Scientific Domains
Distribution within Life Sciences

Kinds of Bats

  • Frugivorou bat
  • brown bat
  • egyptian fruit bat
  • frugivorou bat
  • fruit bat
  • horseshoe bat
  • insectivorous bat
  • neotropical bat

  • Terms modified by Bats

  • bat assemblage
  • bat community
  • bat fly
  • bat population
  • bat species

  • Selected Abstracts

    Modeled Effects of Sagebrush-Steppe Restoration on Greater Sage-Grouse in the Interior Columbia Basin, U.S.A.

    Michael J. Wisdom
    Consequently, managers of FS,BLM lands need effective strategies to recover sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) habitats on which this species depends. In response to this need, we evaluated the potential benefits of two restoration scenarios on Greater Sage-Grouse in the interior Columbia Basin and adjacent portions of the Great Basin of the western United States. Scenario 1 assumed a 50% reduction in detrimental grazing effects (through changes in stocking rates and grazing systems) and a six-fold increase in areas treated with active restoration (e.g., prescribed burning, native seedings, wildfire suppression) compared with future management proposed by the FS,BLM. Scenario 2 assumed a 100% reduction in detrimental grazing effects and the same increase in active restoration as scenario 1. To evaluate benefits, we estimated the risk of population extirpation for sage grouse 100 years in the future under the two scenarios and compared this risk with that estimated for proposed (100-year) FS,BLM management. We used estimates of extirpation risk for historical (circa 1850,1890) and current time periods as a context for our comparison. Under historical conditions, risk of extirpation was very low on FS,BLM lands, but increased to a moderate probability under current conditions. Under proposed FS,BLM management, risk of extirpation on FS,BLM lands increased to a high probability 100 years in the future. Benefits of the two restoration scenarios, however, constrained the future risk of extirpation to a moderate probability. Our results suggest that expansive and sustained habitat restoration can maintain desired conditions and reduce future extirpation risk for sage grouse on FS,BLM lands in western North America. The continued spread of exotic plants, however, presents a formidable challenge to successful restoration and warrants substantial research and management attention. Resumen: Los hábitats del urogallo (Centrocercus urophasianus) han disminuido a lo largo de la región occidental de Norteamérica, y la mayoría de los hábitats restantes ocurren en terrenos administrados por el Servicio Forestal de E.U.A. (SF) y el Buró de Administración de Tierras ( BAT ). Por lo tanto, los encargados de las tierras SF,BAT necesitan estrategias eficaces para recuperar los hábitats de artemisa (Artemisia spp.) de los cuales depende esta especie. En respuesta a esta necesidad, evaluamos los beneficios potenciales de dos escenarios de restauración sobre el urogallo en el interior de la Cuenca del Columbia y porciones adyacentes de la Gran Cuenca del occidente de los Estados Unidos. El escenario 1 supone una reducción del 50% en los efectos perjudiciales del pastoreo ( por medio de cambios en las tasas de aprovisionamiento y en los sistemas de pastoreo) y un incremento de seis veces en la superficie de las áreas tratadas con restauración activa ( por ejemplo, quemas prescritas, plántulas nativas, supresión de fuego no controlado) comparada con la administración futura propuesta por el SF,BAT. El escenario 2 supone una reducción del 100% en los efectos de pastoreo perjudiciales y el mismo aumento en la restauración activa que en el escenario 1. Para evaluar los beneficios, estimamos el riesgo de extirpación de la población de urogallos en 100 años bajo los dos escenarios y comparamos este riesgo con el riesgo estimado por la propuesta de manejo de SF,BAT (100-años). Utilizamos estimaciones del riesgo de extirpación en períodos históricos (entre 1850 y 1890) y actuales como contexto para nuestra comparación. Bajo condiciones históricas, el riesgo de extirpación fue muy bajo en los terrenos SF,BAT pero aumentó a una probabilidad moderada bajo condiciones actuales. Bajo la administración propuesta por SF,BAT, el riesgo de extirpación en los terrenos SF,BAT aumentó a una alta probabilidad 100 años en el futuro. Sin embargo, los beneficios de los dos escenarios de restauración constriñen el riesgo de extirpación a una probabilidad moderada. Nuestros resultados sugieren que la restauración expansiva y sostenida del hábitat puede mantener condiciones deseadas y reduce el riesgo de extirpación de urogallos en terrenos SF,BAT en la región occidental de Norteamérica. Sin embargo, la continua extensión de plantas exóticas representa un reto formidable para la restauración exitosa y justifica considerable investigación y atención de manejo. [source]

    Resistin increases islet blood flow and decreases subcutaneous adipose tissue blood flow in anaesthetized rats

    ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA, Issue 2 2009
    T. Danielsson
    Abstract Aim:, Resistin is an adipokine which has been suggested to participate in the induction of insulin resistance associated with type 2 diabetes. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether acute administration of resistin influences tissue blood perfusion in rats. Methods:, Resistin was administered as an intravenous infusion of 7.5 ,g h,1 (1.5 mL h,1) for 30 min to rats anaesthetized with thiobutabarbital. A microsphere technique was used to estimate the blood flow to six different depots of white adipose tissue (WAT), brown adipose tissue (BAT), as well as to the pancreas, islets, duodenum, colon, kidneys, adrenal glands and liver. Results:, Resistin administration led to an increased blood flow to the pancreas and islets and a decrease in subcutaneous WAT and BAT. Intra-abdominal white adipose tissue blood flow and that to other organs were not affected. Conclusion:, Acute administration of resistin markedly affects the blood perfusion of both the pancreas and subcutaneous white adipose tissue depots. At present it is unknown whether resistin exerts a direct effect on the vasculature, or works through local or systemic activation of endothelial cells and/or macrophages. The extent to which this might contribute to the insulin resistance caused by resistin is yet unknown. [source]

