
Distribution by Scientific Domains

Kinds of Small

  • many small
  • only small
  • very small

  • Terms modified by Small

  • small GTP-bind protein
  • small GTPase
  • small addition
  • small adult
  • small aggregate
  • small agricultural watershed
  • small airway
  • small aliquot
  • small alteration
  • small amount
  • small amplitude
  • small aneurysms
  • small angle
  • small angle light scattering
  • small angle neutron scattering
  • small angle x-ray scattering
  • small animal model
  • small animal models
  • small animal practice
  • small animals
  • small area
  • small artery
  • small artery elasticity
  • small ball
  • small bank
  • small basin
  • small batch
  • small bias
  • small biopsy
  • small bird
  • small block
  • small blood vessel
  • small body
  • small body size
  • small bowel
  • small bowel adenocarcinoma
  • small bowel biopsy
  • small bowel disease
  • small bowel malignancy
  • small bowel motility
  • small bowel mucosa
  • small bowel obstruction
  • small bowel resection
  • small bowel transplantation
  • small bowel tumour
  • small brain
  • small branch
  • small breed
  • small bubble
  • small business
  • small business owner
  • small businesses
  • small cage
  • small carnivore
  • small case series
  • small catchment
  • small cavity
  • small cell
  • small cell carcinoma
  • small cell lung cancer
  • small cell lung carcinoma
  • small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma
  • small cell size
  • small cetacean
  • small change
  • small child
  • small city
  • small class
  • small clinical trials
  • small cluster
  • small cohort
  • small collection
  • small colony
  • small community
  • small company
  • small component
  • small concentration
  • small conductance
  • small contribution
  • small copepod
  • small cost
  • small country
  • small crystal
  • small dam
  • small data set
  • small decrease
  • small defect
  • small deformation
  • small degree
  • small deletion
  • small depolarization
  • small deviation
  • small diameter
  • small difference
  • small dimension
  • small displacement
  • small distance
  • small disturbance
  • small dog
  • small domain
  • small dose
  • small droplet
  • small effect
  • small effect size
  • small effective population size
  • small effects
  • small element
  • small enterprises
  • small error
  • small establishment
  • small extension
  • small extent
  • small family
  • small farm
  • small farmer
  • small female
  • small fiber
  • small fiber neuropathy
  • small field
  • small firm
  • small fish
  • small fish species
  • small fluctuation
  • small focus
  • small follicle
  • small footprint
  • small forest fragment
  • small fraction
  • small fragment
  • small g protein
  • small gain
  • small gap
  • small genome
  • small geographical scale
  • small grain
  • small grain size
  • small group
  • small group home
  • small groups
  • small gtpase
  • small hairpin rna
  • small hcc
  • small heat shock protein
  • small heat-shock protein
  • small hepatocellular carcinoma
  • small hepatocyte
  • small heterodimer partner
  • small hole
  • small impact
  • small improvement
  • small incision
  • small increase
  • small individual
  • small infant
  • small influence
  • small insertion
  • small interference rna
  • small interfering rna
  • small intestinal
  • small intestinal bacterial overgrowth
  • small intestinal mucosa
  • small intestinal permeability
  • small intestinal submucosa
  • small intestinal transit
  • small intestine
  • small ion
  • small island
  • small isolated population
  • small joint
  • small juvenile
  • small lake
  • small larva
  • small leaf
  • small lesion
  • small library
  • small ligand
  • small litter
  • small loss
  • small lymphocyte
  • small lymphocytic lymphoma
  • small magellanic cloud
  • small magnitude
  • small male
  • small mammal
  • small mammal abundance
  • small mammal assemblage
  • small mammal community
  • small mammal population
  • small mammal species
  • small manufacturing firm
  • small marsupial
  • small mass
  • small measure
  • small minority
  • small modification
  • small modifications
  • small molecule
  • small molecule inhibitor
  • small n
  • small nanoparticle
  • small network
  • small neuron
  • small nodule
  • small non-coding rna
  • small noncoding rna
  • small nuclear rna
  • small nucleolus
  • small number
  • small object
  • small oligomer
  • small ones
  • small open economy
  • small organic compound
  • small organic molecule
  • small organism
  • small organization
  • small parameter
  • small part
  • small particle
  • small particle size
  • small passerine
  • small patch
  • small peak
  • small pediatric donor
  • small peptide
  • small percentage
  • small perturbation
  • small piece
  • small pilot study
  • small plant
  • small plaque
  • small plot
  • small polyp
  • small pond
  • small pool
  • small population
  • small population size
  • small pore
  • small portion
  • small prey
  • small producers
  • small proportion
  • small protein
  • small quadrat
  • small quantity
  • small radius
  • small range
  • small rate
  • small reduction
  • small region
  • small regions
  • small remnant
  • small renal mass
  • small reservoir
  • small rise
  • small risk
  • small river
  • small rna
  • small rodents
  • small role
  • small round cell
  • small round cell tumor
  • small round cell tumour
  • small ruminant
  • small rural community
  • small rural hospital
  • small sample
  • small sample size
  • small sample volume
  • small scale
  • small seed
  • small segment
  • small series
  • small set
  • small share
  • small shift
  • small simulation study
  • small size
  • small solute
  • small spatial
  • small spatial scale
  • small species
  • small specimen
  • small sphere
  • small states
  • small step
  • small stock
  • small strain
  • small strain level
  • small stream
  • small structural change
  • small structure
  • small studies
  • small study
  • small subgroup
  • small subpopulation
  • small subset
  • small subunit
  • small subunit rdna
  • small subunit ribosomal dna
  • small subunit ribosomal rna
  • small subunit ribosomal rna gene
  • small subunit rrna
  • small subunit rrna gene
  • small system
  • small team
  • small thickness
  • small time step
  • small town
  • small tree
  • small trials
  • small tumor
  • small tumour
  • small ubiquitin-like modifier
  • small ulcer
  • small value
  • small variation
  • small vertebrate
  • small vesicle
  • small vessel
  • small vessel disease
  • small vessel vasculitis
  • small volume
  • small war
  • small water body
  • small watershed
  • small window
  • small wood
  • small worker
  • small world
  • small zone

