Significant Gains (significant + gain)

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Selected Abstracts

Socio-cognitive Habilitation Using the Math Interactive Learning Experience Program for Alcohol-Affected Children

ALCOHOLISM, Issue 8 2007
Julie A. Kable
Background: Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) has been recognized as a disabling condition with a significant impact on the neurobehavioral functioning of affected individuals, including cognition, behavior, and academic functioning, but little research has been performed on targeted interventions for these children. Methods: A socio-cognitive habilitative program focused on improving behavior and math functioning in children 3 to 10 years of age (n=61) was developed and evaluated. The intervention provided parental instruction on FAS, advocacy, and behavioral regulation via workshops and interactive math tutoring with children. All families received parental instruction and were then randomly assigned to either the math instruction or standard psychoeducational care groups. Results: Satisfaction with workshops was very high, with over 90% agreeing that trainers were knowledgeable and materials easy to understand and helpful. Significant gains in knowledge were found for information provided in the instructional groups. At posttesting, caregivers reported fewer problem behaviors on the Achenbach Child Behavior Checklist, Internalizing Problem Behavior, Externalizing Problem Behavior, and Total Problem Behavior summary scales. After 5 months, both groups of children demonstrated gains in math knowledge but significantly higher gains were found in the group receiving direct math instruction. The math treatment group was also more likely to demonstrate a gain of over 1 standard deviation on any of the 4 math outcome measures used. Conclusions: These findings suggest that parents of children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FAS(D)) benefit from instruction in understanding their child's alcohol-related neurological damage and strategies to provide positive behavioral supports and that targeted psychoeducational programs may be able to remediate some of the math deficits associated with prenatal alcohol exposure. [source]

The prospects for super-acuity: limits to visual performance after correction of monochromatic ocular aberration

W. N. Charman
Abstract It has recently been suggested that correction of the monochromatic aberration of the eye could lead to substantial improvements in visual acuity and contrast sensitivity function. After consideration of the best-corrected visual acuity of normal eyes, the optical and neural limits to visual performance are reviewed. It is concluded that, even if current problems with the accuracy of the suggested techniques of aberration correction, through corneal excimer laser ablation or customised contact lenses, can be overcome, changes in monochromatic ocular aberration over time, the continuing presence of chromatic aberration, errors of focus associated with lags and leads in accommodation, and other factors, are likely to result in only minor improvements in the high-contrast acuity performance of most normal eyes being produced by attempted aberration control. Significant gains in contrast sensitivity might, however, be achievable, particularly under mesopic and scotopic conditions when the pupil is large, provided that correct focus can be maintained. In the immediate future, reduction of the high levels of aberration that are currently found in eyes that have undergone refractive surgery and in some abnormal eyes should bring useful benefits. [source]

Dynamic study of cerebral bioenergetics and brain function using in vivo multinuclear MRS approaches

Wei Chen
Abstract One of the greatest merits of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) methodology used in biomedical research and clinical settings is its capability of measuring various physiological parameters in vivo. Besides MR imaging (MRI), which has been routinely applied to obtain vital information in living organs at normal and diseased states, in vivo MR spectroscopy (MRS) provides an invaluable tool for determining metabolites, chemical reaction rates, bioenergetics, and their dynamic changes in the human and animals noninvasively. These MRS capabilities are further enhanced at high/ultrahigh magnetic fields because of significant gain in NMR detection sensitivity and improvement in the spectral resolution. Recent progress has shown that in vivo MRS holds great promise in many biomedical research areas,in particular, brain research. This article provides a broad review of (i) in vivo multinuclear MRS approaches, (ii) advanced MRS methodologies, and (iii) MRS applications for determining cerebral metabolism as well as bioenergetics at resting brain state and their dynamic changes in response to brain activation. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Concepts Magn Reson Part A 27A: 84-121, 2005 [source]

Fluency remediation in dyslexic children: does age make a difference?

