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Seed Predators (seed + predator)
Kinds of Seed Predators Selected AbstractsSpatial Variation in the Strength of a Trophic Cascade Involving Ruellia nudiflora (Acanthaceae), an Insect Seed Predator and Associated Parasitoid Fauna in MexicoBIOTROPICA, Issue 2 2010Luis Abdala-Roberts ABSTRACT Spatial variation in the strength of herbivore top-down control represents an important source of variation in plant fitness measures and community structure and function. By measuring seed predator (larvae of a Noctuid moth) and parasitoid impacts on Ruellia nudiflora across a broad spatial scale in Yucatan (Mexico), this study addressed the following: (1) to what extent does seed predator and parasitoid attack intensity associated with R. nudiflora vary spatially? (2) Does parasitoid attack result in a positive indirect effect on the plant, and does the intensity of this effect vary spatially? During the peak of fruit production (late June,early July) of 2005, we collected fruits from 21 R. nudiflora populations and grouped them into four regions: center, east, north and south. For each fruit we recorded: observed seed number, number of seeds eaten, seed predator presence, parasitoid presence and number of seeds ,saved' by parasitoids. Seed predators attacked ca 30 percent of fruits/plant on average, while parasitoids were found in 24 percent of seed predator-attacked fruits. Results indicated spatial variation in seed predator and parasitoid attack levels; interestingly, a contrasting spatial gradient of attack intensity was observed: populations/regions with greatest parasitoid attack levels usually had the lowest seed predator attack levels and vice versa, suggesting top-down control of parasitoids on seed predators. We observed a weak overall indirect impact of parasitoids on R. nudiflora (4% seeds ,saved' on average), which nonetheless varied strongly across populations (e.g., close to 14% seeds saved at one population). Findings indicate a geographical structuring of interaction strengths across populations, as well as spatial variation in the strength of parasitoid cascading effects on plant reproduction. Abstract in Spanish is available at http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/loi/btp [source] Does Forest Fragmentation and Selective Logging Affect Seed Predators and Seed Predation Rates of Prunus africana (Rosaceae)?BIOTROPICA, Issue 2 2008Nina Farwig ABSTRACT Forest fragmentation and selective logging can influence the life cycle of tropical tree species at several levels, e.g., by lowering pollination, by limiting seed dispersal, and by increasing seed predation. Understanding human-induced modifications in ecosystem processes such as seed predation is essential for conservation management of threatened species. We studied the impact of forest fragmentation and selective logging on seed predation of the endangered tree Prunus africana in the tropical rain forest of Kakamega, Kenya. We quantified the activity of seed predators in the main forest, forest fragments, and in sites of different logging intensity in the dry and rainy seasons of 2003 and 2006. Further, we performed predation experiments with single and groups of P. africana seeds in the same sites. We recorded a tendency toward higher activity of seed predators in the main forest compared to fragmented sites. Single seeds, in contrast to groups of seeds, had marginally significantly higher predation rates in intensively logged compared to moderately logged sites. Overall, predation rates showed little relationship to seed predator activity and were highly variable among years and seasons. Additional studies on seedling establishment and survival are needed to predict whether the endangered tree is able to maintain sustainable populations in Kakamega Forest. Only by studying all processes in the life cycle is it possible to develop sound management strategies for the species. [source] Noncorrelated effects of seed predation and pollination on the perennial herb Ruellia nudiflora remain spatially consistentBIOLOGICAL JOURNAL OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY, Issue 4 2009LUIS ABDALA-ROBERTS By simultaneously manipulating both seed predator and pollinator effects on the perennial herb Ruellia nudiflora at two sites in Yucatan (Mexico), the present study evaluated (1) whether a correlation (interaction) existed between seed predator and pollinator effects on R. nudiflora seed production and (2) whether such an interaction varied geographically. We used three populations per site, and a total of 20 plants per population (N = 120). Groups of five plants were randomly chosen at each population to simultaneously receive one of two seed predator and pollinator exclosure levels (present or excluded in each case). These two factors were fully crossed, resulting in each group being subjected to one of four possible combinations: pollinators excluded/herbivores present; herbivores excluded/pollinators present; herbivores excluded/pollinators excluded; or control (neither excluded). Response variables were the number of seeds produced per plant and the proportion of attacked fruits by seed predators per plant. Seed predators had a large impact on R. nudiflora seed production but did not show any preference for fruits from plants not excluded from pollinators. In addition, the pollination treatment was not significant, indicating no effect of pollinators on reproductive success. These findings resulted in a nonsignificant herbivory × pollination interaction, which was consistent across sites, indicating lack of correlated selection of these two guilds on R. nudiflora seed production. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 96, 800,807. [source] Spatial Variation in the Strength of a Trophic Cascade Involving Ruellia nudiflora (Acanthaceae), an Insect Seed Predator and Associated Parasitoid Fauna in MexicoBIOTROPICA, Issue 2 2010Luis Abdala-Roberts ABSTRACT Spatial variation in the strength of herbivore top-down control represents an important source of variation in plant fitness measures and community structure and function. By measuring seed predator (larvae of a Noctuid moth) and parasitoid impacts on Ruellia nudiflora across a broad spatial scale in Yucatan (Mexico), this study addressed the following: (1) to what extent does seed predator and parasitoid attack intensity associated with R. nudiflora vary spatially? (2) Does parasitoid attack result in a positive indirect effect on the plant, and does the intensity of this effect vary spatially? During the peak of fruit production (late June,early July) of 2005, we collected fruits from 21 R. nudiflora populations and grouped them into four regions: center, east, north and south. For each fruit we recorded: observed seed number, number of seeds eaten, seed predator presence, parasitoid presence and number of seeds ,saved' by parasitoids. Seed predators attacked ca 30 percent of fruits/plant on average, while parasitoids were found in 24 percent of seed predator-attacked fruits. Results indicated spatial variation in seed predator and parasitoid attack