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Selected Abstracts

Administration of noradrenaline in the autonomic ganglia modifies the testosterone release from the testis using an ex vivo system

Zulema Y. Sosa
Summary The male gonad receives nerve fibres from the autonomic ganglionic system. These fibres converge on the testis along two pathways, the superior and the inferior spermatic nerves. The superior spermatic nerve runs from the superior mesenteric ganglion alongside the testicular artery, whereas the inferior spermatic nerve originates in inferior mesenteric ganglion, accompanies the vas deferens and penetrates the inferior pole of the testis. The aim of this work was to evaluate androgen release after the addition of noradrenaline or adrenoreceptor antagonists (propranolol or phentolamine) to the ganglionic compartment. An ex vivo system used in a previous work was incubated in two separate containers, one for the testis and the other for the ganglion. Both organs remain interconnected (as in vivo) by the respective spermatic nerve. When noradrenaline was added to the inferior mesenteric ganglion, testosterone release in the gonad container underwent a progressive and significant increment. Propranolol diminishes and phentolamine increases the androgen release. When using the superior mesenteric ganglion, no changes were observed. These results indicate that the ganglionic stimulation of the autonomic system clearly participates in testosterone release from the testis. This effect depends on the ganglion involved. These results make it evident that not only the classical and well-known hypothalamus,hypophysial axis, but also the peripheral nervous system, via the autonomic ganglia, are directly involved in the endocrine control of the testis. [source]

Beneficial effect of enalapril in spontaneously hypertensive rats cardiac remodeling with nitric oxide synthesis blockade

R. L. de Andrade Zorzi
Abstract Aims. To study the efficiency of an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor on the blood pressure (BP) and the myocardium remodeling when spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs) are submitted to nitric oxide synthesis (NOs) blockade (with L-NAME) and simultaneously treated. Methods. Young adult male SHRs were separated in four groups (n = 5) and treated for 20 days: Control, L-NAME, L-NAME+Enalapril, and Enalapril. The alterations of the BP, heart mass/body mass ratio and stereological parameters for myocytes, connective tissue and intramyocardial vessels were studied among the groups. Results. The SHRs with NOs blockade showed a great modification of the myocardium with extensive areas of reparative and interstitial fibrosis and accentuated hypertrophy of the cardiac myocytes (cross sectional area 60% higher in animals taking L-NAME than in Control SHRs). Comparing the SHRs with NO deficiency (L-NAME group), the Control SHRs and the Enalapril treated SHRs significant differences were found in the BP and in all stereological parameters. The NO deficiency caused an important BP increment in SHRs that was partially attenuated by Enalapril. This Enalapril effect was more pronounced in Control SHRs. A significant increment of the intramyocardial vessels was observed in NO deficient SHRs and Control SHRs treated with Enalapril demonstrated by the stereology (greater microvascular densities in treated SHRs). Conclusion. Enalapril administration showed a beneficial effect on vascular remodeling and myocardial hypertrophy in SHRs. In SHRs with NO blockade, however, the beneficial effect of Enalapril occurred only in vascular remodeling. [source]

Sumatriptan succinate transdermal delivery systems for the treatment of migraine

C. Balaguer-Fernández
Abstract We have successfully obtained sumatriptan transdermal systems with different polymer compositions: methyl cellulose (MC), polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP) and a polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP)-polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) mixture. The systems contained 1,2-propilenglycol (MC) or sorbitol as a plasticizer (PVP and PVP-PVA), methacrylate copolymer as an adhesive agent, and an occlusive liner. Azone® (5%, w/w) was incorporated into all the systems as a percutaneous enhancer. Transdermal systems are thin, transparent and non-adhesive when in a dry state. The permeation of sumatriptan succinate across pig ear skin was studied using the systems prepared. The formulation with MC polymer produced a statistically significant increment with respect to the PVP and PVP-PVA formulations (p,<,0.05). Azone® incorporation into the systems produced an increment in the sumatriptan flux values of all three transdermal systems with respect to those of the controls (p,<,0.05). In addition, the application of iontophoresis to the wet methyl cellulose-Azone® formulation produced a much higher increase of sumatriptan transdermal flux. © 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc. and the American Pharmacists Association J Pharm Sci 97:2102,2109, 2008 [source]