DYSLEXIA, Issue 2 2008
Patrizio E. Tressoldi
Abstract This study tested the hypothesis whether older dyslexic children may obtain fewer gains on fluency and accuracy with respect to their younger peers after specific remediation. Changes in accuracy and fluency of a group of children with a diagnosis of dyslexia attending third and fourth grades were compared with those obtained by a group of children attending the sixth, seventh or eighth grade in two different treatments, one based on the Balance model (Bakker) and the second based on the automatization of syllable recognition (sublexical). Among all comparisons between the gains in accuracy and fluency obtained by the two groups, only the younger group in the sublexical treatment obtained a statistically significant gain with respect to their older peers' accuracy in reading words. These outcomes suggest that, at least for the chronological ages and types of treatments considered in this study, older children with dyslexia may obtain comparable gains to their younger peers, suggesting that ,it is never too late' to remediate reading fluency and accuracy. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Assessment of the access selection gain in multi-radio access networks

Joachim Sachs
In this paper, we investigate the capacity gain of access selection in a multi-radio access network with heterogeneous radio access technologies (RATs). We classify the kinds of gain that can be achieved by access selection: statistical multiplexing in the multi-access system leads to a trunking gain, spatial transmission diversity results from the geographic capacity distribution of the cell layout, stochastic transmission diversity exploits the multi-path fading characteristics. We show how these different properties are affected by the cell layout of the different RATs, the characteristics of each RAT and the traffic load distribution in the network. In a simulation environment the system capacity for the combination of two wide-area access technologies, as well as, for the combination of a wide-area and a local-area access technology is investigated. For this, we compare two different access selection algorithms. One uses the radio link quality as an input parameter, while the other also considers the cell load. We derive quantitative figures for the capacity gain in a large number of scenarios and show that load-based access selection can significantly increase the capacity. We show that the gain of an overlay of local-area access cells provides little capacity gain for uniform geographic load distribution, whereas significant gain can be achieved when most users are located at hotspots. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Non-linear version of stabilized conforming nodal integration for Galerkin mesh-free methods

Jiun-Shyan Chen
Abstract A stabilized conforming (SC) nodal integration, which meets the integration constraint in the Galerkin mesh-free approximation, is generalized for non-linear problems. Using a Lagrangian discretization, the integration constraints for SC nodal integration are imposed in the undeformed configuration. This is accomplished by introducing a Lagrangian strain smoothing to the deformation gradient, and by performing a nodal integration in the undeformed configuration. The proposed method is independent to the path dependency of the materials. An assumed strain method is employed to formulate the discrete equilibrium equations, and the smoothed deformation gradient serves as the stabilization mechanism in the nodally integrated variational equation. Eigenvalue analysis demonstrated that the proposed strain smoothing provides a stabilization to the nodally integrated discrete equations. By employing Lagrangian shape functions, the computation of smoothed gradient matrix for deformation gradient is only necessary in the initial stage, and it can be stored and reused in the subsequent load steps. A significant gain in computational efficiency is achieved, as well as enhanced accuracy, in comparison with the mesh-free solution using Gauss integration. The performance of the proposed method is shown to be quite robust in dealing with non-uniform discretization. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Application of a single-reflection collimating multilayer optic for X-ray diffraction experiments employing parallel-beam geometry

M. Wohlschlögel
Instrumental aberrations of a parallel-beam diffractometer equipped with a rotating anode X-ray source, a single-reflection collimating multilayer optic and a parallel-plate collimator in front of the detector have been investigated on the basis of standard measurements (i.e. employing stress- and texture-free isotropic powder specimens exhibiting small or negligible structural diffraction line broadening). It has been shown that a defocusing correction, which is a major instrumental aberration for diffraction patterns collected with divergent-beam (focusing) geometries, is unnecessary for this diffractometer. The performance of the diffractometer equipped with the single-reflection collimating multilayer optic (single-reflection mirror) is compared with the performance of the diffractometer equipped with a Kirkpatrick,Baez optic (cross-coupled Göbel mirror) on the basis of experimental standard measurements and ray-tracing calculations. The results indicate that the use of the single-reflection mirror provides a significant gain in photon flux and brilliance. A high photon flux, high brilliance and minimal divergence of the incident beam make the setup based on the single-reflection mirror particularly suitable for grazing-incidence diffraction, and thus for the investigation of very thin films (yielding low diffracted intensities) and of stress and texture (requiring the acquisition of large measured data sets, corresponding to the variation of the orientation of the diffraction vector with respect to the specimen frame of reference). A comparative discussion of primary optics which can be used to realise parallel-beam geometry shows the range of possible applications of parallel-beam diffractometers and indicates the virtues and disadvantages of the different optics. [source]

Scan profiles for neutron spectrometers.


