Seedling Height (seedling + height)

Distribution by Scientific Domains

Selected Abstracts

Seedling survival in Manilkara butugi Chiov. along a dispersal gradient in Kakamega forest, Kenya

Geoffery M. Wahungu
Abstract The spatial patterns of seedling distribution in Manilkara butugi were studied between December 2004 and April 2005 at Kakamega forest, Kenya. Our objectives were to determine the spatial variation in seedling density in relation to distance from the parent tree and the survivorship patterns of M. butugi seedlings. We hypothesized that seedling density and mortality would be highest beneath the parent tree and would reduce with increasing distance from the parent tree. Line transects, radiating along the four compass directions from mature female M. butugi trees were established, and quadrats marked out at intervals of 5 m in which seedlings were counted. To determine establishment and survivorship, belt transects 5 m × 40 m running along the northerly compass direction were laid and data collected on seedling variables. Seedling density reduced with increasing distance from the parent plant (F = 25.72, df = 3; P < 0.001). Whereas seedling height (F = 14.806, df = 1; P < 0.05) and the number of leaves (F = 12.45, df = 1; P < 0.05) increased with increasing distance from the parent tree, damage to seedlings reduced with increasing distance (F = 27.59, P < 0.05). Our results were consistent with the Janzen,Cornell escape hypothesis and have implications for natural regeneration of M. butugi and to maintenance of species diversity. Résumé Entre décembre 2004 et avril 2005, on a étudié le schéma spatial de la distribution de jeunes plants de Manilkara butugi dans la forêt de Kakamega, au Kenya. Notre objectif était de déterminer la variation spatiale de la distribution de la densité des jeunes plants en fonction de la distance par rapport à l'arbre parent et le schéma de la survie des jeunes plants de M. butugi. Nous avions émis l'hypothèse que la densité et la mortalité des jeunes plants seraient maximales sous l'arbre parent et qu'elles iraient en diminuant quand la distance augmenterait par rapport à lui. Nous avons défini des transects en ligne, rayonnant dans les quatre directions de la boussole à partir de M. butugi femelles adultes, et délimité tous les cinq mètres des quadrats où les jeunes plants furent comptés. Pour déterminer l'établissement et la survie, des transects en bandes de 5m x 40m ont été définis le long de la direction nord et nous avons récolté des données sur des variables concernant les jeunes plants. La densité des jeunes plants diminuait avec l'éloignement par rapport à l'arbre parent (F = 25.72; ddl = 3; P < 0.001). Alors que la hauteur des jeunes plants (F = 14.806; ddl = 1; P < 0.05) et le nombre de feuilles (F = 12.45, ddl = 1; P < 0.05) augmentaient avec la distance les séparant de l'arbre parent, les dommages causés aux jeunes plants diminuaient (F = 27.59; P < 0.05). Nos résultats concordent avec l'hypothèse d'évitement de Janzen-Connell et ils ont des implications pour la régénération naturelle de M. butugi et pour la préservation de la diversité des espèces. [source]

Effects of large herbivores and fire on the regeneration of Acacia erioloba woodlands in Chobe National Park, Botswana

