Soil Enzymes (soil + enzyme)

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Selected Abstracts

The effects of chronic nitrogen fertilization on alpine tundra soil microbial communities: implications for carbon and nitrogen cycling

Diana R. Nemergut
Summary Many studies have shown that changes in nitrogen (N) availability affect primary productivity in a variety of terrestrial systems, but less is known about the effects of the changing N cycle on soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition. We used a variety of techniques to examine the effects of chronic N amendments on SOM chemistry and microbial community structure and function in an alpine tundra soil. We collected surface soil (0,5 cm) samples from five control and five long-term N-amended plots established and maintained at the Niwot Ridge Long-term Ecological Research (LTER) site. Samples were bulked by treatment and all analyses were conducted on composite samples. The fungal community shifted in response to N amendments, with a decrease in the relative abundance of basidiomycetes. Bacterial community composition also shifted in the fertilized soil, with increases in the relative abundance of sequences related to the Bacteroidetes and Gemmatimonadetes, and decreases in the relative abundance of the Verrucomicrobia. We did not uncover any bacterial sequences that were closely related to known nitrifiers in either soil, but sequences related to archaeal nitrifiers were found in control soils. The ratio of fungi to bacteria did not change in the N-amended soils, but the ratio of archaea to bacteria dropped from 20% to less than 1% in the N-amended plots. Comparisons of aliphatic and aromatic carbon compounds, two broad categories of soil carbon compounds, revealed no between treatment differences. However, G-lignins were found in higher relative abundance in the fertilized soils, while proteins were detected in lower relative abundance. Finally, the activities of two soil enzymes involved in N cycling changed in response to chronic N amendments. These results suggest that chronic N fertilization induces significant shifts in soil carbon dynamics that correspond to shifts in microbial community structure and function. [source]

Turnover of labile and recalcitrant soil carbon differ in response to nitrate and ammonium deposition in an ombrotrophic peatland

Abstract The effects of 4 years of simulated nitrogen deposition, as nitrate (NO3,) and ammonium (NH4+), on microbial carbon turnover were studied in an ombrotrophic peatland. We investigated the mineralization of simple forms of carbon using MicroRespÔ measurements (a multiple substrate induced respiration technique) and the activities of four soil enzymes involved in the decomposition of more complex forms of carbon or in nutrient acquisition: N -acetyl-glucosaminidase (NAG), cellobiohydrolase (CBH), acid phosphatase (AP), and phenol oxidase (PO). The potential mineralization of labile forms of carbon was significantly enhanced at the higher N additions, especially with NH4+ amendments, while potential enzyme activities involved in breakdown of more complex forms of carbon or nutrient acquisition decreased slightly (NAG and CBH) or remained unchanged (AP and PO) with N amendments. This study also showed the importance of distinguishing between NO3, and NH4+ amendments, as their impact often differed. It is possible that the limited response on potential extracellular enzyme activity is due to other factors, such as limited exposure to the added N in the deeper soil or continued suboptimal functioning of the enzymes due to the low pH, possibly via the inhibitory effect of low phenol oxidase activity. [source]

Seasonal variation in enzyme activities and temperature sensitivities in Arctic tundra soils

Abstract Arctic soils contain large amounts of organic matter due to very slow rates of detritus decomposition. The first step in decomposition results from the activity of extracellular enzymes produced by soil microbes. We hypothesized that potential enzyme activities are low relative to the large stocks of organic matter in Arctic tundra soils, and that enzyme activity is low at in situ temperatures. We measured the potential activity of six hydrolytic enzymes at 4 and 20 °C on four sampling dates in tussock, intertussock, shrub organic, and shrub mineral soils at Toolik Lake, Alaska. Potential activities of N -acetyl glucosaminidase, ,-glucosidase, and peptidase tended to be greatest at the end of winter, suggesting that microbes produced enzymes while soils were frozen. In general, enzyme activities did not increase during the Arctic summer, suggesting that enzyme production is N-limited during the period when temperatures would otherwise drive higher enzyme activity in situ. We also detected seasonal variations in the temperature sensitivity (Q10) of soil enzymes. In general, soil enzyme pools were more sensitive to temperature at the end of the winter than during the summer. We modeled potential in situ,-glucosidase activities for tussock and shrub organic soils based on measured enzyme activities, temperature sensitivities, and daily soil temperature data. Modeled in situ enzyme activity in tussock soils increased briefly during the spring, then declined through the summer. In shrub soils, modeled enzyme activities increased through the spring thaw into early August, and then declined through the late summer and into winter. Overall, temperature is the strongest factor driving low in situ enzyme activities in the Arctic. However, enzyme activity was low during the summer, possibly due to N-limitation of enzyme production, which would constrain enzyme activity during the brief period when temperatures would otherwise drive higher rates of decomposition. [source]

Clonal and seasonal shifts in communities of saprotrophic microfungi and soil enzyme activities in the mycorrhizosphere of Salix spp.