The recent development of neutron collimators with rectangular transmission profiles (intensity versus angular divergence) extends hope of improved count rates on neutron scattering instruments. It is usually assumed that a more effective use of beam angular spread in these devices should increase count rates by about a factor of two. However, real beams have both angular and wavevector spread and both these spreads are governed by the allowed collimation. In this extended view, the gains from ideal rectangular-profile elements (angle filters) are shown to be much larger (about a factor of four). The mirror reflections used to achieve the rectangular profiles in real devices complicate the resolution effects. Specifically, the reflections disturb the wavevector,angular divergence correlation in the beams, leading to unusual peak shapes characterized by triple peaks on powder diffractometers. Thus, these reflecting collimators are likely to be universally useful only before the monochromator and immediately preceding the detector, where wavevector,angle correlations have no effect. This reduces the potential gains to a factor of two or so. Note that the gains are as previously expected but for quite different reasons than imagined. This remains a very significant gain in a field where most work is intensity-limited. [source]

Waveguide-enhanced scattering from thin biomolecular films

F. Pfeiffer
An X-ray diffraction experiment on multilamellar membranes incorporated into an X-ray waveguide structure is reported. In the device, the lipid bilayers are confined to one side by the silicon substrate and to the other side by an evaporated thin metal cap layer. Shining a highly brilliant X-ray beam onto the system, resonantly enhanced, precisely defined and clearly distinguishable standing-wavefield distributions (modes) are excited. The in-plane structure of the acyl chain ordering is then studied by grazing incidence diffraction under simultaneously excited modes. A significant gain in signal-to-noise ratio as well as enhanced spatial resolution can be obtained with such a setup. [source]

Acellular dermal matrix allograft used to gain attached gingiva in a case of epidermolysis bullosa

Eralp Buduneli
Abstract Background: Epidermolysis bullosa (EB) is an acquired disease or inherited as either autosomal dominant or recessive with an incidence of 1/50,000. The prominent clinical characteristic of the disease is the development of bullae or vesicles in mucosa or skin in response to minor trauma. Aim: A female patient with a dystrophic type of EB had been put in a maintenance regimen after completion of the initial phase of periodontal therapy and followed for 7 years. The purpose of this report is to document acellular dermal matrix allograft application to increase the width of the attached gingiva in this patient experiencing difficulty in chewing and performing plaque control due to the dramatic loss of attached gingiva after 7 years of supportive periodontal therapy. Methods: Under local anaesthesia and antibiotic coverage, the acellular dermal matrix allograft was applied in the anterior region of the upper jaw in order to increase the width of attached gingiva, thereby improving patient comfort. Results: The healing was uneventful and a significant gain in attached gingiva dimensions was observed 9 months after the periodontal surgery. The procedure avoided a second surgical site, provided satisfactory results from an aesthetic point of view, and improved patient comfort. Conclusion: Acellular dermal matrix allograft may be regarded as an alternative in the treatment of EB cases to increase the width of attached gingiva and facilitate maintenance of the dentition. Zusammenfassung Hintergrund: Die Epidermolysis bullosa (EB) ist eine erworbene oder eine autosomal dominant oder rezessiv vererbte Krankheit mit einer Incidenz von 1:50,000. Die hervorstechenden klinischen Symptome dieser Erkrankung sind die Entwicklung von Blasen oder Vesikeln in der Mukosa oder in der Haut auf geringste Traumen. Ziel: Eine Frau mit dem dystrophischen Typ von EB wurde in der Erhaltungsphase seit 7 Jahren geführt, nachdem die initiale Phase der parodontalen Therapie beendet worden war. Der Zweck dieser Studie ist die Dokumentation der Applikation eines azellulären Hautmatrixtransplantats für die Verbreiterung der fest angewachsenen Gingiva bei dieser Patientin, die nach 7 Jahren der erhaltenden parodontalen Therapie Probleme beim Kauen und bei der Durchführung der Plaquekontrolle durch einen starken Verlust an fest angewachsener Gingiva hatte. Methoden: Unter lokaler Anästhesie und antibiotischer Abschirmung wurde das azelluläre Hautmatrixtransplantat in die anteriore Region des Oberkiefers appliziert, um die Breite der fest angewachsenen Gingiva zu vergrößern und so das Befinden der Patientin zu verbessern. Ergebnisse: Die Heilung war komplikationslos, und ein signifikanter Gewinn an fest angewachsener Gingiva 9 Monate nach der parodontalen Operation wurde beobachtet. Die Methode vermied eine zweite chirurgische Region, erbrachte zufriedenstellende Ergebnisse aus ästhetischer Sicht und verbesserte das Befinden der Patientin. Schlussfolgerung: Das azelluläre Hautmatrixtransplantat kann als eine Alternative in der Behandlung von EB betrachtet werden, um die Breite der fest angewachsenen Gingiva zu vergrößern und zur Möglichkeit der Erhaltung der Dentition beizutragen. Résumé La bullose épidermolysie (EB) est une maladie contractée ou héritée qui peut être aussi bien autosomale dominante que récessive avec une fréquence de 1/50,000. La caractéristique clinique importante de la maladie est le développement de bulles ou de vésicules au niveau de la muqueuse ou de la peau comme réponse à un traumatisme mineur. Une femme avec un type dystrophique de EB a été placée dans un régime de maintenance après la fin de la phase initiale du traitement parodontal et suivie durant sept années. Le but de ce rapport est de documenter le placement d'un allographe de la matrice dermique acellulaire visant à augmenter la largeur de la gencive attachée chez cette patiente qui avait des problèmes aux niveaux masticatoire et du contrôle de la plaque dentaire vu la perte dramatique de la gencive attachée après sept années de maintenance parodontale. Sous anesthésie locale et sous couverture antibiotique, l'allographe de la matrice dermique acellulaire a été placé dans la région antérieure de la mâchoire supérieure pour augmenter la largeur de la gencive attachée afin d'améliorer le confort de la patiente. La guérison s'est déroulée sans problème et un gain significatif de gencive attachée a été observé neuf mois après la chirurgie parodontale. Ce processus chirurgical élimine la nécessité d'avoir un site donneur, apporte des résultats satisfaisants du point de vue esthétique et améliore le confort du patient. L'allographe de la matrice dermique acellulaire peut donc être considéré comme une alternative dans le traitement des cas de EB afin d'augmenter la largeur de la gencive attachée et faciliter le maintien de la dentition. [source]

