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Ridge alterations following tooth extraction with and without flap elevation: an experimental study in the dog

Mauricio G. Araújo
Abstract Background: Different approaches were advocated to preserve or improve the dimension and contour of the ridge following tooth extraction. In some of studies, socket ,flapless extraction' apparently had a successful outcome. Aim: The objective of the present experiment was to compare hard tissue healing following tooth extraction with or without the prior elevation of mucosal full-thickness flaps. Material and methods: Five mongrel dogs were used. The two second mandibular premolars (2P2) were hemi-sected. The mesial roots were retained. By random selection the distal root in one side was removed after the elevation of full-thickness flaps while on the contralateral side, root extraction was performed in a flapless procedure. The soft tissue wound was closed with interrupted sutures. After 6 months of healing, the dogs were euthanized and biopsies were sampled. From each experimental site, four ground sections , two from the mesial root and two from the healed socket , were prepared, stained and examined in the microscope. Results: The data showed that the removal of a single tooth (root) during healing caused a marked change in the edentulous ridge. In the apical and middle portions of the socket site minor dimensional alterations occurred while in the coronal portion of the ridge the reduction of the hard tissue volume was substantial. Similar amounts of hard tissue loss occurred during healing irrespective of the procedure used to remove the tooth was, i.e. flapless or following flap elevation. Conclusion: Tooth loss (extraction) resulted in marked alterations of the ridge. The size of the alveolar process was reduced. The procedure used for tooth extraction , flapless or following flap elevation , apparently did not influence the more long-term outcome of healing. [source]

Variability and minimum detectable change for walking energy efficiency variables in children with cerebral palsy

For individuals with neuromuscular disorders, the assessment of walking energy efficiency is useful as a clinical outcome measure. Issues surrounding data collection methodology, normalization of the data, and variability and clinical utility of energy efficiency data preclude universal application. This study examined the variability and the clinical utility of velocity, energy efficiency index (EEI), gross cost, and net nondimensional cost (NNcost) in children and adolescents with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy (CP) in Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) levels I to III. The energy efficiency of walking was evaluated in 23 children and adolescents (12 males, 11 females, mean age 11y 3mo [SD 3y 5mo]; range 7,17y). Day-to-day variability was similar for all energy efficiency variables, with no significant differences in magnitude of variability between GMFCS levels. Correlations between EEI and gross cost and EEI and NNcost were fairly good (r=0.65, p<0.001, and r=0.74, p<0.001 respectively). However, only gross cost and NNcost discriminated between GMFCS levels in children with CP. Gross cost required the greatest amount of change to be considered clinically significant, whereas NNcost and EEI required a similar amount of change. For cohorts of children with CP who are evaluated over time, NNcost is the best normalization method as it reduces the variability between participants of different ages, height, and weight while evaluating only the amount of energy used to ambulate. [source]

A comparison of the relative contributions of temporal and spatial variation in the density of drifting invertebrates in a Dorset (U.K.) chalk stream

Summary 1. Invertebrate drift is commonly investigated in streams, with the majority of studies focussed on temporal (typically diel) variation. In comparison, few studies have investigated spatial variation in drift and there is little consensus among them. We tested the hypothesis that spatial variation in invertebrate drift is as important as temporal variation. 2. The density of drifting invertebrates in a chalk stream was sampled using an array of nets arranged to determine vertical, lateral and longitudinal variation. Samples were collected at dawn, during the day, at dusk and by night, on four separate monthly occasions. Insecta and Crustacea were analysed separately to identify the effect of differing life history strategies. The density of drifting debris was also recorded, to act as a null model. 3. Time of day and vertical position together explained the majority of the variance in invertebrate drift (79% for Insecta and 97% for Crustacea), with drift densities higher at dusk and night, and nearer the stream bed. Independently, time of day (38%, Insecta; 52%, Crustacea) and vertical position (41%, Insecta; 45%, Crustacea) explained a similar amount of the observed variance. Month explained some of the variance in insect drift (9%) but none for Crustacea. 4. Variation in the density of drifting debris showed little in common with invertebrate drift. There was little variation associated with time of day and only 27% of the observed variation in debris could be explained by the factors investigated here, with month explaining the largest proportion (20%). We suggest the difference in drifting debris and invertebrates provides further evidence for a strong behavioural component in invertebrate drift. 5. Spatial variation in invertebrate drift can be of the same order of magnitude as the much-described diel temporal variation. The extent of this spatial variation poses problems when attempting to quantify invertebrate drift and we recommend that spatial replication should be incorporated into drift studies. [source]

Characterization of cartilagenous tissue formed on calcium polyphosphate substrates in vitro

Stephen D. Waldman
Abstract Successful joint resurfacing by tissue-engineered cartilage has been limited, in part, by an inability to secure the implant to bone. To overcome this, we have developed the methodology to form a cartilage implant in vitro consisting of a layer of cartilagenous tissue overlying a porous, biodegradable calcium polyphosphate (CPP) substrate. As bone will grow into the CPP after implantation, it will result in anchorage of the cartilage. In this study, the cartilagenous tissue formed in vitro after 8 weeks in culture was characterized and compared to native articular cartilage. Light microscopic examination of histological sections showed that there was a continuous layer of cartilagenous tissue on, and integrated with the subsurface of, the CPP substrate. The in vitro -formed tissue achieved a similar thickness to native articular cartilage (mean ± SEM: in vitro = 0.94 ± 0.03 mm; ex vivo = 1.03 ± 0.01 mm). The cells in the in vitro -formed tissue synthesized large proteoglycans (Kav ± SEM: in vitro = 0.27 ± 0.01; ex vivo = 0.27 ± 0.01) and type II collagen similar to the chondrocytes in the ex-vivo cartilage. The in vitro -formed tissue had a similar amount of proteoglycan (GAG ,g/mg dry wt.: in vitro = 198 ± 10; ex vivo = 201 ± 13) but less collagen than the native cartilage (hydroxyproline ,g/mg dry wt.: in vitro = 21 ± 1; ex vivo = 70 ± 8). The in vitro -formed tissue had only about 3% of the load-bearing capacity and stiffness of the native articular cartilage, determined from unconfined mechanical compression testing. Although low, this was within the range of properties reported by others for tissue-engineered cartilage. It is possible that the limited load-bearing capacity is the result of the low collagen content and further studies are required to identify the conditions that will increase collagen synthesis. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res 62:323,330, 2002 [source]