Downregulation of oxytocin and natriuretic peptides in diabetes: possible implications in cardiomyopathy

Jolanta Gutkowska
Regular physical activity is beneficial in preventing the risk of cardiovascular complications of diabetes. Recent studies showed a cardioprotective role of oxytocin (OT) to induce natriuretic peptides (NPs) and nitric oxide (NO) release. It is not known if the diabetic state is associated with a reduced OT,NPs,NO system and if exercise training improves this system. To address this, we investigated the effects of treadmill running using the db/db mouse model of type 2 diabetes. Eight-week-old db/db mice were subjected to running 5 days per week for a period of 8 weeks. The lean db/+ littermates were used as controls. Sedentary db/db mice were obese and hyperglycaemic, and exercise training was not effective in reducing body weight and the hyperglycaemic state. Compared to control mice, db/db mice had lower heart weight and heart-to-body weight ratios. In these mice, this was associated with augmented cardiac apoptosis, cardiomyocyte enlargement and collagen deposits. In addition, db/db mice displayed significant downregulation in gene expression of OT (76%), OT receptors (65%), atrial NP (ANP; 43%), brain NP (BNP; 87%) and endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) (54%) in the heart (P < 0.05). Exercise training had no effect on expression of these genes which were stimulated in control mice. In response to exercise training, the significant increment of anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 gene expression was observed only in control mice (P < 0.05). In conclusion, downregulation of the OT,NPs,NO system occurs in the heart of the young db/db mouse. Exercise training was not effective in reversing the defect, suggesting impairment of this cardiac protective system in diabetes. [source]

Expression of Inducible and Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthases, Formation of Peroxynitrite and Reactive Oxygen Species in Human Chronic Renal Transplant Failure

Ester W. J. A. Albrecht
Nitric oxide (NO·) is produced by NO synthases (NOS) and can interact with reactive oxygen species (ROS) to form peroxynitrite, which induces protein damage by formation of nitrotyrosine. NO· has a promotional effect on acute rejection. To investigate the role of NO· during chronic renal transplant failure (CRTF), we studied the expression of eNOS and iNOS in conjunction with H2O2 production and the formation of nitrotyrosines. Nephrectomy material from 10 patients and 10 control kidneys was used in this study. Expression of iNOS, eNOS, nitrotyrosine and the presence of ROS-producing cells and macrophages were determined using immunohistochemistry. INOS expression in nonsclerosed glomeruli and interstitium was significantly increased in patients with CRTF (p <,0.05). Glomerular eNOS expression was decreased in patients with CRTF compared with glomeruli of control kidneys (p <,0.01). Nitrotyrosine and ROS positive cells were significantly increased in CRTF in the interstitium (p <,0.05), but not in glomeruli. In summary, we found a marked interstitial increase in iNOS protein expression together with a decrease in glomerular eNOS expression in CRTF patients, associated with a significant increment in ROS and nitrotyrosine-positive cells in the interstitium. Our results suggest that loss of NO· production by glomerular eNOS in conjunction with an increased NO· production by interstitial iNOS, together with the formation of ROS and nitrotyrosine, is involved in the pathogenesis of CRTF. [source]

Predictors of improved seminal parameters and fertility after varicocele repair in young adults

ANDROLOGIA, Issue 5 2009
M. Rodriguez Peña
Summary The aim of our study was to determine hormonal or biochemical markers in patients with clinically palpable left varicocele but without a history of infertility, with especial emphasis on nitric oxide, related with improved seminal parameters after varicocelectomy. Semen samples were obtained from 202 patients with left varicocele grade II or III. Nitric oxide levels in seminal plasma were determined by the Griess technique. Testicular volume was determined ultrasonographically in both testes and hormonal profile was measured. The post-operative sperm concentration increased significantly in patients with normal sperm count or moderate oligozoospermia, but we did not find an increment in sperm count in patients with mild and severe oligozoospermia after surgery. The mean percentage of normal motility significantly increased after surgery, but we did not observe a significant increment in morphologically normal sperm count and testicular volume after varicocele repair. Moreover, we did not find any correlation between nitric oxide concentrations and severity of oligozoospermia, asthenozoospermia or abnormal sperm morphology in this population. It is concluded that in the general male population, varicocele repair is not associated with an improved semen profile in all cases. We did not observe a significant correlation between nitric oxide concentrations and semen profile. [source]