    Pituitary and autonomic responses to cold exposures in man

    ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA, Issue 4 2005
    J. Leppäluoto
    Abstract This review presents hormonal responses to various cold exposures and their calorigenic effects in man and some animals. Previous studies in rats have shown that cold exposures activate the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis. Increased thyroid hormone concentrations lead to heat production via general stimulation of metabolism (obligatory thermogenesis) and possibly via activation of thyroid hormone receptors and uncoupling protein 1 (UCP 1) and deiodinase enzyme genes in the brown adipose tissue (BAT). In human subjects long-term cold exposures do not seem to activate the pituitary-thyroid axis, but rather accelerate the elimination of triiodothyronine (T3), leading to low serum concentrations of free T3 hormone. In corollary to this a hypothyreotic condition with increased serum thyroid-stimulating hormone and impaired mood and cognitive performance can be observed after long-term cold exposures such as wintering. During cold exposures the sympathetic nerve system is activated and noradrenaline is released to blood circulation and to BAT, where it leads to production of cAMP, lipolysis and free fatty acids. Free fatty acids open the mitochondrial proton channel protein in BAT. Protons enter the mitochondria and inhibit ATP synthesis (uncoupling). By this way energy is transformed into heat (facultatory or adaptive thermogenesis). In adult human subjects the amount of BAT is small and adaptive thermogenesis (non-shivering thermogenesis) has a smaller role. UCP 1 with other uncoupling proteins may have other functions in the control of body weight, sugar balance and formation of reactive oxygen species. [source]

    P38 mitogen-activated protein kinase signal transduction in the diagnosis and follow up of immunotherapy of wasp venom allergy,

    CYTOMETRY, Issue 5 2010
    Marjoke M. Verweij
    Abstract Background: P38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) is known to govern IgE-mediated basophil activation. Intracellular phosphorylated p38 MAPK (Pp38 MAPK) in IgE-activated basophils can be quantified flow cytometrically. Objectives: To study whether Pp38 MAPK constitutes a potential novel read-out for flow-assisted diagnosis of hymenoptera venom allergy and to investigate whether this marker allows follow-up of successful venom immunotherapy (VIT). Methods: Fifty-two patients with documented wasp venom allergy and seven wasp-stung asymptomatic control individuals were enrolled. Wasp venom-induced basophil activation was analyzed flow cytometrically with anti-IgE, anti-CD63, and anti-Pp38 MAPK to assess their activation status before starting immunotherapy. To assess whether p38 MAPK constitutes a candidate marker for monitoring VIT, we repeated the basophil activation test (BAT) in 25 patients on the fifth day of a build-up immunotherapy. In addition, we investigated whether the Pp38 MAPK-based BAT could contribute in the decision of discontinuing VIT in a cross-sectional analysis in 13 patients receiving treatment for 3 years and 14 patients receiving treatment for 5 years. Results: Patients exhibited a dose-dependent basophil activation with phosphorylation of p38 MAPK and upregulation of downstream CD63. In contrast, stung controls demonstrated a dose-dependent but "abrogated" signal transduction in basophils with less and shorter duration of the phosphorylation of p38 MAPK and without subsequent upregulation of CD63. When repeated after 5 days of VIT and when investigated cross-sectionally after 3 years or 5 years of maintenance therapy, no effect of VIT on the phosphorylation of p38 MAPK was demonstrable. Conclusions: This study discloses that not only basophils from patients, but also from the stung control individuals, respond to wasp venom stimulation with phosphorylation of p38 MAPK, although to a lesser extend. No clear effect of VIT on the phosphorylation of p38 MAPK was shown. Thus, although p38 MAPK provides an additional tool in the diagnosis of wasp venom allergy, it does not contribute to the decision whether to stop successful VIT. © 2010 International Clinical Cytometry Society [source]

    CD203c-based basophil activation test in allergy diagnosis: Characteristics and differences to CD63 upregulation,

    CYTOMETRY, Issue 5 2010
    Eva M. Sturm
    Abstract Background: The basophil activation test (BAT) based on CD203c upregulation has been validated as a reliable tool for the diagnosis of IgE-mediated allergies. Nevertheless, CD203c-based BAT is hardly comparable with that of CD63-based tests, as the mechanisms of CD203c versus CD63 induction differ considerably. The aim of the present study was to identify potent influencing factors of the CD203c-based BAT and to emphasize differences between CD63 and CD203c detection. Methods: CD203c-based BAT was determined in 82 healthy controls and in 79 allergic patients. The effects of interleukin (IL)-3 and degranulation enhancing substances were investigated and compared with CD63 upregulation. Furthermore, the influence of different storage conditions and incubation times was evaluated and the impact of antiallergic drugs on the test results was assessed. Results: CD203c and CD63 expression was rapidly upregulated reaching a maximum after 20,30 min. Basophil CD203c upregulation assayed after storage times up to 48 h declined already after 4 h. IL-3 treatment increased CD203c and CD63 baseline levels and decreased basophil CD203c responses in a dose-dependent manner. In contrast, cytochalasin B and latrunculin B did not affect CD203c responses but decreased CD63-based BAT. Finally, therapeutic concentrations of dimetindene and desloratadine did not affect CD203c upregulation. Conclusion: CD203c-based basophil activation test should be performed preferentially within 4 h after taking the blood samples. Priming and degranulation-enhancing factors are not required for CD203c-based BAT. In contrast to skin testing, CD203c-based BAT can be performed in patients undergoing antiallergic treatment. © 2010 International Clinical Cytometry Society [source]

    Phobia of self-injecting and self-testing in insulin-treated diabetes patients: opportunities for screening

