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Comparative folliculogenesis and spermatogenesis of four teleost fish from a Reservoir in south-eastern Brazil

ACTA ZOOLOGICA, Issue 4 2010
Yuri Simőes Martins
Abstract Martins, Y.S., Moura, D.F., Santos, G.B., Rizzo, E. and Bazzoli, N. 2009. Comparative folliculogenesis and spermatogenesis of four teleost fish from a Reservoir in south-eastern Brazil. ,Acta Zoologica (Stockholm). 91: 466,473. This study provides a comparative analysis of gametogenesis of neotropical teleosts Metynnis maculatus, Megalancistrus parananus, Cichla kelberi and Satanoperca pappaterra, through histological, histochemical and histometric techniques. In the ooplasm of C. kelberi and S. pappaterra conspicuous lipid vesicles were observed, which are characteristic of pelagic eggs produced by marine fishes. Perinucleolar oocytes were identified in the testis of S. pappaterra suggesting that this species is protogynous without functional hermaphroditism, an unusual pattern for neotropical fresh-water fishes. The spermatozoa of the studied species have rounded heads, a characteristic of fish that externally fertilise their eggs. The follicular (granulosa) cells of the vitellogenic oocytes from the studied species were cuboidal or columnar, however, in C. kelberi there were columnar follicular cells at the vegetal pole and cuboidal cells at the animal pole. Variations of the histochemical content were detected in the cortical alveoli and follicular cells of vitellogenic oocytes showing differences in the mechanisms to block polyspermy and egg adhesiveness. Larger oocytes were recorded in species which demonstrated parental care behaviour and smaller oocytes were noted in those species with fractioned spawning. [source]

Scale dependence of spatial patterns and cartography on the detection of landscape change: relationships with species' perception

ECOGRAPHY, Issue 4 2002
Susana Suárez-Seoane
This paper analyses how landscape pattern detection changes when different spatial and temporal scales and several levels of detail of the cartography are used to describe a landscape affected by land abandonment in northern Spain. In order to integrate landscape composition and structure at different temporal and spatial scales in the same framework, a multiple correspondence factorial analysis was ran for each typology of landscape units. Annual rates of change and scale dependencies were calculated for each typology from the Euclidean distances in the factorial space. Finally, the potential assessment of habitat utilisation by species with different landscape perception and movement capacity was modelled for the range of typologies. The amount of variance explained by the factorial analysis decreased with the complexity of the typology. Annual rates of change appeared different according to the time span and the detail of the landscape unit typology used. For all typologies, changes were faster during 1983,95, a period characterised by massive land abandonment. However, when the whole period (1956,95) was considered, annual changes were much lower, showing differences between typologies. As a general trend, the variance of the mean annual change decreased with the size of the analysis units. In response to land abandonment, different scale dependencies were found for different levels of detail of the cartography. Coarser typologies are suitable when analysing highly mobile species. However, species with small movement capacity or with a preference for homogeneous habitats perceive more detail in landscape. In this case, a detailed typology is more appropriate. [source]


ABSTRACT A new CPEM method was developed and used to study the cooking curves of two potato varieties showing differences in texture and of one variety cultivated in four different regimes. The two main cooking curve stages (i.e., cooking and disintegration) can be described by simple linear equations, with density as an independent parameter. The parameters in the equation describing the cooking stage were reformulated to express directly the role of starch. The two new parameters obtained were weakly correlated and expressed separately cooking time sensitivity to starch content and the basic potato characteristic in relation to sloughing. Data obtained indicate only a minor role of starch content during the first part of cooking that is determined primarily by basic potato characteristics probably related to the cell wall properties. In the second stage of disintegration, starch content plays a more important role. [source]

Quantitative magnetization transfer mapping of bound protons in multiple sclerosis

D. Tozer
Abstract Quantitative analysis of magnetization transfer images has the potential to allow a more thorough characterization of the protons, both bound and free, in a tissue by extracting a number of parameters relating to the NMR properties of the protons and their local environment. This work develops previously presented techniques to produce estimates of parameters such as the bound proton fraction, f, and the transverse relaxation time of the bound pool, T2B, for the whole brain in a clinically acceptable imaging time. This is achieved by limiting the number of data collected (typically to 10); to collect 28 5-mm slices with a reconstructed resolution of 0.94 × 0.94 mm. The protocol takes 82 sec per data point. The fitting technique is assessed against previous work and for fitting failures. Maps and analysis are presented from a group of seven controls and 20 multiple sclerosis patients. The maps show that the parameters are sensitive to tissue-specific differences and can detect pathological change within lesions. Statistically significant differences in parameters such as T2B and f are seen between normal-appearing white matter, multiple sclerosis lesions, and control white matter. Whole-brain histograms of these parameters are also presented, showing differences between patients and controls. Magn Reson Med 50:83,91, 2003. © 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]