Effect of interleukin-1 gene polymorphism in a periodontally healthy Hispanic population treated with mucogingival surgery

Raul G. Caffesse
Abstract Objectives: A genetic test for susceptibility of periodontal disease has been introduced. A positive test indicates a risk factor for more severe periodontal destruction. The prevalence of genotype positive subjects has been reported around 30%. In a Mexican population, we have found a 26% prevalence of genotype positive individuals. Few studies have reported the response to therapy in these individuals. The purpose of this study was to assess the response to mucogingival surgery in an otherwise periodontally healthy Hispanic population. Materials and methods: 22 subjects (7 male and 15 female) with a mean age of 45 years participated. They were treated 3 years prior for the treatment of Types I and II recession defects using connective tissue grafts. No other active periodontal treatment was required, except for preventive maintenance. A full-mouth clinical evaluation was performed which included assessment of gingival inflammation and measurements of probing pocket depth and clinical attachment levels. Mean values per patient were determined. A finger stick blood sample was collected using specially provided DNA filter paper, let dried, and mailed for processing. Results: Results indicated that 5 out of the 22 subjects were genotype positive. The genotype positive subjects presented the following values: GI 1.13±0.17, PPD 2.48±0.46, and CAL 3.38±0.66. The values for the genotype negative subjects were GI 1.06±0.14, PPD 2.38±0.31 and CAL 3.11±0.53. No statistical significant differences were found when both groups were compared (p>0.05). Furthermore, the treatment of the localized recessions was effective and provided similar amount of coverage in genotype positive and negative subjects. However, more genotype negative subjects showed complete coverage of the recession than genotype positive individuals. Conclusions: Within the limits of this study it is concluded that (1) periodontal health can be maintained with proper preventive maintenance irrespective of the genotype present, (2) the mean response to mucogingival surgery to cover localized gingival recessions is similar irrespective of the IL-1 periodontal genotype, however, full coverage is achieved more frequently in genotype negative subjects. Zusammenfassung Ziele: Es wurde ein Gentest für die Anfälligkeit bezüglich einer Parodontalerkrankung eingeführt. Ein positiver Test ist ein Zeichen für einen Risikofaktor für eine stärkere parodontale Destruktion. Die Prävalenz von genotyp-positiven Personen wurde mit etwa 30% angegeben. In einer mexikanischen Population haben wir eine Prävalenz von 26% von genotyp-positiven Individuen vorgefunden. Nur wenige Studien haben bei diesen Patienten über die Reaktion auf die Therapie berichtet. Der Zweck dieser Studie war es die Heilung nach mukogingivaler Chirurgie in einer im Übrigen parodontal gesunden Population mit spanischen Abstammung. Material und Methode: 22 Patienten (7 Männer und 15 Frauen) mit einem Durchschnittsalter von 45 Jahren nahmen an der Studie teil. Sie wurden vor 3 Jahren zur Deckung einer Rezession von Typ I oder II mit einem Bindegewebetransplantat behandelt. Es war keine weitere parodontale Behandlung außer präventiven Erhaltungstherapie notwendig. Es wurde eine vollständige klinische Untersuchung des Gebisses durchgeführt, die die Bestimmung der gingivalen Etnzündung, sowie die Messung der Sondierungstiefe und des klinischen Attachmentniveaus beinhaltete. Es wurden für jeden Patienten die Mittelwerte bestimmt. Eine Blutprobe von der Fingerbeere wurde entnommen, auf ein specielles DNA-Filterpapier aufgetragen, getrocknet und zur Weiterverarbeitung versendet. Ergebnisse: Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass 5 von 22 Patienten genotyp-positiven waren. Die genotyp-positiven Patienten wiesen folgende Werte auf: GI 1.13±0.17, PPD 2.48±0.46 und CAL 3.38±0.66. Die Werte für die genotyp-negativen Patienten betrugen: GI 1.06±0.14, PPD 2.38±0.31 und CAL 3.11±0.53. Beim Vergleich beider Gruppen ergaben sich keine statistisch signifikanten Unterschiede (p>0.05). Des weiteren war die Behandlung der lokalisierten Rezession effektiv und lieferte bei genotyp-positiven und genotyp-negativen Patienten einen ähnlichen Anteil an Wurzeldeckung. Jedoch zeigten mehr genotyp-negative Patienten eine vollständige Rezessionsdeckung als genotyp-positive Patienten. Schlussfolgerungen: Mit den Einschränkungen dieser Studie kann die Schlussfolgerung gezogen werden, dass (1) unabhängig vom vorliegenden Genotyp mit geeigneten präventiven Maßnahmen die parodontale Gesundheit erhalten werden kann und (2) dass unabhängig vom IL-1-Genotyp, die durchschnittliche Reaktion auf die mukogingivale Chirurgie zur Deckung von lokalisierten Gingivarezessionen ähnlich ist. Jedoch wird eine vollständige Deckung häufiger bei genotyp-negativen Patienten erreicht. Résumé But: Un test génétique pour la suscpetibilitéà la maladie parodontale est présenté. Un test positif indique un facteur de risque pour une destruction parodontale plus sévère. La fréquence globale de sujets positifs au génotype semblerait être de 30%. Dans une population mexicaine, une fréquence globale de 26% d'individus positifs pour le génotype a été trouvée. Peu d'études ont apporté la réponse au traitement chez ces individus. Le but de cette investigation a été de mesurer la réponse de la chirurgie muco-gingivale dans une population hispanique parodontalement saine. Matériaux et méthodes: 7 hommes et 15 femmes d'un âge moyen de 45 ans y ont participé. Ils avaient été traités 3 ans auparavant pour des lésions de récession de type I et II en utilisant des greffes de tissu conjonctif. Aucun autre traitement parodontal actif n'avait été requis, sauf pour la maintenance. Une évaluation clinique de toute la bouche a été effectuée comprenant l'estimation de l'inflammation gingivale et les measures de la profondeur de poche au sondage et des niveaux d'attache clinique. Les valeurs moyennes par patient ont été déterminées. Un échantillon sanguin par piqûre du doigt a été récolté en utilisant un papier filtre ADN, qui fût séché et envoyé pour analyse. Résultats: Les résultats ont indiqué que 5 des 22 sujets étaient génotype positif. Ces sujets présentaient les valeurs suivantes: GI 1.13±0.17, PPD 2.48±0.46 mm et CAL 3.38±0.66 mm. Les valeurs chez les sujets génotype négatif étaient: GI 1.06±0.14, PPD 2.38±0.31 mm et CAL 3.11±0.53 mm. Aucune différence statistiquement significative n'a été trouvée lorsque les deux groupes ont été comparés. De plus le traitement des récessions locales était effectif et apportait une quantité semblable de recouvrement chez les deux types de sujets. Cependant davantage de sujets génotype négatif bénéficiaient d'un recouvrement complet de la récession. Conclusions: Dans les limites d l'étude présente: (1) la santé parodontale peut être maintenue avec des mesures préventives quelque soit le génotype présent, (2) la réponse moyenne de la chirurgie muco-gingivale pour recouvrir des récessions gingivales locales est semblable quelque soit le génotype parodontal IL-1, bien qu'un recouvrement complet est plus souvent réalisé chez les sujets génotype négatif. [source]

