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Shape Variables (shape + variable)
Selected AbstractsA precise water displacement method for estimating egg volumeJOURNAL OF FIELD ORNITHOLOGY, Issue 2 2009Scott A. Rush ABSTRACT Relationships between egg volume and an array of life-history traits have been identified for many bird species. Despite the importance of egg volume and the need for precise and accurate measurements, egg volume is usually estimated using a mathematical model that incorporates length and width measurements along with a shape variable. We developed an instrument that provides precise estimates of egg volume and can be easily used in the field. Using Clapper Rail (Rallus longirostris) eggs, we compared egg volumes measured using our instrument with estimates based on linear measurements. We found our instrument to be both precise and accurate. Compared with a method based on linear measurements of eggs, use of our instrument reduced variation in egg volume estimates by 1.6 cm3, approximately 8% of the volume of a Clapper Rail's egg. Further advantages of our technique include ease of use, increased accuracy of field-based volume estimates, and increased resolution of variation in egg volume estimates. In addition, our technique does not require postdata collection processing time and did not influence hatching success. Also, for Clapper Rails and similar species, our technique can be combined with other techniques (e.g., egg flotation) so that both egg volume and embryonic stage can be estimated at the same time. SINOPSIS Las relaciones entre el volumen del huevo y una gran cantidad de caracteres en las historias de vida han sido identificadas para muchas especies de aves. A pesar de la importancia del volumen del huevo y la necesidad de medidas más precisas, el volumen del huevo es comúnmente estimado usando modelos matemáticos que incorporan medidas del largo, ancho y forma del huevo. Nosotros creamos un instrumento que proporciona estimativos precisos del volumen del huevo y puede ser fácilmente usado en el campo. Usando huevos de Rallus longirostris comparamos las medidas de los volúmenes de los huevos usando nuestro instrumento con estimados obtenidos mediante mediadas lineales. Encontramos que nuestro instrumento fue preciso. Comparado con métodos que se basan en medidas lineales de los huevos, el uso de nuestro instrumento reduce la variación de los estimativos del volumen de los huevos en 1.6 cm3, aproximadamente 8% del volumen de los huevos de Rallus longirostris. Ventajas adicionales de nuestra técnica incluye facilidades de uso, incremento en la precisión en los estimativos de volumen realizados en el campo y un incremento en la disminución de la variación de los estimativos del volumen del huevo. Adicionalmente, nuestra técnica no requiere tiempo de manejo después de la colección de los datos, y no afecta el éxito de eclosión. También, para Rallus longirostris y especies similares, nuestra técnica puede ser combinada con otras técnicas (e. g., flotación de los huevos) de tal forma que simultáneamente se puedan estimar el volumen del huevo y el estadio embrionario. [source] Measuring egg size using digital photography: testing Hoyt's method using Florida Scrub-Jay eggsJOURNAL OF FIELD ORNITHOLOGY, Issue 1 2007Eli S. Bridge ABSTRACT Egg volumes are most often estimated using a mathematical model that incorporates length and width measurements and a species-specific shape variable. Although adequate in many respects, this technique does not account for intraspecific variation in egg shape. We developed a computer-automated technique that uses calibrated digital photographs to render precise measurements of several egg-size parameters including length, width, volume, and surface area. The system extracts egg outlines from photographs, and divides each egg into latitudinal slices that are subsequently regarded as simple geometric shapes (cylinders or cone frustra) with volumes and surface areas that can be summed to generate size parameters for the entire egg. We tested this technique using 491 eggs from Florida Scrub-Jay (Aphelocoma coerulescens) nests and compared the resulting egg volumes with volumes calculated using the preeminent method of estimating volume from linear measurements. Our method was highly accurate, and differences between the volumes from our method and the alternative method were strongly associated with variation in egg shape. Advantages of our technique include decreased handling of eggs and increased accuracy. Software resources and additional information regarding the technique are available at http://www.archbold-station.org/abs/data/birddata/Bridge-JFO-eggsize.htm. SINOPSIS El volumen de los huevos comunmente es estimado utilizando un modelo matemático en donde se incorpora el ancho y el largo del huevo y la variable