levels; interestingly, a contrasting spatial gradient of attack intensity was observed: populations/regions with greatest parasitoid attack levels usually had the lowest seed predator attack levels and vice versa, suggesting top-down control of parasitoids on seed predators. We observed a weak overall indirect impact of parasitoids on R. nudiflora (4% seeds ,saved' on average), which nonetheless varied strongly across populations (e.g., close to 14% seeds saved at one population). Findings indicate a geographical structuring of interaction strengths across populations, as well as spatial variation in the strength of parasitoid cascading effects on plant reproduction. Abstract in Spanish is available at http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/loi/btp [source] A novel host shift and invaded range of a seed predator, Acanthoscelides macrophthalmus (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Bruchinae), of an invasive weed, Leucaena leucocephalaENTOMOLOGICAL SCIENCE, Issue 1 2009Midori TUDA Abstract An endophagous seed predator, Acanthoscelides macrophthalmus (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Bruchinae), utilizes Neotropical Leucaena (Fabaceae: Mimosoideae). One of its hosts, Leucaena leucocephala, is a fast-growing nitrogen-fixing tree that serves as a multipurpose beneficial plant but eventually becomes an aggressive invader where it was introduced. Herein, we report A. macrophthalmus invasion of the Far East, South Asian tropics and subtropics (Japanese Pacific Islands, Taiwan, Southern China, Northern Thailand and Southern India). Of other field-collected mimosoid legumes, an introduced tree, Falcataria moluccana, in Taiwan was found to be used by the seed predator. Conversely, our published work review revealed that the seed predator had retained high host specificity to Leucaena species in its native and introduced regions. Acanthoscelides macrophthalmus was able to utilize aphagously postharvest mature seeds for oviposition and larval development, which is a trait of post-dispersal seed predators. We confirmed that A. macrophthalmus that was reared on L. leucocephala was able to utilize F. moluccana as well. Although the relatively high host specificity of the oligophagous beetle is suitable for controlling the weedy L. leucocephala, the potential host range expansion confirmed by this study must be cautioned. [source] CONFLICTING SELECTION FROM AN ANTAGONIST AND A MUTUALIST ENHANCES PHENOTYPIC VARIATION IN A PLANTEVOLUTION, Issue 4 2010Adam M. Siepielski The raw material for evolution is variation. Consequently, identifying the factors that generate, maintain, and erode phenotypic and genetic variation in ecologically important traits within and among populations is important. Although persistent directional or stabilizing selection can deplete variation, spatial variation in conflicting directional selection can enhance variation. Here, we present evidence that phenotypic variation in limber pine (Pinus flexilis) cone structure is enhanced by conflicting selection pressures exerted by its mutualistic seed disperser (Clark's nutcracker Nucifraga columbiana) and an antagonistic seed predator (pine squirrel Tamiasciurus spp.). Phenotypic variation in cone structure was bimodal and about two times greater where both agents of selection co-occurred than where one (the seed predator) was absent. Within the region where both agents of selection co-occurred, bimodality in cone structure was pronounced where there appears to be a mosaic of habitats with some persistent habitats supporting only the seed disperser. These results indicate that conflicting selection stemming from spatial variation in community diversity can enhance phenotypic variation in ecologically important traits. [source] Foraging by fearful frugivores: combined effect of fruit ripening and predation riskFUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY, Issue 6 2006J. M. FEDRIANI Summary 1Plant defensive compounds and predation risk are main determinants of herbivore foraging, though empirical studies have seldom measured the combined effects of these two factors. By considering the interaction between the herb Helleborus foetidus and its main fruit and seed predator, the Wood Mouse Apodemus sylvaticus, we evaluated whether the defensive role against seed predators of compounds present in H. foetidus unripe fruits holds across a micro-landscape that differs in foraging costs (i.e. predation risk). 2First, we used standardized food patches that simulated fruiting H. foetidus plants to ascertain fruit preferences of captive mice. Then, by means of field experiments, we assessed the combined effects of fruit ripening and predation risk on foraging by free-ranging mice. 3Captive mice avoided plants with unripe fruit and avoided consuming unripe fruits within a particular plant. Free-ranging mice also avoided unripe fruits in safe microhabitats (rocky substrate), but not in risky microhabitats (bare ground) where few fruits were consumed. This unexpected result may be driven by predation risk experienced by mice foraging on H. foetidus fruits, and/or plant defensive compounds acting in a dose-dependent manner. 4Frugivorous mice responded to both chemical defences present in unripe H. foetidus fruits as well as to predation cost though such response was sequential. Plant defence compounds appeared to play a part in mouse foraging only after mice selected low predation risk microhabitats. 5Our study indicates that both digestive and ecological factors influence foraging decisions, which in turn affects pressures exerted by herbivores on plant populations. [source] The specialist seed predator Bruchidius dorsalis (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) plays a crucial role in the seed germination of its host plant, Gleditsia japonica (Leguminosae)FUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY, Issue 2 2002K. Takakura Summary 1,This paper describes the germination mechanism of hard seeds of a species of honey locust, Gleditsia japonica, which can germinate only when externally damaged, in relation to four germinating factors: feeding damage by two specialist seed predators, a bean weevil (Bruchidius dorsalis) and a cydid bug (Adrisa magna); feeding damage by a generalist seed predator, a wild mouse (Apodemus speciosus); and physical damage. 2,In laboratory experiments, both the bean weevil and physical damage facilitated germination, while damage by the cydid bug and wild mouse did not. 3,In contrast to laboratory findings, field censuses of G. japonica seed survival revealed that more than 99% were damaged either by B. dorsalis or A. magna. Therefore, less than 0·5% of the seeds remained intact, preventing formation of a seed bank. 4,In addition, all germinating seeds found in the field contained B. dorsalis larvae. 