Dietary energy requirement of piracanjuba fingerlings, Brycon orbignyanus, and relative utilization of dietary carbohydrate and lipid

Abstract Ten isonitrogenous casein,gelatin-based diets were formulated to contain five estimated metabolizable energy concentrations (10.92, 12.29, 13.63, 14.82 and 16.16 kJ g,1) at two carbohydrate-to-lipid ratios (CHO : L, 5.3 and 12.8, g : g) in a 5 × 2 factorial arrangement. Each diet was assigned to triplicate groups of 11 piracanjuba fingerlings (5.25 ± 0.14 g) and fed to apparent satiation twice a day for 90 days. Higher daily weight gain was obtained by fish fed the 13.63 kJ g,1 diets for both CHO : L ratios. There was a significant reduction of feed consumption when dietary energy concentration increased above 13.63 kJ g,1. Feed conversion ratio and apparent net energy retention improved as dietary energy increased. Apparent net protein retention tended to be lower in the highest and lowest dietary energy concentrations. The results suggest that dietary lipid energy was more efficiently utilized by piracanjuba fingerlings than carbohydrate energy. Body composition and hepatosomatic index (HSI) were not influenced by dietary CHO : L ratio. However, an increase in dietary energy concentration beyond 13.63 kJ g,1 resulted in a significant increment in lipid deposition, while body moisture and HSI decreased. Our findings indicate that at 300 g kg,1 dietary crude protein, a CHO : L ratio of 5.3 is recommended for piracanjuba, and the required energy is either 13.63 kJ g,1 if raised for aquaculture or 14.82 kJ g,1 if destined to stock enhancement. [source]

Activation and potentiation of the NO/cGMP pathway by NG -hydroxyl- L -arginine in rabbit corpus cavernosum under normoxic and hypoxic conditions and ageing

Javier Angulo
When nitric oxide synthase (NOS) produces NO from NG -hydroxy- L -arginine (OH-arginine) instead of L -arginine, the total requirement of molecular oxygen and NADPH to form NO is reduced. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effects of OH-arginine on the contractility of rabbit corpus cavernosum (RCC) and to compare the capacities of L -arginine and OH-arginine to enhance NO-mediated responses under normoxic and hypoxic conditions and in ageing, as models of defective NO production. OH-arginine, but not L -arginine, was able to relax phenylephrine-contracted rabbit trabecular smooth muscle. OH-arginine-induced relaxation was inhibited by the NOS-inhibitor, L -NNA (300 ,M), and by the guanylyl cyclase inhibitor, ODQ (20 ,M), while it was not affected by the cytochrome P450 oxygenase inhibitor, miconazole (0.1 mM). Administration of OH-arginine, but not L -arginine, produced a significant increment of cGMP accumulation in RCC tissue. Relaxation elicited by OH-arginine (300 ,M) was still observed at low oxygen tension. The increase of cGMP levels induced by ACh (30 ,M) in RCC was significantly enhanced by addition of OH-arginine (300 ,M) in normoxic conditions, as well as under hypoxia, while L -arginine did not alter the effects of ACh on cGMP accumulation. Endothelium-dependent and nitrergic nerve-mediated relaxations were both significantly reduced in RCC from aged animals (>20-months-old) when compared with young adult rabbits (5-months-old). Treatment with OH-arginine (300 ,M) significantly potentiated endothelium-dependent and neurogenic relaxation in corpus cavernosum from aged rabbits, while L -arginine (300 ,M) did not have significant effects. Results show that OH-arginine promotes NO-mediated relaxation of RCC and potentiates the NO-mediated responses induced by stimulation of endogenous NO generation in hypoxic and aged tissues. We propose that the use of OH-arginine could be of interest in the treatment of erectile dysfunction, at least in those secondary to defective NO production. British Journal of Pharmacology (2003) 138, 63,70. doi:10.1038/sj.bjp.0705027 [source]

Increased vascular endothelial growth factor expression, CD3-positive cell infiltration, and oxidative stress in premalignant lesions of the cervix