Myra E. Barnes
Abstract Acacia erioloba woodlands provide important forage and shade for wildlife in northern Botswana. Mortality of mature trees caused by browsing elephants has been well documented but the lack of regeneration of new trees has received little attention. Annual growth of new shoots and changes in height were measured to determine the influence of elephants and small ungulate browsers, rainfall and fire on the growth and survival of established A. erioloba seedlings from 1995 to 1997 in the Savuti area of Chobe National Park. All above-ground vegetation was removed from 40% of established seedlings in 1995 and 28% in 1997 by browsing elephants, and the mean height of remaining seedlings decreased from >550 mm to <300 mm. When seedlings browsed by kudu, impala and steenbok but not elephants are considered, mean seedling height increased <50 mm per year, even though mean new shoot growth remaining at the end of the dry season was 100,200 mm. Fires burned portions of the study area in 1993 and 1997, killing above-ground vegetation, but most established A. erioloba seedlings survived, producing coppice growth from roots. While elephants and fire caused the greatest reduction in established seedling height and number, small browsers suppressed growth, keeping seedlings vulnerable to fire and delaying growth to reproductive maturity. Résumé Les forêts d'Acacia erioloba procurent une nourriture et des abris importants pour la faune au nord du Botswana. On connaît bien la mortalité des grands arbres due aux éléphants mais on n'a accordé que peu d',attention au manque de régénération de nouveaux arbres. On a mesuré la croissance annuelle des jeunes pousses et le changement de hauteur pour déterminer l'influence des éléphants et des petits ongulés, des chutes de pluies et des feux sur la croissance et la survie des semis connus d',A. erioloba, de 1995 à 1997 dans la zone de Savuti au Parc National de Chobe. Toute la végétation au-dessus du sol a été supprimée sur 40% des semis connus en 1995, et 28% en 1997 par le broutage des éléphants, et la hauteur moyenne des plants restants a baissé de > 550 mm à < 300 mm. Lorsqu'on considère les pousses broutées par les koudous, les impalas et les steenbocks, mais pas par les éléphants, la hauteur moyenne des jeunes pousses augmentait de moins de 50 mm par an même si la croissance moyenne des nouvelles pousses subsistant à la fin de la saison sèche était de 100 à 200 mm. Les feux ont brûlé des portions de la zone étudiée en 1993 et en 1997, tuant toute la végétation au-dessus du sol, mais les pousses d',A. erioloba les mieux situées ont survécu, produisant de nouveaux taillis au départ des racines. Alors que les éléphants et les feux causaient les plus fortes réductions de la hauteur et du nombre des pousses établies, les petits ruminants en supprimaient la croissance, ce qui les laissait vulnérables aux feux et retardait la croissance jusqu'à la maturité. [source]

Identity and Pathogenicity of Fungi Associated with Root and Crown Rot of Soft Red Winter Wheat Grown on the Upper Coastal Plain Land Resource Area of Mississippi

M. S. Gonzalez
Seedling stand, disease severity and fungal incidence were determined from untreated ,Wakefield' soft red winter wheat planted on a Leeper silty clay loam in field tests conducted at the Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station, Plant Science Research Center, Mississippi State University, Starkville, Mississippi during the 1996,97 and 1997,98 growing seasons. Seedling stand was reduced by 40% each year in plots established with untreated seed. Cochliobolus sativus was the most frequently isolated fungus. Fusarium acuminatum, Fusarium equiseti and Fusarium solani were the most prevalent Fusarium spp. Seven other Fusarium spp. and 23 species of other fungal genera were isolated. Pathogenicity tests with three isolates each of C. sativus, Cochliobolus spicifer, F. acuminatum, F. solani, F. equiseti, Fusarium compactum, Embellisia chlamydospora and Microdochium bolleyi were performed in test tube culture and two isolates each of C. sativus, C. spicifer, F. acuminatum, E. chlamydospora and M. bolleyi under greenhouse conditions. In test tubes and in the greenhouse, seedlings infected with isolates of C. sativus developed seedling blight, discoloration and necrosis, primarily in seminal roots and crowns. In the greenhouse, C. sativus induced lesions on the lower leaf sheath and reduced seedling height, seedling emergence, dry and fresh weight of roots and shoots. Isolates of F. acuminatum, F. solani, F. equiseti, F. compactum, E. chlamydospora and M. bolleyi induced slight to moderate orange to light-brown discoloration of crown and seminal roots in test tubes. Cochliobolus spicifer isolates had the most pre-emergence activity, inducing black root discoloration and root pruning of wheat seedlings and reducing seedling emergence, root fresh weight and shoot dry weight. In the greenhouse, F. acuminatum reduced seedling height, seedling emergence and root and shoot dry weights. Microdochium bolleyi and E. chlamydospora reduced fresh and dry weight of roots, plant emergence and shoot dry weight. Fusarium acuminatum and C. spicifer reduced the growth rate of wheat seedlings. All fungi evaluated showed increased disease severity compared to the untreated control. The high frequency of isolation of C. sativus from crown and root tissues can be partially explained by the dry, warm conditions during the early stages of wheat seedling development in the Upper Coastal Plain Land Resource Area of Mississippi. Zusammenfassung Die Auflaufrate von Sämlingen, die Stärke des Krank-heitsbefalls sowie die Häufigkeit von Pilzarten wurden bei nicht behandelten roten Weichwinterweizen der Sorte Wakefield ermittelt, welche in einem Leeper schlammigen Tonboden an der Mississippi Agricultural & Forestry Experiment Station, Plant Science Research Center, Mississippi State University, Starkville, Mississippi in der 1996,97 und 1997,98 Saison gesät worden waren. In beiden Jahren wurde die Auflaufrate von nicht behandeltem Saatgut um 40% reduziert. Cochliobolus sativus wurde am häufigsten isoliert. Fusarium acuminatum, Fusarium equiseti und Fusarium solani waren die überwiegenden Fusarium spp. Außierdem wurden sieben weitere Fusarium spp. sowie 23 weitere Pilzarten isoliert. Pathogenitätstests mit je 3 Isolaten von C. sativus, Cochliobolus spicifer, F. acuminatum, F. solani, F. equiseti, Fusarium compactum, Embellisia chlamydospora und Microdochiumbolleyi wurden in Reagenzröhrchen durchgeführt, sowie mit je 2 Isolaten von C. sativus, C. spicifer, F. acuminatum, E. chlamydospora und M. bolleyi unter Gewächshausbedingungen. Sowohl in den Reagenzröhrchen als auch im Gewächshaus entwickelten Sämlinge, die mit C. sativus inokuliert worden waren, eine Fäule, Verfärbung sowie Nekrosis, hauptsächlich in den sekundären Wurzeln und in den Halmbasen. Unter Gewächshausbedingungen verursachte C. sativus außierdem Läsionen der unteren Blattscheide sowie eine Reduzierung des Sämlingswachstums, des Sämlingsauflaufs, des Trocken-und Frischgewichts der Wurzeln und Sprossen. Im Reagenzröhrchentest induzierten Isolate von F. acuminatum, F. solani, F. equiseti, F. compactum, E. chlamydospora und M. bolleyieine schwache bis mäßiige orange bis hell braune Verfärbung des Halmbasis und der Sekundärwurzeln. Isolate von C. spicifer besaßien die höchste Vorauflaufaktivität und induzierten eine Verschwärzung und Verkürzung der Wurzeln sowie eine Reduzierung des Sämlingsauflaufs, des Wurzelfrischgewichts sowie des Sproitrockengewichts. Unter Gewächshausbedingungen reduzierte F. acuminatum die Sämlingshöhe, die Auflaufrate sowie das Trockengewicht der Wurzeln und Sproien. Microdochium bolleyi und E. chlamydospora reduzierten das Frisch-und Trockengewicht der Wurzeln, die Auflaufrate sowie das Sproßitrockengewicht. Die Wachstumsrate der Sämlinge wurde durch F. acuminatum und C. spicifer reduziert. Alle untersuchten Pilzarten erhöhten die Befallsstärke verglichen mit der unbehandelten Kontrolle. Die hohe Isolierungsrate von C. sativus aus dem Halmbasis-und Wurzelgewebe kann zum Teil dadurch erklärt werden, dass während der Frühentwicklungsphase der Sämlinge trockene und warme Wachstumsbedingungen in diesem Gebiet herrschten. [source]

