
Distribution by Scientific Domains
Distribution within Life Sciences

Kinds of Shoots

  • adventitious shoot
  • bamboo shoot
  • current-year shoot
  • lateral shoot
  • new shoot
  • plant shoot

  • Terms modified by Shoots

  • shoot allocation
  • shoot apex
  • shoot apical meristem
  • shoot beetle
  • shoot biomass
  • shoot blight
  • shoot branching
  • shoot cd concentration
  • shoot density
  • shoot development
  • shoot dry weight
  • shoot elongation
  • shoot growth
  • shoot herbivory
  • shoot length
  • shoot mass
  • shoot meristem
  • shoot production
  • shoot ratio
  • shoot regeneration
  • shoot regeneration frequency
  • shoot tip
  • shoot tissue

  • Selected Abstracts

    Influence of atmospheric carbon dioxide enrichment on induced response and growth compensation after herbivore damage in Lotus corniculatus

    Alain Bazin
    Abstract 1. Plant growth and chemical defence compounds in four Lotus corniculatus genotypes exposed to factorial combinations of ambient and elevated carbon dioxide, and herbivory by caterpillars of Polyommatus icarus were measured to test the predictions of the carbon/nutrient balance hypothesis. 2. Shoot and root biomass, allocation to shoots versus roots, and carbon-based defence compounds were greater under elevated carbon dioxide. Pupal weight of P. icarus was greater and development time shorter under elevated carbon dioxide. 3. Herbivory decreased shoot growth relative to root growth and production of nitrogen-based defence (cyanide). Young leaves contained more defence compounds than old leaves, and this response depended on carbon dioxide and herbivory treatments (significant interactions). 4. Genotype-specific responses of plants to carbon dioxide and herbivory were found for the production of cyanide. Furthermore, maternal butterfly-specific responses of caterpillars to carbon dioxide were found for development time. This suggests the existence of genetic variation for important defence and life-history traits in plants and herbivores in response to rising carbon dioxide levels. [source]

    Assessment of zinc phytoavailability by diffusive gradients in thin films

    Osman Sonmez
    Abstract Asessment of Zn phytoavailability can be predicted with routine soil extractants, but these methods generally do not perform well across a wide range of soils. The newly developed technique of diffuse gradients in thin films (DGT) has been employed to determine phytoavailable Cu concentrations, but its suitability for determining plant available Zn concentrations has not been evaluated. A greenhouse study was conducted to assess the phytotoxicity thresholds and the phytoavailability of Zn to sorghum-sudan (Sorghum vulgare var. sudanese) grass by DGT, compared with CaCl2 extraction. A range of phytoavailable Zn concentrations was created by amending sand with ZnSO4 or with two different Zn mine wastes. Plant nutrients were added as Hoagland solution. In general, increasing Zn concentrations in the sand mixtures increased Zn adsorption by DGT and decreased the sorghum-sudan yield. A critical value for 90% of the control yield was chosen as an indicator of Zn toxicity. Critical values of DGT Zn, CaCl2 -extractable Zn, and plant tissue Zn were similar statistically across the three Zn sources. The performances of DGT and CaCl2 extraction for assessing Zn phytoavailability were similar. Shoot and root Zn concentrations of sorghum-sudan grass exceeded 500 mg kg,1 for many treatments. Calcium-to-Zn ratios for shoots were <32, suggesting Zn phytotoxicity. The data suggested that Zn phytotoxicity can be induced with mine wastes, although further evaluation is needed to establish a link between mine waste and Zn phytotoxicity. [source]

    The police officer's terrorist dilemma: trust resilience following fatal errors

    Mathew P. White
    Suicide attacks have raised the stakes for officers deciding whether or not to shoot a suspect (,Police Officer's Terrorist Dilemma'). Despite high-profile errors we know little about how trust in the police is affected by their response to the terrorist threat. Building on a conceptualisation of lay observers as intuitive signal detection theorists, a general population sample (N,=,1153) were presented with scenarios manipulated in terms of suspect status (Armed/Unarmed), officer decision (Shoot/Not Shoot) and outcome severity (e.g. suspect armed with Bomb/Knife; police shoot suspect/suspect plus child bystander). Supporting predictions, people showed higher trust in officers who made correct decisions, reflecting good discrimination ability and who decided to shoot, reflecting an ,appropriate' response bias given the relative costs and benefits. This latter effect was moderated by (a) outcome severity, suggesting it did not simply reflect a preference for a particular type of action, and (b) preferences for a tough stance towards terrorism indexed by Right-Wing Authoritarianism (RWA). Despite loss of civilian life, failure to prevent minor terror attacks resulted in no loss of trust amongst people low in RWA, whereas among people high in RWA trust was positive when police erroneously shot an unarmed suspect. Relations to alternative definitions of trust and procedural justice research are discussed. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    Could rising aquatic carbon dioxide concentrations favour the invasion of elodeids in isoetid-dominated softwater lakes?

    FRESHWATER BIOLOGY, Issue 9 2009
    Summary 1. During the past century, isoetid vegetation types in softwater lakes have often been invaded by faster-growing elodeids. In these C-limited systems, this may be related to rising aquatic CO2 levels. 2. In a laboratory experiment we tested the growth response of two elodeid species, Myriophyllum alterniflorum and Callitriche hamulata, at four different CO2 levels, ranging from 20 to 230 ,mol L,1. In addition, we tested the effect of the nutrient status of the sediment on the growth of C. hamulata at the different CO2 levels. 3. Shoot and root growth increased with rising CO2 availability. Irrespective of sediment type, growth was minimal to negative at the lowest CO2 treatment level, while becoming positive at CO2 levels around 40,50 ,mol L,1. Substantial growth was only obtained when the macrophytes were growing on mesotrophic sediments. The plants reached close to maximal growth at CO2 levels of c. 100 ,mol L,1. 4. Within this experiment, the growth of C. hamulata at CO2 levels above 90 ,mol L,1 may have been limited by N and P availability in both sediment types. The growth rate of M. alterniflorum did not seem to be limited by N and P availability, most likely due to its much higher relative root production. 5. The experimental results show that neither M. alterniflorum nor C. hamulata is able to invade isoetid-dominated softwater lakes at very low aquatic CO2 concentrations. However, if the sediments contain enough nutrients, a rise in aquatic CO2 could allow the invasion of elodeid species leading to the subsequent disappearance of slow-growing isoetids. [source]

    Research Article: The Cysteine Pairs in CLV2 are Not Necessary for Sensing the CLV3 Peptide in Shoot and Root Meristems

    Xiufen Song
    Receptor-like proteins (RLPs) are involved in both plant defense and developmental processes. Previous genetic and biochemical studies show that the leucine-rich repeat (LRR) receptor-like protein CLAVATA2 (CLV2) functions together with CLAVATA1 (CLV1) and CORYNE (CRN) in Arabidopsis to limit the stem cell number in shoot apical meristem, while in root it acts with CRN to trigger a premature differentiation of the stem cells after sensing the exogenously applied peptides of CLV3p, CLE19p or CLE40p. It has been proposed that disulfide bonds might be formed through two cysteine pairs in the extracellular LRR domains of CLV1 and CLV2 to stabilize the receptor complex. Here we tested the hypothesis by replacing these cysteines with alanines and showed that depletions of one or both of the cysteine pairs do not hamper the function of CLV2 in SAM maintenance. In vitro peptide assay also showed that removal of the cysteine pairs did not affect the perception of CLV3 peptides in roots. These observations allow us to conclude that the formation of disulfide bonds is not needed for the function of CLV2. [source]