Direct monitoring of molecular recognition processes using fluorescence enhancement at colloid-coated microplates

Ch. Lobmaier
Abstract Direct monitoring of recognition processes at the molecular level is a valuable tool for studying reaction kinetics to assess affinity constants (e.g. drugs to receptors) and for designing rapid single step immunoassays. Methods currently used to gain information about binding processes predominantly depend on surface plasmon resonance. These systems use excitation with coherent light in attenuated total reflection geometry to obtain discrimination between surface-bound and free molecules in solution. Therefore labeling of the compounds is not necessary, but due to the complexity of the measuring setup the method is rather costly. In this contribution we present a simple method for performing kinetic single step biorecognition assays with fluorophore labeled compounds using the fluorescence enhancement properties of surface bound silver colloids. Silver colloids are bound to standard microplates via silanization of the plastic surface. Fluorophores close to this colloid coated surface show a significant gain in fluorescence compared to fluorophores farther away in the bulk solution. Therefore discrimination between surface bound and free fluorophores is possible and the binding of, for example, fluorophore labeled antibodies to antigens immobilized on the colloid surface results in increasing fluorescence intensity. Utilization of standard microplates makes this method fully compatible with conventional microplate processing and reading devices. Neither excitation with coherent laser light nor ATR geometry is required, the measurement is performed in a standard fluorescence microplate reader in front face geometry with a xenon flash lamp as excitation source. Methods for the preparation of colloid-coated microplates and fluorescence-enhanced biorecognition assays are presented. Additionally the dependence of the system performance on the structure and properties of the metal colloid coated surface is described. A two-component biorecognition model system shows a detection limit in the subnanomolar range. The ease of colloid-surface preparation and the high sensitivity makes fluorescence enhancement at colloid-coated microplates a valuable tool for studying reaction kinetics and performing rapid single-step immunoassays. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

A Classroom Investigation: Can Video Improve Intermediate-Level French Language Students' Ability to Learn about a Foreign Culture?

Carol Herron
This study examines the effects of video on cultural knowledge at the intermediate level. Fifty-one intermediate-level French students viewed 8 videos. A pretest/posttest design assessed long-term gains in cultural knowledge and in the learning of cultural practices and cultural products from exposure to a curriculum with a video component. Eight postvideo tests measured the students' ability to retain information and to make inferences. A questionnaire assessed perceptions of cultural learning. Results indicated a significant gain in cultural knowledge with posttest scores significantly higher than pretest scores. On the short-answer and free-recall portions of the 8 postvideo tests, the students' ability to make inferences or retain information did not improve significantly in either an advance organizer (AO) or a non-AO condition. For free recall, scores were significantly higher for mentions of cultural practices than for products. The students believed that they learned more cultural practices than products. The results support using video to enhance cultural knowledge. [source]

Pilot training program for developing disaster nursing competencies among undergraduate students in China

