Serpentinite Bodies (serpentinite + body)

Distribution by Scientific Domains

Selected Abstracts

Transpressional tectonics of the Mineoka Ophiolite Belt in a trench,trench,trench-type triple junction, Boso Peninsula, Japan

ISLAND ARC, Issue 4 2005
Ryota Mori
Abstract Structures developed in metamorphic and plutonic blocks that occur as knockers in the Mineoka Ophiolite Belt in the Boso Peninsula, central Japan, were analyzed. The aim was to understand the incorporation processes of blocks of metamorphic and plutonic rocks with an arc signature into the serpentinite mélange of the Mineoka Ophiolite Belt in relation to changes in metamorphic conditions during emplacement. Several stages of deformation during retrogressive metamorphism were identified: the first faulting stage had two substage shearing events (mylonitization) under ductile conditions inside the crystalline blocks in relatively deeper levels; and the second stage had brittle faulting and brecciation along the boundaries between the host serpentinite bodies in relatively shallower levels (zeolite facies). The first deformation occurred during uplift before emplacement. The blocks were intensively sheared by the first deformation event, and developed numerous shear planes with spacing of a few centimeters. The displacement and width of each shear plane were a few centimeters and a few millimeters, respectively, at most. In contrast, the fault zone of the second shearing stage reached a few meters in width and developed during emplacement of the Mineoka Ophiolite. Both stages occurred under a right-lateral transpressional regime, in which thrust-faulting was associated with strike-slip faulting. Such displacement on an outcrop scale is consistent with the present tectonics of the Mineoka Belt. This implies that the same tectonic stress has been operating in the Boso trench,trench,trench-type triple junction area in the northwest corner of the Pacific since the emplacement of the Mineoka Ophiolite. The Mineoka Ophiolite Belt must have worked as a forearc sliver fault during the formation of a Neogene accretionary prism further south. [source]

Interactions between serpentinite devolatilization, metasomatism and strike-slip strain localization during deep-crustal shearing in the Eastern Alps

J. D. Barnes
Abstract The Greiner shear zone in the Tauern Window, Eastern Alps, changes from a zone of distributed (dominantly sinistral) shear in supracrustal rocks to a series of narrow, gully forming dextral splays where it enters basement gneisses. Within these splays, granodiorite is transformed into quartz-poor biotite and/or chlorite schists, reflecting hydration, removal of Si, Ca and Na, and concentration of Fe, Mg and Al. Stable isotope analyses show a prominent increase in ,D and a decrease in ,18O from granodiorite into the shear zones. These changes indicate significant channelized flow of an externally derived, low-,18O, high-,D fluid through the shear zones. The shear zone schists are chemically similar to blackwall zones developed around serpentinite bodies elsewhere in the Greiner zone and the stable isotope data support alteration via serpentinite-derived fluid. Monazite in schist from one shear zone yields spot dates of 29,20 Ma, indicating that the fluid influx and switch from sinistral to dextral shear occurred at or shortly after the thermal peak of the Alpine orogeny (c. 30 Ma). We suggest that Alpine metamorphism of serpentinites released large amounts of high-,D, low-,18O, Si-undersaturated, Fe + Mg-saturated fluids that became channelized along prior zones of weakness in the granodiorite. Infiltration of this fluid facilitated growth of chlorite and biotite, which in turn localized later dextral strain in the narrow splays via cleavage-parallel slip. This dextral strain event can be linked to other structures that accommodated tectonic escape of major crustal blocks during dextral transpression in the Eastern Alps. This study shows that serpentinite devolatilization can play an important role in modifying both the chemistry and rheology of surrounding rocks during orogenesis. [source]

Geochemical and stable isotope resetting in shear zones from Täschalp: constraints on fluid flow during exhumation in the Western Alps

I. Cartwright
Abstract Fluid flow at greenschist facies conditions during exhumation of the western Alps occurred in several penecontemporaneous systems, including shear zones at lithological contacts, deformed contacts between serpentinite bodies and metabasalts, albite veins within metabasalts, and calcite + quartz veins within calcareous schists. Fluid flow in shear zones that juxtapose metasediments and ophiolitic rocks within the Piemonte Unit reset O and H isotope ratios. ,18O values are buffered by the wall rocks; however, calculated fluid ,2H values are similar within all the shear zones suggesting that they formed an interconnected network. The similarity of ,2H values of the sheared rocks and those of unsheared calcareous schists suggests that the fluids were derived from, or had equilibrated with, the schists that envelop the ophiolite rocks. Time-integrated fluid fluxes at the sheared contacts estimated from changes in Si in metabasalts were up to 105 m3 m,2, with the fluid flowing up temperature driven either by topography or seismic pumping. Individual shear zones were active for c. 2,3 Myr, implying average fluid fluxes of up to 10,9 m3 m,2 s,1. Rocks in shear zones within the ophiolite away from contacts with the metasediments show much less marked isotopic and geochemical changes, implying that fluid volumes decreased into the ophiolite unit, consistent with the source of fluids being the metasediments. Fluids were generated by dehydration reactions that were intersected during exhumation and, while many rocks show the affects of fluid,rock interaction, large-scale fluid flow between major units was not common. [source]

Late Cretaceous blueschist facies metamorphism in southern Thrace (Turkey) and its geodynamic implications

Abstract A blueschist facies tectonic sliver, 9 km long and 1 km wide, crops out within the Miocene clastic rocks bounded by the strands of the North Anatolian Fault zone in southern Thrace, NW Turkey. Two types of blueschist facies rock assemblages occur in the sliver: (i) A serpentinite body with numerous dykes of incipient blueschist facies metadiabase (ii) a well-foliated and thoroughly recrystallized rock assemblage consisting of blueschist, marble and metachert. Both are partially enveloped by an Upper Eocene wildflysch, which includes olistoliths of serpentinite,metadiabase, Upper Cretaceous and Palaeogene pelagic limestone, Upper Eocene reefal limestone, radiolarian chert, quartzite and minor greenschist. Field relations in combination with the bore core data suggest that the tectonic sliver forms a positive flower structure within the Miocene clastic rocks in a transpressional strike,slip setting, and represents an uplifted part of the pre-Eocene basement. The blueschists are represented by lawsonite,glaucophane-bearing assemblages equilibrated at 270,310 °C and ,0.8 GPa. The metadiabase dykes in the serpentinite, on the other hand, are represented by pumpellyite,glaucophane,lawsonite-assemblages that most probably equilibrated below 290 °C and at 0.75 GPa. One metadiabase olistolith in the Upper Eocene flysch sequence contains the mineral assemblage epidote + pumpellyite + glaucophane, recording P,T conditions of 290,350 °C and 0.65,0.78 GPa, indicative of slightly lower depths and different thermal setting. Timing of the blueschist facies metamorphism is constrained to c. 86 Ma (Coniacian/Santonian) by Rb,Sr phengite,whole rock and incremental 40Ar,39Ar phengite dating on blueschists. The activity of the strike,slip fault post-dates the blueschist facies metamorphism and exhumation, and is only responsible for the present outcrop pattern and post-Miocene exhumation (,2 km). The high- P/T metamorphic rocks of southern Thrace and the Biga Peninsula are located to the southeast of the Circum Rhodope Belt and indicate Late Cretaceous subduction and accretion under the northern continent, i.e. the Rhodope Massif, enveloped by the Circum Rhodope Belt. The Late Cretaceous is therefore a time of continued accretionary growth of this continental domain. [source]