Restoring Tree Islands in the Everglades: Experimental Studies of Tree Seedling Survival and Growth

Arnold G. Van Der Valk
Abstract In May 2004, 400 tree seedlings of seven different species found on tree islands in the Florida Everglades were planted at different elevations along five transects on eight newly constructed tree islands, four with and four without limestone cores. Seedlings suffered between 40 and 85% mortality during the first 120 days, the period with the lowest water levels. Ilex cassine L., Salix caroliniana Michx., Chrysobalanus icaco L., and Annona glabra had the highest number of surviving seedlings, whereas Magnolia virginiana L., Myrica cerifera L., and Acer rubrum L. had the fewest. During the remainder of the study, water levels were mostly higher and sometimes covered the entire islands for months at a time. After 220 days, nearly all seedlings of M. virginiana and My. cerifera had died. At the end of the study, seedlings of I. cassine and A. glabra had the highest survivorship rates. Seedling biomass of C. icaco and I. cassine was greatest at the highest elevations, whereas seedlings of A. glabra had similar biomass at all elevations. Seedling survivorship was not statistically different between islands with and without limestone cores; however, when seedlings of all species were combined, island core type was significantly different for aboveground biomass, seedling height, and canopy width. Because of the higher survivorship under both low and high water conditions, A. glabra, I. cassine, and S. caroliniana are the most suitable species for establishing tree species on restored tree islands in the Everglades. [source]

Evaluating interactions between soil drainage and seedling performance in a restoration of Pinus sylvestris woodland, Scotland