Enhancing high water content biomass gasification with impregnated Ca in fuel drying

AICHE JOURNAL, Issue 10 2006
Guangwen Xu
Abstract In view of energy conversion efficiency, the gas production from high water content (>60 wt.%) biomass via gasification is necessarily conducted with fuel drying in advance. In regard to this kind of processes, the present study was devised to impregnate Ca onto fuel during fuel drying and thereby to increase fuel's gasification reactivity to raise the gas production efficiency with minimal additional cost. By employing wet coffee grounds as a model biomass fuel and slurry dewatering in kerosene as the adopted drying technology, the Ca impregnation was implemented through dosing Ca(OH)2 into a fuel-kerosene slurry and in turn treating the slurry in the same way as for the case without Ca addition. The resulting Ca (4.0 wt.% load in CaO base) exhibited high dispersion through the fuel matrix in both SEM-EDX image and XRD spectrum. Gasification of the fuel in a pilot dual fluidized gasification setup further demonstrated that the fuel possessed distinctively high reaction reactivity. This led it to show C and H conversions of 91% and 138%, respectively, at a reaction temperature of about 1083 K, whereas these conversions were only 70% and 92% for the fuel with a similar amount of physically mixed CaO. The catalytic effect of the impregnated Ca manifested also on hydrocarbon reforming and water gas shift, making the resulting product gas evidently rich in H2 and lean in CO and hydrocarbons. © 2006 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 2006 [source]



The interactive effects of P starvation and exposure to UV radiation (UVR) on rates of damage (k) and repair (r), modeled from exposure response curves (ERCs), in the chlorophyte microalga Dunaliella tertiolecta Butcher were investigated. When nutrient-replete cells were exposed to the UVR during growth, k and r both increased by approximately 62% and 100%, respectively. However, when cells were starved of phosphorus, k increased by a similar amount as observed in replete cells, but r decreased by about 70%, explaining the increased susceptibility of cells to UVR-induced inhibition of photosynthesis under P starvation. Although not specifically investigated in this study, it is argued that the decreased repair capacity under P starvation is due to a decline in nucleotides such as ATP and GTP, which are necessary for protein repair. [source]

Allocation of resources within mountain birch canopy after simulated winter browsing

OIKOS, Issue 1 2000
Kari Lehtilä
As a response to browsing, birches are known to produce fewer but larger, more nutritious leaves, with enhanced palatability for herbivores. We simulated winter browsing in ramets of mountain birch (Betula pubescens ssp. czerepanovii) to find out whether it decreases subsequent foliage biomass and alters the number and type of shoots. After removal of a considerable proportion of buds (up to 35%) in late winter, the birches were able to compensate for the lost leaf biomass in the following summer; there were no differences in total leaf biomass between winter-clipped and control ramets. This indicates that foliage growth was limited by the total amount of stored resources, not by the number of buds. Depending on the position of the buds removed, different mechanisms were responsible for the compensation. After removal of apical buds, the number of leaves decreased significantly but leaves were larger than in control ramets. Removal of the same mass of basal buds , containing similar amount of carbohydrates and proteins as in the treatment removing apical buds , activated dormant buds, especially in apical locations, so that leaf number was similar as in the controls; consequently, size of individual leaves increased only slightly. Thus, while the total leaf biomass in a tree seems to be limited by resources from source organs, the distribution of resources among different canopy sections is controlled by their relative sink strengths. In terms of leaf biomass, apical parts are able to compensate for bud loss by increasing shoot number, basal parts only by increasing leaf size. [source]

Health professionals' reports of information given to parents following the prenatal diagnosis of sex chromosome anomalies and outcomes of pregnancies: a pilot study

Sue Hall
Abstract Objectives To examine the association between the information health professionals report providing parents about sex chromosome anomalies (SCAs) and the outcomes of affected pregnancies. Methods Telephone interviews were conducted with health professionals who disclosed the prenatal diagnosis of an SCA to parents. The statements they reported providing to parents about the condition were coded as positive, neutral or negative. Outcomes of the pregnancies were obtained from medical records. Results Six of the 23 pregnancies were terminated. Health professionals reported giving parents of these six cases a greater amount of negative information about an SCA than did the health professionals reporting on the information given to the parents who continued with their pregnancies. Health professionals reported giving a similar amount of positive and neutral information to both groups of parents. Conclusion The results of this pilot study suggest that there is a positive association between the amount of negative information parents are given initially about a sex chromosome anomaly and the decision to terminate the affected pregnancy. This study is limited by its small sample size and reliance on health professionals' self-reports of information provided to parents. Larger, prospective studies in which consultations are tape-recorded and linked to parents' subsequent decision making and adjustment are needed. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Evaluation of Policy Options to Encourage Welfare to Work

Hielke Buddelmeyer
This article compares five alternative policy options with the January 2006 tax and social security system. Each option is designed to cost a similar amount of approximately $5 billion per year to the government at the observed level of labour supply. The five options include reducing the lowest income tax rate, increasing the tax-free threshold, increasing the low income tax offset, decreasing all taper rates on own and partner's incomes for a number of allowances, and introducing an earned income tax credit. The criteria for comparison are the labour supply responses, the expected budgetary cost to the government after taking into account labour supply responses, the number of winners and losers from the policy change, the effects on the distribution of effective marginal tax rates, and the effects on the number of jobless households. From the results, it is clear that the option to reduce taper rates is dominated by the other options on all criteria. The other four options each have their advantages and disadvantages; no option scores best on all criteria. [source]