    Fluctuation of Vegetative Storage Proteins in the Seedlings of Swietenia macrophylla, Analogous to the Seasonal Changes of Those in the Shoot of the Adult Tree

    Ya-Qin Han
    Abstract In order to identify appropriate plant materials for studying the gene expression and biological function of vegetative storage proteins (VSPs) in woody plants, the VSPs in the seedlings of Swietenia macrophylla King were investigated by using light microscopy, sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and Western-blotting. The seed of S. macrophylla was rich in storage proteins that accumulated in the vacuoles of cotyledon parenchyma cells in appearance of compact spherical grains. The growth and development of S. macrophylla seedlings were characterized by an obvious growth rhythm. The storage proteins in seeds disappeared during seedling growth while VSPs appeared in the stem 2 weeks after seedling leaves matured. Thereafter, the VSPs in the seedling stem almost exhausted during new shoot growth, and when the leaves of new shoot just matured, both the stem beneath the new shoot of seedlings and the stem of new shoot started to accumulate VSPs. Nitrogen application dramatically increased the level of VSPs, but had little influence on the dynamics of VSP consumption and accumulation in seedling stem. Together with these data, the fluctuation of VSPs in seedlings was very similar to that in the branches of the adult trees. In addition, seedlings are easy to be treated due to their small size. Our results suggested that S. macrophylla seedlings were suitable for investigating the biological roles of VSPs and the mechanism of nitrogen storage in trees. [source]

    What are the effects of nitrogen deficiency on growth components of lettuce?

    NEW PHYTOLOGIST, Issue 3 2000
    Relationships between nitrogen (N) content and growth are routinely measured in plants. This study determined the effects of N on the separate morphological and physiological components of plant growth, to assess how N-limited growth is effected through these components. Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) plants were grown hydroponically under contrasting N-supply regimes, with the external N supply either maintained continuously throughout the period of study, or withdrawn for up to 14 d. Richards' growth functions, selected using an objective curve-fitting technique, accounted for 99.0 and 99.1% of the variation in plant dry weight for control and N-limited plants respectively. Sublinear relationships occurred between N and relative growth rates under restricted N-supply conditions, consistent with previous observations. There were effects of treatment on morphological and physiological components of growth. Leaf weight ratio increased over time in control plants and decreased in N- limited plants. Shoot:root ratio followed a similar pattern. On a whole-plant basis, assimilation of carbon decreased in N-limited plants, a response paralleled by differences in stomatal conductance between treatments. Changes in C assimilation, expressed as a function of stomatal conductance to water vapour, suggest that the effects of N limitation on growth did not result directly from a lack of photosynthetic enzymes. Relationships between plant N content and components of growth will depend on the availability of different N pools for remobilization and use within the plant. [source]

    Quantifying the impact of above- and belowground higher trophic levels on plant and herbivore performance by modeling1

    OIKOS, Issue 7 2009
    Katrin M. Meyer
    Growing empirical evidence suggests that aboveground and belowground multitrophic communities interact. However, investigations that comprehensively explore the impacts of above- and belowground third and higher trophic level organisms on plant and herbivore performance are thus far lacking. We tested the hypotheses that above- and belowground higher trophic level organisms as well as decomposers affect plant and herbivore performance and that these effects cross the soil,surface boundary. We used a well-validated simulation model that is individual-based for aboveground trophic levels such as shoot herbivores, parasitoids, and hyperparasitoids while considering belowground herbivores and their antagonists at the population level. We simulated greenhouse experiments by removing trophic levels and decomposers from the simulations in a factorial design. Decomposers and above- and belowground third trophic levels affected plant and herbivore mortality, root biomass, and to a lesser extent shoot biomass. We also tested the effect of gradual modifications of the interactions between different trophic level organisms with a sensitivity analysis. Shoot and root biomass were highly sensitive to the impact of the fourth trophic level. We found effects that cross the soil surface, such as aboveground herbivores and parasitoids affecting root biomass and belowground herbivores influencing aboveground herbivore mortality. We conclude that higher trophic level organisms and decomposers can strongly influence plant and herbivore performance. We propose that our modelling framework can be used in future applications to quantitatively explore the possible outcomes of complex above- and belowground multitrophic interactions under a range of environmental conditions and species compositions. [source]

    Morphology and Anatomy of Shoot, Root, and Propagation Systems in Hoffmannseggia glauca

    PLANT BIOLOGY, Issue 6 2007
    T. A. Kraus
    Abstract: Hoffmannseggia glauca is a perennial weed that has tubers and root-borne buds. Some authors only consider root tubers without mentioning root-borne buds, while others consider that more anatomic studies become necessary to determine the origin of these structures and to interpret their behaviour. The objectives are: to study the growth form of the plant in order to analyze the ontogeny of its propagation organs, and to study its shoot and root anatomical characters that affect water conductivity. Hoffmannseggia glauca was collected in Argentina. Development of its shoot and root systems was observed. Shoots and roots were processed to obtain histological slides. Macerations were prepared to study vessel members. Primary and lateral roots originate buds that develop shoots at the end of the first year. In winter, aerial parts die and only latent buds at soil surface level and subterranean organs remain. In the following spring, they develop innovation shoots. Roots show localized swellings (tuberous roots), due to a pronounced increase of ray thickness and parenchymatous proliferation in the root center. Root vessel members are wider than those of aerial and subterranean shoots. Early development of an extensive root system, presence of root borne buds, anatomic and physiological specialization of innovation shoots, capability of parenchymatous rays to originate buds and tuberous roots, and high water transport efficiency in subterranean organs lead Hoffmannseggia glauca to display higher colonization potential than other species. [source]

    Survival and vitality of Gremmeniella abietina on Pinus sylvestris slash in northern Sweden