  • Selected Abstracts


    ADDICTION, Issue 8 2009
    No abstract is available for this article. [source]


    ABSTRACT. Pogroms in the Russian Pale in 1881 set off a wave of immigration of Russian Jews to the United States. Most went to the cities, but an important group, with the support of philanthropic organizations, became part of an experiment in Jewish agricultural colonies. South Jersey's Alliance and Woodbine were the most successful. Both were established on undeveloped land, and the landscape that emerged suggests the importance the funders placed on using landscape as a means of Americanization. [source]


    Article first published online: 15 NOV 200


    Irani Arraiz
    ABSTRACT In this paper, we specify a linear Cliff-and-Ord-type spatial model. The model allows for spatial lags in the dependent variable, the exogenous variables, and disturbances. The innovations in the disturbance process are assumed to be heteroskedastic with an unknown form. We formulate multistep GMM/IV-type estimation procedures for the parameters of the model. We also give the limiting distributions for our suggested estimators and consistent estimators for their asymptotic variance-covariance matrices. We conduct a Monte Carlo study to show that the derived large-sample distribution provides a good approximation to the actual small-sample distribution of our estimators. [source]


    Abigail K. Caudron
    First page of article [source]

    Single mechano-gated channels activated by mechanical deformation of acutely isolated cardiac fibroblasts from rats

    ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA, Issue 3 2010
    A. Kamkin
    Abstract Aim:, Mechanosensitive conductances were reported in cardiac fibroblasts, but the properties of single channels mediating their mechanosensitivity remain uncharacterized. The aim of this work was to investigate single mechano-gated channels (MGCs) activated by mechanical deformations of cardiac fibroblasts. Methods:, Currents through single MGCs and mechanosensitive whole-cell currents were recorded from isolated rat atrial fibroblasts using the cell-attached and whole-cell patch-clamp configurations respectively. Defined mechanical stress was applied via the patch pipette used for the whole-cell recordings. Results:, Under resting conditions occasional short openings of two types of single MGCs with conductances of 43 and 87 pS were observed. Both types of channels displayed a linear current,voltage relationship with the reversal potential around 0 mV. Small (1 ,m) mechanical deformations affected neither single nor whole-cell mechano-gated currents. Cell compressions (2, 3 and 4 ,m) augmented the whole-cell currents and increased the frequency and duration of single channel openings. Cell stretches (2, 3 and 4 ,m) inactivated the whole-cell currents and abolished the activity of single MGCs. Gd3+ (8 ,m) blocked the whole-cell currents within 5 min. No single channel activity was observed in the cell-attached mode when Gd3+ was added to the intrapipette solution. Cytochalasin D and colchicine (100 ,m each) completely blocked both the whole-cell and single channel currents. Conclusions:, These findings show that rat atrial fibroblasts express two types of MGCs whose activity is governed by cell deformation. We conclude that fibroblasts can sense the direction of applied stress and contribute to mechano-electrical coupling in the heart. [source]

    Using Population Count Data to Assess the Effects of Changing River Flow on an Endangered Riparian Plant