    DIABETIC MEDICINE, Issue 8 2001
    E. D. Mollema
    Abstract Aims To define clinically relevant cut-off points for severe fear of self-injecting (FSI) and self-testing (FST) (phobia) in insulin-treated patients with diabetes, and to estimate the magnitude of these phobias in our research population. Methods, FSI and FST were assessed in a cross-sectional survey using the Diabetes Fear of Injecting and Self-testing Questionnaire (D-FISQ). A sample of 24 insulin-treated adult diabetic patients was selected from the high-scorers on FSI and/or FST (, 95th percentile). FSI and FST were re-assessed, after which patients participated in a behavioural avoidance test (BAT), thereby determining the current level of avoidance of either self-injecting or self-testing. FSI and FST scores were linked to the outcome of the BATs. Cut-off scores for severe FSI/FST were determined and extrapolated to the total study population (n = 1275). Results, Seven patients participated in the self-injecting BAT: two patients refused to perform an extra injection. In the self-testing BAT (n = 17) four patients declined to perform the extra blood glucose self-test. Extrapolation of FSI and FST cut-off scores to the total research population showed that 0.2,1.3% of the population scored in the severe FSI range. In FST, 0.6,0.8% of the total study population obtained scores in the cut-off range. Conclusions, Severe FSI and FST, characterized by emotional distress and avoidance behaviour, seems to occur in a small group of insulin-treated patients with diabetes. The D-FISQ can be of use to health care professionals (physicians, nurse specialists) in quickly providing valuable information on levels of FSI and FST in diabetes patients. Diabet. Med. 18, 671,674 (2001) [source]

    Best available techniques (BAT) in the Finnish pulp and paper industry , a critical review

    Kimmo Silvo
    Abstract In this multiple-case study the BAT-associated techniques and relative emission levels presented in the EU's best available techniques (BAT) reference document for the pulp and paper industry (PP-BREF) are compared with the techniques applied and the relative emission levels achieved in the Finnish pulp and paper industry. Information on the emissions of 24 Finnish pulp and paper plants was compiled from the national databases maintained by the Finnish Environment Institute. Moreover, a supportive study was conducted on the use of the PP-BREF in the environmental permitting process. The techniques applied in the studied plants represented the BAT as defined in the PP-BREF to a high degree, but the emission levels showed a larger variation. Possible reasons for this variation were discussed. A BAT emission index (BEI) was designed to trace the degree to which the BAT-associated emission levels were achieved as a whole. The BEI appeared to be a useful indicator for assessing the BAT-related environmental performance of the plants. An important area for improvement, identified from the point of view of the applicability of the PP-BREF in the permit process, was the information on waste management issues. Moreover, a consistent cross-media assessment in the PP-BREF was called for. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment. [source]

    Development of an Expert System Shell Based on Genetic Algorithms for the Selection of the Energy Best Available Technologies and their Optimal Operating Conditions for the Process Industry

    EXPERT SYSTEMS, Issue 3 2001
    D.A. Manolas
    The development of genetic algorithms started almost three decades ago in an attempt to imitate the mechanics of natural systems. Since their inception, they have been applied successfully as optimization methods, and as expert systems, in many diverse applications. In this paper, a genetic-algorithm-based expert system shell is presented that, when combined with a proper database comprising the available energy-saving technologies for the process industry, is able to perform the following tasks: (a) identify the best available technologies (BATs) among the available ones for a given process industry, and (b) calculate their optimal design parameters in such a way that they comply with the energy requirements of the process. By the term BAT is meant the available energy-saving technology, among the existing ones in the market, that is the best for the case. [source]

    Multiple roles of PPAR, in brown adipose tissue under constitutive and cold conditions

    GENES TO CELLS, Issue 2 2010
    Makiko Komatsu
    Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor , (PPAR,) is a member of the nuclear receptor family, regulating fatty acid degradation in many organs. Two-dimensional SDS-PAGE of brown adipose tissue (BAT) from PPAR,-null mice produced a higher-density spot. Proteomic analysis indicated that the protein was pyruvate dehydrogenase , (PDH,). To observe PDH, regulation in BAT, the organ was stimulated by long-term cold exposure, and the activities of associated enzymes were investigated. Histological and biochemical analyses of BAT showed a significant decrease in the triglyceride content in wild-type mice and some degree of decrease in PPAR,-null mice on cold exposure. Analyses of molecules related to glucose metabolism showed that the expression of PDH, is under PPAR,-specific regulation, and that glucose degradation ability may decrease on cold exposure. In contrast, analyses of molecules related to fatty acid metabolism showed that numerous PPAR,/, target molecules are induced on cold exposure, and that fatty acid degradation ability in wild-type mice is markedly enhanced and also increases to same degree in PPAR,-null mice on cold exposure. Thus, this study proposes novel and multiple roles of PPAR, in BAT. [source]

    Improved bolus arrival time and arterial input function estimation for tracer kinetic analysis in DCE-MRI

    Anup Singh PhD
    Abstract Purpose To develop a methodology for improved estimation of bolus arrival time (BAT) and arterial input function (AIF) which are prerequisites for tracer kinetic analysis of dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI) data and to verify the applicability of the same in the case of intracranial lesions (brain tumor and tuberculoma). Materials and Methods A continuous piecewise linear (PL) model (with BAT as one of the free parameters) is proposed for concentration time curve C(t) in T1 -weighted DCE-MRI. The resulting improved procedure suggested for automatic extraction of AIF is compared with earlier methods. The accuracy of BAT and other estimated parameters is tested over simulated as well as experimental data. Results The proposed PL model provides a good approximation of C(t) trends of interest and fit parameters show their significance in a better understanding and classification of different tissues. BAT was correctly estimated. The automatic and robust estimation of AIF obtained using the proposed methodology also corrects for partial volume effects. The accuracy of tracer kinetic analysis is improved and the proposed methodology also reduces the time complexity of the computations. Conclusion The PL model parameters along with AIF measured by the proposed procedure can be used for an improved tracer kinetic analysis of DCE-MRI data. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2009;29:166,176. © 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

    Usefulness of the basophil activation test (BAT) in the diagnosis of life-threatening drug anaphylaxis

    ALLERGY, Issue 9 2010
    P. García-Ortega
    No abstract is available for this article. [source]

    Role of minor determinants of amoxicillin in the diagnosis of immediate allergic reactions to amoxicillin

