Shoot Blight (shoot + blight)

Distribution by Scientific Domains

Selected Abstracts

Sirococcus shoot blight on Picea spinulosa in Bhutan

T. Kirisits
Summary During a recent survey of forest tree diseases in Western and Central Bhutan, Sirococcus shoot blight and an associated Sirococcus sp. were found on saplings and mature trees of Eastern Himalayan spruce (Picea spinulosa). Based on morphological characteristics and DNA sequence comparisons of the ITS region of the rDNA operon, representative isolates from Bhutan were unequivocally identified as Sirococcus conigenus. The DNA sequence data also showed that these isolates belong to the P group of S. conigenus. To our best knowledge, this is the first report of Sirococcus shoot blight from the Himalayas or any other part of Asia. Sirococcus conigenus does not appear to cause dramatic damage at the moment, but this fungus has the potential to cause severe disease problems on P. spinulosa in Bhutan. [source]

Association of Sphaeropsis sapinea with insect-damaged red pine shoots and cones

E. Feci
Summary The association of the shoot blight and canker pathogen Sphaeropsis sapinea with red pine (Pinus resinosa) shoots and cones damaged by insects (especially Dioryctria sp.) was investigated. Samples from a single plantation approximately 35 years old, in Sauk Co., Wisconsin and also from three plantations, between approximately 40 and 50 years old, located in an area of pine shoot moth activity in the preceding year in Adams Co., Wisconsin were visually examined. Samples were arbitrarily collected from trees felled in the first plantation in May. Pycnidia of S. sapinea and insect damage were observed on 56 of 91 (62%) of closed cones and 17 of 165 (7%) of previous year's shoots. In the absence of insect damage, pycnidia of the pathogen were identified only on eight of 91 (9%) closed cones and never on previous year's shoots. In each of the other three plantations, 10 trees were located at intervals along transects in mid-June; one branch from the lower half of the crown per tree was pruned off, and both current and previous year's shoots were examined. Insect damage and S. sapinea pycnidia were too rare on current year's shoots to draw any conclusions. Insect damage occurred on 20,40% of over 2000 previous year's shoots that were examined, but pycnidia of the pathogen were identified on only about 5%. Although infrequent, S. sapinea was identified in association with insect-damaged previous year's shoots from these three plantations three times more frequently than those without insect damage. Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers from eight randomly selected isolates were consistent with the A group of S. sapinea, which can be aggressive on red pine. This ability to exploit insect-damaged shoots may facilitate long-term persistence of S. sapinea at low disease incidence and severity. The potential role of insect wounds as infection courts and insects as vectors of this important pathogen of pines deserves further study. Résumé L'étude a porté sur l'association entre le parasite de pousses et agent de chancre Sphaeropsis sapinea, et les pousses et cônes de Pinus resinosa endommagés par des insectes (surtout Dioryctria sp.). Des échantillons ont été examinés visuellement; ils provenaient d'une plantation d'environ 35 ans à Sauk Co., Wisconsin, et de trois plantations âgées d'environ 40 et 50 ans situées dans une zone où les insectes des pousses avaient été actifs l'année précédente à Adams Co., Wisconsin. Dans la première plantation, les échantillons ont été prélevés arbitrairement sur des arbres abattus en mai. Des pycnides de S. sapinea et des dégâts d'insectes ont été observés sur 56/91 (62%) des cônes fermés et sur 17/165 (7%) des pousses de l'année précédente. En l'absence de dégâts d'insectes, les pycnides n'ont été trouvées que sur 8/91 (9%) des cônes fermés, et jamais sur les pousses de l'année précédente. Dans chacune des trois autres plantations, 10 arbres ont été choisis à la mi-juin le long de transects ; sur chaque arbre une branche a été coupée dans la moitié inférieure de la couronne, et les pousses de l'année en cours et de l'année précédente ont été examinées. Sur les pousses de l'année, les dégâts d'insectes et les pycnides de S. sapineaétaient trop rares pour pouvoir en tirer des conclusions. Parmi plus de 2000 pousses de l'année précédente examinées, les dégâts d'insectes étaient présents sur 20,40% des pousses, mais les pycnides n'ont été trouvées que sur environ 5% d'entre elles. Bien que peu fréquent chez ces trois plantations, S. sapinea a été trouvé associé aux pousses de l'année précédente, 3 fois plus fréquemment chez celles endommagées par les insectes que chez les non endommagées. Pour huit isolats pris au hasard, les marqueurs RAPD ont indiqué leur appartenance au groupe A de S. sapinea qui peut être agressif sur P. resinosa. Cette aptitude de S. sapineaà utiliser les pousses endommagées par les insects peut faciliter sa persistance à long terme à des niveaux bas d'abondance et de dégâts. Le rôle potentiel des blessures d'insectes comme voies d'infection, et des insectes comme vecteurs du champignon parasite mérite d'être étudié. Zusammenfassung Es wurde die Assoziation zwischen Sphaeropsis sapinea (Erreger von Triebsterben und Rindennekrosen) und Schädigung an Trieben und Zapfen von Pinus resinosa untersucht, durch Insekten (vorwiegend Dioryctria sp.) untersucht. Proben von einer ca. 35 Jahre alten Plantage in Sauk Co., Wisconsin und von drei 40-50jährigen Plantagen mit Dioryctria -Befall im Vorjahr in Adams Co., Wisconsin wurden makroskopisch untersucht. Die Proben am ersten Standort wurden von Bäumen entnommen, die im Mai gefällt wurden (willkürliche Auswahl). Pyknidien und Schädigung durch Insekten wurden an 56/91 (62%) der geschlossenen Zapfen und an 17/165 (7%) der vorjährigen Triebe beobachtet. An Organen ohne Schädigung durch Insekten wurden die Pyknidien des Pathogens nur bei 8/91 (9%) der geschlossenen Zapfen und in keinem Fall an den vorjährigen Trieben nachgewiesen. In den anderen drei Plantagen wurden Mitte Juni je 10 Bäume entlang von Transekten untersucht; pro Baum wurde aus dem unteren Kronenbereich ein Ast abgeschnitten und sowohl die diesjährigen als auch die vorjährigen Triebe wurden untersucht. An den diesjährigen Triebabschnitten waren sowohl Schädigungen durch Insekten als auch Pyknidien von S. sapinea zu selten, um daraus Schlüsse zu ziehen. An den vorjährigen Triebabschnitten kamen Insektenschäden an 20,40% von über 2,000 untersuchten Objekten vor, aber Pyknidien des Pathogens wurden nur in 5% der Fälle nachgewiesen. Trotz des geringen Vorkommens wurde S. sapinea auf den vorjährigen und von Insekten beschädigten Trieben dreimal häufiger nachgewiesen als an Trieben ohne Beschädigung. Acht zufällig ausgewählte Isolate wurden anhand von RAPD Markern der Gruppe A von S. sapinea zugeordnet, die auf P. resinosa agressiv sein kann. Die Fähigkeit von S. sapinea, durch Insekten beschädigte Triebe zu nutzen, kann das Überdauern des Pilzes auf einem niedrigen Befallsniveau erleichtern. Die Bedeutung von Wunden, die durch Insekten verursacht werden, als Infektionspforten und die mögliche Rolle von Insekten als Vektoren dieses wichigen Pathogens sollte in weiteren Untersuchungen geklärt werden. [source]