The Impact of Income on the Taste for Revolt

Robert MacCulloch
The question of how the level of development affects revolutionary support in society is of fundamental importance. One approach to provide an answer has been to study the relationship between actual civil conflict and income at the national level. This article takes a different approach. It uses microdata sets based on surveys of revolutionary support across one-quarter of a million people and identifies how the responses vary with their incomes. We find that a rise in GDP of $US 1,600 per capita in 2001 values decreases the chances of supporting revolt by 2.4 percentage points which represents a 41% drop in the proportion of people wanting a revolution. For a person who jumps from the bottom to top income quartile within their country, the probability declines by a similar amount. The results are robust to controlling for country and year effects, country-specific time trends and take account of the potential endogeneity of GDP. [source]

Crop thinning (hand versus mechanical), grape maturity and anthocyanin concentration: outcomes from irrigated Cabernet Sauvignon (Vitis vinifera L.) in a warm climate

Abstract Crop thinning subsequent to fruit set can help regulate yield and improve fruit composition at harvest. Accordingly, an experiment was established in two vineyards (Site 1 Riverland District of South Australia; Site 2 Sunraysia District of Victoria) to investigate effects of crop removal after fruit set (when berries were pea size) using a machine harvester. Specific zones of the canopy were targeted for thinning to remove a predetermined percentage of the fruit and avoid over-thinning. Cropping responses to mechanical thinning were compared with control (un-thinned) vines, and with hand thinned vines (where fruit was removed from a similar portion of the canopy as for mechanical thinning). In a fourth treatment, bunches damaged by mechanical thinning were removed by hand. Inclusion of hand thinning treatments enabled us to distinguish between the potential benefits of reduced yield and the potential damage caused by the mechanical harvester to foliage and/or remaining fruit. Both the mechanical and the hand thinning treatments reduced bunch number as well as yield by a similar amount (approximately 24% on Site 1 and approximately 45% on Site 2) and advanced fruit maturity (soluble solids accumulation at harvest), relative to un-thinned controls, by approximately 1.6 % and 1.7% respectively. Soluble solids accumulated at a similar rate for all treatments at sites, despite differences in yield, implying that the impact of thinning treatments originated prior to veraison. Berry weight was increased by hand thinning at Site1, and by all thinning treatments at Site 2. Anthocyanin concentration (berry fresh weight basis) was higher in fruit from the mechanically thinned vines compared to controls (un-thinned). Mechanical thinning successfully reduced crop level to the target yield, and improved fruit quality. Mechanical thinning, via modified use of a machine harvester, thus offers some potential to regulate yield over large and minimally pruned vineyards, in a timely and cost-effective fashion. [source]


Carla Patterson
ABSTRACT: A. systematic search was undertaken to ascertain the nature, source and extent of funding awarded to research projects that were directed specifically at aspects of rural health over the past decade. Comment is also made on the challenge of obtaining such information directly from databases. The sources investigated were the conventional research funding bodies, hospital trusts and foundations, university funding schemes and government sources. The results of these searches revealed a crude average of 3 million dollars per year from conventional research funding with the remaining sources adding a similar amount in total. Analysis of the data using a framework modified from the Strategic Review of Health and Medical Research in Australia shows that funding is concentrated in the health services and public health areas with a preponderance of funding being directed towards the description of conditions and interventions. Significant levels of funding have been directed towards the National Health Priority Areas. [source]

Increased mammography use and its impact on earlier breast cancer detection in Vermont, 1975,1999

CANCER, Issue 8 2002
Pamela M. Vacek Ph.D.
Abstract BACKGROUND A trend toward earlier breast carcinoma detection in the United States has been attributed to screening mammography, although direct evidence linking this trend to the increased use of mammography in a general population is lacking. This study examined the effects of mammography on tumor size and axillary lymph node metastasis in Vermont over 25 years. METHODS Pathology and mammography data from 3499 Vermont women who were diagnosed with invasive breast carcinoma during 1975,1984, 1989,1990, and 1995,1999 were compared. Logistic regression analysis was used to estimate the effects of age, mammography use, and period on the odds of a tumor , 2 cm and the odds of negative lymph nodes. RESULTS The proportion of breast tumors that were detected by screening mammography increased from 2% during 1974,1984 to 36% during 1995,1999 (P < 0.001), and these tumors were more likely to measure , 2 cm than tumors that were detected by other methods. Among women age > 50 years, the odds ratio (OR) was 4.5, with a 95% confidence interval (95% CI) of 3.5,6.4. The effect was smaller in younger women (OR, 1.8; 95% CI, 1.1,3.0). Mammographic detection increased the odds of negative lymph nodes by a similar amount in both age groups, although women age > 50 years were more likely to have negative lymph nodes than younger women (OR, 1.3; 95% CI, 1.1,1.6). Tumor size and lymph node metastasis also were related to the number of mammograms and to the mammographic interval. CONCLUSIONS Most of the trend toward earlier detection in Vermont was due to mammography. Mammography had a lesser effect on tumor size among younger women, which may be related to less frequent screening, although its effect on lymph node metastasis was not age dependent. Women age < 50 years were more likely to have positive lymph nodes, independent of the method of detection or the frequency of mammography. Cancer 2002;94:2160,8. © 2002 American Cancer Society. DOI 10.1002/cncr.10459 [source]

Isostructural Materials Achieved by Using Structurally Equivalent Donors and Acceptors in Halogen-Bonded Cocrystals

Dominik Cin
Abstract We demonstrate the supramolecular and structural equivalence of two halogen-bond donors (I and Br) and three acceptors (O, NH and S) through the synthesis of seven isostructural halogen-bonded cocrystals, involving six different molecules: 1,4-dibromo- and 1,4-diiodotetrafluorobenzene (donors) and thiomorpholine, thioxane, morpholine, and piperazine (acceptors). The formation of isostructural cocrystals indicates how cocrystallization may be used to overcome shape and functional group dissimilarities that control molecular arrangement in the solid state. The differences in composition between the seven isostructural cocrystals directly affect the strength and nature of halogen bonds between their constituents, allowing the systematic variation of cocrystal physical properties, in particular the melting point, without affecting their crystal structure. Replacement of each O or S halogen-bond acceptor with an NH group provided an approximate 70,°C increase in melting point, whereas the replacement of I with Br as the halogen-bond donor lowered the melting point of the resulting solid by a similar amount. [source]