    análisis de viabilidad poblacional; gestión ribereña; método de difusión; presas; riesgo de extinción Abstract:,Methods for using simple population count data to project extinction risk have been the focus of much recent theoretical work, but few researchers have used these approaches to address management questions. We analyzed 15 years of census data on the federally endangered endemic riparian plant Pityopsis ruthii (Small) with the diffusion approximation (DA). Our goals were to evaluate relative extinction risk among populations in two different watersheds (in Tennessee, U.S.A.) and potential effects of variation in managed river flow on population dynamics. Populations in both watersheds had high projected risks of extinction within 50 years, but the causes of this risk differed. Populations of P. ruthii on the Hiwassee River had higher initial population sizes but significantly lower average growth rates than those on the Ocoee River. The only populations with low predicted short-term extinction risk were on the Ocoee. Growth rates for populations on both rivers were significantly reduced during periods of lower river flow. We found only marginal evidence of a quadratic relationship between population performance and flow. These patterns are consistent with the idea that low flows affect P. ruthii due to growth of competing vegetation, but the degree to which very high flows may reduce population growth is still unclear. Simulations indicated that populations were most sensitive to growth rates in low-flow years, but small changes in the frequency of these periods did not strongly increase risk for most populations. Consistent with results of other studies, DA estimates of extinction risk had wide confidence limits. Still, our results yielded several valuable insights, including the need for greater monitoring of populations on the Hiwassee and the importance of low-flow years to population growth. Our work illustrates the potential value of simple methods for analyzing count data despite the challenges posed by uncertainty in estimates of extinction risk. Resumen:,Los métodos que utilizan datos de conteos simples de la población para proyectar el riesgo de extinción han sido el foco reciente de mucho trabajo teórico, pero pocos investigadores han utilizado estos métodos para responder preguntas de gestión. Analizamos 15 años de datos de censos de la planta ribereña, endémica y federalmente en peligro Pityopsis ruthii (Small) mediante el método de difusión. Nuestras metas fueron evaluar el riesgo de extinción de poblaciones en dos cuencas hidrológicas distintas y con dos efectos potenciales de la variación del flujo de agua sobre la dinámica de la población. Las poblaciones en ambas cuencas tenían alto riesgo de extinción proyectado a 50 años, pero las causas de este riesgo difirieron. Las poblaciones de P. ruthii en el Río Hiwassee tuvieron poblaciones iniciales más grandes, pero tasas de crecimiento significativamente menores, que las poblaciones en el Río Ocoee. Las únicas poblaciones con bajo riesgo de extinción pronosticado estaban en el Ocoee. Las tasas de crecimiento de las poblaciones en ambos ríos se redujeron significativamente durante períodos de bajo flujo en el río. Sólo encontramos evidencia marginal de la relación cuadrática entre el funcionamiento de la población y el flujo. Estos patrones son consistentes con la idea de que los bajos flujos afectan a P. ruthii debido al crecimiento de vegetación competitiva, pero aun no es claro el grado en que flujos muy grandes pueden reducir el crecimiento poblacional. Las simulaciones indicaron que las poblaciones son más sensibles a las tasas de crecimiento en años con bajo flujo en los ríos, pero pequeños cambios en la frecuencia de esos períodos no aumentaron el riesgo en la mayoría de las poblaciones. Consistentemente con los resultados de otros estudios, las estimaciones del riesgo de extinción mediante el método de difusión tienen amplios límites de confianza. Aun así, nuestros resultados aportaron varios conocimientos valiosos, incluyendo la necesidad de mayor monitoreo de las poblaciones en el Hiwassee y la importancia para el crecimiento poblacional de los años con bajo flujo. Nuestro trabajo ilustra el valor potencial de métodos sencillos de análisis de datos de conteo a pesar de los retos impuestos por la incertidumbre en las estimaciones del riesgo de extinción. [source]

    The ,pros' and ,cons' of joint EMS and group certification: a Swedish case study

    Thomas Zobel
    Abstract Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are collectively responsible for a significant portion of the total environmental burden worldwide. A common tool used by SMEs to improve their environmental performance is the environmental management system (EMS), which has the disadvantage that it has been developed with larger organizations in mind. A common approach used by Swedish SMEs to facilitate the implementation of an EMS is joint EMS and group certification. This paper evaluates this approach by means of a case study. It is found that the approach is effective for small and micro-sized companies in achieving ISO 14001 certification as fast and cost effectively as possible. A few short cuts including joint environmental policy and objectives and insufficient environmental organization are however threatening to undermine the trustworthiness of the approach. Notwithstanding these flaws, however, it must be concluded that the joint EMS approach is a good alternative for small and micro-sized companies. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment. [source]

    Small Wonder: Using SEM Images to Exhibit the "Small Stuff"

    Alwynne B. Beaudoin
    In 2007, the Royal Alberta Museum held an exhibition of 28 SEM (scanning electron microscope) images of seeds and other subfossil macroremains, which were shown in a fine-art format. The exhibition was prepared by a museum team using images derived from in-house curatorial research work. This paper describes the exhibition components and reports on an attempt to engage the visitors more closely with the images by asking them to suggest identifications for some "mystery" specimens. [source]

    Small and Medium-Sized Congenital Nevi in Children: A Comparison of the Costs of Excision and Long-Term Follow-Up

    BACKGROUND Clinical decisions on whether to follow up or remove small and medium congenital melanocytic nevi (SMCMN) in children have cost implications that have not been studied. OBJECTIVES To compare the costs of excision of SMCMN in children with lifelong follow-up in a tertiary center. METHODS AND MATERIALS We elaborated models for the evaluation of the costs of excision and long-term follow-up. We retrospectively collected data on 113 consecutive excised SMCMN (105 single-step interventions and 8 multiple-step interventions) from the medical records of our pediatric dermatology unit from 2001 to 2007 and calculated and compared the costs (direct and indirect) of surgery and follow-up. RESULTS The mean ± standard deviation and total cohort costs for single-step interventions were ,1,504.73 ± 198.33 and 157,996.20, respectively. Median and cohort lifelong follow-up costs were similar if performed every 4 years (1,482.66 ± 34.98 and 156,679.63). For multiple-step interventions (3 or 4 steps), surgery costs were similar to those of annual lifelong follow-up. In the case of two-step surgery, costs were similar to lifelong follow-up every 2 years. CONCLUSIONS An analysis of the costs of surgery and long-term follow-up in children with SMCMN is possible. Although the clinical judgment of the dermatologist and parental opinion are the main determinants in the management of SMCMN, costs should also be taken into account. [source]

    Small and large number processing in infants and toddlers with Williams syndrome

    Jo Van Herwegen
    Previous studies have suggested that typically developing 6-month-old infants are able to discriminate between small and large numerosities. However, discrimination between small numerosities in young infants is only possible when variables continuous with number (e.g. area or circumference) are confounded. In contrast, large number discrimination is successful even when variables continuous with number are systematically controlled for. These findings suggest the existence of different systems underlying small and large number processing in infancy. How do these develop in atypical syndromes? Williams syndrome (WS) is a rare neurocognitive developmental disorder in which numerical cognition has been found to be impaired in older children and adults. Do impairments of number processing have their origins in infancy? Here this question is investigated by testing the small and large number discrimination abilities of infants and toddlers with WS. While infants with WS were able to discriminate between 2 and 3 elements when total area was confounded with numerosity, the same infants did not discriminate between 8 and 16 elements, when number was not confounded with continuous variables. These findings suggest that a system for tracking the features of small numbers of object (object-file representation) may be functional in WS, while large number discrimination is impaired from an early age onwards. Finally, we argue that individual differences in large number processing in infancy are more likely than small number processing to be predictive of later development of numerical cognition. [source]