5,These results strongly suggest that damage by B. dorsalis is a prerequisite for G. japonica germination, in contrast to the conventional view that physical disturbance, possibly flooding, is the primary germinating factor for hard seeds. [source] The role of competition in adaptive radiation: a field study on sequentially ovipositing host-specific seed predatorsJOURNAL OF ANIMAL ECOLOGY, Issue 1 2004Laurence Després Summary 1We propose an alternative model to the host-shifting model of sympatric speciation in plant,insect systems. The role of competition in driving ecological adaptive radiation was evaluated in a seed predator exploiting a single host-plant species. Sympatric speciation may occur through disruptive selection on oviposition timing if this shift decreases competition among larvae feeding on seeds. 2The globeflower fly Chiastocheta presents a unique case of adaptive radiation, with at least six sister species co-developing in fruits of Trollius europaeus. These species all feed on seeds, and differ in their oviposition timing, one species ovipositing in 1-day-old flowers (early species), while all the other species sequentially oviposit throughout the flower life span (late species). We evaluated the impact of conspecific and heterospecific larvae on larval installation success, and on larval fresh mass and area, for early and late species, in natural conditions. 3None of the three larval traits measured was correlated with fruit size, and no fruit lost all seeds to predation, suggesting that seed availability was not a limiting factor for larval development. 4Our results show strong intraspecific competition among early larvae for larval installation, and among late larvae for larval mass. By contrast, larval competition between species was weak. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that shifts in oviposition promoted rapid radiation in globeflower flies by lowering competition among larvae. [source] Local-scale synchrony and variability in mast seed production patterns of Picea glaucaJOURNAL OF ECOLOGY, Issue 5 2007JALENE M. LAMONTAGNE Summary 1Mast seeding is the synchronous and highly variable production of seed by a population of plants. Mast seeding results from the behaviour of individuals; however, little is known about the synchrony of individuals at local scales. 2We address two primary questions at a within-population (17,36 ha study plots) and individual level: (i) How variable is seed production between and within years? (ii) How synchronized is seed production between individuals? 3We monitored annual cone production of 356 Picea glauca (white spruce) from 1990 to 2005 within four plots spanning a total distance of 5.3 km in the Yukon Territory, Canada. 4Spearman correlations (rs) were conducted to test for synchrony. Overall, the trees were moderately synchronous (mean rs (± SE) of 0.52 ± 0.14), and synchrony was statistically detectable (rs > 0) over all distances. Individuals < 75 m apart were highly synchronous (0.64 ± 0.18), and correlations dropped to 0.33 ± 0.07 for trees > 3 km apart. There was considerable variation in cone production patterns among pairs of individuals. 5The number of mast years per plot varied from one to three. During a mast year, many individuals within plots produced large cone crops, with more variability between individuals in low mean cone years. Individual trees had dominant endogenous cycles varying from none to 1,5 years. Forty-four per cent of trees had no significant lag, 23% a negative 1-year lag, and 20% a positive 3-year lag. Basal area did not influence lags, but trees with higher mean cone production throughout the study were more likely to have a 3-year lag compared with no lag. 6The scale of highest synchrony coincided with the scale at which the dominant seed predator in the area, the territorial red squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus), operates. This may be the scale at which selection for synchrony occurs. 7Based on high synchrony locally, high synchrony within a mast year, and multiple lags in cone production by individuals, both available resources and strong weather cues appear to play roles in the observed patterns. [source] Phylogeography and the geographic cline in the armament of a seed-predatory weevil: effects of historical events vs. natural selection from the host plantMOLECULAR ECOLOGY, Issue 13 2006HIROKAZU TOJU Abstract Japanese camellia (Camellia japonica) and its seed predator, the camellia weevil (Curculio camelliae), provide a notable example of a geographic mosaic of coevolution. In the species interaction, the offensive trait of the weevil (rostrum length) and the defensive trait of the plant (pericarp thickness) are involved in a geographically-structured arms race, and these traits and selective pressures acting on the plant defence vary greatly across a geographical landscape. To further explore the geographical structure of this interspecific interaction, we tested whether the geographical variation in the weevil rostrum over an 800-km range along latitude is attributed to local natural selection or constrained by historical (phylogeographical) events of local populations. Phylogeographical analyses of the mitochondrial DNA sequences of the camellia weevil revealed that this species has experienced differentiation into two regions, with a population bottleneck and subsequent range and/or population expansion within each region. Although these phylogeographical factors have affected the variation in rostrum length, analyses of competing factors for the geographical variation revealed that this pattern is primarily determined by the defensive trait of the host plant rather than by the effects of historical events of populations and a climatic factor (annual mean temperature). Thus, our study suggests the overwhelming strength of coevolutionary selection against the effect of historical events, which may have limited local adaptation. [source] Masting and trophic cascades: interplay between rowan trees, apple fruit moth, and their parasitoid in southern NorwayOIKOS, Issue 3 2004Akiko Satake We analyzed berry production in rowan, Sorbus aucuparia L., in southern Norway and examined the ramifying effects of rowan masting on the dynamics of the dominant seed predator and its parasitoid. The apple fruit moth, Argyresthia conjugella Zeller, is a pre-dispersal seed predator of rowan. The larva of the apple fruit moth rely on rowan berries, which in turn is attacked by the parasitoid wasp, Microgaster politus Marsh. We found classic masting in rowan: berry production varied across years (the mean coefficient of variation=1.02) and was spatially synchronized at large scale (the averaged correlation coefficient=0.67). Berry production represented a two-year cycle in western but a three-year cycle in eastern Norway. The abundance of the moth and the parasitoid also varied across years and were spatially synchronized. The degree of spatial synchrony decreased and cyclicity became obscure with increasing trophic level. We attempted to assess two different components to the predator satiation, functional and numerical satiations, based on a simple population dynamics model. The observed pattern of seed predation testified that both of functional and numerical satiations were at work in this system. In a comparison at different locations, rowan trees with more variable berry production were more effective in reducing losses to the