    ALLERGY, Issue 5 2010
    M. J. Torres
    To cite this article: Torres MJ, Ariza A, Fernández J, Moreno E, Laguna JJ, Montañez MI, Ruiz-Sanchez AJ, Blanca M. Role of minor determinants of amoxicillin in the diagnosis of immediate allergic reactions to amoxicillin. Allergy 2010; 65: 590,596. Abstract Background:, Skin testing of subjects with immediate hypersensitivity to amoxicillin is performed using major and minor determinants of benzylpenicillin plus amoxicillin. However, sensitivity is not optimal, and other determinants need to be considered. We assessed the sensitivity of stable, well-characterized minor determinants of amoxicillin in subjects with immediate allergic reactions to amoxicillin to improve skin test sensitivity. Methods:, Amoxicillin, amoxicilloic acid, and diketopiperazine were prepared and characterized by reverse-phase HPLC, tested in vivo by skin testing and in vitro by basophil activation test and RAST inhibition assay. Results:, Patients with immediate hypersensitivity to amoxicillin were selected: Group A (n = 32), skin test positive just to amoxicillin; Group B (n = 19), skin test positive to benzylpenicillin determinants; Group C (n = 10), skin test negative and amoxicillin drug provocation test positive. In Group A, 27 subjects (81.8%) were skin test positive to amoxicillin, ten (30.3%) to amoxicilloic acid, two (6.1%) to diketopiperacine, and six (18.2%) negative. In Group B, nine (50%) were positive to amoxicillin, eight (42.1%) to amoxicilloic acid, none to diketopiperacine, and nine (50%) negative. In Group C, skin tests were negative. BAT was positive to amoxicillin in 26 patients (50.9%), to amoxicilloic acid in 15 (29.1%), and diketopiperazine in four (7.8%). RAST inhibition studies showed > 50% inhibition in all sera, with the highest concentration of amoxicillin and amoxicilloic acid. Conclusions:, The combination of minor determinants of amoxicillin, amoxicilloic acid, and diketopiperazine seems to be of no greater value than the use of amoxicillin alone. Further efforts are needed to find new structures to improve sensitivity in the diagnosis of immediate hypersensitivity to betalactams. [source]

    The basophil activation test in the diagnosis of allergy: technical issues and critical factors

    ALLERGY, Issue 9 2009
    G. J. Sturm
    Background:, The basophil activation test (BAT) is a widely validated and reliable tool especially for the diagnosis of hymenoptera venom allergy. Nevertheless, several pitfalls have to be considered and outcomes may differ because of diverse in-house protocols and commercially available kits. We aimed to identify the factors that may influence results of the CD63-based BAT. Methods:, Basophil responses to monoclonal anti-IgE (clone E124.2.8) and bee and wasp venom were determined by BAT based on CD63. The effect of stimulating factors such as, IL-3, cytochalasin B and prewarming of the samples was investigated. Furthermore, we compared two different flow cytometer systems and evaluated the influence of storage time, different staining protocols and anti-allergic drugs on the test results. Results:, Interleukin-3 enhanced the reactivity of basophils at 300 pM, but not at 75 and 150 pM. Prewarming of samples and reagents did not affect basophil reactivity. CD63 expression assayed after storage time of up to 48 h showed that basophil reactivity already started to decline after 4 h. Basophils stained with HLA-DR-PC5 and CD123-PE antibodies gated as HLA-DRneg/CD123pos cells showed the highest reactivity. No effect on test outcomes was observed at therapeutic doses of dimetindene and desloratadine. Finally, slight differences in the percentage of activated basophils, depending on the cytometer system used, were found. Conclusion:, Basophil activation test should be performed as early as possible after taking the blood sample, preferably within 4 h. In contrast to the skin test, BAT can be performed in patients undergoing treatment with antihistamines. For reasons of multiple influencing factors, BAT should be performed only at validated laboratories. [source]

    Comparison of basophil activation tests using CD63 or CD203c expression in patients with insect venom allergy

    ALLERGY, Issue 9 2006
    B. Eberlein-König
    Background:, Flow cytometric basophil activation tests have been developed as cellular tests for in vitro diagnosis of IgE-mediated reactions. Different activation markers (CD63 or CD203c) with distinct ways of regulation have been used after stimulation with various allergens. Objective:, It was the aim of the present study to compare basophil activation tests by measuring both CD63 and CD203c upregulation in patients with insect venom allergy. Materials and methods:, 43 patients with a history of insect venom anaphylaxis were examined. A careful allergy history was taken, and skin tests and determination of specific IgE-antibodies were performed. Basophil activation tests (BAT) using CD63 or CD203c expression were done after stimulation with different concentrations of bee and wasp venom extracts. 25 healthy subjects with negative history of insect venom allergy were studied as controls. Results:, The CD203c protocol showed a slightly higher sensitivity than the CD63 protocol (97% vs. 89%) with regard to patients' history. The magnitude of basophil response was higher with CD203c in comparison to CD63 for both insect venoms. Specificity was 100% for the CD63 protocol and 89% for the CD203c protocol with regard to controls with negative history and negative RAST. Conclusion:, These results support the reliability of basophil activation tests using either CD63 or CD203c as cellular tests in the in vitro diagnosis of patients with bee or wasp venom allergy with a slightly higher sensitivity for the CD203c protocol. [source]

    Detection of an orbital period in the supergiant high-mass X-ray binary IGR J16465-4507 with Swift,BAT

    V. La Parola
    ABSTRACT We analysed the IGR J16465,4507 Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) survey data collected during the first 54 months of the Swift mission. The source is in a crowded field and it is revealed through an ad hoc imaging analysis at a significance level of ,14 standard deviations. The 15,50 keV average flux is . The timing analysis reveals an orbital period of 30.243 ± 0.035 d. The folded light curve shows the presence of a wide phase interval of minimum intensity, lasting ,20 per cent of the orbital period. This could be explained with a full eclipse of the compact object in an extremely eccentric orbit or with the passage of the compact source through a lower density wind at the orbit apastron. The modest dynamical range observed during the BAT monitoring suggests that IGR J16465,4507 is a wind-fed system, continuously accreting from a rather homogeneous wind, and not a member of the supergiant fast X-ray transient class. [source]

    Discovery of a short orbital period in the Supergiant Fast X-ray Transient IGR J16479,4514