    FOREST PATHOLOGY, Issue 6 2006
    J. Witzell
    Summary Survival and vitality of Gremmeniella abietina on Pinus sylvestris slash was studied in northern Sweden during 2003 and 2004. Once a month between September 2003 and April 2004, two to three trees were cut down and debranched. Shoots with pycnidia were sampled at the felling date and then at every consecutive month. The percentage of germinated conidia from each shoot was calculated after 24, 48 and 72 h incubation. The vitality of G. abietina pycnidia in the slash remained high the whole period. Intact pycnidia were found on slash several months after the time of conidial sporulation, which indicates that new pycnidia may be produced on dead pine branches. Sampling of shoots from slash on 13- to 18-month-old clear-cuts showed conidial germination capacity as high as in pycnidia collected in fresh slash. Due to survival of G. abietina in slash it is recommended to postpone planting of P. sylvestris seedlings in northern boreal areas to the third vegetation period after sanitary clear-cuts. Résumé La survie et la vitalité de Gremmeniella abietina dans des rémanents de Pinus sylvestris ont étéétudiées dans le nord de la Suède pendant les années 2003 et 2004. Une fois par mois entre septembre 2003 et avril 2004, 2 ou 3 arbres ont été abattus et ébranchés. Des pousses avec pycnides ont étééchantillonnées à la date d'abattage et les mois suivants. Le pourcentage de conidies germées a été calculé pour chaque pousse après 24, 48 et 72 heures d'incubation. La vitalité des pycnides de G. abietina dans les rémanents est restée élevée tout au long de la période. Des pycnides intactes ont été trouvées dans les rémanents plusieurs mois après la période de sporulation conidienne, ce qui suggère que de nouvelles pycnides peuvent être produites sur des branches mortes de pin. Des échantillonnages de pousses dans des rémanents de coupes rases réalisées 13,18 mois plus tôt ont montré une capacité de germination des conidies aussi élevée que dans les pycnides collectées dans des rémanents fraîchement coupés. Du fait de la survie de G. abietina dans les rémanents, il est conseillé de reporter la plantation des semis de P. sylvestris dans les zones septentrionales boréales à la troisième saison de végétation après les coupes sanitaires. Zusammenfassung Das Überleben und die Vitalität von Gremmeniella abietina auf Schlagabraum von Pinus sylvestris wurde in den Jahren 2003 und 2004 untersucht. Zwischen September 2003 und April 2004 wurden in jedem Monat einmal 2,3 Bäume gefällt und entastet. Zum Zeitpunkt des Fällens und in jedem folgenden Monat wurden Triebe mit Pyknidien gesammelt. Von jedem Trieb wurde die Keimrate der Konidien nach 24, 48 und 72 Stunden Inkubation bestimmt. Während der gesamten Beobachtungsdauer blieb die Vitalität der Pyknidien im Schlagabraum hoch. Mehrere Monate nach der Sporulation wurden intakte Pyknidien gefunden, ein Hinweis darauf, dass möglicherweise neue Pyknidien auf den toten Kiefernzweigen gebildet wurden. Auf dem Schlagabraum von 13,18 Monate alten Kahlschlägen war die Keimfähigkeit der Konidien ähnlich hoch wie bei Pyknidien von frischem Schlagabraum. Aufgrund des langen Überlebens von G. abietina in Schlagabraum wird für die nördlichen borealen Gebiete empfohlen, nach phytosanitären Kahlschlägen P. sylvestris -Sämlinge erst in der dritten Vegetationsperiode zu pflanzen. [source]

    Changes in Frost Resistance of Wheat Young Ears with Development During Jointing Stage

    X. Zhong
    Abstract During the jointing stage, the frost resistance of young ears (FRYE) was tested each day for the main stem, and also for the first, second and third tillers of the wheat cultivars Jinmai 47 and Jing 411. At the same time, the developmental progression of young ears (DPYE) of the same four shoots was also recorded each day. In the shoots of both cultivars, FRYE decreased as development advanced through the jointing stage. FRYE dropped off particularly sharply at the point when the anther connective tissue formation phase (ACFP) started. Shoots developing later, though with lower levels of soluble sugar, tended to suffer less from frost injury than those developing earlier. Frost resistance of 12 cultivars (six early- and six late-maturing) was evaluated at ACFP. The results indicate that only one cultivar (Xin 11) is frost resistant, with no significant differences appearing among the other 11 cultivars. The results suggest that DPYE is an important factor affecting FRYE. Evaluation of frost resistance of wheat cultivars should thus be performed at the same phase to obtain a true measure of frost resistance. The early ACFP phase is suggested as being the most appropriate one for frost resistance evaluation. [source]

    Morphology and Anatomy of Shoot, Root, and Propagation Systems in Hoffmannseggia glauca

    PLANT BIOLOGY, Issue 6 2007
    T. A. Kraus
    Abstract: Hoffmannseggia glauca is a perennial weed that has tubers and root-borne buds. Some authors only consider root tubers without mentioning root-borne buds, while others consider that more anatomic studies become necessary to determine the origin of these structures and to interpret their behaviour. The objectives are: to study the growth form of the plant in order to analyze the ontogeny of its propagation organs, and to study its shoot and root anatomical characters that affect water conductivity. Hoffmannseggia glauca was collected in Argentina. Development of its shoot and root systems was observed. Shoots and roots were processed to obtain histological slides. Macerations were prepared to study vessel members. Primary and lateral roots originate buds that develop shoots at the end of the first year. In winter, aerial parts die and only latent buds at soil surface level and subterranean organs remain. In the following spring, they develop innovation shoots. Roots show localized swellings (tuberous roots), due to a pronounced increase of ray thickness and parenchymatous proliferation in the root center. Root vessel members are wider than those of aerial and subterranean shoots. Early development of an extensive root system, presence of root borne buds, anatomic and physiological specialization of innovation shoots, capability of parenchymatous rays to originate buds and tuberous roots, and high water transport efficiency in subterranean organs lead Hoffmannseggia glauca to display higher colonization potential than other species. [source]

    Adjustment of leaf photosynthesis to shade in a natural canopy: rate parameters

    PLANT CELL & ENVIRONMENT, Issue 3 2005
    A. LAISK
    ABSTRACT The present study was performed to investigate the adjustment of the rate parameters of the light and dark reactions of photosynthesis to the natural growth light in leaves of an overstorey species, Betula pendula Roth, a subcanopy species, Tilia cordata P. Mill., and a herb, Solidago virgaurea L., growing in a natural plant community in Järvselja, Estonia. Shoots were collected from the site and individual leaves were measured in a laboratory applying a standardized routine of kinetic gas exchange, Chl fluorescence and 820 nm transmittance measurements. These measurements enabled the calculations of the quantum yield of photosynthesis and rate constants of excitation capture by photochemical and non-photochemical quenchers, rate constant for P700+ reduction via the cytochrome b6f complex with and without photosynthetic control, actual maximum and potential (uncoupled) electron transport rate, stomatal and mesophyll resistances for CO2 transport, Km(CO2) and Vm of ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase (Rubisco) in vivo. In parallel, N, Chl and Rubisco contents were measured from the same leaves. No adjustment toward higher quantum yield in shade compared with sun leaves was observed, although relatively more N was partitioned to the light-harvesting machinery in shade leaves (H. Eichelmann et al., 2004). The electron transport rate through the Cyt b6f complex was strongly down-regulated under saturating light compared with darkness, and this was observed under atmospheric, as well as saturating CO2 concentration. In vivo Vm measurements of Rubisco were lower than corresponding reported measurements in vitro, and the kcat per reaction site varied widely between leaves and growth sites. The correlation between Rubisco Vm and the photosystem I density was stronger than between Vm and the density of Rubisco active sites. The results showed that the capacity of the photosynthetic machinery decreases in shade-adjusted leaves, but it still remains in excess of the actual photosynthetic rate. The photosynthetic control systems that are targeted to adjust the photosynthetic rate to meet the plant's needs and to balance the partial reactions of photosynthesis, down-regulate partial processes of photosynthesis: excess harvested light is quenched non-photochemically; excess electron transport capacity of Cyt b6f is down-regulated by ,pH-dependent photosynthetic control; Rubisco is synthesized in excess, and the number of activated Rubisco molecules is controlled by photosystem I-related processes. Consequently, the nitrogen contained in the components of the photosynthetic machinery is not used at full efficiency. The strong correlation between leaf nitrogen and photosynthetic performance is not due to the nitrogen requirements of the photosynthetic apparatus, but because a certain amount of energy must be captured through photosynthesis to maintain this nitrogen within a leaf. [source]