seed predator. The parasitoids also seemed to experience satiation through the fluctuation in their host abundance. These results show that rowan masting has an adaptive foundation, which impacts the dynamics of higher trophic levels. [source] Local adaptation in a plant herbivore interaction depends on the spatial scaleBIOLOGICAL JOURNAL OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY, Issue 3 2009RODRIGO COGNI Local adaptation has central importance in the understanding of co-evolution, maintenance of sexual reproduction, and speciation. We investigated local adaptation in the alkaloid-bearing legume Crotalaria pallida and its seed predator, the arctiid moth Utetheisa ornatrix, at different spatial scales. When we studied three populations from south-east Brazil (150 km apart), we did not find evidence of local adaptation, although we did find interpopulational differences in herbivore performance, and a significant interaction between herbivore sex and plant population. These results indicate that both moth and plant populations are differentiated at the regional scale. In a comparison of populations from Brazil and Florida, the herbivore showed local adaptation to its host plant; for both moth populations, the pupae were heavier when the larvae ate the sympatric than the allopatric host population. We discuss the scale dependence of our results and the possible causes for the lack of local adaptation at the regional scale, even in the presence of plant and moth differentiation. The results obtained demonstrate the importance of studying co-evolution and local adaptation at different geographical scales. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 97, 494,502. [source] Noncorrelated effects of seed predation and pollination on the perennial herb Ruellia nudiflora remain spatially consistentBIOLOGICAL JOURNAL OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY, Issue 4 2009LUIS ABDALA-ROBERTS By simultaneously manipulating both seed predator and pollinator effects on the perennial herb Ruellia nudiflora at two sites in Yucatan (Mexico), the present study evaluated (1) whether a correlation (interaction) existed between seed predator and pollinator effects on R. nudiflora seed production and (2) whether such an interaction varied geographically. We used three populations per site, and a total of 20 plants per population (N = 120). Groups of five plants were randomly chosen at each population to simultaneously receive one of two seed predator and pollinator exclosure levels (present or excluded in each case). These two factors were fully crossed, resulting in each group being subjected to one of four possible combinations: pollinators excluded/herbivores present; herbivores excluded/pollinators present; herbivores excluded/pollinators excluded; or control (neither excluded). Response variables were the number of seeds produced per plant and the proportion of attacked fruits by seed predators per plant. Seed predators had a large impact on R. nudiflora seed production but did not show any preference for fruits from plants not excluded from pollinators. In addition, the pollination treatment was not significant, indicating no effect of pollinators on reproductive success. These findings resulted in a nonsignificant herbivory × pollination interaction, which was consistent across sites, indicating lack of correlated selection of these two guilds on R. nudiflora seed production. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 96, 800,807. [source] Spatial Variation in the Strength of a Trophic Cascade Involving Ruellia nudiflora (Acanthaceae), an Insect Seed Predator and Associated Parasitoid Fauna in MexicoBIOTROPICA, Issue 2 2010Luis Abdala-Roberts ABSTRACT Spatial variation in the strength of herbivore top-down control represents an important source of variation in plant fitness measures and community structure and function. By measuring seed predator (larvae of a Noctuid moth) and parasitoid impacts on Ruellia nudiflora across a broad spatial scale in Yucatan (Mexico), this study addressed the following: (1) to what extent does seed predator and parasitoid attack intensity associated with R. nudiflora vary spatially? (2) Does parasitoid attack result in a positive indirect effect on the plant, and does the intensity of this effect vary spatially? During the peak of fruit production (late June,early July) of 2005, we collected fruits from 21 R. nudiflora populations and grouped them into four regions: center, east, north and south. For each fruit we recorded: observed seed number, number of seeds eaten, seed predator presence, parasitoid presence and number of seeds ,saved' by parasitoids. Seed predators attacked ca 30 percent of fruits/plant on average, while parasitoids were found in 24 percent of seed predator-attacked fruits. Results indicated spatial variation in seed predator and parasitoid attack levels; interestingly, a contrasting spatial gradient of attack intensity was observed: populations/regions with greatest parasitoid attack levels usually had the lowest seed predator attack levels and vice versa, suggesting top-down control of parasitoids on seed predators. We observed a weak overall indirect impact of parasitoids on R. nudiflora (4% seeds ,saved' on average), which nonetheless varied strongly across populations (e.g., close to 14% seeds saved at one population). Findings indicate a geographical structuring of interaction strengths across populations, as well as spatial variation in the strength of parasitoid cascading effects on plant reproduction. Abstract in Spanish is available at http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/loi/btp [source] Fragmentation, habitat composition and the dispersal/predation balance in interactions between the Mediterranean myrtle and avian frugivoresECOGRAPHY, Issue 1 2010Juan P. González-Varo Human-induced fragmentation and disturbance of natural habitats can shift abundance and composition of frugivore assemblages, which may alter patterns of frugivory and seed dispersal. However, despite their relevance to the functioning of ecosystems, plant-frugivore interactions in fragmented areas have been to date poorly studied. I investigated spatial variation of avian frugivore assemblages and fruit removal by dispersers and predators from Mediterranean myrtle shrubs (Myrtus communis) in relation to the degree of fragmentation and habitat features of nine woodland patches (72 plants). The study was conducted within the chronically fragmented landscape of the Guadalquivir Valley (SW Spain), characterized by ~1% of woodland cover. Results showed that the abundance and composition of the disperser guild was not affected by fragmentation, habitat features or geographical location. However, individual species and groups of resident/migrant birds responded differently: whereas resident dispersers were more abundant in large patches, wintering dispersers were more abundant in fruit-rich patches. Predator abundances were similar between patches, although the guild composition shifted with fragmentation. The proportion of myrtle fruits consumed by dispersers and predators varied