Samantha M. C. Pang rn
Abstract As nurses constitute the largest group of health-care providers, their readiness to respond to disasters and to participate in preparedness and disaster recovery activities will be significant for making a community more resilient against disaster. Concern is raised regarding how to build the capacity of all nurses with a knowledge base and a minimum set of skills in responding to various disasters. Drawing on the ICN Framework of Disaster Nursing Competencies and Global Standards for the Initial Education of Professional Nurses and Midwives, a training program entitled "Introduction to Disaster Nursing" was developed. Four teaching methods including action learning, problem-based learning, skill training, and lecture were used to orchestrate a series of planned activities for helping students develop the required disaster nursing competencies in a 2-week intensive training program held in Sichuan China in July 2009. The pre- and post-tests which were given to assess the students' perceived level of competencies demonstrated a significant gain in relevant knowledge and skills constituting the required competencies upon completion of the program. In the program evaluation, most students indicated their willingness and capability in disaster relief work under supervision, and they were keen to advance their competencies in the field of disaster nursing. [source]

Crystal Structure Analysis and in Silico pKa Calculations Suggest Strong pKa Shifts of Ligands as Driving Force for High-Affinity Binding to TGT

CHEMBIOCHEM, Issue 4 2009
Tina Ritschel
Abstract Expandedlin -benzoguanines exhibit binding affinities to tRNA-guanine transglycosylase (TGT) in the low-nanomolar range. A significant pKa shift is observed for the inhibitors moving from aqueous solution to protein environment. The protonation of the inhibitor facilitates a charge-assisted hydrogen bond in the protein,ligand complex. A novel ligand series is presented to inhibit tRNA-guanine transglycosylase (TGT), a protein with a significant role in the pathogenicity mechanism of Shigella flexneri, the causative agent of Shigellosis. The enzyme exchanges guanine in the wobble position of tRNAAsn,Asp,His,Tyr against a modified base. To prevent the base-exchange reaction, several series of inhibitors have already been designed, synthesized, and tested. One aim of previous studies was to address a hydrophobic pocket with different side chains attached to the parent skeletons. Disappointingly, no significant increase in binding affinity could be observed that could be explained by the disruption of a conserved water cluster. The ligand series examined in this study are based on the known scaffold lin -benzoguanine. Different side chains were introduced leading to 2-amino- lin -benzoguanines, which address a different pocket of the protein and avoid disruption of the water cluster. With the introduction of an amino group in the 2-position, a dramatic increase in binding affinity can be experienced. To explain this significant gain in binding affinity, Poisson,Boltzmann calculations were performed to explore pKa changes of ligand functional groups upon protein binding, they can differ significantly on going from aqueous solution to protein environment. For all complexes, a permanent protonation of the newly designed ligands is suggested, leading to a charge-assisted hydrogen bond in the protein,ligand complex. This increased strength in hydrogen bonding takes beneficial effect on binding affinity of the ligands, resulting in low-nanomolar binders. Crystal structures and docking emphasize the importance of the newly created charge-assisted hydrogen bond. A detailed analysis of the crystal structures in complex with substituted 2-amino- lin -benzoguanines indicate pronounced disorder of the attached side chains addressing the ribose 33 binding pocket. Docking suggests multiple orientations of these side chains. Obviously, an entropic advantage of the residual mobility experienced by these ligands in the bound state is beneficial and reveals an overall improved protein binding. [source]

Conflict resolution and bully prevention: Skills for school success

Roberta A. Heydenberk
In a two-year study, 673 elementary students participated in a bully prevention program that included seven training sessions introducing affective vocabulary, social and emotional literacy, and Conflict resolution skills. Treatment groups showed statistically significant gains on the Conflict resolution subscale of the standardized instrument employed. No gains were found in the comparison groups. A decrease in bullying and an increased sense of safety were indicated from student and staff questionnaire responses. [source]

An Evaluation of Flexible Workday Policies in Job Shops,

Kum-Khiong Yang
ABSTRACT Job shops have long faced pressures for improvement in a challenging and volatile environment. Today's trends of global competition and shortening of product life cycles suggest that both the challenges and the intensity of market volatility will only increase. Consequently, the study of tactics for maximizing the flexibility and responsiveness of a job shop is important. Indeed, there is a significant body of literature that has produced guidelines on when and how to deploy tactics such as alternate routings for jobs and transfers of cross-trained workers between machines. In this paper we consider a different tactic by adjusting the length of workdays. Hours in excess of a 40-hour week are exchanged for compensatory time off at time and a half, and the total amount of accrued compensatory time is limited to no more than 160 hours in accordance with pending legislation. We propose several simple flexible workday policies that are based on an input/output control approach and investigate their performance in a simulated job shop. We find significant gains in performance over a fixed schedule of eight hours per day. Our results also provide insights into the selection of policy parameters. [source]