Christel Baum
Abstract The species-specific microbial root and rhizosphere colonization contributes essentially to the plant nutrient supply. The species number and colonization densities of cultivable saprotrophic microfungi and the activities of nutrient-releasing soil enzymes (protease, acid and alkaline phosphatase, arylsulfatase) were investigated in the rhizosphere of one low mycorrhizal (Salix viminalis) and one higher mycorrhizal (S. × dasyclados) willow clone at a Eutric Cambisol in N Germany. After soil washing, in total 32 and 28 saprotrophic microfungal species were isolated and identified microscopically from the rhizosphere of S.viminalis and S. × dasyclados, respectively. The fungal species composition changed within the growing season but the species number was always lower under S. × dasyclados than under S. viminalis. Under both willow clones, the fungal colonization density was largest in spring, and the species number was largest in autumn. Acid-phosphatase activity (p < 0.001) and protease activity (p < 0.003) were significantly affected by the Salix clone, whereas arylsulfatase and alkaline-phosphatase activities did not show clone-specific differences. All enzyme activities reached their maxima in the summer sampling. Rhizosphere colonization with Acremonium butyri,Cladosporium herbarum, and Penicillium janthinellum contributed significantly to explain the activities of acid phosphatase. Rhizosphere colonization with Cylindrocarpon destructans, Penicillium spinulosum, Plectosphaerella cucumerina, and Trichoderma polysporum contributed significantly to explain the arylsulfatase activities. Effects of the saprotrophic fungal colonization densities on the protease activities in the rhizosphere were low. Acid- and alkaline-phosphatase and arylsulfatase activities in the rhizosphere soil were stronger affected by the composition of the saprotrophic fungal communities than by the Salix clone itself. In conclusion, the colonization density of some saprotrophic microfungi in the rhizosphere contributed to explain shifts in soil-enzyme activities of the P and S cycles under different willow clones. [source]

Glycosidases in soils as affected by cropping systems

Daniel E. Dodor
Abstract Glycosidases are a group of soil enzymes that play a major role in degradation of carbohydrates. This study was conducted to assess the impact of crop rotation and N fertilization on the activities of ,- and ,-glucosidases and ,- and ,-galactosidases in plots of two long-term field experiments at the Clarion-Webster Research Center (CWRC) and Northeast Research Center (NERC) in Iowa. Surface-soil (0,15 cm) samples were taken in 1996 and 1997 in corn (Zeamays L.), soybean (Glycinemax (L.) Merr.), oats (Avenasativa L.), or meadow (alfalfa) (Medicago sativa L.) plots that received 0 or 180,kg N ha,1, applied as urea before corn, and an annual application of 20,kg P ha,1 and 56,kg K ha,1. Activities of the four glycosidases were significantly affected by crop rotations in both years at the two sites but not by nitrogen application. In general, higher activities were observed in plots under meadow or oat and the lowest in continuous corn (CWRC) and soybean (NERC). Four-year rotation showed the highest activity, followed by 2-year rotation and monocropping systems. Linear-regression analyses indicated that, in general, the activities of the glycosidases were significantly correlated with microbial-biomass C (r > 0.302, p , 0.05) and microbial-biomass N (r > 0.321, p , 0.05), organic-C (r > 0.332, p , 0.05) and organic-N (r > 0.399, p , 0.01) contents of the soils. Results of this work suggest that multicropping stimulated the activities of the glycosidases. The specific activities of the glycosidases in soils of the two sites studied, expressed as g p -nitrophenol released per,kg of organic C, differed among the four enzymes. The lowest values were obtained for ,-galactosidase and ,-glucosidase, followed by ,-galactosidase and ,-glucosidase. Glycosidasen in Böden unter dem Einfluss von Bewirtschaftungssystemen Glycosidasen stellen eine Gruppe von Bodenenzymen dar, welche eine entscheidende Rolle im Abbau von Kohlenhydraten spielen. Ziel dieser Untersuchungen war die Erfassung des Einflusses von Fruchtfolge und N-Düngung auf die Aktivitäten von ,- und ,-Glucosidasen und ,- und ,-Galactosidasen in zwei Langzeitfeldversuchen, dem Clarion-Webster-Versuchsfeld (CWRC) und dem Northeast-Versuchsfeld (NERC) in Iowa. In den Jahren 1996 und 1997 wurden Oberbodenproben (0,15 cm) von Parzellen unter Mais (Zeamays L.), Sojabohne (Glycine max (L.) Merr.), Hafer (Avena sativa L.) oder Luzerne (Medicago sativa L.) entnommen, welche vor Mais 0 oder 180,kg N ha,1 in Form von Harnstoff sowie jährliche Düngergaben in Höhe von 20,kg P ha,1 und 56,kg K ha,1 erhielten. Über zwei Jahre wurden die Aktivitäten der vier Glycosidasen in beiden Feldversuchen signifikant von der Bewirtschaftung beeinflusst, jedoch nicht von der N-Düngung. Im allgemeinen wurden höhere Enzymaktivitäten in Parzellen unter Luzerne oder Hafer festgestellt und die geringsten unter Maismonokultur (CWRC) bzw. Sojabohne (NERC). Vierjährige Fruchtfolgen zeigten die höchsten Aktivitäten, gefolgt von zweijährigen Fruchtfolgen und Monokulturen. Analysen mittels linearer Regression weisen auf eine Korrelation zwischen Glycosidaseaktivitäten und C (r > 0.332, p , 0.05) und N der mikrobiellen Biomasse (r > 0.321, p , 0.05) sowie den Gehalten an org. C (r > 0.332, p , 0.05) und N (r > 0.399, p , 0.01) hin. Die Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchungen deuten darauf hin, dass die Aktivitäten von Glycosidasen durch mehrjährige Fruchtfolgen stimuliert wurden. Die spezifischen Glycosidaseaktivitäten in den Böden der zwei Feldversuche, berechnet als freigesetztes p -Nitrophenol (g (kg org. C),1), variierten zwischen den vier Enzymen. Die geringsten Werte wurden für ,-Galactosidase und ,-Glucosidase festgestellt, gefolgt von ,-Galactosidase und ,-Glucosidase. [source]