    Chetana Jain
    ABSTRACT We report here the discovery of a 3.32 d orbital period in the Supergiant Fast X-ray Transient (SFXT) source IGR J16479,4514. Using the long-term light curve of this source obtained with Swift Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) in the energy range of 15,50 keV, we have clearly detected an orbital modulation including a full eclipse of duration ,0.6 d. In the hard X-ray band of the BAT instrument, the eclipse ingress and egress are rapid. We have also used the long-term light curve obtained with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) All Sky Monitor (ASM) in the energy range of 1.5,12 keV. Taken independently, the detection of orbital modulation in the RXTE,ASM light curve is not significant. However, considering a clear detection of orbital modulation in the BAT light curve, we have used the ASM light curve for a more precise determination of the orbital period. IGR J16479,4514 has the shortest orbital period among the three SFXTs with measured/known orbital period. We discuss the implication of a short orbital period with the various mechanisms proposed to explain the transient nature of this class of sources. [source]

    On active galactic nuclei as sources of ultra-high energy cosmic rays

    M. R. George
    ABSTRACT We measure the correlation between sky coordinates of the Swift Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) catalogue of active galactic nuclei (AGN) with the arrival directions of the highest energy cosmic rays detected by the Auger Observatory. The statistically complete, hard X-ray catalogue helps to distinguish between AGN and other source candidates that follow the distribution of local large-scale structure. The positions of the full catalogue are marginally uncorrelated with the cosmic ray arrival directions, but when weighted by their hard X-ray flux, AGN within 100 Mpc are correlated at a significance level of 98 per cent. This correlation sharply decreases for sources beyond ,100 Mpc, suggestive of a GZK suppression. We discuss the implications for determining the mechanism that accelerates particles to these extreme energies in excess of 1019 eV. [source]

    Recent advances in adaptive thermogenesis: potential implications for the treatment of obesity

    OBESITY REVIEWS, Issue 2 2009
    S. L. J. Wijers
    Summary Large inter-individual differences in cold-induced (non-shivering) and diet-induced adaptive thermogenesis exist in animals and humans. These differences in energy expenditure can have a large impact on long-term energy balance and thus body weight (when other factors remain stable). Therefore, the level of adaptive thermogenesis might relate to the susceptibility to obesity; efforts to increase adaptive thermogenesis might be used to treat obesity. In small mammals, the main process involved is mitochondrial uncoupling in brown adipose tissue (BAT), which is regulated by the sympathetic nervous system. For a long time, it was assumed that mitochondrial uncoupling is not a major physiological contributor to adaptive thermogenesis in adult humans. However, several studies conducted in recent years suggest that mitochondrial uncoupling in BAT and skeletal muscle tissue in adult humans can be physiologically significant. Other mechanisms besides mitochondrial uncoupling that might be involved are futile calcium cycling, protein turnover and substrate cycling. In conjunction with recent advances on signal transduction studies, this knowledge makes manipulation of adaptive thermogenesis a more realistic option and thus a pharmacologically interesting target to treat obesity. [source]

    Basophil Activation Test and specific IgE measurements using a panel of recombinant natural rubber latex allergens to determine the latex allergen sensitization profile in children

    María L. Sanz
    There are no documented studies that describe natural rubber latex (NRL) sensitization in children with a history of surgical intervention but without any congenital malformation (urogenital anomalies, spina bifida, etc.), although some authors have studied NRL allergy in children without a history of surgical intervention. The aim of this work was to evaluate the sensitization profile to single NRL allergens in children without spina bifida and without repeated surgical interventions, by using different recombinant and natural latex allergens in two analytical techniques: specific serum immunoglobulin E (IgE) quantification and flow cytometry determination of activated basophils expressing CD63, after stimulating cells from patients with NRL allergens. A total of 23 patients and 10 healthy children were selected. Conjunctival and in-use NRL provocation tests were carried out, as well as specific IgE determination in all patients' and controls' sera with the recombinant NRL allergens: rHev b 1, rHev b 2, rHev b 3, rHev b 5, rHev b 6.01, rHev b 6.02, rHev b 8, rHev b 9 and rHev b 11 and with NRL (k82) using appropriate ImmunoCAPs. The Basophil Activation Test (BAT) was performed with whole latex extract and with the recombinant allergens rHev b 5 and rHev b 6.01, as well as with the natural allergen Hev b 6.02. The sensitivity and the specificity of NRL-specific IgE (k82) were 100%. Positive IgE responses to rHev b 5 were found in sera of 10 children, to rHev b 6.01 in 16 and for rHev b 6.02 in 15 children's sera. Specific IgE to rHev b 8 was found in four sera of the children. We only found significant differences in sensitization to rHev b 5 in children with two or more surgical interventions compared with the non-intervened group or those with only one intervention. Specific IgE in sera of children with latex-fruit syndrome recognized rHev b 6.02, but not to rHev b 11. The patients sensitized to Hev b 8, Hev b 9 and/or Hev b 11 were atopic. The four patients presenting a positive response to the NRL profilin Hev b 8 were allergic to pollen. The BAT against whole NRL extract was positive in 22 of 23 children; against rHev b 5 in 14 of the patients studied; against rHev b 6.01 in seven cases and against nHev b 6.02 in 19 children. In all the control subjects, the results using this technique were negative. If combined rHev b 5, rHev b 6.01 and nHev b 6.02 together, BAT could detect 20 of the 23 children with latex allergy. The combined use of ImmunoCAP with all the recombinant NRL allergens and BAT with rHev b 5, rHev b 6.01 and nHev b 6.02, enabled the identification of NRL allergy in 22 of 23 patients. There is a positive and significant correlation between sensitization to Hev b 5 and the number of interventions. BAT and allergen-specific IgE determination could be used as first-line in vitro diagnostic tests in patients with NRL allergy. [source]