    An evaluation of a visual biofeedback intervention in dyslexic adults

    DYSLEXIA, Issue 1 2005
    Elizabeth Liddle
    Abstract A prototype of a biofeedback system designed to treat dyslexia by improving heart-rate variability was evaluated in a single blind study of dyslexic adults. Treatment consisted of four 15 minute exposures to a visual display synchronized with either the participant's own cardiac cycle (intervention condition), or of a synthesized cardiac cycle (placebo condition). Repeated measures were made of picture naming speed, single word reading speed and accuracy, copying speed, heart-rate variability and performance on a lateralized visual temporal order judgement task. Small but significant improvements were found in reading and naming speed in the treatment group relative to the placebo group. No significant improvements were found in unspeeded reading measures. Results from heart-rate measures indicated that treatment had effected a shift in the ratio between parameters reflecting the influence of the sympathetic and parasympathetic autonomic nervous systems (ANS), respectively, in favour of the parasympathetic. In the temporal order judgement task, participants who received treatment showed a reduced level of overall improvement relative to that seen in those who received placebo, coupled with evidence of a shift in visual attention from left to right hemifield in their pattern of performance. The results are interpreted as indicating that the treatment induces a shift in autonomic balance in favour of the parasympathetic ANS, and that this shift is also reflected in increased efficiency of left cerebral hemisphere circuits implicated in the perceptual-motor processes required for naming and reading fluency. Conversely, it is also reflected in lower spatial awareness of peripheral visual stimuli, particularly those presented to left hemifield. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    Prescribed-fire effects on rill and interrill runoff and erosion in a mountainous sagebrush landscape ,

    Frederick B. Pierson
    Abstract Changing fire regimes and prescribed-fire use in invasive species management on rangelands require improved understanding of fire effects on runoff and erosion from steeply sloping sagebrush-steppe. Small (0·5 m2) and large (32·5 m2) plot rainfall simulations (85 mm h,1, 1 h) and concentrated flow methodologies were employed immediately following burning and 1 and 2 years post-fire to investigate infiltration, runoff and erosion from interrill (rainsplash, sheetwash) and rill (concentrated flow) processes on unburned and burned areas of a steeply sloped sagebrush site on coarse-textured soils. Soil water repellency and vegetation were assessed to infer relationships in soil and vegetation factors that influence runoff and erosion. Runoff and erosion from rainfall simulations and concentrated flow experiments increased immediately following burning. Runoff returned to near pre-burn levels and sediment yield was greatly reduced with ground cover recovery to 40 per cent 1 year post-fire. Erosion remained above pre-burn levels on large rainfall simulation and concentrated flow plots until ground cover reached 60 per cent two growing seasons post-fire. The greatest impact of the fire was the threefold reduction of ground cover. Removal of vegetation and ground cover and the influence of pre-existing strong soil-water repellency increased the spatial continuity of overland flow, reduced runoff and sediment filtering effects of vegetation and ground cover, and facilitated increased velocity and transport capacity of overland flow. Small plot rainfall simulations suggest ground cover recovery to 40 per cent probably protected the site from low-return-interval storms, large plot rainfall and concentrated flow experiments indicate the site remained susceptible to elevated erosion rates during high-intensity or long duration events until ground cover levels reached 60 per cent. The data demonstrate that the persistence of fire effects on steeply-sloped, sandy sagebrush sites depends on the time period required for ground cover to recover to near 60 per cent and on the strength and persistence of ,background' or fire-induced soil water repellency. Published in 2009 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    A Pilot Study of the Clinical Impact of Hand-Carried Cardiac Ultrasound in the Medical Clinic

    ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY, Issue 6 2006
    Lori B. Croft M.D.
    Background: Small, hand-carried ultrasound devices have become widely available, making point-of-care echocardiograms (echos) accessible to all medical personnel as a means to augment and improve the increasingly inefficient physical examination. This study was designed to determine the clinical utility of hand-carried echo by medical residents in clinical decision making. Methods: Nine residents underwent brief, practical echo training to perform and interpret a limited hand-carried echo as an integral component of their office examination. The residents' hand-carried echo consisting of four basic views to define left ventricular (LV) function and wall thickness, valvular disease, and any pericardial effusions was compared to one performed by a level III echocardiographer. Results: Seventy-two consecutive medical clinic patients were enrolled with an average image acquisition time of 4.45 minutes. Residents obtained diagnostic images in 94% of the cases and interpreted them correctly 93% of the time. They correctly identified 92% of the major echo findings and 78% of the minor findings. Their diagnosis of LV dysfunction, valvular disease, and LV hypertrophy improved by 19%, 39%, and 14% with hand-carried echo compared to history and physical alone. Management decisions were reinforced in 76% and changed in 40% of patients with the use of hand-carried echo. Conclusion: This study demonstrates that it is possible to train medical residents to perform an effective and reasonably accurate hand-carried echo during their physical examination, which can impact clinical management. [source]