greatly between patches, but did not depend on bird abundances. The geographical location of patches determined the presence or absence of interactions between myrtles and seed predators (six predated and three non-predated patches), a fact that greatly influenced fruit dispersal success. Moreover, predation rates were lower (and dispersal rates higher) in large patches with fruit-poor heterospecific environments (i.e. dominated by myrtle). Predator satiation and a higher preference for heterospecific fruits by dispersers may explain these patterns. These results show that 1) the frugivore assemblage in warm Mediterranean lowlands is mostly composed of fragmentation-tolerant species that respond differently to landscape changes; and 2) that the feeding behaviour of both dispersers and predators influenced by local fruit availability may be of great importance for interpreting patterns of frugivory throughout the study area. [source] Adaptive radiation through phenological shift: the importance of the temporal niche in species diversificationECOLOGICAL ENTOMOLOGY, Issue 1 2009JEAN-MARIE SACHET Abstract 1.,Phenological shift in oviposition in seed predators may be a key factor for adaptive radiation if temporal differences lead to less intense competition. 2.,This hypothesis was tested at two sites in the French Alps in three sympatric species of larch cone flies grouped into two phenological groups (early and late) differing in adult emergence and oviposition timing by approximately 2 weeks. The present study assessed the intensity of competition within and between groups by measuring four larval traits. Cone traits were measured, and the impact of early species parasitism on cone development was assessed. 3.,The occupation of the central axis of a developing cone by one early larva has a strong detrimental effect on cone growth and seed production. However, there was almost no correlation between the variables measured on the cones and on the larvae, suggesting that the resources available were not limiting. 4.,Inter-group competition had no significant effect on early larvae. In contrast, both inter- and intra-group competition had a significant negative effect on late larvae length (,11% and ,16% respectively), dry mass (,8% and ,23%), and lipid mass (,15% and ,26%). The intensity of competition was stronger among larvae in the same phenological group, which is consistent with the hypothesis that shifts in oviposition promote adaptive radiation in larch cone flies by reducing competition among larvae. [source] Genetic divergence and ecological specialisation of seed weevils (Exapion spp.) on gorses (Ulex spp.)ECOLOGICAL ENTOMOLOGY, Issue 3 2008MYRIAM BARAT Abstract 1.,Reproductive isolation of sympatric populations may result from divergent selection of populations in different environments, and lead to ecological specialisation. In Brittany (France), the gorse Ulex europaeus (Fabaceae, Genisteae), may be encountered in sympatry with one of the two other gorse species present: U. gallii and U. minor. A recent study based on morphological identification of seed predators of gorse has shown that two weevil species (Curculionoidea, Apionidae) infest gorse pods at different seasons and have different host ranges: Exapion ulicis infests U. europaeus in spring, whereas E. lemovicinum infests U. gallii and U. minor in autumn. Weevil populations may thus have diverged in sympatry. 2.,As morphological identification of weevils is often difficult and some of the characters used may exhibit individual or environmental variation, mitochondrial and nuclear sequences of weevils collected within pods of the three gorse species in 10 populations of Brittany were used to reconstruct their phylogeny. 3.,The results reveal that species differentiation based on morphological characters is confirmed by the two molecular data sets, showing that E. ulicis and E. lemovicinum are distinct species, and suggesting the absence of host races. Finally, E. ulicis was able to use U. gallii and U. minor pods in spring in some years in some populations, which appeared to depend on the availability of pods present during its reproductive period. 4.,Divergence between E. ulicis and E. lemovicinum may have resulted from temporal isolation of reproductive periods of weevil populations followed by specialisation of insects to host phenology. [source] Long-term effects of ungulates on phytophagous insectsECOLOGICAL ENTOMOLOGY, Issue 2 2007JOSÉ M. GÓMEZ Abstract 1.,Most plants interact with a diverse suite of herbivores, allowing the opportunity for the existence of positive and negative interactions between highly dissimilar organisms. However, most studies on herbivorous interactions have been performed under the assumption that they occur mainly between similar species. Consequently, ecologists are still far from a full understanding of the ecological factors that determine insect population dynamics. 2.,In this study, a 7-year field experiment was conducted that manipulated the presence of ungulates to evaluate their effects on the abundance, attack rate, and survival of four guilds of co-occurring herbivorous insects living on the same host plant: seed predators, stem borers, gall makers and sap suckers. These four guilds differed in habits and behaviour, the first three being sessile and endophytic and the last being free-living. 3.,This study shows that the abundance of all four guilds was negatively affected by ungulates. However, the effect on attack rate differed among guilds, as mammals do not affect the seed predator attack rate. Ungulates also differentially affected insect survival, ingesting only seed predators and gall makers. 4.,In summary, this study suggests that diverse mechanisms may affect different insect guilds in different ways. Therefore, competition between disparate herbivores appears to be complex and can be provoked by multiple mechanisms. [source] When do localized natural enemies increase species richness?ECOLOGY LETTERS, Issue 4 2005Frederick R. Adler Abstract The Janzen,Connell hypothesis states that local species-specific density dependence, mediated through specialist enemies of offspring such as fungal pathogens and insect seed predators, can facilitate coexistence of species by preventing recruitment near conspecific adults. We use spatially explicit simulation models and analytical approximations to evaluate how spatial scales of offspring and enemy dispersal affect species richness. In comparison with model communities in which both offspring and enemies disperse long distances, species richness is substantially decreased when offspring disperse long distances and enemies disperse short distances. In contrast, when both offspring and enemies disperse short distances species richness more than doubles and adults of each species are highly spatially clumped. For the range of conditions typical of tropical forests, locally dispersing specialist enemies may decrease species richness relative to enemies that disperse long distances. In communities where dispersal distances of both offspring and enemies are short, local effects may enhance species richness. [source] The