    Neandertal cold adaptation: Physiological and energetic factors

    A. Theodore Steegmann Jr.
    European Neandertals employed a complex set of physiological cold defenses, homologous to those seen in contemporary humans and nonhuman primates. While Neandertal morphological patterns, such as foreshortened extremities and low relative surface-area, may have explained some of the variance in cold resistance, it is suggested the adaptive package was strongly dependent on a rich array of physiological defenses. A summary of the environmental cold conditions in which the Neandertals lived is presented, and a comparative ethnographic model from Tierra del Fuego is used. Muscle and subcutaneous fat are excellent "passive" insulators. Neandertals were quite muscular, but it is unlikely that they could maintain enough superficial body fat to offer much cold protection. A major, high-energy metabolic adaptation facilitated by modest amounts of highly thermogenic brown adipose tissue (BAT) is proposed. In addition, Neandertals would have been protected by general mammalian cold defenses based on systemic vasoconstriction and intensified by acclimatization, aerobic fitness, and localized cold-induced vasodilation. However, these defenses are energetically expensive. Based on contemporary data from circumpolar peoples, it is estimated that Neandertals required 3,360 to 4,480 kcal per day to support strenuous winter foraging and cold resistance costs. Several specific genetic cold adaptations are also proposed,heat shock protein (actually, stress shock protein), an ACP*1 locus somatic growth factor, and a specialized calcium metabolism not as yet understood. Am. J. Hum. Biol. 14:566,583, 2002. © 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

    Japanese version of the Body Attitude Test: Its reliability and validity

    Akiko Kashima
    Abstract The Body Attitude Test (BAT) was developed by Probst et al. (1995) for female patients with eating disorders (ED). This test measures the subjective body experience and attitudes toward one's body. The present authors have developed the Japanese version of the BAT and the purpose of the present paper was to investigate its reliability and validity in control (CON, n = 599) and ED patients (n = 46). The ED patients consisted of 21 anorexia nervosa, restricting type (AN-R) patients and 25 bulimia nervosa (BN) patients. Internal consistency was determined with Cronbach's , coefficient in CON. Factor analysis was conducted on BAT ratings given by CON. Factor analysis indicated that BAT was composed of two factors. These were body dissatisfaction (factor 1) and lack of familiarity with one's body (factor 2). A comparison was made among AN-R, BN, and CON. Bulimia nervosa had a significantly higher score than the other two groups. The BAT scores of ED patients correlated significantly with the Self -rating Depression Scale, and State,Trait Anxiety Inventory. These results show that ED patients have negative feelings toward their own body, similar to the findings in the original report. On factor analysis, however, it was not possible to distinguish between negative appreciation of body size and general body dissatisfaction as described in the original report. The authors also examine influences on this difference from a cross-cultural view point. [source]

    Phobia of self-injecting and self-testing in insulin-treated diabetes patients: opportunities for screening

    DIABETIC MEDICINE, Issue 8 2001
    E. D. Mollema
    Abstract Aims To define clinically relevant cut-off points for severe fear of self-injecting (FSI) and self-testing (FST) (phobia) in insulin-treated patients with diabetes, and to estimate the magnitude of these phobias in our research population. Methods, FSI and FST were assessed in a cross-sectional survey using the Diabetes Fear of Injecting and Self-testing Questionnaire (D-FISQ). A sample of 24 insulin-treated adult diabetic patients was selected from the high-scorers on FSI and/or FST (, 95th percentile). FSI and FST were re-assessed, after which patients participated in a behavioural avoidance test (BAT), thereby determining the current level of avoidance of either self-injecting or self-testing. FSI and FST scores were linked to the outcome of the BATs. Cut-off scores for severe FSI/FST were determined and extrapolated to the total study population (n = 1275). Results, Seven patients participated in the self-injecting BAT: two patients refused to perform an extra injection. In the self-testing BAT (n = 17) four patients declined to perform the extra blood glucose self-test. Extrapolation of FSI and FST cut-off scores to the total research population showed that 0.2,1.3% of the population scored in the severe FSI range. In FST, 0.6,0.8% of the total study population obtained scores in the cut-off range. Conclusions, Severe FSI and FST, characterized by emotional distress and avoidance behaviour, seems to occur in a small group of insulin-treated patients with diabetes. The D-FISQ can be of use to health care professionals (physicians, nurse specialists) in quickly providing valuable information on levels of FSI and FST in diabetes patients. Diabet. Med. 18, 671,674 (2001) [source]

    Development of an Expert System Shell Based on Genetic Algorithms for the Selection of the Energy Best Available Technologies and their Optimal Operating Conditions for the Process Industry

    EXPERT SYSTEMS, Issue 3 2001
    D.A. Manolas
    The development of genetic algorithms started almost three decades ago in an attempt to imitate the mechanics of natural systems. Since their inception, they have been applied successfully as optimization methods, and as expert systems, in many diverse applications. In this paper, a genetic-algorithm-based expert system shell is presented that, when combined with a proper database comprising the available energy-saving technologies for the process industry, is able to perform the following tasks: (a) identify the best available technologies (BATs) among the available ones for a given process industry, and (b) calculate their optimal design parameters in such a way that they comply with the energy requirements of the process. By the term BAT is meant the available energy-saving technology, among the existing ones in the market, that is the best for the case. [source]

    Indices for bioavailability and biotransformation potential of contaminants in soils

    Washington J. Braida
    Abstract Bioavailability is an important consideration in risk assessment of soil contaminants and in the selection of appropriate remediation technologies for polluted sites. The present study examined the bioavailability and biodegradation potential of phenanthrene with respect to a pseudomonad in 15 different soils through separate measurements of mineralization, transformation, and desorption to a polymeric infinite sink (Tenax®) after 180-d sterile pre-equilibration with phenanthrene. Fractions strongly resistant to desorption and mineralization at long times were evident in all cases. After correcting for bioconversion (moles mineralized per mole transformed) determined in aqueous particle-free soil extracts, a correlation was found between the biotransformation-resistant fraction and the Tenax desorption-resistant fraction. Indices are proposed to assess bioavailability (BAt) and biotransformation potential (BTPt) of a compound in a soil based on parallel desorption and degradation studies over a selected period t. The BAt is the ratio of moles biotransformed to moles desorbed to an infinite sink, and it reflects the biotransformation rate relative to the maximal desorption rate. Values of BA30 (30-d values) ranged from 0.64 (for dark gray silt loam) to 1.12 (Wurtsmith Air Force Base [AFB] 2B, Oscoda, MI, USA). The BTPt is the ratio between moles biotransformed and moles of contaminant remaining sorbed after maximal desorption. The BTPt provides an indication of the maximum extent of biotransformation that may be expected in a system, assuming desorption is a prerequisite for biodegradation. Values of BTP30 ranged between 0.3 (Wurtsmith AFB 1B) and 13 (Mount Pleasant silt loam, NY, USA). The combination of BAt and BTPt provides insights regarding the relationship between physical availability (desorption) and biological processes (biotransformation kinetics, toxicity, other soil factors) that occur during biodegradation and are suggested to represent the remediation potential of the chemical. The BA30 values less than 0.9 and BTP30 values less than five indicate poor potential for site remediation. [source]