    Marx and Education , By R. Small

    R. J. W. Selleck
    No abstract is available for this article. [source]

    Microchip-based small, dense low-density lipoproteins assay for coronary heart disease risk assessment

    ELECTROPHORESIS, Issue 9 2008
    Hua Wang
    Abstract Small, dense low-density lipoprotein (sdLDL) has been accepted as an emerging cardiovascular risk factor, and there has been an increasing interest in analytical methods for sdLDL profiling for diagnosis. Serum sdLDL may be measured by different laboratory techniques, but all these methods are laborious, time-consuming, and costly. Recently, we have demonstrated that a low-temperature bonding of quartz microfluidic chips for serum lipoproteins analysis (Zhuang, G., Jin, Q., Liu, J., Cong, H. et al., Biomed. Microdevices 2006, 8, 255,261). In contrast to this previous study, we chose SDS as anionic surfactant to modify both lipoproteins and the channel surface to minimize lipoprotein adsorption and improve the resolution of lipoprotein separation. Two major LDL subclass patterns including large, buoyant LDL (lLDL), sdLDL, and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) were effectively separated with high reproducibility. RSD values of the migration time (min) and peak areas of standard LDL and HDL were 6.28, 4.02, 5.02, and 2.5%, respectively. Serum lipoproteins of 15 healthy subjects and 15 patients with coronary heart disease (CHD) were separated by microchip CE. No peaks of sdLDL were detected in serum samples of healthy subjects while sdLDL fractional peaks were observed in patients' entire serum samples. These results suggested that the microchip-based sdLDLs assay was a simple, rapid, and highly efficient technique and significantly improved the analysis of CHD risk factors. [source]

    Professional Employer Organizations and Their Role in Small and Medium Enterprises: The Impact of HR Outsourcing

    Brian S. Klaas
    While effective HR services and programs can help firms gain competitive advantage, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) often lack the internal resources required to develop and deliver these services and programs. As a result, SMEs increasingly are outsourcing HR activities to professional employer organizations (PEOs). Questions remain, however, about the conditions under which SMEs will benefit from outsourcing HR to a PEO, as well as about the type of benefits that are potentially available. The very nature of many HR activities raises questions about the risks associated with market governance and a PEO's ability to ensure service quality for SMEs. In order for these questions to be addressed, it is necessary to understand the process by which PEO utilization affects SME outcomes. In this article, we use transaction cost economics, social exchange theory, and the strategic HR literature to develop a framework for understanding the factors and conditions likely to affect whether and how an SME will benefit from using a PEO. [source]

    Sister chromatid exchange analysis in smelting plant workers exposed to arsenic

    Leiliane Paiva
    Abstract There are many studies documenting the genotoxic effects of environmental exposure to arsenic. Nevertheless, few data are available on the genotoxic risks of occupational arsenic exposure. In the present study, we have evaluated whether or not occupational exposure to arsenic in a copper smelting plant results in a significant increase in the frequency of sister chromatid exchange (SCE). SCE frequencies, proliferation rate index (PRI), and high frequency cells (HFCs) were evaluated in peripheral blood lymphocytes from a group of 105 arsenic-exposed workers from a Chilean smelting plant (exposed group). Similar assays were conducted on a group of 55 workers employed at the same mine but involved in administrative jobs (internal control), and on 48 workers of another mine, with no significant levels of arsenic (external control). Small but significant increases in SCE frequency were observed in the arsenic-exposed workers compared with the external control group (6.28 ± 0.09 vs. 5.84 ± 0.14 SCE/cell; P < 0.01). Also, significantly higher frequencies of HFCs were observed in the exposed group (2.21% ± 0.20%) than in either the external control group (1.20 ± 0.23; P = 0.002) or the internal control group (1.30 ± 0.24; P = 0.008). However, there was no relationship between arsenic levels in the urine of the subjects and SCE or HFC frequency. The results of the study indicate that copper smelting results in slightly increased levels of DNA damage. However, our data were not consistent with arsenic exposure being the cause of the increase. Environ. Mol. Mutagen., 2006. © 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

    Morphological alterations in the amygdala and hippocampus of mice during ageing

    Oliver Von Bohlen und Halbach
    Abstract Declines in memory function and behavioural dysfunction accompany normal ageing in mammals. However, the cellular and morphological basis of this decline remains largely unknown. It was assumed for a long time that cell losses in the hippocampus accompany ageing. However, recent stereological studies have questioned this finding. In addition, the effect of ageing is largely unknown in another key structure of the memory system, the amygdala. In the present study, we have estimated neuronal density and total neuronal numbers as well as density of fragments of degenerated axons in different hippocampal subfields and amygdaloid nuclei. Comparisons were made among aged (21,26 months old) mice and normal adult littermates (8 months old). No significant volume loss occurs in the hippocampus of aged mice. Small but insignificant reductions in total neuronal numbers were found in the hippocampus and in the amygdaloid nuclei. In contrast to the mild effects of ageing upon neuronal numbers, fragments of degenerated axons were increased in both hippocampus and amygdala of aged mice. These data suggest that ageing does not induce prominent cell loss in the hippocampus or amygdala, but leads to degeneration of axons that innervate these forebrain structures. Thus, mechanisms underlying age-related dysfunction depend on parameters other than neuronal numbers, at least in the hippocampal formation and the amygdala. [source]

    Development of New Pyrrolocoumarin Derivatives with Satisfactory Fluorescent Properties and Notably Large Stokes Shifts

    Lei Chen
    Abstract Small, organic, fluorescent molecules with large Stokes shifts and long emission wavelengths are ideal dyes for various modern fluorescent imaging technologies such as FRET. In this study, we designed and synthesized a number of new fluorescent molecules on the basic structures of two pyrrolocoumarin skeletons where Fischer's indole synthesis and the Suzuki coupling successfully served as the efficient molecular editing protocols. The examination of the fluorescent properties and further structural optimization of these compounds afforded three new pyrrolocoumarin dyes with notably large Stokes shifts and satisfactory fluorescent properties. Among these, 30 showed a large Stokes shift (113 nm) and intense fluorescence (, = 0.55, ,em = 523 nm), and thus showed great potential in biological imaging studies. (© Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 69451 Weinheim, Germany, 2008) [source]

    Why do citizens want to keep refugees out?