de la forma de este. Aunque es un método adecuado en muchos aspectos, esta técnica no toma enconsideracion las variaciones intraespecificas de la forma de los huevos. Desarrollamos una técnica automática con computadora, que usa fotografia digital calibrada para ofrecer medidas de los huevos incluyendo largo, ancho, volumen y área superficial. El sistema extrae parámetros de los huevos de fotografías y divide cada huevo en rebanadas latitudinales, que subsecuentemente son tomadas como formas geométricas (e.g., cilindros o conos) con volumenes y áreas superficiales, que a su vez pueden ser utilizadas para obtener el largo y el ancho. Pusimos a prueba esta técnica con 491 huevos del Azulejón (Aphelocoma coerulescens) y comparamos el volumen de los huevos obtenidos con el computador con volumenes calculados con el método usual de medidas lineales. Nuestro método fue preciso y las diferencias en los volumenes usando nuestro método y las del método clásico estuvieron asociadas a la variación en la forma de los huevos. Entre las ventajas de nuestra técnica encontramos una disminución en la manipulación de los huevos y un aumento en la presición de los datos tomados. Los recursos computacionales que se necesitan e información adicional sobre esta técnica se encuentra disponible en: http://www.archbold-station.org/abs/data/birddata/Bridge-JFO-eggsize.htm. [source] QUANTITATIVE GENETICS OF PLASTRON SHAPE IN SLIDER TURTLES (TRACHEMYS SCRIPTA)EVOLUTION, Issue 3 2006Erin M. Myers Abstract Shape variation is widespread in nature and embodies both a response to and a source for evolution and natural selection. To detect patterns of shape evolution, one must assess the quantitative genetic underpinnings of shape variation as well as the selective environment that the organisms have experienced. Here we used geometric morphometrics to assess variation in plastron shell shape in 1314 neonatal slider turtles (Trachemys scripta) from 162 clutches of laboratory-incubated eggs from two nesting areas. Multivariate analysis of variance indicated that nesting area has a limited role in describing plastron shape variation among clutches, whereas differences between individual clutches were highly significant, suggesting a prominent clutch effect. The covariation between plastron shape and several possible maternal effect variables (yolk hormone levels and egg dimensions) was assessed for a subset of clutches and found to be negligible. We subsequently employed several recently proposed methods for estimating heritability from shape variables, and generalized a univariate approach to accommodate unequal sample sizes. Univariate estimates of shape heritability based on Procrustes distances yielded large values for both nesting populations (h2, 0.86), and multivariate estimates of maximal additive heritability were also large for both nesting populations (h2max, 0.57). We also estimated the dominant trend in heritable shape change for each nesting population and found that the direction of shape evolution was not the same for the two sites. Therefore, although the magnitude of shape evolution was similar between nesting populations, the manner in which plastron shape is evolving is not. We conclude that the univariate approach for assessing quantitative genetic parameters from geometric morphometric data has limited utility, because it is unable to accurately describe how shape is evolving. [source] SPATIOTEMPORAL REORGANIZATION OF GROWTH RATES IN THE EVOLUTION OF ONTOGENYEVOLUTION, Issue 4 2000Miriam L. Zelditch Abstract. Heterochrony, evolutionary changes in rate or timing of development producing parallelism between ontogeny and phylogeny, is viewed as the most common type of evolutionary change in development. Alternative hypotheses such as heterotopy, evolutionary change in the spatial patterning of development, are rarely entertained. We examine the evidence for heterochrony and heterotopy in the evolution of body shape in two clades of piranhas. One of these is the sole case of heterochrony previously reported in the group; the others were previously interpreted as cases of heterotopy. To compare ontogenies of shape, we computed ontogenetic trajectories of shape by multivariate regression of geometric shape variables (i.e., partial warp scores and shape coordinates) on centroid size. Rates of development relative to developmental age and angles between the trajectories were compared statistically. We found a significant difference in developmental rate between species of Serrasalmus, suggesting that heterochrony is a partial explanation for the evolution of body shape, but we also found a significant difference between their ontogenetic transformations; the direction of the difference between them suggests that heterotopy also plays a role in this group. In Pygocentrus we found no difference in