    Habitat use, diet and roost selection by the Big Brown Bat (Eptesicus fuscus) in North America: a case for conserving an abundant species

    MAMMAL REVIEW, Issue 3 2002
    ABSTRACT Insectivorous bats are integral components of terrestrial ecosystems. Despite this, a growing number of factors causing world-wide declines in bat populations have been identified. Relatively abundant species are important for bat conservation because of their role in ecosystems and the research opportunities they offer. In addition, species that have been well-studied present unique opportunities to synthesize information and highlight important areas of focus for conservation and research. This paper focuses on a well-studied abundant bat, Eptesicus fuscus. I review the relevant literature on habitat use, diet and roost selection by E. fuscus in North America, and highlight important areas of conservation and research for this species, including the effects of roost disturbance, control of economically important insect pests, exposure to pesticides, long-term monitoring of populations, and the potential consequences of expanding populations. These issues have broad implications for other species and can be used to focus future research and conservation efforts. [source]

    Embryonic Staging System for the Black Mastiff Bat, Molossus rufus (Molossidae), Correlated With Structure-Function Relationships in the Adult

    Mark J. Nolte
    The helmeted appearance of the black mastiff bat, Molossus rufus, at embryonic stage 21 results from the anterior margins of the ears being progressively situated near the facial midline during development. Comparative bat embryology provides a foundation for understanding unique mammalian and chiropteran (bat) adaptations, such as the marked ability of M. rufus to use its compactly folded wings during terrestrial quadrupedal locomotion. See Nolte et al., on page 155, in this issue. [source]

    Use of Olfaction During Prey Location by the Common Vampire Bat (Desmodus rotundus),

    BIOTROPICA, Issue 1 2007
    Joseph Wm.
    ABSTRACT The common vampire bat, Desmodus rotundus, feeds on mammalian blood and is a major agricultural pest in Latin America. One way to prevent bats from biting livestock is to understand how the bats locate the livestock. We confirmed the role of olfaction in foraging with a modified cafeteria trial. Bats significantly favored blood meals associated with scent (fur, feces) over meals lacking these olfactory cues. These results confirm earlier observations on the role of olfaction during prey location by this species, and have potential to facilitate eradication measures without extensive loss of other bat species. RESUMEN El vampiro común, Desmodus rotundus, se alimenta del sangre de los mamíferos y es una de las plagas agrícolas más destructivas en América Latina. Para mejor prevenir los murciélagos de mordiendo ganado, debemos comprender mejor cómo los vampiros localizan ganado. Confirmamos el rol de olfacción en forrajeo con una modificación de una prueba "cafetería". Los murciélagos se favorecen las comidas de sangre asociados con olor de vacas (pelos, fecas) sobre las que no tienen estos olores. Estos resultados se confirman observaciones anteriores sobre el rol de olfacción durante la detección de presas por estas especies, y tienen la posibilidad de facilitar medidas de control de vampiros sin la perdida extensiva de otras especies de murciélagos. [source]

    Applying Network Analysis to the Conservation of Habitat Trees in Urban Environments: a Case Study from Brisbane, Australia

    conectividad de perchas; fauna que utiliza oquedades; planificación de la conservación; red sin escala; Tadarida australis Abstract:,In Australia more than 300 vertebrates, including 43 insectivorous bat species, depend on hollows in habitat trees for shelter, with many species using a network of multiple trees as roosts. We used roost-switching data on white-striped freetail bats (Tadarida australis; Microchiroptera: Molossidae) to construct a network representation of day roosts in suburban Brisbane, Australia. Bats were caught from a communal roost tree with a roosting group of several hundred individuals and released with transmitters. Each roost used by the bats represented a node in the network, and the movements of bats between roosts formed the links between nodes. Despite differences in gender and reproductive stages, the bats exhibited the same behavior throughout three radiotelemetry periods and over 500 bat days of radio tracking: each roosted in separate roosts, switched roosts very infrequently, and associated with other bats only at the communal roost. This network resembled a scale-free network in which the distribution of the number of links from each roost followed a power law. Despite being spread over a large geographic area (>200 km2), each roost was connected to others by less than three links. One roost (the hub or communal roost) defined the architecture of the network because it had the most links. That the network showed scale-free properties has profound implications for the management of the habitat trees of this roosting group. Scale-free networks provide high tolerance against stochastic events such as random roost removals but are susceptible to the selective removal of hub nodes. Network analysis is a useful tool for understanding the structural organization of habitat tree usage and allows the informed judgment of the relative importance of individual trees and hence the derivation of appropriate management decisions. Conservation planners and managers should emphasize the differential importance of habitat trees and think of them as being analogous to vital service centers in human societies. Resumen:,En Australia, más de 300 vertebrados, incluyendo 43 especies de murciélagos insectívoros, dependen de oquedades en árboles para refugiarse; muchas de ellas perchan en una red de múltiples árboles. Utilizamos datos de cambio de perchas en Tadarida australis (Microchiroptera: Molossidae) para construir una representación reticular de las perchas diurnas en los suburbios de Brisbane, Australia. Los murciélagos fueron capturados en un árbol con un grupo de varios cientos de individuos y liberados con transmisores. Cada percha utilizada por los murciélagos representó un nodo individual en la red, y los movimientos de murciélagos entre perchas constituyeron los eslabones entre los nodos. A pesar de las diferencias de género y etapas reproductivas, los murciélagos mostraron el mismo comportamiento en tres períodos de radiotelemetría y en más de 500 días de seguimiento de murciélagos: cada uno utilizó perchas separadas, cambiaban de percha poco frecuentemente, y se asociaron con otros murciélagos sólo en las perchas comunales. Esta red fue semejante a una red sin escala en la que la distribución del número de eslabones de cada percha cumplió una ley potencial. A pesar de estar dispersas en un área geográfica extensa (>200 km2), cada percha estaba conectada con otras por menos de tres eslabones. Una percha (el centro o percha comunal) definió la arquitectura de la red porque tenía a la mayoría de los eslabones. El hecho de que la red mostrara propiedades libres de escala tiene implicaciones profundas para la gestión de árboles que funcionan como perchas. Las redes libres de escala proporcionan alta tolerancia a eventos estocásticos como la remoción aleatoria de perchas, pero son susceptibles a la remoción selectiva de nodos centrales. El análisis de redes es una herramienta útil para el entendimiento de la organización estructural del uso de de árboles y permite el juicio informado de la importancia relativa de árboles individuales y por lo tanto la derivación de decisiones administrativas apropiadas Los planificadores y gestores de la conservación deberían enfatizar la importancia diferencial de árboles y considerarlos análogos a los centros de servicio vitales en las sociedades humanas. [source]