GLOBAL ECOLOGY, Issue 2 2001
M. D. Crowell
Abstract 1,This paper evaluates the role of soil drainage in tree seedling performance at a site being restored from Calluna vulgaris moorland to Pinus sylvestris woodland, in Glen Affric, Scotland. The investigation focuses on the relationships between height of planted seedlings, type of ground vegetation and drainage conditions. 2,Slope, aspect, and soil depth were assessed as potential surrogates for direct measures of soil drainage, all of which were derived from digital terrain data. 3,Six variables related to drainage were recorded at 58 seedling locations and used in a factor analysis to understand links between soil moisture conditions, topographic variables and soil depth characteristics. 4,Factor analysis generated two factors that accounted for 70.5% of the variance in the correlation matrix of these variables: Factor 1 correlated strongly with variables that controlled peat accumulation and Factor 2 correlated strongly with topographic controls upon drainage patterns. 5,These two factors explained a significant amount of the variance in height of the Pinus seedlings planted at these locations. Significant differences were found between the factor scores associated with different types of ground vegetation, as well as between the seedling heights observed at locations with different vegetation types. 6,Multiple regressions were developed that indicated that slope, aspect, and soil depth were significant as independent variables in models where soil moisture content and aerobic soil depth were the dependent variables. [source]

Variability in survival and mortality of Acacia drepanolobium Sjøstedt following prescribed burning at Olpejeta Conservancy, Kenya

Geoffrey M. Wahungu
Abstract Mortalities to Acacia drepanolobium, a main item in the diet of the eastern black rhino (Diceros bicornis Michaeli) in Olpejeta conservancy, Kenya, are caused by three main factors: drought, browsers and fire. The effect of controlled fires on A. drepanolobium was examined by monitoring survival and growth in experimental plots before and after fire episodes between 2003 and 2007. Density, survival and growth in A. drepanolobium trees were compared eighteen months before and after burning. Tall trees were more likely to die from fire compared to short trees (R2 = 0.575; df = 6; P = 0.048), while seedling densities increased after fire (,2 = 36.57; df = 1; P = 0.001). Even with increased seedling densities, burned areas attracted large numbers of seedling predators, lowering the possibility of seedling recruitment into adult, as mean seedling heights reduced significantly (ANOVA, F = 204.42; df = 1; P = 0.036). Fires also significantly lowered flowering (F = 346; df = 1; P < 0.05) in A. drepanolobium, thereby affecting fruit production. Although fires caused mortalities to adult A. drepanolobium, the most significant effect was tree reversals into seedling height class as trees resprouted. Although fire may increase browse biomass of A. drepanolobium available for black rhino, it is not an appropriate black rhino habitat management tool because burnt areas attract many seedling predators that lower seedling recruitment into adult trees. Résumé La mortalité d'Acacia drepanolobium dans l'aire de conservation d'Olpejeta, au Kenya, est causée par trois facteurs principaux, la sécheresse, les herbivores et les feux. On a examiné l'effet des feux contrôlés sur A. drepanolobium en suivant la survie et la croissance dans des parcelles expérimentales 18 mois avant et après les feux, entre 2003 et 2007. On a comparé la densité, la survie et la croissance d'A. drepanolobium 18 mois avant et après les feux. Les grands arbres étaient plus susceptibles de mourir à cause des feux que les petits (R² = 0,575; ddl = 6; P = 0,048) alors que la densité des jeunes plants augmentait après les feux (,² = 36,57; ddl = 1; P = 0,001). Même si la densité de jeunes plants était accrue, les zones brûlées attiraient de grands nombres de prédateurs de ces plants, diminuant ainsi la possibilité de recrutement vers l'âge adulte, parce que la hauteur moyenne des jeunes plants était significativement réduite (Anova, F = 204,42; ddl = 1; P =0,036). Les feux réduisaient aussi significativement la floraison (F = 346; ddl = 1; P < 0,05) chez A. drepanolobium, affectant dès lors la production de fruits. Même si les feux causaient une certaine mortalité chez les A. drepanolobium adultes, l'effet le plus significatif était le retour des arbres dans des classes de hauteur des jeunes plants lorsque les arbres rejetaient. Même si les feux peuvent augmenter la biomasse de brout d'A. drepanolobium disponible pour les rhinos noirs, ils ne sont pas un outil de gestion approprié pour l'habitat des rhinos parce que les zones brûlées peuvent attirer des nombreux prédateurs des jeunes plants qui réduisent le recrutement de ceux-ci vers l'âge adulte. [source]