    Adjustment of leaf photosynthesis to shade in a natural canopy: reallocation of nitrogen

    PLANT CELL & ENVIRONMENT, Issue 3 2005
    ABSTRACT The present study was performed to investigate the adjustment of the constituents of the light and dark reactions of photosynthesis to the natural growth irradiance in the leaves of an overstorey species, Betula pendula Roth, a subcanopy species Tilia cordata P. Mill., and a herb Solidago virgaurea L. growing in a natural plant community in Järvselja, Estonia. Shoots were collected from the site and properties of individual leaves were measured in a laboratory, by applying a routine of kinetic gas exchange and optical measurements that revealed photosystem II (PSII), photosystem I (PSI), and cytochrome b6f densities per leaf area and the distribution of excitation (or chlorophyll, Chl) between the two photosystems. In parallel, N, Chl and ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase (Rubisco) content was measured from the same leaves. The amount of N in photosynthetic proteins was calculated from the measured contents of the components of the photosynthetic machinery. Non-photosynthetic N was found as the residual of the budget. Growth in shade resulted in the decrease of leaf dry mass to a half of the DW in sun leaves in each species, but the total variation, from the top to the bottom of the canopy, was larger. Through the whole cross-section of the canopy, leaf dry weight (DW) and Rubisco content per area decreased by a factor of four, N content by a factor of three, but Chl content only by a factor of 1.7. PSII density decreased by a factor of 1.9, but PSI density by a factor of 3.2. The density of PSI adjusted to shade to a greater extent than the density of PSII. In shade, the distribution of N between the components of the photosynthetic machinery was shifted toward light-harvesting proteins at the expense of Rubisco. Non-photosynthetic N decreased the most substantially, from 54% in the sun leaves of B. pendula to 11% in the shade leaves of T. cordata. It is concluded that the redistribution of N toward light-harvesting Chl proteins in shade is not sufficient to keep the excitation rate of a PSII centre invariant. Contrary to PSII, the density of PSI , the photosystem that is in immediate contact with the carbon assimilation system , shade-adjusts almost proportionally with the latter, whereas its Chl antenna correspondingly increases. Even under N deficiency, a likely condition in the natural plant community, a substantial part of N is stored in non-photosynthetic proteins under abundant irradiation, but much less under limiting irradiation. At least in trees the general sequence of down-regulation due to shade adjustment is the following: (1) non-protein cell structures and non-photosynthetic proteins; (2) carbon assimilation proteins; (3) light reaction centre proteins, first PSI; and (4) chlorophyll-binding proteins. [source]

    18-Succinyloxyabieta-8,11,13-triene as a New Component from Green Shoots of the Siberian Fir.

    CHEMINFORM, Issue 31 2006
    V. A. Raldugin
    Abstract ChemInform is a weekly Abstracting Service, delivering concise information at a glance that was extracted from about 200 leading journals. To access a ChemInform Abstract, please click on HTML or PDF. [source]

    Patterns of interspecific associations of stem gallers on willows

    Jens-Peter Kopelke
    Abstract., The pattern of interspecific associations of three stem-galling sawfly species (Euura atra, E. elaeagnos, E. purpureae) and three stem-galling gallmidge species (Rabdophaga sp. 3,5) was investigated on five willow taxa (Salix alba, S. fragilis, S. × rubens, S. elaeagnos, S. purpurea) at five natural sites in Central Europe. The willow species harboured specific species associations of two stem gallers, each pair consisting of one Euura and one Rabdophaga species. The stem gallers were patchily distributed and their densities varied significantly among willow host plant species, host plant individuals, and host plant sexes. Four of the six species showed a significant increase in galling rate with shoot length. The other two species were the sawfly and cecidomyiid pair that induce galls on S. purpurea. The preference of stem gallers to longer shoots was generally not related to higher larval performance in terms of survival. Only one species, Rabdophaga sp. 5, was found to be more abundant on male plants. The correlation of densities of the species pairs of stem gallers was independent of willow sexes. Species pairs of stem gallers co-occurring on the same willow species tended to attack different shoots within the same host plant individual. When species pairs co-occurred on shoots they were usually found in similar densities as when occurring alone on shoots. The stem-galling sawflies usually formed galls at the basal part of a shoot, whereas the gallmidge R. sp. 5 (R. sp. 3 and R. sp. 4 showed no clear tendency) preferred the middle or distal part of a shoot. This is interpreted with differences of their phenology and oviposition period. [source]

    Uptake and translocation of p,p,-dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene supplied in hydroponics solution to Cucurbita

    Martin P. N. Gent
    Abstract Field studies show shoots of zucchini (Cucurbita pepo L.) accumulate various hydrophobic contaminants from soil, although many other plants do not, including cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). To investigate the mechanism for this uptake, we presented p,p,-dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE) to these two species in hydroponics solution. A mixture of DDE bound to TenaxÔ beads stirred with a solution of water passing through a reservoir provided a flowing solution containing DDE at approximately 2 ,g/L for many weeks duration. Approximately 90% of the DDE supplied in solution was adsorbed on the roots of both cucumber and zucchini. Less than 10% of the sorbed DDE was released subsequently when clean solution flowed past these contaminated roots for 9 d. The shoots of both species accumulated DDE, but the fraction that moved from the roots to the shoot in zucchini, ranging from 6 to 27% in various trials, was 10-fold greater than that in cucumber, 0.7 to 2%. The gradient in DDE concentration in zucchini tissues was in the order root > stem > petiole > leaf blade, indicating the movement was through the xylem in the transpiration stream. Some DDE in leaf blades might have been absorbed from the air, because the concentration in this tissue varied less with time, position in trough, or species, than did DDE in stems and petioles. The remarkable ability of zucchini to translocate DDE could not be attributed to differences in tissue composition, growth rate, distribution of weight among plant parts, or in the leaf area and rate of transpiration of water from leaves. Some other factor enables efficient translocation of hydrophobic organic contaminants in the xylem of zucchini. [source]

    Copper toxicity thresholds for important restoration grass species of the western United States,