The Poverty Reduction Strategy Approach Six Years On: An Examination of Principles and Practice in Uganda

Sudharshan Canagarajah
It is over six years since the World Bank and the IMF started promoting a PRS approach to development management in low-income countries. The 2005 review endorsed the approach, but highlighted the need for a renewed focus on the principles underpinning it: country ownership; results orientation; comprehensiveness; partnership focus; and long-term outlook. Uganda is often hailed as one of the best PRS performers. This article finds that Uganda's Poverty Eradicaton Action Plan (PEAP) has brought significant gains to development management, but that its performance against several of the PRS principles is disappointing. A return to these principles could improve the practice of the government and development partners around the PEAP , a finding likely to be applicable to many countries implementing a PRS. [source]

Follow-up of an exercise-based treatment for children with reading difficulties

DYSLEXIA, Issue 2 2007
David Reynolds
Abstract This study reports the results of a long-term follow-up of an exercise-based approach to dyslexia-related disorders (Reynolds, Nicolson, & Hambly, Dyslexia, 2003; 9(1): 48,71). In the initial study, children at risk of dyslexia were identified in 3 years of a junior school. One half then undertook a 6 month, home-based exercise programme. Evaluation after 6 months indicated that the exercise group improved significantly more than the controls on a range of cognitive and motor skills. Critics had suggested that the improvement might be attributable to artifactual issues including Hawthorne effects; an initial literacy imbalance between the groups; and inclusion of non-dyslexic participants. The present study evaluated the issue of whether the gains were maintained over the following 18 months, and whether they were in some sense artifactual as postulated by critics of the original study. Comparison of (age-adjusted) initial and follow-up performance indicated significant gains in motor skill, speech/language fluency, phonology, and working memory. Both dyslexic and non-dyslexic low achieving children benefited. There was also a highly significant reduction in the incidence of symptoms of inattention. Interestingly there were no significant changes in speeded tests of reading and spelling, but there was a significant improvement in (age-adjusted) reading (NFER). It is concluded that the gains were indeed long-lasting, and that the alternative hypotheses based on potential artifacts were untenable, and that the exercise treatment therefore achieved its applied purpose. Further research is needed to determine the underlying reasons for the benefits. Possible (and potentially synergistic) explanations include: improved cerebellar function (neural level); improved learning ability and/or attentional ability (cognitive level); improved self-esteem and self-efficacy (affective level); and improved parental/familial support (social level). Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]


Using data from the 2001,2005 waves of the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia survey, and taking account of existing estimates of ability bias and social returns to schooling, I estimate the economic return to various levels of education. Raising high school attainment appears to yield the highest annual benefits, with per-year gains as high as 30% (depending on the adjustment for ability bias). Some forms of vocational training also appear to boost earnings, with significant gains from Certificate Level III/IV qualifications (for high school dropouts only), and from Diploma and Advanced Diploma qualifications. At the university level, bachelor degrees and postgraduate qualifications are associated with significantly higher earnings, with each year of a bachelor degree raising annual earnings by about 15%. For high schools, slightly less than half the gains are due to increased productivity, with the rest being due to higher levels of participation. For vocational training, about one-third of the gains are from productivity, and two-thirds from greater participation. For universities, most of the gains are from productivity. I find some evidence that the productivity benefits of education are higher towards the top of the distribution, but the effects on hours worked are higher towards the bottom of the conditional earnings distribution. [source]

Financial dollarization: evaluating the consequences

ECONOMIC POLICY, Issue 45 2006
Eduardo Levy Yeyati
SUMMARY Financial dollarization The presence in residents' portfolio of foreign-currency assets and liabilities (or ,financial dollarization') has been alleged to influence monetary policy in developing economies and, especially, to cause debtors' insolvency in the aftermath exchange rate depreciations (the ,balance sheet effect'). The abundant and influential literature on these implications, however, contrasts sharply with the scarcity of empirical work aimed at confirming or refuting them. Using a new database, this paper assesses the evidence on the determinants of financial dollarization and tests whether its empirical effects on monetary and financial stability and on economic performance are consistent with theoretical predictions. It finds that financially dollarized economies display a more unstable demand for money, a greater propensity to suffer banking crises after a depreciation of the local currency, and slower and more volatile output growth, without significant gains in terms of domestic financial depth. The results indicate that active de-dollarization policies may be advisable for the many economies, including Central and Eastern European ones, where foreign-currency denominated assets and liabilities are important in residents' financial portfolios. , Eduardo Levy Yeyati [source]

