Significant Increasing Trend (significant + increasing_trend)

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Selected Abstracts

Changes in seasonal mean maximum air temperature in Romania and their connection with large-scale circulation

Rodica Tomozeiu
Abstract This paper investigates the temporal and spatial variability of the seasonal mean of maximum air temperature in Romania and its links with the large,scale atmospheric circulation. The Romanian data sets are represented by time series at 14 stations. The large-scale parameters are represented by the observed sea-level pressure (SLP) and geopotential height at 500 hPa (Z500). The period analysed was 1922,98 for winter and 1960,98 for all seasons. Before analysis, the original temperature data were tested to detect for inhomogeneity using the standard normal homogeneity test. Empirical orthogonal functions (EOFs) were used to analyse the spatial and temporal variability of the local and large-scale parameters and to eliminate noise from the original data set. The time series associated with the first EOF pattern of the SLP and mean maximum temperature in Romania were analysed from trend and shifts point of view using the Pettitt and Mann,Kendall tests respectively. The covariance map computed using the Z500 and the seasonal mean of maximum temperature in Romania were used as additional methods to identify the large-scale circulation patterns influencing the local variability. Significant increasing trends were found for winter and summer mean maximum temperature in Romania, with upward shifts around 1947 and 1985 respectively. During autumn, a decreasing trend with a downward shift around 1969 was detected. These changes seem to be real, since they are connected to similar changes in the large-scale circulation. So, the intensification of the southwesterly circulation over Europe since 1933 overlapped with the enhancement of westerly circulation after the 1940s could be the reason for the change in winter mean maximum temperature. The slight weakening of the southwesterly circulation during autumn could be one of the reasons for the decrease in the regime of the mean maximum temperature for autumn seasons. Additionally, the covariance map technique reveals the influence of the North Atlantic oscillation in winter, East Atlantic Jet in summer and Scandinavian (or Euroasia-1) circulation pattern in autumn upon mean maximum air temperature. Copyright © 2002 Royal Meteorological Society. [source]

Type 1 diabetes mellitus in Czech children diagnosed in 1990,1997: a significant increase in incidence and male predominance in the age group 0,4 years

O. Cinek
Summary Aims To overview total, age-and sex-specific incidence rates of type 1 diabetes mellitus and their trends in Czech children 0,14 years of age in the period of 1990,1997. Methods Type 1 DM cases were ascertained by two independent sources, data of general population were obtained from the annual demographic reports of the State Statistic Bureau. Incidence rates were computed using both ascertainment sources combined. Results In the study period 1.1.1990,31.12.1997, the total incidence was 10.1 (95% CI 9.6,10.6) per 100 000/year in both sexes, 10.0 (95% CI 9.4,10.7) in boys, and 10.2 (95% CI 9.5,11.0) in girls. The total age-standardized incidence was 9.9 (95% CI 9.4,10.4). The total incidence had a significant increasing trend over the study period (P = 10,4, annual increment 4.3%). A significant increasing trend was also found in the groups of children 0,4 (P = 0.033, increment 6.9%) and 5,9 years at diagnosis (P = 0.038, increment 4.8%). Statistically significant male predominance was observed in the group diagnosed at age 0,4 years (boys/girls ratio of incidence 1.33, P = 0.035). Conclusions We report the first population-based epidemiological data on incidence of childhood Type 1 DM in the Czech Republic. The incidence has increased significantly during the last 8 years. The present incidence is at an intermediate level compared to other European countries. [source]

Shopping trolley-related injuries to children in New Zealand, 1988,97

ML Parry
Objective: To describe the epidemiology of shopping trolley related injuries (fatalities and hospitalizations) to children in New Zealand prior to the introduction of a voluntary standard for shopping trolleys. Methodology: To identify cases, a key word search was conducted of national mortality and hospitalization databases for the years 1988,97. Cases were limited to children under 15 years of age. Results: For the 10 year period investigated, 282 hospitalizations and no fatalities were identified. A significant increasing trend for hospitalizations was detected (,2 = 17.6, 1 d.f.; P < 0.001). Ninety-two per cent of children hospitalized were aged under 5 years and two-thirds were aged 2 years or younger. Ninety per cent of injuries resulted from falls from trolleys, 84% of injuries were to the head or face and 22% were rated serious (AIS-3) on the Abbreviated Injury Scale. Conclusions: The incidence of injuries associated with shopping trolleys increased between 1988 and 1997. Following the introduction of a voluntary standard for shopping trolleys in 1999, which included specifications for child harnesses, trends in injury should be monitored. [source]

Beyond the "Model Minority" Stereotype: Trends in Health Risk Behaviors Among Asian/Pacific Islander High School Students