CANCER, Issue 16 2009
Yenddy Carrero MSc
Abstract BACKGROUND: Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) plays an important role in cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) progression. The occurrence of leukocytes has been documented in CIN; however, their role in VEGF production remains unknown. Oxidative stress has been involved in the progression of malignant neoplasias, but to the authors' knowledge tissue oxidative stress in CIN has not been documented. The objective of the current study was to investigate the expression of VEGF, leukocyte infiltration, leukocyte VEGF expression, and nitrogen/oxygen metabolism in cervical tissues from patients with CIN. METHODS: Indirect immunofluorescence was used to study the expression of VEGF and leukocyte infiltration in cervical samples from 55 patients with CIN and 7 normal controls. Superoxide anion (O2,) expression was determined by a cytochemical method, and tissue and serum nitric oxide by the Griess reaction. Human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA and HPV types were identified by the hybrid capture 2 HPV DNA test. RESULTS: Increased expression of VEGF was observed related to the progression of CIN. A significant increment of CD3 lymphocytes was found in CIN type 3 (CIN 3) and coexpression of CD3/VEGF and monocyte-macrophage/VEGF in CIN 2 and 3. Increased O2, -positive cells were found in CIN 2 and 3; however, tissue nitrate-nitrite content remained similar to controls. The incidence of HPV infection was 16% in patients with CIN. No significant differences were observed in the values of HPV-positive or HPV-negative patients. CONCLUSIONS: Different factors leading to cervical neoplasia progression may be involved in the evolution of CIN, and the presence of these factors is most likely not related to the HPV infection status. Cancer 2009. © 2009 American Cancer Society. [source]

Lack of Effect of Soy Isoflavone on Thyroid Hyperplasia in Rats Receiving an Iodine-deficient Diet

CANCER SCIENCE, Issue 2 2001
Hwa-Young Son
We have reported a dramatic synergism between soy intake and iodine deficiency regarding induction of thyroid hyperplasia in rats. Because isoflavones are active constituents of soybeans, in the present study, their possible contribution was examined. Female F344 rats were divided into 8 groups, exposed to diet containing a 0.2% soy isoflavone mixture (SI), 0.2% SI+iodine deficiency (ID), 0.04% SI, 0.04% SI+ID, 20% defatted soybean (DS) alone, 20% DS+ID, ID alone or basal diet alone for 5 weeks. Thyroid weight was not influenced by SI, but was increased by the ID and DS diets with a further significant increment in the DS+ID group (P<0.01). Compared to the control value, serum T4 was significantly (P<0.01) increased by 20% DS alone and decreased in all groups given the ID treatment (P<0.001). Serum thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) level was increased by ID, and further enhanced by DS (P<0.01) but not SI. Histopathologically, diffuse hypertrophy and/or hyperplasia of thyroid follicles were observed in the ID-treated groups, the severity being enhanced by DS but not SI. Proliferating cell nuclear antigen labeling indices (%) were elevated in the ID diet groups and again enhanced by DS, but not SI. These results thus suggest that isoflavones may not be involved in the mechanisms underlying the synergistic goitrogenic effect of soybean with iodine deficiency. [source]

Clenbuterol administration does not attenuate the exercise-induced pulmonary arterial, capillary or venous hypertension in strenuously exercising Thoroughbred horses

Summary The present study was carried out to ascertain whether ,2 -adrenergic receptor stimulation with clenbuterol would attenuate the pulmonary arterial, capillary and venous hypertension in horses performing high-intensity exercise and, in turn, modify the occurrence of exercise-induced pulmonary haemorrhage (EIPH). Experiments were carried out on 6 healthy, sound, exercise-trained Thoroughbred horses. All horses were studied in the control (no medications) and the clenbuterol (0.8 ,g/kg bwt, i.v.) treatments. The sequence of these treatments was randomised for every horse, and 7 days were allowed between them. Using catheter-tip-transducers whose in-vivo signals were referenced at the point of the left shoulder, right heart/pulmonary vascular pressures were determined at rest, sub-maximal exercise and during galloping at 14.2 m/s on a 3.5% uphill grade - a workload that elicited maximal heart rate and induced EIPH in all horses. In the control experiments, incremental exercise resulted in progressive significant increments in right atrial as well as pulmonary arterial, capillary and venous (wedge) pressures and all horses experienced EIPH. Clenbuterol administration to standing horses caused tachycardia, but significant changes in mean right atrial or pulmonary vascular pressures were not observed. During exercise performed after clenbuterol administration, heart rate as well as right atrial and pulmonary arterial, capillary and wedge pressures also increased progressively with increasing work intensity. However, these values were not found to be statistically significantly different from corresponding data in the control study and the incidence of EIPH remained unaffected. Since clenbuterol administration also does not affect the transpulmonary pressure during exercise, it is unlikely that the transmural force exerted onto the blood-gas barrier of exercising horses is altered following i.v. clenbuterol administration at the recommended dosage. [source]