    Threats, fairness, hostile norms in the treatment of asylum seekers
    A social identity framework was employed to understand why people support the exclusionary treatment of refugee claimants (,asylum seekers') in Australia. Over and above individual difference effects of social dominance orientation and individuals' instrumental threat perceptions, insecure intergroup relations between citizens and asylum seekers were proposed to motivate exclusionary attitudes and behaviour. In addition, perceived procedural and distributive fairness were proposed to mediate the effects of social identity predictors on intergroup competitiveness, serving to legitimise citizens' exclusionary behaviours. Support for these propositions was obtained in a longitudinal study of Australians' social attitudes and behaviour. Small and inconsistent individual-level effects were noted. In contrast, after controlling for these variables, hostile Australian norms, perceived legitimacy of citizen status, and threatening socio-structural relations were strongly and consistently linked to intentions to support the harsh treatment of asylum seekers, and exclusionary attitudes and action at Time 2. Moreover, perceived procedural and distributive justice significantly mediated these relationships. The roles of fairness and intergroup socio-structural perceptions in social attitudes and actions are discussed. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]


    EVOLUTION, Issue 4 2006
    Kevin J. Parsons
    Abstract Colonization of a novel environment is expected to result in adaptive divergence from the ancestral population when selection favors a new phenotypic optimum. Local adaptation in the new environment occurs through the accumulation and integration of character states that positively affect fitness. The role played by plastic traits in adaptation to a novel environment has generally been ignored, except for variable environments. We propose that if conditions in a relatively stable but novel environment induce phenotypically plastic responses in many traits, and if genetic variation exists in the form of those responses, then selection may initially favor the accumulation and integration of functionally useful plastic responses. Early divergence between ancestral and colonist forms will then occur with respect to their plastic responses across the gradient bounded by ancestral and novel environmental conditions. To test this, we compared the magnitude, integration, and pattern of plastic character responses in external body form induced by shallow versus open water conditions between two sunfish ecomorphs that coexist in four postglacial lakes. The novel sunfish ecomorph is present in the deeper open water habitat, whereas the ancestral ecomorph inhabits the shallow waters along the lake margin. Plastic responses by open water ecomorphs were more correlated than those of their local shallow water ecomorph in two of the populations, whereas equal levels of correlated plastic character responses occurred between ecomorphs in the other two populations. Small but persistent differences occurred between ecomorph pairs in the pattern of their character responses, suggesting a recent divergence. Open water ecomorphs shared some similarities in the covariance among plastic responses to rearing environment. Replication in the form of correlated plastic responses among populations of open water ecomorphs suggests that plastic character states may evolve under selection. Variation between ecomorphs and among lake populations in the covariance of plastic responses suggests the presence of genetic variation in plastic character responses. In three populations, open water ecomorphs also exhibited larger plastic responses to the environmental gradient than the local shallow water ecomorph. This could account for the greater integration of plastic responses in open water ecomorphs in two of the populations. This suggests that the plastic responses of local sunfish ecomorphs can diverge through changes in the magnitude and coordination of plastic responses. Although these results require further investigation, they suggest that early adaptive evolution in a novel environment can include changes to plastic character states. The genetic assimilation of coordinated plastic responses could result in the further, and possibly rapid, divergence of such populations and could also account for the evolution of genes of major effect that contribute to suites of phenotypic differences between divergent populations. [source]

    Business Optimism for Small, Medium and Large Firms: Does It Explain Investment?,

    FISCAL STUDIES, Issue 2 2007
    Ciaran Driver
    We use UK survey data on variation in business optimism by manufacturing size group to estimate the determinants of optimism using OLS and SURE. There are similarities across the size groups but also some differences: the medium-size group seems to have been unusually affected by real interest rates in recent years. We also model investment authorisations, conditional on business optimism. Again, there are similarities across the size groups. However, the largest-size group, and possibly also the medium-size group, seem to be investing less in recent years in relation to reported optimism. By contrast, capital investment by smaller-sized firms has been stable in relation to business optimism. Some tentative explanations for these findings are explored. [source]

    Relationships among vertically structured in situ measures of turbulence, larval fish abundance and feeding success and copepods on Western Bank, Scotian Shelf