Colony productivity and foundress behaviour of a native wasp versus an invasive social wasp

Tracy R. Armstrong
Abstract., 1.,Colony productivity, prey utilisation, and foundress behaviour of a North American native wasp (Polistes fuscatus) versus an European invasive wasp (Polistes dominulus) were investigated in a controlled field experiment with optimal versus natural foraging conditions. Colonies with the optimal prey foraging conditions were provided with prey ad libitum within an enclosed area. The other colonies foraged in the adjacent field,woodland but had the same nest conditions as the other treatment. 2.,When given prey ad libitum, both wasp species captured similar amounts of prey and the conversion to total offspring biomass was similar. But P. dominulus colonies produced 2.5 times the number of workers as P. fuscatus colonies, reflecting the smaller size of P. dominulus wasps. 3.,Foundresses of P. dominulus were observed more often building or repairing the nest, thereby contributing to the production of colonies with twice as many cells as colonies of P. fuscatus. Foundresses of P. dominulus showed more acts of aggression toward workers than did P. fuscatus foundresses, which was not a function of adult density on the nest. 4.,At the end of the experiment, P. dominulus colonies with optimal prey foraging conditions still had a high level of egg-laying and peaked in the number of pupae then, whereas egg-laying and the number of pupae per colony of the other treatments began to decline 2,3 weeks earlier. These results indicate that P. dominulus is more opportunistic than P. fuscatus, which may account in part for P. dominulus's success as an introduced species in North America. [source]

Universal foliage-stem scaling across environments and species in dicot trees: plasticity, biomechanics and Corner's Rules

Mark E. Olson
Abstract Trees range from small-leaved, intricately branched species with slender stems to large-leaved, coarsely branched ones with thick stems. We suggest a mechanism for this pattern, known as Corner's Rules, based on universal scaling. We show similar crown area,stem diameter scaling between trunks and branches, environments, and species spanning a wide range of leaf size and stem biomechanics. If crown and stem maintain metabolically driven proportionality, but similar amounts of photosynthates are produced per unit crown area, then the greater leaf spacing in large-leaved species requires lower density stem tissue and, meeting mechanical needs, thicker stems. Congruent with this scenario, we show a negative relationship between leaf size and stem Young's modulus. Corner's Rules emerge from these mutual adjustments, which suggest that adaptive studies cannot consider any of these features independently. The constancy of scaling despite environmental challenges identifies this trait constellation as a crucial axis of plant diversification. [source]

Is Preening Behaviour Sexually Selected?

ETHOLOGY, Issue 12 2006
An Experimental Approach
Elaborate or colourful feathers are important traits in female mate choice in birds but little attention has been given to potential costs of maintaining these traits in good condition with preening behaviour. Recent studies indicate that the time and energy required to maintain ornamental plumage in good condition reinforces the honesty of plumage trait. It has been proposed that some behaviours, whose primary function is not to transfer information, can also evolve as signalling components. Here we investigate whether the preening behaviour intensity has a signalling component: we hypothesized that if only high quality males can invest a lot of time in preening, this behaviour may be used by females as a quality signal (attractive preening hypothesis). We tested this hypothesis by using female budgerigars in mate-choice tests in captivity. We tried to experimentally manipulate the preening behaviour of two groups of budgerigar males (treatment and control group). The proportion of time in which treated males preened in front of females was statistically higher than for control males, however, females spent similar amounts of time with treated males and control males. Moreover, males did not show significant quantitative changes in preening (for both groups) when females were present, suggesting that male budgerigars did not use this behaviour to convey information. These results are inconsistent with the ,attractive preening' hypothesis which predicts that preening behaviour itself provides information on condition and is used in female choice. [source]

Lactating Females Do Not Discriminate Between Their Own Young and Unrelated Pups in the Communally Breeding Rodent, Octodon degus

ETHOLOGY, Issue 9 2006
Luis A. Ebensperger
Females in numerous rodent species engage in communal nesting and breeding, in which they share one or more nests to rear their young. A potential cost of communal nesting and breeding is that mothers divert resources to unrelated offspring. One way mothers could avoid this cost is to recognize and favour their own young over unrelated offspring when allocating maternal effort. We assessed whether female degus (Octodon degus), a communally nesting and breeding caviomorph rodent, discriminate between their own and unrelated offspring during lactation. Female degus previously have been shown to distinguish between their own and unrelated pups when exposed to odours from both. We measured pup discrimination based on differences in the retrieval behaviour of females that were in early or intermediate lactation directed towards their own and unrelated offspring; offspring presented were of similar or different age. Before any event of pup retrieval, lactating females spent similar amounts of time and interacted to a similar extent with their own and unrelated pups. During pup retrieval, all lactating females transported both pups to the nest. Neither relatedness to pups, nor pup-age differences, influenced the order in which pups were retrieved to the nest. Dams waited similar amounts of time before retrieving the first pup when the first transported young was their own or unrelated. Likewise, females waited similar amounts of time before retrieving the second pup when the pup transported first was their own or unrelated. The time between first and second pup transport events was longer when dams were in early when compared with intermediate lactation, but only when pups were of similar age. All experimental subjects nursed unrelated pups after they were retrieved. Collectively, our results do not support the hypothesis that communally breeding female degus use their recognition ability to discriminate against unrelated offspring in favour of their own young. [source]

Exercise behaviours and feelings in eating disorder and non-eating disorder groups

Catherine Boyd
Abstract Objectives To compare exercise feelings and behaviours between female eating disorder (ED) (n,=,287) and non-ED (n,=,613) groups. To determine if exercise feelings and behaviours predict the presence of an ED. Methods Nine hundred females completed questions about their exercise behaviours and feelings. Results Both groups did similar amounts and days of exercise; the ED group scored higher on all other exercise behaviours and feelings except feeling that exercise was important for mood, and for weight loss. Best predictors of an ED diagnosis (VE 15.2%) were; ,being annoyed if exercise interrupted' (OR: 1.49; 95% CI 1.04,2.15), ,others feeling you exercise a lot' (OR: 1.61; 95% CI 1.06,2.44), ,feeling bad if unable to exercise a certain amount' (OR: 1.53; 95% CI 1.34,1.74), ,feeling that you have/have had problems with exercise' (OR: 2.12; 95% CI 1.33,3.39). Discussion Clinicians assessing eating disordered individuals should address specific exercise feelings, rather than exercise amount or frequency. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and Eating Disorders Association. [source]

