Single Cell Type (single + cell_type)

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Selected Abstracts

Cross-presentation, dendritic cell subsets, and the generation of immunity to cellular antigens

William R. Heath
Summary:, Cross-presentation involves the uptake and processing of exogenous antigens within the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I pathway. This process is primarily performed by dendritic cells (DCs), which are not a single cell type but may be divided into several distinct subsets. Those expressing CD8, together with CD205, found primarily in the T-cell areas of the spleen and lymph nodes, are the major subset responsible for cross-presenting cellular antigens. This ability is likely to be important for the generation of cytotoxic T-cell immunity to a variety of antigens, particularly those associated with viral infection, tumorigenesis, and DNA vaccination. At present, it is unclear whether the CD8,-expressing DC subset captures antigen directly from target cells or obtains it indirectly from intermediary DCs that traffic from peripheral sites. In this review, we examine the molecular basis for cross-presentation, discuss the role of DC subsets, and examine the contribution of this process to immunity, with some emphasis on DNA vaccination. [source]

A new fate for old cells: brush cells and related elements

A. Sbarbati
Abstract Over the past 50 years, hundreds of studies have described those cells that are characterized by a brush of rigid apical microvilli with long rootlets, and which are found in the digestive and respiratory apparatuses. These cells have been given names such as brush cells, tuft cells, fibrillovesicular cells, multivesicular cells and caveolated cells. More recently, it has been realized that all these elements may represent a single cell type, probably with a chemosensory role, even if other functions (e.g. secretory or absorptive) seem to be possible. Very recent developments have permitted a partial definition of the chemical code characterizing these elements, revealing the presence of molecules involved in chemoreceptorial cell signalling. A molecular cascade, similar to those characterizing the gustatory epithelium, seems to be present in these elements. These new data suggest that these elements can be considered solitary chemosensory cells with the presence of the apical ,brush' as an inconsistent feature. They seem to comprise a diffuse chemosensory system that covers large areas (probably the whole digestive and respiratory apparatuses) with analogies to chemosensory systems described in aquatic vertebrates. [source]

Cell therapies: realizing the potential of this new dimension to medical therapeutics

Pawanbir Singh
Abstract Stem cells promise to treat conditions poorly served by conventional therapeutics. Cells from both embryonic and somatic tissues are being used to create cell therapies for genetic, traumatic and degenerative conditions. The current human, healthcare and fiscal costs of these conditions are significant. This review summarizes the use of stem cells for neurological and cardiac disorders and diabetes to determine the requirements for generic translational research to assist such therapies to be a reality. While there are multiple strategies in each disease area, with no clear favourite, there are clear opportunities in treatments that use a single cell type. A key requirement is to work with pluripotent progenitor cells to cultivate and differentiate a sufficiently large population of functioning cells. Challenges also arise in determining and achieving timely delivery of the correct dose of cells to where they can most effectively treat the disease and best benefit individual patients. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

A systems biology investigation of the MEP/terpenoid and shikimate/phenylpropanoid pathways points to multiple levels of metabolic control in sweet basil glandular trichomes

Zhengzhi Xie
Summary The glandular trichome is an excellent model system for investigating plant metabolic processes and their regulation within a single cell type. We utilized a proteomics-based approach with isolated trichomes of four different sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) lines possessing very different metabolite profiles to clarify the regulation of metabolism in this single cell type. Significant differences in the distribution and accumulation of the 881 highly abundant and non-redundant protein entries demonstrated that although the proteomes of the glandular trichomes of the four basil lines shared many similarities they were also each quite distinct. Correspondence between proteomic, expressed sequence tag, and metabolic profiling data demonstrated that differential gene expression at major metabolic branch points appears to be responsible for controlling the overall production of phenylpropanoid versus terpenoid constituents in the glandular trichomes of the different basil lines. In contrast, post-transcriptional and post-translational regulation of some enzymes appears to contribute significantly to the chemical diversity observed within compound classes for the different basil lines. Differential phosphorylation of enzymes in the 2- C -methyl- d -erythritol 4-phosphate (MEP)/terpenoid and shikimate/phenylpropanoid pathways appears to play an important role in regulating metabolism in this single cell type. Additionally, precursors for different classes of terpenoids, including mono- and sesquiterpenoids, appear to be almost exclusively supplied by the MEP pathway, and not the mevalonate pathway, in basil glandular trichomes. [source]

Scanning Electron Microscopy of the Orbital Harderian Gland in the Male Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)

G. G. Ortiz
Summary The ultrastructure of the Harderian gland of Atlantic bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) was examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). We found the following surface features: the typical round appearance of the ascinar glandular unit with a finely granular surface, a thin cortex and immediately below two types of cells: type I cells (characterized by small lipid vacuoles) and type II cells (characterized by large lipid vacuoles). It has been suggested that different cells forms represent a single cell type in varying activity states. Additionally, a coalescent tubular complex, a small balloon-like structures and large globular structures were observed. These structures may be reservoirs of secretion products. [source]

Nonparametric One-way Analysis of Variance of Replicated Bivariate Spatial Point Patterns

Sabine Landau
Abstract A common problem in neuropathological studies is to assess the spatial patterning of cells on tissue sections and to compare spatial patterning between disorder groups. For a single cell type, the cell positions constitute a univariate point process and interest focuses on the degree of spatial aggregation. For two different cell types, the cell positions constitute a bivariate point process and the degree of spatial interaction between the cell types is of interest. We discuss the problem of analysing univariate and bivariate spatial point patterns in the one-way design where cell patterns have been obtained for groups of subjects. A bootstrapping procedure to perform a nonparametric one-way analysis of variance of the spatial aggregation of a univariate point process has been suggested by Diggle, Lange and Bene, (1991). We extend their replication-based approach to allow the comparison of the spatial interaction of two cell types between groups, to include planned comparisons (contrasts) and to assess whole groups against complete spatial randomness and spatial independence. We also accommodate several replicate tissue sections per subject. An advantage of our approach is that it can be applied when processes are not stationary, a common problem in brain tissue sections since neurons are arranged in cortical layers. We illustrate our methods by applying them to a neuropathological study to investigate abnormalities in the functional relationship between neurons and astrocytes in HIV associated dementia. (© 2004 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim) [source]