ecological and evolutionary significance of frost in the context of climate changeECOLOGY LETTERS, Issue 5 2000D.W. Inouye The effects that below-freezing temperature (frost) can have at times of year when it is unusual are an interesting ecological phenomenon that has received little attention. The physiological consequence of formation of ice crystals in plant tissue is often death of the plants, or at least of sensitive parts that can include flower buds, ovaries, and leaves. The loss of potential for sexual reproduction can have long-lasting effects on the demography of annuals and long-lived perennials, because the short-term negative effects of frosts can result in longer-term benefits through lowered populations of seed predators. The loss of host plants can have dramatic consequences for herbivores, even causing local extinctions, and the loss of just flowers can also affect populations of seed predators and their parasitoids. Frosts can cause local extinctions and influence the geographical distribution of some species. The potential for global climate change to influence the frequency and distribution of frost events is uncertain, but it seems likely that they may become more frequent in some areas and less frequent in others. [source] A novel host shift and invaded range of a seed predator, Acanthoscelides macrophthalmus (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Bruchinae), of an invasive weed, Leucaena leucocephalaENTOMOLOGICAL SCIENCE, Issue 1 2009Midori TUDA Abstract An endophagous seed predator, Acanthoscelides macrophthalmus (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Bruchinae), utilizes Neotropical Leucaena (Fabaceae: Mimosoideae). One of its hosts, Leucaena leucocephala, is a fast-growing nitrogen-fixing tree that serves as a multipurpose beneficial plant but eventually becomes an aggressive invader where it was introduced. Herein, we report A. macrophthalmus invasion of the Far East, South Asian tropics and subtropics (Japanese Pacific Islands, Taiwan, Southern China, Northern Thailand and Southern India). Of other field-collected mimosoid legumes, an introduced tree, Falcataria moluccana, in Taiwan was found to be used by the seed predator. Conversely, our published work review revealed that the seed predator had retained high host specificity to Leucaena species in its native and introduced regions. Acanthoscelides macrophthalmus was able to utilize aphagously postharvest mature seeds for oviposition and larval development, which is a trait of post-dispersal seed predators. We confirmed that A. macrophthalmus that was reared on L. leucocephala was able to utilize F. moluccana as well. Although the relatively high host specificity of the oligophagous beetle is suitable for controlling the weedy L. leucocephala, the potential host range expansion confirmed by this study must be cautioned. [source] Foraging by fearful frugivores: combined effect of fruit ripening and predation riskFUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY, Issue 6 2006J. M. FEDRIANI Summary 1Plant defensive compounds and predation risk are main determinants of herbivore foraging, though empirical studies have seldom measured the combined effects of these two factors. By considering the interaction between the herb Helleborus foetidus and its main fruit and seed predator, the Wood Mouse Apodemus sylvaticus, we evaluated whether the defensive role against seed predators of compounds present in H. foetidus unripe fruits holds across a micro-landscape that differs in foraging costs (i.e. predation risk). 2First, we used standardized food patches that simulated fruiting H. foetidus plants to ascertain fruit preferences of captive mice. Then, by means of field experiments, we assessed the combined effects of fruit ripening and predation risk on foraging by free-ranging mice. 3Captive mice avoided plants with unripe fruit and avoided consuming unripe fruits within a particular plant. Free-ranging mice also avoided unripe fruits in safe microhabitats (rocky substrate), but not in risky microhabitats (bare ground) where few fruits were consumed. This unexpected result may be driven by predation risk experienced by mice foraging on H. foetidus fruits, and/or plant defensive compounds acting in a dose-dependent manner. 4Frugivorous mice responded to both chemical defences present in unripe H. foetidus fruits as well as to predation cost though such response was sequential. Plant defence compounds appeared to play a part in mouse foraging only after mice selected low predation risk microhabitats. 5Our study indicates that both digestive and ecological factors influence foraging decisions, which in turn affects pressures exerted by herbivores on plant populations. [source] The specialist seed predator Bruchidius dorsalis (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) plays a crucial role in the seed germination of its host plant, Gleditsia japonica (Leguminosae)FUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY, Issue 2 2002K. Takakura Summary 1,This paper describes the germination mechanism of hard seeds of a species of honey locust, Gleditsia japonica, which can germinate only when externally damaged, in relation to four germinating factors: feeding damage by two specialist seed predators, a bean weevil (Bruchidius dorsalis) and a cydid bug (Adrisa magna); feeding damage by a generalist seed predator, a wild mouse (Apodemus speciosus); and physical damage. 2,In laboratory experiments, both the bean weevil and physical damage facilitated germination, while damage by the cydid bug and wild mouse did not. 3,In contrast to laboratory findings, field censuses of G. japonica seed survival revealed that more than 99% were damaged either by B. dorsalis or A. magna. Therefore, less than 0·5% of the seeds remained intact, preventing formation of a seed bank. 4,In addition, all germinating seeds found in the field contained B. dorsalis larvae. 5,These results strongly suggest that damage by B. dorsalis is a prerequisite for G. japonica germination, in contrast to the conventional view that physical disturbance, possibly flooding, is the primary germinating factor for hard seeds. [source] Predation of beech seed by mice: effects of numerical and functional responsesJOURNAL OF ANIMAL ECOLOGY, Issue 6 2005WENDY A. RUSCOE Summary 1The functional response of post-dispersal seed predators (house mouse, Mus musculus) to absolute densities of southern beech seed (Nothofagus solandri var. cliffortioides) was studied in laboratory and field trials. House mice showed a Type II (hyperbolic) functional response to seed availability and this was not modified by the presence of an alternative food source. 2Maximum daily intake rate of beech seeds during field trials averaged 1042 seeds mouse,1. This is sufficient to provide house mice with both the energy and protein required for growth and reproduction. 3We explicitly incorporated the functional response into the numerical response of house mice to beech seed, measured for field populations monitored in a New Zealand beech forest. House mice showed a strong numerical response to beech seed intake rate that was modified by some density-dependent mechanism(s). 