The expression of cytosolic phospholipase A2 and biosynthesis of leukotriene B4 in acute myeloid leukemia cells

Gudmundur Runarsson
Abstract Leukotrienes (LT) exert stimulatory effects on myelopoiesis, beside their inflammatory and immunomodulating effects. Here, we have studied the expression and activity of the enzymes involved in the synthesis of leukotriene B4 (LTB4) in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cells (16 clones) and G-CSF mobilized peripheral blood CD34+ cells. CD34+ cells from patients with non-myeloid malignancies expressed cytosolic phospholipase A2 (cPLA2), 5-lipoxygenase activating protein (FLAP), and leukotriene A4 (LTA4) hydrolase but not 5-lipoxygenase (5-LO). The enzyme cPLA2 was abundantly expressed in AML cells and the activity of the enzyme was high in certain AML clones. The expression of 5-LO, FLAP, and LTA4 hydrolase in AML clones was in general lower than in healthy donor polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNL). The calcium ionophore A23187-induced release of [14C] arachidonic acid (AA) in AML cells was low, compared with PMNL, and did not correlate with the expression of cPLA2 protein. Biosynthesis of LTB4, upon calcium ionophore A23187 activation, was only observed in five of the investigated AML clones and only three of the most differentiated clones produced similar amounts of LTB4 as PMNL. The capacity of various cell clones to produce LTs could neither be explained by the difference in [1 , 14C] AA release nor 5-LO expression. Taken together, these results indicate that LT synthesis is under development during early myelopoiesis and the capacity to produce LTs is gained upon maturation. High expression of cPLA2 in AML suggests a putative role of this enzyme in the pathophysiology of this disease. [source]

C-type lectin-independent interaction of complement opsonized HIV with monocyte-derived dendritic cells

Monika Pruenster
Abstract HIV directly activates the complement cascade and is, therefore, opsonized with C3-cleavage products in vivo. This cloud of C3 fragments on the viral surface may impair the interaction of the HIV envelope glycoproteins gp120/gp41 with C-type lectins expressed on immature dendritic cells (iDC). Therefore, we determined the accessibility of gp120 after opsonization and compared the interaction of DC with non-opsonized or complement-opsonized HIV. The recognition of native gp120 was drastically impaired when the virus was covered by complement. Independent of opsonization, similar amounts of HIV bound to DC. The interaction of iDC and the infection of DC-PBL co-cultures with non-opsonized virus was significantly reduced by mannan and antibodies which inhibit the ICAM-1-CR3 interaction. The binding of opsonized virus to iDC was reduced by an anti-CR3-antibody, which interferes with the binding of C3 fragments, but was not affected by mannan. Complement enhanced the HIV infection of DC and DC-PBL co-cultures significantly. Mannan did not inhibit the complement-dependent enhancement of infection. Thus, non-opsonized and opsonized HIV interacted with iDC, although the binding mechanisms seemed to differ. As HIV is opsonized in vivo, the C-type lectin-independent interaction of opsonized viruses with iDC has to be taken into account. [source]

Kv1 currents mediate a gradient of principal neuron excitability across the tonotopic axis in the rat lateral superior olive

Margaret Barnes-Davies
Abstract Principal neurons of the lateral superior olive (LSO) detect interaural intensity differences by integration of excitatory projections from ipsilateral bushy cells and inhibitory inputs from the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body. The intrinsic membrane currents active around firing threshold will form an important component of this binaural computation. Whole cell patch recording in an in vitro brain slice preparation was employed to study conductances regulating action potential (AP) firing in principal neurons. Current-clamp recordings from different neurons showed two types of firing pattern on depolarization, one group fired only a single initial AP and had low input resistance while the second group fired multiple APs and had a high input resistance. Under voltage-clamp, single-spiking neurons showed significantly higher levels of a dendrotoxin-sensitive, low threshold potassium current (ILT). Block of ILT by dendrotoxin-I allowed single-spiking cells to fire multiple APs and indicated that this current was mediated by Kv1 channels. Both neuronal types were morphologically similar and possessed similar amounts of the hyperpolarization-activated nonspecific cation conductance (Ih). However, single-spiking cells predominated in the lateral limb of the LSO (receiving low frequency sound inputs) while multiple-firing cells dominated the medial limb. This functional gradient was mirrored by a medio-lateral distribution of Kv1.1 immunolabelling. We conclude that Kv1 channels underlie the gradient of LSO principal neuron firing properties. The properties of single-spiking neurons would render them particularly suited to preserving timing information. [source]

Inorganic sulphate extraction from SO2 -impacted Andosols

T. Delfosse
Summary Sulphate sorption on to the surface of short-range ordered minerals and precipitation of Al-hydroxy sulphate contribute to the acid neutralizing capacity of soils. The correct measurement of total inorganic sulphate is thus essential in soils that are accumulating SO42, anions. We extracted SO42, by various solutions, namely 0.005 m Ca(NO3)2, 0.016 m KH2PO4, 0.5 m NH4F and 0.2 m acidic NH4 -oxalate (pH 3), from Vitric and Eutric Andosols exposed to prolonged deposition of acid and SO2 from an active volcano (Masaya, Nicaragua). We attributed sulphate extractable by KH2PO4 (20,3030 mg kg,1) to anion-exchangeable SO42,, which was much smaller than NH4F- and oxalate-extractable SO42, (400,9680 and 410,10 480 mg kg,1, respectively). Our results suggest the occurrence of a sparingly soluble Al-hydroxy-mineral phase extractable by both NH4F and oxalate. The formation of Al-hydroxy minerals would result from the combination of enhanced weathering caused by strong acid loading and simultaneous occurrence of large SO42, concentrations in soil solution. Oxalate extracted slightly more inorganic SO42, than did NH4F, this additional amount of SO42, correlating strongly with oxalate-extractable Si and Fe contents. Preferential occlusion of SO42, by short-range ordered minerals, especially ferrihydrite, explains this behaviour. If we exclude the contribution of occluded sulphate then oxalate and NH4F mobilize similar amounts of SO42, and are believed to mobilize all of the inorganic SO42, pool. [source]

Discrepancy in glucose and fructose utilisation during fermentation by Saccharomyces cerevisiae wine yeast strains