    Mark W.
    Abstract Copper toxicity thresholds for plant species that are used in restoration activities in western North America have not been established. As a result, ecological risk assessments must rely on toxicity thresholds established for agronomic species, which usually differ from those of species used in restoration. Thus, risk assessors have the potential for classifying sites as phytotoxic to perennial, nonagronomic species and calling for intensive remediation activities that may not be necessary. The objective of this study was to provide a better estimate of Cu toxicity thresholds for five grass species that are commonly used in restoration efforts in the western United States. We used a greenhouse screening study where seedlings of introduced redtop (Agrostis gigantea Roth.), the native species slender wheatgrass (Elymus trachycaulus [Link] Gould ex Shinners var. Pryor), tufted hairgrass (Deschampsia caespitosa [L.] Beauvois), big bluegrass (Poa secunda J. Presl var. Sherman), and basin wildrye (Leymus cinereus [Scribner&Merrill] A. Löve var. Magnar) and the agricultural species common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) were grown in sand culture and exposed to supplemental concentrations of soluble Cu of 0 (control), 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, and 300 mg/L. We determined six measures of toxicity: the 60-d mean lethal concentration (LC50), 60-d mean effective concentration (EC50)-plant, 60-d EC50-shoot, 60-d EC50-root, phytotoxicity threshold (PT50)-shoot, and the PT50-root. Results suggest that these restoration grass species generally have higher Cu tolerance than agronomic species reported in the past. Of the species tested, redtop appeared to be especially tolerant of high levels of substrate and tissue Cu. Values of EC50-plant for restoration grasses were between 283 and 710 mg Cu/L compared to 120 mg Cu/L for common wheat. Measured PT50-shoot values were between 737 and 10,792 mg Cu/ L. These reported thresholds should be more useful for risk assessors than those currently used, which are based largely on agronomic crops. [source]

    Chemical composition of essential oils from aerial parts of Cinnamomum malabatrum (Burman f.) Bercht & Presl.

    N. K. Leela
    Abstract The constituents of the essential oils of leaf, petiole, shoot and terminal shoot of Cinnamomum malabatrum were determined by GC and GC,MS. Thirty-nine compounds, constituting 95% of the oil, were identified in the leaves. Major constituents of the leaf oil were (E)-caryophyllene (28.6%), (E)-cinnamyl acetate (15.1%), bicyclogermacrene (14.4%) and benzyl benzoate (8.5%). Twenty-eight compounds, representing 98% and 97% of the oil, were identified in the petioles and shoots, respectively, whereas in the oil of the terminal shoots 34 compounds, accounting for 97%, were identified. The essential oils of the petioles, shoots and terminal shoots were dominated by linalool (77.8,79.4%). This is the first report of the essential oil constituents of C. malabatrum. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    Survival and vitality of Gremmeniella abietina on Pinus sylvestris slash in northern Sweden

    FOREST PATHOLOGY, Issue 6 2006
    J. Witzell
    Summary Survival and vitality of Gremmeniella abietina on Pinus sylvestris slash was studied in northern Sweden during 2003 and 2004. Once a month between September 2003 and April 2004, two to three trees were cut down and debranched. Shoots with pycnidia were sampled at the felling date and then at every consecutive month. The percentage of germinated conidia from each shoot was calculated after 24, 48 and 72 h incubation. The vitality of G. abietina pycnidia in the slash remained high the whole period. Intact pycnidia were found on slash several months after the time of conidial sporulation, which indicates that new pycnidia may be produced on dead pine branches. Sampling of shoots from slash on 13- to 18-month-old clear-cuts showed conidial germination capacity as high as in pycnidia collected in fresh slash. Due to survival of G. abietina in slash it is recommended to postpone planting of P. sylvestris seedlings in northern boreal areas to the third vegetation period after sanitary clear-cuts. Résumé La survie et la vitalité de Gremmeniella abietina dans des rémanents de Pinus sylvestris ont étéétudiées dans le nord de la Suède pendant les années 2003 et 2004. Une fois par mois entre septembre 2003 et avril 2004, 2 ou 3 arbres ont été abattus et ébranchés. Des pousses avec pycnides ont étééchantillonnées à la date d'abattage et les mois suivants. Le pourcentage de conidies germées a été calculé pour chaque pousse après 24, 48 et 72 heures d'incubation. La vitalité des pycnides de G. abietina dans les rémanents est restée élevée tout au long de la période. Des pycnides intactes ont été trouvées dans les rémanents plusieurs mois après la période de sporulation conidienne, ce qui suggère que de nouvelles pycnides peuvent être produites sur des branches mortes de pin. Des échantillonnages de pousses dans des rémanents de coupes rases réalisées 13,18 mois plus tôt ont montré une capacité de germination des conidies aussi élevée que dans les pycnides collectées dans des rémanents fraîchement coupés. Du fait de la survie de G. abietina dans les rémanents, il est conseillé de reporter la plantation des semis de P. sylvestris dans les zones septentrionales boréales à la troisième saison de végétation après les coupes sanitaires. Zusammenfassung Das Überleben und die Vitalität von Gremmeniella abietina auf Schlagabraum von Pinus sylvestris wurde in den Jahren 2003 und 2004 untersucht. Zwischen September 2003 und April 2004 wurden in jedem Monat einmal 2,3 Bäume gefällt und entastet. Zum Zeitpunkt des Fällens und in jedem folgenden Monat wurden Triebe mit Pyknidien gesammelt. Von jedem Trieb wurde die Keimrate der Konidien nach 24, 48 und 72 Stunden Inkubation bestimmt. Während der gesamten Beobachtungsdauer blieb die Vitalität der Pyknidien im Schlagabraum hoch. Mehrere Monate nach der Sporulation wurden intakte Pyknidien gefunden, ein Hinweis darauf, dass möglicherweise neue Pyknidien auf den toten Kiefernzweigen gebildet wurden. Auf dem Schlagabraum von 13,18 Monate alten Kahlschlägen war die Keimfähigkeit der Konidien ähnlich hoch wie bei Pyknidien von frischem Schlagabraum. Aufgrund des langen Überlebens von G. abietina in Schlagabraum wird für die nördlichen borealen Gebiete empfohlen, nach phytosanitären Kahlschlägen P. sylvestris -Sämlinge erst in der dritten Vegetationsperiode zu pflanzen. [source]

    Mycosphaerella species associated with leaf disease of Eucalyptus globulus in Ethiopia