The impact of Sirococcus shoot blight on radial and height growth of Norway spruce (Picea abies) in young plantations

E. Halmschlager
Summary The impact of Sirococcus shoot blight on the radial and height growth of Norway spruce in a young plantation (approximately 20 years old) was investigated by examining the increment losses for four infection intensities (classes). The average diameter at breast height of trees in the lightly damaged class was 72% when compared with the average diameter of the healthy trees, whereas moderately and severely damaged tree classes were 67 and 57%, respectively. Using tree ring analysis, the development of radial growth over time due to intensity of infection was studied. Height growth of affected trees was also significantly reduced (up to 43%) compared with the healthy trees, thus indicating a dramatic impact of Sirococcus conigenus on the growth of young Norway spruce. [source]

Phytophthora hydropathica, a new pathogen identified from irrigation water, Rhododendron catawbiense and Kalmia latifolia

C. X. Hong
A new species of Phytophthora, previously referred to as taxon Dre II, is named Phytophthora hydropathica. It is heterothallic, but all isolates recovered to date are of the A1 compatibility type. Plerotic oospores are produced. Its sporangia are usually obpyriform and are nonpapillate and noncaducous. Isolates of P. hydropathica had nearly identical single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP)-based DNA fingerprints that are distinct from those of all existing species. Their closest relatives are P. parsiana and P. irrigata. This new species is able to grow at relatively high temperatures, with an optimum of 30°C and a maximum of 40°C. It was frequently isolated from irrigation water during warm summers. This species caused leaf necrosis and shoot blight of Rhododendron catawbiense and collar rot of Kalmia latifolia at two nurseries where irrigation reservoirs yielded P. hydropathica. Its potential impact on other horticultural crops is discussed. [source]

Quambalaria species associated with plantation and native eucalypts in Australia

G. S. Pegg
This study aimed to determine which species of Quambalaria are associated with shoot blight symptoms on Corymbia spp. An additional aim was to determine the presence and impact of quambalaria shoot blight on Eucalyptus species used in plantation development in subtropical and tropical regions of eastern Australia. Surveys identified three Quambalaria spp. ,Q. pitereka, Q. eucalypti and Q. cyanescens, from native and plantation eucalypts, as well as amenity plantings, including the first confirmed report of Q. eucalypti from Eucalyptus plantations in Australia. Symptom descriptions and morphological studies were coupled with phylogenetic studies using ITS rDNA sequence data. Quambalaria pitereka was the causal agent of blight symptoms on species and hybrids in the Corymbia complex. Quambalaria eucalypti was identified from Eucalyptus species and a single Corymbia hybrid. Quambalaria cyanescens was detected from native and plantation Corymbia spp. [source]