4We developed a model that simulated seedfall, house mouse population growth and seed reserve depletion over one year. We found that the previously reported decline in house-mouse populations in beech forests during spring and summer is likely to be related to spring beech seed germination that renders seed no longer available as a food source for house mice. 5From our simulation model it does not appear that house-mouse populations can completely eat-out beech seed reserves prior to germination in a year of large seedfall. ,Masting' behaviour in New Zealand native beech trees is therefore sufficient to satiate an eruptive population of an exotic mammalian omnivore, despite the lack of a long co-evolutionary interaction. [source] The role of competition in adaptive radiation: a field study on sequentially ovipositing host-specific seed predatorsJOURNAL OF ANIMAL ECOLOGY, Issue 1 2004Laurence Després Summary 1We propose an alternative model to the host-shifting model of sympatric speciation in plant,insect systems. The role of competition in driving ecological adaptive radiation was evaluated in a seed predator exploiting a single host-plant species. Sympatric speciation may occur through disruptive selection on oviposition timing if this shift decreases competition among larvae feeding on seeds. 2The globeflower fly Chiastocheta presents a unique case of adaptive radiation, with at least six sister species co-developing in fruits of Trollius europaeus. These species all feed on seeds, and differ in their oviposition timing, one species ovipositing in 1-day-old flowers (early species), while all the other species sequentially oviposit throughout the flower life span (late species). We evaluated the impact of conspecific and heterospecific larvae on larval installation success, and on larval fresh mass and area, for early and late species, in natural conditions. 3None of the three larval traits measured was correlated with fruit size, and no fruit lost all seeds to predation, suggesting that seed availability was not a limiting factor for larval development. 4Our results show strong intraspecific competition among early larvae for larval installation, and among late larvae for larval mass. By contrast, larval competition between species was weak. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that shifts in oviposition promoted rapid radiation in globeflower flies by lowering competition among larvae. [source] Do Meyer's Parrots Poicephalus meyeri benefit pollination and seed dispersal of plants in the Okavango Delta, Botswana?AFRICAN JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY, Issue 3 2010Rutledge S. Boyes Abstract Recent studies of new world parrots repeatedly document, with few exceptions, that parrots are wasteful and destructive predispersal seed predators that are unlikely to contribute towards pollination and seed dispersal. Few detailed studies, however, have assessed the contribution of African parrots to forest ecology by quantifying the potential net benefit of seed and flower predation by parrots for most tree species in their diet. Due to the incidence of pollen on the heads of Meyer's Parrots when feeding on Leguminosae flowers and the dispersal of viable seeds to the ground during seed predation, we compared destruction rates, when feeding on pods, fruits and flowers, with dispersal rates of viable seeds to the ground and frequency of head contact with reproductive apparatus to estimate net benefit from Meyer's Parrot feeding activity. Meyer's Parrots were not implicated in endo- or epizoochory, but they dropped uneaten fruit pulp and seeds to the ground during feeding bouts, thus providing ripe, undamaged seeds to secondary seed dispersers. This link with forest recruitment was weak, as all tree species utilized by Meyer's Parrots either had more significant primary dispersal agents or were primarily wind-dispersed. In most cases, the negative effect of seed predation outweighed any positive effects in terms of dispersal, whereby almost three times more seeds were consumed or destroyed than were dispersed to the ground. Significantly, only Sclerocarya birrea caffra recorded marginal net dispersal benefit from utilization by Meyer's Parrots. Due to low relative resource abundance and high destruction rate, feeding activity on Berchemia discolor may be significant enough to influence its spatial distribution and abundance. Utilization of flowers of Kigelia africana and Adansonia digitata by parrots likely had a significant negative impact on pollination. Feeding on Acacia nigrescens flowers, however, was potentially advantageous to their pollination. We conclude that Poicephalus parrots are net consumers of ripe, undamaged seeds and flowers, thus having an overall negative impact on forest recruitment in subtropical Africa. Résumé Les études récentes des perroquets du nouveau monde disent toujours, à quelques exceptions près, que les perroquets sont des prédateurs qui gaspillent et détruisent les semences avant leur dispersion et qu'ils sont donc peu susceptibles de contribuer à la fertilisation et à la dispersion des graines. Cependant, peu d'études détaillées ont évalué la contribution des perroquets africains à l'écologie des forêts en quantifiant le bénéfice net potentiel de la consommation des graines et des fleurs pour la plupart des espèces d'arbres qui entrent dans leur régime alimentaire. Sachant que la tête des perroquets de Meyer se charge de pollen lorsqu'ils se nourrissent de fleurs de légumineuses et qu'ils dispersent des semences viables sur le sol lorsqu'ils en consomment, nous comparons le taux de destruction, lorsqu'ils mangent des gousses, des fruits et des fleurs, avec le taux de dispersion de semences viables sur le sol et la fréquence des contacts de leur tête avec l'appareil reproducteur des plantes, pour estimer le bénéfice net de l'alimentation du perroquet de Meyer. Ces perroquets n'étaient pas impliqués dans l'endo- ou l'épizoochorie, mais lorsqu'ils mangeaient, ils laissaient tomber de la pulpe et des graines de fruits non consommées, fournissant ainsi des semences intactes à des disperseurs secondaires. Ce rapport avec le recrutement des forêts était faible dans la mesure où toutes les semences des espèces d'arbres fréquentées par les perroquets de Meyer soit avaient des agents de dispersion primaires plus importants, soit étaient principalement dispersées par le vent. Dans la plupart des cas, l'effet négatif de la consommation des semences dépassait tout effet positif en termes de dispersion, et presque trois fois plus de graines étaient mangées ou détruites que dispersées sur le sol. Il est intéressant de noter que seul Sclerocarya birrea caffra présentait un bénéfice net de dispersion marginal dûà la fréquentation des perroquets de Meyer. En raison de la faible abondance relative de ressources et du taux de destruction élevé, la consommation de Berchemia discolor pourrait être assez significative pour influencer sa distribution spatiale et son abondance. La consommation des fleurs de Kigelia africana et d'Adansonia digitata par les perroquets avait probablement un impact négatif sur leur pollinisation. Mais la consommation des fleurs d'Acacia nigrescensétait peut-être avantageuse pour la pollinisation. Nous concluons que les perroquets Poicephalus sont des consommateurs nets de graines et de fleurs mûres et intactes, et qu'ils ont donc un impact global négatif sur le recrutement des forêts en Afrique subtropicale. [source] Seed predation during general flowering events of varying magnitude in a Malaysian rain forestJOURNAL OF ECOLOGY, Issue 4 2007I-FANG SUN Summary 1The lowland dipterocarp forests of Southeast Asia exhibit interspecifically synchronized general flowering (GF) and mast fruiting at irregular multi-year intervals of 1 to 11 years. The predator satiation hypothesis (PSH) posits that GF events enhance seed survival by reducing the survival, reproduction and population sizes of seed predators between GF events, and then satiating the reduced seed predator populations during GF events. 