Sung-Jae Lee PhD
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Asian/Pacific Islander (API) students have been stereotyped as the "model minority." The objective of this study was to examine the trends in health risk behaviors among API students who participated in the San Diego City Schools Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) between 1993 and 2005. METHODS: High school students from the San Diego City School District completed the self-administered YRBS between 1993 and 2005. Among sexually active students, logistic regression for survey data was used to examine trends in health risk behaviors. RESULTS: From 1993 to 2005, condom use at last sexual intercourse was consistently lower among API students than their cross-ethnic peers. We observed a significant increasing trend in lifetime smoking, drinking, and marijuana use. Parental communications regarding human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) were significantly less frequent and decreased over time. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings challenge the notion of API youth being the "model minority." API students face unique challenges, including barriers to good communication about sex and lower rates of condom use. School-based prevention programs are needed for API students, including a focus on HIV communication with parents. [source]

Changes of the Swedish Bordetella pertussis population in incidence peaks during an acellular pertussis vaccine period between 1997 and 2004,

APMIS, Issue 4 2007
In a surveillance programme undertaken from 1997 through 2004, Bordetella pertussis isolates and clinical information were collected after introduction of acellular pertussis vaccines (Pa) in 1996. Changes in the B. pertussis population were studied in three incidence peaks: 1999,2000, 2002 and 2004. Available isolates from 158 fully vaccinated children representing all of Sweden, plus 37 from the Gothenburg area 2003,2004, were analysed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), serotyping and sequencing of the virulence factor genes pertussis toxin subunits 1 and 3 (ptxA, ptxC), pertactin (prn), tracheal colonisation factor (tcfA) and fimbria3 (fim3). Allele ptxA1 was found in all isolates. There was a statistically significant increasing trend in three out of five studied genes, ptxC, prn and tcfA, and for a fourth, Fim3, if Gothenburg strains were included. The PFGE profile BpSR11 appearing in the 1999,2000 peak dominated by ,23% during the entire period, bringing with it the allele combination 1/2/2/2/B (ptxA1/ptxC2/prn2/tcfA2/fim3B). Other BpSR11-related profiles with the same allele combination and more than 82% similarity,BpSR5 in the 2002 peak and BpSR12 in the 2004 peak,appeared with an increasing trend. Although vaccination with Pa has reduced disease, new variants have emerged representing clones surviving in the immunized population. [source]

The greening and browning of Alaska based on 1982,2003 satellite data

GLOBAL ECOLOGY, Issue 4 2008
David Verbyla
Abstract Aim To examine the trends of 1982,2003 satellite-derived normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) values at several spatial scales within tundra and boreal forest areas of Alaska. Location Arctic and subarctic Alaska. Methods Annual maximum NDVI data from the twice monthly Global Inventory Modelling and Mapping Studies (GIMMS) NDVI 1982,2003 data set with 64-km2 pixels were extracted from a spatial hierarchy including three large regions: ecoregion polygons within regions, ecozone polygons within boreal ecoregions and 100-km climate station buffers. The 1982,2003 trends of mean annual maximum NDVI values within each area, and within individual pixels, were computed using simple linear regression. The relationship between NDVI and temperature and precipitation was investigated within climate station buffers. Results, At the largest spatial scale of polar, boreal and maritime regions, the strongest trend was a negative trend in NDVI within the boreal region. At a finer scale of ecoregion polygons, there was a strong positive NDVI trend in cold arctic tundra areas, and a strong negative trend in interior boreal forest areas. Within boreal ecozone polygons, the weakest negative trends were from areas with a maritime climate or colder mountainous ecozones, while the strongest negative trends were from warmer basin ecozones. The trends from climate station buffers were similar to ecoregion trends, with no significant trends from Bering tundra buffers, significant increasing trends among arctic tundra buffers and significant decreasing trends among interior boreal forest buffers. The interannual variability of NDVI among the arctic tundra buffers was related to the previous summer warmth index. The spatial pattern of increasing tundra NDVI at the pixel level was related to the west-to-east spatial pattern in changing climate across arctic Alaska. There was no significant relationship between interannual NDVI and precipitation or temperature among the boreal forest buffers. The decreasing NDVI trend in interior boreal forests may be due to several factors including increased insect/disease infestations, reduced photosynthesis and a change in root/leaf carbon allocation in response to warmer and drier growing season climate. Main conclusions There was a contrast in trends of 1982,2003 annual maximum NDVI, with cold arctic tundra significantly increasing in NDVI and relatively warm and dry interior boreal forest areas consistently decreasing in NDVI. The annual maximum NDVI from arctic tundra areas was strongly related to a summer warmth index, while there were no significant relationships in boreal areas between annual maximum NDVI and precipitation or temperature. Annual maximum NDVI was not related to spring NDVI in either arctic tundra or boreal buffers. [source]