Silver Stain (silver + stain)

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Selected Abstracts

Condition Known as "Dark Rings Under the Eyes" in the Japanese Population is a Kind of Dermal Melanocytosis Which can be Successfully Treatedby Q-Switched Ruby Laser

BACKGROUND In general, dark rings under the eyes are believed to be a phenomenon caused mainly by physiological change because of their daily fluctuation. Medically speaking, the precise cause or pathogenesis of dark rings is unknown, and this condition has not been clearly defined. In our experience, the dark rings associated with conventional nevus of Ota can be successfully treated with Q-switched ruby laser (QSRL). OBJECTIVE This study was conducted to clarify the nature of dark rings under the eyes and to determine the efficacy of QSRL. PATIENTS AND METHODS Fifty-four patients who received a biopsy for pigment macules of the face were retrieved, and of that number 12 patients with bilateral homogeneous pigment macule on suborbital regions were selected for study of the dark rings. Of those patients, the histology and the efficacy of QSRL were evaluated retrospectively. RESULTS Histologically, all 12 patients indicated dermal melanocytosis, which was confirmed by the Masson-Fontana silver stain and staining against S100. In five patients who received QSRL therapy two times or more, the clinical improvement of two patients was scored as good (40,69%), and two other patients as excellent (>70% clearance). CONCLUSIONS We speculate that so-called dark rings under the eyes in the Japanese population is a kind of dermal melanocytosis which can be successfully treated by QSRL. [source]

Mohs Micrographic Surgery as an Alternative Treatment Method for Cutaneous Mucormycosis

F. Landon Clark BS
Background. Mucormycosis is an invasive fungal disease that most commonly occurs in immunocompromised patients. Early angioinvasion and dissemination can lead to the rapid demise of the patient. The growing number of organ transplant patients on pharmacologic immunosuppression has increased the risk for this opportunistic mycosis. Traditional therapy has included aggressive debridement and resection as well as antifungal medications. Objective. To demonstrate that the margin control and tissue-sparing technique of Mohs micrographic surgery can effectively eradicate mucormycosis infection and decrease morbidity. Methods. Case presentation of a 64-year-old transplant patient presenting with biopsy-proven cutaneous mucormycosis treated with Mohs micrographic surgery. Margin control was confirmed by a rapid Gomori methenamine silver stain. Results. There has been no recurrence at 1-year follow-up with full preservation of extremity function. Conclusion. The use of the Mohs technique combined with rapid Gomori methenamine silver staining for mucormycosis can be an effective tissue-sparing method for local control of this fungal infection. Mohs micrographic surgery should be considered for the cutaneous manifestations of mucormycosis. [source]

Immunoperoxidase technique for detecting spirochetes in tissue sections: comparison with other methods

Robert George Phelps MD
Background With the increasing incidence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and immunosuppressive therapy, the incidence of syphilis has been increasing. Given the fact that the above conditions may mask or obscure the usual clinical signs and symptoms of syphilis, a means of enhanced detection is essential. Aims,methods The purpose of this study was to determine whether an immunoperoxidase method using an antibody against treponemes would increase the sensitivity and specificity of diagnosis in biopsies of patients with secondary syphilis. This was compared to serology and silver stain in cases of known syphilis. Results Immunoperoxidase for treponemes was at least as sensitive (9/10) as pathology (9/10), and more sensitive than conventional silver stain (6/10) or serology (7/10). Conclusions In those equivocal cases of secondary syphilis, where confirmation is essential, immunoperoxidase for treponemes may be a useful adjunct. [source]

Induction of Primary Cutaneous Melanomas in C3H Mice by Combined Treatment with Ultraviolet Radiation, Ethanol and Aloe Emodin ,

Faith M. Strickland
ABSTRACT The role of ultraviolet (UV) radiation in the induction of nonmelanoma skin cancer is widely accepted, although its precise contribution to the development of primary cutaneous melanoma skin cancer requires further definition. We found that painting aloe emodin, a trihydroxyanthraquinone from Aloe barbadensis, in ethyl alcohol vehicle on the skin of mice in conjunction with exposure to UVB (280,320 nm) radiation results in the development of melanin-containing skin tumors. C3H/HeN mice were treated thrice weekly with aloe emodin in a 25% ethanol in water vehicle and exposed to 15 kJ/m2 UV radiation. Neither ethanol vehicle nor aloe emodin alone induced skin tumors in the absence of UV radiation. In two separate experiments, 20,30% of the mice treated with a combination of UV radiation and ethanol vehicle and 50,67% of the UV-irradiated animals given aloe emodin in ethanol vehicle developed primary cutaneous melanin-containing tumors. The diagnosis of melanoma was established using Fontana silver stain for melanin; these tumors were negative for vimentin and keratin. Melanin-containing melanosomes were observed by transmission electron microscopy in tumors diagnosed as melanomas. Although the mechanism of carcinogenesis in these mice is currently unknown, our findings have led to the development of the first facile murine model for the induction of primary melanoma. This model has the potential to clarify the role of UV radiation in the etiology of malignant melanoma. [source]