The intrahepatic immune response during chronic hepatitis B infection can be monitored by the fine-needle aspiration biopsy technique

Thjon J Tang
Abstract Frequent analysis of the intrahepatic cellular immune response during chronic hepatitis B infection is not feasible with the liver tissue biopsy technique, due to its risk profile and patient discomfort. We investigated whether the relatively safe and patient-friendly cytological fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) technique is suited for this purpose. FNABs taken during hepatitis flares in three chronic hepatitis B patients treated with interferon-,, showed significant increments of CD8+ -lymphocytes compared with the FNABs taken before and after the flares. No increments were observed in peripheral blood. The increments of intrahepatic CD8+ lymphocytes detected by the FNAB were related to anti-viral immune reactivity, since they coincided with significant serum hepatitis B virus DNA level reductions and in two of three patients with HBeAg seroconversion. In conclusion, the FNAB technique is suited to investigate the intrahepatic immune response during chronic hepatitis B infection on a frequent basis. [source]

Physicochemical, textural and viscoelastic properties of palm diacylglycerol bakery shortening during storage

Ling-Zhi Cheong
Abstract BACKGROUND: Diacylglycerol (DAG), which has health-enhancing properties, is sometimes added to bakery shortening to produce baked products with enhanced physical functionality. Nevertheless, the quantity present is often too little to exert any positive healthful effects. This research aimed to produce bakery shortenings containing significant amounts of palm diacyglycerol (PDG). Physicochemical, textural and viscoelastic properties of the PDG bakery shortenings during 3 months storage were evaluated and compared with those of commercial bakery shortening (CS). RESULTS: PDG bakery shortenings (DS55, DS64 and DS73) had less significant increments in slip melting point (SMP), solid fat content (SFC) and hardness during storage as compared to CS. Unlike CS, melting behaviour and viscoelastic properties of PDG bakery shortenings remained unchanged during storage. As for polymorphic transformation, CS contained only , crystals after 8 weeks of storage. PDG bakery shortenings managed to retard polymorphic transformation for up to 10 weeks of storage in DS55 and 12 weeks of storage in DS64 and DS73. CONCLUSION: PDG bakery shortenings had similar if not better storage stability as compared to CS. This is mainly due to the ability of DAG to retard polymorphic transformation from ,, to , crystals. Thus, incorporation of DAG improved physical functionality of bakery shortening. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry [source]

Effect of dietary substitution of fish oil by Echium oil on growth, plasma parameters and body lipid composition in gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata L.)

Abstract Gilthead seabream juveniles were fed on either a fish oil (FO)-containing diet or a diet containing a 50 : 50 blend of FO and Echium oil (EO) to determine the effect of EO on growth, plasma parameters and tissue lipid compositions. After 4 months of feeding, there was a significant increase of 18 : 2n -6 and a reduction of approximately 25% of 20 : 5n -3 in the flesh of fish fed the EO diet. At this point, half of the fish that fed on EO were returned to the FO diet as a third treatment and the trial continued with the three groups for a further 3 months. At the end of the experiment, food intake, survival, growth and plasma parameters were not affected by the inclusion of dietary EO. However, hepatosomatic index (HSI), total lipid and triacylglycerol contents of muscle decreased in fish fed the EO diet. Feeding the EO diet resulted in significant increments of potentially health-promoting fatty acids such as 18 : 3n -6, 18 : 4n -3 and 20 : 3n -6 but reduced n -3 highly unsaturated fatty acids, particularly 20 : 5n -3. When EO-fed fish were returned to the FO diet, tissue lipid contents and HSI tended to increase, but 18 : 2n -6 and 20 : 5n -3 levels were not fully restored to the levels of fish fed the FO diet for the entire trial. Furthermore, the fatty acids present in EO, which may promote beneficial health effects, were reduced. [source]