developmental rate among species, but we did find a difference in the ontogenies, suggesting that heterotopy, but not heterochrony, is the developmental basis for shape diversification in this group. The prevalence of heterotopy as a source of evolutionary novelty remains largely unexplored and will not become clear until the search for developmental explanations looks beyond heterochrony. [source] Geographical and taxonomic influences on cranial variation in red colobus monkeys (Primates, Colobinae): introducing a new approach to ,morph' monkeysGLOBAL ECOLOGY, Issue 2 2009Andrea Cardini ABSTRACT Aim, To provide accurate but parsimonious quantitative descriptions of clines in cranial form of red colobus, to partition morphological variance into geographical, taxonomic and structured taxonomic components, and to visually summarize clines in multivariate shape data using a method which produces results directly comparable to both univariate studies of geographical variation and standard geometric morphometric visualization of shape differences along vectors. Location, Equatorial Africa. Methods, Sixty-four three-dimensional cranial landmarks were measured on 276 adult red colobus monkeys sampled over their entire distribution. Geometric morphometric methods were applied, and size and shape variables regressed onto geographical coordinates using linear and curvilinear models. Model selection was done using the second-order Akaike information criterion. Components of variation related to geography, taxon or their combined effect were partitioned using partial regresssion. Multivariate trends in clinal shape were summarized using principal components of predictions from regressions, plotting vector scores on maps as for univariate size, and visualizing differences along main axes of clinal shape variation using surface rendering. Results, Significant clinal variation was found in size and shape. Clines were similar in females and males. Trend surface analysis tended to be more accurate and parsimonious than alternative models in predicting morphology based on geography. Cranial form was relatively paedomorphic in East Africa and peramorphic in central Africa. Most taxonomic variation was geographically structured. However, taxonomic differences alone accounted for a larger proportion of total explained variance in shape (up to 40%) than in size (, 20%). Main conclusions, A strong cline explained most of the observed size variation and a significant part of the shape differences of red colobus crania. The pattern of geographical variation was largely similar to that previously reported in vervets, despite different habitat preferences (arboreal versus terrestrial) and a long period since divergence (c. 14,15 Myr). This suggests that some aspects of morphological divergence in both groups may have been influenced by similar environmental, geographical and historical factors. Cranial size is likely to be evolutionarily more labile and thus better reflects the influence of recent environmental changes. Cranial shape could be more resilient to change and thus better reflects phylogenetically informative differences. [source] Body proportions of circumpolar peoples as evidenced from skeletal data: Ipiutak and Tigara (Point Hope) versus Kodiak Island InuitAMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, Issue 2 2010Trenton W. Holliday Abstract Given the well-documented fact that human body proportions covary with climate (presumably due to the action of selection), one would expect that the Ipiutak and Tigara Inuit samples from Point Hope, Alaska, would be characterized by an extremely cold-adapted body shape. Comparison of the Point Hope Inuit samples to a large (n > 900) sample of European and European-derived, African and African-derived, and Native American skeletons (including Koniag Inuit from Kodiak Island, Alaska) confirms that the Point Hope Inuit evince a cold-adapted body form, but analyses also reveal some unexpected results. For example, one might suspect that the Point Hope samples would show a more cold-adapted body form than the Koniag, given their more extreme environment, but this is not the case. Additionally, univariate analyses seldom show the Inuit samples to be more cold-adapted in body shape than Europeans, and multivariate cluster analyses that include a myriad of body shape variables such as femoral head diameter, bi-iliac breadth, and limb segment lengths fail to effectively separate the Inuit samples from Europeans. In fact, in terms of body shape, the European and the Inuit samples tend to be cold-adapted and tend to be separated in multivariate space from the more tropically adapted Africans, especially those groups from south of the Sahara. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2010. © 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source] |