Seasonal Tropical Forest (seasonal + tropical_forest)

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Selected Abstracts

Effects of Mycorrhizae and Nontarget Organisms on Restoration of a Seasonal Tropical Forest in Quintana Roo, Mexico: Factors Limiting Tree Establishment

Michael F. Allen
Abstract We initiated a study of the effects of mycorrhizal fungal community composition on the restoration of tropical dry seasonal forest trees. Tree seedlings were planted in a severely burned experimental site (1995 fire) during the growing season of 1998 at the El Edén Ecological Reserve, in north Quintana Roo, Mexico. Seedlings of Leucaena leucocephala, Guazuma ulmifolia, Caesalpinia violacea, Piscidia piscipula, Gliricidia sepium, and Cochlospermum vitifolium were germinated in steam-sterilized soil and either remained uninoculated (nonmycorrhizal at transplanting) or were inoculated with mycorrhizal fungi in soils from early-seral (recently burned) or late-seral (mature forest) inoculum. Inoculum from the early-seral soil was largely Glomus spp., whereas a diverse community of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi were reintroduced from the mature forest including species of Scutellospora, Gigaspora, Glomus, Sclerocystis, and Acaulospora. Plants grew better when associated with the mature forest inoculum, unlike a previous experiment in which plants grew taller with the early-seral inoculum. Reasons for the different responses include a less-intense burn resulting in more residual organic matter. In addition to mycorrhizal responses, plants were severely affected by deer browsing. One tree species, C. vitifolium found in the region but not in the reserve, was eliminated by a resident fungal facultative pathogen. Several practical conclusions for restoration can be made. The common nursery practice of soil sterilization may be detrimental because it eliminates beneficial mycorrhizal fungi; species not native to the site may not survive because they may not be adapted to the local pathogens; and herbivory can be severe depending on the landscape context of the restoration. [source]

Dispersal of Desiccation-Sensitive Seeds is not Coincident with High Rainfall in a Seasonal Tropical Forest in Australia

BIOTROPICA, Issue 3 2010
James P. Hill
ABSTRACT We tested the hypothesis that dispersal periods of recalcitrant seeded species were coincident with the wet season in a seasonal tropical forest in Australia. Unlike similar forests, we found no support for this pattern. Intensification of seasonal aridity may increase mortality in desiccation-sensitive seeds. [source]

Seasonal Foraging Activity and Bait Preferences of Ants on Barro Colorado Island, Panama1

BIOTROPICA, Issue 3 2002
Daniel A. Hahn
ABSTRACT A yearlong arboreal baiting survey of ants was conducted during 1983 on Barro Colorado Island, Panama. Because of a severe El Nino event, the 1983 dry season in Panama was exceptionally long and dry with a distinct boundary between the dry and wet seasons. Baits, located on tree trunks, attracted both terrestrial and arboreal ants, allowing comparisons between the two groups. Species composition at baits changed dramatically with season. Baits were primarily occupied by arboreal species during the dry season, while wet season baits were occupied mostly by terrestrial species. Arboreal and terrestrial ants differed markedly in their preferences for protein- or carbohydrate-based baits; arboreal ants preferred protein-based baits and terrestrial ants preferred carbohydrate-based baits. Foraging preference for protein suggests that protein resources were limiting for arboreal ants, particularly during the dry season, and that carbohydrate resources were limiting for terrestrial ants. Fundamental differences in arboreal and terrestrial habitats may promote the differences in foraging strategies observed during an annual cycle in a seasonal tropical forest. RESUMEN Durante el año de 1983 se realizó un estudio mirmecológico en la isla de Barro Colorado, Panamá. Debido a que el fenómeno"El Niño" fue muy severe ese año, la estacion seca fue excepcionalmente intensa y larga; además, se observó una diferencia marcada entre la estación seca y la húmeda. Se colocaron cebos en los troncos de los árboles que atrajeron hormigas terrestres y arbóreas, lo que permitió la comparación de estos dos grupos. La composición de las especies atraidas por los cebos varió notablemente de acuerdo a la temporada; durante la estación seca predominaron las especies arbóreas, mientras que en la húmeda predominaron las terrestres. Las hormigas arbóreas y las terrestres difirieron notablemente en su preferencias por cebos preparados con proteinas o carbohidratos. Las hormigas arbóreas prefirieron las proteinas, mientras que las terrestres prefirieron los carbohidratos. La inclinación por proteinas sugiere que éstas son un recurso limitante para las hormigas arbóreas, particularmente durante la estación seca; mientras que los carbohidratos lo son para las hormigas terrestres. Las diferencias fundamentales entre los ambientes arbóreo y terrestre puede promover diferencias en las estrategias de forrajeo observadas durante el ciclo anual del bosque tropical. [source]