2Three GF events of different magnitudes occurred in Pasoh Forest Reserve, Peninsular Malaysia, during 2001, 2002 and 2005. We exploited this natural experiment to test two predictions of the PSH. The first prediction was that seed survival should increase with the magnitude of the GF event. The second prediction was that seed predation should decrease with time since the previous GF event. 3A reproductive survey of all (c. 900) dipterocarp trees 30 cm d.b.h. in a 50 ha plot showed that flowering pervasiveness (the proportion of dipterocarp species participating) was high and similar in all three GF events. However, relative flowering magnitudes (measured by an index of individual tree participation and flowering intensity in Shorea species) were 2, 5 and 8 for the 2001, 2002 and 2005 GF events, respectively. 4The percentage of Shorea seeds surviving pre- and post-dispersal predation increased with the magnitude of GF events, which is consistent with the first prediction. 5Pre-dispersal insect seed predators consumed 12.9%, 11.2% and 3.4% of Shorea seeds in the 2001, 2002 and 2005 GF events, respectively, which is consistent with both predictions. 6Pre-dispersal seed predation by primates (mainly leaf monkeys) increased from 11.9% to 38.6% then fell to 9.3% in the 2001, 2002 and 2005 GF events, respectively. 7Predator satiation occurred only at population and community levels. At the individual tree level there was no relationship between the percentage of seeds surviving pre- and post-dispersal seed predation and variation in seed crop size or seed density beneath the tree. This suggests that attempts to test the PSH on the scale of individual trees may miss key community level effects. 8Our results suggest a more significant role of pre-dispersal seed predation in the evolution of reproductive synchrony than was recognized in the original statement of the PSH. [source] The role of rainfall and predators in determining synchrony in reproduction of savanna trees in Serengeti National Park, TanzaniaJOURNAL OF ECOLOGY, Issue 1 2007SIMON A. R. MDUMA Summary 1We examined the factors determining synchrony in reproduction in nine Acacia and six other tree species in the Serengeti ecosystem. 2We test two hypotheses: (i) an abiotic hypothesis where the primary determinant of synchrony is an adaptation to water availability; and (ii) biotic hypotheses where these adaptations to water can be further refined by additional adaptations to avoid predators, or attract seed and fruit dispersers. 3Flowering and fruiting were recorded monthly for individually marked trees during 1997,2004. Flowering in different species occurs semi-annually, annually or, in the case of one species, once every 2 years. For most species synchrony of flowering was correlated with seasonal rainfall, with lags related to the mean height of the species; small species flowered during the rains while larger species flowered in the dry season. Fruiting seasons occurred at the end of the rains irrespective of the flowering season. 4Most species showed flowering synchrony greater than expected from the distribution of rainfall. This may be related to avoidance of insect seed predators through predator satiation. Two Acacias showed multi-annual fruiting (masting), possibly as a predator avoidance mechanism. Acacia tortilis has two flowering seasons: a dry season flowering with early abortion of pods and a wet season flowering producing successful fruits. 5Two species of Commiphora appeared to be synchronized so as to attract birds that disperse seeds. Acacia tortilis produced indehiscent pods attractive to ungulates, possibly to kill bruchid beetles during digestion and so increase seed viability. 6Our results suggest that synchrony in these trees is caused by a strong interaction between abiotic and biotic factors. Closely related species have different reproductive patterns of synchrony that seem to be adapted to different combinations of rainfall, predators and dispersers. Rainfall is the primary determinant but the activities of predators and dispersers increase the degree of synchrony. [source] Seed predation, not seed dispersal, explains the landscape-level abundance of an early-successional plantJOURNAL OF ECOLOGY, Issue 4 2006JOHN L. ORROCK Summary 1Plants may not occur in a given area if there are no suitable sites for seeds to establish (microsite limitation), if seeds fail to arrive in suitable microsites (dispersal limitation) or if seeds in suitable microsites are destroyed by predators (predator limitation). 2We conducted a large-scale study to determine the importance of dispersal limitation and predator limitation in affecting the distribution of pokeweed, Phytolacca americana, in 401-ha experimental patches arrayed in eight groups of five patches distributed across a 300-km2 region. 3Microsite limitation was minimized by clearcutting and burning existing vegetation, creating the type of disturbed habitat in which P. americana readily germinates and establishes. The role of dispersal limitation was examined by adding approximately 7000 seeds to each of eight patches in March 2000. The role of seed predation was examined in all 40 patches using experimental exclosures from June 2000 to July 2001. 4The number of P. americana plants in September 2000 was unchanged by seed addition. However, fewer P. americana plants were found in patches where seed predators removed more P. americana seeds from experimental exclosures. These data suggest that P. americana is not limited by seed dispersal. Rather, in habitats where microsites are readily available, the abundance of P. americana among patches appears to be limited by the activities of seed predators. 5When dispersal and microsites are not limiting, the role of local seed predators can be important for generating emergent, large-scale patterns of plant abundance across landscapes. Moreover, because predators may generate large-scale patterns that resemble other forms of limitation and predators may target specific species, predator impacts should be more frequently incorporated into experiments on the role of seed limitation and plant community composition. [source] |