    Using vertically stratified data of the abundance of silver hake (Merluccius bilinearis) larvae and concentrations of copepods collected in the field, we examine relationships among the vertical distribution of larval fish, their potential prey, feeding success and water column turbulence. Water column turbulence and associated stratification parameters were estimated from: (i) in situ measures of turbulent kinetic energy dissipation (,) provided by an EPSONDE profiler; (ii) in situ wind speed; (iii) the Richardson number (Ri); and (iv) the buoyancy frequency (N2). Small (< 5 mm total length) silver hake were more abundant in the least turbulent waters (i.e. at a minimum in the rate of dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy, , < 10,7 W kg,1; Ri > 0.25; N2 > 0.001 (rad s,1)2). Partial correlations amongst ,, N2 and small hake larvae were significant only for N2. The abundance of larger (> 5 mm total length) hake larvae was positively correlated with depth and was not associated with either , or N2. Vertical distributions of three potential prey (classified by stage) were variable. Early stage copepodids were positively correlated with N2 and negatively correlated with ,. We found no evidence of diel distribution patterns for small (< 5 mm total length) hake larvae or for any of the developmental stages of the copepods examined. Neither estimate of water column turbulence inferred from wind speed nor from Ri was meaningfully related to in situ estimates of , or to larval fish abundance. Feeding success, measured either as prey items (gut),1, average prey length, or total prey volume (gut),1, was not related to predicted encounter rates between days. However, the average prey length (gut),1 was significantly (P < 0.01) related to water column turbulence. These conflicting results suggest that the relationship between larval feeding and the environment is more complicated than assumed. We conclude that without substantial high resolution in situ examination of the relationship between the vertical distributions of turbulence, larvae and their prey, the growing acceptance in the secondary literature that turbulence has a positive and biologically meaningful effect on trophic interactions between fish and their zooplankton prey (a generalization based largely on modelling and laboratory experiments) is premature. [source]

    Encapsulation and release of a fluorescent probe, khusimyl dansylate, obtained from vetiver oil by complex coacervation

    A. S. Prata
    Abstract The essential oil of vetiver [Vetiveria zizanoides (L.) Nash ex. Small] is widely used in the perfume industry, owing to its pleasant, long-lasting, woody aroma. If this substance can be encapsulated in microparticles so that its release can be controlled, the effective duration of its properties should be extended for a much longer period of time. The present study was thus designed to investigate the encapsulation of this vetiver essential oil in microparticles. Since the detection of the effective release of such a complex mixture from these microparticles into the receiving medium can be problematic, an identifiable probe can be released with it to facilitate evaluation of the progression of the release process. Zizanoic acid is one of the compounds found in vetiver oil which depreciates its sensorial quality. This acid was thus extracted and reduced to the corresponding alcohol, khusimol, which was combined with dansyl chloride to form a fluorescent ester, khusimyl dansylate (KD). The vetiver oil and the fluorescent probe were then encapsulated (100:1) in microparticles produced by the complex coacervation of gum Arabic and gelatin. The microparticles showed spherical shape, multinuclear distribution of the core material and high encapsulation efficiency (95%). Two versions of these microparticles, moist and freeze-dried ones, were tested for the release of the KD into an ethanol medium. The moist particles released the whole KD after 5 h, although only 80% of the fluorescent probe was released with the freeze-dried microparticles at that time, probably due to the constriction caused by freeze-drying. The release of the components of vetiver oil, under the same experimental conditions, was followed, in parallel, by gas chromatography and the results obtained were compared and discussed. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    Population Synthesis: Comparing the Major Techniques Using a Small, Complete Population of Firms

    Justin Ryan
    Recently, disaggregate modeling efforts that rely on microdata have received wide attention by scholars and practitioners. Synthetic population techniques have been devised and are used as a viable alternative to the collection of microdata that normally are inaccessible because of confidentiality concerns or incomplete because of high acquisition costs. The two most widely discussed synthetic techniques are the synthetic reconstruction method (IPFSR), which makes use of iterative proportional fitting (IPF) techniques, and the combinatorial optimization (CO) method. Both methods are described in this article and then evaluated in terms of their ability to recreate a known population of firms, using limited data extracted from the parent population of the firms. Testing a synthetic population against a known population is seldom done, because obtaining an entire population usually is too difficult. The case presented here uses a small, complete population of firms for the City of Hamilton, Ontario, for the year 1990; firm attributes compiled are number of employees, 3-digit standard industrial classification, and geographic location. Results are summarized for experiments based upon various combinations of sample size and tabulation detail designed to maximize the accuracy of resulting synthetic populations while holding input data costs to a minimum. The output from both methods indicates that increases in sample size and tabulation detail result in higher quality synthetic populations, although the quality of the generated population is more sensitive to increases in tabular detail. Finally, most tests conducted with the created synthetic populations suggest that the CO method is superior to the IPFSR method. Los modelos desagregados basados en micro data han recibido la atención relativamente reciente de los círculos académicos y de aplicación. La colección de dicha data es una tarea difícil por cuestiones de accesibilidad, confidencialidad, datos incompletos o altos costos de adquisición. Por esta razón se han creado indicadores sintéticos como a alternativa a la recolección directa de datos. Los dos indicadores sintéticos mas discutidos/conocidos son el método de Reconstrucción Sintética (Sytnthetic Reconstruction method) (IPFSR) que hace uso de técnicas de Ajuste Proporcional Iterativo (IPF); y el método Optimización Combinatoria (CO). Ambos métodos son descritos en este artículo y luego evaluados en base a su habilidad de recrear una población de empresas ya conocidas o preestablecidas. Contrastar una población sintética versus una población conocida es una operación poco frecuente porque la obtención de una población entera es por lo general bastante difícil. El caso presentado en este estudio utiliza una población pequeña y completa de empresas en la ciudad de Hamilton, Ontario (Canadá) para el año 1990. Las variables recopiladas son el número de empleados, SIC (código estandarizado de clasificación industrial), y ubicación geográfica. Los resultados que se reportan en el presente estudio son producto de varios experimentos basados en varias combinaciones del tamaño de la muestra, y del detalle en la tabulación diseñados, los mismos que fueron diseñados para maximizar la exactitud de las poblaciones sintéticas calculadas y al mismo tiempo minimizar los costos de datos necesarios. Los resultados obtenidos por ambos métodos indica que los incrementos en el tamaño de la muestra y en el detalle de la tabulación resultan en un estimado de poblaciones mejor, aunque este estimado es particularmente sensible a incrementos en el detalle de las tabulaciones. Finalmente, la mayoría de pruebas realizadas con las poblaciones sintéticas generadas para este estudio sugieren que el método CO es superior al método IPFSR. [source]