    FOREST PATHOLOGY, Issue 4 2006
    Alemu Gezahgne
    Summary Eucalyptus spp. are among the most widely planted exotic trees in Ethiopia. Several damaging leaf pathogens are known from Eucalyptus spp. worldwide. Of these, Mycosphaerella spp. are among the most important, causing the disease known as Mycosphaerella leaf disease (MLD). Characteristic symptoms of MLD include leaf spot, premature defoliation, shoot and twig dieback. Recent disease surveys conducted in Ethiopian Eucalyptus plantations have revealed disease symptoms similar to those caused by Mycosphaerella spp. These symptoms were restricted to E. globulus trees growing in several localities in south, south western and western Ethiopia. The aim of this study was to identify the fungi associated with this disease. This was achieved by examining ascospore germination patterns, anamorph associations and sequence data from the Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) region of the rRNA operon, for representative isolates. Several different ascospore germination patterns were observed, suggesting that more than one species of Mycosphaerella is responsible for MLD on E. globulus in Ethiopia. Analysis of sequence data showed that three Mycosphaerella spp., M. marksii, M. nubilosa and M. parva were present. This is the first report of these three species from Ethiopia and represents a valuable basis on which to build further studies in the region. Résumé Les Eucalyptus comptent parmi les essences d'arbres exotiques les plus plantées en Ethiopie. Plusieurs pathogènes foliaires sont connus dans le monde pour occasionner des dégâts sur Eucalyptus. Parmi ceux-ci, les espèces de Mycosphaerella sont parmi les plus importantes, causant la maladie connue comme Maladie Foliaire àMycosphaerella (MFM, MLD en anglais). Les symptômes caractéristiques de la MFM comprennent des taches foliaires, une défoliation précoce et des dépérissements de pousses et de rameaux. Des campagnes de surveillance menées récemment dans les plantations éthiopiennes d'Eucalyptus ont révélé la présence de tels symptômes. Ces symptômes sont uniquement observés sur E. globulus dans plusieurs localités du sud, sud-ouest et ouest de l'Ethiopie. L'objectif de cette étude était d'identifier les champignons associés à cette maladie. Pour cela, des isolats représentatifs ont étéétudiés pour les modalités de germination des ascospores, les anamorphes associés ainsi que les données de séquence de la région ITS de l'opéron ADNr. Différentes modalités de germination des ascospores ont été observées, suggérant que plusieurs espèces de Mycosphaerella seraient associées à la MFM sur E. globulus en Ethiopie. L'analyse des données de séquence a montré la présence de 3 espèces : M. marksii, M. nubilosa et M. parva. Ceci constitue la première mention de ces 3 espèces en Ethiopie et une première étape pour envisager d'autres études dans cette région. Zusammenfassung Eucalyptus -Arten sind die am häufigsten angepflanzten exotischen Bäume in Äthiopien. An Eucalyptus kommen verschiedene Blattkrankheiten vor, wobei die Mycosphaerella -Arten als Verursacher der Mycosphaerella -Blattkrankheit (MLD) am bedeutendsten sind. Charakteristische Symtpome der MLD sind Blattnekrosen und vorzeitiger Blattfall sowie Trieb- und Zweigsterben. Bei der Inventur von Krankheiten in äthiopischen Eucalyptusplantagen wurden Symptome entdeckt, die denen von Mycosphaerella spp. ähnlich waren. Diese traten nur an E. globulus lokal in S-, SW- und W-Äthiopien auf. Ziel dieser Untersuchung war es, die damit assoziierten Pilze zu identifizieren. Hierzu wurde an repräsentativen Isolaten das Keimverhalten der Ascosporen, das Vorkommen von Anamorphen und die ITS-Sequenz des rRNA-Operons untersucht. Es wurden verschiedene Keimungstypen der Ascosporen beobachtet, was darauf schliessen liess, dass mehr als eine Mycosphaerella -Art für die Krankheit an E. globulus in Äthiopien verantwortlich ist. Anhand der Sequenzen wurden M. marksii, M. nubilosa und M. parva identifiziert. Dies ist der Erstnachweis für diese drei Arten in Äthiopien und eine Grundlage für weitere Studien. [source]

    Resistance of Pinus contorta to the European race of Gremmeniella abietina

    FOREST PATHOLOGY, Issue 2 2006
    G. Laflamme
    Summary Pinus contorta seedlings, together with Pinus resinosa and Pinus banksiana seedlings, were planted adjacent to 25-year-old red pine trees infected by the European (EU) race of Gremmeniella abietina. Resistance to this race was assessed over 5 years. All P. resinosa seedlings were dead after that period while 65% of P. contorta and 86% of P. banksiana seedlings appeared resistant to the disease. The tip blight that occurred on P. contorta was slightly longer than that observed on P. banksiana. In microscopy, one, two, or even more suberized boundaries were seen to be initiated near the surface of the shoot at the base of healthy needles where they extended downward in the direction of the vascular cambium. Suberized boundaries occasionally crossed the xylem and joined together in the pith region to form continuous barriers around necrotic tissues. However, in most cases, these suberized barriers were not continuous across the shoot and compartmentalization was then completed by other barriers mainly constituted of parenchyma cells and xylem tracheids that accumulated phenolic compounds. Meristematic-like cells were observed adjacent to the necrophylactic periderm. Tissue regeneration, restoration of cambial activities and formation of traumatic resin canals also seemed to be associated with the defence system of P. contorta against the EU race of G. abietina. Résumé Des semis de Pinus contorta, de P. resinosa et de P. banksiana ont été plantés près de pins rouges âgés de 25 ans et infectés par la race européenne (EU) de Gremmeniella abietina. La résistance à cette race a étéévaluée sur une période de 5 ans. Tous les semis de P. resinosa sont morts après cette période alors que 65% des semis de P. contorta et 86% des semis de P. banksiana semblaient résister à la maladie. La brûlure à l'extrémité des pousses sur le P. contortaétait un peu plus longue que celle observée sur le P. banksiana. En microscopie, une, deux et même plusieurs couches de cellules subérisées se sont différenciées près de la surface des pousses à la base d'aiguilles saines et continuaient à progresser basipétalement en direction du cambium. Ces couches subérisées traversaient occasionnellement le xylème avant de fusionner près de la moelle pour former des barrières continues autour des tissus nécrosés. Toutefois, dans la plupart des cas, les barrières subérisées présentes dans les pousses étaient discontinues et le compartimentage était alors complété par d'autres barrières constituées de cellules de parenchyme et de trachéides ayant accumulé des composés phénoliques. Des cellules semblables à celles présentes dans les zones méristématiques furent observées près du périderme nécrophylactique. La présence de nouveaux tissus, le rétablissement de l'activité cambiale et la formation de canaux résinifères traumatiques semblaient aussi contribuer au système de défense de P. contorta contre la souche EU de G. abietina. Zusammenfassung In der Nachbarschaft von 25jährigen Pinus resinosa, die mit der europäischen Rasse von Gremmeniella abietina infiziert waren, wurden Sämlinge von Pinus contorta zusammen mit Sämlingen von Pinus resinosa und Pinus banksiana ausgepflanzt. Während fünf Jahren wurde die Resistenz gegenüber dieser Erregerrasse beobachtet. Am Ende des Beobachtungszeitraums waren alle P. resinosa -Sämlinge tot, während 65% der P. contorta und 86% der P. banksiana -Sämlinge überlebten. Die Nekrosen an der Triebspitze waren auf P. contorta etwas länger als bei P. banksiana. Mikroskopisch waren ein, zwei oder sogar mehr suberinisierte Abwehrzonen erkennbar, deren Bildung nahe der Trieboberfläche an der Basis gesunder Nadeln begann und die sich nach unten in Richtung auf das Kambium ausdehnten. Gelegentlich entstanden diese suberinisierten Zonen auch im Xylem und vereinigten sich im Mark miteinander, so dass eine geschlossene Barriere gegen die nekrotischen Gewebe entstand. In den meisten Fällen dehnten sich die suberinisierten Zonen aber nicht durch den ganzen Trieb aus und die Kompartimentierung wurde durch andere Barrieren ergänzt, die vorwiegend aus parenchymatischen Zellen und Tracheiden bestanden, in denen phenolische Stoffe akkumuliert wurden. Neben dem nekrophylaktischen Periderm wurden Zellen mit meristematischer Aktivität beobachtet. Daneben waren die Neubildung von Geweben, die Wiederherstellung der Kambiumaktivität und die Bildung traumatischer Harzkanäle offensichtlich bei der Abwehr von P. contorta gegen die EU-Rasse von G. abietina wirksam. [source]

    Anisogramma virgultorum on saplings of Betula pendula and Betula pubescens in a district of northern Sweden