Diversification, Ownership and Control of Swedish Corporations

John A. Doukas
We study the short- and long-term valuation effects of Swedish takeovers. Using a sample of 93 bidding firms that acquired 101 targets between 1980 and 1995, we find that diversifying acquisitions lead to a negative market reaction and deterioration of the operating performance of the bidder. Announcement and performance gains in each of the three years following the acquisition occur only when bidders expand their core rather than their peripheral lines of business. Our findings suggest that focused acquisitions lead to greater synergies and operating efficiencies than diversifying acquisitions. Intra-group acquisitions, however, show that bidders do not realise significant gains whether they adopt diversifying or focusing investment strategies by purchasing firms controlled by the Wallenberg and SHB conglomerate groups. Intra-group targets realize significant gains regardless bidder's investment strategy. Finally, the evidence does not support the view that intra-conglomerate acquisitions are associated with expropriation of minority shareholders. However, they appear to enhance the control rights of large shareholders of the bidding firm. [source]

Electoral promises and minority governments: An empirical study

Content analysis of electoral pledges of Spanish parties is utilised to study the gains that a relatively small party obtains when it helps to sustain the governing party in office without entering a coalition government. According to the authors' results, cooperating in parliament to maintain the minority government in office can be a rational choice for a party because it allows it to obtain significant gains in terms of programme fulfillment. [source]

An Experimental Study of an Empowerment-Based Intervention for African American Head Start Fathers

Jay Fagan
This study examined the effects of an empowerment intervention, Men as Teachers, on African American Head Start fathers. Fathers were randomly assigned to the empowerment program or to a control group in which participants viewed a five-part videotape series on parenting. The results revealed a significant improvement in fathers' attitudes about their ability to teach their preschool-age children for the experimental group only. There was no significant improvement in these fathers' attitudes about racial oppression socialization practices. Resident fathers in the experimental group showed significant gains in self-esteem and parenting satisfaction. [source]

Rethinking Care Theory: The Practice of Caring and the Obligation to Care

HYPATIA, Issue 3 2005
Daniel Engster
Care theorists have made significant gains over the past twenty-five years in establishing caring as a viable moral and political concept. Nonetheless, the concept of caring remains underdeveloped as a basis for a moral and political philosophy, and there is no fully developed account of our moral obligation to care. This article advances thinking about caring by developing a definition of caring and a theory of obligation to care sufficient to ground a general moral and political philosophy. [source]

Translational approaches to understanding anorexia nervosa

Diane A. Klein MD
Abstract Translational research has fostered significant gains in neuroscience and psychiatry and has been identified by the NIMH as a "priority area" for further funding. As applied to anorexia nervosa (AN), "translational research" describes the application of principles and methodologies employed in related fields to advance the understanding, and ultimately treatment and prevention, of this disorder. Several promising areas of translational research in AN are identified. Such research, particularly when linked to a conceptual framework, offers the potential of lending much-needed novel insight into this challenging and enigmatic disorder. © 2005 by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. [source]

MMICs time-domain electrical physical simulator adapted to the parallel computation

A. El Moussati
Abstract The programming method used to adapt an existing time-domain electrical circuit simulator to the parallel computation is presented. The originality of the simulator results in the semiconductor device numerical physical modeling. Thus, the organization of the existing software, initially developed to be run on a monoprocessor sequential Unix workstation, is firstly detailed. Accounting for specifications at once regarding the effort necessary to modify the software, the wished simulator application field and the constraints resulting from the available computer, two levels of parallelization have been pointed out and implemented by means of the message passing interface parallel programming tool. As an illustration, some results concerning the simulation of a microwave monolithic integrated circuit (MMIC), especially a 2,40,GHz HEMT transistor cascode stage distributed amplifier, are presented. Circuits of increasing complexity have been considered. The evaluation of the sequential/parallel computation ratio demonstrates that significant gains can be expected from the parallel computation opening the way to analysis of the operation of MMICs of mean complexity by means of a numerical physical approach. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Connective tissue graft plus resin-modified glass ionomer restoration for the treatment of gingival recession associated with non-carious cervical lesion: a randomized-controlled clinical trial