    Host sex and ectoparasites choice: preference for, and higher survival on female hosts

    Summary 1Sex differences in levels of parasite infection are a common rule in a wide range of mammals, with males usually more susceptible than females. Sex-specific exposure to parasites, e.g. mediated through distinct modes of social aggregation between and within genders, as well as negative relationships between androgen levels and immune defences are thought to play a major role in this pattern. 2Reproductive female bats live in close association within clusters at maternity roosts, whereas nonbreeding females and males generally occupy solitary roosts. Bats represent therefore an ideal model to study the consequences of sex-specific social and spatial aggregation on parasites' infection strategies. 3We first compared prevalence and parasite intensities in a host,parasite system comprising closely related species of ectoparasitic mites (Spinturnix spp.) and their hosts, five European bat species. We then compared the level of parasitism between juvenile males and females in mixed colonies of greater and lesser mouse-eared bats Myotis myotis and M. blythii. Prevalence was higher in adult females than in adult males stemming from colonial aggregations in all five studied species. Parasite intensity was significantly higher in females in three of the five species studied. No difference in prevalence and mite numbers was found between male and female juveniles in colonial roosts. 4To assess whether observed sex-biased parasitism results from differences in host exposure only, or, alternatively, from an active, selected choice made by the parasite, we performed lab experiments on short-term preferences and long-term survival of parasites on male and female Myotis daubentoni. When confronted with adult males and females, parasites preferentially selected female hosts, whereas no choice differences were observed between adult females and subadult males. Finally, we found significantly higher parasite survival on adult females compared with adult males. 5Our study shows that social and spatial aggregation favours sex-biased parasitism that could be a mere consequence of an active and adaptive parasite choice for the more profitable host. [source]

    Bat species diversity and distribution in three vegetation communities of Meru National Park, Kenya

    Paul W. Webala
    Abstract Diversity and distribution of bats was determined in four vegetation types in and around Meru National Park, Kenya between September 2000 and February 2001. Bat-habitat studies were based on plant species dominance, cover and farming activities. Bats were captured using standard mist nets (18 m long × 2 m high) erected on poles averaging 3 m. Vegetation was broadly grouped as Acacia or Combretum wooded grassland, or Acacia,Commiphora bushland and studied using the Braun-Blanquet method. Analysis of floristic similarity showed five vegetation species assemblages in the three broad categories. Four hundred and ninety-five bats representing eleven genera in seven families were recorded. These were Epomophorus labiatus, E. wahlbergi, Cardioderma cor, Lavia frons, Myotis welwitschii, Scotoecus hirundo, S. leucogaster, Pipistrellus kuhlii, Mops condylurus, Chaerephon bemmeleni, Mormopterus sp., Hipposideros caffer, H. commersoni, Nycteris arge and Rhinolophus landeri. This was the first record of N. arge, M. welwitschii, C. bemmeleni and a Mormopterus species in eastern Kenya. The Combretum community was most equitable (E = 0.51) with nine bat species records, while farming areas had only four. The low species richness and increased dominance of a few generalist species on farms may be indicative of different levels of disturbance. Résumé On a déterminé la diversité et la distribution des chauves-souris dans quatre types de végétation dans et autour du Parc National de Meru, au Kenya, entre septembre 2000 et février 2001. Les études de l'habitat des chauves-souris se basaient sur la dominance et le couvert de certaines espèces végétales et sur les activités agricoles. On a capturé les chauves-souris en utilisant les filets standards (18m de long sur 2 m de haut) fixés sur des piquets d'environ 3 m de haut. La végétation fut grossièrement regroupée en prairie arborée à Acacia ou à Combretum, ou en brousse à Acacia-Commiphora, et étudiée suivant la méthode Braun-Blanquet. L'analyse des similarités floristiques a montré cinq assemblages d'espèces végétales dans ces trois grandes catégories. On a relevé 495 chauves-souris représentant onze genres appartenant à sept familles. Ce sont: Epomophorus labiatus, E. wahlberghi, Cardioderma cor, Lavia frons, Myotis welwitschii, Scotoecus hirundo, Scotophilus leucogaster, Pipistrellus kuhlii, Mops condylurus, Chaerephon bemmeleni, Mormopterus sp., Hipposideros caffer, H. commersoni, Nycteris arge et Rhinolophus landeri. Ce sont les premiers cas rapportés pour N. arge, M. welwitschii, C. bemmemeni et pour une espèce de Mormopterus dans l'est du Kenya. La communautéà Combretum était la plus équitable (E = 0,51), avec neuf espèces de chauves-souris rapportées, alors que les aires cultivées n'en comptaient que quatre. La faible richesse en espèces et la dominance croissante de quelques espèces généralistes dans les fermes pourraient indiquer divers degrés de perturbation. [source]