N.J. Berthels
Abstract While unfermented grape must contains approximately equal amounts of the two hexoses glucose and fructose, wine producers worldwide often have to contend with high residual fructose levels (>2 g l,1) that may account for undesirable sweetness in finished dry wine. Here, we investigate the fermentation kinetics of glucose and fructose and the influence of certain environmental parameters on hexose utilisation by wine yeast. Seventeen Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains, including commercial wine yeast strains, were evaluated in laboratory-scale wine fermentations using natural Colombard grape must that contained similar amounts of glucose and fructose (approximately 110 g l,1 each). All strains showed preference for glucose, but to varying degrees. The discrepancy between glucose and fructose utilisation increased during the course of fermentation in a strain-dependent manner. We ranked the S. cerevisiae strains according to their rate of increase in GF discrepancy and we showed that this rate of increase is not correlated with the fermentation capacity of the strains. We also investigated the effect of ethanol and nitrogen addition on hexose utilisation during wine fermentation in both natural and synthetic grape must. Addition of ethanol had a stronger inhibitory effect on fructose than on glucose utilisation. Supplementation of must with assimilable nitrogen stimulated fructose utilisation more than glucose utilisation. These results show that the discrepancy between glucose and fructose utilisation during fermentation is not a fixed parameter but is dependent on the inherent properties of the yeast strain and on the external conditions. [source]

Interaction of a phosphorus-based FR, a nanoclay and PA6,Part 1: Interaction of FR and nanoclay

Alwar Ramani
Abstract The thermal decomposition of organophosphorus fire-retardant (OP1311) and/ or organonanoclay (Cloisite 30B) is hereby investigated employing thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), to give an insight into their intrinsic behaviour and interaction in polymer nanocomposites for fire safety applications, because the addition of OP1311 and Cloisite 30B in Polyamide 6 (PA6) seems to have a synergistic effect on the thermal decomposition of PA6 (part 2 of the paper). An important objective of this research was to determine to what extent phosphorus components escape in the gaseous phase, which will affect the heat of combustion of the fire-retarded polymer. The decomposition products arising from pyrolysis and combustion are investigated by means of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Under pyrolytic conditions, the inclusion of Cloisite 30B into OP1311 (FR) shows a synergistic effect on the initial mass loss at low temperature of ,280,420°C and leads to the acceleration of the thermal degradation process. While the DTG curve of Cloisite 30B shows two distinct degradation peaks (steps) that of OP1311 and OP1311 plus Cloisite 30B show four degradation steps. TGA measurements of OP1311 in nitrogen show more mass loss than in air, whereas Cloisite 30B gives similar amounts of mass loss in air and nitrogen. In nitrogen, the major evolved gaseous species from Cloisite 30B alone are hydrocarbons, 2-(diethylamino)ethanol and water, whereas the evolved gases from that of OP1311 at ,320°C are mainly water, at ,420°C, carbon dioxide, water and ammonia and at 480,570°C diethylphosphinic acid. Under thermo-oxidative conditions, the gases evolved are mainly carbon dioxide and water from both Cloisite 30B and OP1311. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Construction of the Femoral Neck During Growth Determines Its Strength in Old Age,

Roger M D Zebaze
Abstract Study of the design of the FN in vivo in 697 women and in vitro in 200 cross-sections of different sizes and shapes along each of 13 FN specimens revealed that strength in old age was largely achieved during growth by differences in the distribution rather than the amount of bone material in a given FN cross-section from individual to individual. Introduction: We studied the design of the femoral neck (FN) to gain insight into the structural basis of FN strength in adulthood and FN fragility in old age. Materials and Methods: Studies in vivo were performed using densitometry in 697 women and in vitro using high-resolution ,CT and direct measurements in 13 pairs of postmortem specimens. Results: The contradictory needs of strength for loading yet lightness for mobility were met by varying FN size, shape, spatial distribution, and proportions of its trabecular and cortical bone in a cross-section, not its mass. Wider and narrower FNs were constructed with similar amounts of bone material. Wider FNs were relatively lighter: a 1 SD higher FN volume had a 0.67 (95% CI, 0.61,0.72) SD lower volumetric BMD (vBMD). A 1 SD increment in height was achieved by increasing FN volume by 0.32 (95% CI, 0.25,0.39) SD with only 0.15 (95% CI, 0.08,0.22) SD more bone, so taller individuals had a relatively lighter FN (vBMD was 0.13 [95% CI, 0.05,0.20 SD] SD lower). Greater periosteal apposition constructing a wider FN was offset by even greater endocortical resorption so that the same net amount of bone was distributed as a thinner cortex further from the neutral axis, increasing resistance to bending and lowering vBMD. This was recapitulated at each point along the FN; varying absolute and relative degrees of periosteal apposition and endocortical resorption focally used the same amount of material to fashion an elliptical FN of mainly cortical bone near the femoral shaft to offset bending but a more circular FN of proportionally more trabecular and less cortical bone to accommodate compressive loads adjacent to the pelvis. This structural heterogeneity was largely achieved by adaptive modeling and remodeling during growth,most of the variance in FN volume, BMC, and vBMD was growth related. Conclusions: Altering structural design while minimizing mass achieves FN strength and lightness. Bone fragility may be the result of failure to adapt bone's architecture to loading, not just low bone mass. [source]

Postnatal glutamate-induced central nervous system lesions alter periodontal disease susceptibility in adult Wistar rats