    Cretaceous,Tertiary geodynamics: a North Atlantic exercise

    Trond H. Torsvik
    Summary New reconstructions are presented for the Cretaceous,Early Tertiary North Atlantic using a combination of palaeomagnetic, hotspot and magnetic anomaly data. We utilize these reconstructions in an analysis of previously described misfits between the North Atlantic Plate elements at successive intervals during this time period. We are able to achieve reasonable overlap between the hotspot and palaeomagnetic reconstructions between 40 and 95 Ma and thus are able to support the idea that the Indo,Atlantic hotspots are relatively stationary. Small, but systematic discrepancies for this time interval can readily be modelled with a long-term, octopole non-dipole field contribution (G3 = g30/g10 = 0.08). However, hotspot and palaeomagnetic reconstructions for the Early Cretaceous North Atlantic show substantial differences that cannot be explained by constant, non-dipole fields and we favour an explanation for these discrepancies in terms of true polar wander (TPW) triggered by mantle instabilities between 125 and 95 Ma; this constitutes the only identifiable event of significant TPW since the Early Cretaceous. Taken in the context of available geochronological and geological data and seismic tomography from the region, the 95,40 Ma reconstructions and their time-consequent geological products are interpreted in terms of specific conditions of mantle-crust coupling and global plate motions/tectonic activity. Highlights from these reconstructions show uniform NE movement of the coupled North American, Greenland and Eurasian plates from 95 to 80 Ma; a marked cusp in the paths for all three elements at 80 Ma where the three plates simultaneously change direction and follow a uniform NW-directed motion until c. 20 Ma when Eurasia diverges NE, away from the still-NW-moving Greenland and North American elements. Positioning of the Iceland plume beneath the spreading-ridge at 20 Ma may have increased upwelling below the ridge, increased the ridge-push, and caused a NE shift in the absolute direction of Eurasia. [source]

    Acclimation of photosynthesis and respiration to elevated atmospheric CO2 in two Scrub Oaks

    Graham J. Hymus
    Abstract For two species of oak, we determined whether increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration (Ca) would decrease leaf mitochondrial respiration (R) directly, or indirectly owing to their growth in elevated Ca, or both. In particular, we tested whether acclimatory decreases in leaf-Rubisco content in elevated Ca would decrease R associated with its maintenance. This hypothesis was tested in summer 2000 on sun and shade leaves of Quercus myrtifolia Willd. and Quercus geminata Small. We also measured R on five occasions between summer 1999 and 2000 on leaves of Q. myrtifolia. The oaks were grown in the field for 4 years, in either current ambient or elevated (current ambient + 350 µmol mol,1) Ca, in open-top chambers (OTCs). For Q. myrtifolia, an increase in Ca from 360 to 710 µmol mol,1 had no direct effect on R at any time during the year. In April 1999, R in young Q. myrtifolia leaves was significantly higher in elevated Ca,the only evidence for an indirect effect of growth in elevated Ca. Leaf R was significantly correlated with leaf nitrogen (N) concentration for the sun and shade leaves of both the species of oak. Acclimation of photosynthesis in elevated Ca significantly reduced maximum RuBP-saturated carboxylation capacity (Vc max) for both the sun and shade leaves of only Q. geminata. However, we estimated that only 11,12% of total leaf N was invested in Rubisco; consequently, acclimation in this plant resulted in a small effect on N and an insignificant effect on R. In this study measurements of respiration and photosynthesis were made on material removed from the field; this procedure had no effect on gas exchange properties. The findings of this study were applicable to R expressed either per unit leaf area or unit dry weight, and did not support the hypothesis that elevated Ca decreases R directly, or indirectly owing to acclimatory decreases in Rubisco content. [source]

    Small,Scale Entrepreneurship and Access to Capital in Peripheral Locations: An Empirical Analysis

    GROWTH AND CHANGE, Issue 2 2002
    Daniel Felsenstein
    This paper presents an analysis of a public assistance program for small,scale entrepreneurship in peripheral areas. Public assistance compensates for market inefficiencies where the decision rules of financial institutions discriminate against otherwise viable small firms in capital markets. Lending institutions perceive high risk in providing debt capital when little information is present. Using empirical data from Israel, the determinants of this risk are estimated and the role of location in creating this information asymmetry is stressed. These results empirically establish that (1) location matters in determining the risk profile of the firm, (2) locationally targeted programs can reduce the information asymmetries that make peripheral firms unattractive to lenders, and (3) these programs can also generate positive welfare effects. Finally, there is speculation on the potential role of ICT (information and communications technology) in increasing the visibility of small firms in remote locations and creating a more symmetrical flow of information. [source]

    Migraine, Big and Small

    HEADACHE, Issue 9 2001
    Egilius L.H. Spierings MD
    No abstract is available for this article. [source]