Evaluation of saturation labelling two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis fluorescent dyes

Joanne Shaw
Abstract Two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (2-D DIGE) enables an increased confidence in detection of protein differences. However, due to the nature of the minimal labelling where only approximately 5% of a given protein is labelled, spots cannot be directly excised for mass spectrometry (MS) analysis and detection sensitivity could be further enhanced. Amersham Biosciences have developed a second set of CyDyeÔ DIGE CyÔ3 and Cy5 dyes, which aim to overcome these limitations through saturation-labelling of cysteine residues. The dyes were evaluated in relation to their sensitivity and dynamic range, their useability as multiplexing reagents and the possibility of direct spot picking from saturation-labelled gels for MS analysis. The saturation-labelling dyes were superior in sensitivity to their minimal-labelling counterparts, silver stain and Sypro Ruby, however, the resulting 2-D spot pattern was significantly altered from that of unlabelled or minimal-labelled protein. The dyes were found to be useful as multiplexing reagents although preferential labelling of proteins with one dye over another was observed but was controlled for through experimental design. Protein identities were successfully obtained from material directly excised from saturation-labelled gels eliminating the need for post-stained preparative gels. [source]

Axonal Pathology and Loss Precede Demyelination and Accompany Chronic Lesions in a Spontaneously Occurring Animal Model of Multiple Sclerosis

Frauke Seehusen
Abstract Axonal damage has been highlighted recently as a cause of neurological disability in various demyelinating diseases, including multiple sclerosis, either as a primary pathological change or secondary due to myelin loss. To characterize and quantify axonal damage and loss in canine distemper demyelinating leukoencephalomyelitis (DL), formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded cerebella were investigated histochemically and immunohistochemically using the modified Bielschowsky's silver stain as well as antibodies against nonphosphorylated (n-NF), phosphorylated neurofilament (p-NF) and ,-amyloid precursor protein (,-APP). Injured axons characterized by immunoreactivity against n-NF and ,-APP were detected in early distemper lesions without demyelination. In subacute and chronic demyelinating lesions the number of injured axons increased. Moreover, a significant decrease in axonal density was observed within lesions and in the normal appearing white matter in DL as determined by morphometric analyses using Bielschowsky's silver stain and p-NF immunohistochemistry. Summarized, the observed findings indicate that axonal damage (i) occurs early in DL; (ii) can be detected before myelin loss; and (iii) represents a pivotal feature in advanced lesions. It must be postulated that axonal damage plays an important role in the initial phase as a primary event and during progression of nervous distemper as a result of demyelination. [source]

Traumatic axonal injury: practical issues for diagnosis in medicolegal cases

J. F. Geddes
In the 25 years or so after the first clinicopathological descriptions of diffuse axonal injury (DAI), the criterion for diagnosing recent traumatic white matter damage was the identification of swollen axons (,bulbs') on routine or silver stains, in the appropriate clinical setting. In the last decade, however, experimental work has given us greater understanding of the cellular events initiated by trauma to axons, and this in turn has led to the adoption of immunocytochemical methods to detect markers of axonal damage in both routine and experimental work. These methods have shown that traumatic axonal injury (TAI) is much more common than previously realized, and that what was originally described as DAI occupies only the most severe end of a spectrum of diffuse trauma-induced brain injury. They have also revealed a whole field of previously unrecognized white matter pathology, in which axons are diffusely damaged by processes other than head injury; this in turn has led to some terminological confusion in the literature. Neuropathologists are often asked to assess head injuries in a forensic setting: the diagnostic challenge is to sort out whether the axonal damage detected in a brain is indeed traumatic, and if so, to decide what , if anything , can be inferred from it. The lack of correlation between well-documented histories and neuropathological findings means that in the interpretation of assault cases at least, a diagnosis of ,TAI' or ,DAI' is likely to be of limited use for medicolegal purposes [source]

Sporotrichoid Mycobacterium marinum infection of the face following a cat scratch

Tai Anh Phan
ABSTRACT Mycobacterium marinum infections in humans uncommonly affect the face and are not known to be associated with cat scratches. We describe a 24-year-old woman who presented with a 3-month history of multiple tender, occasionally discharging cystic nodules involving the left side of her face in a sporotrichoid distribution. She had suffered a cat scratch to her left lower eyelid 3 weeks before the onset of the eruption and owned multiple tropical fish tanks. She was systemically well and had no lymphadenopathy. She had a background history of a 4.5-mm-thick nodular melanoma of her temple treated by wide local excision and negative sentinel lymph node biopsy 4 years prior. Skin biopsies showed multiple variably sized granulomas surrounded by thick cuffs of lymphocytes involving the superficial and deep dermis with no organisms seen on Ziehl,Neelsen, peroidic acid-Schiff and methenamine silver stains. Laboratory investigations showed a mildly raised erythrocyte sedimentation rate but normal full blood count and C-reactive protein. Fluid from the left cheek grew an acid-fast bacillus identified as Mycobacterium marinum. The skin eruption cleared after 5-month treatment with oral clarithromycin 500 mg twice daily and rifampicin 600 mg daily. [source]