Torbjørn Breivik
Abstract Background: Inability to mount a suitable brain-neuroendocrine response to bacterial or other antigenic challenges has been found to play an important rôle in infectious and inflammatory disease susceptibility and progression, including periodontal disease. Objective: The present study was designed to determine the effects of glutamate administration to new-born Wistar rats on the development and progression of naturally occurring and ligature-induced periodontal disease in the rats as adults. Postnatal glutamate administration is known to permanently damage neurones in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus. Method: New-born rats were treated 1× daily subcutaniously with 2 mg/g of monosodium-L-glutamate (MSG) for 5 days from day 3 to 6. Control animals were injected with similar amounts of saline. Experimental ligature-induced periodontal disease was induced in the rats at the age of 12 weeks at maxillary right 2nd molar teeth. The contralateral maxillary left 2nd molars served as control teeth, and for assessment of naturally occurring periodontal disease. Disease progression was evaluated histometrically. Results: The results revealed that the glutamate-lesioned rats developed significantly more periodontal tissue destruction compared to sham-lesioned control rats in both the ligated and non-ligated teeth. Conclusions: This study supports our resent findings indicating that inappropriate brain-neuroendocrine-immune regulation may play a rôle in periodontal disease susceptibility and progression. Zusammenfassung Hintergrund: Es hatte gezeigt werden können, dass die Unfähigkeit des Gehirns auf einen bakteriellen oder antigenen Reiz mit einer angemessenen neuroendokrinen Antwort zu reagieren, eine wichtige Rolle für die Empfänglichkeit für infektiöse und entzündliche Erkrankungen einschliesslich Parodontitis spielt. Die Gabe von Glutamat nach der Geburt führt zu irreversiblen Schäden der Neurone des Nucleus arcuatus des Hypothalamus. Zielzetzung: Untersuchung der Auswirkungen von Glutamatgaben bei neugeborenen Wistar-Ratten auf die Entstehung und das Fortschreiten natürlich vorkommender und ligaturinduzierter Parodontitis im Erwachsenenalter. Material und Methoden: Bei 24 neugeborenen Wistar-Ratten wurden einmal täglich 2 mg/g L-Mononatriumglutamat und bei 20 Kontrolltieren statt dessen Kochsaltzlösung vom 4. Lebenstag an 4 Tage lang subkutan injiziert. Am rechten zweiten Oberkiefermolaren wurden bei den 12 Wochen alten Ratten eine experimentelle ligaturinduzierte Parodontitis ausgelöst. Der kontralaterale 2. Molar des Oberkiefers diente als Kontrolle und um natürlich vorkommende Parodontitis zu untersuchen. Das Fortschreiten der parodontalen Zerstörung wurde histometrisch erfasst. Ergebnisse: Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass die Ratten mit den glutamatinduzierten Läsionen statistisch signifikant stärkere parodontale Zerstörungen sowohl an den Zähnen mit wie auch an denen ohne Ligaturen im Vergleich zur Kontrollgruppe aufwiesen. Schlussfolgerungen: Eine unangemessene neuroendokrinoimmunologische Regulation des Gehirns scheint eine Rolle bei der Empfänglichkeit für und das Fortschreiten von Parodontitis zu haben. Résumé Origine: L'incapacitéàétablir une réponse neuroendocrinienne cervicale efficace pour des défis bactériens ou antigèniques joue un rôle important dans la susceptibilité et la progression des maladies infectieuses et inflammatoires, dont les parodontites. But: Cette étude a été imaginée pour déterminer les effets de l'administration de glutamate à des rats Wistar nouveau-nés sur le développement et la progression de maladies parodontales naturelles et induites par des ligatures chez le rat adulte. On sait que l'administration de glutamate en postnatal endommage de façon permanente les neurones du noyau d'arc hypothalamique. Méthodes: Les rats nouveaus-nés furent traités une fois par jour par administration sous cutanée de 2 mg/g de monosodium-L-glutamate (MSG) pendant 5 jours. Les animaux contrôles recevaient une dose similaire de sérum physiologique. La parodontite expérimentale par ligature était réalisée à l'âge de 12 semaines, sur la deuxième molaire supérieure droite. La dent controlatérale servait de contrôle et à la mise en évidence de maladie parodontale naturelle. La progression de la maladie fut évaluée par histométrie. Résultats: Les résultats montrent que les rats atteints de lésions dues au glutamate développent plus de destructions parodontales (par ligatures ou sans ligatures) par rapport aux rats contrôles atteints de lésions simulées. Conclusion: Cette étude supporte nos récentes découvertes qui indiquent qu'une régulation immunitaire neuroendocrinienne cervicale inappropriée peut jouer un rôle dans la susceptibilité et la progression des maladies parodontales. [source]

The efficiency of mitochondrial electron transport chain is increased in the long-lived mrg19 Saccharomyces cerevisiae

AGING CELL, Issue 6 2009
Nitish Mittal
Summary Integrity of mitochondrial functionality is a key determinant of longevity in several organisms. In particular, reduced mitochondrial ROS (mtROS) production leading to decreased mtDNA damage is believed to be a crucial aspect of longevity. The generation of low mtROS was thought to be due to low mitochondrial oxygen consumption. However, recent studies have shown that higher mitochondrial oxygen consumption could still result in low mtROS and contribute to longevity. This increased mitochondrial efficiency (i.e. low mtROS generated despite high oxygen consumption) was explained as a result of mitochondrial biogenesis, which provides more entry points for the electrons to the electron transport chain (ETC), thereby resulting in low mtROS production. In this study, we provide evidence for the existence of an alternative pathway to explain the observed higher mitochondrial efficiency in the long-lived mrg19 mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Although we observe similar amounts of mitochondria in mrg19 and wild-type (wt) yeast, we find that mrg19 mitochondria have higher expression of ETC components per mitochondria in comparison with the wt. These findings demonstrate that more efficient mitochondria because of increased ETC per mitochondria can also produce less mtROS. Taken together, our findings provide evidence for an alternative explanation for the involvement of higher mitochondrial activity in prolonging lifespan. We anticipate that similar mechanisms might also exist in eukaryotes including human. [source]

Differential activity patterns in the masseter muscle under simulated clenching and grinding forces

summary, The aim of this study was to investigate (i) whether the masseter muscle shows differential activation under experimental conditions which simulate force generation during clenching and grinding activities; and (ii) whether there are (a) preferentially active muscle regions or (b) force directions which show enhanced muscle activation. To answer these questions, the electromyographic (EMG) activity of the right masseter muscle was recorded with five intramuscular electrodes placed in two deep muscle areas and in three surface regions. Intraoral force transfer and force measurement were achieved by a central bearing pin device equipped with three strain gauges (SG). The activity distribution in the muscle was recorded in four different mandibular positions (central, left, right, anterior). In each position, maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) was exerted in vertical, posterior, anterior, medial and lateral directions. The investigated muscle regions showed different amount of EMG activity. The relative intensity of the activation, with respect to other regions, changed depending on the task. In other words, the muscle regions demonstrated heterogeneous changes of the EMG pattern for the various motor tasks. The resultant force vectors demonstrated similar amounts in all horizontal bite directions. Protrusive force directions revealed the highest relative activation of the masseter muscle. The posterior deep muscle region seemed to be the most active compartment during the different motor tasks. The results indicate a heterogeneous activation of the masseter muscle under test conditions simulating force generation during clenching and grinding. Protrusively directed bite forces were accompanied by the highest activation in the muscle, with the posterior deep region as the most active area. [source]