    FOREST PATHOLOGY, Issue 4-5 2002
    Summary During the autumn of 1999, the occurrence of the ascomycete Anisogramma virgultorum on saplings of Betula pubescens and Betula pendula was studied in two stands of B. pubescens, two stands of B. pendula and two mixed (B. pubescens and Pinus sylvestris) stands (age approximately 10 years, mean height 2,4 m, d.b.h. 10,20 mm) in a district in the vicinity of Umeå, northern Sweden. Stem and branch cankers associated with A. virgultorum were found on 54.8% of the investigated saplings, without significant difference between B. pendula and B. pubescens. Cankers were observed on 16.0% of stems and on branches of 54.2% of the saplings. Stem cankers appeared on the current year's shoot, as well as at the base of the trees. The mean diameter of the damaged saplings was significantly greater than the mean diameter of undamaged saplings. All samples of cankers with stromata examined in the laboratory showed perithecia with asci. Résumé Anisogramma virgultorum sur jeunes plants de Betula pendula et Betula pubescens dans un district du nord de la Suède Pendant l'été 1999, le développement de l'ascomycète Anisogramma virgultorum a étéétudié sur de jeunes plants de Betula pendula et Betula pubescens dans deux peuplements de B. pubescens, deux peuplements de B. pendula et deux peuplements mélangés (B. pubescens et Pinus sylvestris) (âge: environ 10 ans, hauteur moyenne: 2 à 4 m, dbh: 10 à 20 mm), dans un district près d'Umeå au nord de la Suède. Des chancres de tige et de branches associés àA. virgultorum ont été trouvés sur 54,8% des plants, sans différences significative entre B. pendula et B. pubescens. Les chancres de tige étaient présents sur 16% des plants, et les chancres de branches sur 54,2%. Les chancres de tige étaient situés sur les pousses de l'année en cours aussi bien qu'à la base des arbres. La diamètre moyen des plants attaqués était significativement plus grand que celui des arbres sains. Tous les chancres avec stromas examinés au laboratoire présentaient des périthèces avec des asques. Zusammenfassung Anisogramma virgultorum an Sämlingen von Betula pendula und Betula pubescens in einem Distrikt in Nordschweden Im Herbst 1999 wurde das Vorkommen des Ascomyceten Anisogramma virgultorum an Betula pubescens und Betula pendula in jeweils zwei Reinbeständen dieser Baumarten sowie in zwei Mischbeständen (B. pubescens und Pinus sylvestris) in einem Distrikt in der Nähe von Umeå, Nordschweden, untersucht (Alter ca. 10 Jahre, mittlere Baumhöhe 2,4 m, DBH 10,20 mm). Bei 54,8 % der untersuchten Bäumchen wurden an Stamm und Zweigen Krebse gefunden, die für A.virgultorum typisch sind. Zwischen B. pendula und B. pubescens gab es keine signifikanten Unterschiede. Bei 16 % der Pflanzen wurden Krebse an den Stämmen, bei 54,2 % an den Zweigen beobachtet. Die Stammkrebse traten sowohl am diesjährigen Gipfeltrieb auf als auch an der Stammbasis. Der mittlere Durchmesser geschädigter Pflanzen war signifikant grösser als derjenige von ungeschädigten Pflanzen. Alle Proben von Krebsen mit Stromata, die im Labor untersucht wurden, enthielten Perithecien mit Asci. [source]

    Rooting depth and soil moisture control Mediterranean woody seedling survival during drought

    FUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY, Issue 3 2007
    Summary 1Seedling survival is one of the most critical stages in a plant's life history, and is often reduced by drought and soil desiccation. It has been hypothesized that root systems accessing moist soil layers are critical for establishment, but very little is known about seedling root growth and traits in the field. 2We related seedling mortality to the presence of deep roots in a field experiment in which we monitored soil moisture, root growth and seedling survival in five Mediterranean woody species from the beginning of the growing season until the end of the drought season. 3We found strong positive relationships between survival and maximum rooting depth, as well as between survival and soil moisture. Species with roots in moist soil layers withstood prolonged drought better, whereas species with shallow roots died more frequently. In contrast, biomass allocation to roots was not related to establishment success. 4Access to moist soil horizons accounted for species-specific survival rates, whereas large root : shoot (R:S) ratios did not. The existence of soil moisture thresholds that control establishment provides insights into plant population dynamics in dry environments. [source]

    Hydraulic differentiation of Ponderosa pine populations along a climate gradient is not associated with ecotypic divergence

    FUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY, Issue 4 2002
    H. Maherali
    Summary 1.,Pinus ponderosa occurs in a range of contrasting environments in the western USA. Xeric populations typically have lower leaf : sapwood area ratio (AL/AS) and higher whole-tree leaf specific hydraulic conductance (KL) than mesic populations. These climate-driven shifts in hydraulic architecture are considered adaptive because they maintain minimum leaf water potential above levels that cause xylem cavitation. 2.,Using a common garden study, we examined whether differences in biomass allocation and hydraulic architecture between P. ponderosa populations originating from isolated outcrops in the Great Basin desert and Sierran montane environments were caused by ecotypic differentiation or phenotypic plasticity. To determine if populations were genetically differentiated and if phenotypic and genetic differentiation coincided, we also characterized the genetic structure of these populations using DNA microsatellites. 3.,Phenotypic differentiation in growth, biomass allocation and hydraulic architecture was variable among populations in the common garden. There were no systematic differences between desert and montane climate groups that were consistent with adaptive expectations. Drought had no effect on the root : shoot and needle : stem ratio, but reduced seedling biomass accumulation, leaf area ratio, AL/AS and KL. Stem hydraulic conductance (KH) was strongly size-dependent, and was lower in droughted plants, primarily because of lower growth. 4.,Although microsatellites were able to detect significant non-zero (P < 0·001) levels of differentiation between populations, these differences were small and were not correlated with geographic separation or climate group. Estimates of genetic differentiation among populations were low (<5%), and almost all the genetic variation (>95%) resided within populations, suggesting that gene flow was the dominant factor shaping genetic structure. 5.,These results indicate that biomass allocation and hydraulic differences between desert and montane populations are not the result of ecotypic differentiation. Significant drought effects on leaf : sapwood allocation and KL suggest that phenotypic differentiation between desert and montane climates could be the result of phenotypic plasticity. [source]

    Effect of application form of nitrogen on oxalate accumulation and mineral uptake by napiergrass (Pennisetum purpureum)

    GRASSLAND SCIENCE, Issue 3 2010
    Mohammad Mijanur Rahman
    Abstract Oxalate occurs naturally in forage species, but excess levels of soluble oxalate adversely affect their nutritional quality as animal feed. Although induction of oxalate in plants has been associated with nitrate application, relatively little is known about oxalate in forage grasses. In the present study, we investigated oxalate accumulation and mineral uptake by napiergrass (Pennisetum purpureum, cv. dwarf-late) cultured in complete nutrient solution containing either solely nitrate or mainly ammonium as the main form of nitrogen. Total (shoot and root) yield of plants did not differ significantly between the nitrate and ammonium treatments. By contrast, the nitrogen form significantly affected oxalate accumulation and mineral uptake by plants. Nitrate application resulted in higher concentrations of soluble and insoluble oxalates in the shoot and soluble oxalate in the root than ammonium application. Nitrate application also resulted in higher concentrations of sodium and calcium in the shoot, and higher concentrations of sodium, calcium and magnesium in the root than ammonium application. The results suggest that the application of nitrate fertilizer as the sole source of nitrogen should be avoided in the cultivation of oxalate-rich forages, though further studies are needed under field conditions. [source]