Mauro Pedrine Santamaria
Abstract Background: The aim of this clinical study was to evaluate the treatment of gingival recession, associated with non-carious cervical lesions by a connective tissue graft (CTG) alone, or in combination with a resin-modified glass ionomer restoration (CTG+R). Materials and Methods: Forty patients presenting Miller Class I buccal gingival recessions, associated with non-carious cervical lesions, were selected. The defects were randomly assigned to receive either CTG or CTG+R. Bleeding on probing (BOP), probing depth (PD), relative gingival recession (RGR), clinical attachment level (CAL) and cervical lesion height (CLH) coverage were measured at baseline and 45 days, and 2, 3 and 6 months after treatment. Results: Both groups showed statistically significant gains in CAL and soft tissue coverage. The differences between groups were not statistically significant in BOP, PD, RGR and CAL, after 6 months. The percentages of CLH covered were 74.88 ± 8.66% for CTG and 70.76 ± 9.81% for CTG+R (p>0.05). The estimated root coverage was 91.91 ± 17.76% for CTG and 88.64 ± 11.9% for CTG+R (p>0.05). Conclusion: Within the limits of the present study, it can be concluded that both procedures provide comparable soft tissue coverage. The presence of the glass ionomer restoration may not prevent the root coverage achieved by CTG. [source]

Cervical restoration and the amount of soft tissue coverage achieved by coronally advanced flap: A 2-year follow-up randomized-controlled clinical trial

Mauro Pedrine Santamaria
Abstract Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate the 2-year follow-up success of the treatment of gingival recession associated with non-carious cervical lesions by a coronally advanced flap (CAF) alone or in combination with a resin-modified glass ionomer restoration (CAF+R). Material and Methods: Sixteen patients with bilateral Miller Class I buccal gingival recessions, associated with non-carious cervical lesions, were selected. The defects received either CAF or CAF+R. Bleeding on probing (BOP), probing depth (PD), relative gingival recession (RGR), clinical attachment level (CAL) and cervical lesion height (CLH) coverage were measured at the baseline and 6, 12 and 24 months after the treatment. Results: Both groups showed statistically significant gains in CAL and soft tissue coverage. The differences between groups were not statistically significant in BOP, PD, RGR and CAL, after 2 years. The percentages of CLH covered were 51.57 ± 17.2% for CAF+R and 53.87 ± 12.6% for CAF (p>0.05). The estimated root coverage was 80.37 ± 25.44% for CAF+R and 83.46 ± 20.79% for CAF (p>0.05). Conclusion: Within the limits of the present study, it can be concluded that both procedures provide acceptable soft tissue coverage after 2 years, with no significant differences between the two approaches. [source]

A novel approach to scheduling multipurpose batch plants using unit-slots

AICHE JOURNAL, Issue 7 2010
Naresh Susarla
Abstract Several models for scheduling multipurpose batch plants exist in the literature. The models using unit-specific event points have shown better solution efficiency on various literature examples. This article presents a novel approach to scheduling multipurpose batch plants, which uses unit-slots instead of process-slots to manage shared resources such as material storage. We develop two slightly different models that are even more compact and simpler than that of Sundaramoorthy and Karimi, Chem Eng Sci. 2005;60:2679,2702. Although we focus on material as a shared resource, our multi-grid approach rationalizes, generalizes, and improves the current multi-grid approaches for scheduling with shared resources. Our models allow nonsimultaneous transfers of materials into and out of a batch. We show by an example that this flexibility can give better schedules than those from existing models in some cases. Furthermore, our approach uses fewer slots (event-points) on some examples than even those required by the most recent unit-specific event-based model. Numerical evaluation using literature examples shows significant gains in solution efficiency from the use of unit-slots except where the number of unit-slots required for the optimal solution equals that of process slots. We also highlight the importance of constraint sequencing in GAMS implementation for evaluating mixed-integer linear programming based scheduling models fairly. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 2010 [source]

Efficient MILP formulations for the simultaneous optimal peptide tag design and downstream processing synthesis

AICHE JOURNAL, Issue 9 2009
João M. Natali
Abstract Novel and efficient linear formulations are developed for the problem of simultaneously performing an optimal synthesis of chromatographic protein purification processes, and the concomitant selection of peptide purification tags, that result in a maximal process improvement. To this end, two formulations are developed for the solution of this problem: (1) a model that minimizes both the number of chromatographic steps in the final purification process flow sheet and the composition of the tag, by use of weighted objectives, while satisfying minimal purity requirements for the final product; and (2) a model that attempts to find the maximal attainable purity under constraints on the maximum number of separation techniques and tag size. Both models are linearized using a previously developed strategy for obtaining optimal piecewise linear approximations of nonlinear functions. Proposed are models to two case studies based on protein mixtures with different numbers of proteins. Results show that the models are capable of solving to optimality all the implemented cases with computational time requirements of under 1 s, on average. The results obtained are further compared with previous nonlinear and linear models attempting to solve the same problem, and, thus, show that the approach represents significant gains in robustness and efficiency. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 2009 [source]