    A two-stage convective air and vacuum freeze-drying technique for bamboo shoots

    Yanyang Xu
    Summary To obtain dehydrated bamboo shoot slices of high quality, a two-stage hybrid method of drying was tested to see if it could be cost-effective. While freeze-drying provides the best quality bamboo shoot it is a very expensive process. In this study, the drying techniques (a) hot airflow drying followed by vacuum freeze drying and (b) the reverse of the process (a) were examined. The quality of bamboo shoots dried by process (b) was found to be approximately equal to that of freeze-dried bamboo shoots but at a significantly lower cost. This paper reports results comparing the two processes in terms of energy consumption and the physico-chemical properties of the dried bamboo. [source]

    Comparative Effect of Nitrogen Sources on Maize under Saline and Non-saline Conditions

    M. Irshad
    Abstract The main objective of this study was to compare the relationship between biomass yield and nutrient uptake in salt-stressed maize (Zea mays L.) following nitrogen (N) nutrition in a greenhouse. Three forms of N were applied, each at the rate of 100 kg ha,1: urea-N, nitrate-N, 1/2 urea-N + 1/2 nitrate-N (mixed-N) and no N application (control). Maize was grown as a test crop for 6 weeks. All N sources greatly stimulated crop growth and nutrient uptake compared with the control. The biomass (shoot and root) of maize was significantly greater in mixed-N treatment than in single sources in saline soil whereas it varied in the order of urea-N > mixed-N > nitrate-N > control in non-saline soil. Under both soil conditions, the concentration of Ca, Mg and Na in shoot was highest in nitrate-N treatments while that of K was highest in the control. Shoot nitrogen concentration was not significantly different among N sources under non-saline treatment, whereas under saline conditions, the concentration varied markedly in the order of nitrate-N > urea-N > mixed-N > control. The mineral concentrations in the shoot increased under salt treated soil when compared with non-saline soil. The ratios of Na/K, Na/Ca and Na/Mg were also higher under salt stress due to higher accumulation of Na ion in the shoot. Among N-fertilizer sources, Na/Ca and Na/Mg ratios were highest in control whereas Na/K ratio was the highest in nitrate-N treatment. The lowest cation ratios were noted in mixed-N-treated plants under both soils. Regression analysis showed that maize biomass was related to N concentration by the following equations: Y = ,4.54 + 0.97N for the non-saline soil and Y = 0.89 + 0.25N for the saline soil. Nitrogen use efficiency for non-saline soil exceeded that of saline soil by 15 %. [source]

    Effects of Salinity and Mixed Ammonium and Nitrate Nutrition on the Growth and Nitrogen Utilization of Barley

    A. Ali
    The absorption and utilization of nitrogen (N) by plants are affected by salinity and the form of N in the root medium. A hydroponic study was conducted under controlled conditions to investigate growth and N uptake by barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) supplied with five different NH4+ -N/NO3, -N ratios at electrical conductivity of 0 and 8 dS m,1. The five NH4+ -N/NO3 -N ratios were 0/100, 25/75, 50/50, 75/25 and 100/0, each giving a total N supply of 100 mg N l,1 in the root medium. A mixed N supply of NH4+ and NO3, resulted in greater accumulation of N in plants than either NO3, or NH4+ as the sole N source. Plants produced a significantly higher dry matter yield when grown with mixed N nutrition than with NH4+ or NO3, alone. Total dry matter production and root and shoot N contents decreased with increasing salinity in the root medium. The interaction between salinity and N nutrition was found to be significant for all the variables. A significant positive correlation (r=0.97) was found between nitrogen level in the plant shoot and its dry matter yield. Wachstum und Stickstoffausnutzung bei Gerste in Abhängigkeit von Versalzung und Michungen von Ammonium und Nitrat Aufnahme und Nutzung von N durch Pflanzen wird von der Versalzung und N-Form im Wurzelbereich bestimmt. Es wurde in Hydrokultur unter kontrollierten Bedingungen Wachstum und N-Aufnahme durch Gerste (Hordeum vulgare L.) bei Anwendung von fünf unterschiedlichen NH4+ -N/NO3, -N Verhältnissen bei einer elektrischen Konduktivität von 0 und 8 dS m,1 untersucht. Die Gesamtmenge von 100 mg N l,1 im Wurzelmedium wies NH4+ -N/NO3, -N Verhältnisse von 0/100, 25/75, 50/50, 75/25 und 100/0 auf. Mischungen von NH4+ und NO3, führten zu einer größeren Aufnahme durch die Pflanzen als bei alleiniger Anwendung von NO3, oder NH4+. Die Pflanzen produzierten signifikant mehr Gesamttrockenmasse mit Mischungen der beiden N-Formen im Vergleich zu alleiniger Anwendung von NH4+ oder NO3,. Die Gesamttrockenmasse sowie die N-Gehalte von Wurzel und Sproß nahmen mit steigender Versalzung ab. Versalzungs- und N-Versorgungs-Interaktion war signifikant in allen Versuchsbedingungen. Eine signifikante positive Korrelation (r=0,97) wurde zwischen Stickstoffkonzentration und der Trockenmasseproduktion der Pflanze gefunden. [source]

    The effect of pea cultivar and water stress on root and shoot competition between vegetative plants of maize and pea

    Tzehaye Semere
    Summary 1Improvements in intercrop yields may be achieved through an understanding of yield advantages due to above-ground or below-ground interactions. 2Forage maize and two morphologically contrasting cultivars of pea (leafy cv. Bohatyr and semi-leafless cv. Grafila) were grown alone and in additive mixtures, under two contrasting levels of soil moisture (± water stress). 3The mechanism of competition between maize and pea was studied by separating the effects of root competition and shoot competition, using soil and aerial partitions. Plants were grown in rectangular tanks in a glasshouse. 4Leafy pea cv. Bohatyr was as competitive as maize, both below-ground and above-ground, whereas semi-leafless pea cv. Grafila was less competitive than maize or pea cv. Bohatyr. The greater competitive ability of the leafy pea, both above- and below-ground, was probably due to its greater growth rate, associated with its greater leaf area. 5The competitive ability of maize, relative to peas, was considerably reduced by water stress. Both the root and shoot competitive abilities of pea were greater under water stress, compared with those of maize. 6Relative yield total (RYT) values were significantly greater when maize and pea were subjected to shoot competition only (RYT = 1·76) than when subjected to root competition (RYT = 1·17) or when subjected to both shoot and root competition (RYT = 1·13). This reflects the fact that the effects of root competition were greater than those of shoot competition. 7Root competition decreased the shoot dry weights, plant height and leaf area of both maize and pea, whereas shoot competition had no significant effect on these attributes, indicating that soil resources, i.e. mineral nutrients and water, were more limiting than light. [source]